Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Jun 1917, p. 2

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Xa ànitir oge f» b&MnMlf if uatare's èlft in couserviuand Afei 'bis msthod akla uliaüed In carlng foit the aibdant harvests. To succe- a ewdays' restAfter, soin fully -dry fruits sud vs tables a drier l. essential. A imali one may b. jB v le distance, the hoîrs.sahow contrute Btho E will enable tii. housewife to bring It indoors-zi staad lamieness, eweats, faits or lies S' cse of nuddenmtorm dowp, may or may net b. able to rise Conduted b Profssor leuryo Bdl B vthe. drying prpcess the. housekeeper cari tali.e, of ail surplus fooda e l becomes thiek and very dmr ahr n agtr o i gsaecril .~for wlIcbh ecannot ftnd cans or jars. SmalI quantities caRbe dried dally, Ilac4or. eamnt iiiisoywIibpuihdwt litti ay e wrundwigivealorUnoueanchadeletter. Writered. ane ananconssdelu f ins5uO hervc e c ourfarm ridiprathentadvceof plac ut the Wi l e ei*aor materially redudig Vi ai ddrcti tmpd*dadrae evlp sedgIeofautharlty on i ube theader ofnng a ois nd l- Pene, bean. andco crn may b. drled, aud, if the. necesulty should arise, rt~n .crgr ptgle dis i arsadnefrti eate lips ow Toj)ry leas. Mak coinfortable, give 2 drama lodide Wobn veTrno r Add~~~~~~reisa agilquestions ta Professor Henry G. Bell, n Selpa, pedo ry iti replace in the. suf or a place where Of 3ta um8tiares dally. .Draw icare fToWlo uisigGmay iisT. aurn urn of airewill trîke ti. drier.At tiret ave a siglo laye urin off with catheter. F .-.Dnyrbes cnb hnana ronta, and answ.r. wifI appear in th!»5-crolumfl in the. of pea. Atter the. drying bas commenced several trays may b. thz<>wzi 'l draft hors.ea ien aetpo ud olo ienwi they ae wah-iti. racuu r' order In which thsy are rcie.Ai spkace le limited together. Peso should b. dried until, wbên ne ta l dropped upan a ulat. nfrtearg amr > It la advisabie where Immed1ate irepiy la n«e.sary that or table, it dves off a ballon' sound.. This usualiy wi 1 b. accomplI ed PoslInfrth urg fgrît,'t moinadwtrte o- i.t r à sts.nped and addresnd wunveiope be encosedi wlth the Ini three ta flive days. t la passible ta dry vegetabI s ad fruits ad eveu n nWO ens wt rdwt u otn !sa lc-webrmx S L~nry G. Bell. question, when théeanuwer wiii be maiied direct. bef in thia way. horai; ho will b.d botter and developc adalwdt r taogl . uyBe Aftter the peaare thoroughly dried they muet b. cared for in a mariner a be ter character. Let hlm increasefr irn.2 ile ehbghsbcm Question--C. H. :-l have a piece of af clavera, making surs, however, that wIt nsa to kebga fcusot.Paceitie.. heeauin »nib'rs-ofiehan frj iend scr .ceudstsatri >w -cr .da ted ay land snd for y.ars 1I ba.; you bave used good gras a nd clover these bagu, wrap in newspaper, then again in a pisce o! ciisesecloth. Now ta ie a ta .wl ev i op un ml otirs asdu y trid eit heal caya orfail rs omta catch, ertiieri a oo ctc o .thestring-end of the, bs. Hang by stringfrom ceilingli dry, cool store- A littie cure and quiet rest rny lew e coh. 3 pru ln ai i6 l i and It