Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Jul 1917, p. 3

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. 1~ I. ýto tbis nd Its etîî ba w. 235 ~tô, the ech are Bell is i-eh 01 [erablY id mtail >p bai e ctofl balle' being iii a &ive as Iiil bd about tapai sMay pairs whvii the lbh iq . for 4 sIuit-ý t kinga cd lit TheDopaitient O! Agiculture bas suaiémmela noeuaary te meet ont uai is < un ad f hlg z hines tht took Part la an air raid Ifront e! 600 yards. Th. gain wus M*n'.. nly non-utUlta n gai-ment takon possto u ion of *cm 0 , enor ga t.l y seIon alilalon l arwlcli wore brouglit dowvu&asmade south-west o! Hallebaki (n« arn he D« ue. I [s as useiess,a J~ î >last ae<b »rhtrs 1e»liard emlaIue<'n thaettr gxeIoiy ..u 1*ttUlc hyBritis» navýi1 ai-crâft and a blifrd ho Yprea Canal>- Piisone,,s ve., Monocle. 'Yot *W earomilo. Wincheottr. for uon.comPliaac*. <ha averagut uraacé là IMSpOb'tW freMin ea, vedh W t a b -mnEwi lpaclins as ar~ated. lb la officially icaptui-ed in raids in Nieuport Viinatty.awfuly iwkward walking clown [he wit the itillage ordar. jti.UnitemStati» ue, 04tbe peOWM to hsjieae. 4Iinouncçod. Is ------+----one.suVply làla lspy a ProeOfaotriam- I VOSb* ààU<o S Ailthe Bri-tsh air-ion wliaengaged If: i boy eamins ton cents ho vants Otncle PUt r medthevery vmntwu,(Poi. tasixlmwn ospao4h~ by poecuiiptI tbe Geî-zans ernerged sfeiy f rom îl;b; a Inot wiliag to trust thé rie»- iOuca>pon s <lCoen<ho neck[s WS.5 o! their liglits. lest ian alde.ofiton thse collai- on. But 00w Metpeaml a eandssd.ao b eu. O hng <o <h. ot*e0 110P1 P1# Idd<1h lb domn'tdo <hat.'nie promise hlbat UnOP9t=* a ab"llyai t ymrIoe W- -7-Man'snektlu la [he Indian'a .ato Produee mmfo slaaudmo . conestin o!tfic Wh" WMh fôabher, Uic cannîta.s uo"&lac* of « o b e ofulli.d.fer ofor 014 l 5"tm uIn b wn*moti. SL R M TR etol, [the mld-African'm iaory ear- aa d ot Plenty.. ChuMiatt*ML id.ld The i urmýcp lmto*,1 0F AR O ARC TTAL 1,50,001Wsewsuct»ogii, rea cri.vhttif rsi<tisla metual îst y ordr t0 prevent if peubleouR -1n1t race, uh hogt »tCMascln. MM. trodotus. <ht bs weI75 eeme'toeWulegW7 d.iJit ltoteMo1 aupil* lu___ tao at i.li cetîudc, b t iM8vlIIIif414 4S>> 63,222 Enemy Prisonruad 509Camusgavé Rom Taise o teen l ee Ma <aili. <Out vtid e wiuO alilMua<r <h l P* .tI!U tibU 'sope t b ~ Je4b mdap at mon~=met81151b!MP WeaternFront in six W'ak& .IsA hamai ruM'tgie uakdi Ih amuit.btUO<r VIt# '7<* b14 t5 t*- a4&osi 1 mý àe haurau a-.ii t18 ________bie to «a e coIudeoeIr,& ot0î0 Otim i.«e pwWto he f.um * tvut w u tOv0(p«go t. W ot AU8 IW depatch from TParis Baya: The! I rom - April 15 btuo 80 <ho Â'U' 'tu s p1ace4 4WWt e lotal number of Gormans kiIIcd frein Fra1co-BritUa roao i.wn., b udi tv o<a 50UI O d~ 18 lo Is ha 1,00000 fc.cluin 1,78oSmp ay a ocIIc m t4. rasphe b.c* dvrks, b4ae» «m laÇ= tmu th $.boggnning of the war to March, front paptud 63=222Pijjr jf. 5 o#Uad )I48PfSPBeifm~~ ~diti to un estimate rgached by lsumma.ofyet ».operatlosÎ&ou lrkm $e. 8pr.sen. ta <jj5la e êeh general headquarte rL Tis .Thur ady. Th ie war Uat vi lt akenta î ltth ittlet i>i. . lut e v4t*r ti. f u r taal y * ê45 aPitation ha,. been madle af,&Or'the m"re prod arldd "fat#a~e YTIb~ IIt6~~rWh8VQ4 1 otIstudy af documents bearing on 0'3 trncb morta mbad 118 m 4WM ;W3 tum k. * Mt#~ I~ .o ~~1Jrune.jp, tteW04, £110p11 aki1044* and i l1 ul el rccw BMAIL ABOUT joB1 BULL AND Ho FBOPLI. Olccurre*ocm la the'-Land ThmI <-pi s i // ( 3.; j r rI3~. 