Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Jul 1917, p. 2

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jr < resere wt A. book of preserviug labels FRE E if yen send ms a red bail trade-mark cut frem a -Lantic Sugar bag or carton. Atlantc SngrRefinriesLiltd Powur B14, MONTftEAL 136 q~a uo the pure ceu MM with -'FIIL EgranulatiOl btat diaaolves lnstsntly, gbring a ear briglit syrp. tii. Dot dwanpss IPOIha& e th. fr Wb"rt ~ftsmoment a deep quricky o a l. "o have Corne li tin e sa" My dreus You knowye prombsed ta look at ht, but 1 do bliev. you had Witi a startled sort'bf surprise, and yet wlth evident blanlkn.ss, John gaz- ed at the. dazzliig vision. 'Iam afraid had forgotten," ho admitted, li a tome wbich vergod on apology. "I came lu Only to "ay-" "Rasà anything hajponed, fathur?" askod Fonella, istanding istill te gaze alarmod at lits altorod face. A"Yos; sornethlng has iappened. There lia been a bad accident at4b-te quarres-a prematureexplosion, it semsn. Adams ta haff-killed they say, and Duncan tee Is hurt. il must ho ef te themn at once. 1 came ne ite tel itJls that I shall requîre nothing more te-u1ght." "'Oh!" said Fenella,ignuinely atartl- ed, and yet ith. the. tlought crois- i ber mind that surely-oh, suroly, ta n'as net going te intorfero w[th the, ovonlng's programtne 1 '"Poor fellowsl This la bad luck, cortainly," remarked Albert, wtth a subtle stlffenlug ef tan.; "that ta ta, t il s ~ i ~i. j: r: xl z' 'i Thrift that-brings Comfort -ingtead of Saifkeé TH h. p*0 DzSmowtnaioauty, Tappo.te a.savl.to s.-t uni~«ooa oifauwelint, rer G"mly xpeditar.APlmtoh. fi"a% «"--mun 14an, i j 4 4, 1 ~' I '4 4 ~' 4 "xi 1 I. "4. l~ r',, - ,**' '1' r,' 'il - TO~ ICWND SPECTACULA9 8110W TRÀT-BE4G- GARS- DESMIMTON. Barrage Opena Fire As British Tom- ienl More Forward Steadily To- the.Attaek. Viowed t rom the. hill near Ârrai wbor. Gem. Sir Edmund Allenby stood iW1th is staff dlrocting the flghting ol his arrny, the. gotaway of the. iwW Britishi off ensvt was the. meat dazzl- hin man-made-aspectacle ever seen by moItaI oqs, writes a wu. correspond- ent on Masy 2Srd. Warned that thi nfantry would "go ever the, tep" promptly at daybroak, I wus wakened by an orderly at 2 a.Ii. Tue-early start waa wise. The. night *'as blackened by an evercast sky and tiie roada woroemcuznbor.d wlth ail the mopn and machines it takes te mako a war; aIl softEet parapher- nalia, people and mon killiug- things crawling along between the. twe rowi ef poplars borderlug the. broad, hlgh- way et Artois. Yes, and thero were mnusic and jest- ixig and iaughter. It waa hard te reahu that a titanie battle, on. ci the greatest batties of tthe word, iras about to begm and that thesa puei and animals and machines were an part cf it. Frorn the sliadowm of the. roadaide came the. whlstlixig of Highlanders ln kilts looping tIns. wlth tfieir bagpipes. Aiiead of us cannon flashes woro playing on the clouda exactly 11k. .he.t lgitning ef a sul- try midaumm r night. Now and thon tiie whoe firmaînent would turn crirn- son and the. cleuda became clota iu an. inverted ses of bleod. This was when mines were fired, acii eue a Vesuvius. And yet there was ne souud; the high wind was blowing it the. ether way. Bogias ou the Second. CHAPTER II.