Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 May 1917, p. 8

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. .1GZ1 ,- ,. ý- ' -_______ -_>_ ..__ __ --____ _____..-1LIS1 11_151-1-61, 15. taken. auddeeiy Iii on FiF.ld-yionn: Mr.. and rs Jor Hagb. tPiekS .Mrs. Savage sjiént overSaray OWA I haeve, m aiio8~befre id oulderlg, lsled' *Ith Missa àe" E, r with ner daughter, Mrs-. Gea. Tripp. Mista Newy e~rs i~ - Il a~ ase adpaaedaWy.Mrlivsonten everatheivîine srvice was bconducted here celve>d t loved by ail who" knew : er, lier week-end with hem mother here ,7ocok lewr heeeto fInwsam madnnaine *w" EffBond, her moth- 1Mrs. R. B. Snow, Of Toronto, vlstted Sna colofer n ecestelt 01J r eaçaao r belng Mrs. W R. Bond. She leavez ever Sunday with Mr. and Mlrs. T. * SundaceoAitoficrani echr the latttaffr's dDea ottrr e tookplacedAal of theaid staffswee "More Mis êr haban anda fle.>ear.ld Sn, Mrcpbe.re-elected: Mr. E. W. Redman, Supt., Jumt a in addition te her baby, ta mourn her Mr. and Mrs. W. Kemp motored ta wlth Mrs. Harbron, Mrs.Seesoorbrtr' -LIN. lose. -The funeral was held on Mon. Toronto on Saturday. Misses Mabel r.'NebaMsssRdCr e i BROKINday atternoon tu Grovesîde emetery, Rowe and L. Coiensas returned swth anrSaler, cmpisetRedd, Corner fglotgvit bAiss Olver la visiting for a tew andti was attended by a large numiser tlsem and visited aver Sunday. st*adfSadiehr. com prs th â tealg-ng"Héns with frfnds In Tôronto. f friends andi neighbars. are nie Y ~I.W.Cowil. atMsthustL hesevi e war, of the thieves who0 arki. Seta w 'MtrkNIr. Rapll.Moreay, ".-He a e Dr.s Frank Starr, of Harning, N. Y. was condncted by Res.. H. W. Foley, iting our neighborhood. House have u'ith aSanreGordonMak BgnasLi. rarea r. r d 18 visiting his fater, Dr. Starr. pastoir af tihe -Methadist churcis, eo enbrfnIt. ae nsehradGdnPneila Lbaran erceda bee boke Ito moeyandoterSchooi begins ai 1.30 andi classes ai "Âfter e Mrs. Nicholson and baby, of Dunbar- which deceased lady was a member. things stalen, and nome have ]est 2.30. Ali will be matie welcome. positioer ton, anti'%r. Gardon Colwili. f T- IThé- deepeat sysnpathly f, thse coin quântitîes af graina during thpse U j e are sorry ta bear that Mr. Wide- other mn w ronto. spent 24tn with ,%r. and Airs. ufy lt extended te Mr. Stanti$eund two weeks. SamethIng aboutit be don i man hati the misfortune ta have four trench.Th XheW. aîoccurreti, lathirsa bereavemnent. te Pu -tPt tiskn fwr.. or five cattle kilieti by thse C. N. R. very beavi 'h et curda Whrt Mrs. A. C. Macpherson and daugh- Where 18 aur policeman. or thse Vig. This means eight or tell- wiihin ten sheli hclos Hospuital, T1'oofo. on Saîn rday, M1a> ter, Dorothy. and Miss Laura Hortop, iliance Committee? e'y days, a lretty heavy loss te sustain ail by sok 2Qth. ot LydiaCroèks, releet et the of Toronto, spent thse heliday wlth- Mr. Mns. T. C. Osborne was Ia Toronto for th ittego eevd- rmps epy late Richard NeLirton, and mother of and 26Mrs. Ï03. Hortop.: tne lîhle goatiIN recciieti f onom pas- d eepy Mrs. Ed. DbidgÏ. of Brookliin. '.%rs. I MSS ayeratt, of Bowmanvillleo enedM.