Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Jun 1917, p. 3

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Banilshedl by the,. Wonderfll - eocai TUE ORUSSIAI Whha T ht e atffEiTIYE ART G of RUsala have takenaides it te gan r. Wfysas e new demoeraeic Goverument and have "Wheat b , a complete food WOMEiN MECRANICS NO LONGER the b( Tonl Poers t D. WWam~. anouned ht tey ilt..,fghtos c inng a lh elment ANANO.àY.aé' Pink PU]& iagainst the Germaris," remarked Dr. .,-fmet H. A. Herbst, an American who hasn feCesSS&y for huifan flUtrl' Tanfe Igow often victimae o disease auch traveled iu Russia exteusiyely. "For y Iav as lagrippe, foyers, or contagions centuries the Gossacks have been îoyal t à" BuI.be m youget MayadVre r h zvnii8have trgubles aelftwaaln n e-te Rusa, net te auy particular Mkingand who1ewhart the a digesti' cav -ar Whieha alinOadeds Tnheirw Originin & to cie pondent sfter the disease itself han or dynasaty, and they have always land- ble fo $fr'MS d" Wliat heOwTerOignt are s( disappeared. They do -nt pick up ed on the winning aide. The Cos- e~Feminine IugeauitY. imail1 strength as. they eught; remain liat- sacks fought for the Emperor of Ger- Biscxit is whole wheat made Wiilia leas tfredl and djaeuraged. The rea- -any against the Turks and for Tur-_' A wemau mechauic is no longer nt son for this is, that the blood lias' key against Moscow, and they had no digestible eY .<xX>kUlg» anomaly. Furthermore, a-h. in noOn beexn impoveristied by the ravage of acruples. in siding with Moseow and srding and* baking-the lesa a woman because she in a mech'- the disease through which the victimCrms git the Fdles.ad ovreysh1nolsa hs ue. Strength will net re- "The Goasacks constitute the Moat l'et ProceeVer devifed for mchaisuj because she is a womafl Nel turs until the blood lias been enrich- " loyal body o! soldiers ln Russa. 1 In prepring the whole wheat tayn an American writer. Music ed. The blood eau be purified and the lat revolution in Russas the Go s- *otehm nThin un being proved eve'gy daY by sil enrlched by ne other Medicine as sance sent an ultimafuni te -the. rebels grainfrtem MSonC-t tii great number oft women who have alwa3 quickly and as urely a yD.Wl that if tbey did sot discontinue thei Two or tbre of these crisp had te fill tJge places of mes in the youç ilame Pink >iii-to enrich the blood agitation against the. Czar the. Gos-. litte baves of baked whoîe factories and shopu and who have Youd and trengthen the serves in the sacks would mardi against them 500,I had te assume the. duties of the. men verse whole mission of. these pilla. Thou- . 000 strosg mand annihilate t.hern- Ths wheat Wîth tIn.iikand beries, upon thie farma. The farm requires buty sasds have found tbem beneficial in .. declaration had its effect sud while'mae& a deliclous nouàising more understanding of mechanics Tenn bringing stresgth and energy after some few soldiera mutinied, ne Cos- mel. MaP inCaaca. tha it imiglit at firat appear-what Long disease had left them weak and ra ackwa found wasting ___The____Cos_- witb ail the farin machinery to e b tii.' down. isHna aitn v sacks are the backbone- of-us-i- properly cared fer and te be kept in thec erett,-Ont., says:-"ýAfter as attack of With them standing behind the Gev- CANADA'S WOODPULP. repair. them la grippe I was se rus down and ernunent and the Entente allies, there The reasen women were Bd long loves namic that 1 could scarcely walk. cas ho no question, in my opinion, of Commisino GnevtOniStudiei barred frein the field of mechanics la frorn had nô celer, no appetite, and con- Q MOC.