Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Jun 1917, p. 2

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.4 p. Duncan kicheti a fragment eOfsdatet A"u%",1h. tpbur "» out o!ft*0.way. penlap a the iime»., ï ..,. IIo bim W..,,i vigertousi as lho vwuenet a bst*lyt unl=,b the. ftnlIresk u hé'Aesseboa Who fedtg ~ aaupear. Mr bi *MS57 t - 54tex MI géat Pd !mm eft b wtu se mAtéS -." wa 1.f~ W Ï~e Ibo 'sua osrty gos. wum~ laâvs ~l goas, ami t ap, fot., ~boss* y,. voii~t sbeesU1~ 'a i me v t1q. m e e! tIet LBetween Cousins;, OR, A DEGLARATION 0F WAR. CIIAPTER I.-(Cont'd.) As ýbe nnoke hegan to drsw away, Upon one of the central levels Ada two ciures became visible upon the imdistanti levei, both lying upon thefr MDonneffl is working away almost as backs, and nefther movlng. v'igoiously as oný that former alter- "Itm Donald Robson's quamT." 1511 nooji. The red of bie hair no longer the excited comnment. screamtt mo Ioudiy against the red of "No>; 1Ws Adami M'Donnells." his face, its fire being as though «"Wlo can say what quarry It ia, un- sprinklcd with ashes, and bis frame tiD the amoke's offV' h. thickened conslderably, which ia "That's Adami upon hi. badCk the lnboi'ar's only ay of growing:"No; it's Duncizi." stoul. Beside hlmn, as ho crouwehes "9Why, there are two of themi" beforc the ready-bored blast-hole and "on.'. mnovlng now.0" m- Ith the powder-bag ti his Land, Over the. edges of the roec-terracos stands that same Duncan who, when the men poèed, horror-atvuek .PIlnt age<l three had, in consequence Of breathleaslyupon the. spot of danger, Jtuhn's indiscereet invitation been- the. wlic "ah o alypov ob cautse of momne scandai to Ella M'Don- spot o! death. neil: zww a ripe man, anid a comel f 1 - - unie toô, hpviniz taken after hie "black' iauther, rather than after hits "red" CHAP'rER il. father, Paird with no more than a few In the umre bow-windowed room lin irudd(i' threads3 amp g the deep brown whlch la quarter of a century ao John of his hair and beard te recall the and E la M'Donnell had for e firut MI)onnell 9train. lie has hi. fathJ'tiflO Bt down et their own bearth ers powerful franie wjthout its pecul- thme persans wer. earnostly oegcUpioc< iarIv thick set of tones, and hisernoth- &round afourth. Thore wa» only e1-ýs uick, black eyes- ote nà manl atnÃ"h*tbemjYand 01 thé .- Ofth to thr nenbraofthmtnon eawaa io2ýamental, her. î'rv(w" present, one had worked with L Jpart In the proceme being conftned te Adarn on that far-off afternoon; but hn gpis, threadlng neediesand Williv R<bîon has no more need of givtng forth veous tones suggestive nrtificial gra It y life haring ithinio! acta. bodlly pain, which, however, the8c twcnty-ine yoars, funihd to judge froni the radiancy o! ber fat hirn with mnaterial quite sufficlent for: face, were intended te express dlght- the genuine article. Cuâtom hem long ý ed admiration. snestaled the charrn of bis resent Wrapped In a dingy dressing-eown, occuipation, which consitet In loading, though with carefully-dressd hair, the rougli blocks upon a truck drawn Julia M'Donnell was on her knees [ýy a lairge, patient horse, wbo cir- UPOn the floar, putting the. last Cîjiates the leveI front morning tili touches to ber sister Fenella's white iliglht, collecting the blockil from each evening dress. 