Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Jun 1917, p. 8

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PAGE NIGIIT Our £orr<apoahM BROOKLIN. O n Tueàday evening of this week the Young girls of the viage gavea milscelianeous shower at the home of the Misses Vipend, in honor of Mims Mabel Chinn. whose marriage took place on Weclnesday. The anniversary wervies ;of thE Methodist Sunday Sehool held on Sun. day an-i Monday were. as usuai a DI'SNÉ- EMIBALIUERS AND F WhitbyP Having opened out Und witb t le UXrm Machinery 1 to answor calis at ony hour,1 We respeccfuly ask fo un(Iertaker be required,-in re courteous attenticn. First C in outiti. ,No extra char Bell and Inde] R S. 0Dlsney Serve Coid Poss esses ail the Serve Cold body and fine flavor, the sparkie and the creamy head,the appetï-zing and tonic properties of the parent product, relished- throughout. Canada for fiftyyears. An Ideal beverage for all occasions. Makes GÇood Friends .Everywliere Made to méet> thé reésulre- Mnets of the Ontario 1Temperance Act Obtainable at Dealers, lotels and Cafes The DêmIimnu."Drswsry Ces. W. Phone Main 33 Toronto, Ont. Il .1 1 4 - THURSDAY, JUNE 28,117 APPETIZING 1 INVIGfORATING! .4 t J: A. [4~ BALSAM. MNr. Fraak Disney bas made a great improvemenite bis t arin by building a new feue.. He intends te ereet a silo, aise an up-to-date cbicken bouse and Iaîends te go la- for prize ciieni ralsiag. Mr. Alenza Jolnes had another los st week, a re-gistered mare. sud this week- a fine colt. Carson Bros., owing te some unfor- seen reaseli. bsd te plow eut an acre and a hait of beans. Win. Cottreli sold two rogistered Berkshire pigs ru J. Walker tbis week. Charles Disney was in Baisaa wiîb bis new driver last week.. IMYIITLE STATION. The annual Sunday School pienic will be beld on Friday 4fterneea, June 241h. ai Mi-. Imes Graat's woods. Con- veyances wil leave the vchurch at one Owing to the anniversary services belag held at Columbus next Sunday and Monday. there wtIl b. ne cburcb service ber. aext Suaday. lira. J. Hugisen la vlsiting f rienda al, ?,illbrook. THORNTONS CORNERS. lCeep lunrnlsd the, epmniunnlty gath- ering &Ithte Suirday ffolo ne Fr1- day nigit Tea vill b. erved tromn 6.30 p.n. Io 7.15 pm. ýrhe corneratose wiii be laid at 7.46 pin, and tie pro- graminad aie ofthte autograph quit wIli commence at IL, Mr-. Meir and -Mr. Wallace. both of Oshaw.a, tock up tie Review Lesson et the Suaday Sýhool laut Suanday. Mias HleewBusa snd Masters Bd, ward luke and Ehll5ascoe wrote on the Entrance exams. st week. Miss Gertrude Lofthiouse, of Toronto, ls spending ber holidayýs with her par- ents. Mr. and Mms.P. Li>ftiouse. Mira 1. Luhe la spendIng a few daya wlîb lier daugiter tu Orilla. Mir. sud MriBo. n sd Mr. and Mas, K. Stargeas and cidrea. o! Toronto, aDent Saturday a.t Mr. Wm. SturgeW.' ' is. J. F. Mould bas reîurned te ber hiome in OrilUa aiter a pleasantviî bere. Pte. Peter Loithouse won a rnllitary medal ai Vimy Ridge. Ur. (Mirer Piermon haa purebaaed a new bicLaughiltnçar, M.F.Dring apent the week-end in Toi-ente. Mis Pedafisgla spffadiag ber A 4urner fieta -ber.a»arencdtag - icauioii4Igintverlc.s piol on f>#*w - - *e ti 201h, bets the lest day OI Alitsan &U, ltbeSQgo »,. Meurs. F. Dring sa" a. fleàpm i ayve purehas. - eê. F0,4 cffl;Xr. joe. Thompeon *WD#tc aiov D . tulOIw s%-r. b@104 rolp4 fW, 'W i*rrtet- f« tht b. beld bm as-et 0'dag Mon 4ui. et ikt bu imr have £Luit&d tzn.Tic MlarkluW cavalry vere era fine body et troops mounted' &Mre horses. Their clarge on lie, fntry formed la solid square vas site excitiag when they rode areund ir an epeuing. ALMONDS. -a a III. I Pai nt. tl~éndid success. The chlldren'asep.,- returned froin avisitat Stoney Creek, rpOtQI thMse» DojiWedt. sollcit vice iln the atternoon and, the speela i. stckfor lite'itiii ig. terbarn service lu the eyeglng wms tft1SalL at- Ms, A11104 M0ore la vIsIttlg. wltthle X repr 1 asdedc tn pr jtentted. The speciýIel sornel yl ens Pcern.81 1 IRfttqne, and Iiiabout, the ehoir and. the eloquent and in-ý- ets roô*hln-will b. one-efý vpess'esermon, preached by pRey. Mr. .MaePlierson, or lday th ot-Atacieplcste> be fouud Win. Johnston, et Ashbura, was -tior bei litn ldfind 1eenywhere. Teccoat-ldr liglitingthle oughiy enjoyect by the large congrega- There willI be a pàtriotic serv4e lnhanses can b. iiadi y appîyIngý to any tien. Ou DMonday tea wus served o Vie Prosbyterlan Sunday Schools un of .thé -counettlors. thelawn of tthe church fremi Ove o'- Sunday neit at the usual sehool turne. Mrs. Âdamsornhas been aerlously ln- cioclc, until ail were served. The cou- 'flicmosi sincere regret waa-felt hy dlsposed for a few days owing te mvy- Seert held -ln the Masonic. Hall ln the thle eoinmunlity on si-arnng of 1510 ing an ulcerated. tooth extraeted. Eevening was aiso good and fairly well deatb of INir. John lit.it. TÙ'uIit f Ms ot iroo hhf, ,f ttended. Proceeds amouinted to near- fering for years frora heart troublé. s.Rb GlofUhof I ly $lob. . he was flot thought te be so seriously -orne for a few days leokIng alter ber Mrs. Gray. of Newcastle. and Mrs. Ill until his trouble was made much garden., Cooper, ef Whltby, have been, vîsîting worse by a heavy cold, and frem A large congregation attended the el triends bei-e. w~hieh bte sied on Wednesday last. iiiiiiversary service ln the Methodist L-~He- will be remembered a-ý kind, gen- Churet - on Sunday evening. a Mrs. Uriah Jones and eidrell have tai friead and neighbor. a lovlng aud A -nuruber of Frenchinen are here i exempiary fatier. cut off la the prime iliig, l their bearding cars oh the _________________________of life. H. wlll b. inuci missed bY stding. They are busy #~xng the tele- h is young faily ef oae daugbter and graph poles whlch were damaged by thre. sons. Deceaged was bora Of the storm,. th le sprlng. S cotch parents.- near the vl*let0 Mr. Rockwell, the barber, bas moyed R O b ioyveeh lvdalbslf ni coming here a few years ago, after re- laagse eis eieneaev«b ( ~ ~~~~~~~~tirîng frem farmlng. -Tii: love and Ms oea h oec r ila UNEk L DREC ORS esteem ln which h. was held was The. Misses Lýove, of Oshawa, visited Ontariowho came f rom bis old home to psy Brown over Sunday. Ontarlo ~~their last tribut. of respect. The ser-_________ vice was conducted by Rev. Mr. Mc- Sâe011, , h ofToledo Pales~ enOlln Kay, bis former pastor, assisted by, .Lucs Coiity. [ertsking alrinc neto Rev. Wrn. Haig, w1tb whose cburcb b. Frank J. Cbeney makesosîth that b. làsenior Business, we are now prepared bas been identified since comiiag te atero b fr f .J e"&C. doitat Brokli. T Mr. lntsandfamlly ..ts..