Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Jun 1917, p. 1

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- -'i. .~ '- I Iv? 4oNo 5o v~ miIf C.iA. GOODFELLOW & SON, rUDlISflW-3 WHITBY, ONTARIO, CANADA, THtJRSDAY, JUNE 14, 1917 71 Scranton Ceal DEPOT Owing to stringency in thý c oal market it is impossible a present to secure an adequal supply. Ail orers and price quoted are cancelled for thI present. ___ 9, R, BLOW9 Wkilbi Bell phone 9. Home phone 14. - T.eort@, Out,- Ouf gU4LteW. were amked to BUSitse r h0»Ou la two months and 240 daring two other months. D. net dolby. Ente .4Lrge ca.t.atoge malled on reqn 0 n il year. 5âtricty rt-s YDpartiflOfls. cor. cage snd Chm.iwSt.. i ial Ibo.oI@litef Canada lm rSvOlmIt AI Whltby * Ontai'Io Baeal Rsate Dealiers, Rnattes Managod, Rente Ooilected, Firet Loans Arrange,r Frprisbought and uold. For termbe at1Y Head office, Brook St. sii phone .IRxIni. Phone 70.f YORK OOOTY FARI 12&5a'res, one of the select armm eofYork1 Coanty, twenty-two tuile& froin Toronto sud miile and a hall trom railway depot -and village. Conduetêd for many yeîrel e a stock farts, raising puare bre short hemn cattie. Modern batik bam and large two etorel brick dwailins. An attractive farta home. Kundred and ten dollars "r acre. JonFisher .& Go@ t i a u I", ORONTrO - I5 U W sry iii Froit Ferme Fer Sale Soummer Toru Opens Tuesday, July 8. lni Sbaw'B eus8Ifle58Sohooli, Toronto. The work liaergeeintoAutumn sTerni frot BSsI- tember 4, wtbout any break. Courses tully deacrlbed ln new catalogUe. « rite for it, W. R. Sbaw, Pr«e., Yonge SGerrard SUL ____ ROKsT'. WIITSV a&>doubIeý ioaUh gfothi Stop That Couth WILLIS', Compound $yrup of White Pin and Tar îl a valuable anodyrie ex- pectorant. Itwill proinptly cure Coughis, Colds, Bron- Chitii, etc, and re8tores the respiratory organs to a normal healthy cobdition. 25e pop Bottie je E« WILLIS Drugglst and O)pticlan MEDICAL HALL Stock St. a Whltby. WEDN,ÇESDAiV. JUIME 6. on Weduesday mornung Mn. W. J. Squires. representing tise Highways )epartmenf te icProvince, itas Pres- ent. and wae âasked te addreas tise Counel. Mr. Squires congratult-d the Cous- cit upon the beautitut rooms used bY the Council. st-at-itg that titey were thé gneat complete aud comtfortabte Uc haLl sad thse pniviiege et aeelng. He explained futiy tise Higbway Act [s a asasterly wa>'. referring te thse ailles-g. of a Ceusnty Roadl System for tbis County. eétimatei ai twe huniri and tonty mites. TUe selectIan et tise route being iln the bands et bbc Couflty Concil, tise Departmnent only Interteres when soine part efthtie Ceunty l s -n fairiy deait wlt-b. wbich seidotithbp- pes. Tise County Councli's appointuiet of a Superintendelu sisuld be etfir man whe buias îeconfidence and a good knowiedge efthtie work estrust. ed te hlM. The Governmelit lsspects tise expenditure t-o protect tise County' The ceat would Uc- appreximtiel>' $5.01 per year pen ose bundreti acres. I âaal suin compared wtbtiste greai beneflts derived. He ah»wed lbab bite population ei rural ratunlcipalities. formerly grenU'i (lias tisaIof urban one%, bas beeti ni versed, the urban population beinI utucis larger tsas tise rural and tise where Cousnly Rosai Systitu preval tte 'rural 'population As 'holding Il Ins sene coties adopiuir ibs syî 1cmn som etftise municipalities di ne go ln, but îhey would contribllte tisci sbare et thbe eispditure but as ti aineunt iWeuld be rctuinded,* plu 405 et Governtiet tgrant.