Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Jun 1917, p. 7

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IN 48'T Iuured iniMuet Sever ma Alirat t-No D -t SUCCESS 0F U.si Expectet To Go Weil1 thie $2000.000.000 ME A deat(th f rom W'ashingti --Tihe Libecrty Loan campaigir tii. home stretch on Thursa ever>' indicat;on that the irei thhrteti day diethroughoul tien weuld result in gettingr youd, the $2,000O,000 goal. P rosi ,coat to const the aIÀ pouned inlate the treàsury ail lhe same, a âtor>' of whirlwir Tologramiit bld of tolling b wsble i t lîltes across the c mdrking the last day of the ca of redoubled efforts' by thi Ceso! cnttusiasm at 1h: pitch, et long waiting ines acrlber-s la thousanda of banka utte cf the Union.-. PRESENT BIIEAI) RATIONS UNTIL THE NEW HA A despatel f rom London Berlin despatches amy the fee< ment ha annoumced that a spring uowing had terminat r %urvery o! tbe old hax' posible, andI conferences cei lb.e Import of Rumanian grain Çurd, -the posa ibility was thai the prosent bread ratiet bit contanued until the e Potatoos, which are scarce, repiseed by filit r or breati. M 0CIIILD VICTJMS Or CERIANAx despateh <nom Londlon s Georga cave, Hoe.Secret* puneeê 1P the Bouse et C tiaitishe late5t reports of thse I Wednesd.ay's air iraid 14persont, had bien kill senoual>' anti 269 ligisiiy pei', h. said, 120 chuldt -1~ asys:- ng onesud ehrged hmwlth te entza liitaOtunnel*, MWt e 11105aO 1 JWonder wbat ith. talkins quirmi ula d ea t teft; but the peor fellow s'as lu sneteastoundecLadsotoutl iy hav1ugt ane d or longeand r AnM what the. quut. shlay flitb. --adat nethrtemnyortePpr peeimens o! bumanit>'. -f gra - ves vest wasTme police naerc he ii.abi. andteefTedslpelle !tt iuef71 antehev, but ment whe.u, ncerning sure enui, wgu tii hl luutng POrtfollotheii rl was brotaght about by ImAU amSkiCdell &sM Teowner s'as oe yhmdgv Prrb Oad teïmsel sa udtenmahn»e ea&I,«iWA ewonôer o ÛeSIir*tl havs.tedroshky divr ua mfowded raîto rh fwytm aimiJ ai wull eou eafd cld net uud.ratand tiie runahvie a te prove liuatuly la'Ads h 'oatuhes b b fr ispatron'. hn.bin i j l"bv »îot. bîrd.W *tbo a wleIsconsnthalM tct.he.iMe 5boboZ< SOià bwPIU'dS iII ame unaiU»t m fi seovefl MtIW9boumb neCm IClu û .wtO y$- iaucet i br Uinsoif I %Iam JTteo3i* ýt1 a 80W5et1 SfftSelBiUmd*«am 61 ommons thought tbat <3o-d oitt tk# b tkW b.fi# e casual. monr ad o hd notilm1lt. 1 *tioa#S "« be xiW br - lyti" roe showed M. es lîoitiej4. #mi tt b A« wl.hoa M""t md A Popular Mmbes'. --_<- r injured. meî 'te enttru1IO ma vsirend $g& êt l& te.&sa4fweeof nludaq re ee N. i -opetla totat ,m <roluap s ait M: ilai. lrllé Nso. 1. ay. sU.mmMqdol4, w0t*k1 t MM UNE A T»-" WESTEn PBOPIA a et the.Great West Tou French Hait-Ton Project*~ Hits Mark TCR Miles Distant. ,A. J'eapatch from London si uiquadron of German aeroplaneà London shortly after eleven o toaday morning and dropped1 bomùba. The caualtias ini the Il officlally annotinced, niimbei kllled and 437 wounded. Kilied. ben . ..-............... * - Women................** Chldrcn ................ InJuréd. Men............."..... Women ................ Children ................ No damagre of a niilitary or nature was done. The raid ov lty lasted about fifteen axînul largest numbcr of casuaities I the East End, but the dé 'business -section wag also visi CHRISTIANS ARE FORCED TO FI German In Fu Controlc key and EveryoneE Being Mobiized. A despatch from Amaterdai -An Arnienian who has ari Rolland fron Constantinople g Telegraaf iparticulars of the tlons in the Turkhh Empire. yidts the administration as Under Gernian conitrol. wi Mlnisters themselves are Ot the vke-Ministers, who really the Ministries, are Gernians. inscriptions have been remo'q the offices of 'the Ministrie3 placed with notices ini Germar The Germans have in shoî lishod thcmselves as mastez s key. An expionage scrvic4 Qerman supervision la at worl stantinope. Christinn famili cially are spied upon. Ever being mobilized-înen, childr evon pne-eyed men and men fingors. Enver Pasha hass ed to the colorsalal men undei cluding menîbers of theC population. This aption wa atter the visit of Prince Wald Prussia, who in October 'bro miarshal'a baton to the Sultan Klaiser'sa nme and pressed 6ultan the enactment of th -Christians in Turkey were d, trom military service for th perod cf the war und,'r a lav wben bouti1ttce began on ç that they paid £45. Ay Christians werc made pay anà ai £30. Tlaving thus paid £75 tion, the Christians are now c( te serve. , 1 .; Tfsu COLUMBIA.Toot92-n70Kaiob we. nOminai. t lc ay ports. re Raid Yet Made Over Euglanld by Ger- MMtoba oat-NOOffila QuOtatloiia American cors--No. 3 yeilow. 11.83. ý amage of Mlitary or Naval Value. îtemap , O Iay nmtalr a ontO tr.P cl ______Ofttarlo Beys and Girls A» lot $2.60 te $2-U. do--N-2. $1.r8ca sys:A ithro o UieraiiraandconuderblelJvg.$2.43. accordiig to frelgbts outaide. iay -A theeofthe'ridrs ndCosidTalePe«-No. :, nominal. according tO I freigbtu outside. ho a aîedIdaag asocaioes.one bomb TePoiceo ietabs4 arley_-Maltlng. nominaL. accordint Dn Wod- atruck a sehopihouse, kllling a 'Uotws to freighta otide. acrit r n thirteoi number of .hldren and wouning 1 Rye-No. 2. 0. nominal. ncodnfaeoei rad, scre c oh~s.Aberta telephone employes are o to freights outie. rit screbf ter.Manitoba fiour,-Flrnt patenta. in jute bers no .red 97 In bis statement Chancelior Bonar atrike ini Edmonton. baga, 13,.80 second patenite. la jute AM Law said tweive oieftfteen aroplanes A Bit Rancherst Fair and' LivestOckbage. $1.30; &rnaea. ln jute -epn cosdthe. coast of North Forelan.d Show wW behoheld linIloose Jaw in bagn $a290, ourontrodigt lme crose Ese teLo- ïîiî ooWnt corigt lme 59 and proceeded Juîy.Esex sLo- ample. $11.50 te 811.60. ln bas, tru.ck Clm 16 do. Twobomb weredreppd on Winnipeg Publie Llbrary now bas Torono, promp~,t ahtpmdnt.CIm> 26 North Forela.nd, and at 11.30 o'clock 76 books printod for the useo f the freights.basuIncluded-Br5lit Ver ton. th bmb bga t dopluth Eatblind. 1133; shorts, per ton. 140; iddlitg per pr .22 edc oe no dhropen themast TwoCalgaryn ofcers, home o' ton, $44; good feed fleur, per bug. il.80 Vancou~ .122 in the cty. leave, are Capt. D.