alon 200a2lu todcatfhfertiliternrooni or ceilar, or they may b. pack.d in an aid washboiler. dean aId 1 tii. tockin te realadr a!them a rit tn20ai seeds of fItwilizb. pillaw slips or otiier pleces of mualin may b. uaed in place cof ithe eh,.. savel a homees l!. and also a vetwhilakaigtyhudbaeacpwentdo the shtocithe eanet wof th et kea-li ta apythm o ee lgimat lat cloth. A good aise to make baga ila 8 by 12 inches. f -erlMrian's bil.fuo eldprafnpudinotwtrad *eeded? Which klnd of claver should weks previaus ta sowing thegrn Beana may be driéd-ýY the same- method. 04e cari learn that a borne is sick n hknaan oti otmwl ycrnsl 1aow? The land la hlgh and dry, and and gras&saeed. Thef4ertiligor ahould HIOW TO ýCONTIKTVGETBE DFRI RE as essily as he cari that a human b.b.enlcord Wethwaxrdyfrb mront always in so hard ane cannot cul- analyse about 2c% arrmania, 8 ta 10ec W&W -Ver/deW Mmzryutofrse ar li. yihrt ae ihu ekn,4 ncn o Miny bones arey-mid aunce;r tivate it. Itlii lots of Canadian phosphêic acid and possibly 15c pot- ac. I untafut u li:tgfo atemuhi apoe aoftean thiettla on IL. ash. It in available plantfood and fotn u iol atb ue ycag tefr rmteiftt ietî ah Answer:-Evidently you have been will give strength to th.e yourig oata IFfl-l* whiptpîng but by good treatmsnt. TI.rghbadftrctn t.fadaipadr unfartunate in working yourr day lanid and claver the same as whole mii]' troul le lires nat I hiei will, but -in hetiog u nl utntbbs tit niu at the. wrong turne. Clay muet flot be hielpe tiie grawing cattîs. - over4dellcate nerves. You wiii loiel dee aa aapa wwr.I aatr worked while it in -too wet else it will Question-J. &8.:-We biave a- arme-Un.b beoigarywthm. Lr..T.-JtyrplowcssFheht break dnwn and puddle. Ipreventlng acre field that bard mcd plowed under SupIrcas your angrytane and cruelhv oni h ideyucr s hr .co circulation of bath air and water in three y.ars ago; it n'as crQpp.d twlce strol es.teedasabracvr. CttiFaeiii tu, silI. When you canrolral a bail wlth corni sudouse wiWI>oats. This Eiltrnal an4ý internai parasites amtedphcloubueopntetlia of clay in your hand, and on atriking it apriag 1 put It'$atb ensilage coi, nsd ~5rezz acW lice and worme, may cause tii h iiwcs n ouwl aeacrii't wath your linger, t breaks into ueveral want te seed If riext aprizag. As tins ovwlmwr v' OD f Z5to 50per et !!e dbra oe ed ohmaogbc h yhi parts, the land lanrdy ta plow. If, field was neyer manuired much 1 lin. 4,wer. Rld the animaIs ami n na fyu assaee-m]. 2 howover, it lis stic k1k putty, do dered if there was anythlng 1 couldstbaa!tispet.Afwcepbrdreorhm ichsomhth aia edi hot work it. Il left until It la toc O mon'taget a good catch . of lvrsthe wxndowan of or aeen.A fwil och btebcuetu llbu i. rn hudb dryrytwil bea ina ardcbmpeaikkI t im cutlatligdteplw uide a Tocoatrctthednerbae telv JJu a 4vIcofor t ti. tess, etof ou caer tu bidass brcs hihm~laabds.db0 renmnrti aî.TsIedl iCs af Umbte rer,2b , a tel16 oeè onl ii o.pingot aIboresbt Iq n -. tl o osdeid F .;1 Same farinera, mter piowing cday soil, partly low, black sol. Pinches oflog ut tage2thcr2,tach 16 oa miIn thei, ping oto!fgaad stablegp omt.a"laedtme o yt ev isae he urow tadr at fr dy Aswr:- wui adia yu t a cuelngboxutingscewta tfoasten. in the atIon ding of.summr mata. r"ldtbnwy "we nr-SrGog or wo Te l excedigl bd py 00ta 60pondaa!fetilse ae largebx, sscrews Btti. bttm a eah ! te ourcorer, s tat u(e, ut atthe"I rnver gad a rewst ub practice.