Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 May 1917, p. 7

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iTHA "ORK» IYouxr Wife'sAJowm WOiqEN WORKIN9qTRAC.TOX&. u BATI'ALION meet.the iereasig costof Fhve Aeres a 1)3 FoDrrtSpring Clothes i - ~~~foods, bUt it WMflbUy a Sffi ToEgihldesbgnli au detquantîty Of Shrtdded ary to drive a tractor plough, which, iOTHER PHASE 0F WAR WORK wlieat to .noUrm Sh er was lying 1dle because the ironmonger 1 Maiiy and varied are the now out- IIITHERTO IJNKNOWN. member of the family. rwo to whom lit belonged had no men to liUnos and lfihshlor collartess drosses. Shreded bed Biscits sPare to sond out with kt. They had Square, ronud, Ã"Val and V ahapos are - Sh.ddd W eat iscitsexporienco in motor driving, but noneail amonig the different outlijes. lu' Ofilcer in Charge Descrtbes the Duties with 0mnilk maake a good, in ploughing. One day last month a, oge.The.coval outîjue going serons; su h Ia f nfourishlflg breafat at, a lotter was reccived f rom one of them the neck frmsbud tshle t anIneIla fwnhich ah. said: 01 hudrL hudru cos.ofa.fw C.t. Al W. have Just donc 33 acres, and a rather shallovy depth in very inter- ..,W.C.the body-bufiling materia have come to do 20 acreap and thia asting and ilsshdwn ln Lhe accompany. GraLified was I when given coin- in the whole' wheatgan morning there la an inch of anow, but ing sketch. -In this niodet the nec-k i. man(l of an Infantry Works Comnpany,' For breakfast, or dinner Wth va meato g ofut and ry te rvcor.* though a trie ruffled when irreverent ~Nvcto fu a oktctatrjfnae î. rs-tthobud itrother-offilcere perslated in addretee- bernies or other fruits. and plough, and can turu into and out, ery design, odae q the newest forme of lng me as "0,(. Draine." l of the f urrow without sîowîng up vmr embroidery, or r'ather, one of the old- Works Comnpanies were unknown be- much. Serewsannd boite are always! est forma of ome odeyrcenl e for th va, ad ~ în~ ~jwokin loi, 4 pliera and wîre are~ vived. The croas-agtitch of -genera.. about a year ago, owing to the need' i often needed. IL ta very dirty work 1in akh.rtronwta m for supplementing or rcpîacing civil- as the angine has to b. filed twice a 1 Ian by military 1labor, says a writer 4 day, and panaffin lifted to the top of broidery ut evory description enjoya n London Anewerte. Thia;, iL vas the tank. We pull a ten-gallon drum tound, could be most convcniently of parafin up ln slow stages. The final clone by the.institution of amuît, mo- bit ie donc by one belng on top and -bile, aelf-contalncd *orking U n i t, lifting wii.the other puahes wlth her sach independenit of t.he other, andai"ncne head! The mixture of oil, paraffin and available fur duty anywhere at home. __________________ soit la very adhesive, and our drill Ail Condltiofta of Men.- ovenaîts must ho a sure trial Lo wasah- A WrkmCopan, n sor, I a BRITISII WOMEN WORKERS. orwomen. min otre bCoin, n shte a0 C.Thesie two women, we are toid, nov mrinsiature battation, auJ the offl Ail Ctas* Distinction Ievelled by the àplougb from 4 to 5 acres a day with a Draina"helestishwncm n inoi-' Wr.three-funrow ptough. They.. haveaa cer. The 'stbtismen comriss >Wr. chool for training drivers, and have une oMicer, who ie a captain or aju) Watkîng up tfie Strand recentty 1I aiready taugrht twelve other