Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Jun 1917, p. 4

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*1. TIICRSDAY-JUNE 7, 1917. ra~aa~ w ~wis~ s. (Patented> IAS FILLED CORSETS i>eiti veiy the mus t effective corset for 1ladiçi wio require abdominal support. Ail the iatest styies of corsects te suit any,figurc. CORSETS MADE TO ORDER Write us for catalogue and seasuremeut Ions REPRESENTATIVES WANTED rte to-dary for particulars b flepatmeat A DIAS CORSETS LIMITED _4! BRITAIN ST. TORONTO liot Your -Goal. Where yen are sere it will be Oua and Dright- Qureal Iwellscnd W. guarat.. prmpt do- TelephoneNo. 182 Jas. Smwd ittera ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i toeggeterateto. ea hy a obtu ten heuld net be fFIU 'jl -~Âteciieo ttee tAePieker-' Funi. t tteJa~~Iay esson heing Couneli. eomprising R.R.mow- uneil voted a& Milazie, a- halft .Çor the bray. John Forgie anad F. R. Richard- u* et' SIX montb ofe' heyear, ,hich senhad walted upon, Sm Ada-m Beck lnti-j UIL II eided about $37,600. This was Just respect te àsecurlng Hydre 'pewer te , iw iu serve the centre of the township, the - UlN .I eut suftelient te meet the paymental result et the interyiew being that Sir ouiý the- Funti, a-Rd-Ieft Uttle or notit-1 Adamn, the chairman efthlie Commnis- a umt" 'L ig over tewa-rdfi eiin weaker'sien, Instructeti bis officais te pirepaire1 lage E tot arrf soni had jonit tic Some ot those xvho thought theyCo vere atealin; a rnaroh on their neeig.1re boaj m by plantina Ipotatoes and othtyie gurdetu stuft t'ety early ln lte sea-on, abl -j tut i ldIle diaappoitment et watch- tru i11g Ini vain for te amiearaniee above Ii grotind efthte expecteti plant. It looks Co as If a second planting miglit be neces- Ca ti Il begine (o look as If It la decidedly th, unhealthy for a-ny person et enemy It natienaiity te werk lu Canadian Indus- Co tries. - Probabiy oniy the scarcity o; fo] labor bas Induced employers te con- $4 tittue lu their service this allen ele- wi ment- It belteoves foreigners et ene- ra niy extractien -te waik circumispectly, IT and to give ne cause for nioletatien (C un the part of teliow workme-n et Cen- -lit adir-.n nationaiity. th À reader etfIbis clunin bas sug- Q Lesietid that It would be an .Incentive c tu tova beautityIng If the Cotuncil 9 wotuld altow thbe îown team t-o plow boulevards where preperty ewners woeuld tnderta-ke te level a-nd seedý skid boulevards, atd keep the grass g trianmed.- Ma-ny boulevards are nos d to -rough tnd tneven to eut vitb a c lawn mcwer, and the grass la altowed t, te grew long and unsightly. lte C hbpe tbat Perhaps the Streets Comnmit- tee ef Council might consider te sUg- gettIon vopaoaIt along. lThe County Councîl ISin session fl titis week, and oeeoe the numerous qrHRTAFTITP I Viae, 5* sd-cm aurivn; 'Zoro SrtUks8edsSV. W tU Faux z»xýux ountles. The Oive branches et the a report setting tortn the ocar metnod C ~ -Ie et serving the whole township, a-Rd e anadian Patriotic Funti operatitig i aanetmrpae nthrcn e Ceunty have recentiy Increased ferenee will be heid. î dri rates, so that the nee<ls oethlie Mr. Fergie, secendeai by Mr. Stan- mrnj ln sx moâths viii be areater iey. moved that, vheentthe toilowlng sa appeared ln lte Toronto World et MaY ian the iîeeds ef the past six monJîls. 23rd: «'A deputaioil et representatives t weulti bc much apprecia-teti if the trom tibe Townshlps et East anad West ouncil woîti decide te mkàke a grant Whltby, Pickering, and the Town f ,t.o Dthe ntexi hait year net leus tian bty waited upen F. G. MeDiarsnd,ba 4F.ti#O Thre s aproabiitythu Miistr o PulicWarks, asktig the 1h ;~aûo.