,<1 s v ~1 f AVe -r>- "tîy increaset! isythe nse of salmetiyour tisugster t-oinrarry me, and P ront thUI.yU e î)UIING î.---AT VEA Ise i eal roesy teiYokoLft ftat&ona, tellophonles. autemo- fbtIdmftf J- fla.reffars-otime te o U/' 1om sure, Done te d.atiilybstr1r-dw stcasAshipm, mannes sof tise German ble p&ti-ols, mater speedera a&»d port--. IfJ l~that'a very, kind dc Buste-, but tise% tr.îtt ()f T'otal Stîmber Cher 60.000 <'am une tmbfarine îbloekade, arrivet! at t l.iablo gaolne pumplng apparat-ns."ais mways vau à dutifu irel. -ResUl, The>'a"e a a-estiteoe ' rom V.S. and 8,00,0frmon or nWdnsa, a iusnae The report shows t-bat in tsepast - Mi-.Dnh,, 1 adm4t t>buhofetmas-s--'Th.>'Uai, -.wrd' eh.1n! hyçu tlt'atpttcii -available about sixty tieusandt! on» Sone cf thse muttroquent cauffs et Grfat Ines« a tabb.i>f e. s tmaimn t ni>' t-iti.of< ifs1 butane of!Fspace for cargo toEurope. Vous- ëkwasthé carelessuesad river ,., yenlast uppOso wem ako tise vet-' Huais, ves (i'iiti rminOt avn nya of (hotte vesseli are amncngtiie largest- dmlvN-ig ceus. fRoweimr. sixwice s ge XlIB uEiSIU Iding-day thse tweatletsof seat .yorspîntmet-ut- tîîtîîl ut î5,3115 immnii-nuais wene ad- îniereiantmenon o a Ts 8,2*tn oopsatos fti1 lgla opst- Ie Gi-for.atb a8gbfr hUîsd.e tr..c F-nc.rmtb riiI(to C(I arîîîtin tltrimtg Ille fbtcnl pasengeir sblp, bulit fot tise Reliant!- menti of tise constit-uent compas of . 14 :tî<r 1910-17, lion.Dr-. Roct-l(id Dr. Amnenha ienla gl sd takeusthse Assciatld6n was .senzredtiI. A satiitm vsaa:Ti. Uîî<1îît, of LIsnlet, during tise qîestîon oor by thee Udt-tais Overnn ien ' c 1 *4s~f ~5I5 p-o f the R41v7 )qlaft- g rww oS u gt nom-ye tîor il% the ('<ninueis oi Tburs;day. 1914 fer a-ar'pus-poses, msrivet! undes- tlsslatd. ap e ybgtg5Qýr en fa O n ()f bise nîmbc-r (u,384.)caime [Dom (thea Wiîie Star Lin. naine. More t-han 1.200peunsîts wêio muet! Ouw w 158 (Ilîited St.ate-, 8.2,42 froin Grea i rt- I---.----,b<s.aeal oicafor t-b. roult- nesday b>' Bau. FracnirCocsssnwbeathta1 an, aund 2935 (rouis continental Eus-- 4umnn '716-lsaMga lmo elgai Slt ~iS5cepile *. op>e. Dot,iuîi lthe same Pemlod 17,988 GEK>IAN SUMAIUNE's rosuitft cf i etrexes-dsedinthis w«4PZ'Voaw.4by »e . var-, lb. - 1î(exo~ns pmepîsiiîg (o aettle ini tiseSUNIi IIU . S& STF.ANI IER. irertlei. ne t saiesgW te w»va s-port.. ruihigs t M * tlgsk ,eOmpibe Dominion were denied adnision at t< during 11<10 a* bein5 4u#. te sstlffl wMvus-e t-ho higie i iw >' yer*W*- r~ tise istai-nation)al Ibouadary lino b.