girls. altern, one 8ergeant-major, who also'saw a Young woman dreàsd in a kba-9 actsaia; quartermaniter-aergeant, two ki Ruasian blouse, long khaki trou- U MV I DE sergeants, four corporats, six lance- sera and a khaki turban, wrttes a is- Ut'I1lJI 1lPLLJ curporala;, and ninety-four privates- itor in London. She vas perched on nm~àa Lotal, one. hundred and eight. a ta.dder, busly waahing windows. AND U FRUilIONS3- -' Because they ara unarmed the men 'Hundreda pasaed the spot every inin- aeaotten mistaken for "Conscientioua 'ute but few even raiaed their eyes te nteSrn Ms epeNe Objectora"; but muet unjustly so. They look at her, nteSrn Ma epeNe are Derby recruits, who, un being at- Women in trouena have lonir ceas- a Tonie Medicine. teatod, ware found fit for Home Ser- ed Lu be a novelty here. Threa years On@ of!the Mre« ssigna thaithte vice oniy, but capable of a certain'ugo this one would have blocked traf- ýblood la eut of order la the pimplea, amnount of labor. Nor are they net-e8- fie In the Strand. To-day she in alm- nihlerpdsadt sarfly skilled artisans or trained tubor- pîy s voman "duing ber bit" in nagtyu~usa.n eczoma rita erg.grTeat armuy of women workera mobit- cOffle frequeutty wlUz tae dianga tra MY tittio commanîdo inctudad journ- îized-"'te keep the huma ires burnlng."i vî nr osr IlleoflTher vesthaî te i aliats, clenka, warahousemen, factory- ý The van found British mon unpre- ln norlt twne a a t hande and uperatives, barbera, and an pared and confused, but unafrgid. It effffluponte oui nd u at hg n- ex-chauffeur, antd onty a mmati propur- found wom'en aimuat entirely Ignored, Mdc i e e eo r ed tpuleito dlot1n tion are laburena by ealtînir. But if et'thougrh their patriot.lam rau just as nd a tone aet s ew eoleo Bd bo od tirst manuai toit brougtht aches and high as that of -their brotherg, fathers nedo oilmenai>'ihb is ait a distigur pains to those used to Indoun occupa- and sonsq. After three yeara of strife dogerupoîi elshoTu issen dtion tions, tbey buckted tu with a wili, snd there are stili nu quittera amuna the 'iun îtcau hemts adlti auongrew fit and hard. w oman, and few paciflets or "*con- liueatace ofsharp atngam ad ut The construction or repair ut rifle- 4se ntious objecters." scao.tieS aerpaia, pansOfue77578 range#, the making of temporary or In the firet day. every vomanaudad.reuaodeaton Yo permanent roads, thse building uf rail- 'wanted teo be e nurse. It made nu an tace thestr oublee by tha ue eplum Blouse wlth Pleated Shirt way sidinga, these are the usuel tasks 'differenca that she probabty had cut urîlvemedtrouesyuthe eaastngavue ILifaiat a N oblf e y orke Co nt . e oe r te ad a gs le r s fr ustbiî t ontc, ad a o lc o n&y, a*d am og ai]l w uk for thos o vho like needlew o k, NobleEmoimcn.a. ta oerac.e deca iplinte from honjmdicmnes Ibere la none ma @qcua] Dr. and so simple te do that many sprngn Financiatiy, the men may bt' quite fner he d!trd h vs Wly, 3lam' ['lk Pilietfor teîn oule, !and summer frocks vil! b. adorn.dT wel of, oriflen toa iviia t'r! qualifled te nurse thea woundod Tom- lUe-lving. nerve-retoring power as they usually are, they rcive h me hovrecmnghmei un trydaeu bi edcn mks, w k out in the, attractive locl cvilanrat'ofwagslesq 8 drdsin hos cofued ays iCotons usod for embroidories. né loa cvtinraeutvget~8 <rdai aoe ofe dy.new, rlcil blood whlcii