- If the clay sail in in right analyzing 1 ta 2% ammonla and 8 ta the drier will set an thesg. screw-eyes, Every four inches clown tue four THEI LIFE. AND DEATH 0F ARMY.me'oLr.' rem uhsi-mrei i eodi5 t i ut cari bshakd r harowd 10% phasphorie- acid. This wilI nma- uprights o! the drier place a screw-eye, tusse ta &ct as holders for the nc. Awyustepeorapr- ahdaI ed o ha itca b dikë o haroedterially hsip yoûr canin aud attire ane ahelvea, whlch willi b. plac.d uontuerr. Make skeleton sheives from j t ~~the samne day. It wiil hsip your saili ture will aupply available plantfoad te i1 by 1 lumber. Each shel! wiil take twa plecea 16 luches long and two FaIt u .HmMae atl etrnu r .Fgsndihsaeu-4 i." toaapply about 1,000 pounda per acre o! start off your claver vlgarousiy. If pleeas 18 inchea long. Caver with acreen wlre and paint with white 1 and Af terwards.uuamndeils;legigrbadSrt"et 4 ~~alr-alakod burnt lime. Scatter thua the soilinl at al eour;-that ta, If yau enamel ta prevent rusUing. Tires. trays wlll alide inta the akeletan sadih. Foti.inuetw clsdfm Tiie lime will correct the :aurnesai n the filed-1 wo:ld advlse you t clti wile tue fruit ie drying, no that duot cannot came in contact with Maj. Edgar, now serving in Fiand:re naeashi ull uaashl ad:A graud feld___the______________________dtelav e flan feiitir. dag wasofig irui odcopr d ioofcmig theo seed-bed better. Any kind af at once at the rate of a ton per acre- an Iiisi terrier, whasle home with asgradwtrm okutlttl.ro ie cloyen ihould do wel On this BOU. This ahould b. workédbihto the ,sor,'as which may b. seen everyhere in na- Prenih faunily was destroyed wIinCaadtrebte n l wl.lwdb . Whn aubaeprduedagad ee-you cultivat. tire canrn and wîll aweeten 6.W etc.lrgmn o h the qermans came. Hie ied from tuthnan bed, I would advi. drlllng ln barley it so, that conditions will b. proper conception of Jehovah was foliowed ruineti hous and the. dead badisonicbeuwhhhuhdtecuttreoa l ordetaat hal er ace r ndatuthaams lmorte rwiit matcon yTheipti Iii wr iotouna n i.sot rf ii n ith rtsrrg- adihs ut hnsle fgigr usa h time aeeding tine ground to a mixture cornt, but will sweeten the. sali caminge ai hie people; hence the cry. mentl. fiers ans o! the kindly Tom-beiwihhsbe akdadyo n pc INTERNATIONAL LESSON The rest o! the verse gîvea the.roauons mica adopted hinm and named htirabfr tl ab sd teiiepryt m JULY'~~~I. for hia fears. Unclea n lip-Ilaaiah'is rmy. Tii. kindly Tommy iras kiiidIlI rlbl. Bte ai eiemisie WHEAT AND NEXT 1L I FOOD Kng-The sight af-God brings death ili 1 a lonely iratcher, ut ii1 hudre ôget a !sr ehraD Lesso. I.Isaahmis CmfliTe Belt (ExOd. 19. 21; 80. 