Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Jul 1917, p. 1

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.1 .4 55---.No 2 CoUIIRCS Kilts ail the Leaf Eating Insects with one applica-' tion. No mixing. Ready fo r use dry. A fertilizer as well as a poison. Pure Pardfs Greom in 4 lb., Yo lb., 1. lb. pkgs. J E. WILLIS Drugglst and Opticlan MEDICAL HALL t, i - -i Wbiby. FARMSWANTED. SinaIl farins wanted for buyers between the Highland ÇCreek aud Oshawa. If you have email farine .40 oeil? let us have description and price. John Fisher di Co. Luniadên SuIldFujg a Adelalde Eat, TORONTO 8"ms Fam. Dalry and Fvuit FaimsFou Sais. Scranton Ceai DE POT Egg, dSteveand NuttGoal. A large quantity of best quatiy etock. Another car wlll séoon arrve. Speciai price if taken from the car. Whilbyý lRé SLOWV Bell phone 9. Home phons 1L commercil achoola. Tb* dem.nd for our ffra4lduatestafar boyoDd or upy Mijut tistnce b get puullionus g a rad &Il of or atudeuts wko becme competent. Write to-ay for or hand)- sous Ocatalogue. lit oont.a.na fuil Information. 0Cor. Yomgo &Bd W. J. ciet Chaite et$s. ct Whltbya - Ontario lil %tinte Deslers, Entates Mbauaged. orProperties boughti nd muid. Frtormea I H dOffi, Brook St. Bell honoICI.lad. Phone 70. Sommer Tsrmn Opens Tuesday, July 3, in Shaw'm Busins Schools, Toronto. The work morges into Autumu Terni trom Sep- tomber 4, without any break. Course tully, domrib.d la new catalogue. Write for it. W. H. Shaw, Presg., Yougel ê (Qerrard Bts ie l-igil1&8bu une'T, SauAI WHIlTBYWONTA'RIO, CANADA, THURSDAV, jUILV 12, 1917 MISSIONARY CON4FERENCE? CONCWDES ON'TUESDAY The 1&IssIoýnary Cmnterunce hldaut rrl*.y att oq, Lait H&*a un r the.O.LC. hbu been fuil of, htëfltestan*lJm", wagons. hhanuikdlia envey'ed instrftour those ln attendaueë. the crowd to their fvrt' soi NeVéer hahere been a hlgher degree groundsj where they b~la'tyltime of entbusiasma exhibited. Tbie attend- by the wa eree. Ilaseansd o auce ln itseif showed that, despite the er games afforded exerclas and fini. unrest and unprecedeuted conditions of And the luncheon. esten'là the -shade to-day. there la stili a great asud sbid-, as evening drew oi1ewas an eyent long lng and groWing interest lu the mis- b be remembered. sionary cause. Another feature uf Interest.to the On Sunday several ut the Whltby delegates lu securing pictures ut var- puipits were occupied by miasionaries ious sorts counected with the gather- ln attendance ait the Conference, whe lng. toid of their work and experiences in Rev. C. J. Cameron. une oefThe regu- foreigu lands. lar staff uf teachers. le a photographer At the conclusion of the eveuing uf no meanualility. Each year ho services la the local churches, the takes a large number ot picturee--plc- usual evening meeting wus held-at te tures of classes, uf deuumina.tional Coliege. Owlng Lu the damp weather gruups, of the entire delegation, ut the meeting cuuld flot be held out-of- mlssionary leaders, of delegýtÉs en- doors. as is the ecutoff. Cousequently gaged la games on the Iawa, of thie the College Concert Hall was filled tu buildings and grounds, ut the pîcule at uverflowing. a very, large aumber of thie water-fruut. cf te wide expanse'o< townspeople avaiiiug îhemseives uf; shore and water as seen trom Cor- the opportunity to attend.i betts Point. These pictures malte sou- Wbile the audience was gatherlng a venîrs ofthtRe Couterence whlch am, song service n-as conducted by Mr. W. greatly prized by delegates- especini- C. Senior. wlio lias been lte leader lu ly thie younger unes and'those ln at-j siuging at lte