Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Jun 1917, p. 4

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miss ,Plorenc. Balfour stated lut -Thursda>' for -Ploridx, after a twe weeks' visit un4erlte pArentAl rOOf. Mr. mand-P!r.Arre err cm dow-n f rom Teronte Itan week se> un to *be présent ut the annlversary .ln ]3urna' Cburch. They are always wel- corne visiltorB, flot only in the home of thei son, buti-nl our midet. Mrs. Wbtney, of Torcowto, la vls1tl&gý at the home of ber ister. Mrs. Robt. Heron. We regret to learn tirat Mr. Itobt. Heron le somtewbat lndlsposed these days. However, we hope to sec hlm around as usual soon. The anniversary services ln Burne' -Chnrch laat Sabbath were a proneune- ed success f romn every standpoInt. The weatbaer was ideal, thle congregations large. thé inglng hearty. and the ser. i;îons Insplrtng. Mr. Cameron*ss ub- JLet ln thé Morniig vaU a Most fittint thene to bring before an. audience at flua titmo, "gnerifieo." It wvu handled inVEasterful way and made a strong a'-pîealIo1 the people present. Fis even. ing message was alike good. sbowing fthe Inexhaustible reswîrces of the AI- mr.0ýALty for the salvation of manklnd. Thle church was flot l4rge enough for 1h.' .umnber who camne to the service. inariy having to renratu outside. TLC stîpper on Monday evening was ùvvryhlng to fpmnpt the eater, the Pro- %,I'.ions larish, the attendance court- tîiSand palnstakfng to those sitting a!t te laables, the reputatior. of the Pides ln this eonneetion being a6und- :'îîlly proveti. Wb"en thle cbafrmnan called the mneet- inr Io order tupstairs the pews and aîirs .%were fillei. iss Stantori. of Rag- ian. and Mrs. Whitney. o! Toronto, de- I.,hted everyone wkttfl trelr selections, a4nd caine back again to the rounds of pflîîeibat expressed a desire for Joe isE. Johnston, througb 11W ntess. m as tînable to be prese-fl. Mrs. Ji.f.ieron presided ai the organ ln lier iustial aille nintr. The lectire by Dc. Palterson. of To- THE LIFTUP BIAS FILLED CORSETS. 1oiivly the mî,t effectve corsýet for ladies %Ibola require abdtornî ual support. A Il the1 ist styles of corsets to suit arny figure. CORSETS 14ADE TO ORDER Wvrite us for cataloLue and ineazurement form REPRESENTATIVE.S WANTED) WVrie to-day for parttcul.Ars to Dparticut A lIlAS CORSETS LIMITED 39 BRITAIN ST. TORONTO Cet Vour COal Where you anc sure it wiIl be loan and Bright Our coil is well ecreened. We guarantee prompt de- ivery and good srervice. Telephone -No. 182 Jas. Sawdon For Tickets. RbSSu'Vtion, J. M. RICHARMBO OrWtw R, .. patleei I 4 r- p -e <i-r- ~ r-r-' *4 toucbêtp.u-he eft wt*th whtch lié, un ,folded t h tô" friuiece teé pur; pOs e1d p~ue tie Im4ghty- tur gex-, erallus lng a U, taW01-i lte un- tory ut lit'w- woM. ,WltiUt -a ingle note te "Maat iris memor>' or te guide hlm ia bis effort, lie reciteri names "ud dates and places witb Uic case [ld failiarity of a tisoreughly discipIined mind and ripe seholar. - The lecture was a masterpiêe fnm a MAtr mmnd, snd brougirt home te the larde and appreelative sud enthusiastic audience In a maateily way. A hearty vote of thanks e thie lecturer et the evening and those who assted on lte program was mnoved In brie! speech by Dr. Berry, ot Irort Perry, whicb waz abty seconded by Mr. Walter Kerr, and lte ulging of the NatlonmT Anthem brouglit te a close one efthtie best an- rivergarles in lte bietory of titis con- gregation- Had there weatber condi- tions heen more fayorahie lte buillig would have beem altogether tocamuait