-tls theaS in% nkipalitlei'. Uic mouey retunded mut ail be used or expended on roais 1 1tiseir own uhunicipality. It le we ; ino':. ut thiat a good remis iyteliIl ;re -the cvalue<of tar aitlnds. Mrn. SQUIres' address vas on. use .usetul sud instructIre ta eXplaltllt > te venkuigs of a Couulty systein 11la. theaLfternoon Ur. N. I.Daie .K.C., ose certue ExcCuative lortse 0 tarlo Speakers Pattiotte Leagub# eu preselt. "a ltcd-t<i a4rew; .,tIL Couacil as tethe LCCOUa wikit*1 noir before thse Finance Coasusttte $747.00 eixp«UM Ofetipiekm l i ctltI tise 1101h sud 1S2n4 VeUZ Dasttalions. -aie "oÎIansýjUdse MeQUTry am thé County lerk.-AuldtêlI0f «IIMM Ig aicourit, made eàplafàoni*US Ibiselatin - ,- Moved by Mr. F'orglc.e. mioiide Mr. Rav,.tisat iis iCenueli i 1bar)ng lin. D&vh4sou, K.C. re exulint acouwil e lUth am in BattisHoua, la eoribis epipientisa i ihoUli t ho rerrminte ti uII Coasmitte. Juadge. MeOiUIvray -e, lntyre, suad CWLFaeelfi i Un Qeroiw, fscosud iby Ur. ne 1wousm z6w 11*1 bvlÈila enti during the year. He aIse madie requleet Matheson. s'wimmlug conteate was held In thse for the usual grant ot $500, payable by Minuet (Beethoven) vlolin.--Mar' swlmmlng_ pool, yhleh fmrlshed ex- Statute: aise that the CouTIcil rn jorie Taber. çitcletet for the day. The evening $"-0 lni &id ef eteven rural achool faira Recause Grod Ives me you (Clarkie): eoiscert was given by thé undergradlt te be held ln the CoutY naît fait, The Mernlng Wind (Brffnscomb).- usis, with thla proagram:. Tbhe Ceunty Soliciter stated te the Drtes. Charlton. 'l!oura ont (Nievtt).-Olive LaMD' Couincil 11181 the couhllttte wlio were WMzurka B flat - <Godrd).-045ê1' uis cbarged wlth thse settlement or cen- lield. "lad" i I.ve Lyrics (Aima GMt).- duct efthte actioôn brougbt by Dr. Ford An Op>ei Secret (Woodman); Cen- Grace Unton. - for damnages te bis automobile OUt the tentment (Hasting).- France$Fra- Rebecos Lemvifg - Scitool (Thack. I7th day of Septembier lasi, -0cesfilon- scr. îemy>.-rmefe Horn. ed by bthe alleged non-repair et thse mp-Lo.ve Dream No. 2 (Usazt>.-MlOtl MOto »eretUo (Weber)--Col' Matht. proacli te the Ceunty bi-ldge on the Harrison. BI1 Base LUne hetwees Oshawat and Cedar A Wonid of Praie (Aylard)e-M1t A WOMl of Praife (Ayhmd)- Misa Dale, had recelved an offer of settle- U Dryden. U KDyden. tifris cesta, by paymnent et $90. Mary Boyle. Uok Tbat. having learned that evidelcie Kritshna (BransCOtbe); Elegir(Ma&Ni Dye (Lohr); Ehf-Mas (Wells). would hie offered bliai repaire bad l>cen senet) .