Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Jul 1917, p. 7

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Conducted by Professr Hipur G. Bell The objeet of this departmnent la toae s a i tte serviee of our faim -renders thse cdvi.. ef an aoknwl- edged suthority on agil stbtects psrtaining te sella aend cropé. - Adcdr.uu ail questions te Professer lien ry CL Befl1In Cr.e o The Wilson Pubillhlng Company, Llmltod, 0O- leonte, and answers wlll appear In stbla umn ln the erdeo- ln whlch they are rectiv.d. Z .space laelmlted It ia advisabie whore immnediate r.piy le ne.Ssary thagt -- etamped and addresa.d enveope be enclosed wftb the question, when the answer Wili be malied dlreCt. QueUon-V. B. :-Wîîî yen pleaie give mei a ittle' adrice about iieg Pasture?7 - 1bcd a hog lot whlch 1 ulanurcal and intenal te summer tallew-. Il wus clo%.r hast jear. I have a grrass Pasture for the hoga nov. Wint la the, beat te sow- on titis lob? Can I1soW grass aeal anal have a graus Pasture ncxt year, anal what kinal? Answer:-l would advise youti t plew the lot in question, anal carefully diek andl haa-row it. Tien sow- a mix-! ture of gras seed someWhat as fel-; lowa;1 10 Ibs. cemmon red claver 8 ILIe. tixnethy 2 Ibs. alsike Total 20 lbs. per acre. This should b. distributeal eveuly and herewed in thonoughly. If tse greunal la rather open in texture, I veulal advise you te roll It anal than feflow- vîth n ight harrowing. In Ord.n teimaure a gocal catch of grpss, vwoulal recoîumend thet you edal 200 peunda per acre ef a feriizer carry- lng 2 tou 817 ammonia, 8 te 107v phos- pherie acid and possibhy 1-m' petasi. Diatribute this evenly juat atter the grounal is plowed, se that the dlskiug and hnrrowing will work it into the. sali befone the grass seêd i. sow-n. Question - E. B. :- How- shoulal orchard grass b. sowu anal how cul. tirateal? 'I haro twice sewn orchard grass with barley wibhout success. Wbnt cauueal tbe failune? When is lte haut lime te sow onchard grass. in 1;ept'enîha. or Octoher or the. Sprniz? arc ustially matereal by lteecuitihi ef the w-iest. lu preparng »0 vient lb in dMficulIte eparat. them, fren tiie goed w-boit by tanuiug. Hoe, thep are apraalfrom jean te year et the. lime tise wboit la sown. lb la a comparatively.-easy matten te gct r1j ofethte pest bp plenting your crope lu a rotation viere viieât doms net tcllciw- veat for tw-o on thi'ee - eans. Clean- cultiration anal plant- lng ot good cdon oued viii qulckly rial yeu oethte peut. Question-IL B8.:-Whab la tise bout ime te niake a mosdevw-, lunbth.Fal or lu the. Spring? 'lHoy Much eed in re- qulreal foi- anacre?, Answer:-As a mule, in Ontario bout meaovu are astablisheal lu mping. FeUl plow- the lald ana l ave lb lu rougi turney untll sprlng. Ai soon as lb la dry enoigi te w-ork lu spring, disk endl harrow- ilte a amooth seed- bed, then sew- a grass anal clever mai- ture, usîng etiser viieat, barley or entas nsa nurse crop. Boat resuits are obtainecl trom uaing whaut or bar. ley as nurse cropa, since these grains ripen eurly and ire soon raernved trem the grotud. Do net seed tise nurse crap boa iaav-lly. A bushel andal peck is ustiaily 5ufficient te the acre %% hen uffing as a nurse crep. Fer a grass mixture the e flîewng lu cern- mon in Ontarie- 10 Ibs. commun rnu l orer 4 Iba.,aleike 6 lb.. timothy 20 lb.. per acre. -H--4msuchshJàpiaiè;i Make sure et thc quality cf tiie How uch houl besown te the acre? seed by testing n couple et hundreal Answer:-It the orchard grass seed seeds betweefi