- A bspat-c i fr euLodeus "Y*: rlrng lottwl-i t are.A.tlarP8" ESBS $4 ~ u4 I te*0"& tween (bis country ant! the Unitet! CaptalisRie.1 of tise mer tsuna- anhation V teeritsy. in 1 lOl6dmt- b bto&tê 5 Étates, 172 wore rejOct-d ai. seaports, phlp j MUa 12,48$ t-eus.wbieb bastver 4 su m'h f la #14. tbem wuvf Btle anti 605 immigrantse vere deported. In ara-fre t-la 91Uý pnt attêI1h~A-0;0:atin s1>13, the iêaiiSfM u t. qle- in "<Owl Use fiscal yeur 10,24$ Canadimne Ver.oqebMataPi >l o ~Wâmsdm«114 tw ied »J#-1 - o itd"itos d"y-r*SM~u r.eiatsiai.eJfren tiselUnitet! tate, s, Mongolla bat! rthe t-i st- pan4f tseoy pms-setia .. lato nete la191kIii WIou>JIsS 1 uV W. compareot! lts11,084 in 1916-16; 18.. - fr ti. Uittêl! SttesA mebpnact!dueO@to is«IerIefWa falslai ebauOO M cad*rgi 011 lui 1914-15, and 17,&U b8in -1a~ 4. n w-a**,*about teo Attaek tlelmt- nwIît-heslts-ILt!utJ8'sd silp 1N'- Oiir yesterdaym d4terrnslne*Ur t-'.naval gunnra on bostnard!14u40,8iw1on il - u4$*4U - morrows beforebend;. bit-at 1,000 arjla. Ii. p.s-lope W»s ob'b-----oè 'celstp One stroko witis sharp isasrowsanteh uaime.01w sone TIr f gq f p><.- t-sl et-hs.smesge!m the -.wsger -aft«s-thet' atîhs-sed4ep- priti--on «er.-toiiraspliee. 'Tbio" 4,s OWý dui Pin-s IPou".da ter*f..- I.-- 1 tu then cept- ipir~e. rito -ing (bis 'lum la- fî't ,>AI '14 ASKSUflF~STAXs 1'k sI doIiIk r Ton to. "TheBran 1tontairn otLg-No. ,2 whll.1 76. to 5. desatch W rMi si n gtoxchn sas: an Ms haWl J3r a edo ie ~ A dsath fo riis ocs i om.. nominale.5tr po rtse. roiniats -Cone~~eees betw en embee Sates tre ared t giv o eas n . r P y ine ays: t ioer to montas Mantarlo ahsl-No. -2 W . lne Nr o. ment Ofic".Throuh Gran anr1oteen811c the F eneh war m ssio and meri an t e opiion f Fre ch m îîta y ~ . ince the B itis tro ps enered El- lt. 8.58 0 32.0; N S do, $82 .61l 'bih eogapicalyandhi- 'nariNo. 2-. 2 in e. 76cord7n8cl Governmentofficiaisforcexehanes oritirsh hatcth innding o ai;cNoa orcehAtis7à rreî77c. outalde is advisable. Information regarding toricaily is the gate of Palestine, and liarley--maiting. 11.35 to 81.37. ac-Th vesrgrig-tecnutothth metn ewe th iiaycorlng 10 frelghts outsld. m V w r g rin g te on u e t o f hth e ee t i n g b e w t e e n t h i l t a y t h e s t i n u a t i o n o f t h e a d v i n c e h a s R > '-e - N . 2 , 8 î . is l u o S I .& O a é *o r â n g t u h t a waragnnatGeman beanher onleder wa wthhidpu t ther firmly on the soi, of frelrhts ,utnde- Thur8day after the ieading commis- Soon after the conclusion cfih f the o Lad.oba flo112 5 lrsecond attsi. i n lute Land. as. t12Sa fsonpirlateth. 1n u v sioners had paid officiai calis upon ference Rene Viviani, vice-Premniercof rotthesads f te bigt. $12-30. strong tbakért.r ii juI' io&pwrS'r to h President Wilson, Vice-Premident France, head of the mission, mdra rgresfrom hegsnd811of he0. Torontor . Marsaliami ecietares ansng, tatment inwhic ho madhat des t, to the sown land was graduai (Intirlo flour--%Wînîcr, arrerdifie lu) mle bahaladSceaisLnig ttmni hchodeclared e. E Ta mt'ntucho1sandY c nay, hundreGIVETOimeninhlined Baker ad Danils. theco-opeation o the Uited ~ and was marked by three separate ýtRInIe - ot>1'ltia ta ~IYCND IS I Baesn ailtec-prrto fteUie tteltages. The first ended at El-Burg, 5l1e.