-Hebea Miilay. - I-Jeeste ILavé. tmade to the said rend, since -the acci' rTE BACCALAUREATE SERMON. ITise Valley of VaadaL (Pauline John- adent,. without thle knowledge of the The Tabernacle wus well- Lttendd wnoa>.eoa Merkley.0 àTown af Oshawa, 1'Insh5llp Of ESSion Suaday cvexslng on tise occasion of IWith Yeu <Nutting).-MabSICen-ý -Whitby or this CountY. tha said ern- the preaching ofthtie Baeesititt0mon a mIice, wbile believlag that theseaitd sermon la connecticis wit!sthse Collge _ -' trux No. 2 (lt.O~ %roai was set oui et repair when the Commencement. néê stUdentU of the stn i 0accident bappc-urd. yet in ierte oet CG l etege accuplcd front seate whieh hait IDeOB i' tle Rt i(Branfflmibeý) ,Iii a fieting evidence at the trial, -baVing been reserved for them. TIle gradua- HaSppy >.ooil (ÇbMamIle>, -Ule" t relation te the repaired rend. .and the e W<m clas. drcssod In wlslte az3ýd wear-tMBy * expeRsot detendînti such an actIoù, îng blacli goWn and gnormr-bouis, ITuesday wu S enorCaeDylt bf rec=onmeîd a settieetfettise above occuplcd froût seatu lmm ditely lnpr e4us engpia.u D& lIb ,r sum tise centre of UctIctheA susultrodnz eu pIae.adl e- It being bereby dectarcd tisai such on sueh an occasion. many usembers o iaSno li tdns g9 su le wibhout prejudice tiste Coln- train aIl thse ter citrhes i u oim tTrtm r W Daugiters Dar 'M o U1 ty inm casesy other action ta ceit- werc ln atteudance..-, i wtduedar. wheu the greduates te- J. mened l n respect ef tbe inon-rePtair et On tise plittorin viticit w» hiisd1 unîted tI seColle 10O do boMolte t' said! road, wbich tbc Council claimasosmety decorated with iowes-tht tir Aima M ater. lias not becs eout ai repair. work e1thUe Trufaluar Dangiter- I The IVaret wasa theretoe eautlsar- vevc j'rlnepai F. 1L. Farew4l. 3Pr1- f'ieCâimrenSemeitzereises ane Dtimd te grant bis arder fer $90 tor. citai Emerîtus. Dri J. J. Rare, Roy. Dr. 1 beint held to4ay <Tbi&ns4aý), umoru Ir settletient ln futll et sl cto. Sti. <0f BieliYII. aud 5ev. DV, O. isMauraeois. 'lTe Conseil adjaurtac earty 'In tie ___________________________ ~.mornlllg sesion sgomU tg aIlow *urne Ufor a riait tatb* i.Conaescent n oTU1ttsInsu%~ On tah, on o Ittion et Mayor Waz- -..a LLE-0>- ,O D Rs tiens and by-mwB wert deat ,withm&i et evect ot nitte« met tep 10 reA program W&L4a a iasorderot metlt Çio1 sole-VIa !%wo.laUeatrsoiaya cmuiaSE OW IT Y C * ER as Ihleir reports. Bty-ça m a nd.az Thse :.poni0te s pecial Consmittee w» put on aI litoncoiic#t'IeIveby lite. dame lInSrl n. apponl te c Onsider wIth a siidrw titfltiedmilita1MuTili0f la ihbY MIhlImrT e, u >- tonIt~etrou tise Town o CiOaa a npital en flitedi Y làstulin li awa. Io a <revit tht ilIè4 lt h il Dg ieteains of lt.ea3recllClt 10be sa4e lte' muaibam L 'rit e »çjtine.p& tu = op&càty. ¶1515 Thurad"-y hoe lu ceotion i-etIs tis ep i.tl ioi <uw«Wn hUhbit ~Ibo 11* bffS X01- boitA * a0 the Town et OshavitrllieCoitt. - JU h ie Opcmtw Mouet *. 