blotters. Damupen tii. lq of firet quality, f rom 18 te 20,bletters and place tiiem ou a plate, pounda per acre ia sufficient. Other-i;putting the, quantity et seal yeu are wise, Increase the quantity up te 30jtesting bctween tiiem. Keep the pounds per axre. Probably yeur :blotters damp but flot seakeal, anal if difficulty in seeding orchard grass'testing during thse winter keep the. w1th barley is that you have used tee much barley and i:mothered eut the test in -a verin part et the houae..In grass. Do not use over a bushel of a week or ton days the. seea l have barley per ac~sjre we rwn hssruted anal you can estisuate tiie brlpasaoper cr when reing tus percent et good rigorous ueed. This ocr rass Ourterop.lourbecrmere, maures thv- uEing ef seeal tint w-ill orcardgrss s athr lowbeomiggrew. It dees net matter iiew w-cl established. The firat ycar it looks youi prepare your grounal, if you do net very weak. The second year reet ' go ioessca iutawl stalk have developad and s~igoeuunat tè meut satisfactory. stad i peset.It oca~.reah1 In oraler to ineure a good catch 1 maximum gwrowth until the third year. odavte rlin ih tue'g The beut tîie to seed orchard grass inwodaouts-3 drpoung i het fetlizor Ontârio'ls in the gpring t h time analyzingi bt 2% amýmomîa and 10 the usual clover and gTnrn mtures to' 12ç/4 avaîlîble phosphoric aci a a are sowfl. the tiine that you are sewing thé Question-A, W. B. :-l amn very grain and grass In sprnt. Tutsa ail- mnuçb trotible with ches or dta-t lu ableplneo give» te thse grass anê my' croea WiII you hindi7 let me I dorer what viiole milk gîvca to thse know the cause anal boy te get rial eofIyeu»g grow-lng caît. It iu nlchin l It? avalable planttood w-iicii wsil greatý Answer:---Chess or cheat la one etf ly aasst in insurhig &agood catch ef the brome-grasses which aeedu about Jboth clover and timothy. It w-ll also the time the whcat ripens. The seeds help the grain rrop. -~~ near by, w-as a tiny eut tuggiug aw-ay a,ý a big grain et und. "Do you think this ins stch a fine < e J ~worid?" akeal lhe talny. "I ah"Ida think you -would hate it. Yen have te v J>Jwork al the. lime." «'I Wish 1 Wce.' "Te b. sure I dG,» replie%: thse eut One-summer morning a tairy aw-eProudly . 1'hat'i lhe neason 1 ik. te S late that the dev. wvas ail gene lire. Werklug ltalthe joliest andl tramn the fiowers and he had te zunimOst inidratiug tkiag In ths whole down to the brook tg got 4is be01r0- big wond-dldnqt ou knew thatZ IV#~ breakfast drink -. Andl atter he bad itil" AMn thé stundy lutle u bad his drink hae discorereal that ho picked up bis -biarden and - starteal wes tee [ste for heney, tee; he coulal away. net final e spcck of honoy, net eron Loft by hlmmelf, the- sulking fairy eune taste. You sec, the fainies usuel. began te féel very' toolish andl veny ly get up se early thet they cen et aon. H e rememboeald theo kw-en all thc heney they vent long betorel bual ho ought th hava openeal long ago;1 the. beeb, start tfroin their hures. anal b. thiougiit oethbe suilbesin.,lih. But on this particulan morning thie sheulal have iielped.1 lazy little tairy haai alopt îo late-that **Wbat I sheulal De wlshin.g for," ho, the becs had been round andl enten -ail wlispertd te himaelf, "in w-erk. And 1 the hoey,-every srap,-srl that then 1 uhould but round andal uaer1 mede the feiry se cross that h. aid, my ow-n ws- ii. not even remember tithlicmight stirj lyly h. sliliped touud the tre o 1 round anal hunt fer soecthing cls. > open buttercttp bu' h. vas sure h. est. had -sein thare. Ana as tise foyler He at dowu at the foot ef a troc, epeneal, what deoyou suppose ýtiat sor- intcnding te sulk all day long: but W -.priseal airy founal?, A drop of tresi, fore ha had mere tItan startea lsuliu s eetiieoney aul roady forn 1dm to eau a robin'came by. As h. uippea te houey andl plannedl "Goed morninîg, Frienal Fairyl" satl w-bt te donet, cardina bird hep- the. robin cheerfully. 