-4 NC t;=GUflN tuigothrai.Irre 2 HMr. and, Mes. Cephas Osherne and TR forai yono 14Jetlterton, who was ilalher 84th year, lias tieen visîtîng with Mrs. Haycraft o ilewî r n .R trkATTRACTIVE. IN DESIGIN biti 10 &È haît been a resident or Prospect- for a NIrs. Barrett, of Toronto, wlth lierso -1td7hMrnba.RSok great' many years, and was quite weil sister, Mrs. Niles. of MerrIton. aiea Mr.~lna. SPEEDY EN ACTION Mr. anti Ms. Rbt. Rhihrgdnf ai wys known Ia tise vicinily. Mrs. Gilroy, of and NMrs. Albert Mille. of Lucknow. are Thse stores andi business places of SAFE -TO RIDE flmaileceeretthrgodndiîhsdt Prospect. is also a datigiter. The tu- in attendance on their motiser, Mrs. Whiîtby wili close nai1 p.m. on Wed- wedding on M.Nay 5tb. nerai iwas held on Tuiesday -afernoon Milîs. who la very iow, the result af a nestiays during Jsîne, Juiy, August and mainlaCaMai for 28 yesrs David ar from tilt residence oft Mrs. Dolige 1paralytic stroke. Sise hati been living September. ________________ died afie liere. lIeraient betng miade in Prince alone, and lt was seine time alter se A cisurcis fuit of people were disap- M posoniln Albert cerettry. Thte sympathy of the took 111 that site was founti. Owing pointeti on Tuesday evening wrben aJbe conntiit.,(gosouttbo NMrs. Doidge t o her advanced age. there 15 no hope Sergt., Edwards dA.d fot appear. We R ide a n fyslop Tr-&îa lime ________ and i ther members of bhe fainily In for ber recovery. hope ta have the PieasUre Of.Iltearlng 'N- t tlielr bereaveuiet. __ him In tise near future. -&mucmrab - Sotnît' of the holiday viitors were DAGGOTSVILLE. Miss Atidleie n" at aiDarlilgton HYSLOP B3ROT1HER. Uit.d.ToresoIOvE 'Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Holiiday and on uiip and a s ndd hemeora daugliîer. of Toronîto. %Ir. Aiva Diggs! MisNellie L.ynde. oet Toronto, spentosuviceyfatiter osn.dedlis mmail E)O anti sister, of Toronto: NIrs. Gardon the' holiday wlth lier parents. ln action aI Vimy Ridige about April GEO M. RICE IN'iti U-,itl.oftoroto;-'I. adKeihe Nfr. E. J. Diagmian bas hati an Inde- 81h. . G. T. IL 0f NewtoGill. rno it.Barpeeii.rendent Telephone lnstalled In bis j _________HARDWARE, WHITRY, OT of ew-as ie avehome Iately. _____________________WHITBY JUNCTION. Mvsisandi whooping cotig a ve '.%r. andi Mrs. W. F. Bays were la $100 REWARD, $100 G oing Weont...4«Saa*mon lgR.t...5a rcoprieeconaisî!aantratnen. alluJ.c..sf.rm.iaicoditonla tu&c.Ma Co~- a anepleaic. Some of thse Toronto on -Wednesday last aîtending 1 h enesof tLisi.piper will le ic si!t ley and Henry Jahaston. spent the 10.03 Ij ep chidr-n tîferngf rm hes toubesthe wedding- of tise iatter's brother. lcare, thet there lriaut asne dreaded dlsesse 24th aithtie Manse. . ipngîp are silil ini school. l'iie Iaw states thit Zl.Ali rpp f lwav liaI science han been ale teo cure lu ail il* It bas been sali that '*a horse ls a i0 GS.P.m "~ 1lite> 51101h1ld beisolateti. as the dis- ir li rip f~wavie, @t««.a tat int aCatarrh. Catarb elng vain thing frsft.'S aa uo ..93P easo's àrv itltil% iîîectiotîs and dan- Scnt the holiday aI is home here. grcatUy hUjuci by