20; etc.). gr'ave. ti ots ~hnamnmc ie aie rt Carefui Directions For the Culture of Winter Wheat-A Very Serv'i.-lsih 6. Golden 8-10. -Tiii purification iras fitte2 Other soliers wiro camne tuer.tu rrefl rene abr se-~ nmr >-Nécessary Crop In View of the Present Food Shortage. TeitIsa.6. 8 tii pro h fr inteaurse vwict fon sd rc ild or hmand ient llyI r adalglse Daywyte e _____________ Verse i. ~~1-Usziuh--One a! tue moet Jfovh;no m . heurs tire ne oafcethe Ième b isd a hdiaetiesIla eacegmn neodnr aie tp successful kinge o! Judair, reignel foretii. tiet ifrne Gnt o e !offi e~ bciehmgadas .ly icmtacsammnne e ietksbsp By Hsnry (7. Bell, Agronamist, about B. C. 789-7:0. The vision might btuerpets acdIt i fied thkm ail, but h. nover fongot hi1 _____________________ btteemuet b. a cati and commis- = Wlth maximum spring wheat ylelda Your winter wheat wil probably b. regarded us an animer ta tue aicun. Hear-In order ta understand firet oldier !riend and master, o bath in thus country and in the United folloir early cats. If auciraeh uiu ustoig: Wt h i verses 9 sud 10, the reader muet try tel t ac yhegae l States, he tota producton for 917 plan, bkunge genew thatoawslubbl congegogstawhappreciateme thehmentaaprattitudee mendl mainude ondguinrd aIlua throughhr tue the n- Staes te tta podutin or 91 ppeopb ~le ? A imer: Jeiiovahii lastili ressoninj af tue ancient Hebreirs. ter, ci ans Manning be iras foun- wil total about 1,182,764000 bushels. as early sa possible after tire on"sKing. Sair-In r. vision or trance. They ddntcnlenscnuçnie odahtee Eetimating 6% Ibuishele a! wheat per areharecauses or net ni d a g had tue asfatddEthaustles cpîta for homne consumption there te shaded tii. surface a! the soil froa tire spiritual expenience, net the. mani- ta lp Eey rrarinr te v emi as i forhe aut e i Sr 00Hhes Thfiuefo pigevaporation. As soan n t e atslintue Old ITestamnent ausaupernatura f pol e w s â manstrou-à thut it7 'Tinatlad hee dfrectofuncorghtarethatexty ntpn- impo erta n toin teraty: svthee visionrs F lan re in the i:rve uth hel 1, M s~~Otv Hm la nlahare a"mtis old lacuI .becamo canicblnotth taket n ed tsda u o in roabearsa seed- ecp htaaî upytr rp an rdained it. as w h ais tuat oa!iismaetor in 1 ne i eureto.-hlppai h n publiebedescpe ta the prababise cops ebewword là applled te destructive 011-18. Hoir îong-Trie divins baoi- scrlbeld upon thte cross' tirat marks Tswr oe en ocae etr >sdt prlnk'wheat inNorthir catuat falloir. For tues reusonse lw serpents in Nom. 21. 6 and t h escno emttr adnn to theinas and meather conditions in some parts and diekaI nt. the oat fielddas moon as image made by MaBsaon tbat ocaio. otinu free »;bu7h eertl een pae dnmî,tra rue efcthLefrve e o! tire cantinent are none too layon- passible sIter tue onts are et. If Rince tue latter sesme ta have iiad ai ard am? Teasrladapon' 1 - --nsdehiCitnd Hiiasg-aiiear 3c/ ainonaabot 8 avilbwieaî amut, aprea<Itire ame on th A Woedlaad Quarre'.