'vorking in turn, tu pass themn en pro- (Tu b. centinued.1 11tiiII1y to te miniature engine wbch etarts for the Bheds whenever a suf- - li cîently long train baâ been formned. THE KÇAI$ER'S WIFE .A. for Tim MLaren, ho lhas as littie __ need of iartificia.l Jocularity aàg of any- Why Dme Not the Germau Empreau tllill iz@se, having for twenty years p.,' gistErtUi? 4ts slept sound lY upon the Burial ~ AentBuails l1eIhnd. "The-Kaiserin, so, far as is known, The fourth worker In the crow, and, ban raised no wonianly, wffely, Mo- the >youngest of thbe lot, is busy pro-t therly 'voice In pretest aginst the. pa ring thie primitive fuse, a long and harrors in Belgium nor the. recent stotit oat straw, which, filled wlth gun-1 PIffler, was presenti y to b. inserted! rete horrors in Northern France," 't. the blast-hole. With the fixing of i Bay Auguste Rodir, the. Lamons It-9 tail Of "Match-P&Per,"--reaidy for' Fi-ncb scuiptor, "I ami sre 1 Oz- the 4gniting flamne, the work will be press the. unexpressed eollective iceomnbiished. thouglit af the omOiI f the ellted "' ut' lou ah powder but It willi nations wiien 1 aay tisey muet visioni tal.ce somoe squeezing. Wee the i. sent Attitude of the German Lin- dremsgel-?"1 1l>uneari handed s tool te his father. pr'ess with ieathing, in the. light of [)o o yu kîw %what l'in thinking,1 that which has occurred ini Belgium f'.t h er?" and evacuated terrltory in' nortiiera 'A vuye?'" Franc@. For this imperiai wtt. of an -That were foole te givo In te the imperial monster has ratsed no dis- new mannger's high horse. Re knows senting voire againit the honrora 1 as mscil as we do that the iron tools have znentionod. As a wl!.. as a mq- uie forhitîden. Why have none aftewa a e e !uhs h U-4 the Spfirit to threaten hlm with the r bt a .brtbohs h Iliw? Mr, Gillies bad promised us in repres.nted sas rnbued with Chris the~ steel hammers and bearers; andi tien sentiments, a atalus and fervent just bécause thl5 man wants to maka IChristian who, according te reporte. favNor witb the company, a nd knows ry earnestly te tthe Almlghty In that lie will do it bift-by saving th fevor of ber country and ber people pennie.s, the promise has been takon If 8o, what "nt paas through har lack. Tbey keep their pennies, and mmett.tzaenofFncwis We keep the risk. it's infalmous!" idathtju enofFnèwî Adazil shook bis big heud reprov- and motiiers of the. Somme dez>stm.nt inglv 1 by thoe'Soldiera' wbo seîrve ber bus- Xye, Duncan; tbat's yeu aairin band aLnd whose s&tU of violence anti Alwaye for attacking somobody andi vandalias are publicly prelolzi*d-br talkirîg about rights and thilîga, when hlm as 'glarle to thé arms daiGt. you ought_ te be thankfui, in thes! ,many harul dayas, JuBt te get elong. It'i "As wi'esa nd guardimns of 0 an awfui 11i tblng tuo grpla wlth a rnana ýer, 1 tell ye. 1 ii la tatscrotinea o!homez1 the. wao e out wlen youbrc ,ml.age.- And thati the Allias Muet bave M4".ctvely new man look& cadtu deal with. classilfld the. German Empresa li tii We've worked wlth the iran thsse »Me. cttgory ail men t"dy clasaify nny years, and what harm'e corne of bar imperti busben.