Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 May 1917, p. 2

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Bi] g Rushag Wfuy:Grafon-olasu Scre TkeAvantg fOrIcèsdSpply to Make Sure of One With ihedemand' for Columb~ia Grafonolas!far exceeding the suppIy for the past several months, dlealers in Columi ffteprodutrts have had diffilculty in~ keeping a full range of the dif ferent models of Grafonolas, $0 it was not surprising to hav, rush following our recýent announcement of a fresh supply of al1 types of- instruments. For'a Limited Ti.n Only We Ca n Seli You Àny, Style ofGrfnl Knowing as we do the increasing difficulties of manufacturing and production, we are anticipating another shortage of the more pouaFpie Grafonolas, and the Columbia Company can offer -us no encouragement to expect another big suppiy for many months to corne,sow sa Place Your Order Now---Pay Us Afterwards Because of the fast growing demnand-for Grafonolas we urge our music-loving frierds to avail themnelves of the present full range of instruments and secure one now. We wiII be glad to make you extremely easy terms for the purchase of one. w - I s. M... $135 For This Superb Gr af on ola Mechankcally perfect, sturdv con- struction and highest grade finish. Qa-i be had 1#1 Choice of Walnut, Oak or ýMahogany Th.e beautiful parlor Gfafonola, illustratcd on Ieft, is a fine ex- ample of the cabinet-niakers' art, Ileing verv elahoratclv hand- ' carvcd. The muotor lia s threc- j sprin,% drive, i s PN>\ý.rfIul anuJ ioise:ess. Ail exposexi parts are hecavily nickel-plated. Ilas Co- lumibia irnprôved tome amni and me- producer, large toile chamt'er %withl tone control leavcs anid large drop-tray record cabinet- capacity sixty records.A magniticent instrument. This Handsome Graf o nôl a Cabinet. As a home cutert iciier the Grafo- niota9 stand s stll)]emieali the ilu- strumnt lheme illustratcd is a G ratonolia <f un usua i merit, h .lv - ail tthe fe.ltrcN t:so iln>tmuunts of \\ aundt-hrce times the price, mlcb .as lei\NleT ojt loue ca ii 'eiui o (Nti Gradua ted I il , Sped1 iu t r 'Siart nid S> r Ih tc, :,etc. T his ('ra fonuNIa ha poNve rtut n1(I etr,p t\%()v osetectionis with Ille 'vil dil ue ,bc alutiiLnl (1.1k case'- wit b ha udsoinepa nel d <nr RecoNrd Ca %i iiuct t mnia tch t fom hold ing No Down kk Payment Required on Thîs Instrurment If vou wAii buv twenty records (cot. ing s1.S. ana gIvIng you foty ssteo. , tions), Grofonola wilt< be sont home te vou nt once, And vo. mai' psy for,1t' alter you Cet t, $2.50 per week until Grafonota ls padd for. Re N. BASSETT Jeweler and Optician in the store with the Balcony, Prock St. WHITBY, ONTARIO W , I A I L No Down Payment Requfred on Thimi Outfit If y.u wAii Purchaleel.glit records (cohlng You $4.1k) and giving you six. teen eisCtions), Orafobnoja.and cabinht wilI b. dellvered to you at once 'and YOu Can P&y for t ln amail weekly HOW KEEPWEL~ 139 JOHN.,W. 6-. WëULLOVU, ., ... <111 III<EIwr.vr.v .Nvy w OU'WR15E!PROVINCIAL BOARD QOFIIICALTHf. CONSUMrrIoN. HIE RA 18 A DISEASE of thse lunga caubed by a gerni koown as tthv * bactltus ttubeulosîs. Tissterni causes. An addition to tulb.'î J1 culorttaoff- te tunga or consumption. many forma of uerul »i. -. diutase, sucis-au tubereulouu menAngitUs, hlp-joint dixeasu' wite BweIIlng oft he knee. tuberculous pèrttoultta. etc. la fact tberv â1J no psrt Of tbe body witch may not become su bjeet tu-t lita affect Ion. TVie, Idtsu, las onttacted by naitng tise droplets of Infections eosghed out !