Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Jun 1917, p. 7

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When You Eit Bread you re vntitled t W r thing.- in the whole wheat vasi. - Dr. Wiley says: îdWheat is a complete food conainngail the elements unecessary foç hunian nutri- tion." But be sure you get the whole wheat ini a digesti- ble form. 5hredded Wheat B3iscait is whole wheat mnade digestible by steam-cooking, shredding and baking-the best process ever devised for preparing the whole wheat grain for the humari stomach. Two or three of these crisp little loaves of baked whole wheat with milk and berrnes, mnake a delicious nourishing meal. Made in Canada. AIR SUPREMÂACY. &Iliu-d Operations Cenducted Mlostl'y Beyond German LUnes. How the British and French are maintaining practical control of the air over the western battle front was graphically descrihed Intely by ',l.aor L. W. B. lees of the British flying corps, who himsecf once routed single- handed a squadron of ten Germnan raide's, and is one cf the few English- men te receive lîoth th,,\Victoria Crossiq and the Military Cross. While the Allies'e,-erations are con- ducted aîmost entirely beyond the German lines, the Major said, the Ger- man machines now cross the Allied lines only rarely in raiding parties;. The British fly on three levels with three kinds of machines. The lowest are artillery tirectors, who circle ti s h f t p ILFL MAXIMS. They Point Unerringly thse Pathway 1»> A Suimmer Guwn Tre ueSecus in Lif e. I ReIy upon ycur own energies, and~ do not wait fer or dppend on other people. Cling with ail your miglit to your own higbest ideals, and do not be led astray by such vulgar aims as wealth, position, popularity. 'Ç5our worth consstas in what yoU nre, not ini what you have. What vou are will show in what you do. Never, fret, repine, or erivy. Do not /.7 manke yourself urihappy by cernparing 'orcircumstances with those of -ioe frtuatepeople; 5ut make the rnoqt of the opportunities 3ru have. Associate with the noblest people vou can find; read the best books,; *:e ith the mighty. But learn to be happy atone. If a thousani plans fail, be not dis- heartened. As long as your pur- yiof:e,; are right. you have net failed. 'ge uhthr 'u have progressed in 1lnowlerhce. svmpathy, andhef ,zs urn the day. Counit every day a !ozs in which ne progress has: been ma,!e. Let net vour goeedne's he protecs- sal;et' it be the simple, r.atural oetceme c f vour chiracter. There- fore cultivate character. Whon in leubt how te act, 1ý vourseif. What does nobility crnm rnnnd ? Be on good terras with yeur- self. Give whatever countennrce and help >-ou can te ever? ,movement and 1Dainty and airy te a graduation insttuton hatisorkingfor good. lfrock of sheer white organdy. The ______________ urplice waist and bouffant effeet of the skirt are smartly up te dat.e. The 1THIN-BLOODED edge of the sîeeves and 'the , lice fronts are trirnred with a iro MEN ND W MEN oie lace. A scarf of tulle gives ____ sdditional airiness te the frock. Mc- Caîl Pattern No. 7752, Misses' Dress; Need the Rich, Red Bloold Dir. suitable for amail women; in 4 sizes; Wfilams Pin Pils Atu- 14 te 20 years. Price, 20 cents. Willims' înk uis ctu- These patterns may be obt.ained aIIy Make. froin your local McCaII dealer, or frein the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto,, it i a Y.1-t A Great Rémedy D . HZNDERSONS Iierb Treat- ment, in tablet form, wIll u rheumatism. constipation, eczeu stomnach troublm, iid.ney and liver trouble; three psonth's treatment w1th our certified géarantee. for one dollar. postpald. Henderson Herb Ce., Dept. W.. 173 Spadlna Ave.. Toronto. AIl the Western Canadian Provinces show large increases mi the uimber of live stock ra.iaed in 1916 as compared vJith 1913, the year previotis te thse war. The increasé' in the aumber of gIeeeP