îs.mo that Bald fivm wtZl pavfthe surg of day or nîght. deepest sympathy Is exteaded.__ -ONE RUNDRSD DOLLAS fer chC1I J every - eseoCi Ctarrbtbatoeanotbecured hitheuseol r your patronage, abould an Mr. William Ormiston l-sbutilding or iwHa. C-rhuume. i5ÂNXI.CHENE.. tungasten rmtad remodelling the old bouse at the end Swr obfoem n ubc e a pT..- ýtun uaaneeng*rmp ad f the avenue ieading off Mfl Street.- A. . LEAON las emalmng nd lîofinat Whea compieted It wiil b. a medel, up- NOTA& Ir .-.-b . te-date bouse. through the blood on the tmucous surfaces of i1he Mr. Cari Spencer lias purchased eue sydi. Send for testimoulii free 'go for istance.of the bouses recently Put up at suc- P. i~ ~. *CHEZET à Ce., Toledo, 0. ~~tion, situated at the aort.h of t4~ vil- H a wUy MùT11 for constipation. ýpendent Phenes. lage. ___________ At last! that whicb bas been merelyVILE - ~a dreain for years laseon te be a real- BGOSVLE W. F, Disnea, ization. The engiiieer representiiig-the Mr. aud Mrs. Peters and son. and S Electrie Ligbi Conépany met witb the Mr-. ami Mrs. Short, of Keswick. were Council on Frlday evenlag te bear the Suaday visitera at Mr. W. H. Beil's. Rev. J. Bedford will preacb bis fare- -weli sermon ai Audley on Suindav. His Mis. A. Smith, of Port Whitby. vis- IW4 aver the week-end with Mr-. and gra. MK Atkison. 1 ira.* Foster and cildren, of Toron- t.visited for a few days with the ?4lssWebster. 1Mr. and Mrs. Carl Morton motored P~-m Sutton on Tuesday aad spent the dqay nt Mr. P. T. Rowe's. jReserve the date, July 2Sîh. for AI- znioads Garden Party. î Mr. and lir. E. Atkxxson. of Elora. 114ave been renewing acqualutances lMere. Rev. H. W. Foley. of Brookin, ai- týnded our Epworth League on Tues- dlaveventng and gave a very able ad- dfres on Womea's Franchise, whicb 11as enjoyed by aIL. , The coagregation et Almonda Church 4ýIiî entertaln the -convalescent sol- diers 0f the Wbitby Hospital la the husic Hall on Tbursday eveniag. Juty 12lh. wben the draina entitied. "Nol ai Man lu the House- viii be presented by tbe Y.LB. Ciass. This drama lias fben given by tbis club on three otlîer Occasions, and each time te a full h.ouse. A-1ssIsiing on the prograrn are >__ iss Helen Long. Miss K. Nicholson. .Ngr. Dykes snd others. Remember the %date, July 12th. MIr. and NIrs. Arthur Mackey vIsited Ip Toroento a few days ibis week. %Ir. and MNrs. F. Maunder and Mrs." ý homnpson andichildi-en, of Edmaonton, .Isited ai T. C. Osborne's on M'%onday. Mrs. T. C. Ã"sborne la vfsitlng iltb rýIlat1ves at Bownîanville,. Aby-law wili shortly b. submitîed titis departnent is looked after by a 4~ Ile Ppeople et Oshaw-a askîng a maun- ýpecia1 commit tee. dýte for the expenditure et $28.00q)toi- The Tielgian Consul