Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Jun 1917, p. 5

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!Vflî!uIfiflAV !IILT hi 101'? PAGE i~ii', roahlm oe iilnu ,n4 lbae op I ~1 uke OXING. iPý. Lk Opt. D., .147 ITange Bt., TorOUtos abi&' ye spaliot tor ov.er' twenty years, can i homnulteti ai A. * IL AllUns drug store, Wbitby, Frda>', June -2.nd. Glisses at rigin prices Il requlred. Dont misa seeing hlm. Sat-J W saction guaranteed. --51. WOULD LIKE VOUR DO you know that if your la trouble you 1 can fit your I's with proper lens. 80 that they wiIl cease doing so. I will refund your money if my correc- tion, is flot satisfactory to you. BASSETT huis, and OMisa la 1k toh e mWth ti saimy, B6oka- WHITBY W. C. Tr. ti I3REVITI Es. A fcw imonths ago a memorîii L -pesexîteti 4o tise British Governinntt belcven miles ln ieagth and miort-, ask- Ing for nattiena]7 prohibition durlng tiie wutr and for six menthe aflex'. The National W. C. T. U. cf thse *Unîited States lias helti forty-thnee an- ruai conventions. Tht'fs-tilt there-of ,-doih nov ;appcar. "I knoNw men wito now kcep their lamilleelothed andt heir grocer>' 5>4)1: -t- palti, W'tlIn te day: of thet saloon neyer hbda i ckelineri whom 1 have seen airnett evcry day for years*- -Denwe-r credît men stase ixbat huai dre-t iit long overdute ncconis wlîlch bave ueen consideroti incolt'ctablc are bcung paRi ttp. Ia titis city proiitioni bias taken huiîdnedti cf woixnn(roi the unash-tub imid rtlleved itir lites of drtidgcry." -G'it'(riior Carisois, Col- **h ' KTluc s-buta iir- deadiy snemy ot Ihé etliltI, of tite hiomeî, of the fanîli> .anti qf (ei' .r-bstO rela sud. The "World'i; Oltîcers are anxiius to stecure Il World'sWhite lbborî Mis r3ionary fqr Indiui. [lEFRACTING *TORONTO k_0 Il idi M ri 0111, tsin 1 , ' ri 1t" l i, <' r 1,.f ic The houses ofthébo qreater Candda Company and ;tdiing properties north of the ('.ltR, sue hein g liprov- et by the ieveiing :-î,d seeding of the, lawns, and the la> 1ng out of tlower Just recel'ted. new lhock men's ali wooi cashmere -soeks. in black anid grey. 36c. to 50c. per pair at W. G. Walters ". 'g' Use a iewet 01Stovel (IEO&NMa RI, ', t. woId. cte l t rug Store. Hlo for an outing. an>-witert'. (ail on, wrIie or pîhone STEPHENSON. pshone 36. Whitby'm up-town tlckmttsud i îelegrapb office, for rates. Totirimi or otherwise. single. round tnip or preL,- î,alti tickets Cisoice of routeb to tour- lot anti otimer îtIunto local or foreigTi. Aietry anti buy your TorontolUfves-- dale and ail local point tickets ut your lt-Uure <ahesit if desireti). Ste-phien- tion red.-exns 1is8isues uipur s-len prevcnted ctoing. SKe Steîîhhlacti be fore travelling. Oflice heurs 7 a-m. te Ml lt-S. limtsil ktgood from or te both G.T.R. stdiona. -Tht- Treastirer of lie- Whitby PaS n. otic Funti viabstit distlnctly under- stooti by the tslnes'rimen of Whilb>- tha lie- dot-s nettbue-nulte art as a culleitiig cacncy for accotit againri by Cotuintttee. i Jsnustry la&i. de- cideti that the TreaBi'1sti ild WuWen.l deavor le amist cllection of a fev acceulîts thetinou tottndull8but' thl a crounta conticteti aller tîtal cati' vosmiti ot b.' 