is one ef the ontst.anding f ea- tures of the officiai report. Mfany of thse snisller farssof the West have started flocks of sbeep, haviag found that the clixuate is very suitable for them, provided a certain amouat of shelter be ssrppled during the short periodwhen the weather might ether- wise be tee severe. There are aura- arous large flocks in the West, and the success which the owners of these have experienc l las encou.rag-ed the smalier fariner~'t follow their ex- ample. There are 2,0-18,354 cattle in the three Western Provinces, 565.709 being milch cows and the rernainder beef and other cattle. This shows an increase ef 15 per cent. over 1913. - -- -- WOMEN ! IT IS MA&GIC! LIF'T OUT ANY COlRN >A lya fwdrops then ift corne or calluses off wlth j. fingcr&-no pain. -11. I Just tbink! You c.ýn lift off any coma or cal- lus without pain or sore- nees. A Cincinnati mari di- covered titis ether comn- pound andi narned it freezone. Any drug- gist will seli a tiny bot- tle of freezone, like here shown, for very little ceet - You apply a few drops dlrect.ly upon a tender cern, or callus. Instantlv tise crenetis dîsappears. then short- ly you wilI find the cern or callus go borne ths.t you can lift it right off. ¶4Ijî Preezone is wonder- Iul It driea instantly. pl tdoean't ut awAy t.he corn or cdlls, but' ahrivels It up without even lrritating Use surrounffing ekin. H ard. sof t or corna bet.eee tise tees, as well as painlul calluses, lift right Off. There ta ne pain hefere or atter- wsrd8. If your drugglst hamn't reezone, tell -him te order a srnall bot- dle for you frein his wholesale drug bouse. Paper from Hlop Refuge. Material for makiag goed paper, it iu aaid, can ho produced trom refuse bope that have iitherto beerf thrown away in breweries .- MONEY ORDERS. DOMINION Express Money Orders are on sale te it ve tiousand offices throughout Canada.- To Malcë Thin Sticks. Boy& who make thin sticks for ar- rows, kites, etc, as well as thse me- chante, emu nake good use of thé fol. lowsng suggestion: Thç d~ifficulty of handling thin stzips while' planlng theni may be ovoreome by setting thse strip in thse groove of a piecu of floor- Ing, claznped in s vise. A peg or nail la drives Into the. groove and acta as a stop for the end of the strîp. MINARD'8 LIMENT la thse on- ly Liniment aaked for at my store and thse only one we keep for sale. Alil the people use it.- IRRN FUTLTON. Pleaunt Bay, C, B. G.ettlusg Voed To It. Tise deats rate' from wôundu lin the war is' less than one-half as great s it was a year ago. Dr. Jacques Ber- tillion mnedical statistician in the French army, declares that by hard- ship and exposure the men have be- corne se toughened that they cars now- stand twice as much as theY could st year. Then forty-five eut of everyj 100 wounded died, while aow less than. twenty succumb. NNWUpAPiens«2 ï03 B113 P OFIT-MAK1CING NEWS AND, JOB Offices for sale In good Qntarlu towns. The mnost useful and interestiflg et a.il busInessîes. 1FuA Information , application te Wilson T'ubllshlng Ceom- pany. 73 AdeWade Street. Toarnte. C ANCER. TIMORS. LUMPS. ETC. Internat and external. cured with- ~ut pain by our homne treatment Write un before toao late. Dr- neliman Medical Co. 1.mltd. oiingwod.Ont. A77TOMOBES ]~FOR SÂL.D Ilk '2 c,1 wttia the army andna UvY ObUiddi- 1%ebattle I lyWo.N.llI-Jsek. dear, diii you -golon againat oucis other, until tise whole &dr, Perisaps you bave rlea.d about tise paa oe nobiy won.,1 4d;bu cemposed et a neutral President, an tem up la the north &round tise AÂsec A PERFECT MEDICIf o didMy't asetoestimatvoydi h amyan a navy omfcial, and a mcm- Oceun samd thon, when thse summer i ber et thse Muntions Board. lover, fly fer to tiese cuthieard ad! FOR LITTLE ONES Say? Ju.k-Why, when I1aaked hm scareely stop Until they have reac-hdp5in5l5 t IéS yast Went Hm On. otter.