drives outi m- Teppuibos lsrtdl h -enta a day, which is stopped by Gov- The romance uof-nursîng appeat.d purittes. sîuae vr r an did That i. vbousewilth t elos th-i ernmeut. Thus, on une jot) dringthetethe lady in Belgravia, thea cotton brItîga a footing uOfnov hoalt; a.nd thaîgrt s on woxampeleutwhichDa wh1 r.gte pnner in Manchester, anid the typiat eeg> ng ' .ti h is hv s . kr longMY er nworkinghorte ver nr l eu tred, .111 gmOn. i hw nthes ketch.This s la lon, m mn wnkng verim _Saur in Whitehall. And nine imes out (of%%*(,man and childreu. If zou are eut tatached to a skeieton lîinn, the. lin-v days, Lhey averaged $4.25 a week L1 en the Manchester miss snd Lady of tort, gl%_@ t1is mediue a tel a ud ing 50 adld. hanglng trom the shoul- ai atter pruviding for the 87 cents a day ' Beigravia were etîusily wiling tae eelivw qutc-kl>- it viiiroool, p ir ndcto taabt oelyfto i deductjon. And-mjnd you!--thesal i ta-ke t o b uad oit erubin te s-petite. revive drooptug spInjtaýand I I linos. The. llnlng is made et nome satt civilanwags wre n aditon a piai luos ad diugtherea ftthe your 'elril with flew. bes.lth.giwlug tor thin rmatons! mach as net, China w thair Armuy pay and any separation euu ao niett us' >odsl rfu h beto u allovancos Lu vhich their depeudé'ntm n1 ilael' ou crail et tiltee l'utis tram any type et shirt la te prosorve the l verè"t lte .R u hy 0 B iih s m t v- , me cdle ne dealer or b> mail nt 5,0 cents . traight-line silhouette. I m akea an h 4vlia emloyr dos nt bne-men Is djviitei into three parts: 'a box or six boxes for 82.50 trxin The 'excellent foundatîon for the pePIlu, ho fit by Od,*f- cents a day stoppage. lie F-st Cthemunitin ,'I!ie or has te ppyefhe full rate of vgea Lute omprise a force runnintg luto huit- Ont. fTi lueta utn tagt~ the Govurum1ent, the atoppage .eng droda of thausand,.; second, a eWtil TebouetatAton t-ih d madelu l.wut te tct utai-t>'(t s b KiG . ~ A~ TH KASERdown the bark ia making it way sure- n mad I vewof hefgt ha i fore hose dutyi n t- arry onu' F I'. AR" AN tTE>AIERlybut siowiy ItetheLbfashionabie Lhuugh the. Worka Comspany' man lains n ,oi nin L.vrkhcs ar>' o fthe n-a -worîd. Croéheted sud docorativeat nîv'l etnpIloi'h. continues ta be fed sudonluit cntinu'a iion y u thea- Cause ot Germa. Emperor'a Hstred t'ancy buttons make tii... hidi clos- t lIothed, snd lýpu&ed b>' the Stale. l. Iun ' oe lite; nrs, miar afuxilr>fon EngllahSoreroig . lge rather attractive.-Borne novelty ,idoentally, thO men are provided vithcmpedunussmanso so- A asudigsr>ofKn E-btosaema tcoodbua Ihaki-drilI working ovonalîs, te gave diers' constorts, escorta for convale- 1Aard knin dtyofu h.Kisge atbuntdtoa eth of cobal shaed . Th o l 'heo ntrp rva nitear. t sldiera, moo4--ar rions .d i r nr Cstis neited-b _.Ed trd are en etall douhalts th but e~, J i a ~ t t 1k h lil admit that tre are ev oppor- Kaiser viaited England b. ntrepil vud. ucosur the Kafir lmagd d tel ei5e m r oaa give ber httie tunities fur beroiam and V.C.'s, but airman performed wondrtui itstshe-.av & soveregn "Ingrnisoftpur.. -ao"*"'l'.Tb114reci b'md l the I..mcn are doing valuabie vork above the lHohenzollern. Dotabtiets ho POSe bY CoMPantson Wuits ÃŽ&father ïciao d"eet rb>'nI i aU25conts ae ail the sanie. wouid give much te get th< i&ais - onesWhio would b. wilJlog o ' froni Tb* Dr, W#Uansmu' Mili w« c Rroekvthe. Osi voelt vithin bos.b range agalu. 