cn-lîtons1 condition* o aey"Sai nat. Suday trains leave for Trno di i. -'hty ihSho rs osiuini rsmn.'aigiug gfo tecnito n .hc.52 m.an41'op. rontoot gerous. I~~~~Lorne Ravin. ahih Hg -S saCt:rnh Cure in taien luternaliy. eand ectathieni one was towed labote evillage 45.mad70n rm oot Mut-hinî-ns,îi tis einu lakien In bor. has iireti for tise suimmer monîhs the Blond on the -trans sopSurface, of bbc t MA atcm theeby eatroy urfes fou thoe Sunday afternoaa. Robertilbas Ilt tîat tan tpu htb uco i M YS Lau re- tisig asprii-1salo. Prices cecltli-iW. H. Gutiscie. o(uiem tataeby dîgeat ieia the tb by oreta 1ecm t re n 8.20 andi 10.190a.m., anti 9.30 p.m. talnl'y warrantr a bip, turn-over. Saie, Frank Ptickrln, of Audley, la buitly build!inng ptecntiuinand aai tg day. Wauld Sabtiatis desecration oçm- 1UP-TOWN STATION. T * Mr-s. fiameot;, w"o lias heeti 'islring cntlng luimber In is bush'. v om alth lu thc curative =ecao bineti with fast driviîîg have allythiagmu.;Dt.8.0.u Gisoh.13& I Mail's Catarri Cure hhat thcy ciTer one Hua. Itedo witb il? 1. . ...1î.1% P a M Ia tho vifllage 'or a tîmie, lias gotie to Mlrs. Perry Jolînston and abilidren, dret! Dollars for any case i bat It faits to cure. Rev. lir. Joisnston la drivlng around . . :M visir be dauglier In GeenwAod. ofeWhl:y,.vJ.iedKenINuYa& wCO..eToseeder.lOsa.f laaanChevrolInea theserotintb s. ReportRe bas li. aF..R. Mcr. Hf<reof 'ycliIfIeCollege, sister, 3lrs. Citas. Lynde. SI!yAldr uu . IZIata&,O.. oed.O io. ia s nilstaierto tb on eti~e. om ta-oeOe Vreachedti he. ast two Suntinysla St. thse creek for a wasis one day. That 45 p.1. 3. a U'Iiioînlts Uhuc Ir.M. Hefterley Is a THORNTON'S CORNERS. Isn'î true. Others gay they were drlv- s.G ele%-eranîd hisîiring lîreachAr. -Nexi (Tao laie for laat'isgue).- BALSAM. log acotiadti îscugh tise woods. esVeUt ut 8unday lits ordinationt akestitacn u . Au Aybtywibn b ly ptonreetrMArbrbaenhueipepèfor Brougham at 10 a=r. lir. St. Albans* Cathîedcal. Tocotîro. The iseavy raina we hawtaqj ldape AyoyThengtpay-rsoes Pth itiu a etudpol We ar-e sorrv te Iearnthuat Mc. En.verY weicome Indeeti. 19t0.i~h R a" cMeta Balsam Satiurday night, î oIt teQuir bsnsa wl dad, rpltr nIa.~viî îva reocte iii ist uvs ~ ouî seni s e1 as lt ls tise .-dec of te day now. as gardeaiag. Pouitry are poor gar- MMA13 CLOSU tîusaita thoulutîo b irprovngla sII!iiia erwe-isoud b obug ' - 'Victoc Jamieson soîti a couple o deners. anti cause trouble to humanity very critical condition. Miss Miltireti Fare , ai i*SOn. Atn cottle one day last week.aswlnsteprpeivcrp oW,-.s-. P otWbu- Tis sore atibusnes llaes o oLadies' College. a ud Mx .' !; William anti %Ira. Michsel] andtin-m101 ao.7 30eam Ca Farewell. Mca. V. Muro i ud Mitss ly. of Green River, visiteti ai A. 8.30.t~'~13HW Wlîlb>- vili close ati 1p.m. ont Wed- oad tOcillaid hot Sîtears an Saturday. The aympatby of the comsunlt y _perOsbea-s.oep. W B liestinys dtrina June. Ju.ly, .-gst antiMdo ."aal,-dailallerFer kuf 7.joe.m. .gentTo Sbeptember. %,lait ai 1fr. F. E. Frenchi's lastz Soa- IYT-0- goes out to Mrs.