ý B. Niblock and 81f Exr o 2. per ton. $13.00 te M exCO 94 h, t;i Liut.A- . Lndae. .6e miod.per ton. 1te 111.50. Anqoi ~4 The Chancelier said ail ti ni iu.A .Lnsl.truck Toronto.to. 9.rac sVf5 ýr naval 1aircraft guns detending London were'Albeta ly wion on a.ed Toronto. T. Stevý ýver the! brought into action, and that a large Iot litoncnetwslr Me- fightin tes. The! number cf Beroplanes went Up la pur- Kinney, of! Çebom.'ouatay W,.auoe-WboI.ahTh occurred suit of the raidera. Seyerui engage- 1ieebed msl ooeJ ter --- 4atinta r l 00ta141s. ib<r.. Rier owntowfl jments occurred in the. air, but ti.have maIzama~ted to e I eas r lb.. i t o é. 7d tRiE ited by rsl atpeitar nean. the. Moose Jaw Bread Companxy. E ce-Per doz.. 34 te 35c.hib resuts tTpheen ar unertan. . and toraoea tanks of 1 le ere arq uellIng toheretail wk - -~~ t rade ut the foIlowinz pricesitms the Western Oil Comnpany, at Moose 1 Butter-Fresh dairy. cholce. as te 39c; Jw have been destroyed by fire to creamery pfiits. 40 te 4ic:. solidi. 400. Th Egge-NewWad. in1 cartons. 42c; ut bas sens icm ROYAL FAMY thmitent of!600 lfcr»ljýlc lA ECity o Winnipeg. The. average was 1Lv. oultry-ic rit chckens. b.. 40 iud o u-Pro-German Politiclans and Mil to have ail abattoirsa nd alîuthter 100; triplets lot; fr ii- latary Leaders Abo Must Go. houses in the province duly licensed eIt.ardoy.. 82.7b; select. $2.50 teofTa despatch from London say:-It aud under tInspection by July lit. 10, . . 2.3 te 13.31of.rd hasben dcied ha ai te mmbri A Saskatchewani fermer, sixty yeaý Potatoe-.&n track Onta.rio. par b*t mon -Le omfasys: ige bis firat ride on, riwij 4-11. Aibertan. per ba&. 14.00; P1..Brts Tived in, cf the Hellenic Royal family, excOPt Oroda,01 ba<. $4.00.BrtsI gé,ves the the new King, will leave Greece, lac- train the other day when ho travelled lteans-Imnported. hand-pieked. $9.00 ta donc. e odi omaii y h ma peinn1po froil Lebret, on the Grand Trunk Pa- $9.50 per bush; iAms, per lb. 19 te SOc Open He de- German politicens andi military lead- cafet CRha. P.wovtstu5-Wheof Cul- arbw Bwhoily ers who fornm part of the entourage of Cp.ChsP.MClmc Ca- S kr nteH ms.melum. 30 te shores hile the 'former kcing Constantine. gary, who went away with the.tiret 11e. do.. hbeavy 2836tt 27c; ceoked. 41 toe d until contnget ad wh ha benýprn%ôed 2c; uls. 7 o28c. breakfast bacon. Uttoanâ, No indication bas yet reached Le» on tine33an wo hc ôt; backs. plan. 36 te 37c; bon*- 1,384,84J mraedon as te the. lin. <of polkry Eleutheri on h ai, mîtoLard-Pure lard. tierces.» 7c tub,. extend1 manage I ptchz fer conspicueus bravel7.. 22î7 om o tIre. Ap Turklsh jVenizelos intenda te adopt regarding 21spaistchesopun.tires pi red from the change in sovereignty in Greece, e ir re dc gto -_ iePeaC c ubs me;elo le i. on 5 ethe City River and Grande Prairie districts&:sCurdlb, cI ¶ s, 24rbaon 2 t t and re- but ho already bas declared that at 2i cpriceax bellies 2e. ncation& n. the end 'of th.e war he lntended t troghth Emoto imiraio by havii rt estab- leave to a Greek national convention cfleSneM> «Pehv was ma of Tur- a revision of the constitution whiciirgstrd m u.o hseS ae otuL ue lOai-afaif i . .. . gene te Grande Prali-ie and 33 te Western. No. 1. 