Gen;ra=. Mi., W~ filter plant. Mayor Cenant intimat-' Goor, ni Ottawa, bas kindiy consented eàl loeb Couincil ttiai-thk-Town la to recelve and transmit me -ail coutri- qpiîe iikely te receive an order fron butions which sbotild be speciaily the Provincial Board ot Heaiîh tu In-learmarked "Oeuvre de la Santé de .sýa1 the P)lant sbould the by-law înet ie, El' Enfrance Beige" or (Belgian CAilid- c4rrled by the ratepayers. ren's Fî,nd in ilolland). Twenty boys have been arrest.d on Tlîaîking yet iln anticipation, af ,charge of break ing opert and steniing t au, dear air, in~o railway cars. Yotîrs Verv slncerely. ýWr. Burns and Donald Maxwell, C. GAIN b4th et Oshawa. vere fined $200 and Hou. Secretary. cjsis or 3 menths lu gaol nt bard la- bqr for offeuce agaiual tbe On tarie TL qmperance Act. NOTICE 0F REGISTRATION 0F 'l'. T Enon e. avesol thi- BY-LýAW NO. 855 0F THE COR- ftory ln Oshawa te Mi-. Chas. Rob- PORATION 0F THE eC0UNTY s, uof the Robson Leather Co. - The 0F ONTARIO. Eàtqi Co. are ciosing theli- Oshawa Notice la bereby given that a by-law faWtoY on Atîgîst lat, owhîîg te their "'as passed by thè County of the Cor- 1lnbity to secure sufficient help ln poration of the County ef Ontarie on 14à~ îewn. No announcemnt bas yet the 4iii day et Jîne, 1917, provldlng n ade by Mr. Robson as te irbat for the Issue of debentures te tbe a- tihe building wiii b. uised fer. mount of $10.000. for tb. purpose er ý&IStevens bas be-eu appolnted a autborizlng the Issue o! debentures tW ,otîstal6le for the Towu of Oshawa. the ameunt et $10.000 10 maise tnoney additional constable vas requlred for lb. payment o! the cost of building lorder te altempite put a stop t certain bridges ln sud adJothIng thc th vandalisin whicb bas prevaled ta County of Ontario sud for other noces- 0s~ awa te a large exient of laie. sary Ceunty purposes, sud-that suci I by-lav vas reglistered ln thé Registry Office o! the. Reglstry Divion of tie à fesonlCarde LEGÂL JNO. E. IFARIEEL, K.C. Barriater. Coity Crovu Attôrm M6 Couaty SoUcttor. Offe. .outh wlng Court Hou», WMOp A. E. ContsfaN -r Buidwê. Sellciter. Nit@"p Publc. Sc.. O20% Bro* Set.. O»D. Sauar'l Mloùelt. LO@31. A. A» ROBINSON Undertaker and furniture deie. Belland Independent phono. Der- or n1ght BROOKLIN.- . . ONT,- [?ETAL Barry J. Hudson, D.D.S.,IL.D.S._ Suooaor te WV. Âiaua. Offce. Dundas Street, appositePt 020t.MBDlI pono128; lU. 5K WHITBv. ONT. BLAHKE 8& BATON, L.O., O.S <raduate ot the Esymi CoilqObi Dmmtlm Surgous a4 nd emlyty e« Torôa>. Dr. IMOoêel. of To"ot u takilng Dr., BounspraetiS . 4ujnx -the abt-, mou ot the latteronmltr evw Offi*.over "W. M.psngl.ea bardvar IL Atthumis.L .M . «f ifotb,-Euslrwte Aaaouiw.tl a h. au tabou Dr. iso'arte.sd la propaget -t. o, éailuethe marne & Offli. oor lls dng sor. oui 9 to -i isl*1tg 6 à. iL IWL;.. -,VOMUN IM, L. ,ii~ i LCHANCE FOR THOSE GOING ioaneseekers'Esourions 10 West- i Canada at 1ev tares via Canadisu aifie Railvay each Tuesday until Lober 3ffl, inclus3ive, Particulars mn any Canadian Pacifie Agent. or B. Howard, Dtstrict Pusseuger ýnt, Teronte. Ont.'