-y .Oà preôon IliJof tuberculosis of Cl unrs os frons tise labsalation of drieJ BD-stuis.ansgenerally trous close contact witiscarelezz v lcttuss of tise 41,s Oaue Wiso spt about.any place. Cistidren freqmently coutracit the discase bi drinktng zsllk frous tuberculous cows. and An ebIldren the. OAUM O F iuse..no acquired may flot shàow aetive synsptoms tit C0NF$IJmPTON A*wees 12 snd 20 reurs of &te. Onse of tise rariesut s:s1 atont cnstant symptomue of C:onsutnptIou fi cougis. ln the, gre\th of tuberculoss of the ungs, as welA as etsewbere. ltl. nodut ' pr tubercletaiare orn»d.'Tise pressure of tbse mandti ti irritatton enureti 1» the necretion trois (ho beltlof tubçrculoa» ip "os tAie erves of (haeiu:sg et the rMason Cf (ha cougM. OneacoceIso trV snd atetrld of sie lrrUattt'g ýPartAcee, Atitirettise coesth [a dry ansd Arklng w1t bout any sput 1*-be msuse ai Birut tisea0 Asmuonabhrtisg up. tSe don't makýo thse mssake of dis- crgrts ougis o t f s 1 ad bA causa Doo mtter las ughed tmp, Attor-.a witle whos! tise toiseces have cme Ut rsii amali amoisut of mucus I~rli bh. eougisd up. At ibIs ie a mitrostcoptea)* izxanaln sor tht. miy or may bot show tise hati ieuuslt thtislteaa*< Undrtise miscroscop t eue looks li ttnyIAitle rods, Later tbesrr Ir a fr0saretion andtihie e IgN #,seris Aleu ansioylng beesise a moutbfi ofe asoretio ta fbirought up eck Urne. As tise sputufa ncres. An qsantity Itl asat ti-st wite, then yeltow, tisais gri or greealh ln cloi. Asnbthe dIsc rnepOgresa ansd csvte are 4frmd heatéotcout dupt day msay xe eu plut. Cnta Itho patient cougisu more visan Aie goti up la tise merning, and itoshlsues ,Muubing tilithbése ugias cleareti out. Otisera cougb' more when tbey 11e t0w. AU isumsptve pktientr. unI es.tsy bavo'learucti botter. rous tee og latisesaltoratai ravashurst. Loudo,--Oýtaswa er ée'wlisre ,oneahassvery lAttA.e osgitng. Tiseraare (we rqa-. ipo f"ut tisa , Oue last1mt the patients lire Antu»Iso open aIr andti ie -tiser lta tbey are tdtte hibWaoti ouisin#. lte dry',.baeislog rosis 40o6s harmt teotiedb ltu g, timtre bisasslet. sud uas at hepateints 'VitaltitbAout doilagltau gooti. Wltre tisera 18 ra. aftrdttos 1h taussioal ýta coogh It ont. but ibists elp sacoS p-labi. J MedIicelQ9 et e & . It4s. - a tt the Councti seo dftlde? - FR011 Los$BS Y 'R. 'r'hetire waste of the ?roylno. of 0iq'tarlo for thse Brst tre monthu of 19il «sshows by reports tb th.,$'lr. Mdrshs.1l, amounts to PO.li9lý la ,9t6 tt smounted lanround Igures to $1.0.0.and if thea wste te, not stqPped. thse year 19*17 thresteus to be as disastroue as Its predeaaor. Tise untortunatc'-Vsrt et the wbole matter las (at thée waste cornes large. ly froin the destrurtton etfiel1d pro-1 dùmtaIn barns, tlevators. anti werc beouses, or in cauffng factories, cerral Milse. and otiser places wheré thse me produettas beisu tumued Aoto food ter out ou'n nsian d for thse Atmiss of Ibo Aillies. Itlas equally true tisat many fres. probably one hal of îhem, eould' ha a'.*déa by a little cransd thougsi. S7 lty as a people we aheuld ha ready alowiflhsg to take tsp ibis Sýmptre aj asnd Presrewhat we vroduee. $y > &yf example. reterenee - is nuide te bars tires. liast year tu O>. "alto sIn.ovar, 000 barns w.ede- stoy riQIvolvng a fousof imore tisap oneq million d.eAart ($1,000,00) «i <000>w»sosprodute,; mpe suýtmAd 1liomesock. If 11ltue 00eveeau lave orashalf -"itons. w echold bhodota# thse aqulmMient et tbtia b s tisera .smosuswha 'tfl -ot pr. Psd1ýobAs -'ir ou thsisse»? uac r.trou totaIX& T'Se »qsuii. Ina., Toroto. p1lvi nIM# nyq 0"iso .imite ai or«u& lt t Se iabsiwt.a bd ibat hum us -l ja ýenu 1w ne a enr em.t Won~ ~bo #ew eaklidad p1 ot oand addzl mdhv tite adfrs Iok -reda -tonie that .*il the system It klog bas been known that -Wn; bobtter Whlîby ta represented on the On- tario Committee of thie Wnthe-war movesient ln the. Person of theo Secre. tury of thse Wbltby BrsscW of tise CautItan Patrlotlc FUnd, who has at.I teAded two meetiugs of the. sommittee In Toronto aend wtt) probably ba one of thea delegates btiste big convention ln Montreal. WMJTBY ÂKS Wbeat, a....Ç. 7 to$2X .0.7Sto <24 lia Clover......$5 to 10.0 Atlko clo-yer, per busj. . 8.60 to ý - Ur, vu tun....... I Flour, per CWt. 5.7i, W 8.00 Chopped feed, cwt. 2.76 to -3-00 .8mu .1 00 t.. .00 Bran, Der ton......-.40.0 t&40.00 Shorti. Der ton..... ... 46.00. to 45.0w mul?. POU I Au IF 0Dk... ........ i5Osen..4 r dpMus I - t Ip t No. 135 Q t, 'N k f 1 1 mmivmmml ; \ iammmmmmmd ,ý \ ', 1 iaý ik

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