to aCcommfodate file croyd. So lavisir werle the provisions that the ladies proposed holding a social on Tuesday evening. At tîme of witing w-e cannot give the exact financial re- tur-ns, btît understùnd tira! tire>'are satlsfaciory. being larger titan on for- ri-r oceasions. POINTS TO CONSIDER WHEN PUR- CHASINU A RAILWAY TICKET. A (anadlan Pacliel Railway ticket does net represent merely a means ef transportation between girin Peints- It. lu addition, prqvidedi the trareller with every roinfortiand couvemiefe deyeioped liv modern rallway selece. '~aeyFlrst7* with up-te-ate equlp- ment, unfepceled dinfing service, palat- tan sleeping cars. ln a wrord. every- thing tîtat n railway tan provIde for the coinfortable transportation o! lun jusegrinclud ing courtezy. -52) BOARD 0F EDUCATION. The Principals' reports to tire Board of Edtîcation for tire Month et MaY rI:toiwed -an average attendance at the [dlffer,-nt scboo!s as follows: Dundk.sý .S'tru'îi, îl; fienry Street, 133; l3rocki -:&r or0f ite Sehool NManag-- mient Commitee réconrmended an ln- of *10- u n eAtary or principali I- vIdré. rkinig bis remîtuceratioli S1110-t ter >ear. and the glvillg ef a txe - itis1fr the" school yî-ar 1917-18, to each of the other public sehool teaclu- trs. The report afi-co raommnended tiîf r"- ea.se of iis Guth-rie as teacher in Flgh F-i-bol, and the engagement of Nls Gregory, n-ho bashen servias ns ubstitute. Last spring Miss Gutb- rie was.taken ill with nerveus trouble, and lias not yet fully recovereri, bence itie recommnendation to release ber._ Over i-is-clauise la the report a vlg- orous discussion easaed. Miss Guthrie had wrlttea i-be Secretary efthtie Board thai sIte boped to ho fui!>' restered to heallh b>' September. This wa.s used by her supporters on the Board as a reason (or retaining ber services. Others took the vien- tiat inasmucb as tttt-re w-as a doubt as to ber fui! ne- cover ythe fBoard should isot hazard the suiccess of the school ipon a pos- !ibîlît>' whlch might not be realized. Thte latter rien- prevalied. and armo- tion bh)lloss-and Mathison to a- mend the report In this particuler failed to carry. The report .%Vus. hon-ever, amnenderi, ~sregards the. engag..bmant o-f Miss Gregory, ai a saiary of $1.000. an la- -tresse o! $100 over tirat fermer>' paid to MLiss Othrie. Wben 1- n-as explained titat Miss Gregory n-ould net sccepi leas tran $1.000 anotUîer sterin arose and se- vigoroas n-as fi- tialtirhe clause nwae anended. Ioavlng lte engagernent o! a teacirer t-o tire Management Cern îuittee. Ithe idea boing te pa>' not more than $900 If a suitabla teaeher could be obtalned for tia! sun. Tbe Froperty Committee reperted the engagement ef Mn. Roberte as cane ,taker etolte HIgirScitol et aaa"r) of $50 per mentir. He n-as highly rme coipended for tRie posItion. titiori et twe storets in tire Duudan St school ton the -obslete furnacenol tan use. sand tire sd.ing of tan teat tx tie Higbi School ciney. The repori was adepted. The Finance Commit tee rffommend edw paynent of these acSuints. Tiros. Appleton, n-omit.. .4.00 IJ. XçJntyre".work .... .. ...6.15 C. A- Goodfeilen- & Son -.. 64.5 ER.Blow-, cea.... .....57.86 Ge.S. Johnson----------..21.50 l-Tireortbam, wonk---------..2.50 'Teceai question reetred a tom deal ef attention, and waa fneely dis cussed. Se tar it had net been touaM Commencement Daý at the -1College. (Continueri trem page 1) Teache's Centificate by the Royal Lu.e Saving Soclet>' o! Eugtand fer swlmmtng, llfe-eaving, etc.