-(Cont'd.) 1"Abouit net givig tee M&ny (dances &flCU11 ' l r la laid on no noe "1think she will," ho said briefly t oeersnT"tikteclri ado hn but siguîficantiy, whiîe Janet groanà "About not givlng thons tetthe anytilng happons li the quarries. bouder than ever iu the lnarticulate eu wrn per.sons To the. rigbt eues R.illy, fathor, you *iiouldxit take ou '. wron . , go, until you know how mattera stand." fort ef expressing her feelings- YOU May ZvOBlasMan la~3"ht' .mtt ak naiu? FenneIla herneif Who the lait te Imsoai, l~SOectdthut Iiru rdJulta'î 11gb vok-M basp- speak. Sbe was still gazing it hrmIX thi ih Iqle Owli eyez in durnb ato i nto h e 11eP c nes Lnd t'aMortpeared, bohld ber fathe .î.L.! Massive astoisiiout.~t oes. heulders and arma omergig trlump>. Wi her hair which aatoulshed her!"4 bepè net. Yon can't have already atyto u ul on mnoat. Personally, she had lways rrtnail the, directions 1 gave yeu. aTue rmnaiste atulvexplan. hated its caler, because ef thie kinsliip mndthat even if Mr. BeiTOhl Te (iiTo b. contined.)ied lpolixued ta the populace areund. siiald nat ask yenu at once, you muât Until >tel-dmy she had regarded it as the, keep at least two dgxices, in caseho blet upen h er beauty-for she knew aka yeu later." ON OCEAN'S BED. that sho waa beautifui.-uow suddeuly' "But if ho doesu't xsk me at mlli" It Occurred to ber that instead ef ben "That could only b. through yeir Life iu a Submarine Resting on thé blet. it miglit possibly prove t0 be ewn faut. He can't help notîcni tire crown.1 you. since ire imn't blind ad'af ter BMom. Al at once she clapped ber hanids that-well. 1 de't -know bon' wornnThe aubmarine '"lay sleeping" on the together, curtseying ta herseif in the Manage these thincs but if you play bottom liii. a tired wiiaie êujoying a gasu.. curell ayeur ý-ards at ail weùl, ht. la boun I te siesteasys the. London Mail. "Of ours l'I do. I han't a ak yeu." We ttesraesesee "0f .I lookiadn ttt! ',l'Il do n'b.t I eau," sald Fenella, a We tti ufc h ere Ide I' lak 1k tht! Had yeu' littie- doubttully. "But-but smrn- Mry lump et pugnacity. Crouciied on Julia?7 Yes, 1 suppose you had, Or, body was saying the etiier day that ho the floor eoftii. Boa ah. appeared s0 you wouldn't have taken se much trou.'avr u #0 nnint ht i.arng qai oe. oorear! and yand he'ta-t1"Ugiy? Not a bit of ik! He's a creatures whicir stared ut her witii you aw dr~a i. etundthema-very striking looking man; snd be- round, uuwinking eye as uthe. grounTd chine will b. here lu a moment. aides, h"~ the only eligible person for lretswle tie paterid Oh, ploase, please be quick!" miles around. Hia Incarna must b. ut eret wrete at*hrad "Oh, IV' laughed .Julia cou entdy. lstegh uded n e'lmutregarded ber with suspicion. Sorne "Wiimt de I matter? l'Il b. dressed lah igrfh hsned; ant belmt ofathe more înquisitive of these dwel- h. a flash, somehow or ather." ,Poohr fat he sowneyrtik tt o uhs lers lu the deepa htlted a moment, tewuldknow n FMrs.Prkin sad atthings, ef course; but I abould net b. touciiod ler witii their nos ,to the would btoeg arp to misefe, sdgding my duty as yeur brother if 1 did scuttled fearfully swsy. A creature firt daeui . Ohadreado yul e is net calyour attention te n'st rnay be hhat rernaîned îo sbsolutely Motion- 1 wiliihepur p! ou- "aiext oppertunity. You aee I1 can- lbas, tiat iieaded tbe onocoming watei' "And crush your floutices and dis._ntee .what Iàprmia moitiierf yét moved neitiier gili uer fin, eeemed arrneyu fi wrin the proceas? - h.eeun. Frorn mprndtîcal caventeet Nt~ lv hd wrk ,n-view ah. knew quit. wel that yuncanny t them, sd theybgate ber & No hn ou 'ehd oke-were'being vlrtuallybIdt tatherlestasWâ oh nie obawee outght with thern aiready. Janet wiiI weîî as motheriese. That's wh i feel thre olectrie light made a brîlliant