Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Jul 1917, p. 1

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!Mu' VoI,55-No 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~WITBY, ONTARIO, CANAA iRDYJLLY2,17C.AGO[FLnRrS Ph j' CR*RCHS Bu&Nsh Kilis 1111 the Leaf Eating Insects with one applica- tion. No mixing. Ready for use dry. A f ertilizer as well as a poison. Pu Paris Créon J».E.WILLIS' P!uggist a'nd fptlclan MEDICAL HALL * riek et. a Wbltby. - - - - - - - FARISWAUTEDI Small farine wanted for buyerm botween the Highland Creek and Oshawa. If you bave emali farins eosll, lot .s bave desciption and price. John Fisher & Go* Lumadea BulIdiwj a Adealde Easte - TORONTO S"o Fàmuaý dsri and Fruit Fum Fu S& Scuanton Ceai ..ýDE POT EgStovo and Nut Goal. A large quantity of boit quality Lump Coal for Thireshing now in ttock. Anotîber car will sooxi ~ ~ FaIli-Terni froni Aug. 27 - Torouto. oit. l, oqu.oaah»lt oné 01 canda' beat coumariilMooots. Thoe&W afl or Our gru", It« »i fir bmyad sar.a,&%lr ?rUtaolaaue ta gPt poeiliov -~auit9 ar atudrnds ,ho becon. .oid t. vii. to.dsy fer ou? baud- -«iw i~~&.m W. à. Ulm, eta.i~a WhSt y - 0~0' RosI Vte"IDmaerBamtes-M-----d Pooumbought sud .@Id SoU hase111. lad.Ph... 70. W 1M utéAIitti=TOM trom 8oM t*m« . ýVIOUt"YbMUL. eua0 FIVE!ii WIESUNDAY SCHOOLS FIRST LINK. 0F G]l HOLD MONSTER UNION PICNICPRV "01d Sol" dld hie best on Baturday aIder boys and girls enjoyed a gaine e of... ~ afternoou a tat to rocompeuse the Sun- iind00r baseball on the basebail dia. XIflgsL3JIE 5oad, Tonfltt day sçhooi oQllo,&he tovu for bemoud. Ontarie Gé dtsappintmeÏntsamblien the Un- The, union pieute. being ont, an ex- Ion Sunday SchOe PNCate hsd 10 X. pefiment, was looked forward te vith postponed on JuIy 1111.L Saturday no smati degree of laxiety as te Its Tii, mont import*nt 4developmeat ln morning broke with a plght rata tatI- success, but the oflicers of the achoola ing, but the sun. came eut strong a- participatng were relleved of ail lears egododaIttonaalcug bout nine oclocband the veather con- early in, the day. The euîerprtse vas W*hitbY that- -kas tbt far occurred ditlons lu rIng -the afternoon were al aIl that could have been exliected, and vas anuouneed lastir<eck. when nego- that could bave been deslred. thougli IL entailed à large amount of dtions for the ttlklug over of the Five Sunday Sciools--the Methodist, work in preparaton. the renuits more Presbytertan, Baptist, SI.Join*s An- tbau Justlfied expectattons. Kingatn Road. frein Toronto t-i Osàt- glican and Almonds' Methodlt-join- The Committee wJsh 1e thauk ail awa. whtcli vil f7r a llnk of lte ed on this occasion. 'Ihe var condi- '(hose who assisted, particularly the new Provincial Higb*vey from Wind- tions made the usual out-of-town ex- ladies, upon whose shoulders felI »ost sor to the eafentý, boundary cf tie cursiois Impossible this year, and lte of the burden of the servtag of sup- Pro'vince. w4er. coppieted lut week union pirn ic idea vas the result. per. by non. Flinii1ay tbaediarmid, Provin. It is *estimatted' tbat elgitt or aine The wlnners lunIthe sports were as cial Minîster of l'ubllc Worlis and hundrf-d chitdren and adults vote on follows: HichwaYýs. This la tec irat stop taken the grounds. thtu lu spite of lhe faci ACS by the Province tb éxercise tbe powers that a large number of people were Boys. 5 years and under-1 John gîvén uiider legisation enacted aitich prevented f rom 'atleuding by lte Sal- Matbison. 