- John Duff!n aitt ttt.8.3 p.M. For NotIh- 64a- a.. 1 day. YRLE STATION. Iiy. la their recetît bereavement.E BO KERR-n Cotîîîîsî, Ssk.. n Mo .NMrs. C. Follest entectained the' Miss Mfay Chissiolm. of Toronto. isas MisCrTddaioonospt day, May 3i1sî. to 'Mc. anti--Mrs, Jas. vo1M foîks ai bei oesat Fia ensedlgaika ier oetise week-end at ber borne bere.T E. Kecr, a danghîer. îight. A vecy eomabe ist id ay bere. pnin eka on Mr. Dempster. of Toronto. bas leas- A sastideatis occurcet Inl.Oshsawa spfeitt, Mc. ant irMc. Bert. Beacock. o a i i ss Ld.parto c. W. blH.tWiIs o u anse IRoapital off Fritiay last. wisen IMcr. Litle Miss Glinda Connor la cg, aMISS L. 0B@yle la.ab.eE.0 be out a- Luther Stanton, ar Brookliti, passeti »roî'lng nicely iter bec accidenti lasi caoc vsliga&M.J e. gain aller a severe -nttack of blond. W away.Her eath a redere moreNionair.The Girls' Club, af Prospect, ulljI polsoning.1*W tragie iîy il act tha( lber two-weeks. Mrs. F. J. Moulti, ol Ortilila. 18 iii- givthrdam enle."is e- High prices are what PeoDlë,eexpeci F C iottibaby la retidereti motiserlesa thece- iag at Mca. 5P. E. French's. Ylens & o.'a a ethe Asnoclion Fer.Iese days. but Lawrene NwlI is etp you Fc by. The babe wafç boni la Oshawa ls o-I h soito alotwt issetlsl tl'on n M 1-lspta, ast Ms. tatoi hd e-ALMND. ere on Wednestiay evenlng, June 6th, ou lbbsaeil aesUaa n 4&~ 7l~ Hospitatleantisera.sStlcea 0f tise Latiiea< Aid Mr. Happy 1R. Allia, of Orono, vis- E . gaitiet lier strengti s ufficientl> lisat %Ir. WIiI Eniecso.n vli4ed wlis et Myrtie Churcis. As this tn a second titneisecanSnay - use expectedte t be moveti taelier home trchads In Port Perry avec tise hall. lime bhis dramta uilI be glyen. we feel Miss Mabel Duif. af Toronto, spent - ~ cas~uce la Brookliuî Ina few days. Sise was day, suîre a full bouse wIll grept these Snnday at hier home. Yo r urlu __________________________________________Young girls. Miss V. Stacey. af Toronto, spent1 -~Victoria Day a'itb her brotis. -aii D p ASHBURN. The death of 34r. John Duif took & ig upn~ place on FrIday 1aI.. May 25tis, at issua Pcoparatioas are veli under way for home at lot 22, con. S. Wbitby Townî. z' 18,13 est at current rae Murcshiaery onlune l7th anti l8th for a conIderblelnand his death . W H 1IT BY ]B R A Thse Rev. H. D. Carneron. B.A_.of. was net unexpeçted. - He leavesa uli West lIlîl,tilîl have charge et tiselmer- ou andti io son, Mirk andi Frank J.. ~A iii. vices on Sunday. Mn. Carneron la an te mourn hie SIos,1' - If' uat i i 551h - eloqueni and'able preacher. Tiseme yeaa.. The tuneriï'T1-s heiti on Sun -____________________ wiliI h apecial music by tihe choir. On day front ûle tarnflyresldence. when 4qW ýeq Y A w tom Q huIes lionday tea willbe servedlIn the bas&- a large n:mber Ã"tf frtaadu tath6red te _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Get O ! 