'onsldertod by tise Trea-sîrer. For scierai montits the gooti office-s o et )iTreamirer. tiîroiWi Ibis kintnexa et. tie Cenunittee. vms exeîicd i nbehait tof locai creditora inf ,pneiiavSe.but hencefori thgie ----i01 w"i", __ - Nrrr. Jitts ,qSm iihand IrMn. A. Mise.iTreastrer ws-l dîe te oandit vsutbo plitri et-rp lxnToronto on Satirr>acourS Ins. liist utt-ndbng t iimner-ai of tleir --**-- brois'n-n i ue iate Janmts Les-enis. BAPTIST SONG- SERVICE. AIITOMIOIILE DRIVING. choir of Oie Baptlsi(hWirtIt Ul TM Atito for pmrtie, Lips or trains. tder aoi îftiS l tscalb rvit-e, tise chit 1'Iîuîi I10tt J. M. Water'hîous, Whitby teture o! whieh wiii Se MendeIbt't - 0tii-irt c bîxi o ft at W. ..À.'r rgle,'w' *Ht-si My rrayer." Th* mulAtrrvic Wr lit-ti-»l l On -mnah ICitel"St he 1, is lmxrltîare mttort'. wIll bebie e îc îttS. lu - Kti-iii i n ih i g M n p rt'E e Yb Yeei.44 Tu 1 m o itilf Soieyasâîsted by hI'e 1.-Ântisem. 4"Binx.Prabe -to (004" Wste'lfstitute anti VON., 4n (No&die). miss Frle iuteIU "di Molitv JîîIfy 2nd, ai -2The Grange." I hoir. tItIs t Im b'tuxportanit eveni, and-I 2. Due-lt. «Tii.-Lard la8MY ShtP-- xl s itt t te ttieveral proninnent ht" <Smm )-liréa. WeLt- ul i""t" tit h~ iresenti. Arrange to e h ~ i.-.8 oDO 114 -t lilt r1)arictlar Iner.3. Chsorus BOnward Christiani Sol- I r utt r rnstlctiiirsliter. dîet,** Mon's volets. -ttiz-tmen's.yotths sandi chIlti- 4.oi. Kig Dv' Lae" t11 g 4ititt- t-t rais- hais, regular value <'t«4f. F15.IRése. to1 $1 ,11. on sale ïatur4&y, jitme 6: AntiphoiifitHymu. i"Art > Thon Viv. (c.1101it rtW. G. Wlo" OY'D@bl, Visai. 'l41v 6,30 t1 . .wesLbotimd C. P. R), 'T u itq4 lievs. -merd'-. tr*ail On ".-sdcay mnran tt4o* b*uch et 7. àBmJflksolo t"10v 011 iettitracS Juil cMsI'of Qui mrs' ri LW kilhin rî t-teant itnjturin twP Itio ý rm 0js. socattie eSeapmd =hUWt. mToi _ ,,- Mthts lte blbb overalaat êai 10,4Oimplrt41004 . G tNaterw.ln" b'*" t 81e lw r. Watcr Rodd w»sa Plcton ovor nt v- Sîtiîriay, vhitbOr he tooX i :a ar;(e W1iitby peoplo for J. OGimbbot, tli' - new Ford receUi, p unrchaned -fotisa OI1 In Mr. ilblet':livery. Sergt. EAWA6 vil dq" LeagUe ai Almefitu, ou'qoà.s iag, Juine lOtisMoybY*« -OVERSEAS - Mir. itarlti t by *besoh Tilt-.' as ste jury cases at the June Sesalottî ws-lch w'erte-ied on Tîesday at thtCottrt House. lMs Houer Jutige Ruâti>' 'as on the Beach. Nos'. Brunstwick Potalo Exehalige N-s. J. H. Des-ne>' Co., vais an actiola ln whtbch tise plaintiffe made edaim for ce.rjaIu soins against the DovnMey Company. of Whitlby, on sales of Mar iota ef potalees. Mr. Dos-mity bia splendid dtfenre, allesIng th&(thtie Po- tatofs wert' net delivte-red 10 hlie as ant i vthin the 'timne contracteti for, anid îtîaît ' bats vere to have be-e supplitibisa, vhlcis vas not doue. A carloat lot consigneti te bina frein ele bieN.lýr, ot Brillis colunibia, or. dere i titrouxh the N. I. Potato E-- change ln Toronto, iati brn r«OWse b>' Mr. De-ne-y,s-ho Sues notibÎ ofs XçNalr. andth lotiglî t bocMria -br "unt hlm b>' itstake. p tua ciaiotiiiley ruade ii quit* e-frt-te 34r. Devise-y thai thoy «0aoulin agonts for MCN.