MG ER ,aîilts of the' Souchei River te îvjtbiagaisnt the bIrt.kah detendere. Ae.r4,(ORI. 'T IF-lCS (,(-LR A despatcii troisLondon sa"a -pie. A dlmlato ataboi a t,'» hî,irord mnr! . rîithw"t>%t ( nir ,çathe uccounitp of csh.rv-ersthey if1IS.i-.L .CH.&1,ELLE Herbert C. Boovterbaud oethte Ameni- ________ - rto om aiu llut ii ctci, wihle t> U ;înalîar%-,. seiep- îffoe'.i somoe ft teur he3vÀrt a ee'can Commisson for Reliefin Beigumis,8s mt nepuaiositcss 'gý a'Ixri fie sotitht',ast&'rn chope of 'ii-ethe pri.enî ,<q-îes etbatis lhtb h"bsafter consultation wfth bis co-ý F714 1.,- il'ag., "Verriani a inle (-f Gerinal,.wt-d. &%sol-_4l sthse ciar-gsnirbat- A Isatçbs f rin îAmstertda.m aii on tpouthe 0 izm by ue u nga IDtOUCh ll tu the buotore 8«pars amnuietta i.bei 44t hy tiss.rbiftho e rt'u' talant,% seing pravti4raly annihilated the urres et'r,îîlîue te ceheinrne le Itteanol r,-.b" W il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~unc uit-r hrattircof Iiriti-h machine PsurlieN c».c <>îiue t tome roblai s e.INatîioaal Defane. COUouai ttue e' fet itiim, a»Il vwsbqO**saln e- Ueo vOUlbereuai i'o-fu1h Se;?i if the S, arpt - t tere ihie IUn'% At ..y &îHambtart the an-: n ovrapcstaIsaaotý" jaec.ti eua tacak iwot 'ýii-h mare trying tio '-s;p':hteri out Uî cs 'ha V we.'attarhrcl t. thorite hsWc takon rerdiz"in r. or Aene. KamnwhllehalnRb S 1$3U Ul#ftah 15uta MOi." t& aeteW Omîcr frrt'nI toward (anliai. a notablet:r-mmanel.atlcraea vcom5slAln thi *0 mraul" stu cxipe ultb da..rdar.Aitae "Yj ng "h Ca, blof«tinas W.1% wswon. l)n' ing down frontmmane't;rrnait LgunS W'erv 10*1 ...tradtluny Offtciai .hto ja.o i betrainLd&4jyr»&*te-ib!Adwbtl bwt el hem. I o Vit'îtgo ta to l iank etf cl- of a uiîs'îiagt- of artilery hor7N.'. Thiey f rumî î;.rwsUy at Mh ittrn*t#d t udIai W8d8 u w ed Rh!Atua ah lae jeu! fZixe-, 'luig. -i i stornie.i and &aa># bât thse Ortith vere up sAMsi ect t si guiffle, b svelt, glai%. o lot..hve i.o-p~a i? ist isa i ei~i tûin u(be vlarom .vrmeots l, ibèThrea a P«»-, bas tv. »V Wunrorurt anti lieninoel. iloth îholie kaule'd iark doun t. atati'y. Oni tue tw it c i>' t la bediev s rs.on *Orb$ - . tewns-, with tlîoir atlioininc ,leferrcaii, VirmyRîdgr alim. tihe stamnIut C(.affi. 1t vblus ereiruo«nt tii..'.. Tv. a were calptureol, ani thsevicdera de-. adia ni toola fOur 5-Wndubow1»t, datd tper»M sbai, nonb Uet and-hbsbos hw ia #eiy Go! if me tu"" busiW I ~ ployod acros tue otresfl7antd euratin îii'et of te ÎU &JC.9 pa, Ue th ie t su. IWi. rîeting at As.aa -. tsstl u u aPras 'OhnVua bOa.~ i a os tle pied thse helgrhta nn thse rigbt bank. rnost momsie asad usotal plfe i û U 4 ma tlipal. aau&emt a*m tout-*t- ~ ~ _ Inio fighting Iu thias etixient wa', an ;rman I*Uory, ani 3 ouwm, pi« ed Iqf4 iy b ir*"sww.A .at t«et0 i m ail-day matter, sud thse grouatvas i Eisewl« wre<o atSr" to ,Nu. Oenst~ I i E 4 IAIflL -LAW FOR U. S. %à *etsOf the World'Froa lne. M" West F:LAYAZAOUEEM 0MNJRT EFFECT 0F NEW M RToAril7ft bSbB BWWMiNTAIO AND DRI- unm 1Brih TOW BRh Approved by President Wilson Provides for Goverument Con- 0?a 08- à cW., 787c; No. à IRCLMI.drScear o aliarcn C.W., 76 1c; extra N'o. ,i feod 70; No. speaech in London, gave strtklng lI 1se MI tWo UR& dTlg p n eehn ns eod. 7 le.. eailrail deîivl'eo. formation cn rigthe mrelu trol.1 A' Ralroaa, Tlegrph ad Teephoe Lies.American corn-No. 8 yellow. $ 1.39. Itemsg From Prois Where Many militaiy organizution which Britainibru sAyH a- ______________track Toronto. subject te embro Ontarlo oats-No. à whito & 1toT7. Ontarlo Boys and Girls Are ha now buiit up. Bore are a tew ofBlts nominal; Nu. 8 white. 