Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Jul 1917, p. 4

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t- t - r ~ j J ThOnIv Thing that MatteirS. ULLIIIVU5 1 r - - . - -. TIW~&Y, Tething that buits largest ln can.j adian poItica at thé preseut hour-the1 oue thing that matters-le flot Liber- alisin or Couscrvr.tlem, but that the empire àhall win the war. We are greatly pleased to flrîd lu this comn- seatd covict i tha andlcy o wi- munty acovirytion e-sprad epoyf n- the-war should be supported b)r every loyal Canadian. aud that even yet it le not t00 late to make another at- tempt to forin a, national win-tbe-war Govcrnment. The sentiment of the licet men ln both parties le strong for conscription. Our boys ai the front cannot be lef t unsupported iu the hour of greatest need. WVhat mattera it bow recruits for tbe army are secured, whether by gelectlve draft or v'olun- taty enlstment, so long as they are sttcured. lndeed, a seleclive draft bas many advantages. It 18 realiy the on ly sensible way. It Le Iolly to take skille<J men froui necessary vocations wbiltŽ allowing th3e worker ln non-*-s- sential vocation, tu remain ai homne. It le înterestln.g and heartening. thben, to know that the question of forrning a national win-the-war 1Cov- ernent I8 to be conisîdered ai a non- party convqaUon tau13e beld next week. August 2 and 3. Here Is an opportun- lty for th3e men and -womc-n of Ontario ta -break away t rom' hide-bound parti- zailabip, and to go on record on behaif of «lcountry firt'" The cail for thîs, convention Will be slgned by chtizeus from ail parts of th3e Province, and It JO gratifying to know ihal ibis com- jnunlty wIl! be rk»prscnteL-by several mimes, which numbtr cot'ld have hI-ca rultiplied nîany limes had t ime ru r-1 It le bopcd that many of our citi- zens wli take advantage of the oppor- ttinity ta attend titis convention and listcin toandmitake parti lu le\di.qcIîFr tsion of titis important theme. Sir (liffard Sitton favori; a National Government. A dlspatcb from Otanaz ta Tuesday's daily îarers c-antains the foi]lowing: "Sir Clifford Sitton, wibo bas for a considerabie urne past beûn quletly worklng Ibehind the scenes ai t Oaws la brlng about sorne torm of union or coalition Government on a lnt- war" pdatform, la ouît wiib an open letter ta Senator Bosiack, Liberal leader ln 1the Senate. Sir Clîfford ap- parently thinks il is not yet 100 late to effect a union (tovernment admîn-is- tcred on non-party Unes, wblch could at once appeal to the peoplefo a man- supported "by every element in the population tujat le loyal ta the cause." He says: -1 amn confident that 1 voice the sen- timents of many thotisands ot Cana- dians, wbeti t say that ai this supreme moment w'v care nothing for liorden or Lâuri-er. Conservatisim or Lîberal- iam. The oet-whelinlng Importance af the crisie absoluteiy obliteratea ait consîderations of persans or partieS. The only ihing iluat nîatorq la: (1) .Tu put every possible ounicea force -into otîr striklnig- itaver %Nilh meu, guita and inîîîîions, Ili arder 10 help th3e ainles ta wîn the vlctory for lberty. "(2) To stand by our men aith11e frnt. aÉd give thlem abundant rein- fot-cements and reserfce t admIlt of rest and uteuperation. «-<3) To ainatu the hoflor'df Can- ada and r«ieem émir pledge te oee the war througb te the limît ef our va- pacity." Now that th3e Oshawa ratepayers bave passed th3e filtration plant by- iaw, the Reformer looks forward eager- ]y ta the Urne wh en one can gel -a good long drink of water without troge, or toads, or bugs lu 117 Out of a possible vote of 2,000, only 126 bal- lots were cast on the by-law. Orillia la promoîing a projeet te imise $75,000 for îbce