-- .1 - i - - - -. i. : - -. ~- a i - 1- - Vol. 54-N 3WHITBY, ONTARIO, CANADA;.. DY PI t511 .A OLFELW&SN uls -N o- 43 I --___ _____ _____ _ - 26. _1Q17_ FI âÃiny pttrpokcts. td ,be raljeecttu îr1dgea li or ad- tOntario, svhhclt .11) bitud or cot- Id Inct t tding. ~rifliment h ss'rf. t tii-e tht- ni<ev ain liioxi- >t'r, m-itt ciante t>' ifs li be ' ltfisi acf t-hlaocf tlt!i'sail t-art> tuitus, il air- tid yvnalystnla- ei auunf a l fiu iliii cli-in li 'cb ut flit ut.i -f t'eu ciaait If, i p s- il , cfaaa-a 250 pop BoUtle cJ. E. WILLIS Druggist and Opticlan f MEDICAL HALL IBroclk St., a Whltby. Scranton Ceai DEPOT' 54 f - '-j" - s- - t il f 'e' - f-v a- -f il I. 9- Oîe lîucdred and fifty tons of ceai nosv on route te Wlîitby. If the railwamyit give it despatch I hiope tekeep a @upply for balance of thse seaý,.ott. E. R. BLOW, Whiliyl Bell phone 9. Home phone Il. il Pais 10 Fot 118-lest Toronto. Ont. Mliei 1nM t le c :npare.i twltie agreî4 itre>an rk e .oîtia alagbr ie tî"41r t i'on erijeu tieluimi t um biseeî e "tirsni forr Deje » ieI'te. airy CeG.isien coieegel e .pffly t'b 11. t' .,i ler,§e aLiCî, i e . -e tl .8uttenet 'l enter, 0lbiril li year C ¶it l.gaeJ tri. Cor Vlateaà n d ukt.fe..I-i cts.1 w.. Efie..!. Poincipal heGreater Canada Improvement Land Co., Limlttd WhItby - Ontario Rteal Eftate Dealerd.Entates NMatiaged, Retts(ollected, Fiet Loane. Arraztgct, lProprtm .bougltand old. For termo% apîly iHead tIice liBrock St. Bell Phono 193. Imid. l'heune 7U. 0^ lWhat eenoat are a pair of lasses'tc you unît-slte lt-ises are exactly suited te yotar cytîs. SEE LUKE 167 Yonge st. (uipaira) TORONTO- Enter -Any Time fur a thcà rotigit cooîr4si uny uneo o *ltaweieve u!îu boiT roito Write for fre-e CatAlogue. Haine' ;ý,i d> Cotîrae# 5160 provIdil. W. WI Shxaw, Pres. il Ia l IEU DOMINION LIVE STOCK" COMMISSIONER'-DEAD PENITENTIARY FOR MEN WH-O ROBBE~D WIIITBY STFORE John Bright was- Whtby Townshtip ]Fairmeir and- Allient Sparks, Artinîr Miller -and On the way back te Oshawra, Dou-scy Ex-Watden cf Qnatrj.,Cc .Unty. w ' v.ere arresteit and cemrniuteator, sone cIgars.. The pains Dorsey scl.! ___ --trial on a h1arz' <a! côtcmitting ihnseaut day to men scio were present as Jolirtxlit Dominhonm Live Stoctk months. giviag carist attenton o lobea>' <of T. G. W'hilfild'a dngisg g-e wttessés, testlfy-iagtesaefc. cia rt. -ont blînday. Marelb 24tie. lit. Ilurpit>'preseti fot-st-y as te Commhssiotu-t-.anti Presidenît- et thetheittcPromotion of "consmujity breed- t.~ il- Centrali Canada Exhibititon Associa--i1g14-lin borates by lthe establishmenî t fwct- ounod g-nlty b>' Judge MeOili- su-iether lie tIiisot lkeow when te frst tioît. amnd a Wbllby Township rt-ident Herse Bt-ccitt-is' CIubs, latentieu tIo .a de- a>' eaFridayr»- lait, anti wer.