-ir but »T. QDOwaley de- nied ibi. Tbc ExcImaue elsluiod a kas of bc.e.Pt -bat. on htis <*l@ ilirousit Mr. I)ovusYta refusai o tise shitimei't. îber de-as veto aiss tu- 1»n'tflett#et iyeuroiiaw a lefs' biat sale, Prim a.'9c., a Ad S4 EfiAT Filsil AND) IIELI' WIN T41C w-re«tn t th e gooanublaet WftUt i leolsrfqd*t* gta d n tamt "d i.tê mmtrçette «tise tomiaV. TIi<mifliSItt «elau tteo -tlo *0 b« *iiOmi gostibty. l sla rcprPet* fiah stau eY bo»Igii mal%1* O~ tuhi &P. Ody-tiA"iEii@iUs foat'd 000"o e oeglhi iii ulgkl'e cir- bIts with ý4?5 name appt-ara In the. liai of kitted, vas for a short tîme attached to the ISint Battalion here aantllother parts of tise County. Rie viii b. reMembered as bang« given an eihibition ef fene.t lng s-ith Major FPattmet nt oS f the1 1-t2nd Battallon conoerts ln Whitby.t liciriaock vas a gruiduata of IMeMas- ter University, cls.u 1915, and vua Dominion champion tancer. tihe ider cf tventy modale for athiete accosap- Ilimhments anti a veilknevn figure ln Y.M.C.A. circes. After being vIts the 182nd Battalion for a time, b. erved 0 as adjulant 10tbsthe isys1al training anîd bayonet echool at Exhibition Campj andi Camp Bortien. He aubsequentir vent to Engiantiii September lis, andi latteriy vas înansterred 10 the Imperial Flying Corps. He hati ben ai the front oniy îvo s-eeks%. Hie brother. Fligbt-Lt. Carl MecKiassek, bas be-en mlssing rtince May 6tb. Lieut. M. H. Roacit. of Beaverton. re-porteti voundeti. vent overseas vith tht )Ilth Battalion, la commandi of a piatoon li "B" Company. untier Major F. H. Moody. s-ho vas aiso voundeti recontly. GREAXT LAKES STEAISI-iIP SERVICE. Tht Canadian Pacifie Rails-ny s-tii comntnq,.Sattirda-y. Jîue Zîtd. to op-' traie GneMtt Lakes Steamshilî Express; trains be<iween Toronto and Port MIe- Nicholoiîi te foliowing sehedule, withis lrst-ciass coach mand iarlar car running ibrougis without local stops: INJURED IN RUNAWAV. On Tuesday moriing the blg grey EveueythlotgUoi Harodwa teain owned by Jos. Heard & Sons,.1_____. ________ created a lîttle ,.tcitement y runnl&Ng aiway. They st.aried a wlld carrer for of Toronto, wsadrunk and diorderiy their stahWi -.%a,idln doing so thrw on the atm-ettaor WbIiby, and wvas (sm i-i he Mno'lr. 1-leard andi hit lc'dged lni lb.- cooler b>' Lbe Chief. On son Wil. Ti- . ;*ter %as brulsed and Wî-dneaday Mlagstrales White andi eut ln *.wt'ernltol aees. and 141r. Ileard Roisa asase4 him tht- usuai 110 andi WUs more seriously Injureti, suatain- Cosas. $15 ln ail, andi sent hlm on bis Ing setere cuts 10 the head. A doetor'tt vaY rejolcing () attention s-as necessarr. and t wsuS be O- a few di>', before the men have 'juÀîe MISS GAMBtE HONORED. recoveret f romu their iuis MAisa Laura Gamnhi.. a graduate- of -o--Toronto (jenerai Hoapl, vho la s-el) 1Thse auicîlon sale of hotuse and lotst, knovn ln NWbltby, has been awarded9 tht- property of Geo. I. Wiis..n. on Sui. te Royal Ried Cross, for servies la urda>' iast, diai not reaultinlx the, sale the pr-oent var. Mina Gambie-is ibet of subher the bo-ume or a.ny lots, as the daughter of Rer. Robort Gamble. 