2 Gordon Wilson, 3 Vernon isu sittiug ot theue Lgtaature urday business rush. Ccrtairly the BannIster. Hon. Mr. Macdlari>id auCuounccd (bal scene was one te lic worthy of sali Girls. 5 years and under.-I Hilda no actual work In, oouecti.u villi tie faction on the part of tue managlng' Leek, 2 Doria Bird. 3 Mary Ga.ston. PIO5dscmefrt.ne hgba commirtee. Duwing lhe early part of Boys, 6 and 7 years.- Kennelli woutd lie slarted titis year, but a large the afterinoon the older boys provided Soutbveti. Geo. Lomax, Raipli Jeffries. gang of men vere _t commence this amusement for themselvesanad lie as-I Girls. 6 and 7-Margaret Cowan.1week to put thn section of tic Ring. semblHng crowd by a gaîne of busebaît.t Mary Spencer, Effe Watson. 51011 Road oulside o# York County and Then a program ot about tweuty races Boys. 8 and 9.-Robi..Blow. )lorris extending as far as Oshawa lu a pro- and contesta wau run off. In tieze, Jeff ries. Me iae0 eat h teet0 i there were classes for everybody. boys *Girls. 8 and 9.-M'argaret Gaston. Kingvion Road 'itlu the timits of and girls, from thti yountgest tote, Mildred Brown, Mai-lotie Beatty. York Count>' doft *ot requuIre any r- otdest. Sema of t races hâd twcnty~ Boys. 10 a.nd 1.-Jo. Gaston. John Dalig, as it han been kePt ln a good to hitrty contestanti, and the amaller Blow, Einery Burdge. state of repakr tieder the ceunI>' rual chtldren vito took -D#t ln these races' Girls 10 and 11.-Margaret Gray, systein. were ait rmade h.appy vith a huge or- Helen Hudson, Ruth Hait. Whiie ont>' repale work viii be done alnge. In addition, splendid prîzes Boys. 12 to 1.-Clarence Hallett.r for a limie, pMalbly until afler tue were awarded to0he ic st t lre. Ln Tom Bruton. Jas. Brawley. war, lie move br te Goverunent eacti ofthtb- evenle. Girls, 12 10 14.-Doroliy Soniey, menas ai least tli. hie Kingston A football game wu staged between Jeunle Gaston, Margaret McAdam. Roui! f rom TorouiooOshawa la now lte young men of AÙmon*s ochool and Boys. 15 and 16.-Dave Gaston. d. uruder direct contrat et the Provincial n tam ron î o.J pitat. Iluci fun Pascoe. borne Ravin. f~at~3 t100 hws.uansd viii was derived froin' ù»s, th. teama lelng Girls. 16 and over.-Madeltne Bird. tuerefore be kept l iret clans shape so eventy rnatched -tha thte game ended Annie UIntner. Goldie Rogers. in future, pendlng s actual cou-uc with the àcore tvo all. Boys. 17 and over.-W. MeCullougit inutlt o hsvyà'hsl l 1Supper was served lunthe shade of Tom Allii, borne Kemp. - self vil mean a las*i InerOase lu Iraf- the trees at the south eud et thc Park, Boys' Boot Race.-Edsal Batdson, tic on lie rosd eost-froe Toronto.and- wbere n large lent was used as beu-d- Roy Brown, borne Ravin. wiltl csure the evoi"al apoody bg*- quarters of the commissariat depanl- Girls, PoIta Race.