il- cerne u patairs with me, and nieanwhile more as though I were takiînF to my lumination, the submarin's crew were you wlIl1 it here-no, yau had btter, dmugiter tran te my sister," aznlled whîling away time mter the tashiéli stad. Berie wil ou eetin ae te rethful monitor. "40f course, that seemed boit t thema, n'aiting a~ doea't do anything foa.ish until I'm noboytik ffrigyu nln- chance o te b up and off isatety. dow aglu Cone leg, ane' ten~'~he added in a toue et goneral One mau sottly touched a mande- You cau look nt yourseif in the glass Conc 1sion. "Ail I ask of >'ou la that lin and iiummed a iively ditty whlch meanwile," remarked Julia, from the.0 sýuld iiot set yeur mind against door, by wny- of consolation: hIid«. lt'a a great chance tîhoh had picked up, during hls lait visit Subrniasively Fenelia remained' uew man belp sbceosu u tii. a 5munie hall li port. The second1 standing u1ýon the spot Julia liad' look-out 4Pr a wtt., as tiey "y. ecuwain mt absorbed lu a week'old poinÎted to,, but she ne longer saW iior You've got uotiiing but your face, re- cepy et Auewera, tue golden coero own retlectLon. Visions of the o-mme;adecasof h eIngwhîcb n'as tattoed b> siucii thMnbllfI in)g event, hadl risen between ber sud seen are net many, in thus wldernes.' sud linger-pi lnîed aIl <'rer frem the. ber bodly image; for s dance witiiin "Oh, no; 1'm net settiug my inind many bran'ny he.nds It had been an available distance wats anl eveut against It," agreed Fenélia alMeat tiimougii durlng the boat'a tnp. Souis there. What a splendid ides that iiad roadily. -ef the "iranda" astretched on tjse fleor been et Mn. Perkins, the. wite etf1the As the. beauty et the famil$T, aie sdaeoe0i ectul s tf~ quarry dortor employed by the. Cer-n-' wa a xetdo br n a eni edahr.Ohr wp pnta celebrate her eniy daugiiter's ken' weha w ae ofpect.t ler, lul- comlng eut in this feshion! MissijMost. since sho haà attalned the, age ped yarns about thinga t"t had ne Perxn, eîg fvetet igh wti tofe reason. cetinection wth %var or wvar's effecta. gait et s duck well prepared for lie, In the. next instant excitemeut pare Smoking net beiug permisuible, each mar-ket, cauld -not enaily look le more Lanud simple haci retaken possossion et killed timnlubis on'n way. The skip- disadvantage thari she would lu a bail-. her siiniug eyeîs ad sniling lIps> a» per, sittlng by tue perisceoasd taik- room; but Ihîs cireumetance could nt'absh tood still, liitening. nwiiti."u"dspadanare b. expected ta sveigii upon the minds t Surely that's the machine?1 Iast nocrytneg heIpsin et Ierrsponsible gueula. She furni.qhed thbat Janet coming totel t?" tnc ornailyetseue gt tho Imressi o i. epretext urîd liat wa8 euough: But at tii. same moment the. deertiafoalhequt nfercoo Viewed In tbms ight Fenelîn was even oe ued to admt net Janet, but a long, n'as keenly aiort, ready for prompt preparQd to, admire fier. blacki figure, soewliat stocpng lIactioni. Presently, in lhe uirror, Fenelis the. shoulders, sud ,Iw « C iths lîver "Sb-ah! Hear that?" said an ., met the eyes of her brath" fixed upen haîr framlng -a high sud narron fore- proddlng thse mandbllnless mm. Thes hem oanstly and a 11111e severoly. head. Tii. noek appeaM dto have music stopped as the thud ut serews uFeneUa,I" ho raid, lu tire same me- iengthonod, n'heroas it lad ODIY ,eorehed penterated It th e boat. :Yeu, Brte" grow evayt amaleras la tii. manner :"You remembor nil tint J-.Iia and 1- et soipe thm facesnluootradlstisc- hiaiseif os hies elhown'sd isten.d. told yôu yeslerday? tioe ho es. countenanes te wbem "5h.'