(-Cs o, ~Ivt.rtd Montreti BELGIA'NS. thousands of igashoretcolo.Thr 0f fre ot in M po t n e ~ a o g i harsha ldmla s lot oa y. , brin g fn g th e troop s to the region of relu tht -t ba4m a r c ud rd-- tan . Per 11, or too You ng t o f ht B r f by h ir d re s tl htee MahliJc>ffée and. victory for France, 'which already w$43a.sAfershynoris, per ton. 84,,; niilditaga. pi-r l egu todyiomnflkhy members of bis staff and Seeretary1 assured, but a victory of morsiity and' rs.Afe er of yelew sand ton. $8. good feed nour. twr baj;. 83.0<' -d is div ided il( e okte aebe ethpla,ù h t Baker, Gen, Scott, chief of staff, and 1right, Mwhich will "forever seturléthehe green vistas were soothing and $1 -EmxtreN . P er on. îîî 50 $1 0t opats, cap.fe obttie and asho-sab te Ifin savto n eahol ic i seveal the Arerian my ffiers exstece f aword i wheh il uthe relhinfg tortied oythe tialirihsck sTow-4r otirlu $50 j4,1 'foere st am. The photog-bsodi s ' b (oidn.asoftorfind osra Irou. n -is known (o rlosire t esend- 1children shall draw f ree brenth in fulterle ffretythetmrs raw-<Toruntotw e ,.~i s hr oî fteal-old m~ bo ing of anriArnericanaypeaead nitre prut ftertrees ris lng between the %and dunes. ttc out..of Biin r ody hyaesc n hNw expeulîtîonary pe.ce and undistjrbe pursuit of theirrifieinR thafr oal4i.n the name of their nvrh iihdotltt atGm forcLe to co-operate wifh her armies,' labors." The second stage was f rom EI-Burg Country P1o4ec.-Wboîfinis ____________________________________________________ to Sheik,-Zoweid, marking the transi- Iutr-Vehdi hie letý4c country ani of liberty by resisting the' mari is driven (o ega o.U-ts pr - ~tien from the green meadows te a 43v i hedyq land of barley fields. -11, trW4ad. io lns, 3sl, 39,. the beauîty of (hein land. And with womenaiociden and (oagthiscfts rUSAN ACE !F ODriiuuAGSheik-Zoweid is a mu<I village, but 'k ,,,-1Poir <heon.26l 5e heralisthyhve.6pe bcci-o Iegum us e(c y rtingoudW boasts a fruitful orchard with a car- r'owl. Z4 (0 26(. ducks. ZZ lue 25,. <quahx, emy. These soldiers of Belgium are and Canada witsteUle ttstrcat tus bcdge, sucis asuro-rounds every 22e. th h e"oe 2,250,000 IIUNS FACES TuE -ýWORLD pac fJarrunq; nPaetne he 4* e. 2%IcNewlr. 25eBtin(omanieiathsco ettwiellîiuioi i red wo( h plac of roitolnss i Paistin. T e. laergo.. lare, 27c.'Il -4. 25<. Order of Menit for their bravery. devoting thoireniern nengvwrpln orchard blossomns were a joy te the en-a.<e hand-tickeai. litushel h e. eyes of thousands of mnen who had 8,5 1ii. .5 aaùt aî-core Of the %vives, the children and ed daily and wJtvertersm hyrseU past. icked <os Pi. 3725. prime,.875. the aged parents o f tisese is.roes'< A will he grat.efulyrcîo ytt lnda Gcrîâsnq Pedomninate in Num- Ontario Farmers Eager to Do seen ne signs of Rpring for two years Iloney -Tiîn;26-1b. 1.