61f esrved 41id In *ech cas-e -as fnot Wakel5eid. Ont.. and in aise a niece of! 1 tele he smsaof $2400 vas bld on DIr. C. F. ifeGiiitrray aad Judge Mie.1 tehe bus. but v-a s nderstood to bec Gillilvray, of V bttby. Miss Garmbie at-1 tmre hundre dollars belov ihe a-I tended W bitby Higis School a fev inonnt rr'quired by thme re-served bld. yeare ago, and doring tbat time be-1 --- c(%me veil ae<iuainted tu town and c Donations for War Relief Socety made many frienda. s-ho yUl be glfd 1 Sock Fund receetly receireti are as fol- eft Ibis bonor ublrb bas been eonferrMd love: Mr. and Mr". E. Harper, $10: uipon ber. Âftîr the completion of ber1 lirl. H. Biaiconn. $2: lirs. E. Birown, Hlgh Scbool course bere. eue vent to $l* Miss Jean Mitchelli: a fridmnd.l Toronto in 1907. andi vas a grraduate SI: Mdra 'ranelitt Mcintyre, $1,; Misst of the 1910O class at the General Hos- i laibel P.lvuer, Lo'.gita. -o--- Mis" Gambie oecupied the position Theregular rn"tilig of the Wonns of be-ad nurse for a lime during bier Institute viii be heid oui Friday afier- 1 raininig. andi a hSgh iribute te bier noon. Jtîne IF), ln the Agricus turalli proficiene>' ant the exeelency of ber1 Rùomsal t3 o«dock. MiFss Chapmai- oft sorS s hile nt tihe hoapîtal vas peld 1 thet. grictilturai Jh-pt., viii 1* preFrtnt 1hûr lusts-et-k t'y the Stîîîrintendeni, and speîîk on eanning fruit3 tn d 'eg." tMi>t Guxin. Minsa Gamble offes-ed ber ~ttIea Tiia houlti proie a iry -r> u-rrervc with the Ith Baite l7niNerelty teret ing and pîrofitable meeting, and Hospital lunlMay. 1915. andtIsl ai pres- itle1 bois.d the' ladies orfise tas-n silS cnt a, Saion1ka. A tc"iaae. Miss lurn ouf îo hîuir Nliitgs Ciailnaî. Yrt;. McEaellrs-îî. cf CaMpbellior., Who ls (;*-o. N. itam..1r&-sid.-n1. M 1. Me- 'alth ht-r al Salonika. has also been a- ('lthan..Steretr~1wardî'd thse Roy-al lied (ros. NMETHODIS-r TABERNACLE. ll.-nman' ts lst-r> ni W. G. NN'aiters*. Sunday, Jimne 17.0 Tl("*. A. H1. Foiter. pastor. IhiZSAWVARIEL> FOR EISSAYS. tloriin- Anh-n, "iail Sarrtd NVInnet; ha% e liten aniounce I li the Su.-'ol i rs. Aibvri W%. Jackson. contest inQugurtt-d bi tihe -Organiza- Evcning,.-Aîtll.-ni, Sofil>'Not% he' 1 tiosuor cffl-surces Committee iu March Lighit of lay" **Solo. Miss Kaiitet i st, .t'hî-rcby iliree rcnqh îrîzswere Nicholson. offtredtr ix alHi HlhScisools. amounting r Rev. ('. J. oiaxx f Toronin, will tu $5. $3 andi $11 rei;pectlvely. fer the occupy Lihe pulit, boih ste-n ices. Ises threc comipositions subsaitieti by ---- .upis cf ecdi chool on the tople: D)OEî YOUR BOY NEEI) SOCKS7 -om (-an the' Ontario 111gh Scbool Il has rmcmniy le-en broujdit to the Boi>, by worklug on the farm ibis sms- attention of the % Whithy MXn'r Relief nmûr heip (1) hinîseif, (2>)lte friner. - ociéiy thai the \Whiiby nmen 'îhîti art- (1) tt-e 'îiîre "Tht ompositions nishtings overse-an lia%*- beconie r-o rsat- s-cre to b.- apg.s-cximnately 1.000 wors-d teretid a ep)aMt.'d, f roni Conlstatln i lengih. Thse prises for îhtr WhItby draltings. tisat S it ii ,obsibie te rend 111gh Scliool wer.' awardeti as foilows: ehipments cf sotlis -0 any onle pison 118t. Majorie James. 2nd. Wilistm WiS- for distrifotiinainong the mnrof or lis. 3rti. Florence Auglit;tuaq. towa. l'o ot-erûom# tis diffieuhty andi Thse lrsi prize essaya from ail mukeSc sre of Our socits rt-ut-ing Ilut scliîouls have beet forwarded Ie To- men for whom lt-ey art' Intend(>d. itla ronto. and tbrî-e prizes ol $2-6. 15. auîd ituggested tistailsd those sendlng par- sîle.