- sen- heard <of lte ixus and other articles for veans. diii at bis home la Ottawca velop itreeding aioag weil-deflned andti enlcd to Pênlt.itenUtuy.. 911atrkr. (Uât tisIthy wrttolea, but Dot-se>' de- oea Sunday niehi atter an iltne-s oz unifoz-m Cnes. rîingleefjuer. weni down fer five yei*rs: - nied tis. He- woadee-ed where tht-y thz-et- wceks. lie watt ln bis 51st ycar. Net oaly In agrîcîtîtut-nIlnt,,rcsts 0raoaueil, for four yeau-s an«i 5flPeîri catte tuembut tii not know for &tire. ant in lxi is 'ery pzioŽ r b iâusefle-i- as -Mr. Bi-ight. active ln serv-ice. but W. K.M pîtreet Tyentesde&Ir.d- h Nmvbehertemaso hitsei baiinsg-unr aess a-lnd acilx îy. Iwhilt' a résident et W'Itlby Townshihp -1%.aK.tht- Puison of-Toonteeý-d-s,-i to t hfe dem trmpsellnif tte Nir. L'rieuit'Cs deatit catnes a great heza-te .1tu"- -oftlime te municipal tePioes neýdapeý11liiý- reo rmPoeuinI i lots to iv .- i-oit' Dominion. His mer- 'affaira. servlag thme Townshtip betit as -.aail -outi -Ive es-idence agatnst the pris- viei-s nta eiaIl tuei- tiiimhingent-rai ICouscllio-r and as Reeme. ît was a l. 'arL>essct, Crossn AtztO v ez-O-toutnem. O-rsey adlehdalw andtti thelna a hrc-îltists of Canada liit Jthtî t teis popîtlarity. te bis svorth htu!ing.rodui-ht Ioa ciaxn e bevtnce 'i-h aind'seihmt .'îlt t liarficular lavé-e- -îtinsaluable. Hisas atstmain. antît1bis abllty. tthathsarytolrasbyRont ell ot e cla y, of Os atrlg t-art>' lira' c-uatiîii'd a titt iaig etca - lîta .hnig elî'cîti Rtevo c! Wltby Tp. t lbyRsotDo-e' e ua- Su-utrai witnesses sserc producet tient fote ite'î;rtanti positinut tc- in a19(p7, bei sas aise ulictei Warden o!f %v, a. t act, Il wnts Isrgely Dorsaiy's ss-ho idenilifedtihie prîsoners ns belig filling a ilic tii, of hi death. is tht. ountidof ntario Ial celiv-c ef evite mt'ît.at fori-teitthemen. forin 0ita t w at motet-tocaraonn thüa 11oM',liefore- cuhctg Io Ottawa. iasass uýjth(,same >'-ar, atpsitionit iaîîtal>'î5 w îs la t-oving wole ve g en tube T .iVb mittedun nhetionby ardkiug Wltltb:: T'Iocs islihp e.ar .Myztle, l'%,apt-teirt's a perioti of sý,ert-Ilyears' ser-,tIIe ctes IroveinthLsi-eprty citicis-menrIal ofG. VhthpiIenti ecove rt tra -rectiotc ssbc-îh-ad be'en rnadc. fammoti, u-hçi- on lte Cceuriy Coiccl pletviens to- b>' tht'e "as Dsisea.Mitiers. c-eclioun. The- office ot Wanden te '-scscasin eoit-3Ls tn witom tCh..Iattibt-uitsoit. cd ms-litdignit>' anti man-liediabilit'. JDon-se>' saldti mliion Sîmaday maoriea, anti onecrounIn iithe motet- car. Mr riglit mats a pnomtnîent Cousu-r- limhe tbz-ee youing meancaIed t aitbs ?Mr. Niurpby tIi net catI auj>'oe the~ vtv-anti one o! the o'cst activ-e anti homtet- botit Ion o'clock. The>' asked If Y01111att-n as itiesses.anas paintakng ni nbe o th ite 'santedti 10 iay 'somai tountaifttpt-as. The evitiinct,' s aconclusive, nda Ot'iotak ns bza tervalictili cî t tcru.ftised ho do. sayltig hliIattithey bhatibt-et lan trotible before, Jutdgo - - Tii"laicl'a Mr tright ;%,as taon n mthe' ttn>.Tc'dc nstdhmt c;uh ayinîPoscd ithe- eavv at-ut- - - ont WaiXa'rfac-r, nu-r N>z-t l Staton.