Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 May 1917, p. 5

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1' x TRURSDÂ. MÂYAG. 1917 as" '21 rds .and ~ Vter l tt ( 'oI u t 1.'" TGVy ONT. .1 I-. I r .1,. - -, 'k. I i 'uts! i - t. t s. ' . us --'-<I - -'ut, t, h. 'P.. i f , - - - 'su- t. - <tif - 'g 'il. * -P t. - t' ORTE, BRIDE, F. endg f ~the' that pleases.most. What will it be-a cake basket, a fruit spoon, a bread tray, a aalad set' a tea service or a complot.- service of - table siver- ware ? We have silverware and silverpiate that malce cxquisitc wedding gifts and in a variety of forms. The price ranges from $2 to $ zoo, and gives you a wide selection. You can secure any piece you want frozu oui open sets of the celebrat- cd ware. BASSETT htWmlr md OpIia lu th.eSMon 111h the los.y, Sor** St. WHITBV W. C. T. U3. Would yeu pay -a man to mwork for you if he-was obliged to keep keyed up by a drink of m-hiskey every litîle w hile during the da,.>? * If any iman hereliam reached the stage of Uie runi disease. we will glad- ly aid hlm and isi fainily by astsi4ting hlm ho go ta a sanilarium or lni any -ther way which le best. Intemperance la te wort lîlng ne have to contend- with. Heilp us ho nid the mani who cannot cotîtrol lis apa- pet ite. Safety First. la Il sense ( &c-) t0 riask a Ilie for booze? ATJ,4oL MÀ<'tîîNr (CO.. lSy Sierthen E. Frenîch. General Maunager and Stirpt. Mr. Neil Yelloml ees null be ln Wiiit- by shortly te-tune î.anos. Orders mayj "%,e lef t ai A. H. Allin's drug slore.-tL. -0- Air. W. E. Rice and family have nioved to their new home on l3rock -6tre t-enzorth. Mîr. David Bath lue uf!f-ti:t froni a Éévere att5 of blood-poisouilîa Ini tlhe Wernen'islk Lislelion, black only. per pair, Saturday sale price 49r-. Q~uantity llited, iwo pair to nia, ue tçmer only. W. 0. Waltera'.1 The stores and business Places ef Whitby wili close at 1 p.m. on Wed- nesdays durlsig June, July, Auguut and1 * Itirs.. MclDonald le offerlng lier entIre stock of milllo.ery for thé aziz thirty days at barga1n. prices. Ail trirnm.d hais 33 13 per ent. off marked iprie. Speciale In ch$ldren'a hais for Satur- 4ay. The Ladies' Comnithie cof ibe Vie. tartun Ortier of NurOs il il bolG their regiqlar maonthly raeetitnc la the Hoe. on Monday ai termoon, June 4th, ai 3 Members of lte èoHorticulit trai So. ciety are hereby notified thai ebrube *and planta are nos- ready for delivery. (leranlumt will be ready on Friday' of Ibis week. M"VIODIST TABERNACLE. Rev. A. H. Pester, pastor. * Sounday. Jutie 3. Morning. Athen, **Hall Sarred Da),." Solo, Miss Love. Montreal. Evening. Antbem, "Thte Lard lu My1 Strengtb." Solo, tlir. James S. Hegg.1 Solo, Mms. A. H. Poster.1 Tho paster wil) accu: y the pulpit.1 both*services.1 Black and wite rlbbed cetien hboee4 imtes 6. to 10. regular valne ic. Ite 2&e,. SaîurdaY sale Price. 3 pair for 49c. at à FOR SALE. A qiet backney driver, @garanîeed. Apply X. W. CoUfira' hoe store. MITUONTARTO BOY fil biltiter 'te!lthe pmoperty of th# lai.. Win. - moreemb. ai the &sdeeon Batu'- day iast. 'lb. landi rima througb front trm tg doutbituIiS» 'lThe rItnce wua 114M. Thert Ofims to W a geoti demand fier propevty la the. aeuib ard a( p:-tent, #Win& le the rresence et nes-oe*Ars ait teIl. Mi- La. la taet, tue etiier parties have already hntlmaated te auctioneer mas- that. h. w'il b. «&Md to e a treir proper?