Conferences here ever tendance for te first time. since they were first Inaugutrated. The Misslonary Ç'onference exercîses Later Rey. Dr. R. P. %IcKay, Foreign a vital influence tupon tRie lves ut the' Mission Secretary of the Preshyterian i young delegates. Thie ten days assoý- Churcit of Canada. assuned charge of ciat ion with mlssiounary teachers. and' thie neeting, conducting thie devot louai others eîîthused with mlsstonary zeal, exercises. is alruost certain tu deeply Impress the -Dr. MIcKay then called upofl Rey. thie students aud Lu fire them with a Dr. Goforth, one o! thie best known destre to becûome missionarles at home Canadian missionarios, to speak on or abroad. While at thie conference "The Great Revival lu Korea." Dr. Go- 1thie hole atmosphere is missionary. forth. who has spent a large part of There are missioaary pictures ou the his lite lu China. spoke f rom a first- walls: missionary curios trois toreign hand kuowledge o! thie tacts. During lauds: charts and maps sbuwing theý his misslonary endeavor in China he size, location aud population ofthtRe vlisited Korea severai times and was mnssionary fieldesud-te untouched, able Lu see personally te resulis of areas: books and pamphlets lapon ail what had been terrned *thie greatest phases of missionary wçaK--eyery- revival since Pentecost',' îhiag ln tact tu emphuasie thie teach- Thie revival suarted about 1907. Ing received Iu thie classes and tu spre-ad over thie iviole islatid, sud lias niake a lastlng Impression upon thie continued et or since. ln une year a- minds sud hearts ut the delegates. lune 50,000 natives wvore convorted. In The Missionary Conference witbout- ruany Instances every famlly lu a vil- Mr. W. C. Senior, thie leader ut, song., lage became a Christian family. Thie wouid feel that somnething 's-,as- laci-' movement affected the HigRi Scitools. Ing. Almost every year since Its ln- the Universities. business mon, farm- ception Mr. Senior has led thie siimging ors, professional mon, men la every at the conference, sud hise eptiusiastie walk o!Ilîfe. Churclies were estabieh- and Inspiring leadership has cuntribu- ed whore nover betore itad a church ted-luch Ltte pleasure snd profit uf. been, ani they rapldly becatue tuo tîhe conference. smal for te crowds that sought ad- NetLimer woud thie Conferente be iL-ý mission. Dr. Gofortit cited the lu- self wlitout the beneficeut Influence stance ot une towu. witich iad a popu- aud preseuce ut Rev. Dr. MeKay, the latiton ut 3,000. There wero two church- revered presiding officer. Wherever os, one having a capacity ut 2500, sud Dr. McKay t. there la exerclsed thie thie other ut 500. On a Sunday even- sweeiest sud geutlest and most loving Ing bobla churches were tull to thie Influence. f-is tact, his kuowledge,.hie duors, practicaiiy every mani, wumau devout and sincere lite, hie emInegce aud citild lu thie tuwn bebus- ai churcit. lu hie denomination, and pre-eminen- 0f thie giving ut Koreane, Dr. Go- ly bRie sweetness ud trength forth said IL pute to shame te hait- persouality, malte Dr. sCy itearted contributions ufthLie "civfltzed" leader for sucit a Conk Ere~ worlci. .