Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Jun 1917, p. 1

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.1 - I~~~~~~ ~ ~ rr -. ~ m 1~7~~-- -- Scianton Ceai DEPOT Owing to stringency in tht coal market àt is impossible a -'present tý) se cure an adequat' supply. AIl oreers and price t :1el s5 quotçd are cancelled for the preOt. - te L R. LOW. Whitbyl td hon$ 9. Rome Dhote 14. *1 li a111 I mk i Teot , UL It wiiS e l'on Weilî. Grosdemasti for Our caidsstOS iWet? e keti leI II m vo-thr mnti.Do not delay. ne 00,. vouge and Ourles et W. J. mt. lb. t C ad Impom .ut 1 Whltby -Ontarlo Ruai Batste Doaler4. Ritales M uaged, Bouts Ooliled. fIrsILeas A rnwe Properties bonght and soif For terni 0py im Mb. Brook st. oeil Phoe 193.lad. Plions70.1 I YORK- GOIITY FAIM 12 ares, onuet1lite select (arma oetYork CouI>' îenly-twwemmlsa front Trot &aidIesanids ait lfrom railway ispot sud village. Coniaatedfer auany ymsar ks s stock faim. raisiug pare bu eot H-ors es-tlI..Modern bank bs-ni nulrge twoostorey briok dwalling. An atraetve tarin home.. Hundred sud ton dollars John Flsher & Co* SI.k Fapms. "ly maiFruit Fhme Furti Summor Tir Opens Tuesday, July 3. ln Bh&vw Bu~siness-Sehool,- Toolto. Tii*wrk merges Into Autumu Terni fromà Se>p tomiber 4, wthout amy breakCus fully- deicribedln ' new c&il@giiît Write for IL. W. M. ShaW. Prcsý, YOng &Gerrard Ste. ___ <Il. In s& li,- -UV lY.le j COMMENCEMENT DAY AT TH-E COLLEGE Tliursday, Jitnt 14, was Commente- muent Day ai the Ont.ario Ladies Col-1 lege. when. aftér a weok's serie of programmes. the college year was brought to-a close by the graduation exercises. '11115 year a change was made lIn the day's proceedtngs. ln that a cantata ýwas presented ln thie morning. and the presetitalloti of difflomnas took place Ind the afterxioon.. therg belng no evening session,. Tiâ was made necessary by the tact ltaIi te railways will run no speclal tratns at present. In former yetnra a spectil lias brotight down froui Toronto a large" number of frIends ot the sttudent., arrivlng Iulimne for the afx-ernoon concert an-d leaving after the eveuing exercicsç. On ibis occas- ion the day's prograin had lu d ar- ranged ro conforlu whh the trali schied ules. Thus, lu the -morning. ut 1O.'ý o*- cdock, after lte arrivai of the G. T. R. and C.P.R. trains trom Toronto. a con- cert was hld. The' opening numbers were a plant) solo, ' Ille i iA" (Mo0szkowskl>. by MiDLorothy Wluit- tt3ker. aînd a reading, "'*i Post Office." (Tagore). lîy Miss Wlimuîlfred ;yxnittg- ton. Vie main fe-aturt? of titi- prograru was a caxîtata unit:Ied, "Thie Gitana"* (Joseî,h Roeckel), giveu hy the' Choral Clas%, under the 'lir-ci lti of Nr. Arth- tir Blilht. The work, Nlxtch tells the story or a Spanieh Princes< stolen by gipsies, was excellently rendered, and more thjan ile-d thei critical aud- ictice. T11w characters were: The Qut-i'n of Spain-Viviati Alcock. 1a<lleti lsala'l anîd Alda.-Rut[i and Loti Dhxon. ,% Page,- ;irzice Linton. Zayda. -IMiibi Commôun The Laydt- ofthe Enchanted 1-ouLn- 1Spllîi 11.%.- Choral Lave Thin iornltîg's spilnid programmeI ".-as5 rotîîlutled hy a reading. «*The Handhook of Hyttaît" (O. Henry). by Mary ht'.!es 'Merkley. anid a piano solo, *'Balli.de ln A ftat»* (Chtopin) by Mi"s Ge'rt rude Hull., gît-ste .