~rbrela prbalily tatGovernment te ta-le over and assume, -hatever grant ruay be ma-de viii b. lte Kingston Roati as a part of thea alsed i.y tlic Issuance et debenlures- Prvincial Highway Syistem. The dep-on 'hut belug <te case, proba-biy the uta-îlot>turlter stated the villiugnes ft the -a-rtious municipaiities reprei- & oua-il lgh te lie dingJue a-sentedtim sume 30 per -cent. of thte ttie better titan othervise. a.nd a ceai et construction." Andi vher-sa 46)'000 grant voutit very iikeiy be ail there va-s ne oue on that deputation hePatritic Fund aulgit expect troin anihoizle t oa-k for the Tovnshlp -ot Pickering mas te Coaa-il gave ne lie Ceini>-, although It la mast a on sueh authoniy; net knevlng a VANRlot luestiin if that amount Vii ca-r the deputatlen va-s geing te Toi-ente. And itf oulnty fer t-he ceminghit fyear. Tb@ h.hre«sma n& euetom ptekering B114 t ue, Iy i&d,15.- h .ret~yînreasedcei e liiniii aewrdlng te 1the WTid, fa> Foi geau 7«4 1 ,I redbeffiibl ..rýa'1 Icrasd es ofliin h sr* te MIialter uat Plkerlin vils ,~Ss.,.>1% d.âs.,d1,aÀ nade Itlimperat-Ive that brancbes viltinc te assume eiO p@r ceaL e«cou-1 a< eem ~r. foîtld pay the maxtimum rates @lo,. structien, ho. cuber id net ha-ev t-hé.a- 009MmS M >, by the Scitedule. ia the. mojnt-b etfeeling oet he raiepayers tovsurda lith*, stco *e1a- «1S-tomy Pebnuery last the Whitby ilranch re- Billor ho iiltaally mlarepresuted 1the. itu allier i& wb1kf t h"I I a luced~~~ ~~~ îl ae mtamxmm estand taken by thet rat. nalritY of& aUN aid ozsi*f, d baWehmami i luce I-optrates f wm aeeaunererymc toi -tbe. ie'pl«. .&.- em&l f.l a . 0-' -ontorut vltb thte chetinie palit by mo.Jrlty o« the mtepayerTianmie t M V1 1, t l -00 mta Lhe et-ber branches inta-eiiConaiY. îRe- d.cidedlY OPPOScd 1.the Pa-YM.t cf's s .90u Mnîly, hou ever, the branches have de- 80 par oeat. o et -eli-tatioit. wehiti >b"A1 >-X tled any emm IDt Bheulid b. sulflclt te build a SOMd bl l hbg dd g » PM- PM*, 41 cidedte topa-y te maximum ca-i., aad e rosiultabla for aiU purpose.. AdSu d gad d dêjetSf >. 1bol vi Lte amount dletrtibuted througheut-the thai the Cl*rk b. inetrncted te torwardlis gran "JI»Mebe Md45mu% te County*viii, therefore, b. venslderably aR(XJPY eft iis reselttiOtt te tii. HOn. 45e anger~~ Pac etthneot ia . G. - LaeDirmid. Mkinu-ter et Public » ,eIL &M W lt4) pnù- ni a lre ah mn hneot a Works. tivu 1, aMd to evyome Whe ba u i- formerlv. * Beveen $9,000 and $7,000 a gr. Richa.rdéen visbed te b. rc- r"ue bWh wiUuComktpofioa*Dd la-dl- et menth hias been pais eut ince Jan- cordeti as roting na-y te the foeregeixtu esi andi Bad aomaeh, 1I my lake e@ uay . n i*mybetht 900 prmotion. -0' Lia-ny ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h 1.at tn- .lt- ~Q0pr~ CouneiÈow atiJeurneti te mine mnu wll bii e requincti nov. agaln ou Mondny. the 111h day of Jne. - .LER AKR - -for te transactionofetnrai huei- bft. box, 6 for 8250 trial si"e, 25c. a ucas. a PICKERING COUNCIL OPPOSE9S 30 At dealers or sent zostpald on recexpt of PER CENT. COST 0F ROADS. prioe by Fruit-a-tivp IMiied, Ottava.p Thc Council of the Toivnsiip ef UNDER MASONIC AUSPICES. ai_____________ Pickering met p - . a 0 djoUrn-- it JTETXA~IYI ~ ,,- nient on Monda-yte 28tb cf Ma-y. LEInAyN OlN 1FEMEUItSKS r TU E Te vbom l may concert:i Niembers al -rtsent. The Reeve lu aTt-Xfal-nOLDIERC8. Titis Ir, toe*ertity that No. 814,994. 