- Kathleen Smith; Gladys Field, Jeannette Riggln-1 bothain. Oold Medal by Arthur B3liglit, Eng, for greatest proftclency ln astimmlngo.- tIfe-eaving, etc, open te students hol-, ingaward of merit oertillcites irom thle Royal LAte Saving Social>'of SgtF -Helen Millay. Silver Medat by Dr. Rare, for great- est broficlency ln swlmmlulg, liteu-Bar. ing, etc., open te students holding medaflio& from the Royal Lite Savfing- Society' ef England-Lucy Rolýertson_ 9llver Modal andi Award of leit Certificates by thbe Royal Itfe Savlng Society of England for swimming, life-saving. etc.-Eileen Harrison. Hel- en Mllay. Eva Hutcheson sud Edîtir Aber- crombie are ready for exarnination as soon as opportunît>' effara.- Bronze Medallions sud Proficiency Certiticates b> tire Royal -ite Satlig Society of England for swlmming, etc. -Vivian Alcock, Lois Dixon. Leslie Hunier, Marorie Taber, Vida Lune, Elleen Harrison, Freida Harrison, Edith Abercrombie. Helen Mlllay, Ha- zel Taylor, Vera Baker, Morden Bush>'. Lucy Robertson, Joy >arritt, Mon.!e Maw. Silver Modal b>' F. M. Score. Bsq. Toronto, for bigbiest- standin-g In thie tiousehoid Science Course -ahrn Joeepisine rrenway. Special Awand by Mrs. Arthur V'an- Kougbuet, Toronto,,for higbest stand- ing in Cookery and Sowlng - Isobel Leslie Hunter. AWRDF0Cr'PRIZF'5. The folloviag wvere thbe prize v.- - ners: M usie Department.-Prizes given b>' A. & S. Nordheiarer, for Censenvatony Examinai-ions: I Intermediate Pland-Graee M. Lin- ton (honora). Junior Piano>-Mary Boyle(bonors). Inute.mnediate Vocal-Helen Millay. Junior Voal-Vivian Alcock. Art DEýpar men u-A wards b>' T. G Greene, O.S.A., and Miss N. WVright: General Profieiency ia Junior Arts- Misses Olive Lampinhùanad Wlnnitred Scott. Highest Standing ln Karamîc- Miss Laura Mclinine. General Profieiency Awards:-- Special Awrard b>' Rev. F. L. Fare- well for highiet standing in any de. part meni--J osephline Greenway. Winner of the Trafalgar Daugliter Scholars1lip n-Ilhe announced at i-ha opening of tRie FaI t Tm, of 1917. Commercial Departmont:- -Speclal Award b>' T. G. Whitfiald, E sq., 1er highest standing ln Çommer- cial Coturse-Morden Busby. Pnize *by Frederiek Dane, Esq., for hlghea-,tstanding IlîîWriting -Aima Wilson. Mbthies: - Tni orae PIrsi- Prize lnTensouamf: Singies-Jessie love. Doubles - May Smith and Muriel Hare. The honor o! havlîîg nanre on Lrel »Stratbcona Sbield for one year for atietie. womanly qualities and scbol-i arsirip, an-arded by vote ef the st-. dents te Kathleen Smith.- Pbotography: First >Pnize for lies! saap abot-Mye' nan Rice. 11ev. J. G. Brown, D.D.. et Toronto, 1 delivered a splendid Oddress, at -the tconclusion ef the presentatios and the afteraoou'e exercifsacame' te a eclose wltb thre National Anthem. tTise Colloge wiil re-open'on Septem- -ber 12tb.- HIS ARM TAKEN OF'F. Thse Pediar People's big steel press. whlch took four cars te convey -I ( rom Chicagl o eOahawa, and whlcb represents a capItal eapendtture of $501,uOOet t. fiiet huma>w-"ctlm ou Frtday, at. The mahine rees ot WI MTY MRES Wbeat, tati.......$ Oto $=.5 Wbeat, goose.... .. ..2.0 102.00 Biariey .... ...........25 Ute 329 e -s.Wte 3.00 Buckwheat......1.50 te 1.50 O..t ..........4-t» 0.M Ris4 Closes.......* te 10.00 8.1*k. dover, pe t u . 850to9000 Bay. per ton......12.40 te 1800i Pleur. per eut ........75te 2.50 clxOpped fecet .-. 276 te 3.O0 Owiu .... .... ...8--*&WÏ6 Bras, per tomr.... ....40»0 te 46AO IhobIlIper ton .... ...4.05te *5et MEAT. POULTII AN» PÉOMJCI Hep. dreserd......1M 191&00 VernI .