*Etery Korean church sup- Another ufthie leader# wh*e, ablltY, portas veral natiye mlssilosarte. asktUaMd k»wWU> b~l m MOlnY e'of h.eKoreane -gtvei. t ttowAdatreagth te the C4 r 4ii$Wg the. worldly posseseionsuutil Lhey *re ah- ette yeurs ut tWsêe h~il Df -' olutely poverti-strlcken. One man G. Brown, Poreigu -Mission Seffeta»l wito iad nuornoney tu giv. to hie ut the Baptist Chàuich. Dr. Brown hms citurcli sold tii mulle for $50 and gave dune much tu miii. the Conférence the te money, thereetter drawlng te- succes i has becume. Ris knowledge pluw blîroughthLie fields himselt with ot and enthuebsi for thie cause ef his old father guldlug IL. Theze peu- miasions bua been an inspiration and pie du not gfve because they are forrieW sîreugth which caunot b. measured. tu, but because titey rant bu give. In thie Secretary ut the movenient Every pheutf ite lIves -of the I-or. Rer. H. C. Priest. hîmsesi an ex-Mie- ease bas been touched aud changed. siunary Lu ludia, te Couterence lias Dr. Guforth deait coneisely but thor- an able sud hard-worklng officer. Riua otgghly wibh the great muvemeni, and entîre time le devuîed bu tthe work ef bis sddrese wa.e-'declàt*d tb ha ne--o! his office as Secretary, sud interest, ln te finest over heard at te Whitby the cause o! missions. la greatly stini- Summer Coaference. ulated througitout Canada by hie un- Thie enrulmeut et te lseiouary easiug labors la that beitalf. Confereno. titis year je simost, The Tuesday evening meeting 'vu but nuL quite, a record-breaker. The tRie final session o! the Conference. It registrhr bau recorded 230 naines, Itôôk tRie torn ut a consecratIon meet- whlch le the higliest attendance aluce Ing, lu which many ot thoso wbo had tewar began. Borne o! thie denumin-. declded to become rmusintries were bltons are more làrgely repreeented speakers. The meeting formed a lit. titan ln any prevtous year. By denom- ing conclusion Lu tthe week ut study InatIons the euroluient le: Mthodîsta utf thé missionary cause throughouî 70. Preebyteriane 64, BaptIste 57. An- tRi. vend. TiSe'regular monthly meting ofthLb War Relief Society vas lield ln tRie Councîl Chamber un Monday atter. Thie Treasure'i report for bRie moiTt vas ass flloe:s Cash on btand .......... .... $331-94 .luntitly Sock Fund collection 7.50 Donations- Mrs. E. B3rovu...... .. .... 1.00 Mre. F. Mclntyre ...... ....10OO UmssJ.-Mitchel.. .... .....10 Mliss Nt Palmer .,.. .........5% - lereentage on musie sol14.45 lutereït .... .......... ..1 Ir. Esten Ceo- »00 IRis. <ara.. -. $1745 Express un parcels tu Torunto. *5 The. uoeIL coveue. M e..oa. Mow-- eaul Min Maivy omtib, qwftu a total0( 147 Pétai t odh u ItietId 4 In; te mentb. e« vbwe,8pea*, e demated b>' ME.M.nkëue#,et tbIe *O L.V., sud oftek airb>' Misai t> bapýil -irepo t 1pir t b*s te bc"s ai thé &treiami,12 4r« us Soldiers GIadIq Attend Volwnary Serices. Rev. John Garbutt, a frmer pato uftheii Cobourg methodiet Chunch, via went aerroa wtth au Ontarlo C.uaay batuaUoa. writes frein Frnce asmto loua cunoemling lb. oeurtu Mda' -4 wort ot the Canadiens et tba hmoe *'The Canainà art pisylmi a uni Important part la thie giot offeailve whlkh le taktng place om thieWestsru front. W* Ibave Sem vm TS#lo dogtln in At tii. SUt or 49<11, 85 hav, ma4. offlWarbl eprotrussk "I bave 1184 a great unet of Mt- lafaettoeila My vSIt durins thelMa two moaib& Cu'ir bsaq b"i tu =m atai'L mu $Mad"r t.mab «r les me lu 4a etawmte epleco opelut ed Ula A Otto(.at ~1 *5411 ce""-, i. <e*rie ni. et, batu-S 1-ONOR ROLL. P. Ward. Greepbank.-, D, Glddo, Oshea.: llatry <Curly> ;oewae reported NUes weeki, Luhave eeoqêlved baloset vonda. Uma4bméther, <-sS. Pellow, reoelitng word ftxnoOtte l that et- tect. H[an-vas vitia tle 4tit Canad- lmn Mounted Rifles w"ea vounded, but weut oversosa vtRi tRie Srd flattalion. His picture le shows- lnthie accomp- snlying group Laites h à3ear mgo, Rie belug at te niglit staning, Besîde hlm ls Jaek Connes,ý' of tMs'. sud Mrs. John Conuor. since -wunded. Be- low at Lte bt le NetNeil, -son et -Mrs. Dýat.h of Mrs. )os. Blow. Ou! Monday the deatit occurred lu Whii qyof Mrs. Jus. Blow, lu her 73rd yeas',lafLer a short lîlnese. - Mis- Blow, Wh -- malden name was Elizabeth Ann Rodd, was a resident out tiis com- munily trois her early days. She b.