& lU ?11 ilw ta aht-- ma-L- nd- ga-- pegalavich tii. German colonie wut seled 1by-7 t. lautis rima torces. lent to 1Landma& semoet fUauth Africa's repreotatlve for ta pi- pofe of imparia eulurtof o!m- perlaiproblesmeprumeted ip lthe vr. 1oanats e eue of tbeIsa o is are b.d dimeleapdith* lbmstesfciar te she4ev !eurthan 0ouila.f11".va"I > equenceoft tbea.Ittasàliùm lot vha th*b. Ent" &"mLani reuulof e! lieAugtoaffls race mesu te lie ému.t Deumxruay t, sloee recout npoeche, '4e0tii.balISu.t « s va t W«5 bruslti abse4 tbelt tue1 aMae hwu ed Mbee #au evp*d tigl *ovciwbatfmem.aw. it ehevti saI a fies 'is cet 4l .4 y t..' Casa..!deeertonamvi do*,ar fatI Mr I e ii vrker la tii.e ribisAM tLO !l&Mamng olden :lrot Vasaas ii.ecu. am otulmaly ;To clama' se"stock, PourItlai aj eyjuet a Jutige- b«tw».k_ tmé. dWb shh Dface, 'wt .yoti, the -tank- l Ioteti.»ati ve» at.w k a4té-auoia U t hts i o O asur KatiierNatureii. band, pta ba w t r. *bns,,Ilaet «W* efo tquart t^nud leave-lise reet _tý qed.. ý'*êfutba*ï wru e tc;bi e v rtts aa'.2l~*. lions, mon. de Plabol qn. Mtl gir.vaye. ~~ alI.4ýw O stov eo lI vit *#out elUmer- or »0 *a" bute&inte; Qagde , or~~~~~ ~k MIoiutt vMt W"laItet1 ltt.u. *t*di. laveyU twu"Wt oeê ,Ipw Ù,*wu*4::;5kf ten let amvêVM beaI~ Iéth e t e "Ubdêth4efuau Iew beêe«hm, W" ' boM d à» *0g.tbs< s k.tau 1 .. of la à Msysm»ý batvno0 . atà maià" Usihes e Ami a Amonig the Britiahers oi to-ay vhe are earnlag the. rîght to e b.classd as poss.saing thé. ImperwaiMin&, no0on. bas coma e t he front moe. rapidlY ln the. lest hait year tien Gen. Jan Chri- tian Smuts, Minlatero! Detence of the Union of SouthAi Arla, and at pros- en*tbe ropresentaltlve o! the. South' Afrian commonwealth la thé. Imperal conference lu London.1 The. follovlng in a v"r brie! apîteme of the record of the. man, wo is now baroiy 47 y.ars old, bas the. bat- ter' part o! his carter miiead of hlm. and bevins te ho regarded as one of the. comlug'fl.gures o! the. empire aud, Indeed, af the. world. Born ln Johannesburg ia 1870. Educatod la South Africa and at Chrtst's Coliege, Cambridge, wiiere ho made e r.afly dstlnguisiied achelistie record and esrned the. highast honora. ?rectlsed 1evw wthi emincnt succosu ln Southi Af rica. Wrote exteaeively on e veriety of public questions. Enteret ig~tics ce&eayung man, andi vas an unfailng su pporter of the. Boer cause when the. Southi African war broke eut. Loyal BrillaIlmperat Rose tii distinction as ane af tho Military figures la that struggke, andi te more distinction as one of the fits mea to reaèosnize, after the. Boor caus hitd ben lît, that deatiny muid cen- mon sense sumamoned the reui int.UI- genice, of the Dutch &Stes to accept the situation andi to become the. riglit kWas of cithzens of the British Empire. Was one cof the loadiag figures in, framlng the new acharna of govora- r..ent for tic Union of South MAfie, under wbici vithin a few years mter the. Boers hati been conquereti Great Brltalu turned over ta them, es the citizens of a British dominion, the complete control of their own affaira. Bocama in the. goveramaent of Preai- dent Botha of the South Africa Union the. right bandi ef the Preamdent ia the. direction of doinestic aiT airs. Fntbcd German intrigue. At the. beginnmng eoftthe present war immediately took a leadiag part la maklngr certain that the. South African nation ahoulti net tall nto the. trap which the. Germeus thougiit bat been set for it and revoit agaiî.st ît sla- leglmnce te tthe British Empire. Bocame the Minltar of National' -6iùatawIst lt ydespetisu.