010e. t. Couai wePt too uII14 <hO tWýIUMI I iYt Br1VIt0 O- ty wlsole: anud 4lmctid tthe, reporet pt4 eler to tiwe fte* tisat -tie re ~r ».1&* f. sud ce O W>dwW *fftui$ e al h rtuup bfl lL«mn Ad deartI, -tl.A"~ts ~tothé i b Lai' . - .ta 1 attsi s oa t, ltis to b. isolai e thii0IU 1oeY. day wevIot» , né bSh 091ut by -ItIIA.YJUI800 .e1ss-eae ter )c v.,te ii ,toowd05th M I~ ~ ~~ »mh bi'.Mr, X01¶.. u» ,i ouaaS i ~ - fté " tues.,-ço iii e' oit B1' 14 -99r-FE)I QUZAL-TY AN AIRMANS THRILLING COMMENCEMENT EXERC15E5 EXPER[ENCE IN SKY BATTLE O~4lROLADIES COLLECiE Flight-Lt. W.P. East-wood bas wrlt- was thiest. Soma soldiers rushed! Another j'ear of w** han been Ridout, of Toronto, each of wbom took ten a thriling letter to bis father In tXP to my aid. 01 course sotbing broirrht 1.0 a conclusion et the Ontario part la- the service. Peterboro, a copy of which has bees could be dose. To me it wu h mst iClee s ic 1rd'Is h Dr. Scott, wko preached the sermon, forwarded te bis uncle. Sherif Pax- terrible sight Imaginable, and I cannot cloing exercises heee been JLu Pro- chose bis itext rots the words of Sl- ton, of Whitby. The letter Is ail the teJi you how it mtade me setr. At gress. omon ln Proverbi 31 : 29,- Many murce lnteresting because the East- the moment 1 thought 1 was going The Dramatie Cj# 88 usual, 8tied daugbtefé bave done vlrtuously, but wood farnily is so well knowxî in Wbit- mad. 1 could not be sure at the t am pla~y on Fflday'eybuiing. Tfhe work thou cxcellest theni ail." by, Flight-L.lett. Eswo en a that he was nlot alive when the tirelchoses this year. , bkaer', I iesUnswmnna osdr zranid3oti of the laie' Dr. Eastwood. started. but to my relief, 1 was told i A o îeI. !l~udrte d inferlor ta man, but the speaker His experiences foliow la tiîs letter: inter that thougb there was lîttle ot direction ot is Al 'waeaacte ~e,"nwa es aaeitro? France, May 2nd, 1917. hlmi recogni7abie, there w as clear e iv wtb a high degree, of,.perfectiou as Net ln physical courage, for ln this she UeaFater-lhd rahe awulden"_ ef a bulîtthogh the situli evldenced by the SDndhd work of the bas sbown herseif te be quiteqale - ad aIrahrafa it would lu4ve been ainsantly fatal. young ais h ly 8ntb I 'man-for exntsple, Grace Darlinuag axprin unnerdayar d 1yiu i fo r ait. Davis was realby a feibow In ten, means an easy one. ta re»Ioduce, sndotraamd 1 amunnrvc forflyng or abit 1 housand. I cati truthfully Say that I the tinished way lu 'whkh the artiats tesnmd amn quite Nwebl otherwise. soe there l5 have neyer had a man friend that i lsterpreted their Wla is a ll- the As the mothers of men, women have nothing :o îvorry about. thv leds el H a oe Iha toetiit a~arIdsrasmoulded Uic characters andlilves of Everyone appreciates Nvht 1 i av'à a gentleman. He was f ull of kindsess w%»ork durlsg the yidÏ. - The cast was their sons to an extent that bas made bees through. and 1 guess 1 amn in for and good tnture. and as couragsî a sfolbows: them quie the equai ef man in the a short retit. l'il tell you jiist n bat any one. 1i must write tobis'fathepr luke Senior. iivln- xIn banlshment- affairs of the worid. iîappeued. for i should hiale to e and tell hlm of the splendid figbt he Leona Merkle7'. I 1Tbe great power of woman's In- you thbnk thiat 1 wotildLgo tempîorariiy pttupi. lu may hebp