establishment of a wai- mnemorial to her soldier lads ln lte bhape of'-a borspîtal, This la as It sbauid 13e. A hosr.ital is a i-astly more fitting, ustul and noble structure as a memnorial ta the great sacrifice of the Ç--nadian lads than a mere pillar of stone, or bronze, or marte, no mant- ter how costly or silendî4 the design. The Uxbridge Jji:rn4.I. comrsenting on the tact thai one of the hoteikep- ers la that tfown hlad bt trn fined for selt- lng beer over sinnigtiî. aaks *'Vhy flot gtt alter th3e brewer!is that made th3e laer and krtw hlis tr(-ncth?" Quite rigbit. Alsa, mby îlot gel alter the concerne that exploit -.medicated booz6 *'in tht' tprm and uinder the dis- gise af patent matdcines. Why pro- hbit th3e sale aofliquor whicb contins mare than eta alcohol and ailow the sale of patent mtdicines m-hich are adierti-ed to conîglin a 11gb percent- age af i. h.bere l i aj.portunity ami a nec-d for bbhe(jovtrnmnent toa axend the Temperance Act In arder ta place tir h tr the ban tir,,se pun medicînes m-hicb dîrlît- a largt- part of their sale froni the fact thit thîey contain alco- hao lIii Lirgi îlîanu h y. ,that î.toîhI( cr.-iiî tbeir own aImas- phere and thcir own manlier of living bas bc-en impressed tpon -aur mind during recent days. Frank W. Bore- bain, in kis %aîîdcrtuîl book, "Moun- talus ln the Nist,- recalle 1the star>- tram Dickens of John Baptist CavaI- letto, wbo, w bîn încarcerated ln à vile dungeon, w-aà given a bard black crut ta eat, white a companion had a surnp- tionls meal, WVhen aéked how be found the bread, Cavalletto replied. **A 11111e dry, but 1I have My. aid sauce bere." "How saice?" "I can cut mny bread 8te-like a melon: or 8j--llke- an orna- lie4(e: or seo -like a frît-d fish; or so -like a L'-jur-zisusage* said John. (lemonstrating tevaMIQUs cuts on ltù bread 13e held- Cavalletto, 100, could i finI a broad cotnînt in his celi, and could illustrate il upon the floor. The aîîuî-o sayF, 'Cavalietto coîîld cruise asoimd Eturope witlîout apening bIs ccIl door or looklng out ai ils wiîî- dow~s- "A vcry wond4erful wltchery t tlu." And 80 11001ffr maké he rýwi a tinaos the r- . in a mgre 1umbie eay thuS f.actîlt> of nak .ng the best et Iblnge has been illustraied lu bbc ex- t Perlence ai a woman ln middle lire. kino-wn te m.-nyin-W ty, hoba T 26. -191?. -, t-. I f ~-~-~- I I CANADIANl I eat Lakp,' esvc PlMAU T e i 7BAY SEIWImA NNIJPAL STOCK REDIJCING k SATU RDA! WASH SKllRT8. White Rep Wash Skirts with 2 large pockets, peari buttons. Sizes 24 to 30 waist measure; al lengths. Regular value $150. Sale Price 98c. W'hite ity, two $2.50. P. K. Skirts, good quai- side pockets. Regular Sale Price $1.98 Missee White Skirts, to fit ages Regular value 75c. Indian Head 8 to 14 years. Sale Price 49c. Fancy Sport Skirts, linen fin- ish, white grounds with colot-ed stripes, ail sizes. Regular $1.50 and $2.00. Sale Pi-ice 98c. 10 doz. Bleached Huck Towels, hemmed and Brocade Border, size 36x20. Reg- ular 20e. each.. Sale Price 25é pair i j tIPl 4. J 7DAV JSTOCK REDEJCING I AUGU4- Penrnan's Make Summer Un- derwear, athletic, porous, mesh, lisle, balbriggan, . pure silk and wool, in any stylés, short or long sleeves. Reg. Reg. Reg- Pure Reg., Reg. Reg. Two Piece. 35c. garment------...29C. 50c. garnient-----. ---3c. 75e. garment--..----59c. S11k, $2.50 garment ..-$1.50 . Combinations. ý12 garment.. $1.50 garment.... .ý2.50 garment ... 4 t g; *.. o8e. --.$1.29 10 dozen men's sample leather beits, in tan, grey, and black. Regular value 50c. to 75e. Sale Pric.e 43L. 10 doz. Men's White and Colored Wash Vests, sizes 34 to 40. -Ilegular value $1 and %2- oIým Eii V 4171- LI~~ ~ HATS BIG STOCK TOY HOSE FROM.e REOULAR VALUES 9 ET NIENS S RAW$1.25 TO $3.009 VOIJR CIIOICE DIN& THE SALE 36-in. Black Satin Duchess all Pure Silk, 5 doz. Fancy Trirnmed, White. Voile B a k ~ Lse ..s regular value $1.75. Sale Price $1.49 Xaists. Regular value $1.50. aa ksl isH s Chiffon Taffieta, Nigger, Brown, Rus.