- iItUIons, th9iigh1,fdeed !orced up- on them unwlingly,* hati beau reafly a blessing. la truth there ara ne morea Sghfor 5c.le loyal Britlihimperialiste lu the. em- pire. nov tan tii... men of South iowToCOl Apaags. l cokry5e0o ltwatrge au Africa, who feught under K.ruger and tiw-oCo aag& i ooey ed e at n-Su Botha l the So t fr ar a. The i.early spring vegetables have milk and buttermilk eau ho usedti li seh.1 lae fIfe wexa won lanlt.emi&u' er the bitter- m5ay desfrablo qusisles. They corne soda il amkir' hot breada, or saur at. nesa d thefr defeet by the. genero- t US In the iprhig, after tw ii.wlt.rMilIk eau b. turued easily into cottage UDf NAA woeei n' it- .wihhnedte o.ty kt season of heavi' eatlng- of thesa chees., crea:m cheese or ciâbber. Sour b& D theni -and gave th"m a meastn'do!V108etablea, uparagu s laparticUlarly cre aaagood abortening la Maklng inboamalebet. o freedom and of et "i control and ep- good -. i l diuretic In its properti.a, cakes and ceokies andi usedul for aalad 'et epeim=nt..tkere 6a aaitiaaq portuiinty tust they had neyer enjoyet i t~ e ml.alta art of eaoivent US- drossiagu anti gravies for meut. andi could not have hopeti for.under tu"r; St bas a dacidati beneficiai re- . uta the. narrov anti almoot despotlc reign suit luin tsection upon the liver, kid- TRUE AND) FALSE EC0iJ0MY EW Lmc.I) of Kruger an hua burghies. neya andi bila. Recause t carnies -W6L .LD maYo! tie rîch mineraI elements one Rer. Are 8cm. InstancesThat Are. TORomm. ON THE FUTURE 0F FLYINQ. isaa, est It frooly, kaowing that it Well Worth Nottng. viii remove many impunitles fr0111the. There le a story, at whicl fanmor Tripe tu Aereplanee WMl at no Distant body * aî rbra he mile, of a thrifty man who cookod GASOPR TSA Future Become Pepular. Scrape te bk o rs hewl.is potatoes mter laylag the peel for GASOPR TSA wlth a stiff vegetablo brush. Waehsh d The peel, he roasoneti, conti-MgaoySeesH " BO Mr. Orvilia Wright, the American Weil, shaklag them, especially the tipi, e.the oezor bds.Plantas Mgatr Sele BsBenKnW expert, predictse tiat the seropiano la plenty of veter te remove the uand. Jte spring froni tbem sud bear potutoos .to Trâvel 1,000 Miles. wlll play a great part ia the. new or- Carelesa préparation wili detract tram la their tura. Se thoy did, and the The. grasshepper would seem te. der of thitaga that vill follow the var. titis dalicieus green.' e potatees reeciiet the aise o! walnuts. have nothinir Iu common wththe Be&,; He believes that it viii b. ia great de- Tnini anti shapeliehn tIO the as- Semé nowspapers bava reeomrnendod a gui, yet grassboppors have bee pick- miand whenover it la neceasary te ta- paraguela amali bundies. Cover withu sinuiar practice this year. when seeti lb cd up ln swarms at saa, 1,200 mios9 vol et great speeti. By aeropiane It boiliig vater and cook until tender. xenieandi everyo!ie 1. making a trom lie aearest land. viii b. possible te go Lrom New York Rame r rm vater, drain veli and gexpe; ns i stu htwt sil h fia casoprhnb te ChicaLgo in eigiit c otn heurs in- taon serve them lin any manner desir- garden; ti It auat th se akhl- ii nicn geRope as en stoati of in tweuty, as et preseat; endi ed - fuirtcuttnadat ertiamlzprt f and uv ean as n etRetivean Mdtr' te San Fruncisco ln two day.Further- Epîcureau Asparagua. - Preparefthepot ctoift cvatina v n a udpart