- camie the vite, ut Joseph Blow, a son et the late Ezekiel Blow, sud ltved bher& during al ber marrled lite. Mr'. Blow bassed away several years ago. Tre t4em were bora five daugitters sud une ion: Mms Geo. Davey. Whitby: Mrs. Anthony Goudron, ut Peuetangi Ideeased): Mfrs. XA ebarre, Mont- reai;' Mrs.,W. S. Petrie. Buffalo; Geo. R. BIow. Ottawa, Ms's. CRins. Pratt, Allanoiale. AIl thie surviving members ufth Lifamiiy vere itome for te tun- eral, viticit took place ou Wednesday atteron, at une o'clock. Service was cond ticted by Rey. A. H- Fus-tor at te homeïutfLite deceased, Dunlop Street, sud intermneut vas made la Union Cemeeery. Mr. Geo. Blow, sou, Mn. e. R. Blkw. cousin, and tour sons-in-law of deteased were te paîl-boarers. Ap Preciation From Frcsh Air Homne. Thý Fresh Air Hume ai Whitby, ln chargé out Mrs. M. Lyttle, vas opeued on Fttiday, June 29t. Luo receive some £èventy-six cbitdreu from te poorest dlutrits o! Torouto, under te leader- s-ip 4ft Miss E. Millar, Deacouess, and ber elotent baud o!f vorkors. Gre4t as bbc delight utfte child- ~ ro o~itheir arrivaI aud througitout '~thel rtndy~stay. sud their ihappy -. faces ýnd keen appetities keenly show- ed týIr appreclatlon ufthtRe amuse- meutý aud food provided for theis. We deeply apîtrecîie te kinduess ufthLitMetitodists, Presityterlaus sud memLýers o! thie Masonlc Order in pro- vidin te tuuds micessary to cne -. 1,theetclldren toansd tram tRio church. _e d ýeregret wîit the chUldren titat - .~v ~c-. eaîhen conditions haro kept us homo --,'---'---~'.~'~-'-. for t'sýa Suudays. but hope lu future tu - haaab4e La take advanbsge otfte of John Neill, who Riu aleS pitd tRie, Contributlaus o! tresit eggs will be great pnice for thie Emp4ire. The fourth gratelully receired at ite Fresit Air boy la a tnleud utfte Mter titree,ý but Homne. "Do your bit for te kiddies" le not kuowu lu Whitbi. 1 I e ipng Lu gire titeiseine ut Gud'a 1Pte. P. Wand, ut Geebsnk aiso re- f rosi air andl suneitine aud bu make ported wouuded, vas a ziember ofthtRe pale faices nos-y, 116Lh Batiallon. gotng -èvras v itRi I We gratetuliy acknuwledge ttomn Liiet unit, but vas bates' traasterred le 1VRittiy trieude contributions ut vege- te 2nd Battaibon ln, Pritice.. 1 tab1esý cut flowers, sandwiches aud Ernest Peliow, aise a ýWRithy boy cake, sud are titauktul for thie kiudly and brother ut Hnrry Peliow. Ries been intereýL sitown lunte wcrk ot giviug Iu a RospîLal ln Eugland for two or the el idren thîs outing. three manths eufferiatg tromis holi sbock. UHelias feoyered someuhat. hut oaly sufficlent te do thRe. hours» ToFonto Eastern Railway. work a day Lwîce a weok ____ a The deputation represeeuing te mu- niciplt.iee intereated lunte Toronto rexman EmissaHes Activey âL.i Ralvway, excepting Pickering I t Work ini Thï Cintýtry. andtie twbe Townships 'o!Whlbby. t apb ntuimmt valted un Sir' Adamp j <~ bsj4 p~~ 111* duo~day aiternomof elait Ire acalml ys~ 'IteIi egltir2~4B.P8tO 5 tl mucli e the h. dormation a4alite. l fngu l pypvrAi t &nue tions titerefroni, puWished ln tiatg vol- prese supplb ite Os&*.a Rallway, -unsr truime-to lime, sud It hai ,f. 1but th nuo qüafdence liq 111e primae phsiszed the neceseity tes' the petiotes crotien vhlch coutrols IL He Thç Puottlias alune in te pres aw- ~i sts'mü iy advised holding the comnpaus ad& ben pessstently advooating sincsttO Itt5 Ct tln respect teany ,Con- thes Outtreak ofthLIe var.lesM granted by thes mwî.lciples. ' The. cabled revicu ut the isprlng oamIPlllu odo usey .'agreed would pais-n by thie Militai-y Expert ut The îl5<fithoway open, for the Rydro te Timir-, andI a dlaguouis b>' a lesdb i ao<iu!