>' iii-auctitsat au early date. 1» 0- TIfAFALGAR DAUGHTERS ANNUA14IMZTINQ. Thene- 'sas a jood attenda«ueeof uawem at the Mau metiofeti. Tmatalgar DaUghiers bel la te aOn- tai-W Ladies'Collega.an Moday aSter- noes..The. reports Praseted ab.w.d' a year <of spiendid work do0»1, b.uh «i bebif et tb*C.llese a«d tforitt eleete" as oUeisa: ~ P dn~-'M . MU ;:d Memat.-tn11,5Our* Zrd Vice Prcat - isI.WAn'eu. Corrp. Sme-)iïu Gott. Rtc. afc-umis.G. A. kos. ý-- Presa R.pe«sw'-li !Is Wrtt An u tuntlnt*fcst 0f «the PcîspnJMçntion Miss Dorothy Ioldy tTr~ la vialiinig rcda 'ites-a. mm4W, J. TslI, «of Torçîtto' 'visitina' ulth Mr#. Wm. Buis. day ~ li HI~Me M.>arvey. Tut 'Mà.s-Goemie.'. t Tersi. s-si, VIaMtors liHtb1i. aid liMeLorry mm . Liri 4wbus retumwd fmicý suttodt. er. 34speït L.ycs~ thei. bs t ber -sme.. 34MW. - Z. cajpansd eblllftnof. Tomi( sd , i A. bdioWVUM M, nbê M r.t t andota. f TO wm s 49c.e e t £W, GWles n8tr <»ay June.-2nd.XICK 'M.BetGrla TwJURZ la7e mpicye by- - .E. Vantouee, on. the MeGiUlivray fart». 'Suetan,,ed, a erjous acciden t last ýeek*wliSn lie uas kicked'by a 'ccw.- T'lhe anlmal'e boot cuit an arfer>', s-lt the resflt that Mr. iGrills'lest a great <tdes et blond before the flow ceuld be CU:pped, lils condition wau very ser- fesfor a tinte, but ho la nos- recever- in1s Batietactortly. iS:nHOUSE TO RENT. Svnroom, brick bouse, ail coaven- --.~ leaces, bath room. eecîic liglît antid fixtures, and t urnace. Low rentai. Ap- ply M. W. Coltins' ehoe store. COLLEGE CA-MPAIGN CONTINUING. - A meeting s-as to have been helti on Monday evening cf Ibir%>week for E O. the purpose of peparing a final reportCiE * MR 1 -n the reluiras from the heama of cani vassers ln cenneciion s-iîh the catu Everythlng ln Harudwi palgu ho aire (matis for ite Ouharln _________________ 4.dlea' Coliege. Sevemal cf the team' Members, bhe-eer. nere unabie tu itelti nlih a srentb of orange bloasoms, complete thteir work last wee.k owiag andt she carmied a bouquiiet of-hite Io pressure ef business affaira. anti, roses ant ilily ofthie s-alley. Miss Net. the final meeting s-as t)osipoitet until lie EarI. la a let- [rock of blue crepe nei Mnday et-ening. iin erder te aI- de chitte with bat to match,.s-as ber ls- bile shoie cf titis s-cck for the con- slsîer's maid of lionor, lte iso brides- cluding ofthlie sork. nida lîlng Miss Plorence Carmichael 0o-ln v elles- voile and crepe de. chine anti The Oshawa RolIer Rink la open mwiîlte pictume liaI, and ise Annie Car. ever>' Tuesta>-. Thnrsqday andi Satur-imichael tanswbite crepe de chine and day, bath af'ternoon anti nighî. Band wshile bat. Ail the attendants carmieti ln atteadance encit of tbe aboie men- iovely Pink roses. Mr. Edwsard EamI tioneti eveaings. -48. s-as best man. Mrs. Eari helti a me- -o- ceî,îien Inter ài hem hanme ln GaIî Ave. Samplo-P. Children's sîris- bats. reg- Ait orchestra s-as ln attendance anti imar 75c. (e $1.00, plain or fanc) îrîm- iltu im-uai toasts were matie. After mcd. Saitirday- sae price 49ç. ai M'. tht-Jr rctnrn (rom a trip seuth. Mm. sand G. Walters'. Mrst. Webb s-ill resitie ah 45 Marjor>' :1 ---- AI e. L.overtç of 9acretimîmile shouiti kçeep Mr. %Webb Is s-cll-knowsn ln Whitby. ln mnit the date. Suinday, Juta. 17, having bpen a résident here fer sôee aLîc iente choir of the Baptli church tirne. 14te las a brot-er cf Mrs. W.E %%lit rentier a musical praire service. Baye. 