a! andoavn utasla etr ie numbers, more, t viii b. useful Iu transporting cooli andi drain the. esparagus. Serve ade ptate. Buntt a lad oa a ti er tefystauttha Canry lais-ad. s@Lu packages andi very valuabia on a ti aUscetoftoast vit ute t hm naie u ive. Bu ay ate aamp o ri m torthse e Shsio freitte oremoe .regions tuat Uic rail- sauce prepared, as toliows: One ounce te cheat na tue re b "nt ti. ar t a iVate or tes (Seat- vay cannat çoacii. Tiiorare thon- butter, ana teaspoonful sait. one-hallf pNd owhre ii. phaveb. "Nolluttiig rata Thebodieae bo t foura sunts o! such places InaheWest, inteespooUlIvwhte pepper, one tea-' setaotn av." Te r utatflights. Tii.botnaare bou t fourit Alska, la Sout Ameriea ant inla poonful vinagar. Melt the hbutter, atitihavetandéon arm.nthesof o ulhret lucgeaicslng adtiore e te daith Africa. Mn. Wrighit thinica, too, that sait, pepper aud vinegar. flling t> o f ava entaout!rirliietageirscludiio tet ta tron the. substance o! the. parent set breathing tubes. Tisa sacs buoy Up flying vil becomo a. popular sport, boil, thon pour it aver te asparagus. ifitin ola keavgru rwh h nets hti sal e tY the greatest yet devisedL Hoesmys: "It ,Adparagus may i.. steamed or boii Thepe maka a vlerous rotedh. a the lair frt se t t i e blot aty is Lair more axhjars-tlng anti dligit- ati, veli ircîneti anti servedth ei Th-ie aprlicapetu lsntio.m.fred as ea uteair n efor y t a tisie, exerilIf fui than the automobilo for hugb er crearn, Hollandais. or -Bernaisa e pica»ton.aveLima, forthexampcle, practticalipe ef aefore in. Duite speeti, anti far satin. Th ie n ont Sauce. le knoome ha ltti w rth sritly thtis eea orés tram tre d far distant vion -people vill taka Asparagus snd M&caro,-Ceok .aae' aPlant food esmetres wnymlsa euwe tt fi tbi blda piemutei erpmnoi utu ~ aarn s uî1 anti gardenera couat it a vaste of time it rests on the vatar and la boinie pr&cisel as tb.y do aow J= their au- for twenty minutes. Drain anti 4 hôthér with It. They will b.d thefr aiôe on the. wâveg. 1 rp iht-e fertiaizer and sav. e_______ tomobiles. Long tours In the ahir ilbiancb by j><rIng ovor lb. macaron ctma'anmoe Bta9o offer greater relaxation tram lbe dally planty e1 coid vater. Da ,, bio tlmevhch iidlme lias Buaca ilt NJv niTeHl iy gndt tan long rsilvay jourueym. fine sud etit; One teespoonful salt, I & which bas betoine leur la 11k. a Whea the Kaiser visitedi Je 'slei People neeti only racovar fror tae ana-bal! teaspoonful paprika. ana ctipIman w1thIpredsto t cSD- lu 1898 h a h tteo ir..l n folish impression that k ta a danger- heavy cream Sauce. Mix tiioroughîy hIPiet leton I obeitnetau thumi f eus sport, Instead o! being. when anti pack in a weil greaseti moiti n asairnîlate the. plant f oeol preadth e guise et a Crusader rearoti upoil adopted by national pensons, eue of After grealng the MOI&, aprinkie With alPon il In suci a way as te become the. MoUnt_ o! OliveS. luI that role b. te safeat It a iseo far more cern- ftna breati crumba before flilling . Bakeî productive. The lime correcste b ro4ur Rada blrself caileti upon tô no- fortable. Tii. driver 'o! en automo- Ia a metierate even for thirty minutes. bacidity by a heiel n l aas noS in t ew èffrtesa e TuitY teexpo bile, aven under the ment favorablo Serve vit MoBsoliut sauce. thJOVfomteareciy cirumsancs, ive eta cnstnt ou»UneSaueLý-Tw