-ida Brown, iiig of the h1ghwaey as socs0» tIcý muent. .Huge piles of sandwiches, cake, Jennie Gaston, Annle Anderson. vork ou a large seale le adlple oW pies. -tarts, etc., and gallons of tea and Teaciers' Race (meu).- k J. itut- possible. lemonade dlsuppearcd lîke miagie be- tan, W. Rutlait. f'Tebeaecits te be.eae b bIb fore lte onsiaugits of tue iungry Ladies et Aduit Clases-Miss Pas- laed adjacent munfiplt.attig chiidren, assisted abl>' later on by the coe. Mises Dingaxan. Mies Foote. wilci 1the Kilon toRat ÃŽpiasosar adulte. Afler supper tbe prizes for Teachers and Officers. ladies- UMiss lcuetlable. The naw Torouto'Kaznl1 tbe sports were prcaenled la front of Howland, Um iDtgim. Mis Emer- ton igiva s h5 med -that. Ou ai lte refreabinent booti. son. fone duy Ibousanda of aut0t" idOthe? The Management conducted lte ne- Men et Adult Classes.-Fred Draper, Yehicles PMasa ae lhe !nov road b.-1 freshment bootu, sud a turtvlng busi- Wm. Kemp, W. H. Balsdon. tWefl the tvo çItUO uU a uu, nesa vas doue lu tee creai coites, sot t J V piÇO. ttrami e ould boise M o he l b.imvy1 drinks, candy, gmain sd orags AI- Standing Hop. Step sud Jump.- eUt eOfTIroto vIs tà la rebulP -as" raost aillie supplie, on bmadvoeeSmithli lkinson. borne Ravin, MUtes the consequent t balsud*tlsorbusi- uold. tbe tce creau boing exhauated Baladon, mu comil5 t (m15eMd vliqUs e. before lie demand va s upptied. jStanding Bread Jamp.-W. RuIlas, 111IM S he uite ai) M, « tt 'tatbote. In the cooler part of lie evena;the U. J. Rutîsu, H. Yarrow. suds sud tlou$WKads. et dol" ad8ti1a __________________________________________ bbcycsu. 7Tbeea rpsd wiît'awao ui posuibl e ol térct bat' bus eut1 of tue, quesi.tio , es. leut et 100 ?IRI -foiWillyT Mn113GRO% eantobu" hiro 4 lwhiio mmesWb*16ma moh~tor- *»- rom tueir The caudidateu noiaed below for On- R. SmithI, 3L À. Sailli. 1Q. ,.Sç bom mth* tarie courte bav&à"uné ie w ve R LalUr. L. à WaîâgI. OUDýp9W * ~4UIU5UULU ~Ii5E1-,3 . . W - WaI, . A». ft. A J V. the Xormai Schoolsa and;Faculty of A. . k w, L W 1ts. o. M. Vwce Education. E. A. Y. Weat 111 addition to the above they re- Whitby 111gb School hem th, honer quire to pass the Middle. Sehool exain this year of havlng ent np twelve Ination before they cau ho admItted caniâdates for the Lover Sebool exam- to the Normal Sehoola, and the Upper Inations, ail of whom pa»ed, there Dot School examinatton before th'ey cas b. belng a singi, fallure Thlislàa a ro<.- admlted to the Paculty of Educatlon. ord with whlch the tenchta; staff &ad B. G. Adamon, A. M. Ane>'. M. C. Board may be hlgbly aatlafld..The Buckley. M. S, Bravener, A. Bell, M. succesaful Whitby 111gb Scbool cafdi. 1. Bagshaw, V. E. Belt. M. A. Burns dates la the above liât are: <honors>, J. A1. Carson, D. W. Cald- E. G. Adamnon. M. S. Eravenor. M. well, E. O._PoNle, V. Nunsheeth. B. V. C. Buckloy, E. F. Fisher. 