- ofor a ride. lie-- hmevousl>- ac- téers eof fie; touer anti tht-cc yearscent -- -nid ii a-j ii iîat c-luh>'aitl tus lite tîttainte- t hSp nr'., und hbat bt-ar.! Stitîzks. O*Dcituiîandl Xiiîler reijeer- - -te u im f i e81ý"I t ofO'Doetuoil. The tour motoreti abouttic! C aip ne-a to'-ia white, filstreniceinl teors-y -- ta-i lui-- oam i(- ette f tat iM -îN Oaasafraibie nitAet-eu'e ca> :etilt giit tai SLti honow cetpied by %Ir. Oscar 'IP a nan ieUCUUztlm-a C. 'C UUi oinVo- iiai-ge (tatidIŽt'iC rought oralî Dosn.. -bch he inaproa-ed affid op- seyktiý, .nad a Freiiebmnan whoni ho iLeci gcods lialais possession. %-au, %l 2rait-i aCsl îîeendfnl:. aîîd a did nGt know. They then Mxotored tlow-ed oun u aii.and bas not yri x burt, ilbat hé, carrie-d ont bis stock 1o0111lîtolte cotintrr aiong (lite basE, c-il' d ftr trial. bredni ctvi is Hf-'evas marrie-illino e w(sâtof Oshawa, tWtil one of the Sýtewitrî.wlo wils arrC'sted Iagt iwî-ek tu a 'IWsS Cooki. wtto survives. aswi tires gave ou, wheit they abandoned ap;et-redI on Sledymoriling last as onte daugbitîr and on- sonc. Iii latter thf, car. ieavlag h at the roadside. antd î'as rmauded itti TCIesday. being sit presecît on active- service. A Tlhey wnik<'d aioîîg loi'ea Stewart snrpeured before Jutige Nie- son and daughtivr dit-d a bew Nea rs and tuined up ibis for a short dis- Gillîvrav on Ttis-day alter-tooxt, di-. ago.tance. Hure the priseîmers uncoe-ered femtded iiy Col. J. F. Grierson, of Osh- ITh(, tif-rzlI on Wednesday f *p- a quantity et fountain leens,.cigars andanw a. PracîtiCallY a rePetItion of mucti iinaih r of ptb-îlencludimîz înatyiv en conversationt that eniqued. but the re- Fridmy ivs heard, andi His Hoîtor icrornîn-ent lu arictiliture. iin the. pro- sCuit the aflair was titat Stewarn on Stewart gihty of rt-cli'ii fc-tnioîtsand inlpubtiebtir ie. 11hP t-e- bout' 1 sumè dlthe- gooda, andth ie stolen goodsc. Hf- remandedth Ie pris. mniw lad be-en broniglit from 'Oîtativa Pîîc-buaaîti also tool i sorte. flien tlîey oner unttil Tbîîrs-day nftte-.ioot for s~ ito the- otIdhonte ai %Iýrt1e StaitioC. and Iparteil. heuiMilthe-thtreyoumg, menl. teflce. Jobitiois tafiCltOfl niaun'chif ~ relat ites and frIe-n'lie lev. C tP.Miiii, Joilslis ndctps s heci( b enhad. f)rînit-ity of Port Pvrry andDF N E AI i r of tint aria Shýort boru simd Clydes- 'roklii aoi- f lwmit'il ' rI" A1\ OLD- I E A I S -I ilahli ]îer-saIi l 1 a'i ters coiîniç- can Ch îrcie. cosidtcted utilient-zie-at s. r -,,,-~ ,. eit w th Illv-, stock iinîîeroveint-nl anti vî-t. . Li-ot Msi It-rsa si-rv içe-1 ILItilL ) I fh b ~erir~'1î at~îcî'nr' >~.lî.ra r~. -a- "liSudtectiî-d b> th#-ntur1tbprs of NIt. i )I L lat. t' hliv 4it-ro I n ~h iy r's-ZoiLAdgi- No. "4.i,ok l.of wllhi- - stIli. i ie, i tin lt itr.le- the lais,- Mir.iJriglit w .