%(!a,1h. 5 lb gac ttepoorpssos b eta egaiRle bers North of Pripet. What They Can. 60-lb. tins, clovar, 13e lg) 1 3it a, lit. a widerneo gs srpeetl.SPtrSr Thé third istaize of the transition eomb hurIfie 8eeeîS 82 40 ý 1.) '5. No trneo gsi ersne.S.Ptr tet ote rtol- osbe A île8patch f rom Petrograd says: iA despatch rom Guelphs says: Meat- %vas from Sheik-Zeweid te Rfa, anld 2, $ l 2 t 15,.,ib.iut-<Wheîit bne. olib et thsore are be,3ide tise Belginn We-,cal eoinmitteesaieat Thse ltu>y lnvalid staites (bat thse on-'less days are staring Onitario in the marked the entry imb the country of!' I e )- L-»u.i$ ti $1 7. . à pthtam cny lias, f rom 150 to 155 divisions of face, and net only in this Province but wheat. Thse grass was ne ong- iN ,ojPriUtr- - Tise (cilfat irfuntry and cavnlry on the Russian aIl over tise world tisere IR a serieus found in patcha's., bot stretching z2t ,«SI taflt. '-'leto 23-chick nsCIT < froîit (a German division is about 15,- shortage of food. Reserve supplies away in undultilng plains, like tise dixajar-.>,-2. (uwl. tdlar< 2jjr . ilt', 2( O X A ' 000 mon), consixting of eighty-five to are lower perhaps than they have ever dowris of Sussecx anid Hampshire in ]DVMPU AaTVDu VDAQVh u gî J niriety (;t-man, fifty-Ave Aostrian.1been. St.arva(iori threatens the poorer England. i S Pioktý iat -bl. idiI a !# FRE CH aAS u. u.P andI fifteci Torkish anid Bolgzanian people in tise war zone, visone tise With tise passing cf Rafa tise Enit- lit- do litta.j6 to 26<o<.krto t'tt dlivisiori..Ou the. front of Prince Lco- riumblr of non-producinir con,%uumors isis arny egan tise Britishs occupa- 1 0" 5-, oits, ol6.ita 24 t 5<lima. * polil ouf Unîvaria, wsho ommarids has beer inireased by millions. (ion cf Palestine, anti opened a riew 1--s 3 Gt -3 %,, Germans, I-ailing in (?ounter- No Treaties 8 udIceL4 h oleverirnie, hoeeare (bret' grouped Who la (o provide food for tise'ena in tise hi5tory of (ho East. - lard- ur,- grd tis. t.,l îe, nic, ev Aiie nbuI uîidr Gkerà ls Eicchorri, Lisingeraind- allies? What cari Ontario do? An- v uula-r h-n ieia Toop.Atne.by iseAlles tise Ailatirinu (huvnrial, Boehm Ermolli. other year like 1916 wooid bring stili uI C jyul32 -rd lll! tt.l leitr 2' bu 203 lit, loldîs twu-(hirds cf (he wisole front iigiser prices for foodstuffi and puos - 0 E ~ nLnA Adsac rmWsigo a wih iî ivsin, isloAciducsibly starvation te nariyacrosq te11w LN IUI oî,j akt-A despateis (rom Lono as Joseil coni iriin ukowina wlth sea. lnhq! ~ ~ Macenen n tse Altisougis seriouslv haridicapped 1 < evsî 1<I. aÂ'1jtiaaISipaisse of s 'ebtl stion tisetart (Aro JmsEîorB h o- Tumaniari front wlth (hirty-five mixîad tise roat sisortage of labor, Ont.ario -t rnN St 3 AI1<- t.i ra lfel nI fAma apaety a osthoceary satd nWerist dlisi-ons. ýOnly thrce of tise nortison ru o s11 Z f heGemao jiatriotie anid progressive farrncrs are - eronx ofthekern î 7,aî>-imia<, ise hare ohiiged to îy cuivincp' fa metas01si-bat frris(rmRiga te Viln,and tise doing their best to *"save the situa- I<oA-e. 813 ce. mraa a i $ rler 12 3'mire s v(0îtrcolbu oshw tf dcolîsecratioritwrsts omr l'imik army, under Genomal Grcriau( lion." I)ay after day Professer C. A. ' 1 s Tak Poitios Wtho t 6 . d. b88aa6 n>lS8.50. 