& the. future o! Russia or the. continu- Goaditoins Effecting' Supply. due to the nincompooplali idea held1ae1 ws tn g weahs.do The se good and ance et Ruasia in the war until Ger- Canada in undoubtedly7 te beom for se miuy centuries tuat womnie of - had almost lbat hope o! getting bet- my_4 tathe" se o! the woodpslpreatn source- sens. When siftcd down te its fl O ter. I wasa sked te try Dr. Williams' Jersey cltihbas proved Mo ,IajN~Theis nuply het wpulp a nd meaning, the absence s! a Mecn Pik ille, sud it waasot long until 1 popular in sports clothes sud has £..z fL1n)IAoI ons uig eetyermudtri jeusenie inferred tiat tliey had o could feel tiat they were ielpisg me, added nw recruits in- bsthing nuits. ther large develcpments are te be an predilêction for tinkering, little desr and atter takiug them for a couple The pretty suit illustrated in made-of ipâebtinhe il ad heitsewel grodadnoeie o! nienths I was completely cured. I Jersey cloth and trimmed attractively N WAH N RD ILO ticiTOd hiswîl mueeana ont tIne makwecls mgo.rudmdn now neyer f ail te recommesd these with braid. Large pockets at eitber NOc IN RE ILO es in rnumess a costnly e make tMango. ce pilla te anyone needing a blood build- aide and a long girdle are other style DOLLAR INSTITUTION. eMnySced features of hiii medel. MeCall Pst- sources, and must result in careful Yet wemnen mechanics Liere are n You can get these pilla through any ters No. 777e, Ladies' Chemise Bath- aconsinat wiexiastehehe ver>' larigmachinet andem. dthe can a i dealer in medicine'or by mail postpaid ing Suit: ~5g~;3 o4 ut ra, in lichthihaven cttn8mahitsendb42dthniup agis tt b0 cents a box, or six boxes for Price, 20 cents. Asseta Increased b>7 iealy$26M. is being doue or 6 a e h dose, ane net They eau censtruct airPianes sud en- '.< $2. 60 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- in the Put Year, while Current in danger et depletion. gines andi submmrines. Their work iÉ LI cinéCo. Brokvîle nt.Thi ravages du fire have been vcTy the unitionl factorles 15 becminlç at cin Co, Bockill, Ot.Lewist and Discount» la- eioua in eux pulpwoed foresatand i ndigpensable- The beglnnerk at first like GROTESQUE BIRDS. creased by $13,902,393. . the question arise also as te wiether are slow sund rather awkward be- oee PantmîmstaThatAetas f Tley ros methoda cf eutting are su!- cause the>'(do set know mechanicnaS The 64th Annuel Statement et he lciently contreUled te enaure thé re-iand because their banda are net ac- Were Tryiag te b. Fuuuy. oMerchants Bank of Canada, just pre- production et another forent ou eut- customed7 te inpltu toa a WDdyuee ry watch e eci ewl, sented te te Shareholders, shows over land. The ares ef pulpwood ater they have once got hold o! te s espcîîî youee , hascec wntsmont gratifyi,7ig prçgreen during Uic lands in Canada lase ogreat that, if hang. cf thinge tue>'Improve with l116 epcala oung anc, tiat at fixe can b. kept eut andth te reproduc- aurprising leapsansd bouadàanmd lu cOî te iupreas you with its importance? year esding April 9t last. Net tien of the forest secured througli an amazingi>' short time beceme veJ 1 Tic f abledl frog, that swelled up te oniy have Depesits sud Asseta grown proper regulation of the cutting mneth- effiient and very reseurceful. cmi simulate the bull, lsaiament a joke in very substanti.ally. but current Leaus oda, tiche utgrwl will provide If wemeu have thce pporbtities for evt comparison. Mr. Sereeci Owl i5m iaons temasr ! te ebasis for an etormous develep- advauctng their iechaulcil abilitY, J mostly feathera, not in weight but in adDsons h es ftement Cet uepuli> anti paper indust"> there vili net be. sucli a preponder- at bulk; asdt Les. serve him well iu. Lie Banks' participation inteue mmercial fer ail ture te corne. This means the &mues O!mâl. Mechanies arnn us bu- bu, inflation atunt. development of tic Dominion, have lun- practice et forestry, cf which we have manu beings lu tue centunies te ceme. Or One moment i. lu just like any creaaed ever 