~ - smply answtrod, UWhy <kont 7o0 Went im Oe Beter. landes that are oniy à few huare" BabWs Own Tublets la tbeise dsse"d it oaunSalor "I love you very mnuch, papa," aaid milsfentieffi Ptl a imaicine for lîttie on..T'b"y ruulate tou-year-old Edna, as se climbe<j on1 thli wonderful jourzney over ses and ithtie bowelà and stomacis; brek up__ her father's knee. "I love you, dear, lan4dft#roentrae ld uorabtur1neu- 1ois u-cosIai1smdIdg. _ when you are a good girl,"Siepiied ber jlYhi on iewrd rtion; ex#lel worms sund ma *"lit 1a vi dI >'. tather. "Bat, papa," mudd w: 10,Tse.ae iet.u 0 esy by f guaredt '1jiMsie oeyou even wisen you slane wllwt noby r ts .otsolisay freeoft --m iiJurioub dsus n;bs ~,bird. g S o tisey lise the. long witb perfect sshty. Concernng tisa o mm .otVm u tB .ns~ PO . bricht days that th y.veben cailed r!LT . M vrkIL ui dmion ty. stbt&à tise - siu isiebrds.- C. i« l ha »dBbi *d Anothe cd tise tireleas bird travel-; Ow TabI.6 for my titree laitI.OMSa lm l th e15 t roiSIvu& UzSs and bave fouM dthmeas-tsehat ued- . Noro tisai27»» tous ofbouiq ccli uMotiier CapWos Ciiekes." Tiie». mo~e . c»i"e br. by tisa Amm l «»Wnma. 1 AI(~~VS 5 satv bfrds *y » 4C0»e to tise Wuter tiss t liTiseblt*are o»W b7 medleus oi - 1Y- - I & apee% bturnes tis.y sem to b. valklg up cm om or Iês mi et -2â notaa bu a ffmi , ' don-n thse wavea. Au nlst«rwting t t ,Tb@s. »wilhIslume «dm Cie, B. r* 0 mek.*m«è 0r 140* lt idaS 6told about a storre Petrel thut fe-. i t-. ii % N . loued a steamer ail thse way seroas- W " rfP sr,*,Me t. Esgtastre P ts PEP teAttande ut'-f thesearf pw okeep tîte gardn a bhuyi eaIeo *n o ire l #*6 wy bad caught he b.rm.dt.d a lot ofM adi oQma.A4 lm.as omcnq la 'Ou ifltO fiiedom was It out ofsîgist oftise pus- se4dorpl M etu. Soe'no'smngers, wbo coutld recil iiystisgulab 1- <giw. airetm * te'vo. t. work od aw msefr ewYok.sb littI. ptrai dlsuppeared ponbâpà ta b f ollow anothaer Stamer back agala te' IsUl. <MMMl Sir JasUsa Y« M tise otir sida.. ie er w .ms«1, itho e effs awl mm l a bw ua. Tii - sdtis memsedma fe gb* bilg voeu, . TheO &" a Autb And How to Feed Araiffl f rebto nazire.aby 00 Aumho H. CIL aT GLVER CO., lac. IGag# 11ie I8 West 3îstStreet e Wlhen buylng your Pianmli luslst on having mn OTTOHIGEL" I PIANO ACTION -Reduces Bursat Enlargeoeents, Thlckened. Swolien Tiasues, Curso, Filied Tendon&, Sore- nesa from Bruises o7 Strains; stops Spavin Laxtiest, aflays pain. Dots not blister, remove the hair or iay up the horse. $2.00 a botle g'Riçts or delivered. Book 1 M free. BSORBINE, JR., for manliind-an cptic liniment for bruises, cuts, wounds, ,qpainfui, swollen veins or glands. It and soothes. $1.00 a bottle at dnîg- of postpaid. Wifl tell you more il you YOUNG, P. 0. F., 516 Lymans Blig., Wontreal. Ca. urb!nt od Absorblet,. r misdeI l Cacidé Ross Self Seles for the Rome Cannlns of Fruits, Vegetabies andMeate0 uoï B t W. - - -romto ARTS MEDICINE EDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE Mining, chemtcal. civil. Meehanicai nnd Elcerical Engineering. HOME STUDY Arts Course hy cerrespondetice. Degree vith one year'eattendance. Summer School Navigation School 3-17 ly.ad Augut D"embew txbA.voei 15 GEO. Y. CIIOWN, Reglamar j, tather a unique way of .tatng It but ft wW attract your attention and thaes hoeftst duty of a flit rhe niatter of Hotel Acconnnodation la a soi-loue problem maut uow- 51500, iptember IaRt4 Maayotus baye found Lt aeffluryto close. rh. WALKER BIOUSE (The os tPet>buatal endlgi mormons business si=*e lact eobr. lt, wonudtu service, enG etqg le"i connected thieewith have Woenreuponable for Ite tremendous patec llg rho bouse* lis mre AIhe a homo tisan a hotul, co skilully snd wisoly isa tznanagedA When y ou corne to thse City stal at thse WALKR BOUSE, where homeIfl&S *àsfoit are thse domatn characterlatica. F cw attnto pa gLadie*, snd Children traveUng swithc.ut escorta, et tm~ "* THE WALKEJR HQVO GnL5GrE e JJf SUMMER SIiOES -rAN7trudyourself toi dippery 1 eathèr,- ncanoe, sa-i boa.t or yacht nd fcourse, ouhve to -have Fleet Foot Shoerfor teainis, asb golf and 1actoo~ Ru FootPwis 11w shes are, the prop.