-s a t1.1sl mas- Tihi'tamdie-& ld <of St. Andrew s can an d rz-dati prologue of lte ýIf unalit-il a fla:., !i-rd oh Shiortlborn%. Ii-r. Titi- todge also couidtuc-til hsuT ri r-sîî,te-riait Clenrch m inet esision nil pIa ai- s ilassont- rqeteiadid (v.snv eirci itl iteartsd- M-tube~rs of! t ic'lusic tutti on Frîday e%îeiiing-ict ii ts hctreeir f be« lindai tt, tnie f gi>ill u sten i g dases Nac-re a auo 1)irise ni 11bou 1caateso h o inersa s. ainul ai tIc,- tinte' of gis nortbut'india- the tiîtttiteti naine of 41%ihawk Crosaroadu lAidies' Aid was as lai-a, cç-iivv- arinisng tni-z-i-t-t luente-r frones*hiî bo. ('lnrt-eîtout. Oshawa. Fez-t IIrtu liani" orlk, bis large' diïpe-slon r ule:AdofNoakCrsr t~11~s sale-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~1'i aliri ni-irotaiuert- , floral t riteia's -,;vre vsry Iciauti- Scyteral vtbî-r ilinga c-riaassû.me Mrs. Gruen. ftestoe-Ns.Gog Sait- fIrt -iCeitd iil tfriti Il oer. t 1 ila.t ' breiaî euiv W algo. itcluding the costumes. ttime Cettiatk. twctie o [ie ilwn xçl:,fi an sý) urk- hmIt e(utid woaetd the pîlace. one thlng Ile oumins mes. Dek.Oyel vs.fSM)M - 4 lê-n1c'î-of is si . - r a. bunk--d high.to conivey iit-m oevr that the- largea audience wltieh Oeo. A- Ross; Mr*. Klxd->lne, (CIr.> Mr.>r-ldtitwoliteSenjtitor tgvralo Fars 't- il- .r.<is Cir , NP.P- leî.r iili-tlite--hii, appreciated te the l.mit Huidson b tsin .- ols btuis. -si'ra ( o tat i huI'.fu oh Oe yîa) aîe rosi- ( stie, XN.>eIatilîiîlivthe efforts of the ladies te impersonate d) Insllue fr sut yiarsPrii- Dnie Holidy tbe varions cliaracters who cotaprisedl Mrs. Smtitht, Pres. LadieW Aid S&- <ttî tt ie4,SuîitlOntario Agricultural UItrk ot httttnTowntshipi.iPatd %m. h ebrI t1iiQakÇcl,'I.yJm1uthsn Sucict>. hielî~ ~ it~ ~ C~ iurves, Chez-k of Est WhIlbj-Tw-ti ebzsm i ros ht--r.-htcta lislie-in prestlgî-. île suas 1 rsî- ail e. W-tOfour of ltee al beu-rs. raaLdceAd~ist-irel- Me-Qfyie.Ltls i eIt dies pairtcipauad lha e pitsy. hwo o<f -Mra. George Ihobta di'nî~~~~~ uttt napiWntrPi o1 sL-a OAIWLC~hem wez-e repri-seted a» Bosmoniane INM. Day, Trratm. LadieK Aid soctet>- tssu. o %éars: lie fille- il ici-office o et t-l- lii.f, Geht lobe., commenting 01onit c i>aslt with *tl. rxe.ttc, ai n-ose -Mmr. George Kerr. dio bti ofthé i-Canua4tant lydesdair t-e late Mr. JirLgbt. sald: honte ltemeetintg msas helti. Thouigli tEi4W-ssor %là )s'm 40rxFeî-r. .4sscriatile- and Iluthlie Dominion .'Caetadiatt agticulture lbas ot al'aithéitmeetlig wns flot con'iueîed just Misa Harpu----Mrs. lVm !3lmer. Staettliurîî 