28%, .rechisg a total of as yet lu Canada oaly th. beginninga. Even as kt han becs, tue suben' othr nrma avanin elaivedimn-$62,737,958. This indicates semetbint The Commissiofe Conservation bas of patenta fer ni.chan1cal Inventions' nE nions; i Le net he appears almost r& -*dofteeo iayIm ranewc hvli twiee as large an he should, according pftericib o une hihhu1l &linvesttgstlOii wlhiVle beexigranteate t wmen are um>. to the,. actuel body aize of him antud e nnieithegou and. tu éia bjecta LiasdermUt PtmmSose Wemen Jurenters b>' reasen that each feather stands os The. Increase li .55ts for the yea extent te wW&c eut-oyor putpwood Trhe. otton gin, ose cf the Most end anti outwartiW. A mad eat's tait0 CilI ameuntedti t $24,769,195,,r rve 25%l tands anreprtieg vainable species epoçh-maklug inventions lu the. is ovî ae uny.oistfellv; Unsal n tyîii5Leeu tbnnging the. total asseta ni> to $121,- luni>oteflthS.i m eniiici*1quantlties;lUnitedi States,* 'vad ate b>'Catuer- nu Ail owl are fnny-loking fllows; nusualand stlish i the eu of 13, 6Mtue effeeins hefMercnetsonereproduction, on rprolueiLittadefieltitle Gred ueSetofG*oorgie. SheO oves Lie wildcat, tigerish appearance these cunning little rompera. The ltie,68asirligtueMreath te rate et growth of tue reproduction concelved i ts complote Iie&, gave It o! tue great-horned killer cannot teke le downward curve o! the empire Bankt ameng Canada'5 Hundred Mil- proton!, te determine liow long aften te Eli Whitney te coustruet anti lu tes from hlm estirely Lust owlish cent of waist under tie arma givea Lb. suit a lion Dollar Institutions. This in all cut.ting one may reasonably expeçt days a model renulteti se Îerfect tuat feature, and Lb. big-eyed glare, tie ciarming effeet quite eut o! tue ordin- the more crediltable since it has becs asother eci>. The Anaver te these mil succeeding gins have been baaed- all-wise star., la uppermoat. ary. The lower part o! titis germent ol gfrlndtmi-uni. But ie unnist ! al notural s sefui! Lat it might almost be & iccomplisimti without*urnalgamattton questions 1eit ofrl dtri-uo L Butd heo! pre atebmof l, otr mn-a irtwr stbtejt uteeue i r beine erfbllkÏ lug wiiat addltionat measures are ne- The.moyen anti reaper oves ILs first key face, sot only as te thé geL-up oet mad gathereti around the leg on a rut% Notable among the asseta are ever wonn >' i>datii. uau a tru lY >- prfectn a se aefthecm-nn hi piz bt hegneaicotor fber tape. Gingham, crinklette, erepe Tes Million Dollars in Dominion ad matintood lîreduetionuo atoouh 5h efcite s aneftescom- his angulmr f orm. Al l hrough, eéther and ciimbray are splendid materualulcaigT as13aawell-ituff cd specimen or inlu tfortiut t1 u al ad hn e ti*iet d0fDr. Ç-D. Kat, Later tu1ak Invemted , a aha.fr and antica, he la the queerest thing on 1piece of-it e. lECi atr ngîse u rct>, ootheP4eeani:ngdoyâen.- Atten honhsbn' winga. Not even Lie pelican, about, No. 7790, Ciild'a Rompers sud ()n. ard carrylsg the financial burdeno! University. Aco-operative arrange- death abe mat»eotuer trnventions lu whlci se mucWof bumorous character, Plece Sun-Hat; lun 4 slzea; 6 montus tue natien. Tic assets do net lu- ment lia been mode, 'under which th u am m=e&"eY,'-but Lb.>' ver. stoen han bcen written, has anytiisg on te 3 ye8i'I. P-ce., 10 cents. elude mu>' mortgages, whilo rosi estate tiet part -,of the study>' il) ho madiesud- pateutoti b> isen. straw weav- 1 the monkey-faced owl for oddity of ac- Tien. patterns may be obtaineti otiier Lias Bank promises, anti over' IlPOS h mtue I f the b. Laureutiteie ng intiustry oves ILs origin to Bots>' tion andi attitude. from your local McCall dealer, or from due debta, -amount te oigy $W»,26, or Compaii>, wiose toneoten, Mr. EUfwood Mctcalf, when lu .1798theie vnteti Did you ever watch a great blue be- the MeCalCo., 