70 to 72c. nominal. Adespateh from Washington sys: States the property demanded by the. c1or-nNtoà fei Miliot e.peca Ovruan cntolPrsion.; No.a do.. 8.8t One million five hundred thousand aIl ralroads, telograph and telephono Persona who realst the milltai .z. accordinir te froighta outwjjde. T1%. WesternCanada Irrigation Cou- pairs of horseshoes a month are now AdepthroiLnn s:A- SPpaau-No. S. nominal. uccerains to farexico will a edAt reklxeuru et utu cutr. h p1 Itnes, during the. perlod of the war, draft authorised are likewise subject f reiwhts outaide b. l atMaple Ceki undotl hscuty h r-pligrvk to fine and Imprisonment. P-arlev-Maltinu. $1.26 to $1.18. ae- the mid-summer. war output was 60,000. plln eesin ttesseai a.nd the drattng into the milltary lier- Tbi dafinro emloea l t b fre7ghts outaide. corin That the. Eugliah language exclu- We have made for ourselves and our brutallty of Geraoe tti vice et the country of the employeeu under the direction e"of ofleers ef tho te treigbite outuldo. ~slvely ho taught li Alberta scheels la alles: Redt Cross towad Brthwodd Of such common carriers, la authoriz- military establishment" Who shail rlthts Y u-No. . .8 policy et tho Govorument. 25.000,000 gui helmots. h~ba aet i.Brecra prepre roterof al eploi« ub- Mani Loba tflour-riret patents. ln jute Lieut. R. 0 White, Winpg h 25,000sadge 'wburd ed lni a bil! approveil by Preai- Peaearue tale~î>es~i-baga. 810.70; second patenta. in jute ,lannîpi, who 50,000,00esild-gs. upodent o! TeTe.bsors t dont Wilson. Ject te draft and shall serve notice bu se. S10.30; stronif bakera, ln Jute bagis tahd etefying corps, la now 105,000,000 yards o! khùki cloth. British solier talrnarae Thebli, dawnutlb.roqostofupon the personas 50 drafted4"s to the $9.Tjoronto. crdn , a prîsoner lnXi Krlsruhe, Germuai. 115,000,000 yards et flannal.trmGmapionep.Ont. tha Presadont, will b. tntroduced li place wbere and the timae when he smpe,$gs6teto *4s in bacs track The C.P.U. are considering runuing "Taking the. laut twe togother w e WUjourno tii. eu.. o-merow byRepr s hnt alce appear anld enter ii hi ger Toronto. Prompt shipmènit; 18.10 te a daily ixter-lotel train through the have manufactur.d 111,006miles of hoh a'o ii rts one attve William C. Adâmson, Chairmanvc."1Mlllfees-<7ar iota. deiivered Montreal mountalus, trouCalgary te Glacier. cloth and fa e, eo te gêgonaG enyttwa t.oomo Prosident Wilson le given complote! treigbhta. bane lncluded-Bran. per ton. About $250,000 bas se far been sub- 4% times round the earth. Theso u ai h eelx u ateten Fe g eCoxmerte. oITe rftothe dcontre! ad suerviio etof'Ihe cm iaAg. $48 to 146; good f eed fleur, Per scribed ..,Regina te the ne',v wr lban, are stupendous figures even li thesee t fhuxier adtîub odn muniatin ofintllienceove sai ba $270 t 8290.Tho largest single aubscription la for days whén the. million ha. boeomoe teegah ins l-i.ray-Extra No. 2, per t on. $11.50 to otfo n bill, propared by Mr. Adamson, re mu$1ca0ion tthenelligenof over sad :2.70 telcu.a0.thes ac t t n hn îhrw i telephone and tlgrp lnsad 12 ,0;mixed, per ton. *1.60 10 $11, truck *200 ueuon ! rtmtca acl- mu dac drnhteti'a, mk ceived the. upproval eoftthe President the tronsportation et trooipe, mîlîtari 'roronto. Hundrode of western convicts have tien," he observed. xgt. ayett.woddbgin to-day. Tt la probahly the meut fr --proprlots. stors tonughou7tii.