1do , aj their are punely Gemman, wiie 015y 0one Zavitz cf tise Ontario Agricultumal .tse of a Bullet.. lfiîhl - 85 $421 8.' 0 dria - ha) sios fv appaln thsarie ftis etld eund detroi ruiamliri IMA4 lo -Odit n 2 lra.439<a 00 ,rt fv aly , wile tie Obiec etsodin- Sttet bj-ink fîsigts iie itrniv,uit-r General Kerbacis, is Aus. .College is lneioiged hy mail and teole- ' dlâdl.tr 10tot 544 t tn89acal efriyts betie osiaSae. < eaî2o istailra tria Il. ln the emnainder of tise A-phone wuiiiqoinies as te isow best A debpnatcb (rom a Staff Comme- Mtitl. 5 ' o87c It ~>'ts sus eu nMna.policies or oî< nto n emiai tro-Gerinanu îrmy the German eîemen tis ioio ai omt taesporident cf tise Associîtted Preswitis """'.n't, 25j tO 26c;'neut 1selît,4& Tise Gerîssan reactiori died out ir newîc ib rv marsing Is pretiomfinnut rortis cf Pripet, and tise best varieties of seed for Ontario? the Britishs Armies in- France (via ! Mévonsdat. 3 ior E g4t- 3 front of Gavrelle -intst night, *'Our î-orildeiiitslineni the Alustrian element sentis of It Wisa, siould tisé <armens of Ontario ILondon), says: Despite al] tise son- 'tc) 3"; . Car lots. 834 t1 o s withst erandulins Toult h ome ere mBlor notai-rO do Toksvtop r ordIitt m t'We~is the hest tise te do it, dros wnn weapons modern science'Vrbx a os ;ýato1 l eteasrne lt-,q comninided by Genvnnis Betisner, anal what ils(ho best method? Tiseohais cnes ted. tise eold steel of tise bay-1 Wln poi Graa ne attacks wisatevor andtihie Brit- sucis ntiailewcosdrt7osaare Sneti J-alenn iO JToschi onritiseBuko- are samples of tise questienç fired an. cnet lias assented its-cîf anew in suchs W*Ilnli)g, Nia% -ssipricf-s %Wlinaîisis sappers were alie te womk undix- f rom ireaties. N raycudices at o %vinaî, Rumanian anti Dobrudja f ronts. tise profdssor of field husbandry and of tbe recent bitter flgbtirig as thise --Nu N. 3N0riîh26e ji Noth-âturbod, save for bursbing G'erman our unhounded fiâîc ia.teadts dimecor o fled exenimnts.ars cf Ilest appeai. As aiready relat- 81.32; No. 6 Msec-inl,.2 oZ ý t>4-NI) shelis. What figisting there sa ntd tts aigcm nots eypo cd .hesrggle aouZ ncy- , W1 e.7,84c.No 1 t' . 73 ,(- xtr; No. shifted seutisward on tise une runîsingwasilect rogstehegra e JILDGEMA PtICEsProduction of food il% net keeping dx h otMnIyirî~< 8e N no1 1-lbaaltev -t k %il JIOBODY FON R APICNaCElh'o'umto. ienubrPreuîx since Monday have attained an - o .3 C NV., $1 li.u.4cw-Sîî1. 1j;down tô St.Quentin. Last nlgist as eU14alhpefr0 r afi iiîten'îity neule b nyrfte>..~d,* j~-N,2C5. 