'rue chief fedinre cf Ibis service %%-Illt1 --- be Mentieissohn's neIl-kacîva choral1 TO RENT. s-cri, "Ifear My Prayer," Int rotin ing j Vie- ronti dfiai. Baihroom. s-ater the aria. **0 for the Wingg'of a ,cv'.asnd electric mttichaents. A;pilY ho E. Trbe beamîiifiml anti somes -bal exacbitg, R. Blcow. Whithy, On;r. Bell phione 9,. solo work cf titis ntîibî'r siI bhé laken H Fome phone 14. -if. by Mmi. Thos. L. Route, s-hose solos la -0 thé recent cantals,"«Frein Olivet 10 MILLINERY. Cals-ary." sere se dellirhifully ant in- Special sale of sTrIng andi summer prsively mt'ndûned. 'fulml prograntnilllnéry on F'riday andi Satuirda>'. ut-hi be publisheti nexu s-tek - June lat and 2nd. ai Ntiss Luke's-'IBigl -o--redurtiens for the balance o! tte sea. Great assorimeni of swhite gooda. son. sporhing aboes, pumî.s anti Iigit cuit____ ___ boots. Codlin' cash sitoe store. -o-0 HONOR ROLL. A.NNL'AL MEETING BO0ARD 0F ____ AGRICULTURE. J'Nbu 'flic anuaI meeting et' the Sen .tit %V. G Murkar, Pickering. Ontario Boardi cf Agriculture anti %o- 'G. llLovelock. Oshawsa. men's Instlttule n-l! be itelti aiGreenc Te-a- . -ss fth ps we bank titis year oni rthumrday, June 7 i he casuait> liaiscflil-me ri thon fo ai 2 o'clock. lsehi e> ui iitrIa o Thc busine-s la I recel-e te an.inoine lime, the nomes of ver>' Les-On- nu itI repocrt anti election of oMfcers. i arlc Couniy boys apuiearlng ihereln. andt ln hransacb any et hem businessi Sergi. W. G. Nttrkar. s-ho wenh over- limai înay coine ta-for,, lite meeting. seas s-iîh 11e 1161h Battation.4 la me- 1h ls exiiecietiflimat a gooti spea ker îcorted- wouaded. Hie iraasfemrcd ln "ilI lx' nresent kIoatidress the 'mec-t- Engladut ete MotînîctRifles, givlng ig. For particlcnars ircethie large 11 but a tripeà Ie do we. anti-bas been bilim.ili France- for nomeuie. Hia tather, Ever-Iîedy Is çciperledto 1ble pres- N- Jon NMurkar, editor anti proprie- ent l ta nké, antactive iii erî'st ln thimilor of lte PickeringYî g ~', ýwas advlsed mork Cone ad bing lon ý i ai ut<'ik of bis son's Injuri-, but ne hinîwh andi liavc a -Zood lime. intninwsmd st bte h li. NI. 'rtrk:lt. 1wmotnds Ncei' trieus, on not. S'cre'inry-Treatcurer. 1 S. 0. Itoard ci' Agriciîltîrv.ý JOHN FRANK DALES CALLEDYr-jO - 0 THE BAR. Boyè' gr<-y [vit liais, ri-gular valitep Mr. J. F. I)ale, 1B.A., a stuideni lîcre $1. Saiîînjay sale lînice 49c. al W. G. lai one Lime ln îite cffice ot Lt.-Col. Walters'. Farwell, -Cetinty Crown Atorney', bas 0 iwen caltet Iot the Bar. He had-pas A meeuintg of ilie, Soldiers' Com-led ail lits examisinaîions n-itb greai forts Club cf WhItby s-ill)i'belidlunI credit excepi the o~ iei lai apriag. the Liitrary on Titestiay- afts'rnQon. a.s lie s-as alt tliat,-time a Uieutenant Junte 5th, at 3.30 o'cloclc. InIilite lt2nd Onttanle Counny Batiailoi.'. ---Titis bautalicn ball been so rctiîced by Tht' Soldien.' ('otufomis Club cf . trnifle teotiier bsiîslieas. ibai Ibase Witb>' ishies tain wid,-slith;rentaîining nt.verseas as an incoua- tliaitic a box et cortiforîs foîrlime Hos- i le bat laiton, several lieutlenants pitl from ilite ladies cf tRaglan, con- being releaieti froni servtice. Mm. Dales, lalîting 3 quilts. 