-.... .17-*t Cht*mi4 .per M . 035t.e .3 Duaka, etlb.......MMte fL4a. *. Luit mu. Ur lb.. *00.0M 1N. pe t boa &ai .03t.U AveI1 petrpe¼~~ P1 4 v n t I. Il 1- I IILflLjIIIWI IIIIL 'lit FAilli i4ATTiE WARREN Port Robinson, Ont., July Mt, 1915. f "We have used «"Fruit-a-tives" inf our house for over three yemr and have1 slw&ys foqnd them a good inedicine. Our IiIfflerirl, IH.dlie, twas £rubJled ztitk KidnÉY Disease. The Doctor said shet was threatened withl)rdj.s. Ilerlimbs and body were al1 swoIlen and we beg-anà to thi nk shecould not live. Finaily,lwe deeided to try "ri-atvs.SAe beg'an Io skoruimpror'esnei i/Zer roe kad gîte'. erafewtuôtets. Ina short times thse swelling bad ail gone down and her flesit began to look more naturaI. Now she es the e Aalziest oie in fkefamuiy and has Do signs or theo old ailment.g We eau not say too rnuch for «*Fruit-a-1 tives" a&nd would neyer lie without tbem" WILLIAM WARRElý SOc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial site, 25C. At al dealers or sent postpaid on r4eptof prîce by Fruit a-tives Limated, of a single shedt of steel a complete automobile body. Trhere a&re as maaay dies as are required by the different bodies, and it was just after changlng one of these that the accident occur- red. Henry MIcKtnîiey, who wua the belpei? on the machine. was the unfor- tunate vîctitn. He wau leantng his rtght armn on. tie machine, waiting for the change ot dies to ho made. For somo reason lie dld flot comPrehend that thre machine seas again in motion. and, aithougli the press works very slowly, he failed to get his arm out ho- fore the ponderouw eiectrtcally-worked monster caught bis forearm and squirezed It as thini as a wafer. The- unfortunate man, who has a wife and daugirter living here. was at onçe re- moved Io the Hospital, where the in-, Jured part of bis arm was at once am-. Putated.- At last reportaslie was doing as wel nas couid be expected under the t rying clreumstances. -vitndirator. Hie Is a cousin of Mr. Geo. McKinley, of W'blitbY.1 PROCLAMATION. A Proclamation bas been laeued b>' Sir Jolhn S. Hendnie. Lieutenant-Gev- ernor o! Ontio-ansd Hon. W. D. Mc- Pbersen, Provincial Socretar>'. regardi- lng the celabratien et Domninion Day. Ext race are as feîlon-s: "We theretoreila hereby prolalin Sunda>. tise Firénd îà et Jul>' next, as a day et soiemu snd religions recog- nition b>' our people o!fUicelienelita and blessinge that -bave been -voueh- -sated te ura by Providence as a Dornin- Ion, sud n-e do request and urge tRial alh Chunchea and Sgmday Sehoolàansd. Associations et a trke ehabracter de ftlingly commemorate the secaion 10 the end tisat as ag peotdule natu> offer ùp, our tribule oet gratitude te Ai- mlgbty Qed as wel se oun supplies. tiens for Uic coutlnued n-titane et the nation; **"And wc do furtiepuore proclin IMonda>, tire second de>' et Jul>' next. ta as aday for lte purpose o!publt ic 4 zpàtrletlc demnt -esof th*e- liofou« p leoou r dtionaitlu- s.itutious anird âais. Fer 1ha1 pur- poe-ec cmii upoPaIdL municiP&l autit- Octle - peralÉ vitithe cratons eduesitous and patrietla organis- tiens la srmsging local -deumoatma tiens ln auttable plaes, aud n- W. qucet ai t iun te gtve bearty 4vp- port and cmtalcance te, b1h wv*- Ment. We- aiseq-e#et ienvpeople to glue. fusIler *We amee 3W lte dtlq oft 118< -and mni6bdecralonlg At their bomnes and pi t ue litul order tliU 4Ï1l'c irb-* ostdl'te =iy Itlfy te it,.pstrioti ansd unk. t>' et ail- Camradlàn*t aàn«%tM u rtres Dnmreu titsebeio*la IIPIO - It lo aherefo rerq.ueted by tir. (cowrti -o! the TOWa et WhilIby t"it aul *,ltltm a il» eMOM netaotelà e t Itbe &inasutOumras expreet la MI iprocIaiutle, au ttat or00 atallos -ti b. plaet on a41 bualing ,WERXL!KIOwN -ONTýIO COUN1TY, MAN DIES, Atter auni11nn88 et -mueeral- menthï, John _H 'Ja*es, a native et'19oolnà,I seeondiýon-oi'the laie Mir. John James.I sud a -weUlýkuewu firmer and, hersbe-' 1n Ia»at e tir amit>' bomestead. "'Long View raràm," Columbus, -QOn- tario. Iu bis --4th year. Berne yea.rs ago deceased bad a ver>' serlous lil- ness fritem Pleuroi-pneumonia, from whlch he never fully recovered.. He leaves or widow, four sons, Edward J. and Howard James, of Oshawa-« Albert o! Detroit; Harry, Thomuas isud Ardui- balgi. at home: two daughters, Mrs. L L. Guy and Mrs. Clarence Rayes, Col- umbua;, one hrother Editor M. *A. James, BowmanvIlle, and two isters, Prs. W. R. Bond, Brocirlin, and Miss Ellen J. James, Solina. Hie was a mem- ber of Corinthian Lodge of Oddfellows of Oabawa. The Intertnent tool< place In Union Cemetery, Oshawa, on Fr1- day. An interesting clipplng f rom the Hcraldt ef Lincoln, Nebrasika, le te hand, ahowing a novel scireme devised for boomlng the Liberty' Bond carn- paign non- la progress la the States. Mies Ruth Law,. a.well-known aviatrix. n-as engaged te tly over tire State ef Nebraska ln lier aeroplane and drop Libarty Bond heurs att over tire coun- try. lier itlnerary n-as under tihe dir- ection of Mr. George A. Mentgomery,ý a brother o! Mra. S. A. Baker, o! Whit- b>', and general manager et the Lin- coin Gas and Elect rie Ce. Miss Law's course n-as to take ber (rom Lilncoln te -Omaha, sud tiren dewn tire Mis- souri River te St. Jesepis. ler way frein Omaha te St. Joseph n-as marked by a huge whbite arren- a hundrad feet long and ton feet wide, bull!' under a statienary baloon suspeuded over i-be city. 'The ariatrix fiew under the aus-ý pices of Heury' 1- Doberty & Co., tire huge New York Corporation thai con- trols scores o! public utilities lu tire Middle West, and the program Is sai te have cost tire corporation $1100 a day. Mr. Mentg-omery beld a recep- lion te Miss L.aw in L-incoln previous to the star! of lier flight- VOUR CIIÂNCP-TI-IE WEST 19 Horneseekers' Excursions te West- ern' Canada ai- 10w tares via Canad Ian Pacifie oaci Tuésday until October 20. inclusive. Partieularq f rom suy Can- adian Pacific 'rlcket agent, or W, B. Hlonard, District Pasulenger Agent. To- roui-o. Ont-. -52 UXIIRIDGE BROTHERS WIN. M. C. Uxbrldge. Jane 17.-Word lias just bean recelved bere tirai- Capi. Roy -Hamilton, son o! Mn. and Mrs. W. Hamilt-on, bas been awarded i-be Mili- tary Cross for liravery ln action a! Vimy Ridge. Capt. Hamilton enlist- ed nits the Cameron Jigblanders a! Winnipeg, and n-ont overseas ln De- cemier, 1915. His brother, Capt. lian- old- Hamilton, aIea won the Militar>' Cross for tiaxvices ln Greoce. and n-as invested Sy the King thrée menthe ago. Cap!. Harold ls a medicat officer la tire English army. sud anlisted 'sith aToronto University Contingenttliat wards transterring 10 tthe English Army. Mr. Hamilton Is postinaster irere. CARD OF' THANKS. Mrs. Arthurn Smiths, Port Wisitby. wishes to thauk tise mas>' friands sud nelghlione wn'ho extendcd te ber syni- patit>'andf kindness .during ber necent errobyoofliesPesuYeL Ge back yuir appetite, strengthen your diestion. atimuat~e your liver, reg,:- late yôur bowels and im prove yourIIblod by takig Ther action ýs prompt and thorough, andid!son <el their ]xnellts -YoulwiU eu~ more, work-beter, sleep soumd- ert and feel new strength after a short course of these depend- able pis. They restore healthi conditions, and arwortha A WHITRY BOY IN THE NAVY. M'bile on Leave ln London durtiE May, Arthur .lubb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jiibb, wrote a couple of letters to bis parents, ti which be Intimated that lie had been throtîgb a Very ex- citlng naval batlie. The censor*s re- strictions. hoseever. prevented him from telling %-rv mnuch about the en- zazernent, but ne referz to It a3 foi- '1 lad another close caît a short time agir. Our essucîf les are feu', but It is ut wouder nny of us are living to- day. We sank between 200 and 400 Germans. as far as we eau find out- You would be surprised If you knew how the miea bebaved. Net a man got excit-ed. 1! n-as ;fter hIt vas ait over i bat n-o began t10 te wlat n-e had gone througb. 1 came tbrough n-lUi- otut a scratch. 1 bave a couple o! sou- venirs n-hleh 1I will take bomne n'itir mue n-bn I gel leave.' In anether letton Arthtur says: *«l iold you a ItlIe about the action 1 n-as titrougil. VeIl, 1 told you all 1 amn able t-o tell yoîî yet. until it- Is pubilsbed liy tihe Adm!raiity. hIt s kmonn about ln different places. but it gîtes Ibis place and our -;hip a fine naine. Our total crew Ie anound thc century mark. se n-e are lueky i-ir way n-e go! off. XVe had three tor- pedoes fired at us, but n-are lucky en- ougir te get ou! of the n-a> sud lnaa short time n-o iad thse enemy eut et action sud on tire, sud ln an heur sud twenty minutes sise sank. With what fen- unus -e have ut is a wonder we arc alive to-day,, -blit!ourtbehts bit vital spots nt the start eoftire action sud It told on tirem. It wll probslily open youn eyes wben you sec h pub- Iished. Some people would not lie- lieve il 'Wben tise> were totd hon- Uic odds n-ere against us fer ten minutes." Arthur had been enjoying a ton day leave lu London, but expected te lettre shortly, as ho snld, "for another hait- year et rough weather and living." dau ghter Of tèltt aes ik FQLy.-A-t7 Whlbtou. edeay -June I13t)f, 1917, Jrrlh3 o3, aged 66 year8s - eau lie couaulted oit ILFrldays Jue- 22n4 Fe E.' n iRATN <Oppostimpo D' Gien 0w IMPORTED GOAlS!NOMEI wtt1l @taud fcribe seamonofi1lT5*asollow-: MOND)AY-Will be at lthe Royal Hôtel, Whitby, tili noon; from tbe,;e.WiU PrO- ceed te C. J. Speace'a, Brooklifl, iotil ngon un Tuenday.- TUKUDày - Af ternoon, will' proceed tbrougb Aulibara and IMyrtie tge 1taglnp 8. H. Buek]e£5, for uight. I WEDN8DAY-Wil iproçeed by way -of- Colum buat C 1SpenCer'.,-Brooklin, uhero ho èviii remab i i! Turuclsy fmon. Tmmnsm!Àv - Afteruooln, wu] pruc~i- by way etO Uwood, sont leir vugo Uine to PLOYaI ilote!. WhitbYAýWhere Le 5 1will remain MUI Fridaymoon. FRitD)y-AfterloOflin proced to C. J.Spenoeee Brooklin, where lie., 'wiII Satu rd-, y-AtrooD, will-pXo<eed- ta Oshawa; t hence, to Royal IfoéI MIItuy where he s.iil remajnu til Moneü0ynoOZ T.-W. RoseNa rge ATTRACTIVEWP TO MUSKOKA LAIE ALONQIJIN PARKÏ' UAGANTAN RIVE LAKE 0OFBAVS. KAWARTIIA LAKES G1EOROUAN SAYV Round trip-tourit Stiokela ow 1on, sale frorn stations ln-ontarlo at vert Io0w f ares, -with libera! %top ovwerLý CET 15TOUR SI DAC Bertb Tresenrations sanilàmelàarti Jelaua i grand Trunk tieket ofi lce rwitt e OnIBng District Passeager Aet ootOt ROYAL THEATRE: EVERV 'NIGNT Mmday lutIuaway F.êhrê Speeialshow,, 1l(ý to-.aIL- i j a e s -k e- 'e- r I CANADlAN --legs

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