1MAL.Jamos, Down, J. Evans. M. 0. Edmonson. E. J. E. Long. B. C. Meeker. A.. Y. Nichi. Il. -Fishier, #. Fockler. M. A. Ferguson. M. M. OConnior, M.B. L Sth.I.L L A. E. Hardy, L. E.HUbibeIl. V. P. Hy- Waugh. M. 0. Edmosâsea lund. M. M. James. L . .Johnson,.L. These vl! be permitt.d lto ae .the E. Kuiglit. R. M. Knigitt, J. E. Long. Middle Sehoot work lta*tbe Autuma 1. Lamibert, Ã". M. Litllejohn. D. Lavis. wben tley bave tull.d thIe roqutre- J. D. Lucas, 'B.C. Meeker. E. D. Mar- menti cftithe Lover Sehool retaj4iu j shall, V. F. Madit-1. D. R. Mitceell, J. collections. A. Mitchell, 0. S. R. Marlow, A. F. Besides the abore L. Rarii andM. Nickel, M. M. O*Coanor. N. L. Plank. Tarvea vi reeve.ceaUftcat.s vas R. A. Parrot, E. C. Richardson, M. A. lbey bavO e rpl" te b«r hhi Rodinan. IM.I%. SmIth, 1. Sargent. E. t monuhe' farta von. KASoNS 'INSTALL NEW OFFICIIS Thee sixty-seeood annual eounua.. tien 0f1t e tenle Grand Lodeâofe Ontaria cla"d on Tburmsda tal Bfovillc. RepromsennComposite 1048ge. WitlbY, vero ILLW. Bro. A.T. ILavier sud W. Bte. E. M. D*vmrell 00*c of Grand Lodg, vere talt cd es tollova: Orad-aUiRU, W. IL. Wsrroa, IK a., Hamilten. Deputny 4)rasdMse. Ir. W. HarcourbK. C,. 'Trote; Guaad Senior Wardmu, W. O._arna, Sliec velle: Grand JuM«orWut, O. W. list Rer, , , yJ. s C1).Wu Treanarr . a Mu s 11 QraudSfst rM, .1QU lnt (0g<t. G rand atrar. J..Permet).Wez- id utembora: . JA. ModeTtr«M- be; COL. W. K. FestWn, Sokmrhfl; IL f. )l~Ue'doou,% lIe;Om* ILS Ut", Otît%": 'W-,,, 1D:C. ortby. QMob;m ebrs M ii bn».Saamt- tod .J. Metutar, RaIybwu.- W. îlR. #to Rerlsls. e:e 0. il. L LYd,%t &1t ~KJ, D"asta, ?l. Tlhe. sea lwete IOpuhi ud 3ters arM.-DlantIn No,.1, MErle. 14 fwat Xtuagvtllo là. mot J, IL Ccowva- W.slLoni*e t 00S 4 er~, Ea W.M Dse, atd&e; . hotbI. leet te Ibis district vl hou notled Dn. T. E. Kaisr, cf Oshas, as l Od D.D.Q.M. for DisUtt No. 11 a incitides Whiliy, Ohav, Svu. ville and olbera; Mr.t. W. B. Orlts of Uibrtdge aid vel-kuovu ta Wht-i b>', wu tue ehoico for I2A Tbreso Es. i» Graad Junior Wrdea 0'. W. tiuber, 0f BmtI's Tall, ta is Und*e 01 J, O, Flnubr, et WhIIb>. JIONOR ROU,.q 'vuaw".çsa oebe-t*0bt-tu he 75 1918. vbeUt ht WhitIy Te Couacil. v1l wi Mr. 4,;E. Wiflhs au M* ie . ONp&lt ýNCIAL HIGHWAY Oshawal, Taken Over iby Overnnwnt. a meeting ot representatives of various inuntlipalites uear-liy to discuss te good roads proposition- Aut tat meet4 Ing a number ef the mnembers of tue Torouto Counel sud Board 0f Con- trol veto preseut, Inctudlng Mayer Hocken. The resultvas the passleg of a resolution favorng the. adoption of a suburlian higiva>' frein Toronto te Oshawa. almilar lu lb, Toronto- Hamnilton Read, t10 vici te Provin- ciel Goverument vould contributo 40 per cent, tic City ofu Torouto 30 per cent., sud- the munielpalitlca 30 per cent. of the. cosu.. The resolutton vas Lien plaeed lie. fore the vartous municipal couneits, but Whitly Councîl was the ouly one 10 pans 1il. . Aitation ccntinued, hoveven. and oermeetings were ield, ut one of wbtcb ln Whitby Mayor Citurch. Con- trolUers Canieron and ONeitt. and sev- eral Toronto aldermen vere present. Then te -Count>' Councll îook up te matter of a Provincial Higbway frnm Toronto to Gausuoque, sud un- dert1he direction of Col. J. E. Farewel ~a 'meeting ot municipal representa- Ilives vus called to mcctlnb Cobourg. Almotsall tie towne, tovUSblp ansd eunties along the RIngaton ROnd ýetc reptesentcd, and a strong resolu- Monvoring lte noaud anPu*d. SM11 later. a roo.d acrose lie entire novince vas-suugete&ýand feund al- ôt unumeus support,.ps.rtleularty mthe. munlcipalties easî of