-xjoyed ltm.e.eoa atik e ucln- i.ecCbio t ofthe ArtEuuibit. t11worik oftheii Art rchaîare tluritmg Ihe year. At iwo uciork h'leaudienegathei'- ei lu the concert ball. wb"rce ouCa- ferning of diplomas took place. The memberseofthle gradtmatIng dass vere seuted ou th. plattonin. wbere, lte cyneettri- efail eyez. uhey received their dipiomas aind were showeI'Od with handsome sheaves of iiowers frein their frienda. The graduaiez, by de- î.1trtmenis, wc re: Llterary. IM.lTh..-Preda Bowc( 1Ftr- ribon. Miton, Ont Mary EIleen Har- rison, N!Iltni. Ont. I Piano, <A.O.C.M. and AT.C.M.) .- Gertrude York Hull, Oshkosb, Wis.; f Doroihy Clarke Whltteker, Winnipeg, Man.t Expressien.-Ida Efile Dodge, Card- imal, Ont.: Frances Gilman Fraser, Ot-à tawa, Ont.: Mabel Mary MeKInnon. MaxvillIe, Ont.; Mary Styles Merkley, Gouiverneur. N.Y: Winnifred F'lorence Symington, Dundalk, Ont. l{ousehold Sclence.--Catherhle Joae- phîne Greenwa.y, Flai, Miel.;% isebel Leslie HunIer. Kincardine, Ont.: Mar- ton Bowslaugh Phelps. Brantford. Ont. 'Phe-1resentation of certificates and awardlng of medals followed. Many ofthlie candidates In the varlous exam- inations were succesaful in sacuring honor.a, as well be seen by Ibis lia- Miusical (Piano).- Iniermediate - Grace IN. biniou (honore). Vivian AI- cock, Olive C. Laminait, Cora L. Miatthesoti. Junior-Mary Boyle (bon- ors). Wlnnltred V. Scott (honora). Lois D. Dîxon. Primary.-OGladys 1. C'ars" (honore). Anna B. Caras (lion- ors). Adelalde Horne (honora>. Ele- miexîary- Blanche Bass. lIlredmc- tory-Amy Harris. Vocal. lntermediate.- Mabel F. Common (honors). Helen Millay (hon- ors), LtIa E. Dryden, Grace M. Lin- loni. Jessie L. Love. Junior-Vivian Alcock, Lois D. Dixon, Eva b. Hutoli- eson. Dôrothea A. Charlton. Madge E. ilobInson. Neilie A. Gardiner. Vilil. J unior.-Marjory P. Taber (honors). - C'ommercial. Booi-keeplng. Short- hand and Typewnling.-Morden Bus- by, Miinie IBrown, Miîriei Fonler, AMY 'Ie Ceo. 1. Coi ad Mra.Col Mem.1 oriai Gold Modal, for hîgiiest standing, in Mi.LL 'Cours-FProids BevesHar> nitton. Sllvc- Medal by John Rice.. Eq.. for second standing lu ILE.L. Cotrse- Mary Elleen Harrison. (bld Moisi by R. N. Bassett. Eaq.. for b1hîlest standing la Piano Course -Doroîhy Clarke Wltteker. Silver Modal by G.D. AthinsoIl. Esq.. fer second standing la Piano Course -Gertrude York Hull. Gold Modal by R. C. Hsamilon, Esq.. Toronto, fer higheal stAilding In Ex- pression> Course-Mary Styles Monk- (Continuel on page 4) MEMORIAL WINDOW DEDICATED On Snnday ünluhat a b.Utltll .tri<t u mg > lyls #10MOnial window vas dedicslod lu St . n:te iOsath=e -n heR John's (Bay) ChunCh by time Rev. Cas- Qbost, b. al honor Lad praine uow oin Brya. oethlie Church orethle Epi anud torever more. Amen" phany, Torontoe. The wiaiow vas lan________ nxemory of the late Richard Snow and Ellen Atm Snow. who die-d'only lait year. anmd vas eretted by their chuld- TO N C I % uon, mont t fbhm realde ln Toronto. The. novw ndowla the mont southerly Little business was before the Town ene on the veat Bide Of thl e bîutl. Ceuneîl atis regitiar meeting on and In very bandsoau ln designandaiMqnday eveniag. Mayor Warren vu ln harmoay witm theotebier elgbi met». uuaveidably absent, sand Roove D>ow. erial windows lanlime cburcb. Thme aey occupîed the chair. wlndow bears the inscription itu large Aprcstlivaro, uict plain lel*erIng. "Hon children arise u!