-' the cao>' quWIrrewke tmp a d~eiwar.and mili ofU.» aur.thre o hhm eeieaul ocia aon phospirorl c md and i te 2% patg&b. barn floor sud hhooughly apninieIl Reddy Squlrrei f*aslmaing "an aftér-'1 sud Dem»>' Wodppckcr deno amd a eyanee. CeaîytuporetirImlua-h Yuay Tir amona gv. lyoung planIts mith a solution of oe upound of ma » fla hiha Cea>' home, d<t n tirer progrsa tomaad gelting ld. u- C otlie 0o» cups and i ohmUiamîiyCunhno »agetcedgow ou a uc tn.Piosphortc acld as- fornl&nn ta îqrty PM* 1e!,te tiW'hO.1unod eMutte- ii er I iaaRld SurParmitsnl ars.otif mcintheafu L laotlaanetwrdan isbl a-a hfid# idsta lie noot groirtirof tire yotgi oe t.ganmrAs abtng iuini a utfr îtieanug, IflUit' lunt an outg tire quamne. da frIlatebuedTualitrolyutmesm»ytremelt-bnyug erop wmille the potair Cives tirs plant oankecid duhed- Itl a smpieSe ansd had let Reddy te urlnd the.babies -L-i1 tel you miraI 1I1 deO"»lie salai l h.a.onta penetrutto atue bol-îi maea!laml ~nstsl ete disêaie-reitance mnd genrerl vigor. ceMpend cover It witir a pile o« sacica, irUb ai wu gane. Thee 11W. lo-lit latt. "Il yeu OW nMt com# to My tU914 d permit tire machine to quit-rattoepatiItpeooer ocnit AIl tht,.. do for, tus young wirbea" rpinsttke u gii amn ir oa essleigseqtti'lrI retediifo 'h Iarrmuw. yge aeamoi rnnn odr B s amse e racpe.H.ai' te whiwoemulk doos for 1he young seedaisrg ai»Posi!.ther 055Ud »o ood «neainhy go te Yorteeou, -oin.,ta o h& Tire kaires airould aul b.sharp.m dni Lmeluo i ol i) u iibet - mirat~~~~~~ mirai. B~~~eddy siouit Pot ha"e a uap, to. fIleym rfamfly. Lu that vs>' tiringi vil edamuinreadIiese. Tires.tulng uiut rne 1flêu4bv,-I d b Wh.at <teesbest on a meIl-prepared. Prets la. WheatGreurla. s"P im bad I'broen qun tlite.-1. mucir more pleumu àflzm&oabosi e .paruarl> atteMddta, tifsj ~' ~ dnn at.~natatoauy medium leur ali.The.big thtng If viret mmiouas mnyW*hg near 1elume oftte babies tuaI vws havi», -.Agneecil' ffl j> year,ttep lM scis, produelu iQu nd. er ia ~llwVltt~np~ tirat the.creP needs finit le maîstum -présent prie.., (snd tiers ia geet rea- ù«eil.it). li»& . S. . c lt Io laa seabie rrgme t. maiI cOsam, te b. amvStu ca w.4Iesdaiuaiip wi No plantîead can enter tire mieal crop ison te belle,. ItuatI îî viido se) las p Wta fatfil"ebalilamtla »s inu Ba ot -go furtuer IaDotet Wmy w itu lllea spomeesbe oia.trt15k t unles It la diesoivsd In tiré soil mater Isue>'"y n t pyli Cudlaar- a .an slw.gt ilti.sparrthed odp*ur iuutprvli I 5 @. as, ew«ae*oufm afito Mar~ aud roat Juices. .Pessibi>' you Mre ete give mmatteuttonfte thi tpot. sI.aIl& ri-t.5i- Iii tru t talive- up tt e MMar. - 10 h. ea4 dfor tih-estaaaJsslb"ptea rsra* saa plainlig a smme-lalo -iln tmt crop. A bush.! as" a banit !ood T ltusa tue nom*taui aa edyrangeaiet?1ieamunetracs-mue ugiDO It Preptiration for mieal, Iftis al thée»Mas.dlsufflclentfor-a»«wm& T%. B ahnrewk ub Vd* s ddesalatôtfo.auilu vo i.vn' oe,,~u~ ,~ at ce, sure ta keep tue surfac, of rprte tt. .