3c~i77, ~Eark ~iAh~ Wrld l TM(E 117*776,I 01OER ont% jrituba wbmt- 04c maA U 39 FELÉG N 2<.NoftEYrk o. No rthern. Iin£ntcao ___ ~*~àd Defa~edby 48Majolty- MoAts' Rlit oat- 1 .W 71eFigurei Fer. AUlTheatre of War Siice th, ubea-o 149futcdby 1»4. 1somiaitrack Toronto.% -8 Sin g un Leston "French Front h ln eas Outarlo aêt.s-N o oIicii.quotations. Outrto wheat->Jo. 2 Wlinter. per car ________ 4 dopatb frm Otawasay: At Tii Lauierrefeendm amnd-lot . 315to 82.40; No. S. $2.33 to $2.38. econg ta freight. outalda. VC'lock F'riday Imornirig the firat ment was voted down by 110 ta 62, foPesn a- . 'oial ~In 0Adpahfrm Lon sy:tewtrnrnt ithfrtfe L i Wt uuie igursiveonTrdabyGnmotaothwrftoregnav On01 On the Conscription Bill re- a Goverament majority of 48. Bs.zey-M.«lttnor. nominal. 'according Fgrs e nTusa yGn eteo h tMauriceotaie.DircoofBtihMltrigbenbtsnepr,19.Snc d In he dfeat f th uub On ii. Gvernent ade ~ ta ~~reiata cut~dg nomnal.accorlMguperac aeoc-ma basf orsanish llu Aprl firt 1fthisyear ritih an Lendnient 0f J. A. Barrette, of House Sir Rodolphe Forget end to frelghts outalde.Frnhtgh Jobetecallg orth mi mnta' ~.ars PWnad. Brete Pqutblanttoba flour-Firet patents. Injute minating comlparisons. In the whole Frnhigte n h etr rn liolutt , vig otehénasixmnhpNes aenue aePqebaga, $12.6o, second patents. ln Jute i har liii by a vt fn 163, yeas 9, a Girard, Gilbatilt, BelUemarre, Boulay, bairs. $ 11.90; strong balters'. ini Jute I- hare ar sinee the. outbreak the captured 609felan haygus Govruen mjorty 15. ndDesarie vte wt» h eaerbs*o. 1.50, Tornnt&o. British bave taken 739 German field 608 trench Moras ,1 ahn fObWig ofOpoiin ntro lurWte.accdir~ On July tirai Canada ceiebrated the guns anki bast 133, of which' thirty- guna, and 63,22 o.l alfed The vote for theBar- ofthe Nineeen Libral smpe 80.5ta 81025, ng. ta semîl-centennial celebi-ation of Con- seven b>ýve been reeaptured. These of wnr the Brishavtke1777 rOtte ammnidment: Messrs. Acim of, voted with the Government. o oiop bpn Nt. ontreal fedei-ation. thirty-seven are not included in thea prisoners, amin hmnaielve Labielle, Barrette of Berthier, Belle- h Lbrfswo oeIaant j* gt îded-3ran, pAr ton. bctoe aigtettlBii nArc r o nldd Ilrdtr of Maakinonge, Boulay o mR-, referendum wero: Mesrs. Guthele, SI. àr Dar ton. $38: nilddllnizo, !1..kri bckovr e0rgr Ra-ftgUre 7PD, Mk ztettlBiihesptured i 0 - pee ton. 842, gpod feed lour. per bair.i opshdiCaaadrn hslass9ingssaantô89Psne c, biouski, Deacarries of Jacquue Car-' Pnrdee, Graham, Garveli, Macleai6 (of $2.801 to 82110. iiîae [nCaddrlg[seose96ngnnsgint79PsnrscpuebyGrasfm t1rCear o Cicutm, uibnltHaifx) Cuse Carto, urff !8.EaO. mixed. per ton. 89 ta $11. track ments seeni hardly poasible. ninety-isix, eighty-f1pur were loat on including Indianadntv ro Joliette, Paquet of L'Islet and Pa-' Nesbitt, MacNutt, MarLean (of Sun- Toronto, lt.prtn 9 rc o h nutis0fCnd aepo -~--- ~nudé of Hochelaga, the ex-Secre-, buryl, McCraney, Loggie, Clark, Bu- rw-Ca os ern 9 racnto. pTe