70 Bond St., Toronto, leas Lien 2-6 et ose p9 cent. of tue Wilson, vit! CO-OPerate lu tue fieldilu- lier wgnderMutweavlng machine. ron fishisg? Kneedeep he stands in DepL. W. -4 -ttl"t.vdain.T n«etdta ii rtn tteAe ome pool, stream or bay, and no mar- TESOTS AL . Ttal fiene fassuletin.thestatuis wIL l ae intot thatsec- Aor ent st f tumO ge. bie statue ha nytiing on hlm fr TESOTS ALA. Tecniec !Lt ulc~ tio~In stuosthphwo md eshi oto sec- belng ~immovable. Presently some Ose Mm Perferme Ail The Dtm erel hnBanke2% natta ~se in ad tien !t ue lednemLTe rau- mÂia orkg rést mehncal lav- inember of Lie fisny tribe, periapa a gysow ys. 7 uiat unsubedney eanof the n. Les tipotnc )Itiar o ciap eut o! clans, or the wholc achool Requlriet. deposits, vhici have nov reàclie .1a moint,ta v i u e bo, aret ti. oeaL eswr aeavlslctrec o 1O a iteilnintetotal et1$92,10,07I, Sucli an ucoaeetiueea-o lUvoa thdpret ?igmahnagllt-ontdswv aven anders by beneth the crystal O itisat uLemidt-ideOf iase an évidence ofta healti>' tate O dr cneeuet l ueprpta v ýfd n d « &b even, nd-whckl Tc combnatie the thabana Rivr umortiiru Can-a voi feson sudve-glot, w-cb l co la ire,»cens Your vite anti you are equal pat- sors DIvIte faix Il buer pot aaimer s,,pm »laI. lb* mlotj -au Wbpur' tn. i!lhout break' jshott, antby tiis mnm ho knovuIM 0.C1MC OW U SPIthe mu tlinougieu Lm. boi -,bj oser)Maag-.tnhpchnge ti.thet vnUI ar lra. ay alo, la nvupt viltierneas until the da&r of ieateath, e-llx êLnilt b tf'ntlSi isuo.4a4uo e-.l-an-l But aftbooi le litide-nte t.rua itis perilonzblaie, eLst-tlta bçe*l' biveMtrotla ttyte rai aarter .of iit'874 a L.M begldnl9W t tli. I511eul.O#15 tR «u,& mu hascv hrmh ii n-Usvi., i 1 ts ge- hetusbesof Lb. taof PtI Le soeLo - 4a ame, üMs ruettraders chose »r, M0 ? 0,bd eulaàwO' eI<sts15k ~ h L no to. te ru tuau acTIM Jub o~o - liglit, anti teportage ,titeir gooda m eim v oal asme round tue qater aile et be-t ater. <M CAR BfT.E.hniur mid).e t the rivertutbaen*tandsteuts Lii. 5$rg5l J.e4 e-Evi*I( blé emlaue0 *1 495*êOea u vioe lngii ! teraffle. Tii. sbew auloati0u*9 .4qnant vaton at M 1e he d helln te ruledown lteAr r Adam baie muLb bat rapide tte i.qit ,water et tise foot0 t a b. iMrluIa ttue-t, s 5tâme ' W d theisiandagnêdhf. Uê P R N Toecarrythe IsIapi suiEs .m da K timt six ho msua tter . be -u : i, &*lm& Ies;". T% uIlvrverlalt u<UM& tb -.rm al' W who Il o lo. vbttoi0etar ml iI<? chiklreils dwýimfrefu fwi Ute tt.,trath thesaie articlesof doll aenil e-be-fa à Assbi carth* tom-i p Ml foo ~ddùkth. to moixt trlkte-coss eam uLbàaile o.jf. ked and>daUlsov eai À$ pe-a um f.e-m nOwll to pick. milies been liter- bers, pers isto- îreat four wjth isual ri UP) stay ri ng irired )rne item Id in upon la he >re- Tt ten- tthe the îted 1 un- A'nd hal. ated l - tthe Il ose m ere 1 inh nâ. k4.. i do rm. - ~ ~Tuder Tourln a ng4%tifIl tutipaion w bildr n a be ortIe. Thia car has been ~ne ptI7 cured by Baby's Own Tab- -anlh --t-.----.- r00$30 They are a geptie but effective 11-der 1 uaeg0I. TquriD'j Car. Elec' £e which thoroughly regulate trie igts -n sarter. Recentiivr- laeldatanewliy tpainted. Tires n gQOd )owelsan sdsweeten the ,tomach 1 haled c: LSO thua drive out ail childhood ail- hae 115 mODL. aÇ6 I ;a . Concerning theni Mrs. J. B. IL der 7 Passenger Tourinhi il. W tenbach, Richer, Man., writes: '61 elerbtrlo in t s ho star e ThOrOnhi uned Baby'a Own Tablets and e.:jet e~rs on au doorik found thenm an excellent Indi Overaise tires. Price $1.200.n for constipation." The Tablets JJ SIDON, moDLri?. a 5PSSIGR *old y meicinedealra o s. 4cylinder TourIDE Car.- Elect'iO soldby iediinedealrs r byîlaghts and starter, ini eod runnint order at 25 cents a box froni The Dr.'and newiy palntd. Lýookà .lie a nOw ias' Medicine Co., Bro>ckville, ca. rie$60 1> UGESEDAN.