-bdrqte .rl. l.hs u ittbr."Veay .WI" agr.. Be4h1y8quiof.the la» tire samrr-falicvod land tilled snt. tire Mg«or mMt o Wivea t. Wb.OiI L#bave Mu? 1 mmaÀ ot ~IW! lI u ,On.dom.. s i àU llO~ ok11 Ècleutly Ot olten aliitIltiieduC*"da" 1" ",ceOàce; l.bea muta trtallaarir hut vi .ml"M IMm"id VO U ISteiaim thre 9a -__________ Ï"Oi thé Ilt). o a&ui»d hardn. du. arvuti-sag airer rb. àbuýI bonl 110 bQirtel baew mi vl!b. f.t h0cP l-i Péee iàf. as ll'does aller a hem,>' - *»m.but nemubr ' aIt Uwtp~kme ieiemvs l a ir LTia a1.v> b u. eus qusutities a! mater vi! .eapby' yWtetihe "mut cI su" usaI Uta - ~tb5»i1 * ieitor . l-É1w Oi5k5«uh5 u t uedeka evaportîon Mid yorun oi Ub ont un*aofet ashWb. Pvîeo Dp> o dr Wiab% "la uare e7~a*da. ali éortar et-mater vh« » visa ei smUgremember -tirat tir Iaageza t.usIiebu*r =* fe! tue.d-hnslmot1 .* .la Mid la the ternI. IU Ccmes ht;an il *mdhave muilIfIl tattlt e NitiAa'c e v* w%4. n *U vY e tem*WrUlw ium. 0«« bua»iop .U1iw aMu ir a goeuxlre crop lii s m mer onslntou bd - dot tr pUftamd eut o!fb-te &M a lt tus&roror. iaeli, h ta>' mttberif M e aïe bI1«ld eqtedw. 5Wirl t tIca4"kw~»w to ai m ý.7W m1>y'am-bob- 4Mutir L iwa.OM lifliraige P u t a a i n e t o l d e s I t l a l u w r e i l u t e t m u a s o aw uR) - u ly lnvlted to write ta th'& - h emçh question and Its rne and sddress mueI be ýr oniy. Anawers unire la enciosed. it ta Mms.Helen Laaw, 2U6 is introduced te lier, but sand caurteaus for her ta .et an aid acquaintalce, i on womari. ý-1. A Panama bat mici stained miti peepiration- ied la tire failowl-nl ayi se the. bat in a solutiaoi of opraspirite; falloir- tis it oxalic acid. Tue atain )pear tI an hour ai' tmoi s, rliss tire haý. In clear aftenward in a meali utioi. .,Tire bat mil be locktng. 2. For au atly ic acid. % dram; alcohol, se mater, 5% ounces. Ma ce uigirt and morning mifl ben dust with a fine nosà -Ta pasteurize mii]' heat' perature o! 146 degnees 'or 20 minutes. It should1 led quickly ta 45 degirees and kspt at tis tempora-1 sd. Pasteurlzalion mc- these -directions -M- ikIU and other disease germa la - 3iver mhich ie ta ire giveia )g present to a widow taked miti thec initiaIs ofÇ- ruaiden name. ,Tirs fret airplanie actil- tue ground mas macle by' Cayley in 1796. 2. The' surines are able taim-' tty seconds. 8. St. Paul'i Loandon, ie 864 lest higli. id Lady of Tirreadireedie ire Ba-rk cf England, so tue atreeti hi c i t la" t a haone ieddig tire y' enter 'as foliows: Tir. lergyman sthould- enter tire. tnd ho la limmedlmlely fol-- ýe bridegroom and iris besti en Oiey neach4ile part ot rare the ceremouy in ta e they turn and face, thi stand an cither aide, le3v-, 8 on aigle for tire- -bidalù 1k aioarg. Tire tiro brides-' sîade by aide or singl>', a, tuen thre bridetmiro slips ougir theire1.1arn cfle ho Persan mie la te slve' niage lirise-place.Wheu' tire lmprovised alt thre! l"de sud tha brIdegrooni' ItCaIm Strength,nMd', an Beig. 'Y. shall kuairtire, trUth,1- thi shalh make you'trie, bac]' tiraI gif t.Lt enter-' veine of men, And Neh. aW 1' it mitu the mystie ,Implse> à place» tlà,o -Ji . mystical laIn t of the awful "Wwar. , P.$*ÏW ýe that an - iif é - ïs, iny- bélow the suffiée explain ymr - ora- it e --the té- bd npon th'a 0 th"

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