783e; do_. No. 3. "îc; omt >e under! would aid in deprîviag the soverelga R extra N-o.i feed 77c- narley-àssan. A bal k in Con-'Iof the poasibility cf again înterferi g osenta.ver.ai... 1$1.20.; dc.Ma . aec weia. accompi ieu espe- with the, wiahles cft the people asex Duigtefrtya ndrpoii t..srong bakers'. $13.20; W Inter mmo rynl pese b ter epeenatvs ntion, only fit commtl»ents have been tnt. hoc 1 13.76; atrai lit roliera. Vaneoul ren and 1 Parliament. md eteMntb ala rnoRolied cala--Barre1..s oo; bacs. golb... land, af Formr Kng onsantie lft romthewestern judiclal district, as $4.36. liran. $84. Shorts. 140. Mid4. United iwithcut Fre ig Cnsatn etfompte wit.h 260 for the. precedlng 1 ln«Ing:14te $44. .Mouîîlie, 146 te toi. Te sumnmon- Athens on Thurada>' te embark on a coprdHa&y-No. 2, per ton. car lots. 113 te h 'r 1, n- ritsh arsip. Contaninowaaac-year. Tii. provincial juil aew holda; 113.60. cbeee-Enest westerns. ligce.couver Cr 5,in-i tihansi.Cnsatnewsa- nailno igtpisnrwhl es «terne. 2 lic. Butter-Cholcest Crsincompaniied b>' the former qumen aud ol ei regt rsnrwiocreamery. $81 te 39c-. seconds. 37J to Austr0-ý 'as taken!crowfi prince and other memberseof the lanformer times from 40 to 50 prison- 38le. ligg-S-1elected. 40c; No. 1 stock, charge lemnar of famil>'. They left the city by motor COiuidpar bat. car lots, $4.1-8 to I4.60. and bo ouhacar. Prof. Gorgies Streit, fermer tibilig 7;o.8sck84e3e.Ptee-ests of lai the ndviser of, the Greek Foreign Office, I B '" "W15511q ?U15 on the went with Constantine as bis secre- 8UIW U ~ 8~het-No. 1 Nerthern, 13.63; Nu. à his law. tar>'. uiww a'uuuNma orthern. $16.-;No. à Northern. $2.55; liapesed ---Se.- 4,J1-AIS114 L3. Nô. . 13 19; No. 6 L7 8; Beautifi iisensd F RT T R Su 11U.Oste-Na. 1 C.W.. *ie. 'No. j mi he whole 13 C . 678c. extra No. 1 food. 678c. No. W asd AN OPPORTUNITT LOST. -I fced, 663v; .No, 8 foodesbe j. Barle- For f passed No. s. îî.ao; No. 4. ~.S ..t $io.rad 1.09. pFlax-ýNo.i 1 . Wlc..mm condition Story WIiieh Illlustrates SSeaCurosTukl)rvnI avkiAdvance i2110CW.îîN. .., raighci year ago . Rusaisn Ideas. From Gulf of Aden. 12 65.d by 1 5 exemp- Russian peasants have the kind *à A despatch f rota London says-- Wulted statesa okre lne me -ompelled credulity that arises front a vlvid Fort Salitf, on the east shore of tise Mrineapols, Julie li!-Wheat-Jaiy. Yuken imagination. If yeu tell coeof the. Red Sea, ha& been captured by Britt.ah, 12r. . Ret Mb.e ; 1.08:csh.Noh.Igrte liared . 13.0 a8320 o. i rn1.ton daily life in Paria or la Louon-of the, viraMlps, it. w". olhiialy mSujueed H0t 31:N.1foties 30 e w I tubes, the underground railways, the. Thur8sy evening. 11,6.1. Cern-No. à ylwhite 1. 6 te 9c.t ndy telehones-he wîil tell you plaiuily Fort Salîif 15 on Kamaran Bay. il lou-ýe ista -n.8. li. te6etha 9e1p1118.00. otiera unetianurd. Bran, 126.00 not sec, * thât yeu are jêsting wîth him : but if Yemên province, South-western Art. ôi 1!7 .20 yo hould assert that silver and gold bia. L-arge rock sait worka are locat... I Dulloth. June in!aa-st ad LOAN wero aet".RabOUt thé itreata. h. 1cd thère. Nêhr..3nm;I would believe you imnplicit1y, for hotI The captured fort liez isbout 175 J..iY. $2-6.. ola. 1.no. $ 4 sl i ha, hord mîny oatnes et the wealth miles nort.h oet icGulf et