Idstriebystofpaa as p ro -n TEMKN FASRAI '!II i'i Iarycf Sato.chanan, Douglas, Champagne Neeley; cfae. xon head r 'uly TLRIIIA iriOF innuraI Winety Consoèrvatives, Including J. !and Duncan Ross. cutr » >ue-wo me I Cnasdi A -ms t lu Te WlimFat uth htryo ILanilthe, Deputy Speaker, and1 The vote on "Thé. Mlitary Service 35jsèc, rints. per' lb. 3&è ta sec: Piano Co., Ltd.. of Oshawa, Ont_., eFcsi heHsoyo h beventy-thrbe Liberalis opposed the Act of 1917" was 118 yea and 65 dairy. par 1 .1 28 10 29C. malkers of the. tamous WVlUlams New Great Southern Commonwealth. amn-et nay. Majority, 63. P.gs-Perdt. 28to 29e eti Scale Piano. 1salsnen fteColinoF II A _______________________________________________________ enaiers are seilli totathe r1aliThe etbiheto h o'nn N d t h olawn c i_. < îî R. S.Willia.ms camne from Engîand 1ie.alth of Australia lasthe easiest 22î ta 251c; triplets. 23 ta Sc od d ostablished this conceru ln 1849 -Idbte Q omo oenett.e tugeB larte. soc: tuns. 30ic; triplets. Soe. 61eears mgo, Canadians wIll feel 1 idfimcfgvriett -e tugeB'we rsdn n 45 OPERATORS ciFOOD BLOCKA.DE 1ete-rsnàiy hoce Sto 36r proud ta know that tbe3rhave such: nimbr n modern history. I~t waj NewlyMae mpor HAVE GONE DflWN 1 SUCCESSFU~L out of cartons. Sc dz. 40 New Scale, whIch they can be proud century, January 1. 1901-the date,.. apac i-r a _F Drossed poultry-A4prtng chlickens. 36c: to Place ln thisir homie. The William hich the Majority of us consider the says:.-China inhet-oafcvl fowl. 22t 4c; uaspedo.$40 Piano C.ait Oshawa wîll egiad ta beging of this very important con- war and a batl be ngfuhb- 8 4.60, turkeys, 2& o3CndItr tn onscocmn4 Liva poultry-8pring chickens. lb.. 20 Send0tnereslng ointsconcrninoo4h Gallant Acta Of Wlreless Opera. Entry of United States Into the ta 26c; hens. 18 ln 20C. i"Art.ist Choico" piano, free. nre utrai oehtury. rthn teng troao temutinprvne Honey-C-Lomb-Extra fine and heavy queiL' ut-lai oeht mle hnfgtn o tepeevto fteie tors i Remaining Wîth wilt o 1-5 eet 10t a tp Importation 1___________C_____ anada, havîng an area of abot t ,. public, and thenrenfocsfth Slnking Ships. Through Neutrals. rîeans-Irnported. hand-picked. 89 0le000O, ý Iquai-e m'les. T[he .arlest yount Emperor codn t alea AIi. Macni IntLrndn ay : Marine on n ononBaa 0 ottoes- Red Star. new. bbl.. $8.00 i roui Lt li'S eauIsleby a ater large proportion--of Eg thi.Chinese Ntoalabegu.Ti Th acn nentoa aieDlacuasing in [ho House of Lords onta 88.60 * North Carolinais. new. bbi 39 bh riml. f.nvî claEng- Vomnl ncation Co., at its Meeting on Wednosdiiy the question of coin- ta *5.0ei lna17, firat clauh WS? aliitoriicod as hoviT Wedrnesday dedIpred a dividend total- modities reaching enemy counitrios N EWS BT MAIL FROM [Re CaItaWin 178o eogdhteeas at e ocue, io Tedabyoicisote lnumbfee er ofshpentor ntaled la iThemer o [h o Wutar Caisont roerad18,noked meats-llams. edlum. 30 t D HR&that IPort Jackson was found as n'formation is nqustoabi nubro hp o ntle s18565 rbro h arCbnt eerd31c. do. beavy. 26 to 27c. corked 41 ta perlai station for- crimnenls tram Eng- The adrviceaoiensa tt litA war S il 6:cs. pl8ý ain a6t ba con. 1d[. rmln Adthe operators employed 8,34,,u11 oAmerlet'. eiti-y Into t.he wras; 3Zo 36c;lak. a 21e, r36at 7.baon,- land. ndthe.settlernent, or theipxt that Lt uant lasaf whîch 333 have bien saved fram vos- considerabiy chocking thia loakage. . 