.gene over us,' lie rensark- ________________________ed casualiy, thon roaumod bits uap. To aterilize place lie jars sud irlasses in a large baller sud corer with icold n'ater. Brnug te s bell. Boil ittree minutes, thon drain-and use fat once. Pleuty et dlean dish ciothis are ueeded wie presorving. !Sternuîze the rubbers by pouring Ibioline n'ater over them. This wili enable thinte stick ou the jar easlly. jSteriliz. the. lida n'ith the. jars. To use lhe softtsud bruised fruit, atem sund atone the. cherries, removlng ail blemisiies Ithen wash woll, te ro- mnorea&l duat aud dixt. Place in a pmservttng kottle sud ever n'lth cold n'ster. Briug ta a bail aud cook sion'ly until very sott. Straiu, thon bottie lu at.rillzed bottles. Place lu 'hot n'ater bath and procesa for fifteeu nsinutesa ater the. boillng starta. Seal wlth corlis sud tiien dlp tire tops etftthe bottles Int paron'ax. Su- gar may b. addod or this Juico may b. sweetened wheu uséd. It May b. used in place 'et grape juico on mince meat and fur puddings, or for making jlywiien needed during thoen'lntor. Spleed Chmies!--One pound bron sugar, four pounda cherries, eme-fl cuptul vinogar, eue cuptu water, one stick cînuamon, eue teaspoonful blade 7mace, one-fourth toaspeouful whole dloves, eue-haIt teaspoonful wholo aU-' apice, on. bay test. Place in cheesecloth bag. Pour the. To Improve Your Kitelien. Put casters on yeur work-'table and move it about wherever it is most convonient. Have plenty et hooka in vax-louai convenient places; alo a rnemoran- dum-pad te jot things d'on'n.. A mixture ef kerosene and sonp ap- plied once s week wiil keep sayorcelain sink bright. Linoleum is Yery pepular for a wood floor coverlnîg. Coat It with a gued varntsh or paint and reuew once a year. Never wssh il with saap. Use au oiled rnop or wipo it with n'a- ter sud oh ta keep it ftrom cracking. A yard et picture-mouldlng nailed te the. n'al near the steve, with twe leugths et plcture-w1re, four or ire luches spart, paraliel witu the mould- hug, wlll hold pot Ide. On tho nails at the end hang hot. diaii-lifters or holders. kthntbehssaef If yeur tcetal aa hf, eut an eluht-lncii hoeéIl one end and' stand s psul underneath On the aheif; when you are prep9Xbg vegetables, al peelingsanad refîÏse siay go througb tiie hole inte the. psu. Have a higli atool for work and s rocling-ciair for rest. Note: A course lu Demeestic Science cherrezit ritzea 5~JJ8LJj-.re, 5'aeete - i omecLn-weaUàIzi z-; rubber sndlididnluposition sud theu 1 psrtrnu. It wilbicousiat eotrntf procesa luhet vator bath for tan min- IrIe leasous, sud it woîuld b. exce utes atter tie boiling startsa. Remove1 lent plan ta paste tieniu a scrap- ---i ýànnIngr Rhubarb. A Test ta Use ta TrT Joes -Lit Rpubarb may ho successfully canne od meJl of the jelly on a spooOi, and then witllout eeoking. Peel the. ateu adj pour back ta the. kettie slowly; fLt in1 elic as usual, filling the jar and plac- cooked sufficiently it wxll flake f rom in'e it under the. water faucet, slow the. sPeon. Then remave tram the the. Celd water tga mn ovor the rhubarb, fire, pour iute sterilized glaises ànd whuiceh le Packed until èvery crevice is caver with parowax. Store in the 9i1. The. jar il thon sealed and usual manner. sto*eT'um a ceol, dark place. It muet~ notf b. moved or disturbed until it la. Preuesviig Egge. epMned. The. niubarb je swoetened A five galion jar will hold flfteon wbbmn the. jar j.e pened fer use. dozen eggs. This in a good size te 'Ii. cnstomary methed ef canning uel rsrlgeg x ae l s nhlxbab a t pak t a tihty a P<5~ Preserve anly abselutely freaii eks;~ sie lit a jar. Fi11 the. jar te ever- stale eggs will uot keep. Eggs that fIc#wing with a hot ii.avy syrup made; aink when placed iu fresh water arc Ot tice as mnucli sutar as water and sufflclentiy treah. c.