9 ctnslitoiis,- ------,one cf lte numiber an releappe-tiien Port Hape mec*ntl>' belia, c arniaga _____ le raise runtis fom V.)i.C.A, ' omI t u the front, thte suim of nearl>' $3.000 To Rent, For Sale, Etc. belng aiseti._________________ R-asi Vhhîbr fartners birn e ucFOR RENT. refunse froni Rebson Dros.' tanner>' À cotlage, six rams, bath, ftiÎiiact- runiag la to thop creeti as being the elcîre ltgbt, orcharti. AppI> lity cause of the tieath of a goodw man>' cav 'MeVnn, grecer, Whliby. dle tramtanthrax.% Tithe faitîf Tribt#n,- has-tstalletit fOUSE TO RENT. a linotype andi bas mîte improvîti tht' 7 reometi brick lieuse on Athol St. 1aPPearaneet the paDer. AUl modemn coaventences. Appt>' te Uxhnldge Sehool Board le abolit t, James Long, as-ard the contiraci for the erectien cf HOVSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT. an addtioln ta the Higit Sebool. Ilô-ise on By-roli St. @outil. Ail mod- A retainiag s-ai ai a ceaI cf $140 no ntnences.Aiso garIige. Pc$- ls Ia be bulit on the nilain Estreet ef. session on Junt M. Appi>' F. N. Bmimns. S- PAGE ------- MARLOWE-SLLS-Âî the Metîtodisi Farsnggeî; Wlitby, eou'.7lwrsd«y. May' 24it. by-,Re'v. A.R.Poster, Hazef 1V. P. 8 lis, daugitter ef Mr. anti Mma t ames 'SuIs,*Oshawa, and niece et Mr. Wm Sllis, of Whttby; te Mr. Jea. Aked Marlos-e, of Oshrtwa. - DEATHS. NETHERTON-At L>'ndhurst Hospi- tal, Toomato. on Satnrtiay, Ma<y 26. 1917, Lydia Crooka, relici eftite late Richard Netemion, Prospect, ln hem 841h yeam. DUIP.-At lot 22, cou. 8, Whitby Tp., on Fritia>' May' 251h, 1917, Jota Duff. la bits 55th >'ear. jMOUNT ZION. (Too laie for hast Issue) Rchard Wilson. cf Hamnilton, l heme dolng some fencing andi other me' Pairs te bis farn. Fred Ward sbippeti a car eati of! s5tock f rom 'Claremout on Nloiiday. Ha.rry anti Mrs. Joncs anti Alfredi anti Mra. Rogers, motoredti t Picker-, lag an Stinda>' lasi. Georgze Wilson s-cal on a fisbinggtrip one day lasi week anti bat a gooti catch. FUEL 18 SO8ARGE9 You cari do ail your work on this 011 Stove. Call at our store and, see it dêemonstrated. ICE, Whltbyý ïare at Lowest Prices. -DISTRICT DOINGS. James Stut, of Bowmanvlllj., Isaaf membewr of the it#1I7 grduatlng class of the Ontario College of PharmacL- Hep recelved bonors lni his final exarn» >Sappcr Fred Campbell, son of Nior- Iey Campbf 11, ef Port Perry, Is ln bas- piai ln England wlth a.crusbed foot. He took part ln the baile of Vimy Ridge. Port Hope barbero have der.lded to close their place of business ecd day ai 8 p.m. extept Sairday. wheln the T1- Uxbrtdge District meeting of the )Aethrdisî Church, held nit Stouif-. ville, drafted an î>ef lon te the Ottawa Got-ermeni for "bone drY" Ibrohibi. 1lion. J. 3. Cave, Proprietor ef the Beat-er. ton Exrces. s-ho has îs-o sons ait he front, s-as a delegaîs ho the National Lnity and Win-the.W%%ar Convenjioa in Miontreal lasi Week. wodsas rteceiveti laet mveek ibat IV. 11S Murkar liad bec-n s-otinded on MAY Ist. He had receily been traita ferre Iob the mounnted service. miseKate Wuiglst TNNNMPm Au DpN ot Ru Pîîpîle prepareti fer Toronto Conser. vatory or University- Examinationg. Residence at Mr&. Arhur Ricard. son's, Byron St.,, Witilby. Phone 201. FAIMS Fn.SL Ontaîio COtity Farm 9a re., 3S&rMilet Tomu Tmonto, Couvesnut . station, eay ioam £amwu, medar t-ur buildings, te.- dwelling.. Ceodîdqeeil.* stock fama by practical (armer. WilIl el all intereet la f<ati ineluding uharse of gowing crop, and enable purchaser tOa k tup.a & go b e . ;n ets. About 53,500 Cash r. *Iaqs m i D bo w lep . k e w hohn FIul.op &Eo Im Liell.In, s TUN WE ARE IN MECHANICS WANTED.