39 ta 40C. en $1iiel 46 have been drowned, 29, eepegdthe. conviction that the' 26j<' per lb. clear bIllies. 26 ta 26c. being 'virtually auspended i 1839.1 Kuck Junq_1 iretn roptoe r d ounk, edand 1 aenpi-H moxraointo rayof coinul d-Pm.aslard. tier con 27 10 2 app; Intrs tat.emcrId m 1ffyya nprtatio-of an ntPeIn Nandic.rintF mu>urod, ono 19 importation ~~~rmany bs,87d-Pu 271c:lard is. 27 to 27 c; Itre t ibThis oldest o! the Australian colonies, nat nNnig Puera. -Many gglant acta of Opera- modities f rom neutral countries, which cmub. ti e: is. 2 7 tua 271c: eLNw$uhWls a aeafi codn tors sticking ta sinking slips and &end- had previously been lmported into paans, 22e. Tebs ult fpg r oda tr nfe nutilpors rr odeso X1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ esa4 !ateiHusto atee a-e fr11silns1821. 'The.convicts were allowed con- nase capital aesedl ann 29 picking up o! theb. bata in a Corn- had beoni completely stopped by [he1ontrél uY1- aâtnda prbnrdwih.liealefedmfrmnymkn, ground. tieyfew houris, were recorded. blockade and [he pressure the allies S%%* el,. N 18 lic o .sCnanperThe new s aratea 0 sIdrabt frteon for mobnymadng, Onoperator was torpedoet..threhad been able ta axai-t on [he nra ns. dian etern, ko. 3, g0 ta soie: extra TenwRi ra el 0a tîl- abot[lonly thindongtenvicd VIies h lire. rnonths, and in sti-ll un- h [ar asstl 'o ee. 0ta30e Iara-Mn gal to and o ou-pne or he twi- te n a ti cnvc ldptc f-uiLodn ai: Undouit.ely, sid, eed. $i 19. Fiaur-Man. Spring wheat iporiod being tho rigli ta[obave [lie4Tii.Pekin coespneto h hurt and Teady te go to ses again, but considerable export tram neutrals into natonts, Mrate. 812.60, do., seconds. $12: [han laut year'a rae. îîn otnn.4îneTlgahCzpn aa[a stron b&krs'1150, ~'%%'nter patents. A large suai wasa o.ized at a fr 1i-sladcniet.cag e Wâs rewaxded and put ashare. Germany, but ît was entirely [he neu- choice. 812 50. stralçht roulers. $12 ta h is Biih Gvrors at't1iO advatnce o otir n [rala'-ewn homo products. 1812 30. do. baga. $6 îil 10$8590, Raiied gift sale held at Bray in aid of this1TefrtBiihevr Qt--HîareIls. S900 to S9.26; do.. hags. Bray Hospital War Supply depot. ~Sydnee ruled wlth deupotic powe-.:8out.hern Repulcn ime ne A FR I A N ER M A S U S. AN AKE EAR GAS. Shot%. 84 3 tM 4 40 ano . $32. Chailes Dawson, who was twIce hey were offiers oi n m and of the Tuaii Ch-,ui,th fa ne Pr ni ,rd Daaa aDncb [i rrttigeos li'. Hutr--t'hoIc7âaa No.r2.per LordM May. f Dlng, has ed en ap 00 n,1821 onvdcthsiant en ocd DRI YEN BACK ~~FInet Westerns, 211r, do.. fnetm _ a hls home, 52 Morion rood, Dublin. free netters. A population of 8(,- ieP-sdnrsetilla D IE RA KDust From Lily Seed. 35c. da. -seconds. 34c. Eçgg-Selected pitda utc 0 h eaefrronwWath ef New Saut» Wales, Dr .N oe sscae crtr37c. do.. 8 s o. stac. 33 ta 4e -ca threp-tfourths o! [hem beîng conviets Dr. J.,N.2ose, aSOc.aie otatar "t'Irbauf. Dublin County by tho Lord Cha.ncol. lesr.gs oleto tG BIA General Retirement of Enemy of plants in tho National Museurnai artot,84 il ta 34.50. loi-. penhaësth ragscoltin f FrinAi Psiios i Washington, lias secured in Von.