Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Jun 1917, p. 8

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pril 'f essftas uwanq. '-Aue Aý5i ýut - r' --- . - --- Mr. Norman Stocks Is rcvrn smlcely froni his recent operation on lis throat. Mrs. Trtuscott and daughter, of To- ronto, hanve been visting at Mrs. W.B. Robson'-s. Mrs. James Maynard le visittng *1i Iriends in Sunderland for a few -weeks. DISNEY~ EMIBALIERS AND FI Whltby, H aving opene] out Unde ,witIîthe Farmn Machinery B to tani' er calis at nny hour, \Vo rcspcc:fully ask foi iinilertaker be required, in ret courteoui attention. First ciý in oui fitý. No extra charg Bell and Indep R. S. Disney APPETIZINGI iNVISCRATING 1 WhteLablit Makes Gooci Frlends Everywhere Posses ses, the delicious hop flavor, the creamy head, the rich amber color, brilliance and body of the oider brew, which for-more than 50 years heid premier place amnong Canadian aies. You wil find it a delicious beverage, suitable for ail occasions. SERVE COLD For Sale by ail Dealers, Miotels and Cafes. The Dominion Broery Ce, Lti. Madé to meét thé nequire. atents o! thé Ontario Temî>erance Act Phone Main 333 loronte, Ont@ I M The Paint That Costs-,The-,%Least is the peint tuat oovers, the, grouteat surfuoe-thattks h sihortest,*ture to mapply-thaî WC=em dlondest. lmm-Setmsouu 10%Pure" Pilai docs aul thrcc.Here s ho,prôof."10% Puet Point covers 900 squareEpt o! fade P« ïgllon Hsnd.mixed.lead.anmdl, sndcb"Dpprepsred P"insovo et Mr., ad MMs .Ildn !Lof tfl m aniar- il 4. isAnnIlo have réeflrdwosdfrorn ( 44w Ri ugit wrn 11take bei, itiacé lxithe of.-_ t"er son Cedrie, 18 aevereXI wonmed Oce la both -loe. Me la In-th ospitat lin. Galngby, or 01'ono. la 'visltlng- Edmnonton, Kent, England. 'Corpi. C. at the orne of Mr, Adams.c lireh vu aine xionths lI the flring Mm Mu», o.0uhGawa, la visitini Une without lnj1ury, but wasa lightly at the horne of Mv. iH. Burton.ý wouinded on Avril 8h. Alter Vlmy I ra. China la viiting ber son In Ridge lie receitved promotion and lia Toroato.t since been recommended for à YAhilItS T hie pils of- the fi! tiiclass here are- muedal. down lu Whltby writing en their ex- Mn br awn o! xBr. ,levi Mr. Arnold recelved qulte a sbaklngE ing~~ be uIMs Ba.Up one day last week, the result of a1 Miss Mabel Chinn, who bas been ln fai from a wagon white snraylng1 the Indepeuident Telepbone Office here trees.1 for some years, bas regnaed. Miss Miss Montgomery, of Beaverton, lag China wili be mucli missed by the tel. visitlng at tie home of Mr. Lyons. 4 ephone patrons, as ber pieasa.nt and Miss Bessie Gartwytt met witb anj obliging manner lias won for ber saccident on Runday whlle hitcbing tIp lier puny. The anil 100tok friglit at something and ran away' throwiDg lier dcawn ,der the buggy- As a coasequence she wlll be laid up -for a tlime. Mr. snd Mrs. P. Barthn nnd f-1 B R O O motored from Toronito and spent Sun. day with Mr. aud Mrs. O. Sebert. UNERAIL DIREETORS_ The sad newa wus recelved bore tbis week o! tie sudden dealli of Mrs. Em- Ontariomerson, of Port Perry, atler ut Miss O ntarloEmmerson. a former teacher here. Mr. E. E. Pabuerson and fauiily mo- ~rtki1 