1 thWh. àhse e-dasigfr Egh rtnmtrcr ovvdSergi. S. D. Dudle-y, a solditer in the R v.I.Chse a-s bada - o lh r e oo ascne Cana-dia-n Expeditiona-ry Forces vasp a grant te improve te hiiîîou Scar- members of Le-banen Lotige AYF. sud reiurned te Canada on duty. and ou N bor-pikerngtowlin Suthof heA.M.. Oshawa, andtir m tieuds te Qee a le ntu-I bor-I'Icern~~tonlie outt t lteWhiîby intent on furnishing musica arriving atQubc'-sgennsu- Kingston Reati: aise askina- lta-t t-he entertaîumeuîte tte setdiersata the tiens te report st London. Ontarnio. tg ra e eopposite lot -33 be opened Convalescent Hospltai. Tiiere vere wbcherder eti teyearleus parus e O- tiII t0 the River Rouge. and he pro- ab>outfifty in te paxty. amena- vhom %sodrdt vrosprso n sr-nted s petilion from W. P. Cowanvee t. .Br.PH.PnhnR tarie ou mîlita-ny duties.t and 15 others fer opening sa-it road. wee. o icr W. Bro H s D. A.ai lie whs finaiiy te report te me at H-e aIse referredti teautos sud moter- W r.Sncar ,Brs .A Vl ht sIn.and freon ibis offie was as- Ists parking west oethtie Rouge H111, lesa. *Aaubreae. Henry, Tites. Havies.,,,,-N.3SealerieC - ebslructing public travel. andi Bros. D. W. Browit, R. lentierson; siane i t Ne 3 uneitai hServiceCo- The C"uncil reselved ltself Imb aW- Paul andi George Meule-y. ?dr. C. 1fly, irlîli hictL duieas a ltu- Court ef Revision for a short time, Mundy snd 'elfe, Mn. C. Davis sud' y ertDerxned ifdutsas a soldier A communication vas reati trom lice.MgtandWt-eCrstie an ifé - a-l tuyes exemplary. He ha-s neyer at- Douaglas Davitison, Sec.-Tres. of Sick eieMggrt Cyd n t-bers tempteai te desent gis Maje3ty's forces, CbIildrpu's Hospital, gi'-ing notice that Wére aise efth(le paniy. land it 15 te be regretteti that any sus- Gerdou, Redsitaw, chIlId of Fred Red- The concert, viicit as be-id là-the, picien etfîieing 8a desertet sioulti be shaw. wa-s adtnitted Ie - the 'Hospital canteex <(te asscmhiy bala-et yet laid a-gainat i . anti t-ai Township va-s respoitaibie belng ready fer occupation), vas. J>e-1 H. R. Wilson, Lt--C-el. - D.A .A andi A aîmbe o!requsisver ma-e ~r sded over hy Rt. W. Bre. W.E N. Sin- iru be ofclai. uhemtde ueabl mademan. Q.M4.G.. Mi1lita-r ' District No. 3. A by-îaw was passeti ou request et Seme 160 returned rsoldlers vere rires- APAR'."ZT.,PROOrF 'A PLOT. - Police- Trusetees et Pickering ýVillage 1 eîat, andi, judging freni ibeir applause Sorgt. Dudley, va-s tengiven Inde- ina- King-ston Rond lut said Village as tbe prograni turnimbeti ton their enlter- Coiborne. i, r - .fou11 apparent a trenta-ge lai.tainmeut by Lebanon, Lotige oet Osli- pràef ltati ervs i4nipo The Staftdiug ComznIttee ou Contin- awfi.I te la-Jureï,is hts; tiio s fthe news gecis reonet nt <ecaueadei Rt. W,. Bro. Pua-ahon, as ustiaila-<l been .fre. -ula-ted. anti hati the pa-ymentetf evoril accounts .aise Provrd te lue a ubole Show lit himselt, 'spread ti-eugboit the villageand te emmittees on Sitoep Kitie-ib>'anti besidea recitina- the ma-ataficeet tconsîit.ueucy oetZortinlmerlan", ltat Ilega Wir-Fenc Heames ad Redu )ua-garvon'0 (which lie neyer dIi bel- the police bat! a va-rrant tr ii aîn Brdga-. - elifter), lie told Motes smad sa-ii OnK te arrest. Arnivet a-t Coiberne lie tele- ancdstndgWt-he igflnite - dellghî of lte soldiers-phoneti te Chiet Ja:nIesea- otflta-t vli- reporteil as folevet In rci.1îy ôthé :TweMaLone Qurtette P, esanJd communication from fthe Sei-treaç. e rw, ofneroW P-la the Sick Cbildren's Hospital iln re*ect eoge Hcnley>, sanfg several nuzabers te cliIn te ta-king ca-r. ot Gordon Red-. wlth mucit eclat; Mm. Ch«s. DaVIa ROY L T