2~l Brîtaîn May flamand in Rturn odestrîoý*, in compason wtth the. non- fgtn in tise Somme campaijgn lasi. i eeuntem-a(tacks upon tise new Frenchs home, ionwezted ea neve ( x real of ure aye sd apt Fyat. producîing consumera, la rapldly de- Y"""* M ta ay 1--kehrtiTe rnwdGra efrs iePress iisdetpgaiuefrts andwt omfaNurse mdCaserllsanidationhas Ties-e waone -German position- ' neatIalie 1 -Wteî u>, TemnwdGemnefrs(lewarrntisof hiemeo>onadbi n-tat-h nos-th of tise town aisd paruleiag toe rti. s2, ýo 10i*s Na trîarTh day nîgis.te olo6sen tise Frenîcis letton tisai.Amrvlseicsntse rgh a îioapDatch (m mLondon, says: - beeis Irouzisi.about by tise war. a'I .- No grîp on$.4tise ,Chemir-deà -Dames &roundw- ~~4ne beaçeao. tw flleord inoreply tor quet ion i teJOIN IN BUILDING t- Scarpe *Z w # at-i*' w.4wrd of a 8.*6 irei4 [boume cf Comeas èn Thursday ihat OF WOODEN IUIPS. of' tise ayon«t 0w w 'th iss414.Wy UIOrtIaswuu.ft ~ r nprÎvate in<jul-y isad been receis-od i kind being flred to rob th. &aQasî«is flWMtlWoWüiu W 'thé fready J*4rmtr aFac ni~pI body Shlpplssg Co-ore.ratI.i8 aMay. %V , lit81 rOwer as; (o whetiser tise bdycf Sipi Board te »oert. Jmade aieng a t-rc-quart-ors of 'a mil - 1 uI. 4; i - ~a1~~a2,0'. front wIer th e t-i mntise t0dcllnatiepaaeI P-titic rie.b isKr . 1usa wo1Adoptisfos aa1as Ts1fon1nrcvr fdrkes tiîe. $11~Otbr e-Feeî sarsi t(erfradUue tts( ne-ts'wr ghyb Co c le above table gives tie sez only onme yaar's experiments, met- growîng season wae a- co, those resuts cannot be coneluisely [lHovs-a, t-ey indiction t-bt tie yild ob- th tie Bro&dat typa: la ap- graister t-han tihe ylald oui- 1 the Standup type and aise, nçseaâýd lîteecntago of b obtatned wtthtie ltter le the QI.ai -- sry IottI-t t r sipen t ties I at-et! b&rn <or curing, and - ' segultinâ tie ventilation- eiv ,Soron.if a-trop of r ant i alt -" ;t sage Jr aP for n - game1 mat! ha ottelskilfeti ihise men to chp nio Wà "'h4IýItit ïled iow for andwd, as "Kim- t g.t W a<ý.h follo vat! bis ýr ii p ~ s- i e W o d k-ini b for" in tl I s ~ $tut* 'l mre twt, rloy nou etioiis, na Busloy andi-. Bus-loy. adîcaf Busly, as -the la a largoetype with b- leave!/ large veina, a 1ie. nd, on-- accouai. cf the" la- nt of tha leaves, it is inclin 3a littflodark. proved Standard is a son,. .1er type t-han tise Broad-saf ith narrow, ret lbavées, oirs, of n little finr texture Brmadleaf, and, on account of sap ontent in tie laves, it 1o cura a little brigiter col- narow beaves ase, tend te tho ercentage of wrappers antup Busloy. 1e -populiarit'y cf. nrd tise e- hied fmm, any type of eo- pend limey on tie quaity .d lîmoduct anid tise yield per criments werce cordcted nt )w Tà bacco Station durirg lasoîs o detommine thie mer- two types. Four plots of iti ns nenmly tise"samne (ext- Lctem and faitility asy possible etei. Two f these plots ted o Bradlef Burley, and ýImproved Standup Buley 1y. Ail, four plots wero tthe- sane turne, witis plantsi uniform in siza and vigor as fertilized alike, cutivated 1harves.,teti and cured under conditionis.1 ewirg table gises tie m- Li 'ria- <: b., .-e-pant- ipolo ii -t. 3< il t- .5 il r: ~~1 -1'-,- > a aa