While there Mr. Patterson enjoyed a usiness, we are now prepared fishlng trip, with splendid resuits. Mr. and Mrs. Laite Robinson motor- Iay or night. cd with their son Albert bo Uxbridge, ryour patronage, bouid aný where they visited wtth their dauX.h- ter. .urn guaranteeing -prompt and Mr. Clems. of Gunna Ltd., Toronto, happened with a bad accident on Sun- ass embalmning and the finest day last whlle returning bo Toronto. On the 61h concession. near KinsaIe, bis car upset. throwlng hlm ont and refodstne Injurlng hlm sererely. Ris car was r. fo distnce.lefi at Kiasale for repaira. tendent Phionea. The BroohlIn Women's Institute wiUl meet at the home of Mrs. Norman Ad-- amson on Thursday aftemnoon. June W. F. Disney 28th, at 3 o'cbgck. A paper on *Cld ren's Righbs" will be given by Mrs. e' Norman White. Ail ladies welcome. Stite of Ohio. City of Toledo, 8 Lue., County. i Frank J. Cbeuey mambes omIli that be ta munl>r Sate fte ins or F.1 . Qbeaey &Co. do x baIse.m inthe City of Toledo, county and sl4e slormisand thst sid Brui wlll puy the suai of OXHUNILDK DOLL~ARSfor esCh and e caeo cmurtbt sonteujndbyhe Swom t10before me sud subncribed inayPr a- eae,, thla 6îh day of December, À.!>. n88 (Suai) .W. OLE&5ON., iNOTAR5T PUL C. U&isOsCtarrh Curelaake lteruallysnd safte through the bsood ce the aucoma naie0o! &e syrtem. senti for testimoatall. free P. J. CEM aCO, Toiede. cL "od b &Udru tlts.73r. MYRTLE. Keep tbe sharp hoes golng, for thaI ye do keep down the choki ireeds and thus ieip increascd p duction. -Mr. B. Duif irent as far as Sudbv1 wlth a car load o! Govemniment etc recently. Un!ortunately vbooping cough ia measieà are very preralent. throi hem. just nov. Erery precautix ahould b. taken 14t prevent the spread4ng. A number of candidates are wit on the Entrance Exama. at Wbit tibs week.i We wiîb tbem succes. Mn. Roy Duif hnd a valuable cow badly hurt by a car t.hat ho vas bliged to put an en& te ls lite. Glad to ueo Mr. W. J. Holmea to be arouhd sagia. Mm. and Mmi. A. Quinn. o! Toroi motomed- down addspent lie vcek-e with tie - formera bretier, Mr. Je Miss Nellie Brigga la visiting fric homo. Mm'. Brova, of Tomonto, speat woek wfth hem asie, Mn. A. Fis9 Evevybody around, hon. vho ha conveyance vent to the Aahbun vensary. Thos. v1bo didn't vali They -report it lie qvent o! lie se A veseven. thNndrtorm PI orer bore on Monda>'. No local i age la reported. ALMO$DS. Mn. and lins, West andi famiiy lAshburn. and Miss RubdIe. o! I Penny. visiteti villi Mr. P. 0. Ham ot Suadas>. Mr. Ceeil Wood bu a positim Mr. à"antlr. Arthur Maey. of4 tava, are visltlr.gSîwihthe f 2Mr. 4ltred .ly of Toonto,.1 iteti oiter Soda>' At P. Drnp.r's. bMssliawlMachs>. -o! To spent tie- eek.Ktaithe home hor motion liane. Mnr. & P. E3no. ofC-ida Ont.; bas been spcs13al aloy withbis abrotb«er. L 1' BrOV&- mi"Is Ana aVits.ut o visiw dWitti ber cousIn, Miss Brn, J Duntwta l on WUL <Icos lavu oniWd ersaut. July U35h. -$W* pot j - - 1 . 