To- nte, lunlte adoption et te Kingaton odan lie nalural location of tInt rit o f the hlgbway Iu the eaetera unths Last Match a large deputation. fron 1 over Ontario vailci upoix tic Gev- ruient urging tie adoption of lie o0înclal Higliva>'acieme, viii Lie suIt tliai aî$1.session 0f Legisla- r. tien iti progres a bilîl vauInt.ro- itced definiiely oullinins the proJeeL. ,ne Count>' Go"d RoasSystoin r.. tty adopted b>' Ontario CstintY 1 bil an aIse been furthered b>' lie et agitation lent fait. Mi-. J. B. dlav vas instrumental lu 1h.ea«Il- 1 g et a meeting ai Uxbntdge, hteh hich definllel>' aupportcd the. Courity a 1m, ad 1r. LaMdav vua aisevery tit Inltenested lna"sudPdvoted Much tee theuerorProvlicial Migivay oui.. Mn. J. n Wlllls, Reec,. J IL Dov- I lan sd r. F. là. ltiet ofWiltiy, h île aIe boss srongsuppDorters of cgeod rOada iovèetu&bsd haie' p b a great 44.1 et vork -on th* var-I plummes et Is gtatsa l ~l kte orepaira Ih. provine I 'deithulode 09 ith a visa -te Vol vii cfedtu the pire- et iyuty POerQut by the, vnessd thrty p»« ent y he b lits Fichu U? -ON SUOR?tHOLIDAY Celliagvood'TovxiMIiP. sUmueu Oays for the Utllers ef Gry Couaty, July 1.M . la a short drlve.throv4* theooutry m. w oere *l.etrlc sIens two imtay Oeuimin 1 PNa lBflue oow ho p 41 muclu 4aom ~boe. Win£g by the rodad.lltaaê~ tth t&ti. vastom ttbufour dru ,ove. a broloile&. Suo hmur s er la t7b«nISburn& g.WoieSMM05 f10 struek by aautuol At doal sue crsajsunro w»s irlilsgtu ii eory, sot yt bai- tu0fbore. u tu Ostaw lo teti. lut been dlspu*hadby ber ovuer. la MO 0515 BrébWU, PUrosai ht tua tVuisbtp, B lot « EIIS41S9 tUa -"«befOO 1laU 05 YU aad -cattie-rqm Ma .roadS. ¶b8 A*s BtflO t bam 1=«Mal dent IlimtiSBtthe duaaa"f ress "d- & 71,Iis Ikos":BI Ml., ecuCOteOl' hue Bt Imp. Oni B yW t o tbho * la ith ber. a yaror mmos1sa s .51>1r UOSl alai OUm tt fl e 140wttb -B frac ' M "UY putita fCBB54 carfl lm.Therem be' hoB sstag, cf an e511 d tthe I.Oie,4m pasturo by "lItalag s mtI l by home *l. bïve tIr omrli« but t i te lb.atteuffl tth dos.. 00il* W »« Us ttla bOBa SeUsIf& ot éoi whorve Iamn Tn r.l uatatpae sumys litt 1* «-lb. promIse M eu evewuB arovpstem-4kl vIsaIo&» ba cfvatoedo mt vibut ul o «u M dwo w ylaflayl1 flw a Sv»e .ar f 5.14 e »"V« lmid Vau wbms vhiel M. ba*& o bszY lem u pb t*te t suw9«pauod.TtIt *op#Il PM" aa sdbol rde ê». q rlu rmIma nom« ti te s vse.murte v" pie> , « 9 tifl1 tad a d - koVMbits 1$ 'U i ar.vui oraa Us bme.vtàl11tà muK *05 1ý j tb**0 mi vh e tIsa osalta t î ieetaro, Ak truta vlt.Cors bas ad t1n mu olm * ww h u r bie m lmd e sbu ld dl*& ismë* o»mbý FOR- QUALJY end- usI3'RvI1e3 _____cail on A.T.. Lawler The GrQcer- WIIITIBY phones t-aeui 47; Independent, 47, Our stock of Summer Footwear incIudes the- veryý Latest Style rPumps- and.-Oxford~ in Vici Kid, Patent Leather, Guo Metal, and, Dark Brown Caif. Sec our Iine of i*it high or«Ibw heels, or with leather or rubber soles Ourlifteof- for bMéài Wouien nd C le, i.coupletir. P"1419 Broc$ dbt TUHEi v Jaob >Br*vasil, t Wb1Ibr-?.ub vas rcporlod lest ilsu bavbàg bn14 a et t lamuon.iii riul tte Ut ou lot *.a - r«eI abt l e udr ahw '~< s À A s' t,4 khers lm

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