- Aeueuonamatioeverer endOltawieh sud e-il ber bleimisi." and 'The U clate IÀ Moay. Jnly of Otari de. u its aig i a il thât eallu tpe Kim." led connior.ily t ho a let' oub Beaealh are lbe nam*sz "Richard leComedenstion o f tm helma reislo Snew. bora Octeher S, 1825. diedjol> vas muleeâ1ton. andi wulclality T* riary 22i 1916: Ellea Auli Sriw. «>?YM>wuaesî t ctes te i gly sré- Oclise 7.156. 1.4Ma 22 196. the. day by decersting buildings and Time chIldreu who have- lims îbeught- bouses vili fbags.ai by iholding suit- tully and levint perpetuatod tlime ma ble celebratielus here possble. ony et their parents are: Chaleî sud ~ ~îe trqota uie R. B. Saaw. Toronto; Heury Saew. men n sd otimens te decoento buildlius Caltornas:Mmrs.Wnm.Hyland (Nellieo vss letIla th. hands et Mn. Cenlin. Suow) * Torouto: Mrm. Wolfe (Rosie cb&iriuiset Town operty. Snow). Toreonto.lMns. Horas oHaw- kins (Tille Sxow>. Toroate: ai et <Ca.îM. J. Cockhuma.ofet1he li2u ution>wene in sttondmnee at lime ser. hlttaliu- sivisol the CouDcil "aIt8 vice. excepî lin. Henry Saow andMMia largo photo of lime orz'udraftof the Hawkins. Mn. Haâkins uni sons. Battalion vau bethig srot teatthe Ton bowever. represeuled te- tasnily. 'by the Bâtlalien as a tekesu et app. The chaîrch vas crovded vit> an lu- îa t .ieof>the i . 'r>, potova du iterested and devont congregalien. Uir. alre&dy on bamnd. Itlal a saplendid like iLewis. tho incumbent. vas sated l ne"ofhet i men. ms-ay of vlxeana ithe service by Rter. Canon Brysuh, Wh itbîîwsonu. M It la al*izî flue fee vas lu past yes-rs a fretaucatanud Meut An it-bi,&sd viii b. p>ut 15 s midis!>! weloleovisiter ho St. John's. Pacela thieConsiCiicaxsbetr iien Canon Bryachose as lbis text IL h. vho vis-le. mny qVievh.. Cor. 15: 2. snd dwelt pant-lctulanly upt- '7%e question et holIn9disaittm-u o on eeword lunlthe verse. 0"Memory," day vms discussol.and on motion Meînory. h. salit. w oeefethéImenosti MisigBtultidCui. W.dne wouderful giftsle wllJ hc t he Cros- 454, Jo 27îb, w»usa aseftr hi ton bas endovedl mauuiud. -W" t Iis puwpmor ats geersi eiesn-ueet th -as bis thome. ho pres.hed & a meInl- toa, n.hou wamsvIii W prouxi i térestlng. spiritual sud upliftiug êr- renier. refuse, us la pvbul syusm mon- Ho apphiol tbe subieci tate ieliWhitney. mecedlbi li. Ce» panlicalar oeccason. ani niais e uCb t!>.-ns.Mivomi at th*e cagbuseeofs et t q s In# r. terence. te- late lUt.ad ma l ew#oeo .-,Wî;j. týke aqlel i.ëtom k Sncw. who b.d for sb lanit vouih4>' is-r* ý e o ak am , net b. ped la 81. Joimtm's.and Vfbe We Dw l 51 iiu ofbb o» týWU~ is sleeping lt* long sleep la thu n. Y mmxii at il 1*tbe ît t r eb . yard enerIoje te nbîotnnd.t Time deileation serulO. eei ~i It e@f 4S$ motfl# mmd ôeteu lime folbowlung: canon fl w» evms-èea- rracile. Thee n.sur bmdsn Ir det by. lhe Churo!> W&MOdUte the done thIjln.ta c».t. I mrtta ba" tu wiadew. where ho sI: .-bui out for a tuaI for -biS.w y *ha lime Fslthbof tiuniCbrist w. ami, lmetley ald the* Mi det timtese vîndovîttthé liê5117 e pteroSt UihIOS Palhy tà <3od. -aud lu menxory oetlits murantsCounsL -. MnWbitaav «WSI eh Richard Snew Muni ilen Amu u n, lftaIt theProit m»f l 1» t« la the Ntarfie et lie Palier, mid et Uic ta b.e to a tta. Son. sand oethlé. BlY Oii.t. MAi"*perlr, tsIliaiMothor ' = r-a V,-Turu us1%A8914l, 0OtardOoi ut. aPin R.