13t-i-ders ;'Associaltion, antd actait and forc-ttl leader in the. deatti-&asChu-y do ln Boeton:'* the visitors 2NIrs. Harri (very dmeoit-Mîs. Kcan lie-s- - as. lce stock jîedge ai taira et NIr. Jo-hn Brighit, Domnion I 1j15'C ruag-id leaîake llîerrisolvc'u ai bhrne Mr.Is <et- Wattrhause. -111ee wa Y 'z-rorn (tiarlotstoss-u te Stock Cornînhssioiîer. I)trlueg ait hea"d to survive thcelecîs aof the attet- Mrs. KAutý-Mrâ. Peel. Vaîîîr liealîhortr Mr. Brlghtietic-- >';re n ntttrilyNMr, lBright wa îng Aillte cealunies wéeo aited to M rs. Whlle-a-Mrî. Tweedte. l aniftd expez-itliee îlaoied hlm as' ideutifled withtmnuovement» teaditig te a 'eried eofeseverali generatlons gene Mrs. Bi-iu Mitchell. otir. of li ii ip-ainit utc stock the lieepiovumenit ofagrieulturai cont- tey.but tlie-y iost utoné et thîcîr tlotur- lire. t's -rJohin Thoisseu. iiui ln Ainueira. t-ils replutation was dit ious. A% a Cofilaratlvely youtt esquenees for thât. Inde lte qtmiest qm Hoyt-3Mr*. Ted, cuutiliienî-ssidi-.- malit if s ts a leader i local fat-m stylet; adds-d a great deal et iîiterxit- lMre. Crowslr-Nl-m. D. WlIitaie. 11% t, yu-easago Mie.-It-ightîwax att- orgnaîtîl ttalu Ontario County. At aîîdamusemenq.t. e a tI li-.Joncs-Mes. 4r. L owe. p>ohiti--ti utit- tmorttant Pederail'o-u. a latter staigti hà , advaueed 10 lte trotu iiemeigc cLduti'À t- M I LWell-mru. Marsden. iiion of aîtclotLivi- Sioa5j Coi- liPr-ovice or F)oniizîte-wi-de organ- e h Up3dyelfblieao h .T aho» tuilsliie-r. litatitis office hie msas esen I Iat ion*. sncb an Gsîc'lh Winter Fait-' ie enb, buntpaecdhy lt uùesth ie li -r$, !J4o-Mr. J*.. atsot îttoz-'ttu'CI lue- t hallhoeladtbe-n lut lez-.aneîd the <1d'saeandi Shouihortu As-tiers managXecitet întrodttce otough * Jlira. Attdmrn-dmrsG. jowat, Jr. vate litte.li-e'sas lte inspl rntion lie- seiationis. A fittitill; adto whie career u oke Ie oie-alnmls Mrs& Blaek-IIlsaSn t tinll fa iitie<ini-Ot for ep-eperntive caine lut h4 wserk ais Liv..Stock Cent- hriskly,. ly ibya linte tireitems ef t Nie. Sette--3MsJ. 1Micl. veoot tîtatrii-tltma. whIcbh promhisesa 80 tiaetohr, whè-e ail brantches of ant- bî ice tt-edei-It ts Itwlt. (lite lis- Airs. lBoberts-Ura, Jeo. Andereen truiicbfieor liiu'eliusbaîtdrsr ticgave mtlentitsbauidt-y feil the force o bi Iîaisnî fleiwc(rerassh forts anead direc~tioentto mahepa hIn-lig I îrsonallit) anti realoutded ne bIsa t- b1 eatelysl41rasi.(oied laiimefucr tii- cnIhactof ltitjurixl gIt for suisai.- îsdershlp Can.a- erable isîteret -as amoucitby lt e- in IGTif AND 1 NUO-te'AIO COVh- tà -ira,i ai ii d .;i r3- on a ta iael nationial iltan agriculîtere gentrally ie umade lî-odutcion oI~tise mîmes <tf seseral TV IATTAiJONS. sc-tc. ati lie' mi as. lutht- habt t-ms- îorer ty Ilit a nth.