*--con Anbd PhetFoet SumnierShoep ,coot so ,nuch ess Li,.h tria, and s.01atq-a)o7Uil t , O<tl-~aId anmooo b>' <morii5gFI..t Foort"i 910C-I.LL,.C IN t.OOD IN 191e 111Z cor.Ja1U L e. tas svare at dru I nrSON. 1916 IMOI'EL. 6 CYLIN- . smse tler. 7 Pa-seriger Tourlnz Car. Elec- s train trlc Itlits ani starter. Ite,pritly <>,er hal hauied and newiv painted. Tir"s in grod shape. l'lce l,3u0. gus I 11JI rSON. 1916 zIODF-L. 6 CVLi-N- Write. Jýder. ô7 rassenger*Touring Car. with. .F i elect-ric lights and starter. Thdroughly Ies ov7erhauled In, our ehop, and newiY p»ant- ed 'Scat covers on ait sieats arM doors, Otlcr,çi2o tires. Prica 11.200. fl tDSON. MkODEL 37. 6 PASSENGER. 14 cylinder Tourtng Car. Eiectrlc Illchtg and starter. In good runnlng order and newly alnted- Looks Ilie a new f» %IGE SEDAN. A VERY FINE l ookirtg diesed car seatin i f. Llectrlr llghts and starter. aIse Inside dormie 118 -. 1'eariy aIlthe windows open, hih gi ses ample ventilation for sumnmer drlv ing. Price $700. UDSON, 1,ODEL 33. 5 PASSEIN- tl er. 4 cYiitder Tourinog Car. in good runnIng order. at a epecial prie. $360. IUBSON J.918 MODEI..-64.- A 141011 H powere. six cyinrder, 6 p-sre Touring Car. la good running order andR looks 11k. new.__PrIce 8760- ~TtDERA1C'ER. SEVEN PASSEN- 5g-er. 4 eylinder Tourtngr Car. in good .T runnlng orderý- Tires In good shape. I This car ws.s palnted this year and look» very fie.Pr TiO IACKSON. & PAgSENGERý 4 CYLIN. el der Tourlng Car. Ras. elettrie Itiglts di and starter. cood tires. and ia a bargaînT at the price 3300.- U9EI,àPÂBSENGER CÀElRIO. eÀ suitabie for a dctor. T'rice $1,00-0 W. only sali used sare n.?ter the pur- T ehaser b ad ademnonstraýtIona< satlsfled himamîf f ethe runrin quail- ut tiea of the car he le buylng. C'al1 at eur RhoýOzU mnes ci,... vas. re Tareiso gad let our salesmen show y 'u any ofet U aur uned oas d gis.. iraia .4pýgnsoaa- tion. f eet a 1qve the enemy trenches and re from choice but from indifference, __ ,- fash bakt kdirect ions te the British in some cases from despair. Peepie gunners by wireiess. Above them, 5 h are pale, lan-uid, with palpitationi BEST-FEL> ARIMY IN TIME WORLD. 0,000 feet, are the hcav 'V'fighters of the heart, sorne difficulty in breath- with two men, to a machin-e nnd able îng and a tendlency t-o be e-ail>' tired Britial.soldiere Reeci,, Well-Balanced to lteep the air for four hoors ai. a i are suffering f rom'thin blood. They' Ration. speed of s10 miles per heur. At a nced oniy the resolution to take the ý While food pricea for eisilians con- height of 15,000 feet are the single- rîght treatment and stick to it uTtil tnet oaB'an stl a h mari ight fighters. capable of 130 cureri. The remed y that can be relied best-fed arxny in thbe world. Here te mils a hur ndof scedi1g heurlon -sD.Wlims Pink Pilla for the standard daily ration for each iret 10,000 feet in ton minutes. Pale People. With every dose they iman at the front; it je based on the The Germans have given up al t- make new .blood. aad new blood means most care.ful gstientific research, and tempts te guide tlheir ntl---b'. - *- health and strength . ne red cheekts, has recently been declared by the ex- plane and aeek only te smash up thée zood appetite. increased weight and! ports of a neutral power to be tise slied econoisane ct- tl;-î li'.strength that foîlow tise use ef these beet blne swl stema Theirmachnes re lrgei cf il l us prove their great value te thin -. libe-ral ration issued te any army in clissa, therefore, fast, heavy fighters, blooded pesiple. Here je an example: thefield: generali>' biplanes, which are centin- Mrsî. J. McDortald, Jr., Hay, Ont., sàys t 1 lb. fresh meat and t.hree-qurters aally seeking te swtoop down onl th, -l.jhenestly believe Dr. Williams Pink'lb. <nominal) preserved meat; 1 V& British artillery observer-, and mend pille savèd My lite. Some years ugo lb. bread or 1 lb. biscuit; 4 oz. bacon; thein te the ground before the Blritish 1 hadanm, and as I did not realîze 3 oz. ese-ese; % lb. 