-Slmow the limI t fiy ennuIes- v te is tea < AI5V MOI - aim..and vo saî1ib. wbol.- ftleId Wb hieU 0 14 "b4 V.-Siev T7hy servuau Thirer!>. tUS t. -MO b» R.-.And their flmTis'y Sybo t ac V-Preuor ilion i te wàr o ot Z!> huaIs upea Ut. H e» "1bN ¶This upocl l olt"t *i w 4 th= rýecw1 _" -.kbaýý- t 'O lsuiiii1stef~Lod 0 bair s M onetem s-Éd ssr h le utrasis f wbu 'Mf-- COU'TVàOUNCIL MEETS, AGAINI ON MONDAY Oshawa SeParMionan.d a GoWd iincial âkihway Deparinent was aI ILoads System vitl! be the Items et t>. flesî session Of ithe Couneil toe e- nsmain discussion, when. the County-' plain snd urge the adoption o! a ýCouncli nieets ber# on Mond.y next. Counnty Goed Roads Systeni. with theé for Its adjourned session. result tbat a special committe. was Whether Oshawa wil separate tram appointed to consider and report upon the Coumty or nOt -te net yet decided, the, rmileage tauLthe vanioua rural mu- sand fi lll doUbtsOs tàke aLgood dosalnlcipalîties. as set forth on a map oftlmre and argument to arrive at a prepared by th. Department. The re- liettlernent oft tuesetlon. -port oft he coinmittee to b. presented Tii. oo rnds estien la aIse lmx> and discuaaed t thei session ofthtei portant. A repres40ta* ette r- Couaci! next week foilows: Report of omittee on Roadla and Bnidge., 'o Good 1.ads System, County of Ontario. CMORCK'S BN sFINISH K Ilis all the Leal Eating Itisects with one applica- ton. Nýo niixinDg. Ready for use dry. A fertilizer as well as a poison. -~r Paris Crson J. -EsWILLIS Oruggist and gOptilan MEDICAL HALL Breock 59. * Wkitby. M lo 5e- Il ik bw t. 1-' ____________________________________________________________ 'if QLJAITY _____and _____au on-- ALT. Lawler, The, Grocer 5T&U -4 U'LliJ kiA .1 -e Onte tftrlO *CUn.1OfteCOPrtino teCunyo Gente..W prSadngCmlte nRnsan rde .iî te tee en,,t, jour vaimniCipalîtes.e On at vandreiers a Deputy-Reeoit ion the Roads anud Bridges Commitlee, appointed by tbis Coîqncil te rimnider >znd report upon the mnileuge lanltme various rural munlciptWlh1ls. auibishl County. as set forth on the map of ibis Couflty by the laiiay Dprtuient, beg leave te report as tollows. Trhat we bakvë -'iamiaed aaid ma.p designatIng the roads thati may b. Included lit 4 oeunty Rends sy-temn. il adopted. and recomalend the foUlowing ro4a fmr -our consld-eration which ta hereunder written: lIs. The. lüâg .onA1load as part of a Provincial Higbway. con>- mencing on the." tlfiait et the Township of Euat Whitby, betweet> the firsI and sec4m ceesion te the weat boundary Une ofethIe Town- ahip et PlekeviUG. #xeep>ttg so mue!> thereef as la within the Iliit ef Oshawa snd ýltbr Town$. 2nd. Therii. .d4 ntii ailowanie between the i.fiti> 46. clxiiicon- cessions Of EautWlkltby.,Wbitby and Pickering To'Washipt.ComMehlCifl betweea lots Uidid 13. Z SM Wiby, thence Ibrougli Brookiu, Kînmnle. Greemwood and rouShiftiansd on tu the western bounda.ry of Pick- 31rd. The roeil te silowane between th. Stu snd 9th conces- sions of BasI 'W4tby, Whltby and Piekering Township&. commeneiiig betveen lotÉA~2 j*0 13, a.t Raglan, tien tiirough Myrtle, aud Clare- mont. tu lme vestIliSait of Pickeinga. 4th. T!>. re* tem Ced&r D&i.. Oshawa G.T.R. station,. b Osbm- saa arber. e Sîb. FreUI tlé nortii hat of Oshawa, between lots 10 and 11, tollowing road tbÎrOU% C olumbus, Raglan, North Esaterly le the North boundatry lino et Usàt Wbltby.