1 - - 1 - - 1 -.. - ..dbým - - m An auto met with a sudden stop just ivesi 'of the village on Monta nt It turned upsîde down. dolng cnl. erable harm to some of the occupants. but !ortunately nothing serlous resuit- ed f rom tbe accident. Fast drivlag and state o! ronds were responsible. ire presute.. The Harlocks. of Toronto, visited at Mr. Richardson's over Sunday. James Richardson, o! Oshaura, spent a feir days of labo wltb bis sister, lirs. '"nie Harbron. Mr. George West passed blirougit hevV on Sabbath lasi. ea route, for Grcenwood witb bis Ford car, wbere he took charge o! the service. Mr Totten had charge o! the service beme lugt Sabbatb. He gave a full re- port of the Conférence lately convened ai Picton, and tnformed bis congrega- lion be wau agaîn pleased to be sta- tioned for another year on the Green. wood circuit. This will make tbree years for hlm on this cirtuit. -Miss Nutting. of Uxbnidge. spent orer Sunday at Mm. R. R. Mowbray's. Mma Victor Parkins spent a fewl days la Tomoûto lie latter part of lait week. MOUNT ZION. Alonzo Jones had the misfortune ta have a valuable rcglsbercd marc dis one day luat week. 11081 o! the armera bave comploted lieir road work-. J. Walker Intentis to ereet a new up-to-date bouse la tic nean future.' lim John Grezz bas been vlsltlng wli lber fatber, T. C. McAvo>'. Chas. Disney' ias la tho clty one day lust> week. The Ladies' Aid beld at Mri. A. Rog- ers on Wedneaday luit vas weIl at- tended, ab9ut thirty-lve betag present. We qve son'>' te hear lira. Camion bua been Ill. We hope for a speedy recovemy. The Sunda>' Sebools o! the Circuit are going to boit a picnlc lanMr. Clarke's bush on Saturday, the ànrd. DALSAM. Quibe a number from bore attendeti speclal serviesai Ashburn Clurch on' suaday. WhaVs wr.>ng viti lbe telopione men? A number of parties on NO, 6 haro not been aIble call centrai $Ince lie aleet atorut ai ntor. and on No. 4 for four veu.There wlll likel>' li a kick on psy day. Mi"s Anale lieRa>' spent lie veek- ea t aI Kisale. FranI Plzonet Myrtle, and Min Linda Jones, 01 StouffrIlle. spent SUn-I day at David and lins& Jones. ldta Boitte Couli.le laapodtng a coupte-OC veelta la Stouffville. 1.ibs1. eIai pext Sunda>' vItihoner Q se Srsemeolne lncipass"t o laIbs cmmualt> oM Onda>., 1» Car no damaps. bé be trportot F. H. DAYM andiW. P. Joues lati a business trip te Oshawa on Monda>'. mi B1e ias> joues arrive tomle atçe tpa«ding a Loy tisys wvillULMC. Cati. t.: t toavuê Iloi Pain 1I P.â. t!' Pit! amn stili selling paint at last year'S priles-!. 75c a - quart Mr.~~ E.Rocweilbau end upa 1Mu~ ine Moore, Qshawa, spent babe fiopl, lbaii.Tistla ew4dys *ith trieum1s hre. be a. welcomàe addition le tthe village, Mlr. H. Reesôn ixad'a successful rais- and 1.Rockweéll ývildoubtiena re i1jg Iast weok. celire a large patrqnage. He and bit - u young people liave organized a faM~iy willoeupy' the ft over the f balli team. anmi are open for en- new gaage. -gements witli neighborin~g teams. Brookhin ha& been seleeted as one of Our Entrance Cais try their exam- the fire center.sln South- Ontario for ii ations this week. We wish tliem the launeblng of the Soldiers of the s lccess. sot Soul Moyezuent for teeri mue boys. Â Mr- L. EIXllsportsa rew Me- pudo meeting w1lU be held ln the Ma- taubincr. sonic Hall, Tbursday. June isîli, at 8 Some ýof our spoýrts went to Scugog