'fresh -egetables flghting patrels can reach thora. R-e- the serieusness of the trouble I soon o z re eeais z .a 'entl>', howes-er, said Major R-ees, the became a complete wreck. I1 e ,5 ~oz jm2 - oz. s eeat; 1-% oz. tue- Germans have developed another ight wa oudhrlywl. T et't 3ojar 1 46oe. eppe; 1-60or-pckls, fighting machine, which by climbing ate nor slept ivell, and could net go thrd;e1turnes. awe; 1-12ztin cese te 20.000 feet seeks te evertop the up etairs wîthout stepping te rest. At hetisawek1-2incdneo British lîght fighters and clear them in ues 1 had an s'Most unbearable pan milk; 1-320 gal. lune juice (on the. me- out. .nm akpi commeadation of thse iedical officer); Britishand woul have tanrunn rernc 2 oz. tobacco or cigarettes a weelc;2 Bîtîy s hwlosseshvibenrunig 1e in bed. I suffered almpst con atantlyi boxes matches; 1-64 gs. r=m (on thse centy a hih a thrtyte forty fli5- f roin s dul headache, and when sweep-rementon !te mdia e- chines a day, because et the extraor- îng imi wouîtetooptf phckUp any-ficef- dinar>' chances taken over thle enemny's thing I would g-et se dizzy that 1 Iduid aadiinteaoemnl s lunes. As a rult they go eut in squad- have te catch held of something ~to-aIheuddtort abvmnith rena of six, dîvided into three pairs keep from falling. At times myleart i. rncea etcrti extras, as, for and prepared to awoop down in unison wouîd beat se fast that 1 would have i intanIce, peu sou p, Oxo, butter, cho- on any German machine ihtmyasohrng snain yee colate. cocoa, and inilk. corn up.- . wero aunken and my handa and limbe Majr ees gve t s he pinonwould be swolien in the mornings. 1I Keep Climbing. that the British had de'?eated thse Ger- tried several. kindu ef medicine without!Atubyurcaeii11esrn mans la every ws- in the air and de- benefit and my frienda thought 1 would Alhumali, hac i if e-m prtved them et invaluable reconnois- not recover. Then 1 began t.aking Dr. Roghth a thanidak sance power. The Zeppelin la now Willams) Pink Pilla, and before log ougthe paytha ayur ongti r1 wepratcal. uees s ilitaryi could see and feel that they wero heip- ' But get a firiner start. weapon. ing mie. 1 gladly continued thse use of Germany's whole artillery observa- thse pis until I wae cornpleteiy cured tien ie conducted by means et captive'and I cannot say enoi*h ln their 'Slowly trudge on toward the goal, balloons. Ashr time ago the Brît- rse and I st.rongly recommend tisem Keep headed tise right way, lsh and F snhortea pbne t-t aru n ilsad oe Remember you can never win Frencis4 p mad ne cobn e tvte ilra on ilsad1oen" ILife's battie in s day. catep.alnd nockted down ev e'yY21,can get these pilla througb anyj Saptiverall.o fentsotrth Se as te dealer in gnedicine, or by mail et 60 Like clîmbing up s laddcr, awtzer lnd. Not r inthre dys ,r4 ente a box or six boxes for $2.60 from, IAacendiag step by.step. inethe ballon appar laslght The Dr. Williams' Medicine Ce., Brock- Ke orc iehget Elpgiand, uit thse boginning of t.he4 ville, Ont. epyuaithhgeï, star, the Major mid, was supposed tq 4.___ Lest your mission you forget. have a squadron of twelve mnachinee'BIRDS THAT NEYER GET TIRED. Whesn et 1J.t thé. top lu gatnedi ftor each of the six armny divisions, but,4~a o ieIasl o. as s matter of tact se had only Se wlosadSomPteaMae l n o b aki oe three. Tise service wss tery -chaotie, Swîîsm te erl aeLook bock upon thse steps you've a?, h immad A#-Long Voyageas. . climgled, vu 1 - 1

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