-52 E BELGIAN CHILDREN'S FUND IN HOLLAND. tbe Editor Gazette sud Cbrouiele: bave be-en In correqpdeace wlîb bHigi Comniissioner for Canada. .GeorgeE. lioster, Acting Prime 4i9ter, sud oui Bolgian Consul tIen. at Ottawa, vritb reterence te an I wici 1 am desîrous of makfiat 1hit et tic "Oeuvre de la Santê 'Entrane' Belge" (a Beilim Child- sFund in Holtand), for whieh rMy ittee have undertaken the Pi-opa- i a la Great Brit*4n and Ils depend- e. and I arn plémaed te bave -lie irance ibat we bave tbe sympatliy i te Cana?' uî Coverument. Mi-. Geooc, the BeWgau Consul Gen- t" auggeowt.dl me tbat an p Id tu ail probsbiity lead to £cod ls, and 1 venture ta appz'oehyou honsubjleeî an# ask yojir kInd co- 1-n1clxcIe a leaSet vIel gives sux- 4~ li# objecta or the Pttnd ln que.. n ieh yen viila#ree. la one of eLwortliy. In addition. t mur tyon thal two et oui- commtttee 4tbc qxçuestion e e i.giv= a t D eIgtan eblidtresi Mnbave salis 1 ltbmflves sud us to Uwfuleut ex-_ It o! the very good work liai la pî dom. <bore., tiffuiàmuch laser thai>they dispoe. etare noces 7rtdor 4ereipltlg the work-,to. us etent For the rnorutit Il i 1 pallatIve but.L hape ta e o hta< -sa amnoffl liat the, orst- County of Ontario. on the 20th day of JUrle, 1917. Any motion to quaahi or meé afide lb. marne or a»Y part tiere- of must b. imsde wittin thrft moltlis atter the first, publication of this no- tice and caonet be made théreafter. Dated this 2th day of Juýio, 1917. -I. Couaty Cierk. Io HOM ES EEK E RS" MYT @O@EW3 -Ayo.yL 1~hIM0AV'5 swLi 'Ovesi 1.ek. ~Ut4' Y~' Porno, .1. b Us' W. e l mgent, J»sàtrlet Paint! many frienda wlihh inisuccesln bis new field of labor. Mr. W. H. Guibrie spent the week- end inu reronto. If 4 - 4- 4-, 5 White- Label Aie Brooklin PantThe Floors - ýYOU C5't "tOnd> '"wOrflOut spotS il6lImo%.soqp. Wh.s awoilà. tduthe i. ed 0 W A Pahutd Floor can bc. 'tuchcd up" wheuer at sows ëta f wesr. les brglt sMd c~ey-sutu.-a1rous.. sud the. cout cf psiatie g ja moe detaIl Y t- SENOURSE .,PAINT 1 lui 7,7r Uriah Jones, SMr. and Ni-s. C. Osborne and son vlisited at E. Cliapian*s. Pickering, on Sýunday. :The Ladies' Aid Society held n knit- tj ng tes at the home of the Mlisses Webstk-r ou Monday ei-ening. A v ry eiijovahie time 4vas spent. Proceeds apnotinted te about $12. OS iA WA. 1 arn stili selling paint at Iast year's prices- 75c p quart Also a large supply of Wire ]Fence on hand at Bargain Prices. Coal Oil Stoves, 1900 Washers, Etc., Etc. Everything in Hardware Bought at Right Prices. 1 oflIy Tudhope Buggy High'Ar'ch AIe and Auto Seat, at present cost price -$98.00 IL stored, and, te gre4at -extent. able te face- a new speli of privations. This is ite best that cau b. doue at présent for them. but we hope to do n)ere,nnd Instead of bringing some 500 ler ruenth Into Holiand, ve hope te briug 2,000 snd to keep tbem longer. They are under the care of experieuced aud careful people and watcbed over by a compietemtt Medical Comncl. They are mostly housed by the seaside lu thé> best ef conditions. NWe have been fortutnate ln obtainIng Important gifis 1 DIELIelOUS 1

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