'knuekie down er't Germ a.tatise TO FIRE TOIWEDES. MetfCriels il ur In d.Tutonlte aoA(>NRw I hsid eltopean dTOU SILO.buv Met bud Empioyed by quhbmarînepea:z otea' rnehîat o ng- r &" an, eutaMY nicusin. Adramiage Their Ueadiy Work. »'.iiImpoai em, tW ni. t. nte«of 410 iila su.. Cou- Tht' torpedo ln dischangad undor MKingGeorge,i, bou thefatufl me. Tise ema"y sdVuatsgesta-ul0110 t white stroak et foia, Tue depti va- gum 14 1U!4-iç.r proof tha tiseait-- iim ii.d b. e tod ~A ries, but la neyer ver>' great beeause ia sbi r. v.,rued b>'avnal OidVtOiP teu.1.ualst tbe taroret Lu ho bit in not deep in the emtePlt OetEdreard VIL j lii ii,,b@ow~- 0 4fI»1dSP. s'ater. If à battieshlp, the target. liase* ktapptIud he between ber water line sud keel, as-TSsb* ai; ntrusaI 5»wit *0 .aeté bersO ra destroyar, drawing onty u'iue feet or t ;* moeI 44< *8totsa wt *àusa pr *wft O&lt < se et water, ithe argat ia ver>' dîffi- Klag bed s wgdl, s ul" .a $t se rt4.m t*J Ptas a roki cuit; the. torpodo la iikely te pas& clau un W% bt .0» vC*ofl b«ý'W < ti MISI f uder theit.bull e ii sip o ee. wo- tokaphZ U . log Almeti At a point boteieon ithesur. wbv bo il.mutait-v esiIed t & aie -0'e4 face and thé. keel, ina. eet belov the %d è w. frî"ng dla# omau. ,j of tff 1Pha55 f« Surface, It i.likol>' te brqseis t. the. tO*0 etUb& a"theiii. tepsi Vilwuthié . I. w$t iï aueteesud purmue au erraif rrge uv.so, liqtIMte o«* ab kjÇ OfcQune tthe torpedo nia>' sîrutoany d-?w.4s.a IsIe Oiuor"I'ltwauBI dPe~4 set etfithe slip'. huil or nia>'misa un- I'hOfa., -.t.b Oir.ly T -re au enho dlseharg.d 'Is te be'Wap 1* K"o>lII. .. - ue urae sud someilmes aree têe< gâa VLvtiq* <1 w4n-he sbmaine as làllg aUwUtvit 1%4cg"t aoa 0-Ot e m 'est fronit thetargret slIp. 'ow eynhépe m e fl<b em.ro 'làs4s Tise busiuos .dela I. Wlth tiib#Jg¶Jh ti Ust1 5 muIilpo fulty sior, Wsior théoi. * nuineo&yolbtsab&tttosiýpAv Ire sIMîné thse coure.thé.bafttle.li lm te shiag MW d l eds.86thitlwe qab' arC 01 ti bbp1 abosN Ovetai W 4M ife.wh.r. i A AFRENCH BABIESFRSIE Babies fon sale brought a number ofet gtbidders t te cNovYork Ex» change for Womnen's Work, vhe. torty-tvo French orphans vere put up for sale tor-tho higheat bitidens. ,The. top prie vas sixty dollars sud Lthe lewest twouty-flve dollars sud sevan babies vere '"aold'" te touter parente. The sale was under tha auspices ut Uic Amenican Ouvnior Fund, whlch pnovided un album witb the ph0to- graph sud his:ory of each chid Le be adoptod, and ' the soiection vas made frum these. Tlhe sala will t>, continued until ail the 42 abies bav»' touud American muthera. '.- Alphonse ['clix Parquet, seven years of age, whose ftetonas kilied in the battia ufthte Marne, vili have a composite mothen in the Exchange for Woraeua Work. Regine Chiquet, aged Liroe, living nean Paris, vilI b. the eapecial cire :ot teampioyees ot the Exchange, who vil! provîde the finances noces- ar>' ton Uic chti', support MI A'& rieUniment CAo. tlltd. Dar Sima-Yu MINAAD'S LINI- M E.T la aur remedy fr-r sore itroat, colil.a ail ordIna.ry aiixnezrt even faIlu te ralleve sud cure promtly. CHAS. Wi-IOOTPEN. >bs ss porugwBlam i e canmidIam Eapodlflwsav FPerce: tssuO by 1" OMM"saes vea'amîmt agtioL 0it,,Of Stop. The squad of rcruits wors mardi- lng along whon auddenly thora rang out a Sharp order: "Hait!" At once the soldiers carne to a Stop. Thei of - ficer in comhIand glared a.raund angrily. "Who 'gave that ordor?" he anapped. *Potts, air!"