- Sale Price 99t. 10 doz, Ladies' Black Silk Lisle Ilose, sian Green, Navy and Cadet Blue, Cî'epe de Chene Sil1k Waists in Maize ze812,,fatd.Rgurvle yard wide. Regular value 92.00 Green, Blue, Rose, Pink and ?Black. sxsS,9 atde eua au Sale f>rice $1.59 Regular value $5. Sale Price $3.75 '75e. Sale Price 49c.. Good.]Values in ,Men's Suits, Pincti Biwk and plain &tle $12.00 Suits reduced to .... ... $9.90 $15.00 Suits reduced to........... .. $12.90 40-.00 Suits reduced to $99 $1.0Suits reduced to ........ ...$7.90 $20.00 Suits reduced to.......$16.90 $3>.00 Suits reduced to 9..9.......... SUSPENDERS. CASHMERE SOCKS. NWASH GOODS. President, French, Two and Four Point, Men 's Cashmnere Socks, in black, natural 50 Sport Wash Gôods Sale Price 29c. Coatless. Regular value 50c. and 60~ and grey shades. Regular value 50C. 75e. Colored Silk StripVols eud Sale Price 39c. Sale Price 43pcVoies, ed e Prices are soaring daily on ail kinds of Cotton, Wool aud Silk Goods. Get - thii8 Seven Days' Sale, July ,28th to Augu8t 4th., W.~0 G.WALTES -a werld eofInfinite and changetbsl tu- ASRBuît1. Ici-est. And la net this experience weli. The Red Cros tel lastTunday at werîh wile ' Surely one may leam Tatiryiew," 111e home tOf Mr. and Mma muel tro thee heoie Oujlý patRobt-Duft. was verytmeceostul eonzid- mudifro Ibse ei-Ic suls ~8ji~-e lu ve uIIng. TMe rWl, aboUt file and peent. whe make unee ofWhat lime peepla would eeid6 teorne» or tbey bave-be il ever se litIe-to enil 1etAwaY, Wua sncbas to iead mazuy rieh' their lives. to ell.1ev. that we lwere Coinsg to have1 a wet ev*uing. Z>esplte this tmaca oOdl7 nimber gatliered, and t11oroUgb. ECONOICALTRAVIm. ly eljoyed theumes on th1e paclous. ECONOMCAL TRVEL. reund de u l <l tise Cowmodtousi home. Agate andiaane he veinaik Wheth.r Fou axe soing 'West te as » -ara, -This la au eIde plac e i bhemestea4 or ouly Wora tnp the en~t a gu&4n party." ,ro«e«dbwen eal. emomtla methoti et travet , te t àes m. o. t advantage et eui- low Houisseekers> Te oud oftbte mover ls bea,-d tares, good geung on apeclal SeUlSndon -tee daya la the Imid. &Md anxiet'y le every Menday. -Par ticket* aed' flit e.rlenced -ln uathering l-i. cbOunt- paMouarx appy te W. J. H. Richard- lUI «'Op o« hayý OWhp#<oS tiM Mue Rau son, Whitby-Aprît CaînetuetNortbertl la-oid Mien hms le-lt tie misieceof amst In vbatever blde for Uhe lber- 111111 ilDiIiIi L IS lad er.lived la sur buug. orWesh.1i lu higiier esteci for uiprtgltnem. Mr. wd lMr.ftker are beolj lui - car. t Mn ' ro- r h viier i i se a rýAut Wisrby CQecbt-Jau.S. P7*. .M S. ÀCi uù. t i1ffJma4. JWulS8. B. 4, et 3 $I. r4 .rwDss4, J=, 3 , 11 OSWÂeCa-tes . 8. lIa4ý Xi Imeb lmi b a supply at our store, dur WH 11eV, -,- .. r.- 2- - APPRTIZIfte~ l1'wIeenziTz~: Whîte Label Serve Cold - t Serve fine faoi h sparIk creauvythoedtbe appe Now ir Regular value $1-9-5. JUL! 2 8 TO SATURDAT A'MIIJSUMMER EVENT Eagerly awaited - by many people of the town of Whitby and surrounding country, involving as it does genuine reductions from regular prices on standard uines and not goods pur- chased merely for a. sale event. OPEN LVLNINGS until 10 p.me JIJLY 28th to AUGUSI 4th Men's Sport Shirts -i white and colors. Sale Price 98e. Cet Vour COal Where yen are sure it wilI be Glenn and Bright Our coal is well acreened. We guarantee prompt de- livery and good service,. T1elepluono No. -182 Whltby; - Ontar-io ViL caie rrice 'tue., 1 1 ------------

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