-AVIYFN I looking closed cau seatilia 9 Elctrte iîghta andI startersO iidO dome light. Nsearly ail: the windOwO Munie for Children. Open, whIîch rives ample ventilation for summr di vng.Price $700. ot ouI>' ahould you seek the beat' LIHA L rSvn. 7PÂSNE,4 ic for your eidren, but You C Cyinder Touring Car. Electi id give theni the it tes hers- starter, tires ipracticaily new, demount" iys the beat h .sil.if able rima. ore spare tire. Price $800. wan yor cilden e lve oety TUDSON 191S MODEL 4-64.e' A HIGk1 do net give them, some pool' little Toring car.in oyluin ordsetKeS e, solme bit of popular doggerel, looks lse new. Pice $760. - ' you turn back to the mastera-tO QTUDEIiACKER. SEVEN P>ASSE KeataShakep~sreBurn -3 Jer. 4 cylinder Touriflg Car, in1 good i y s o n e a tfl , e r e u n s u n n g o r d e r . T i r e s i n g o d s h a . ifellow, Browning; you give theM; This car waa painted this year a.nd l=oK weaith of the world. You must do v'er>' nice. Price $850. same'with music. You must have Il &CKSON. 5 PASSENGER. 4 CYLIN taugt byone ho kows d ander Tourlug Car. lias electrlC Ilabt$ m taghtby oe wo kows nd nd ta.rter. good tires. andi la 1a barrahi s music, who can win a response1 at the price $300.- m theni, who can direct and encour- We only sel useti cars a! ter thi. vu:? chaser hais had a denost a nau&f4 themn. The boit music In the world gatiafied iMmoot fthe runii quali- )f no avail for eidren with a pocr i eofthe car ho la buving. Cali at Out' aboroon nxt imeyou are bn TorontO cher. Seek good music in simple andi let Our a.aien show you any ot m, and music levers aslintructo'5. Our used cars andI give 7011 a demilU'3tà- LIFT YOUR C1O10Ey tee.TNOl. n. OFF WITH FINGERS - ~ VNE AT E D -PLANERSHÂPER. * Laýthe andi Qeneral Machinistu. ROW~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ao teleoiatne mn sOPatternl M.iers, - Day and i ight- Ho o calme >aktenercon Apply Brown Bogge co.. imitedi. Hamil- without pain. T ANTED>M.ARBLE AND GItAN- I TV te Letterer. APPly UeO. >M. Pl Sarnia. Ont. Let folks step à iyour f set bere- iWUIAIZE lm 105 la tçiwesr shoes a m sinaller if yo3 P RQFIT.&dLxING WWS A&JJojo e, for corna wil neyer again send aOftices tt icS Iii 1An 4go" (MU ectric sparhs 0f pain through yeu, or &He eUt U 1 for=6ione ,ordins to this Cincinnati authorit>'. applcatin isnPublishtflR COU Rle says that a few drops of a drug a.?8Adii ars.orft Iled freer.one, applied dlrectly uponi tender, achlng corn, jntantl>' re- CANCER TUMORS, LUMPS. ETC.. vws sorene3ss/and accn the entire Cinternai andi external oured wlthe ou, pan bour home tretffle11t.Wrtt erut, root and aillifts rigteu. usbfore tclt.D.B011=11Medca This drug dries at onoe -and simnply- Co.. Limiteti. joilnwoodOnt nivela up th~e corn or cailus without pw e fory DlMu1ItSr OiI ren trrltating the surrounding tissu.. .o- A amalt bottîse o freer-oue obtained » AO D tawy drug Mtore wilI cost very littleI.'lV O Ma ut wlU positlvely remove every hàM .48 at r sft corn or cailua frdm one's oot. j. poTTS, 1710 Roygak S i5dg. If your drugglt hssut stocked this 'TORONTO ew drug yet t-tllhlm te ast a amaill____________ ittie of freezone for yeu from hie Tommy Atkins (who bas been blown on fiunt quahItr Buttoir -P.aPer nto a water-ftlled holqi)-HUM y Ui>, »jTffl sn WfflG PUB. CO* tt! 1 don't want te bs. my pra- KiNOs TON, ONr. Rescuer-Prisoinel'? Why, where is! Tommy-I'm standing on 'mil Action>. I.UUt on tyé ___ ___ __ <'flO IiGEL Iwus eured ef Bronchitis and ~Athma b>' MINARD'S UINIMENT. MR&. A. LIVYXNGSTONE. Lot6. P. B. L i Wia eured ef a severe attaek e CIciIIlaM #% Uiuematlam b>'- I3iAID'S LIN- ýa- Mahoue Bay. JOHN lADER. mm 'lmM tee anm I was cured . of a severl>' pWw. .sIs8..@lt£~Imm 10 by MINARD'S LINIMENT. e. ~ Liis Br0dgea. A. WYNAOiT. COPSPO"d-

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