Aden. A't044r SEBtUW Beyond of the French and the. Engrlish. Fairy force of Turks te the. north of Aden j albsr. st9 0 W-L tales and miracies ire his native bas been long in the. way et the British 1 Toonto. uie 19hoeeayts. part 01 -En AN HiUGEA IJD BUT BUSINESS I5 TRRIVING DE SPITE THIS FACT. Revenue For Last -Fiscal Yesi Beaches Stupendous Total of $2,500,000,000. Ia 1897 the United Kingdom'a -re- venue was roughly $550,000,000, wbili for the. yesr 1910-11 il nearl>' doubled this figure. The war bas hrougbt au expansion cf lie public revenue sucli as ne> financial authorit>' cculd have imagied possible. For tho year 1912- 18 the United Klngdom's revenue was Just about $9000-,000A. For tbe, finsi full year ef the war, that la the. yeas ended March, 1916, the. revenuae wat approxlmately $1,500,000,000, and ire the year ended Mardi 10, 1917, il reacbed the stupendous total of $2.- 500,000,000. Revenue From Taxation. in a 1ew Pointei A despatch front, London ays: Paria .This stor>' cf modern warfare lu nolat-! grapha. d b>' an officiai, aulionît>' who has >lcsiwhich were runnlflg been on the front ina~Champagne: niuiners a short tume mgo, "On May 20 the French propare t t -being caught in smafl uum- rush the. impregnahle . positions on Mount Cernillet and Mount Toton. irity' of loge bas resultet ini Phetographa taken b>' thii viaters about 25 per cent. of the 'showed an immense systent o! tunnels sud, shingle _milîs la Britisah whicii apparentl>' concealed Germas s idle. resorves. A single entrance was le- Lies recent>' Issueti by thi esctoti sud the. opermlor o! j French 16- r's foneigu trade la largel>' put a shîl lui the outrance. of e t o f Seattle.' -The pin started firlng theusand er Vaucouver boy, Albert J. peuud sheila andth ie infantryý was or- *sen cf Mr. and Mrs& Johnl dered te ativance at a certain'minute. ens, was klled in the. heavY 'No hours before the lime set for lie >around i Vmy Ridge. advance a haif ten aboli planted ltself ual menace on the. Fraser squanely in the. mouth o! the. tunnel, 1.C., was effectua!>' put an kIlling haif ef the. men inaide, block- by tb. explosion et mines Ï dlug the exist and wrecking the lew lie herd cf 200 into transverse corridors. The French ad- vancedi anti took soyons1 hundreda o! Sanceuver police departmnent pnisoners wilieut suffening s lois. eut some 600 netices to "Two montha ago a French sttack abers and otbers te tthe effect on Moronvillers failed because Ibis oe siisking must b. discon- impregniable tunnel could net-b. cap- formation o! a new ahipbuild- tmL ýpmiiy for Victoria, eapitalized ()UR WAR CHARGERS. ýal purposez at $00.00, was leod at s meeting o!i lie Board Britisht Army H«rmesRaeive Ev@rY s. Car. lu Hogpîlals. Wîng s paralytic strelce, Si A receut observer of lie British e4aer, on.eof lthi aId-tiners o! IColumbla, died at lie mai metiieds o! training horses for use În if us dugbtor Mr 1 ithe army noticedti lat at the. close o! owmer, Vancouer . Mltneaçb day's drililiter. came, follewing 4r facilities on the souti laie odertc ioutprlint, su other i D urrard Ilel have extend- la swtetprîe uayce 1 ho docks cover an aria o! amy. Il was apparntby a single 4square f cet sud lie wharves mysterieus word:- or over 21~mls "Muchyerosses!" 