E TR bistalier gave a solo. Mis. C. Mundy gave aiutn4lgent peson, tlo repîy oftwo recitations during lte evan-.E Ut UT D. R. Bea-tota te the effeet lteésitlMn. R. Hendersn sang tWo aolof: UIt",i ua It Fred Reda-v to'net au niigentp-Messrs. D. 3.,Brovu andi Gee. Heniey son, llht thesneann.g t tI eus 4a-c48lsolos, and Dr. llagcom (tur- Wiadw'II m~wFtn piaIs snd Charitable ItittutW» sAt,lînibt - prpi-eralg e w~ w~ a-nd therefor. the Townahlpitazt t c-I Ibe <~who>e taitertaîninenu va-s ea-UY Âdmeiw -*Ailm, ih; 0bidren, 5e aliy lab#le lu-a-ny.va-y, the eomngtte eutiuwnlqaMte soldiens, a-nd ail', s~hv,1bait, rectimmedcd thé Adoption 01thée cSeti -6" ertIa-s<o ttS: xta course tabou- by Mr. Beston the li1e fforta e.-duvet titeir thouglta IntoSa l'YOur eommritte ar-cia- reeelpt *et - <eiinirein ltératepayers o!ce at GRELATLA SST MHI perto tb~towuelp swat. mathet $RVIC ATTRACTIVE TRPS *SJSKOKA LAKES AILOONQIM NPAK *AOANETAWAN IR LAIKE 0F RAYS ISAWARTOÏA LAKES GEOUIMAN A Rlound ttnp tourlut ticketa. nov on maie from stations in Onta-do a-t ver>' 1ev fae, villiliberel stop ove"u. UT vOUS TICUSIn5OumIC. Itrt rre.vi-iongSMtifeullparileuiart Aita&l Grand Truek tieket office. or write C. RL. Hernies Disticet Pasnger Agent, Toronto, Ont., t STEP.iIK0NONAient, WbitbY. AUCTION 1 iii rtrnrIManTd SALE Two houses a-t Brooklin Village. five miles north ôf Whitby.. One is cernent and the'other a frame bouse.- DESCRIPTION- Two stories, four bedroms, bathroom, living room, Sitting - room, kitchen, cemèént cellar, liard water and cistern, fuae.r Newly decorated. Lately buit. - 1If you wan t a modern houes a-t a Iew coul, on esy termese500 - these properties. TERMS-Properties wiii b. sold' subjçct to a reservo blîd,,on. terme tjo suit purchaser. Housec, wil ho msold sepax'atety.-., SATURDAY, LN SEOs JACKSON, I Âucîxoneew AT 2BRoLINlOT3 AT BROOLINAOeL port P<iwy,On, o I - I t i - . 3~V/0to4 More, f On. GaIloaof - Gasolime h~s ton - I teu- Twq t W30 b a- fr~queut~ £cc Q1J~ ~&1z (naplo »y7Ot "O ivaXTitacxAiQaItoud ha -On parriTalat arred, 1aatid Igo n d&yes hfurlot ab, vedband pent àt my doetli olbr. Ont. i e- oted behoe imy tubreugOnt.a1 Up notd befoset in chrlge easaîh e rnded insen ton Londou nt. and-o wa od to e anort ,e.O... ano. Ds tric terepotîd e.G. 0.a Coid Noa 1oDitrita 1eidto potandk 10 Quebec.a 1nd was haven taraprt aktonQI e- ported In Quebec. and was toid that a tire had been recetved f rom Ottawa o0 the etfeCt that 1 was te report back ta London. 1 was given transporta- don and reported to the C.. O0C.. Na. i District, again. who iîîforuwd me that 1 was to report to my own dis- tt No. 3. On free transportation a- gain I vent te Kingston and reported I * 's -b -e. p a- 4< e, teliing the Chiet that.he under- t sd there wua- a warrffl4- for bis 1 r t and 1thaàt ho would be. at b is i peg,A f waute4ý- Lateïr Mn. Iindieyi Çhie Jamileson and wus aiiown, -FALSE lR:PClaýR 0 Ae -- a týe-meanti me1 soute persen or per-1 is bad again busieti theniselves andi Usent a-wire- te the mlltary'att- ies a-t London. Ont, sayln"g, that 'gt- Dudley. badl been placed under rest by the civil authorlties, whicit. weyer, was nuit true. London then, Jast.et, comrnmnlcated with No. 2 t~Ry eatiquarters a-t Kingsten. wlgte ere transfering hlm te 3 District Kingston, sud for the LÎer te send an officer for hlm. Ca-pi. a-m a-su accordlngly despatchei >m Kingston te Coiborne te bring jk Sergt. Dudley, and great was tt efficer's surprise when he feunti at Sergt whom he had ben sent te ge t-t cStody as a deserter vas w hoin'he had been working with e' a-fIer day a-t Kngston. A strange ïiUire of tlhc case ta that thte va-raut ï,Seigt.