- dlii. Wiilîby ýb*Snaiip. Sirtin.g on north limit oet tlx Town et Wbitby, hhroegh Brookl;a *44 Myr-il. 10the 1ieacm boundaryhUe. heing the. olé <ieb'i1nemt -graVel rot& M1h. ficK.rhi WUb8llp. Comzect;'ou lhe Kinpie lon oé. be- tween lots 19-* n9.~n0rth tiiro"hi Brougfiia nssd Clareimont te lJI- bridge TvlMwkwi sthe. Br**k la" Mt. I. the tii.d X nOu= Il oal. oonangii oiTowoilo e- tweu lots Ilan 3a-t the frout of thes- eouwson. aoreh 4o, Pot Perr: lien..a" su ei..st.rW te e *'avtheu. oirth ust.- *rtoth ii.t W betweec Robei n-*J;~ e l Centrýe Ros41 etatiag MaaPoint beiveen lots 12.,sa& Il at t!>. sàiith bouuday et Reub, then aortii îhrough Mameistr. Orie.nh*fkk -m"d SaAtflebd sand on te tthe reir et ithe Towasbitp of IEaeb. SOtt« at th& western bouadary et Rés!an mt)>e Esi ed llt1 at cce elon. themi South> eut t 10 puos. tien emm- 1totiie seqevoros.., frimne smceter on the gi-avel road, non> o"sate Port ?*M. -Frei tet!>Oh ceaSulon otfaPa", on tti. etorly'Ton Lime, moÙ"kanC aorîh easerly te Victoria Cornea-. 91!>. Township o eut g.&Prom Port Pony ri -vetS-ugogrnd vay 10 the Island: - thepneeasterly t. the, enst-biàkte- i.oree> on lot number 24 ln Scugog, Froxna.a point on' the . iioeaqwulof et So gog bêweea lots 2= a& 23 tollowis.g Centre RSdsI. te -tentft .1" -, the MOUiçosnuesuoa limeet scagg, lotI>. tibrue. Comuclis- on- the, Wei# lmit *t the 'o" siilp. St Il lathe* lat coucusto; leuae. i î tls55 t*TIo-< tàg th. Sieihffli, Rosi thregh Goodvm o<i te Té»'tWt 1Uxhzvide fem- meuviag on ltehenti> liai thue T4va e«f<u Ié8I, t bsmO- Sonth> te' ii. I!psm Rond. tiiunce slong mil od u.b Rt#Iua tiy4 b«e.Tovit- Lin.etfRubeaI. at the, aethmat agie et lot 27 o e t i. t! eUi$W l- er Rouchi. Comuuuecia çou the, srth, liait Ît Umbrtdae ou liii eouee.- sien 10 the Sout!> bouaW ue -t t t» Townilp e BSoettconme ing ou thes«at liat ettii he uilpetUXbri4g.. betv.en ýlots 30 sid 31. ad mot siens the. rosalloaUai,. mda nt -on..ba -the widli of the cnosloa, lieuM rti Md muérsstorly te i.io=du7r Uhneor Rfanch. 3olnlagther-nd to VtetortaCorners- CoMM.almno * the. Tewnune .buiveenPieIuIo uiUx br1dge nortixon %, le re- mont rond. te lot N&. 3 latih,*iii oosoeioui, tbeun drti a the titooff- vîîie sand Uxbildug rond. llth. Sceti - ý !>.son!>boçur 0<ofott aitlthe t omI rum gnot ream tJzIrt.; tboe Me. rnt. ta I~ 9 sidemm. :tAmis es t (0 Bu*Malfor: <n. es ot!>htvfmt he tbftt sud tourtb U3.puMes#to tii. Z"playulite; tb4rit Wstvon t.oed iif staÜtioncan lisb.uulai befuivema t~ t d tOwfthlhh ý ty ila f provo ese,th»eb**sthe -,las ut ised lresd by tcotinulng tùmth*, t- UxbrSdgo rond isg* tbifflgb Ummkil to-lot il tAman<'v t-,t * *b -prMWl sophyr m.tai 221. o~*iI -1 rock.Vrea tbic-su ibeixtWaduvOf' tiW ?ro*wabtp Wlitrth* <?etroeno Iom I*me. À*oréi ito theortiers bouarié i PWIS»7Vtt$Omr * ý onuI seathwui ic5md5tetie00 W*P. the un"4iT ~.1 -4 -I -i 1 L. 1 1 'l . 1 - s OCor wune Our 1%me<~ f« Mon, -Womo'n and Chýild 1 'l Phones a-Bell, 47 1 Indèpendent 41,I 1S[MMER Our stock of Summer Footvear imcludci tht vcry ÈLateut Style ,Pumpa elnci Oxlr d-S inl Vici 1<14, Pateýt Leathert, Ua Mtal:and, Daîk 'rl iClaif, 1 lu. A.' tjoobFELLOW Oc aor4i ir UUII*4&V#t a iý mri)ý%" vvvnF Aw.taolm AI; VOLLOVfmL 1 WHITIBY# ONTARIO# CANADAI,ý;"TRU$týeDAY, ]UNE 21o 1917

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