$r7.60oront. Theceffe, seu reaching ef ail the war bille prepared j Unied tante eshahr onucutte n tr wc r lot. prtn 7t 75,ask.d to ho allowed toenelist, and Hon. Th recent reduction in army ru- for water hadwauai or ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Uie Staoeuetpeaaln ytedr t e sntr ll snd suervisin- Clt? vo1.-hlaaArthur Meigiion will inspeet the pend-i tiens muved large quantities et food, edrdt h oinpou ofpeaainb th deth oto an suevs ocl t.untlaris and porsonally check up and the bregd. ration ia the Britiishtedr ethnsdhoatueat Administration. .. scofcrsatePrsdnmyd-cBter--Fresh da.Iry, choico, 40 te 41c; cases- Isles ls te ho stii further Yeduced by 'min t the geti nrs wuorui Unerth emreesie rviiossignate." 143C. A total etof 68( auto plates were 2 ounces. .l u u rgas rqetyti oth diitainmeasure, aethees f Eggs.-New-laid, ln cartons. 39c; out sent eut by the Provincial Secretary's Tho meat ration lis vuried by sau- one a Preidnt u ive ulimte poerteby the bill that martial luw is virtu- Lie poultry-Fowl. 1b., 20 to 25c. department et Saskatchewan during -sages, hrawn, f rozen flsh, rubbits, and take at-tuaI possession et the physicul iaîî>y established throughout the cori' hivkens. 20 to 25c. teya f116 scmae ith 'veniso . preperty of ai rail . uq nd ail tele- trygse fr us common carriers are Dres?0ue22c;oulr-ckens , o2ct sOca, 96the year e 96 a opuo t eniTsn Egypt are growing - rL IL -r phn n eerap ires o pr owî..400 tcoi$4.60, ture csb. 9,76th yer efre.Tromii phoe ud tlerap liet.ofthe concernied. There is neo limitntion prdo. 4.0to3.0.trky.2 Ot f the 1,200 soldiers who have ai- tatoes.- Mesopotamia has 3,000 acres UnîedStîtstedirctthiropra whatsoever upeni the authority et the Cheese-New. largre. 27 to 271v. twîns. ready arrived home in Winnipeg and of gardoens cultivated by soldiers. seice ftea Uide S-te s and toth mltandtlerphpopryad ec 2-7& to 271v; triplets 27t to sePEA E C M N teriendof rtlt the enitidiStatesresident to seize rallrouad. telephone laPrge. 2m5v, twlns, I8ic. 25c- old. district pructically ail have returnod1 The fut from camp refuse Is col- adti adtlgahpoery n ocr- i one f -NNhite clover. 2l-lb tins, 146 te te civil occupations with the exception lected for glycerine for explosives. -e prsnsoprain te am 1 l -b tins, 14hv, 10-lb. 1hIc. 60-1b, ef these who have become pemnn-The Present annual rate of output et Place tnrier milit.ary control uny andniandee pron1peain0teaeli.buckwvlieat, 60-lb tins, 10 te o 10permaReaont- ail ofmcere, agents and employees et whe.nev r the President may doter- ('omrb honev--extru fine and heavy l naulae.glycerine frem this source would " elPaeWihTi I %el-ght, per doit,32.l25slc 26 t vr1,0 oud ffosuf tho railroads, telephone or, tebegraph mine that public safety necessitatel . i . Nç2. S o I$2slc. 26 to $vr2000pon of2o5tf provide for 12,500,000 18.P'ounder World Has ee nw. compnnies whose lines are se taken q îadical a t. M, bles>rul>--imî,erial gallon. $1.6o te were destroyed by the Winnipeg Civic shela. It was sold to the Ministry et A despatch fo odnsy;A lnto pes.sqion.'1I e snc.brha inoî astpp.te Untac Otne 5rbu.Health Committee. This ameunt in- Munitions nt $250 a ton, aguinst the tefrtBiih~rm iitrt Sevre enatis ae pevdedin uegiven power to cemmandeor the rail- $1 (-- New BrunswIck 1)elawares, per cluded 720 pounds eoflfsh, rostly $1,20 a ton they weuld have to Ps y slt h mrnnto scm evet hn an prsn hviz ontoirod4 f heUniedSttesin182,bag 1.3 lu to $34c), Albertaâ. per bag, frozen; dried fruit, 675 peunds; meut in America. f adue-he-Armnai ly ere cf the. comron carriers declines te de- has nov Premident been granted such siadputy 1 ons eeals eet ftewrt egvnrdsi-rs lvor into the possession cf the United tînhampered authorlty.P -W sa. 660 pou.nds canned goods, 610 pounds; te the next et kmn of al] who have' gad' r _______________________________________________ SMM¶1ed npats-Hamo, medium., 27 te i. * . speaking befer o oal sehy 2¾cdo hea'.y. 24 t 25v,coked, 88 to n "rs, ritI,50 uns falien is en desîgned. This willibogttgt 1 39. relis. 