±the read. The secretar>'. et naval autitnty tRiaLRies coma te us thie et h. members et the de- by ail sowstha:-putat ,hem vritLenS is' Adam te, b.y ail shws bet- ~ 0,. u rvmting hietvillnues On Rand tite Germas army Itus zliýPb eut e s utd ed te aggrssalve superios'lty, the conu. yioe ssau,- trol. The British army bas doue it sitar. and liasdoneit vellin fWt, It Sho eot nmy. be cabled a imarvelof Ctefibelency S _______ ri. and good voit; but, they have been unable te accomplish yu they uet out Reali ls of promotion examînations tu do because Lb. plucky French aray for- th Ward Sohool, Juste. 1 1117. Ri falled. Ibisa stailed. vurn utU ad an lurdrtme. almost at Lt.eudut lils offensive e. Jr'. V L Br. l-'. t e,. tources. . Tht. vas toreseen a yens' Br. Il te Jr. IV.-e. Burdge, le. tige. TRis future depends upen the, lOfl, P. Ct'ottdh P. Btiid», J. Blow, litrihulding >ou and maktug what AX.1X OY,. U TRi05t505. à. Âqavay. progresa they eau. uqîîti.enov Aib r e to Or. 1-.Wilb ILry. tan armny cornes te their *»a n«IDDnelkvi *G. Bird, _G. O.ldrngý1C. On ae, howverettRBritIMU Navy Sr- te1À. Meu4<NOmouzUan. lm la s atlis old4tlmo contwo. it la not WM n. or B O~t Low M oli pleazant te admît, but. IL ls true. A s--~Eu& CronOit. Chaarim e nn situation Dao GeYeloP4 vWhtol w. IMaP JM 4"C,14 Pji MO very rmucli tear4-« posatg r' e r. to W4?simos.- EM6 plaly l icated l MMu i luui .coxnsea n8amb pKUIOIIBodi- lOng P41» as Ociobes'. 1*14, vIr«env #1 iNoha,8tuly<ak were uxs'g p rotes'r padoIra k - e M" 5, OIIUPladat.Ma>, Canada. Wbeu eus' Caedla "adt s'lk1Cl 4li kadere 590k, ut afev moWtas'Il r. M «I J.-DudlY Scot,. Was', e mlI. tRial nUMQIhema tRie l aht iu200 - tes'OMM WatwaïO la-- netle vere, deteabodli teti.m ù» itu W 14, ami AlUOM a cW thé vas' vot î»gomoi ave oras' ix eos.Lui 11& i8 01ord. WitleU [ris-, r Ths vus eosea&tt-wea utlmld o C5.u.Xaua on ectuallaorauoa tand lo, js' 1 t. o .i Sr ~ n. Ju e !te. boit sonnes...Ous' Na'>' la net 3ve, Merjel ri. <4, Lusdpea. deleated. b t it ILbasbeffl ruadered ouse- loua .<4, list as'inl. lus 117 Qerq=as tueamsubmttrnu. TItis »mw e.la beouem$ aoee8anglw t ,uSeoaftL 20 tas' utliugt, bu e e- 1>' t m the as& e,.W bave moi e X_ al tè t6eellvely oeiutu iIL We 1Omaofleuee of t Si atal *eurd os lb.»W to Ont*.u 4d~ êbaee b-A- bis veek O<0 re UhUS lbe UaitelS*&#Aesmm la. "A 1 t ýU- wby wva 8%? n» I nagzmenu s aab iti fl - AM as'. b <ýf jngat Un» ut elIlje ver>' gt b0p, md ve bem5y*Itami tise ' &Branor e e laete, .vmtuoliy be e amea *tutAs M8% AO ta, ua" b", tVert B la v. tu« a et ouest uffes t U outla e*Md tôIf ÏW eNru ,o au Yee tu ulve Ume W*-te * z*poue.Wa4" 1 a ~I1 ia ~mou go>-~ C. A. G0oDFELLOW & SON, Publishers FOR Q UALJ TY and suRvIeli- eall on ZA. T. Laiwler The Grocer- WI-ITBY Phones :-lBelI, £47; Independent, 4j7. M SUMMI3R IOur stock' of Summer Footwear include 3 the very Latest Style Pumps end Oxfords in, Vici Kid, Patent Leather, Gun Metal and Vark Brown Caif. See our line of WRIE ANVSlad BucK[SKIN ýýBOOTSIV to ES' and PUMPI witl~higho owheels, or. w7th leathér oirübber soles Our line of for Men. Womnen anid Children is.coômpiete. Phono 151,9Bm'ock 8tS oumh SRANOI4: 8' 'I t. - Brocit St. J.. ' Il -J) mm 1 ý At~ME ! FIIUÏMINIO BANK Imiýl P. -

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