p.m., wltli aAdresses by locai men and tn a flshing expedition, but report Mr. D.R. Poole, lkys' Secretary Y. M. 1 r luck. C. A-, Toronto. The public la invtedl The tuneral of the late John James eepecilUy boys and' men who. are 4ts Friday was largely attended. doing their bit on the land froa Kin-- sale, Mt. ZVon, Myrtie. Raglan, Colum- KIlNSALet. bus. Kedrôn and flrooklin. Premier TeKnseBrnioth Suh loyd George lias said that -the war e Lsl rnh-o h'ot wlll be won on the harvest fild5."- litario Women's Institute will iet Ilurrah-::or Drokin Methodit ttthe home of lirs. - . Corner on Sunday School Annlrersary on Sun- hursdav. june L25. at bhaif tast to day and Mondfty. june 24&t and 2&th We hope to see a good representation On Sulnday, at 2-30 p-rm. spectal song of the members. Ever>ybody welcome. service by the. achool and an address Mrs. C. L. Macltey, lresldent; Mrs. R. by Rer. Wm.- Jolinston. of the Presby- R. Mowbray. Secretnry. terlan Church, Ashburn. At 7 o'clock -Have you huard the latest'~ No: p,.m sevicewil beheldandspei Well here it is: A mamffioîh plcnkc pm. se rveedwllbe thedcahoipecadunder the auspices of the Sunday sc rendred by ohnthe o wl ir dSohools of Greenl%%eood Circuit wlll be syehool. Re. OnM. onaton lllacd {held on Saturday. June 23, in Mr. Wm. py te pupit On oudy, ta ai Clark' s bush. con. 6, lot 8. Pickering. concert wlll be held on the chu rchi An lnteresting literary Drogram will iawn from 5 o'clock tîl ail are served. epoiebytedfrn S da At 8 p.m. a concert willl le glven W b rvddb hedfeetSna the« Masonlc Hall by members of It Shoi.wtoa aghai ttea SScbool, consisting o! eiatos ternoon wtll lie taken up with sports, dialogues, drills and solos. Admission!ilungfobl.Ath artyf aduts 0c. chidrn 2c.t the sports are "~open" we hope to have The eepst egrt ad ~a large aitendance. A refreshment The df-epest regrestand sro *tadwlll lie cond ucted on the grounds feit for Mir. and Mrs. Garbutt lit the under the able management of Mr. Jos. serious accident whlch befel their onl Wldeman. F111 your luinch baskets and child Bessie, on Sunday lasL- Thet corne along and help lis. Everybody were preparlng to go to churcli. anq welconie. Grounds open at 10 arn. AI- in some way the pony whlch Bessli ternoon program commences at 12.45 bas been drlvlng got away. the animni'l ck Adiso 10.L iean jumpng o be andàlinst illnOblîdren f ree. R. E. MoNvbray. Chair ber. At presei,,t the doctors hold 104 man Picale Comnilttee. ver>' little hope for her recovery, i Mr.,Jerry Baiiey, who bas bèe . 5f r. H. W. MclBrlen bas a new Ford ployed on the rallway assctl auto, havigdsoe fbsodoe is ieaving to go tn Mr. Goodnowli gai- Our Trustees have secured lte ser age. This la one 0f the busiest placels vices of Mlies Whitehead t0 succeed from Whlîby to Lindsay. i Miss Miller after hoiidays. We hopi Mrs. Adamson, of Toronto, vlslteý she may meet with splendid succes! wlth her brother-In-law. Mr. Normah tli our school. Adamson. over Sun.day.i Mr. Ed. Lawrence bas beent worklng Mr. Richard Kemp, of lonla. Mice. at J. A. Jones' puttlng up a bog pen ta vlsitnag with bis sister. Mfrs.. Mi-lHarry Burges l assisting. man. It la over thirty yeara since 1%r. Mr. Wideman has been assistîný Kemp le! t Brooklit. %vhere he spout Frank Harrison a few -days with bi bis early days. He sees imany chaaxge root crop. partlculs.rly ln thée people. but lie ZsJ Miss Dehart. ot Brooktla. was thF think.s le bas seea ao prettierepo- " guest of Mrs. C. 