à ecciveiy. viii ie as-ardteti to ce-l% u lt.> Wbllen, whetltr Metnibers the»~iret tbtst -ssays subitet Inlithe' of the )l6th Batialloflor fnOt. ehotilt province. e-ncose iteeks la their jiarcelit. ThetseTihis conîts(as tatbliahî.ed for the mockst may lx' obtaint-di (rom Mrs Toti. pu.rpos.- of bringlng to iht- attention of Mrs-. George Mowat or Mi\ls Mary Hiighu School schtolars the ne-et cf belp- .Sinithi. ing on the farina lu ortier te assist lni iit hope-d ail relatives of 'WthStli> iproduction. boys tttefront wili luntiti8 n-y hip -o- to gimplify dite sorSi of itise Wsr he- 1n-nsready-to-wesr ceuits at bs-est lit-f Soelî t>'andi eisurt Otur <%*l nien p'ii ces a-i w. tG. Wiîerît,. cf a îlentlfi u1PPIY Of sOekâ.0 ýWE AU IN 13098NS OF'MN~TV *An RELRIP MEETING.. Thei regular saonthly meeting of thse War Relief Society iras Ireid. la thse Councli Chamber on Monday, June Il. with a fala attendance of ladies of thse town. Thie Treasurer'a report for thse month was as followa: - a£.e!PT. Cash on hand..... .... .. .... $4.98 Rebate on wool..... .... .. .... .56 Collection at May meetiig ..8.55 Sock Fund...... ...... .. .... 4.77 Specti appeal for Sock Fund. 288.50 $337.36 FxrE3T-,çrtEs. To -Sergi. Edwards .... ......$50 A. M. Rosa. thread. buttons... S2 FUEL 18 SOAR'EI Ycu can do ail your work on this Oil Stove. Cail at our store and see it demonstrated. ICEt Whltbyl ire et Lowest PPices.- HiONOR ROLL. KILLL IN ~ACTION<. FIigbt-Lt.. W. e.) MKtssocr. C.M.frow-n. South Oshawa. Lieut. M. H. Roach, Beaverton. To Rrnt, FoT Sait, Etc. On ithé gravei foad, north of the 4(h1 çoneession, a ladies' biaek bat. Owner may hîave Saine by Iproîlng PrOpcrY ansd paylng expenses. Appiy ar the Gazette office. i POR SALE. Six towf lo1ts fronting on Chesinut sireet. wesi of lIrocli street, In the' north wardi. oppostite te residence of JOs. White, Esq. ApPlY to W.- New* port. 13S Silver Bireh .Ave.. Toronto, Ont. -52. HOL'SE TO RENT. North of C. P. R., 6 rooms, 2 pite. bath, f urace. open aie tn living rooml, towii water ad itgbt. Rent $12 per montb. Apply Oreat#r Canaalm- provement and Lantd Co., Ltd., Whiî1>y. Ont.-. AUTO SERVICE' Parties wisbing serviefs of auto for efiernoon or eve1ing uhould comnani- cate with 1 A. B. EDWARDS Bell phono 67r3 Whitby. Nice Drtvins Pouy for samie. mue ERNEST WODEILL (V 00 ACO.. 01 eIM.Ai àBa ed liaqW ino. ~Io aie Tema ois -Cash. te un.eate i orer"M* ilm'kW < maTSI 'lu'.- là flabyObsevesth. e, As warm weather approachf.s special care mnust be exercised in feeding the baby and cthemwise providing for his health and ccmfort. We handie ail of the good BABY FOODS and turn the stock often so that we always have a fresh supply. We always carry a complete stôck'of BABY POWOERS., TEETHINO RINGS, NURSING BOTILESIsO8APSI BRUSHES, and Othor Roqulaltos ,#e take great pains in prepaning medicine for the littie folks. WHiT.FIELD'S DOlamifSTATIONERV STORE WHITUYO a*Agent fer Butteack l'atterns$f "M Aient les" Nge Prepai'UtIiu I Leae yout eider for Piano Tuninj wit nu. Send the Gazette and Chronck to your absent fric nd. lt's as good-as a letter from home to him. RIDE A HYSLOP BICYCLE To- the Golf Liniks. Toè the Bôwling Green. -Té the TSnlà Court. -To the.Bal Gamre. And obtalu KEENER INtE LLWCt - RENEWEI VIGOR iNCREA5ED NIIJMM OWN ABYLO I M.uoêsd OU fWHU MIEL OhIy isp b car Balance on hand... .. ....... $331.84 The socks convenora, Mrs. George Mowat and Misa Smith, reported a to- la Of 222 DaIrN of socks knltted dur. Ing the month, including one pair trom lira. Win, Anderson, tbree paire front Mmra LalsIlaw, and three paire frosa Misn Warren.