-' Wlnntag Grain Twelvie and a hal! acres of land, In- citizepis the. iri-dlias ever seen. zuela specimens of "iqahadilla," a' Winnrî . JuI 0-i- CÇah $ oationn# itldigtwoaacres of cut-away boa. eiondsoero f15 rdu-TIO N B G East iriaVanazuelan plantý a! [he lily famdyNorthern. $2 17. No. 3 Northern. $2.12: fr£6. h e "rush"g ad progesive tims A depatc fron Lodon ays:- t ram [ha seeds of which ai-e produe- No 4, 32.00, Na. 5, 81.76 No. 6 là 69; fr£6.Wel[i ra"sa-e n15 i Ande lepressure o! Lnds ficausroon [Baypa:-a-n! ndf ed 1.19, Gats-'Noa Së... 75c, "No. A meat succesaful Flag Day wasm rigr4nts from Nortli Amneica, Chine ~dvancing .fi-rn Gîira, tho Germans tarpi Nonggse 3e.b te I ltee. 71c.No. 4, $110; 7Oc. Bre-hb tWxod aad o ne IîanIthe rohpSapohere nof 00M esoa of tr ntOfnieSn Vr Gerernani aan Afics hat eacutadGemanhan[Geprmenenas ain SItheNo 4.$13; oed , .lO rgimntsan [h10:u p-tones o [a sipaatnhorathe!200Iprush dipBries or *trogly eldposiionssouh o![h, It la stated that [lie dust from $2- S- No. 2 C.W.. 82.411: No 8 C.W.. wi-. awak Ti.pultocfVtraEvr he* strogly oldposiionssouh ofthe244. lis contreot for wheat-July. 'Me Dublin Victuallers' Association was doubled in a yoa.r. N'gaui'i River, saye, an officiaI -stato.. [h. mcd in the~ field i-ritates the *218: Auotust Ifiret hait>. $2.13. men iauedon edcsdy ngli. Ti.eyes, [hi-oat. and especlally thie noue, have under cenaideratIon th. raguia- Tho Commonwealth conisluts cf six A dispatcheolrnciFotl ~Mit'indon etede f-ane irama a> lnight[. Tatveheoras reStatd ats l*ts io oawolaae ndrethepiIcsr!igainaclld teSriinl ttaeso!Frof euau:Afor<b- tionei si sa much thatNeewnSeuv» Waboses VietoriadQMatis -A1*offensivef effortssincandVerdun [hocGer- i n s ti ho e Be ae rm H iaen te obliged te w ear m asitu. blnnea plim . Juby 10- %h at- Juby m eat. N w hu h a e , V c oia u e s ty n i O ef 111,pn theshorehatBa[ho a Ger-oNo. id, .42 10 be81. 5o.icasIh- 1Th Cuncil of Lb. Royal Victoria land,j South Australia, Western Aus- Mans foundtimoleonTudy d1kigst ,anf thm e er onin retlreanad atalte vialeiu rn, 82.32 ta $2.43: Na. 2. do.. 31.22 ta Bye anid Bar Hospital. Dublin, ai-i t<aui and Tasmanla. Thr.ie la a tarown uSca k rwel oga a Isaceo!f-anmoent nnaalls mnsbug I [i aaialeuPply 82.32. Cern-No. à yellaw. $1.74 ta 81.76. i-îoiley front oc T1he official report indicates a gan- o! [heme. seeds before [ha deebaratipri pats-14ô. à white, 70k ta 71<. Flour-o areosletg oIslng dowa.n- oiwt i saûamiefoto h »mndDmu *ra rehemnt ! he nem foce Ino! mr.i3oh ho rbair- s!dof ptens.t ofO:titste! ho hop t1osang to back fi-O ouxcliState,,ronow.d to the-extmnt Isavlag -th.goed<~kl t opraios nGema alpreparationa compounded from si 29 t;o $111. grades unchanired. lra o fna , tof e -bal! svery three «yearg. Th. wIth tlir dad dbvhg<1.4o [atAria hem are now-, howover, declared con- $2.1.1No. uorther #t$228:No. bad.. the. Rlgt Hon i- sicrRertbua. 