'qsn't tuis a peal by. - fine daY?"1. J Geod chcorl 0004chee',, Prie"a "No, it's a vei-y balday," ÏFsalal lb. Fairel" illt,helainal. "lst falry crossly, "and I wlsh 1 verç an tls ia Au da?* . apple!» AnMlthe. bappy littIe i a lled ,« What s funny wish for a fairy te hocke "A flueA 487tf« wotMqIuo make," salal the robin, laughlng U"If. it 15!" you change into en apple, 'il Ot à hois, lu yeu." "Thon I w0r't b. an appbo," ropliealAta aPeeO lhe fally cnossly, "fer I dou't vaut a nie Rigu su lZ ., . .' (a»ei, hoeo "Stonini e l'il b. nmething Preileroe' Née Z.u4-lodI.a &b4Lk 1Is."blky mà*- vh "tg lm tIo*r The robIn leughed ana l ew- avay pugnacty ai&#e jli1spWb ahi . just au a big tondl boppeal eut frein qualttewhkbh l'. oitt bhfl behina a treis.[wngao: '4000d morung, Friand Fairyl' ho JN m#>y r suig rokd "îw-,> thisa afine day?" catie,,, Mi o.. day, vt àNe,5It t't," Bad the fiîyaib ff4y-; ajchpol,1s» ueua..to the *a *MadYiwiah I wers a spideri"hat0 W«vs absUt op te"_~r~e- ta wny vithi" n cod btlIgqçê >w apowiï ijj1oo $05. Ul~~ 711knoeth at sPldW*a onae -war - ha kVery bad adapa gliuetg >ho uN M veb' *hfYey - crawl OU lt Mr"tela fiW Sud pu rnfg air?, But 1 hope -.do 'i"a P vu t we.L.1h a spIder.I'-S ts' *at eutlirly fro iwcls. Especiafly la ebi truc on the -farm anal u inth amaflonville. It la et pnlary importance that the. w-eUb. propenly centUcted, tut i bo ituted tir from any soure of possible pollution, and that the. vuebe futatisfactry quality.' Ti0c satsform cf w-eu luth. deep, or boeea, Vol, canied dowu thnough earti, and rock beyond any danger ot surface water and fthtly and eurs-. ly lined with piping - The piping tl' carriod UP te a tight-joint with ah Flatulent colic may b. caused b chtange tu food., be much succulent andl easily fermnteal food, as green eloyer, etc. lb in indlcated by uneai- nles, etamplug, pawing, rolIing, etc., with coatlnuous pain of varying In- tensity.- Bleating soon occurs, more noticeable on the. rlght aide. Dreadi with 2 t. 3 oz. oh of turpen- tninl a plut of raw lumed al , and if necesaary zepeat in 2 houri.Give rectal injections ef warm soapy water. If pain b. excessive give. beach ef i Y oz. each of laudanum, sweet spirite of nitre and tincture of bous- donna in a plut of water. Repeat in 2 hours if uecessary. Make the homs understand iwhst you want hlm to do. Kind words and carpning touches wil improe both hi. mmid and hi. temper. You wl nover fail in thig way unies »u dé- Iay the beginning to6 long., When ho ha nfald of harnou, pa- pers or machinee it ie net affectation Market -Caleudan. Tie cullig otnon-layera trou, th. Dlock ahoulal b'. cotiuued -throuot- July. The. acason ef hlgh production in oves andal et1h. high p" « etfée&, il does nob pay te keep houa as beard- u< i r i Hlenry G.hBell. mr bhreugboubtiie suinse. dinu" y width anal deptb ef Sell ln JuIy elal keas, breli«-ýe, m o>abdomen; lie comb ila ually large ett duchsanmd auld ucha. andl theeoym baight. an' An authosly Baya liaI un examina- Secrt4 n Scoig Iyem tien o ee ihi olbe la considereal hobe Secrts l SecrlngLayea. lmoat infahuuble. A ebalky w-hile ear- An egg-laying *train cen net be lobe- indicates that a bird àa laying producee by inliedlîg. Iu eider for huavlly, vheies té 'an-âord a heu t e b a goed producersh. mu"t show-s tisut tise bfrd la IayingmddMer- km b. In r gohaltiaamdfullof vigr. atuY, bus Jugtsartedor hasjiut t U se a male tisat -w-us breal f nou a ihn stoppe, A milkcolored earlobeow vol tuat laid 200 oggé or mqV in a pur. tuaI thue hnulaslaid ahghty-or bu e Bred ton bigis averages Tastesalofe x- stoppeal layiug. A rory yellow on W] ceptlonally high fudinlduaha. - A tomd dinh olobe ludicalea httiseIklie h , layer usually stands iilgh in front anal basnet laid- et aul. A eOScmel]JTb bem back la net on s lovol, or the roui visite cirloboaiseMy meou rury 1evTO bigcher bisan thse front. The. iies pro-. vitellhy. Tce- e eety the t«ex- duoéns UusnIlY bave largoecombe, al un. 0f tise hep' oemb th/bttm er u- bigi hall, andal apromiuent, larg I katis, &Mallbla :almest ceta In bnigit oye. Preote é lievdteshèapem, I egu lià*hele layâtg heavlly. r rathen nannew- lu front but wid. bu- le ibid. ani Vide beinW lie legs, AI To 'tIuda CelokstOpm 01e ben tnclineal to e b.sqrrel-Uallcdla tuehe » msi aiisactorying pit o' boit layer. iWàh ste kee'a Ooekbok openw-hem h Net alvaya tii. ar<esiheu lu tbelin'uaue l IS ^ t «* Caaabgnd -yj best layer; sgeally tieamalleSt 01.1pauàe.parteut-bhudlrg andl kepi fer 'l'h.whoite lg u i hu ii pros-The book le op«Md r A t-lt4herebrd la a bIter 1 epow nuaau uo .g7 iweps our * layer tisam a Ioose-neatterena. j p1aeebut res'ýha*tsa agea tsm We As a nul., the OSi 'pulob ts ta. MI4 u au _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1__Mh M. iud( IL ni! l md resU lt Iob ei Dr. W hviS loniee f orlepie.snesa Jeesues. most alw-ays barm b of interosi te poulttyX, zrçRuhout, Canada Qi know ole now aneu- rt dé-lb bis hlm. eslaugta eftý poultry. Dr. Aý. B. aAssitant Patwiaglt teý thi of ý.AlipuiqBr".chbus kamoal te jii venrby lDr. çkwar.e la' by no Uaa pelty dhoasc. -Fpn #av,- ~1~ ~ ,PuMP ei t b'àtàng màa ài-t 1het-ua top. Aoul~k*f,-. eoet t stae imam i eee mrgn Plaiform «iiould.be d 1 et aileaut' iraI, bu t I4abeula b. simple. Chû- elgit feet diameten, sle0plug *W-y Jbo ei4l net b. given tee mci froni lb.eolt, W preveut surpus w-:Jm=oat. Qce a d&Y la ertalnly oitoùî ter, on w-aerý fromq xmcltlng 5flow, enough tai.gve meat. Materisîs for vorkInc domu alongade thé i. moes>th d repair sbould cerne chlefly The shelley, on dng, w-eU in mucb fîrom Imu, cggs, cottage chiose, bread, moee ommon.. This type la usually butter, eeasaal ndicb regetables as the moecrlesly censtructeal anal peas, besussanud entils. Soy beaus tiie sourci of mnch danger te bealtIs. are mono ýelunble te tho growing ebilal Sucii a veIl, bowver, may b. con- &an etiek lagunes. Peas anal beans structeal lu a mannen ns-te be same, lun. are alefIcýut lu tue protein tiiat cen- se far as tho cellactlng sud contalningt tibute toigrew-ti.. of tue w-sien snpply la concerne&l. It The en rgy foodl nocess-ry te tthe muet b.ud.rsboed that ne welléu child l i Irnisbcd by milk, brni;mbt- posibly bu satlsaitory if theo source ter, cere1sbralpolcamur et he -stn sppl lapolutel. anal fres> vegetables.. Fruit sud rTue illîatratlbu iarewlti shows a green vegta'bles are necesary te velI vhlcii lu as safe as possible. maintalu a ii.altby condiltion oethte1 For the. uppen nine tout the WvV.i lablooal mdi normal bevel tuuctioum. vatertiiht the sleping plaffôrm Vegetaýles, 11k. turnips, spinach, divrts tue surplus w-iter trom the cabbage, eontaiulng plcnty etfirons w-eil, sud tiie top of the. w-aUi l car- or celul+e mutter, oSfer tii. bulk e*-1 ried abor. lb. lorel axial p!ovidecl with seatial tü normal digestive action. an absolutely tigiit covier.