to coufort his; Frederick, bis brt*r md usurper fluence la expressed through ber at- outetactonutithutgod cus'. peoffle ln thçe boss. 1 trust thç'y wtlli ef bis dominJtis.L-O ZbieI1ce Hors. fectionate sature. No wemas las fitted Yesterday. early- in te mrnring. flnot feei it tnucli more, than 1 do. for Anlenrs Jacques 1 fr Lord (lords te be a geed wlfe who la fnot aise a uvent up) to do a shoot. takiina wl fit 1anuab erboeu edn he bt,, Ë, Mgodssroraeddahtr an obs-rt-r. a c<'hai, inç-d Davis, v.'ho 1a ea"iertrken tedlngthi M àà Duke).-I.un- odsseoragddugt. uvas m>-ny b'sfrlend outihere. Wo Nwrv .Every o elle lsmef îhough %vell en_--Ida Vse. - rs. Mirkley, Phylis Bell. The womnlnt Sclotflef's mind was between '"u'and 7,5oO ft-e-t. Jui over I ivi) htmyecp ron Lleu-An g"thrlfty and frugal. Girls cas de quite thehue wîeuîhre neny sous duIluvs mraclos. cae ut b- Charles. wrestler ' »-F'rcderlck.-- as mucb as boys towards the Ibrift came oui of tuie suiiaiatlis. 'l caunlot solutply withoiut n.scratch, thouigît mv Marguerite Armstroîilg. and prosperity of a family. Girls are sav tai imore ilian one act uully cii-1 neuve l: a t rifle shaken. 1 have net Oliver. Jacques, Oiio.tdo (sons of Sir somnetimes thoughtless. and careless In gaged tic. Hia- shoot inz mwas tav nris or au:- such thlng: i arn Rowland de Boys>.-",.Vida Lune. Flor- their expendîtures. The best bappi- ous. and aimost at the stari my engilue1 merely dont, in -for flilng for tne' tîie ence Horn, Mabel M~lUt.nesis Ilite la found in moderatisg de- wa.s damnage.adju u falo.bi The only hullet that touched Adami. Dennis <siv&Ute to Oliver). sires and appetit . and my pet roi tanks shoit trougbî. my clolhlug. %vent through My ceai. -Helen Millay, 14a4e'RbbflsOi. Wonm dignifies labor. Tel Is a ne- Then blood spattere'd on thé insîru-, and then through one bout, but did flot Touebstose. a cloW1às*lfhfed Syts- cesslty of health and attractiveneas. A men bordahed t tti'an I n 1 tol)ch mx' flesh, andi i ihlnk every bul- Ingiofi. ' wo ta lnflt eonaidered cultivated te- mny osre to be hit. poor Davis. ilelet fired but the center eftIhe machinte, Sir Oliver Martzt&ý aY1c8.-NorIfl day who cannot make ber owu clothes maM have heen ibit matîy limes, and Iit 1cbewing up bits or my imnmediate aur- Hezîdersan. if eed e,(a*acok fo berows at %%v-as not lonxg befort.- bis fire ceasç'd roindlngs lvus Ila ( Y rs.-'a-17 Iandi hi lurched forward. dead. 1 was The M.Najor îs going to get me soeine___________________'A_________ d efenseinas. as ttty 9guiet ui ttOfbLetleVe. Or Iave nie iransferredti lethe' action. nillbîle enZino. atnd btîbb.t$ Home Establishment righl away. 'He continuç'd le chew up fratnework on lakii enough le sa:y that he n'outld eve-ry side of nié,. b have a woutderfiil haie te o acnme. but If I may 11il be! Providence t tanktit tat 1 was nfot ransfei'red Io single seaiers before t iîit. b-at as 1 extiete4 late e th ie ma- restitue flying. I shotid neyer feel the chine burstinto fSaines at att> mo- satue in a two seater agaiti. ment, 1 hoîtetifor a buile lita! îvotîld hil a n'ltiin the beunds of possibil-.' le utul mp tnconscbois. At. 150A fi-et iles thatiIi get leave te Canada, or atfron th(,t greunti, afler the1 Hurt bad be transferredto bthe R.F.C..