talesoon 1grounti no repeatediy cullivateti that is ~given ont tliat the. Gorman Gavera-: nerve tension. He muet keep always fuis butter, Ivo tablespoonfuls fleur, partîcul edotislie n etee edel oiitU O b on the. lookout for obstructions Su the ent anti one-hait cups asparagus va- P aila i mraktng a lawn, f ew fate o! cathedrais and churches, la, roat , orathen automobiles. and fer. ter. 701k et eue etg. one teaspoonful tingà ia>' bettss tiien e careful cx- -apprehensive lest the. amines o! tihe sutdaon emargencies. A long drive Iisait, oe-hait teaspenu w . aznimation bite, the acidlty of the soul. Chistian mnecca may b. desecrateti 1 ponfulwhit pop Wberevor môss and sorrel grow lime and th@. J.wl Sh gantUarieejlikewise tiieroore lIkaly te bo an exiiaustlng pP. Blond butt'er and flour. thie isyt enee;ad f.ts eie fte iyi etoteuL oporation. Nov, theaésroplaneahan adti vater sad brng te, the- bm>lng i7îeyt ;nedt;at fatet ~ 1 i.ct i ott i.u -,, cmtjutre or pôMg pr»espoit. ookforthwitii lilius Paper shows tonsiderablo bridled M0slem ,It ll'curouelte fil, agret fuurefor npatlngpurpses poit. ook e te..MinUtee. the'acldity. true ecanomny dictatea a-aoaaatts la unt h-a- ie absent Tic driver enoys teé po aisud meiatotreatontlowed fane o et saud îleae coeetilg as mucli as bis passengers, -Do net tlirov eut the water ia vblch1 ", SpraYlng for insects and fungi cos tthe religlout cdmmunities d! Belgi 1lima anti money. Treos gel on nnd tse careful torthe prenvaýtite salt, ad i da be sedfor rip miater- -afashioui. atthough the son for titis -attitude la te b. tounii u wihu iysoiu osncs evsbiacicen witii biight or are bal! b eosrneo!le(emno< WTnpr ueswilrm m ade ve oerto teree xrefuse to tame . eeabc-ut to hb. expelldîi~ th&to telyeas to uy rt rad ur p y profit t herplanter. Un- from the. vîcilty, pointeti eut that tii.* we mae OurAishtý._'Xîne dyýawhen oup sock. s ther.eaceases tote frut; bprthe duit elee te wo- ripplyftnvf" 17 netO at all. *buti va have learneti The outaî4eofo!the moat shouid bal oriket.e rian ttain desal ike ià" Mmei 'ya theceilar, -and igtns, etni-ruiib sO o §Y, L.M uid treag IWUidé wlp.d withaà pvfaetlY eluin w.ttlelo t6Ih.tra. t*It fails le malLe adequate bantis woul4 *Àyà her trade a oien- net nov trightena f I feH.goe os n elia iop'th i. u,tandi savr ta ovwtia. Yeu. lok .t UM hp o! AU Marteas badly igmrampged a. Up et auy timu e lu in e very bad bones bita amal piece. Place bal! jappt. bougii antisd t evsa tohnctosvir i.Trcs trl- ticys. -The eaSy winij conditions liaI mcnl anti hall boue lu a kettiaet colt culing undur the. attacks of the, aphis. litratlon hasMmadie &ets tof ig doter hlm now are the kinti kuowa as. vater, the proportion belng one pouati, If yen viii taka the trouble a ekil the But !orlunately a Britisharny. l ile 'cyclenic. ' vien thera ara gros-t twistsi te eue quart et vater . .îdd soase- laisecta wltb a milti solution o! nico- lyto capturr the. city befon eme In lie aiimeephere Under tRies. ceh- ing. either splesn on' vegetebles, eTi tîn., ye uviioo etenwgothPsalbTukiicm ndca d cumslances ho, does i 117fl.0 bot. If oniy herbe andi splees are aLtar ant i vii learna eleeaon about the. much hant. ua.d>lite'soup stock will keep longer. ecosî t 0aUei semiagiy Inaîgnliceant_______ v I / t s e i-j 4

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