4~pslt miesti. ig f Tii. fact that each rider proceedoti r! oa Vînouvaeepsn the tet stroce, pat or pet hie charger, per- y! colno urgehibitiohne functorlly or affectienately, as tii. case colred witnexudbitien ,emigiit ho, readered th. intirpretation ici. brewie acdt> ehbtonsclear. Tii.command, meant, "Malte ýde efoe th ciy exibiionmucs o! your horses." 4,d e! or>.0 usas The Engiisii are a nation of bonse àý nie r 20m0> insancsiy li.lovera, and in the Ensliarmy horses *t ie! ti faillsae blteare as well cared tor, both freni truc tfrs onrtheftieshe ave fhuniane feeling sud motives o! ocon- Iter erucfe xil teintiveG, >,as the cruel wastage of war will Itryuso eieI h permît. They re overworced cul>' $twelh ie-osua an when the.>'must Zi, are veil feti snd ils now iu charge o .o en ce" u hn r es *,Iungarian aff airs formerl>' in luospitals for lie woundod. Dut many> b>f lie Unitedi States C.ousulj jpoor, !aithfub creatunes are aacnifieed. lý abso looking afler lie inter: A graphie wniler, Mr. R. B. Cun- 'rks a intus province. uinghare Graham, bas deacrhbed. with muCh feeling, the iast friee ru» and ýPELL 0F THE YUKON. <ced<o! eue o! tihe many troopa e! - horsea sent front Uruguay' te lie bat- r4, Sue an Iuetn ti lf ront. Thero were fivo hundr.d ilttsOilsets Rougi Lite co! hem, lucludiug two beautiful bnigit boa wio ae aron mddo otbaya with white legs and nos., which s4arse fhooare. rougbndckdoand were kncwn as the. twius. cýa" fod. oughecks ad 'Wbenever echer 91! hem stopped afeatment, wii.n eountenbalanc- t eaet, its comapanlen would turndt +~utiful scener>' aud Interse nea-o heisat h te e4 àvoyage upon thie river Idelg i, n tse i nstadant t elo theî . tan experence not tw ie ner o l as ls i.d ad alo p i.! Ar@na,ý our,-htad man, riding beidue lie bas flot sein lie Yukon, lie me, wheefld -ound uni bis horsse su d- emle1kl lm enly liatthe>' sheod peised 11ke au nl1 wihear heà nt b and sequestrian statue, ieoked at, the.twluî 'ný Alska. The Yukon flowls sdrenrk l'tf..ui f 1 Lkha a n antA MA In try ma Iwo to b. upon the Arche eilT> 04e a ar; arule tuasliasboos ltue dis- -TMyBWrt à. m eut* thieriver i a point " Do you hies, yousoldior i'y- mt tii. id io anti trading posl @! Fort - vnWC 'le b « Isltq gloe put«4The" "ae kuhhlsge aok liI yu ae M Iga-bimrd on tlie ab"; el e. 10se?-i 6 poý*utée motory art t4 Do you kiios, youi soldior aw*y il lii -lu 1dntuw; b. oie s uilIWbat My llips *rqdatnu owMgt? lu bee ht orcomltted Tise>'ae breathingaprayen liaIyený May tome. bock à» a fuir tb1Îp limaIMrshilu Nderd orhr#a inlgDo Y« ihus', lm asolder a, a t theOfne ain o!à .i.a.'à i - ý la e ouanil sûteamyof Kpest to b. srudy for ei ei trade expanson and mi ovu ýbeoe. The examgll anuy iriti ubermystim o r theg«Mat Ameleu itrui 1Dritiei - wutnl*1- and thida ar'e aven uow beu, àit U t Ubiane. een O, a, ~ACK ~R31-a-Mr wsil&~ pAK.YRD W WèewA ý 500,000,000 was the. revenue coumins fromh taxation, ln one form'on anoilier. Tii. receipta frosi taxation as thui staled are very différent froithtio t-- tai i-eceipta ef the BritlihGovomu. ment for the poar enudtiMmmci, 