* came half a doren voicea in roply, and ail] ye. worm turned towards the. offender. "You, Jotta, or whatover yqur namoe tu, air," roared the infuriated officer, -what do you inoan by glving orderu 7" l'v. been tryinghlard to got the reut of the company to-kcop stop wlth me and they couldn't, nso 1 thought I'd lust stop thor and mtart 'em over &gain!" fi eeis a Message lu ibiMs Lady's Story She Telis What Dodd's Kldney fflM V boumlfl a p 30ttie. fluct fflVe Ji j A "t Sha Won Troublsd With Watkn.sa Mht 9 teI5e Cam$oàe. ObWU4; And Mier Daughten Hsd Nervous b Trouble Dodd's Kldney Pille Proved Tue van is producini aàv'eat sehoot the erndy Tey oth oedd. on the People, a»d the esson wvo re t h u e m . d T h e 5 0 1 N e o o d . l ca r n i n g l a t h a t ic h o o l I s l lb er s l i > '. Hiamtlton, Ont.. May 7th (8pecial)- hhe 5er> btld by Mrs. Il. Diekouent of a'm'3WU 111555 'TOM Streei. thi City, <Cames a mes Itlsnwiîh vends as vuth uimbeu*me, &go eoit. petui aven>' sufferlng woinsn the more tLb,>are oo.dens.d , hé**>p icanada. er b.y burn.-outhsy. **Mienr >' baby waa bon," Mn.;______________ ickeus ataes, "I used ite suifer wItbt ny baci a*td had neoiteart te du My THE LIFTUP work arowld the home.. But 1rcad bout Dodd's Kîdne> Pilleand viat he> haro dý» o r thors.so i thouaîhi voulti gett a box andi see vbst ic>' *ould do for mc.ý "I ara pleasoti te ay>'thal alter talc- i g two, boxes 1 foiand suci tgrea relief' weuld not bo vithout thein la the' My daugliten. too. had itsen veir Ick on sud off for s long lImelier ervee got no bad weva vaanld vo' muid »e ber InUid ,«ual. But i in pleasoedI tn>' ayteltaIsbotter =1ligh lakins Dodd'as Kîju4e> PI. "il kover tbougb.t Dedd-'u Ktdney Pille. )ulti have donuesiadig"od vokansd sut tellisailmy frteude aboutt Wotnen»a troubles, or naàIn>'ail trC îsq4 cocue train sîck lkdaeya, The ne for thoraI.ls maeaid eatabisied tu Englaud To-ay. The feun-year.otd: "MUummy, do tell me another lovely tain>' stor>' lue the oua you told me yestenday, about wheu there were bootiful -ilghithe ii streetsata nigits, mud wiem littia boys - Whî Your Eyos Nwd Came ývotwms a & r oui osu.p Po - =. rts. le What Miitt Nappend Pat was a witty Younig -reerit. Who a taking Inotruetion ln markusaa. 1P. The. aquad b.dfaad «WaW d g. tt was brought to'task for bis poor Kettng, end told that be mg« do to*r at the. mut distamc; t)su vo b. »uVon rommdaof pick Drig. 'Nov, Pto'ithe. sentant toM h> ro at targot No. 5&" Pat becW.d way, end kit taigot No, sen- tîmin - la suwno.. 'Wba$t .gt did ybuu t ut?"Yssii. th* irate âme"o. or, *Umt, nw.'d pst. "And- yeu haro hft No. 4 ««Yr 'Ihdad, o.» r#" ortdpst, "tisai isld b.. #grand tbingia w. SUr* vilg A. asta a piriate- sd 'bitsa *AYS C@*ns w P1t UT I t '-Et-' mi r I -. t: s The. Ro That Faik&d One day a Chaut of t«a was bilng holsted te tth. top floor of a Toronto warebouae, when thé. ropo broke and the. tea got a dainaging fail. Officé fer ag od l Ontario towma. je mteuaefw " ad int.rimuia of *Il bu lumsa.aru lu ..ation on applta on to Jon Pu ablasgcois. P"Y. y A"awe tffltéToroirto ETC., ont.i' st '01 mi I - "i., I dO T»fufl FJLED COW1dIum sots a>' Ig u r

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