- A letter vas read f rom LL-Co;. Sama Sbarpe. acknow!edglng a gift of socs, undervear. etc., and prosaising to dis- tribute tbese articles as far as possible to the members of **C Company, Il6th Battalion; also an acknoviedgenient front the Secours Nationale for the re-, cent donation of .ocka. A rery lutemetlng lettervwu rcad from Mima FIressiey, former V. 0. nurse ln Whltby, telling of ber vont lln the military hoap)Mitat Norwich. England. rThougit enjoyIng ber vork. Miss Press- ley apeakis of thse terrible sufleringe0f the vounded moldiers andi boy mnuci they appreclate ail lte Iglfti% meut ci-er to thom by the people of C*nada. Mi Tod, convenor et supplies, re- Dorted : 74 vomen'a dresses ruade and sent to Smeours National. 46 paire of meeka on band. 17î pairs of Rocks given out for over- seas pa.rcel& - Thse amount eolleetr-d for the Sock F'und during the month was $7.06. 1 Thse announcement vas made cf a garden part y to be hehd at "*Thef Grange-' on July *Ind. Arrangements verp diseussed and futher details viii be given thirougb the plress at au earty daie. Leave Toronto 'elp.,. arrive Port 1McNlcboll 5.15 . pin. eaich Wednesday and Saturday.'tonnettlng with tht pal-. atial (.P.R. Great Lakc-x Steamahipsi leaving Port MeNichoîl on aboie days at S5E p.m. for Satalt Ste. Marie, Port Arthur .mnd Fort William. Leave Port MtNichoii Mouîdavs and Fridays 8.30 amn., arriving Toronto 11.45 a.- Grenat Lakes service 'tift Owen Sound la now lni operatton. Steainshlp "Itanli- toha** Ieavlng Owen Sound at midnight each Thursday for Sa» te. Marie. Port Arthur 'and Fort W lam, Full partlculnrs f rom any C. PR. Agent. or W. B. H-oward, District Passenger Aget-, Toronto. Ont. -60) -mise KaRteWrlikt Pupils preps.red for Toronto Couler. vm.îory or UnIvcrmlty Examinations. Iteaidence at lira. Artbur Richard. ama Byron St., Whiiby. Phouo 2toi. R.~~ SOUfR 10 S22nd aALL SAINTS' CHURCIH. Calît. Nich1olson wlil prî'ach ali t ut inornngna 'trvice on Suxtdty, June 17. aenry and Plush rugis ii ail sizes~ lie helti by the3 V. O. N. en Salurtiay, June 23nd. Alil donations of olti clots- ing, etc., will be gladiy recciveti at thie 1oinés any ime- btfore <bat date. nr. Neil YeUowlee:s wlU h-o SlnWhil- by shorthy te Luùe planes. Orders may be le-ft at A. H. Aluins tirug store.-tt. Tise War Relief Societyy sles te eklprt'tii ig ianks toth Ae ladin wvitese kindly assisteti ln making- up ti gar- meula for Meît' ,ecotîrs Natienale," also ta Mnr. andi Mra. E Harper, for a dona-tlitn of $10,00, anti Mr. H. Bita- cosi fon a donation of $2.00, anti ait taos.' vitagextereusti>'respond tic o ethe et5ecil sIupimel sinde - for. the SecS Fîu d. 0o llig iýtniw liai sait- nI W. G. Wal- Sea-; utrtisi>, Jitio lthi. -I i -4 s' s ONTARIO

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