$ked until the- syrup forme a tiiread Douot preserve dlrty egge or emg I whu drppedtrer a soon. Adj ait have been washed. Washed eggs tie rubber and lid, but de not seal the wîli' flot keep, because the. protective jsar. Sterilize the jar fer ftfteen min- jgîniescaigbsienreoe Utes, set on a rack lu covered pan e ytewaig u lt gswl . 4iliug water. Tiie water lu the. pncerne tainted in flavor. sl#ould corne te within an inch ofet'i.Deofot leave the eggs iu the. pre- t4P, of the .jar. Seal the. jar, q servative longer tiian eue year. '#ove it f rom the. water, invert ou a Egg that are li geod conditin clo~h and allew It to.ceoL wh.n renoved from the. water glass iAxiother plan in te place a layer of solution will uiually remain good for sigar halt an Inch deep in a plut jar, t,. wwek.. tI a layer of nhubarL, af equal depth, Eg rsre uwZrgas a ~ztê~&tflglu .hl wa unil hé 11r s e kept a year and these eggu are as flied, havxug a layer ef augar oni top. good for ail ceoking purpoesa as freash 4djust the. ubbr anid the. M?, and eggs. 4teilize the Jar i boiling water, as Cover the. egga witii fully two inches orevious1y dlrectad, fer twenty-iflve et water glass. Be sure that the. wa- 9niuutes. Seal- the jar remeve it ter glassna etul? two luches above the. Îroln the. water, invert It and allow tOi ae te . Cvrti ast ithe o. Tios maes a derihe . COprevent evaporation. thantii.preiousmethd dscruo. Keep ithe jars where they wlll b. un- disturbed. Notes On Preservlng Cherries. Use uine partspf boiled wat.r, after Al Jars and glasses used te store it has cooled, te eue part ot water rruit and vegeta.blea lu,,for future use -9las Que quart et liquid glass inus I.. strid will cever fifteen dezen eggs. B.-TH'E SLAVES. French .............. Belgian .............. Alsace-Lorraine.. Lianes .-ý........... Polos ............... Ruthenea ........... Czech ............... Jugosiar ........... Rurnanian, Itallan Greek ................ Arnenian ........... Levantine -....... Arab............... 3,000,000 7,500,000 1,600,000 200,900 22,000,000 4,500,000 8,600,00 12,000,000 8,000000o 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,00,00 8,000,000 81,000,000 Total........... 175,000,000 ELECTRIC PLANTS FOR FARM. Smsll Biuipsents Save Mucii Labor un tue Pars sud in Home., On.eoft he recognlued necessities In- cenuoction with. our increased agrîcul.' tural production la bottor sud munre attractive conditions ou the tara, and- ameng tue many suggestIons -the ie -of elec-triclty ashouid ble consdeoi Elodtnlc power la a great ýconveuIen006 iu tue tarin home, and sares muab tîme to thé tarm help., lie fsrm or ceuntry home situated witlln tise ires ut-au electrbic systoni et transmlmtuin', or distribtïtion ia iortuiiste,-but-lthe'- I vast.msjority rniist iQookto thiesiail sud thon seal sud store. 