1917. During that year from taxation and f rom loins of ail sorts thse Goveru. tnent's recalpts« were appreximatoi 4231,00,000. ft la doubtiesa perfectl>' truc uhal Englauti is oating up hen capital- but il la aie true liaI the nation la de. monstrating a capacît>' 10 do huai. ness under distresalng ciremnstanea te dig up revenues, 10 carry burdeni auch as ne fiscal authoril>' ou eartl would have suspectedci euld ho dis- playeti under such a stress. Last year'a revenue, aslde trous loins, was nemrby$8350,000,000 Mort than lie Chancelier o! the Exciiequel hati estimateti ln tise preparation of isi budget. - Blgger Burdeus Facad. lu proparng lie nov budget til year tihe Chanellor ha. beau guldeti by what now seuts a reasenahie pro. sumption that lie feveriai ati uMa.i tural proapenil>' o! van limes will cou. tinue, anti se has presumeto te mand atlb furtiien contrtbutions frosi tht public. Noboti>'stem te doubt thai ho will gel hem. Soeanes' dutiet have beon impoWe, sosie taxes bavt bien Increïsed, some nesdjustmente bave bien matie, but tiie genenal effeet lu a frank acceptalice of .st1iiilaget burdens sud a confident expectatlos liaI tii.>y wil 1M*et In the. tinaltIvo o nîhs o! iis yesi lie claisaofe! mmmli. investors -1oaned about $200,000,0tp thse Gov«enunnt There armhi lagisuct ,andi WaloJ alone. on thse booka !cie49war uaving. 3,0000 lfiTIhbuei'Siimy'mil o« tisei peeplee haId sot peiul'at- ettd .ayatatleally "i m anbd; W>Obhave beeiib doe ooa y lie system o! collective avinga. The ssv. ins assocations undertake te aggre- gata togethar - . t meiMa Mouate brôngt lu bph àth.rmm.n wdte invest them l a alumpà Cbfldrsn un the. aehoôlipeuIotérstraasaunlaâ. borins, artisans, vai-tensï, frM vont- or n lutC4, &Vecam as d peopblilà repneaented aiuong lies. Millions -who ire nos' hal!lligt And loitrtiurgtt. joy, lie art o61saviug., 'Tii. basAso! ,th» e r 4tlni* -ur i rivçr in ito voiloa m i teh, 0 e point p.assing the . me re timea-througs a Wilderness patIess. which th. g-reater f Iewsy bas rrmainiciun- li since the. diacovery o! iimeval ftonal on ils banka a IU places no 'inhabîtanta except r Ubou, beur, lynx, amd'otimr a. Some of! lie.canhe r m the boit upea 1h.e abo'ies glu lie vater. - Uer. sMd aUa fes' Indumu embus, or tae a wood-elopper who supplies mens s'lt fuel, and a fus' mi- »Wno aimmcal epty, sam t ir prosent Jimiteti xlatenoe y te lie fur Itoi. tbese, thse town ' Circle, was 1> 1> 1' T. 1 it the great war, 1 hope oea shh1wiIl kilt thein both.' -The herses ssn.Iied the Nwater at the bottom of the bhil am the Wbole ivo iiundred broke into s galIlp, viti mane ,flying andtI alls einad high, anti w. raceti mati>' b>' hem aide un- tli withiu a hundreti yardtsof lie great laka. Thîy rusheti kilo lii vater anti drauk groedlly, while lie sttlng san tellupMutheir Many.eiiloi.d baolc amd gve te wiiobe bird tlo0k od a vant tulip fieit. *'Afttr tise bard liat drunkýAud imd sctiellerin lul uai patwr*o ltad j innqllyo on.eofthlicberdautn apos- [trophtw t lesi orrosfuily: "'Ut wseU; tien. lu ne' grisa huke tisat of La Pilota wieu'eyou , across lie se&. The- gaslu Euu4po muai,

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