- DudlO.y- arrest came f rom a-don, No. 1 MIlitany District. vhich bbail neyer helongedto e .ai>t Graareturned. teoiKingsten. 3d Sergt. Dudley, a-fier a tev ctays inter spent nt bis home, vent t0 eadqça-rterB te report betore the bied- ai- Board as tp further ser-ie. Wbili a 'Cobourg o- weda-eaday. 'rgt DiuI.y 'gave the. fslltêrlnag re- Dra et bis milita-r! lif. stase ca-lit- nl "I ilated vith the 13,qth. Battal- a ad ventversieas yul Ihe»Me nit, OR ti.he a-talien bejas broketi ,P fer draft 1 Vaz tra-naferred t10 the rd fleiv. attaien. ad vua " ied M ealgie o et buttsaoethlbs unit. VieMdety Vitb bis Battaliln I ras teld thai 1 v»ste be sent ba-ek e Caula enou ty. 'Who vasrespon- bie fer auj being tient ba-ek I Itou tt, -bat 1 r.port.d to the. Disehafge spot t 1 Ha-on, by orçder, and anfer gaina e &Il aMy difhargt ouet mme aeress te Qnebiee. and avaid any ri*k1oeterjà ise. m -A dkmorotwo as needed, wMl belp.the digestisim 'ilAte tbe bgte. and regate the habits. Their timelY Usewill BMW much niiedleu sfeun ortdfy the syLete d Insure~Good Helti Pmnd.Iy1 t .aa L<dI LsakeE sa~.wheI-aaB dU Ah.bb.S T JURAN---- IRUMri,ý-) Y 5 T E M te Lieut.-Col. Wilson, who told me that t. tet -fthe fa-=z ,jthe éI*dI he could net kceep me here. Me fuW imane-fifl 1eefn?-,W risbed me with transportation andi 1 lieut. ,' oieratr ivent back te Qu.ýbec. At Québec, af- jugsa-d hat IèiantrY bad nover ter staying a feW days. 1 was given liid bettër aI- jcehyenee more transportation andi toiti -to report 'theé, hO-W8.a fine tiuet back te Kingston again. Tihis Iit-Liut.Y.uil j 1odWo'rk liuseetiring, and wa turne ever e No. Spcii smot YwOkel ar 90g0 mýtS SerrviCe CeniPany, where I amn at pres- Lieut. '-Vuell'r eider J)rother, eArthur waslarelyiiitr"eiiat-tnýdesignifg. and instailifg lgmiflitiofl àifliery for- VOUR CiIANCE-THE WEST iS a large ýengineering Iiru 'when the CALL~G.firm turned its attention te that line Hemeseekers' Excursions te W est- ot work, a 5ght. 1Ot-ga culdOntIc ern Canada Rt 10w tares via Canadia-n then be 110gt.SHe -atfiten Paci~c ach uesa ntîl Oceber3oet its intention to enIlitate n inclusive. aTiuesars ntrem et 0,ofbis tiiree-year terni, secured, by bis ainu e PaieTicuetagent omany Can- cntract e-*îth them, and when thie adin aciicTicetagetor W. B. time camne the firm asked the Muni- Howard, District Passenger Agent, To- tion Boa-rd to prevent. The Board rente, Ont. --52- teok the necessa-rY steps, but the younTg ma-n slipped a*ay te a sutall re- ACHIEVEM ENTS 0F AYLMER cruiting office, and tiÙree Neeks later YOUNG MAN. was on bis waY O'vfes, In five months he vas ln Faiu~.a itember A despatcb from 'Aylmer malkes of a CeMoie eix-gui bautery, anid le mention efthlie achievements et Lient. withln a tew eiles ef btbother on Leonard Youell snd brother Arthur. the Siring Une. -- He va-s,.offered proint wbo are nephews etfIMayor Warren, of tien lni. nglatId, but declifled it fok WhitbY. lleut. Leonard Youeil bas fear li olnid prevent blhu getting te been mentioneti lu Field Marsball thefot Haig% despatches. Re le an itrtlleiy hefot offleer, but spendesisx days ln the trenehes eut et every4 tweive, te biring Doeg youu' absent boy or gitil get about a better ce-ordinatlo> between the Infantry &ud the artiliery. AMter a eopy Of this PaPer 1 IIoUSWIÎ8Thke, RIS1Q4c- refW w-.U" w-- d- -. w JL JL JL JL;d , ai JL JIL jk %f d- 1

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