911<5 O Tir. aid foilowed by a lecture on "B]ritli" s i-cmetery.Ahbn Get yr riasoa iresandraei," b Rev. Wrn. P&ttenoe. DD., o! AccesCzîiezTroto.Dr Pttr- THORNLTON.8 CORNERS. tsen td nes, odannr eve a ua ehi ems nifredae LLAN BATH DIED. Bath, af Wbitby. lias ce- bise oficer cammanding af whlcb ber brother AI. aiber, a letter relative 10 eatlî. Il follows: sBath: - ,penedti labe censoring .letter anti I see lie bas ii any parbiculars regard- leatb. tbrougs lie aîtack ail 1fine work, iseiavlng lnaa de maniner. liat captucedth ie enêrmy, lug In, andi Allan anti two 're close bog-etisec initise enemy were shelling uis at the tIime. One large L- totheni anti kilieti them .anti buriedth iem vecy very mîîcb lîaving 10 lin- lie deatis of yoîîr brother. ii you 10 know that lhe agood soidier, anti dieti ty nobly and well."' noclian, of Port Perry. Harry J. Hudson, D@D.S. L#D.,S. ESEEKERS' OfI; il F W A a UR%91i O N S Offce. Bell phone 132; Ud, 5't. mu m WE'IITBY, ONT. ro OCTOBER aOth Every ES%9DAY FAIL " - aiso by IYS STMER Qt Lakes Routes" suce Nringstion) ure Es lns the West go prairies hmv put Western thev;ap Thor* are utili jce waftng for the mani hobme and proffperfty. Take fe Rate abu îd Usvul via RD, District Passenger onto. Qnt. ,Agent, Whitby, Ont. I BANK D)A rnings in our rit earn inter- 236 ProfesuonlCari JNO. E. FAREWELL, K. C. Barriater, C.uaty clown Atwtoy ài County Solicitor. 020% gotli vins Court Bouse, Wbitby A. E. clHftmBruAN maTler. Seliciter. NSary Public. Etc. 0150hsBrook et, O»p. standa"s A. As ROWUNSON Undertaker and furnIture, dealer. Bell'and IndeDendent DhfOk DaiT or night BROOKLIN, a ONT.. BLAKE B. BEATOYM, L.D.S., D.D.S.. Graduate of the Royal Callege of Dental- Surgeons and University of Toronto. Dr. McDowell, of Toronto, la taklng Dr. Beaton'a practice durlng the ab- sence of the latter on m-litary service. Office over W. M. Pringle's hardware- Office Houres-9 t12 1 ito5.16. lad. Phono, le; B8.11 Phone. 220. O. Arthur Lie, L1.S., 0.0.8. Graduate of the Royal Collete of' Dental Surgeons and of the Univeruity of TorqAto, desires to announce that he has taken Dr. Sisson's practice and'- la prepared ta continue the uase as. establtihed. Office over AlItn's drug store. Holurs- 9 ta 12 a.m'; 1Ioe6 p.rR. Bell phoile V~.m 1. A. EL ALLIN. sseofMarriage Licenses. Cornier drus store, Whltby. Ne vituemsearequired. 6. WOIJNG SMITH, LL.B. At dvuns bouse opposite 39etbeisS ChuuL No eVitoumesmfr WM. MAuWlg Ail kInds of Sales proIptiy àttâdi.to. Arrangemenits for msale o baiat the Gazette O00em.Tertu eanb BIl I lnped t lum. Reg ret to glet -a vopy lowunriced a ~8 i No home nood b b" by9s wVicl Us o iaixp4 sive te "do ovr" that lowork m h uutr gioors, (urlgum Md wo Comm ol soft woWd ai abl fi"~ Our Sunday Schopi tla arranging for aunion plie tOf 1* differffnt Umeoo on thie4crcuit tu tie near Luflure. mmra. ayne Ibeec ouqulte litIfor a Meu da". but la Do* better. Mr. Jamnes RiobaItedon and family, trom Osaa, trügttid aMtibis simees', mm. Harhroul's; oenthe 24tb. Sornef rolâ ber. Mtmead thIe Brook. lia PV wr, A pInG sow0f8101 r«pMRéd. mantinty eo-ery person at- tep4ud tise couemr t iugiI. 1%00MasLoirwIa, Masaey tarinm,a. ,dSuftensboetist Wek. Mmr. andi Mm .W.. &LM. Mltr,,or To. -ap oleomreny -pedbv tkt VMaSU" - in g big gadt-a "- otA- rgea 1* oh~y s yPehl Menrmi 1 are s~ gnts.ý j f. -j-,' 4 t- -~ t w-I -c - -i. - , t, t-

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