1 book for future use. ilselated plan;t. - - -- -TiIs ltorna*o,. hewever, la LONDON BEOS FOR-LD RAGS. ofethem epresexit a bird, or sfliii, or much ipoepremttg a a dragon, or nmre other curious im-I years mgo. Many factories 15men Mîaterlal Need.d tb Mak. Up Short-I aglnary monitor. Tho#: frsme-werk turo thus type et equipmeut, taiê mgo l Arai' Suplles. la comnsonly made et baMbo, and the ation efthe pltnts s b sm London la now baviug a seriez ut coerrhg la colorod papom, or, lu case snd cost ha.s been mtucliredùuce4,L ofthte boat o«selh. (lites tu. lites Ties e mali planitï'-a -a dN rag dass Wagons -decked wit have tallaet great lengtlh. ageousi>' uued er -Many dômesue Union Jacks ane paradiug e«Ch dit- The. greva-up people have kIt. fi>'- poses ln addition tp lightlsg,s1ae trlet or borough lu seamcii et ragi. Ing fstivals lun whIch .1 thé. peope ironiug,. wsshlng, toastîng, 'i ' L.adlsg the. herses tht dras theof tl s illage jein. On, mcli ecca-1 -~water, etc.;-.sud alise for theovery wagon ls.a man att-rod lu white, look- attisa »ornefet he lites ýare ot great portant useet >ciiaregg std"ràgoë lng mucli 111e tue "n'hito 'aiiis," or g»aIn sd most elaboratas. Nom are' teries. stneet cleaners, e1 Ganadian cithes, the people contâcit witu ito fiyhng There are,_ riumiber -of tbÈo* à n'ho shakos a hall and entreat peDope simply sea *pastins. They have plants non' on tue Ceildia-n ma tg bnilgout their rage.ol- . rhe are contesta that reuse groathinteroit - raQging Inu uizq,,rum 17ô wattgý n'anted te make up for tii he otago 01 contenselin whl.h ose porion tries to costtng from 4300 up4ýUrd. i woolen aqd cotten raw mattial for îeep bia lite lu thé air longer thon feront typés ors doerib1b l h army c-lothlag, blankets. etc. hie rril au,or contesta Ini whlchboeocent sleetrflcsMM'aaz» ' * em IvrenenetOfthie twOntldgiit bOrerson tries te make hWs kite brins Istorage battentes j4n coàjunctloti ougli la tihe metropolitas ares la 1'- own or destroy the kite*etftthe othoi. geiieri-aly nîhig s gasoiexie oe aie euvusnid betere the awnmer la in ur limes the lita las becomo ' a a prime 'môvo. Tbéy *are uqi over. 'liii meana that tue search Voy naeultool ot sA«"uce. Msuse oporated ah a vpey Io6W voltage,' j« r age n'il ae carried ou n la vevy i te i tudy tho e-onditions tuat provail fumai# plan aare perectlý #afe il nook sud ernerfeth*ue700 square itu e air, tam_'abo*ers tai ath; tliuu s ne o ehanidtugofttue electrlr,> mles -Wblb o=Priées grator -SD' ft helips them In bulldh*alvahipi, hIn loeouerned. dlon sMd that, It la plauned te ma taiugpictures, lu in £ ansd lu Persosl visita toeaht eut hait outil if ss M onthe coMttf TIe-,Chhie 6»0,M00bu0lngslutise- nstroPoitU1lmae iol«g u<lid i..t. ;ýtow rboaIte, Dr'llioêcorn Ihae- r N. o oue whbasnotbliS oi and te dnap thoem blhaks nelont thunt tat ' pW n, jodo Clngenougai te rOallTwbat 1 te ss«ailDe they tlbomn1veistand on MSimloi dbîlgý9ed Vaté emeepti u t vIat a ataij- laya WeA»r tis» es.notnd ragpb*l 11Myouug 1405iia be6ngtmugait t. .4 lufihUla>, lar ' a to atuat beenMW unqu. fs nv Tie Mail wepOS pei ionte W1 Se abouot eigbt, Pounda u lus bs.eeapec. Who Peh" ba M Or ~ lit Ointe. Oh Minute by minute the. flashes trom 1 the guns aud the. shahl bux-sta became m;ore vivid. A tim dizzle, rnixed witu anon' and aioet, began te fali. It n'aa icy cold. Tiie shocw n'as duo bo begin at 5. 8< a.m. I moadl)ed thie crest et the hilI at &6, duruug ià suddeu lulI etftth. bom-- bardient, a huah Chat made the breati vernq fa.r more rapidly than auy ansouat et noise. Gen. Allenby, litho sud seldierly, n'ai alroady tuere, with iris stalf about hlm., lis great ileid binoculareansd teloescopes ixed ou their tnipoda.. Nigit n'as fading, but the. thick clouda lot ne sunrlse col- ora fliter throuh. Inst.ad etftthe pitci blackneas a dead gray light cor- ered the wnet-sud soggy fielda. Suddoniy, at 6.80 aam. te tthe second, the. gray