- A mleýi diet, comprisclofethtie The. pumap s bora placeal ontthe tooda abOe. menionaal, couteas bis- coucrete plattorm, on tue gronnsue-buildi#tg elementa, the. protolu or lerel, the, pipe in embedalea in tise con- eaergy feods (augure, fats andal tarch- croie aud cinnled ta> lhe bottom of th.e e), the. ýniner*ls (lime; phospiiemus w-eI w-bore the, waoinl coldest.- Tiene analtrou) lanal certain cther substances lu conslderable adratage lu net bar- termeal liamines, ' the. absence et lug tii. pump at the. top ofetell. wo. ichm"y cause sernlet disease. Surplus veler la contluelly spilleal, Lipoidh, ailso noceusesy te growtii, are and, as more on loua mual, barujaird founal lu ýutten, but not lu lard, cet- manure, etc, iu carlealon the. boots oetoteseeS car oliv, cil, altuough thase- tiiose usiug Wlie yl, titis w-sienb.-'tata turm benerffy. cornes polluteal -nal seeps tirougi theIn lacerods, w-hele cereals andl viole- covr. w-ieab are hast. In many summenr mherts, defective Bard, cntiAty food shotilalb. giron veils are the. cause et mucis siekuens, each day in onden te derolop lie jawm and- many cases et typhoid among and beeth. Tii, chila w-ho does not urbun résidents bave boon iruceal te dovobop 05s teeti and guma on. reniai- this source. Too much canle cannot .ng toodsa !w-ilprobably deveiop a con, .b. exenci.sed Iluient thRt dninking Idilfon eof eaknesa. water-oue of thse esuentias of lite- Neyer 've pickled f oods or highly s thorj>ngbly pi'oeeted. g pleed oda te ciildren. Cindy andl sw-sets m4sy b, taken occasionally, yett tbey are 1iýcely te cause binn w-heu -it ta senieus business witbhlhm. there ie ne tood ln tise stomîcis. Flegging w-il net remove it. Con- Sugar in concentraI. torm, cindy, vince him by tahking that he la vroug f on examn$e, ila hable te prore irritat- C anal thon you w-il cure hlm. ing, se itlisl bettor te permit it te be c Whipping ie likely te senal bis hot taken ut the endl of n mel Sugar lat blood trous is hennI te hie ead, de- highin iue*l value. Fer tint renson, Iuging bis sensitive brain anal dniviug w-heu takIn bebveen mouls, it Iessens - hlm te 'g trenzy or blinding hum with the desirelton n nozinal qunntity' et eth-i fean. on mucii needeal teeda. If given a Wban he is oll eugi te net up lu chance, ~chilal w-ill readily ecpI on- bu sesfor humsoîf i. shoulal ha ough canoy te suppiy nearly eue-hait tangthe 'lb.orne alphabet-tue botter,bIeergynqielfrtiviead, bit, haues, the vends that mean and'-1tuue; unduly narrew anal nestriet "cere,"go ou," stop," "bac k"anal- ie.t th. feeling et pîcasure inalor the Clothi ~w-ichis a aueat te make, ow-ner's banal. Tise esionld l al ha eaàiéaý tiundor, easiest te put on famiiar trom colbiiooal up. Hors.. anal bký off, anal w-hch ittrferes w-bere educatici l begua earlyy yul ai- least wlt1# free more meute, is best tor w-aya derelop n geod characler. They- the chulal mTe bealtiii chila spends vil noer o hlk. uary, nn vi:much oet us time eut ef abers. This they b. bitera, kickens or bave a tend- h hud aewrp -ihke l ency te rua aw-ny. fihec warm ank dry, but do net inqtenter w-ibi hi. neat active gaines. Sema herses viii beceme fDoa'I 1()nt ,0 afr&ial le laite pour chua andl wvillkick w-hen'given,-a dry-st-aw te a dentlst. Hi. teets> sheuld b. ex- beddihig, Thia Probab1y 'moinstét uMinod t4leà a year. Crookéd