- Body bîîilders. cabinet makerit, trlm. mert4 painiers and bandy mea for t-ar- lit; deparînients. A pply Chevrelet IMotor Co., of Canada, Limiheti, Osti- HOU01SE TO RENT. North of C. P. R., 6 roorns, 3 plece bath. fuirnace. open grate ln living recta. town s-aber anti liglit. Rent $12 per mentit. Abnnly Grêe'Canada lIt. Provemeni and Land Co., Ltd., Wbiiby, Ont.-. COUNTY COUYCIL-COUNTY OF 0 NTAR 10. The regular June meeting ofthtie Couuity Councl illti be held ai the Cetincll Chaxnber, Court lieuse, Teown of -Whilby, on Tuesday, the Fitb day ef Jiane. A.D. 1-917. Bt lte iour et teti o'clock ln the fomenoon. Ait accounis te be laid licfore the Council should be forwarded te the Clerk, properly certl&ied, at lest three daes before the meeting efthe Ceun. Dated at Wlîitby titis Z2lst day af May', A. 1917. ,Yxo. E. F-#xzsLwr Couniy Cierk. CutorOntarie. AUTO SERVICE, Parties wishia.g services of aute for aftenoon or evening should cemmuni- cale s-itit A. 1à EDWA)TIS Bell phone &7r3 Wiiby. NIce Drivig Fony for sale. MB. ER!S0!ODELL O, a"iiU.aâChanuu. - M Aii'"te, . 11Me11$ R-nl,- I ni for N25 Ce nts NoStropping Device is Necessary. No Experience Requred. Just Lather and Shave. On SaIe4 Thursday, Friiay and. Safurday -at- WJi ITEI ELD'S DRtUS aM4iSTATIONIERV STORE WHITBY. 0NTI4RIOe Soie A&nmafer Buttem'ck Paterna Sole Agent for iNeal Pmeparattem* Nov Solid Brick Modern Rosidone -AND- Jfour Builiding lots For SaIo There will be offered for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION on. Safurday-tie Gfh day of i..., 'z1917 at tise hemur of 2 o'cf6ck p. ni On tihe PrÇmises, BrPock MStSostis, Whltby the following, the property of su ~Geo: i.0 Wilson Lot 'No. 1 i3fi.tin.x 15fi.more or :ausu.ttuate on the corner et SrsadBrock street, and trontlng on the latter, on which stands a soiî4 -brick houas contittlsig itix rooms, wlh aillnmoderm cenveniencc,Inhjudlng ýlectrJc grue hIn tbe living roon, Ihiret' piece bath, etc. -etc. Thtuissï, beau- tiful repiçlziet Lot ?N4;2,'Ldjolnlng, tronting on Yirock street, see 0 Lt. x 116 1t., Mero or lees. Lot. -No. 5. fronîihig on flrock St,, uize 50 [t. x 116 Lt., moere or leas. Lots Nos. 9. 10 and 11, firnîing on fBurns sreet, and havfllg a froxi(age of 30 teet each by a 4epth of 118 fi. 114-In., more or tees. Lot 1,1la sitdate eon the corneçof Btirnis and Green st rette. This p2fperty laastuayat on rlîeblock tnunedlately opp>osite, the To'wïXIL Park ln the eurvey tMade by G. S. Abrey, O. L~ S., Dy communleating 'wtth the îundersigned ar~rangements cita e 'made whereby tho property tan be u-ie%ued afany Urne.ý TERMS 0F SALB:-l0 per ent, efthlie ptîrchase monéy eball be Daid do-n at lime of sale, baance arranged. For further conditions andi particularis apply te WMe NWAW, kisosél na4 icadi tk. LimItd, Iibi. WES# TESTN.OAS* CrWil rie-GUIt leT39hLs.Pie-rm1cr Telephone or send in your ordgrs at, once.- Only a liiited qliantt athe aoveýprlCé., 4 - L. . j e If . i - '4155 r- - - -' " t-I - '1 Toemas St~Ictayca~mm~ Ovdwlaa.&v. I Ml 's'ait Mi ta » if A Saf ety e y -' t -i-I 4, y 4 t' I hue t Bruce Wilgon, of Gmetnwoed, tas lîurchased f rom Samuel Diaqney lte Criait Joues tlfty erre farta ittaiet on the Greesftiimrad ir. in.y lan- td just receatiy bougliît ue fürt f rom Mr. Joues. Dm. T-osle, s-te ta lenving Pickering in a tes- days. bas. sold eut bis practice TRURSDAY, MAY $1, 191-7. ,À:L or

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