'J. Stevenson last Suen bis travels. i ay Uriah Jones, ALMONDS. Misa Rose Gaston, of Toronto, vis- ited over the week-et.d at her homer here. MIrs. George F. Richardson and her mother, Mrs. S. Brown, are vislting frlends tn Toronto, Aurora and New- market. BA-SE LINE WEST. Remember Mrs. Arthur Smlth*s sale of real estate and furniture at Port Whlîby on Saturday- A CHANCE FOR THOSE GOING WEST. Ilomesoekers' Excursions to West. ern Canada at low tares via Canadian IPacilc Railway each Tuesday tintIl October 30th. inclusive. Particulars f rom any Canadian Pacifie Agent. or W. B. Howard, District Passeager Agent, Toronto, Ont. -52 SALE REGISTER. Saiurday. June 23.-Auction sale o! house. two lots and furniture, thé property o! Mrs, Arthar Smith, Duif- ern St.. Port Wbltby.. Sale at 1.30 o'clock sharp. Win. baw, auctioneer. NOTICE 0F REGISTRATION 0F BY-LAW NO. 855 OP? THE COR- PORATION 0F THE COUNTY 0F ONTARIO. Notice lu bemcby giron Ibat a by-law was pasaed by the County o! the Cor- poration o! the County o! Ontario on thé 4th -day of June. 1917, provldtag for the Issue o! debenturea 10 the 'a- mouint o! $10,000, for tbe purpose of authomlzlng lie issue o! debentures 10 the amount of! 10,000,10 rais. money fer thé payrnent o! thé Lont of building certain bridges la sud, adjolains tho Comuity e! Ontario and for othor noces- nary Counity .purposes, sund that such i>ylaw vasregiatomed In the Registry Offce of the Registry Division of!-the County of Ontario, on, the 201 day eo! ,June. 1917. Any motton 10 quaahor net aside the smre olr any part lhqee 0f mueI b. made vithin three montha afler lie final pub1icýtlon o! bhia no- tice adncannot be mide themeatter.. Dated bila 2Ml day o! June. 117?. -i. J. E.FÂuwalxJ., Coùuty Clonk. I4OMESEEKEI E xOU RIO 1l UAY WsT *#~ ~ruE MAI..L RAIl."e. a.W Brookli n' Protessoai aL. LBGAL JNO. E. FAREWELL, K.C. Barr1ater, couati Crovu Attonq lut Couzity Soilctor. OMO%, uouth Wln5 CoW urtNu, Whttbi A. L cUfIeRUfl Bsour, smesItmy11 ubII OmficeBrook&8L. Opp. standard Bafla. moSu to LU&. A. A. ROBSINSON Undortaker sd funttur dule& Beil md indepeniient phons. £mur- or alght. Bar'ry J. H3udon, D.D., LJ»S.- Saooor iimte W." BLAKES. SIAMO. LSA..SB. Oraduat. OC the B110 51 VUqý,lax Dr. neton'., p oS» ot lie latt 1.m to<Iensg,Ù% NOa tq~oe ~1111 Tho iretéit coat ointil sfor lbxw. httukea lou im t0 applyi M ,àt- USeor 11%Pure» Pýint bos tsuaifs b. «m texture srm nc air I4ARTi irhe mi1 peint yor bore. r-g he Le- ïI 1: DELIeIOUS 1 ~1 j2 v.- t W. B.e WAUD.iùwi Also a large supply of Wire Fence on hand at Bargain Puices. Cual Oil Stovesr .1900 Washers, Etc., Etc. Everything in. Hardware Bought at Right Priem. 1 only Tudhope, Buggy H igh Ai ch AxIe and Auto Seat, at present cost price $98.00 -THU SDAY.- JUM 240t. 1917.- t& > -i Lil kIL 44 1

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