teeti et oee ime ho w-ae hurt w-Iisea pîten- shoulal b4 stralgiteneal. They place ant tork. No Isn't -wiked but nervous. undue staain ou the. teeth and are lia. Teach i thtaer, la ne danger. blo te ce se breakege -and decsy. De- ___________________capsal th shoulal be fillea anal roc- emmenaldtreatmeut shenlal b. under. -bnood te lsegza. ing ake lie bouttaen p mpb u eebr t layer , an al lb fi na c eeckerel te crow it à I bl e e fla cids m u sull actie he st regapie , nw fonrbmhele ç un s ouc y a ti . b awred r e iti d n b rid g es an al ot i r artifices, t Tis I ylg e u lu usually nerv us f ton * ih u y rhiadn tpointset lu- and etiv; ii ha a tron apétit, te Aild in a her jeans. eridenceal by a full crop et night; she No4ver give alcebtul te a chla, is the lut te retire ut night and the uÂmea I aen eriescnan firet to ha about. lu lb. morniug; ah.ý alcobol . n conaidenrable quantities. j [s aIse lite te miolt in tue taîl; sai s ~.A ~ -.- f Belivi s, eouth Aei~ i on t'y of Audeen iihbs, thorial viloys ad feoufng Iilaeau*-s{ ,Senth Am-. erican ewitzrland uhat ponhapa nover ývii bo lhberally provideal vili ýiol for tmSinl fflhesa -.-"let lu8auto- ,anal bSo Ta.. Wouder ut Ousr tIImlul Ils. teaniet the- uih lii. fi ; ite JULI!. - Lee IL / Ahaw, ~Ie ~akM Kte.-I Vhrea. 16 4aié.. Mwothers end daughtersoet alleamsaisoordIallY In~ toapt-w71ét5 te* UePptmont Initiale *ellywlll bl. pubillh.d wlth «eCh questli n sd IlS &nfwer as a means ef, Identification, but full nome end addreUs musi l».. ClVOn la e«eh latter. Wpit en on eaide of paper eonly. Answsis %VI,, b. MaiI.d direct If etamped end addrossad Onvelope Ia .nalosed. Addrsss ail correepondaeo 0rthle departm.ent te Mus. Melen LIW, 2M Weodbine Avq., Toronto. DMn.FE.C.z-1. To preservo straw- framework of slender stripa Of wood bolnesluthe suashine,, place in, a the aise of the boa, andl ti. the. four>1 -Preaerving kettloy aera as amuy apporting uprlghts to tho baPoits) Ocunde of sugar asistofnnd ripe bpr- ovor this t*men.j tweyard-wide Pi.ci 'lewhieh half been hulled andl of cottos mosql iratlg a tiliow& woshud, end wbon the. Jullosla. dawn andl thé sago Ii Inelluunder th*@ out a littIe net it over the fire t0 cook; mnattress. Lott, 1 e b. ple6ty et, lot Cook twsnty minutesatter bolling frisair. inluthe. rom-,; It qspla uatb-.' begins. Turn tii, berrnes into eartb- 2. The. rubber diaper is decidbdly en or agate plates, covrn each wltb a harmfiglte baby. It acta -like a buat- Pane cf glas. te fit tigbtly over the ing compres. keeping the genitals lu top aal Place lu the.. sun., Lot stand a constant sate d meit ut itwhic two day. atlrnlng tw oro three. times encouraes itcbing, wit i is Ou-1 bachtday. At th.e -nd ofet lii.ime moquent ucratcblng andl rubbiug. On place in aterllized jars, seal andl store of ita mont sortous i ter affecte la bad Lhem witiieut ràiieatlng. 2. To givo practces. 1%e. mothon or caretikor the. hair a dry ahazapoo talc. one cup- seeklng protection may carryÂ,beut a fui et corumeal, warm l lutheoeven, rubiier pad te place on. tlisr lavse sMd one-4iltr cupful malt te it, mix under the chîlal, but unslesnM circuml- wrsU, then holding thoeiead over a stances a md up the. ciiud wth rubb.r4, cleth or newupaper rub the meal Into cloth. 3. A-child'as bid sbould noel the scalp. Brusii bioreilgby. tee solt. A hair attror <niom* Peg:..Redl CroussSieties afle am sanitary cotton mattrosa in bout' an outgnewth of the. covention of 1Thils houlal b. coverod with a pnotec- Gelua Swtm.land, iild in 1864. 