- u> -me sh rauai cr _____________________en cevisititnlMohaswk Crosaroadsala yKvn aOhgt~r.Wmty tti'elUaie. Ontarnetîed# ho buit mme, brave,: Tise laies sta-ýed titi' lay la a îu<t t iqlpped toi travel on land and way-e. LARGE BARNS DEUT8OYEI) BT FIU. -rutEîmaue 'ier aa a le rGi, 1 î tnFreia ',me, anthe etir e t roeeuti" esried To st-atfrein îho luap his eiîSîfîl t A e htcnîia.-ii r ii iatau-s-> '.Jîth tevrfer t'si*-liartîcîpanite *erde tof bisiçeît t %h la: 1i( iai itti '-Siafi ts hi aIluta d atare îli-, <ubIà si-tOf ovter r>ptrrnl on o thelmsucten a-raleTo Kaistuait Kultur wsce-aout tii Ilî it-r- Illi ai-ni .ac-ia-z-d icai-sbttsasveci. Ts ealt ils art -offt-t u-u'rtmîe.vpy ta addition to tise pa, s ort 3tos- "WWe m r o 00te gsifor Or 0oufttrY, aiè P-r-Idaý î:.ibia. dartîtý the ' t--- (îu nutih.ti fl5Qmke Ont, oif gIata a ranwxeedre hchltnu or -m 1 rit- a> li i 1% ta.c:a-i , si U9tV r t l' ta . rncn eitl ý fgat sr. u "4-eolaî b ah Jo ltï~~i w<ý&îtY#eiu41em Wh nif labis Couuay nîîiis,: l ' ir Wluhg rt-at ir exrs. grie, anui a îre ao utar. somt is f thsedu-byMs -l onaa -. Vj.44 - i miillig sittCh S e tt e the giaic- illui un tht' coilinat*-rs' itu te bord.~ Sscaduc yMn-rt*stI'rU om tic t tre f-st titî d t' liantes 6sprt-ad iandtim-v test. lt Ee'borentandi otir r - aeti oa si q Mis .tQu aai'- r ahd a oswU Ilisi t>raeitîeliy ail tht" stock anad con- t'atI l ta ias>W vryt alumele. but lte 1ý ROWe. and rrea-tios, lq' m-t- j T nob hîrn,-d te tlaae s>cet. bet étsîeflate-s "he tot liobasscih rita tp loto staaay s-tt-rt- zelitetliat si'ry lltllt lit %14 t ÃŽtbeca of tset-4004Mt. a doue'tet .ad atlstttsisî t,-sase ay- T ii-t-eeigWhlerhood tumsrw t »0 aia, - j il qîantm>c c 0 i-itmîla, tesfir-e. but eethiatr «M14 is, him :*e - iiifants hmplee'ite i twndIoofle-r taistaneo. On Sauda>-peeploS E 84 - .4 l~a4tht-peîildhie'vd o;et cntuI> e -ie fe tmOshaom'. Wbait .....£ t.1 ' ua~cîu catl U.iiat. *st*trg 1by. #ad mai peis6ofet b.vilanty'. SE OU POWflAND Licol foi- FICIINSVY W_411 l>iris# h u am -d lop s ame âhsoqy ta- b.suppIId wtïb etinuescf 0 Lie-Ui astcm.Tb. lh.#-'«lI bp t~pw Iient44 d *5.5J4f r@ii WUi1y aot h tht'~ ~ ~ th '"gauiot ts u4.md lisuse iuruirly t te FOR Q UALJT-Y and Il AT. Lawler The 4Grocer WI4ITBY Phones :-13e1, 47; Independeng, 47. SPRING FOO-TWEAR. Select-Your Shos oquiremenf s îWe'écà rry a large varieýy of thepiww st st) lé footwear tfor Me~n, women and chi db rem, See cUr men,', boys' q 4' youth's "EverydY'Shc for steady weair. J. s* &son, I I I i I i I L. $îsooo.ooo ~ai Notes 'eI stop TL&: cough WULLlS' Compound Syrup of White Pino and Tar V3 a val-tmtle anodyne ex- pectorant. ItwiIl promptly cure Couglis, Colds, Bron- çhitig, etc , and re.%tore.s the respiratory -vorgar's to a normal healthy condition. 'i ai --./ cihty in f nanui- 'chants. manager. iers a--. 4' i Whitby South - Il La lim