n'orid seonsod to take ire thon explode with s rentiug, teamlngi aeund, a seund that kept ou sud eon, Belon' us te the nortli sud scutht5r{ màiy. miles up sud as many downi, long, vilous fi!amses Ieapod eastn'ard 1 andi a to' econds 1.1er the n'ioîej GermaSlh b/,ong at leait ûfteoni mniles" ef frwbeeame oeuecortenuousj geyser et lame. It gare tue horizonf the aspect ef s san' of ire with tleethi et flans., sre sud deadly.f Lises Moved Forward. lie Britsh barrage had begun. Th~ offensive n'as on . In the dawnn'a d-4 en light rewî ef tres, conteurs0 land, church toera, haystacksa sr uinod rllagos nere vividly outllnenl by the. biae ofnar audthie glare o0 t n'as on thrcleuds. Rad therd been s sunrîse ït would have boon dins4 med te uotliiug besîde tbiI gigantt4 firen'erks.. Golden rain andgre ikyrolts buating &Uailaongt4 lise sddod te thi ectaueWar show th. Gemmans. mnfrontir haste seUnt ou~ their Pyrotechnie S. O. S'a. For sevéral minute s n n v »oit, thoi4gh 1 knen' tqat tons et thon sanda o! mon must blé iollowng tuat barrageagain t h. Germas poil ti>ns--at teast tn'elre mies of me lu contJnuou »wv"a, lien as thi Lght gren' bettev.ý>R un' a tuin lin, tale thé crut of s long ridge know te lm a thousam F ards ne l n'sbursting oe-r thons and bol abbMt them, but they,,walked on-' tackrs soera in uros 'as Il tht. WMa carnIV9 al atirap oeconttu tîossed l thoir fi*e. Anoth r Un, "-"o ie Birt, sud suthor sndsu ODutlI lad èo"utad &M .'Lensi tian 1 sMW groupo Omag Soul . eft e. M'oe ""Slg d &Wd tai vret, buadnoupou . roda 01t*ma.u,*espleaa Goa - - badrt ofetise0dbu Between Cousins, OR, A DECLARATION 0P WAiR. Nor did any ofthtu othora psy greter, #ttçntion te tue Incident. Frein tise te time thé hbst of more serew came vessela nhich *thesub rine la" se desire toe t n'ee serchit ti na- ter about hem. AMd vIle a*ethug lay "doggo" to svold tues, noveras que et bier cren' slo'sad by bis demeanor tuaI ho werried ibout thse perlithat enconi bedlim. Closed wltlu ited iUls trou valdi thon vcould Wi ne aemcpe if the. nomit happ.s&.d-7 lpg CIthomi deep ln dungr tbfeste Waters, unahle te -amsytilng out- "id tbeir prison tisougli hosnng mucai tuaI w«a dîsquietlng, tI... resnerve-d mes oOiorted themilvea as uncon- ceresdy as Iftb*hy bsd beeusalé.e ita- la tue cosy sîciter of a "atone fvlgaW' TU 14UBAUM OF A MA,. The. moisasuoaa mm ae >bis .Um.l oauls meit a ges, ejvtam Zdwl.n 8abn*r, t -!%IL *Il taraMsWdfigilor alsMo .a ds poitaly ma lIelis. or ms lae aievs s beasle uu tmob"g fI. udat *w uum al» i «g l. gois l fo.sedi~mutfrut ilhp ---4 4 4 'f '4 r ~1 Ni MADE IN CANAD A WARNING TO RUSSIA. FIgures Whlch Show the Menace That Threatens the. New Democracy. Monsieur Andre Cheradame has addressed te the Extreme Wing ef Russian Revolutlonints a very strlking wsrxiing i figures, which the. Ne'w Europe translates trorn L'Information. Ho pointaeout that peace ou the. mili- tary basis of this moment se far f rom sating the. uew democracy of Rus- nas, would set up a new German men- aco on their borders In qie shape of iw- Geýrmaxinawer whose political, econo- mie, and înilitary aiscondancy over thi. esztern half ef Europe would b. com- ,piste. The peint las driven home ini the followlug table:- Pan-Geirmanisrn lu1917. Populatien. 1.-THE MASTERS. German .......... 73,000,000 2.-THE VASSALS. Msg'ar ..............10,000,000 Bulgar..............56,000,000 Tunk ................ 6,000,000 21,000,000 1 lin il fiWil ni Il 11 gren4e*%,. 7m- M.- ;,e-ý 1 1 1

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