2 tie strp of strk sbeting al h yea, the. South Polo Was discoval by pad, even wicii soulal b. upnos.d Roalal Auundseu,, thi Norweglan ex. cotton aheet. The. oov.riug on thse plonor, whoached t on December bed sbeuld b lb t as la t c iSistolt 16, 1911. Robert Falcon Scott, the. th needl pt.Oserbeal la Englliih naval off cer and explorer, igily injurila A baby shoulal bave roacheal the South Poleoon Jauûar 18, a b.d te hiniasf. 4. The bbut Motho 191t, onlY te final the Norweg la f etnmoviag superlueshaïr la to and records lot t by ýAmusdl sen.Sott deltoyeach indivdul bain with a i-- Ponisisealon the. ntuM trnp, - 1Ce*ltlUic flWdlai Tisamothod Il Mr&. & T.:-i. Aphids or plant Uc. cafled kectrolysis. & Vitamines ara and 6hiCkfIy Mae i' n@Ct. ljuring tha Vitalele@Met ntalucoRoalgrain., TOUr cUrrantsaan na gshorl. They milk, egga and vogetable producta. UBally attack the nov baves andl tipi. They lie "verclose to thei outor covor. I'noquent apraying wlth nome of tiei ng u rin s3, cerealsanalM an= y rgo tibacco PrePazatlonis or wbale oU uoap aba; ane "y destroU-yed' by 'blgi. bua a good offet. If the. fruit la net tempoeltun uceoilur. mon tdamhllf fnmed put In the 5~» 0 (.-W. G..:-1.To rsmove wite spots On tobace solution oestaiilespoontu}fnem a ,polihoalsurface, -,ii wuh a of arsonate eofleoad paste or bne-halt soft cloth Vil lu esseeoflO0 Qe table3PooeUfuMarsenateofet ead pow- mint until aM disappasa;thon poliab dci or oee 'easpoonful of paris green wltii BannaI. This' il net inJure the te a gallon of the spray.* If the frtmeut hlghly pOoal¶W'oo&. 'SK Fer a as Weil fermed this la tee poioneus te helder to rer bolllng pets :kma use nda as a substitut. yen can use thi e e"or n ladralulugvegetables, liellebere, -on, ouncé te a gallon of me. an ordlnary ean to lDu uit waten. Bellebore la a ,mlld poison wlth palm sand hum> added vwit> Ct.. aud muet b. bought trogh #aei time, ton anad a "]Wpla> tape seiwSdt>~> IIL It 10s8« Ita virtue on opng. ln vrhat for-6 a auer. ýThoejwtolouýu aui thea. maix the. poison Iu a very lit- ît girea' the back ý«1-the baud 18 oàbé te water, mooth, buer. blondtng ous. . M ar bd th at apsec wltii the othon solution.' 2. Your molassesand floer il remaove gras rardon.- [s affllcted vlth cutweris.stalus trom eloreal labies vithot e. These usually work at alght anal mrefecting ithe Colo? Toremogrn amoelitthe mest maliclous ef Insect stainafroni white flannu.tius.I - s-~ pelsa On. wAy te ielp la te mû, solve onel CPftlW ashilng sdatat a ring are;.nd eacb plant in the. effeel. cupfuls watin, beat Uic soluion, maise ed au aoftqulaklila. Anotiier l tp a $suds1 af tpithu 1011, l ll'.the ussa aPoison masii.This-ls made wlth atain sud rub g> y.ý Amiin a -8an Gne pintbran, one-haif tuaipoonil valer or aboli areâslp* b&«il à. Paris &7reem n d oe eteagpoonful me- stains are fgrelli. _4..,&A fq_4 va ,aso with nougil water ta moiu a ilk dresa mIY b e6"M1Iéý4k j to a thick deugh. Put a littie oft tiis ef a -weý& -»Iuuôu- gr àffi « ilong the rows, md lie ctworms wuiI Restoe.1. u1aïb..Mi est ît andl di."In thse J*U d1.l(- a witb sta g il) a p> good lot of quiekllme lutii. afecteal nettlthelà,akt&~ grouhdiadsitar tiigardien cropa are all moins vrIte to 700r hOSISis b. Cane aholulalb. taken 'tl eptwo or thbr day~a~ *JI cbldren anê domostic animale from bome. juil wwrito au, sol the poisen boit. lettor about th*intap.u1 J Mther'-4. To proteetti he "d -1a»ro t e,yoqr- bostess-iaviiu 'n-om liies sud mesquitoçs, make s youwn d. . -LI Ou

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