01Ho u sebotodn lb open aate, TevoFransac » tlirp~n traband hy England. $2.20. Linseed-5.77. JUI .77.and [1RgtHn ihr ooths tjouaiu. Wmnvt » rn»lnsrmie nat GERÂNSCOI ECUS Anthr pantof homai genuSesîtember. $3.7t; Octob«i. *92%. Cherry were îworn ln as Lords Jusj tan ho Fr«n»cminlgnrl TEM SO MALTECUELGAN goer la n tuosfandhemae bot- - ices a! lrelaad during thi Lord B4tt.r a amalainount et weIl pre-[W»o watclidW i p~toitruh A Ospa T Uh fiArn Lonn mary%ra A sab il ais e horoalb coldeasbot-!.75 tAa t 11.26; &btha ctî A ia- prc atino i ed ai- M uthinybfte, fo U urvihnga ot dr. thne tasgiyrdo iu t 0 in- top- To ài n - Irub ithe Tc tVipq 'àhed' Ap' doil dily. not ouud iîeitâ ave Rtelgas Supreme la thie Coin. merc"aIWorltL Si- Arthur Thrtng, K.C.B., las been: ap"pinted clerk of Pauiiaxnent Fifty tliousand disabled so1diers were pbnced in erfipioynient ln Eag- land asat year. At St. Dunstan's Bazaar, in the Albert Hall, London, a single potato was so)d for £100. The nîother of General Nivelle, mm11- mander af thle Freonch army, was a native of Deal, Kent. Potatoas are being growa la [wenty ot [he fiower bede la the gardens of Hamp ton Court Palace. By a rece.nt thunder stan lan Che- shire potatoes and seeda werê-washed out of tha ground. The National Union o! Railwayinen lad a total mernbership of 340,000 lat year, an Incrense e! &2,000. The annual confex-once o! thie Na- tional Union of cbsi-ka wiib not be held tbis year owlnE [o war condition&. A plant has been lnstalled In Hem- rotiita t deal with tho output of frain 20,000 ta 40,000 publiec meals a day. Tmin sons of tira Peterboroughi familles, naîned Stokes and Fletcher, were ail four wounded on [ho sanie Souvenirs lu aid of disabled sailora wero sold la London on bMay gSit, the flirt annlversary o! "Jutlanld Day." Angleru In LAeeeterahire have boori retused treeý fisblng. as [bey do mare damnage [o [lie crop [han [helr -catch la worth. Robert Smtth. F.F.!., Manchester, bas beon appotnted chii-an o! [ho National Association of Appraved Bo-' ciel les. Son bird.' eggm are being uiaed- la lai-go quantîtlesau food [hi-ougheut Grat Britain, and are said [o be very nu[ritlouu. Professer J. Ratebiffe, Manchester, says [bat [he oben fi-o grates used lu' th. bouses of [he artisans are meuét watitefut. Tii. Milttai-y Cross and bar woan by [ho lato Capt. P. A. MagIma, Landon Regimeat have bien preaentod [o bMs parents. Thi. London Master Prîntors' AS-' soclatlon fereshadowa an Immediatl' advanco lu. pricos for ail kindu of. pr1ntInC.' White lier ligsbnd la serving wlth' tho colora, bis wlfe la acting il, hia place ais sexton, at NuthortOn, Worces-. toi-sure. The. ftedô of the City o! Bris- tol iras conferred on Generat Smuts, Mfr. Mamsey and the Maliafa- jah o! Bikanir. T[ho Grand Croasý o! St.Michael rand St. George bas been conterrad upon the Portugueso Mînister o! War by Kiug George. T? -report of the Sund»rlaad TiMî- w7Corportnshows [bat 11,8271- 808 passengers irure earried durlng the xnonth o!fprl Thare aa248Bllhmrhn sueam a udflamen p.rlâoners- of war ln Germany, 41 In Aus-tro-Run- sa' ad12 là Turkay.[u *tl stimatod <tg[110 value f h potato o«0pinu Oeat Britain would ha 4Mcr Oed * -,00,00 mnuatty, U hue -tomb et General Wot!e ta W.sbsnlnuter -boy il comlilteil hidden JU#t no* bY t<he11a0 et CanM' dimu raglatetsnov st .thé ront Th. Aaialgamted Bociety 1of7Wate!' lemathe 1w theli'-aîbu foree lu N bii j., >4 r' a,-

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