--lit Cas- Lleift me, flarnes iursi til front below ada. but 1 mttst tot alow mnyself te teand ln fronî t o mne. Tite first cnes tîîint, of tbat at present.. My flight singcd nîy motachte an"d e% è brows commander tîinka titat la what should eS and eyo lasiteq. .1 quite gave up hope ho donp. lie says. and he la geing te ai lten, but 1 siood uip to get iii> face surgesi il. 1 suppose 1 cannet preventI îe eut efthtt- fire. and picked etit a hlm f rotn doing that. but 1 feel that 1 ptotgbed fieldi as aL pos-sible anditig must Uc a party te it, 1 bave beèn euti plae. eresuit shrt im. Eeryhe asguerîte Armstrong, eelen mlluq7 Womau la a comfoCter. There la no Hew 1 got down w'litoui btrniitg 1 '~~ ~<~f ~>~sxc h A persen representibg 1ya.ý' adlk awmnsl b erc .,do net know, but i1ttade an easy landt- affair. lu ýn ettdeavert' tetake muy mind IMcQtilin. - ghe fthe sekue s augrth ed yClrossmemetnt J itg. when a bad one. would have prov- of et it One good chap bas o tRsaldrduhfto aerid a uagrte yFlrne1lbi ed lnsr.aitby fatal. 1 was able 10 JtiitPlt orses. and Insista thal 1 shal go fer duke.-Ida Dodge. gale. There la ne fortîtude equal to * f rom mY seat te thte ground., juat Uc-s ride wllh hitî this atterneoti..1 Celila, daughteir 10 PMrele]h. that of a 'wama. -fore lte whole thilîg was env'eloiiidli Iueahl i tne that 1 gel ready for Pee hpcds-ak Woman ajao dShtiSagetpb -terrible Slaines, t man au once te tug that. se 1 sÉatb close for the..presest. liSSes. lit duty. She urges ber busband te ai peer eld Davila' body. wblch ivas oeae ov Audrey, a cOuutrY -w« ch-Magry perforis his ahare et public duticsansd mass of ftumes. his face buried agaînst Daetlv oal Score.-- reaponsbîl.lles, and tiius elle bua the- rear petrol tank. wbere 'tbe ire (Signed) W. P. EÀtSTI'V>0It. Ou Saturday 96 p ele 'WU S hi4 Ï0t e-ea and vital part ln thse affaira of ber thse iakc. sud llnbh. gysUlA;outhse r ixunr - tura te thè Coleftti *I>IkO Min -Site la mmc more religions titan inl. Brush and MIs ina a njie~rII.sd -hier Influence luinthse home fo« COUNTY COUNCiL DOINOS lbregrmbelulmi flbwe e pe1w ireligion la a vmr COUN Y CUNCLDONG5e odie (Ms;6-1,kth Db*rn. FOR THEf fIRSPT WELK McneîiliUs1«ww - - ,. tiseX Agrculure adried is LOIICI. uatuurueüe pranZl i eate okds ale i.Wod Bt) en O.Mna teno e'a i selecêt Your SWe carry a large variety 'of the newest Style footwear for men, women' and chi'd. il lu Il for steady1ý ,,c- J.P.,I&on,- Ji Phono151,Bm.ok StPluy eë t bt I NE 1JUIN ~ I LSTÂSUSIe e- I I OSHAAM a M i B - I 5g~~ IT, e ~ssn Otrosoriou ia tout rero~ SERVJI3E - eau on- Z4. T. Lawler- The Grocer WI4ITBY I -..1 I J t t4 21 1 %ff SPRNOFOOT WEAR Phones:-lBell, 47 Indepehaent. 47. GoofiFELLOW & SONe PublisheXS 1!-lL-Mý W HITBYe ONTARIO, CANAbAý'114-üliSDAY, JUNE 14j 1917 1- %0 Ai- &

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