24 te 25c. bres.kî,stbacon. 30 In the provinces cf Manitoba, Sas- ho in additiQn te the war medal. 1 Luncheon Club T hrdyaoue ALLIFLD COLJNCIL j ~sent Minister cf Justice in the French t, 33r.lbocks. plain i2 te 3ic. bonelese, katchewan, Alberta and British Col-,Teifune ttenw Ar tns.ihuis byiecaigd- fermerlye srd tierces. 2s te 261v: umbia in 1916 there wvere 2,886 manu- Board. thoîgh it ha been in exist-. nunciatien of Pusaadbswr tub~s, 261 te 251v, upa.ils. 25à te 251v. coin- f ucturing establishments, capitalized oc oyfrawe rsi ledywloec mnc sa lyi u ___vou'îd. tierces, 19) te 20c. ýec nyfrawe rsl led ecm fA AT ASH NGT N uted rirat- .oo vear bacon. 21 te ut $313,571,000, with 59,957 employes,,ha-,ing its effect, though a greatby in- wr lvOS I ER I N 2 per lb, clear bellreE. 20 to Q1 . drawing a total annuai w ge or salary 1reased output of machines anot ho 'he. advent t te Ui.d Sue SET BCK B STORMS. îenîont.enal saikets of $36,732,000. The total output t oxpected t once. eth wahosi,"vste British and FrenchSETCommKssîons weS. Ntr, o . prl do-. 4auNo. 3 77v. 180,58,0pland mute si f$0,..bihd nCnd inypt. us e a rug guntrhtr AilFoottush.Aand French nComntheempantssiuntdsi iauete, New fiying schools have been es- final stamp teto chrtrett SeeeWtm NWl elyHi f11, o. 1 feed 77iv. Mariey-han. ilsedi aad n n gp. confliotasam te Discuss War Po!icy ie r ete i! es av4 tf eed. $1,09. Buckwheat-No. 2. 31.32. 603,000 was reported as huving been' niarrf stations have been'autecracy truu th e ord. AllFocisufs.Flors Mt lsSp ecnds. 10 0 ten spent ini the purchase cf raw material. A dcspU.h from Cpenhagensuys: 0;1. se tn100;tsco, _________established ut many new points. j delespatch freiopWahhingtayn:says: s The1Es1tr hoiidaypatintsermhnyeere $10 00;, straight rouiera, 39.10 te 39 60; 1i nmnnet going te houat about,100~FNNEE A depatc fro Wahingon sys: Th Easer hlidas i Gerany eredo. bings. 4.50 te $4 66. Relled este. ONTARIO TOBACCO SOILS. what might happen in the case cf ai1,0 NN Assembly in Washington within a few murked, according te reperts in the barrels, $7,46. do.. bags. 90 lbo,,$33.60. renewal et Zeppelin raids. I wil Bran. #Si te $38. Shorts. $40. Mid- weeks cf a great international war Germun newspapers, by a returu et dlIngs. 342. NMeutlle. $46 te S50. Hl' Experimental Farms Note Describes only suy that we have profited te tho; counicil wus toreshadowed by an an- Winter weather, over a large part of -No1 2. per ton, car lots, $13,5.6Bu aite Gon uib teoproc wihw Sain suiae (heeee--Flnest westernîs, 24 to 341v, tVritesGow. ful yteeprec hc ehv neuncrement trom the State Dcpurt- the empire, un occurrence ef consider- tinest easterna, Il te 236c.. Butter 'gie. Tr-hu ment on Wednesday that a British aI. importance in confection wnith the Cholcest creamer>.43v; second, 40 to The favorable prives psid Iset yeur gie. h harsc aw hegotCnd o nlt 41v Eggs-Frei. 36v. selected. 1v i38rhal esi n ag&ae ae pgam te the4,000of mileo commission, heuded by Arthur J. Bai- prospects for the next harvest. Purtîc- Potatocs. per bag. car lots.S3.16 te$32.25i. hing planted tresutbao nesring, have L t ra onu00 mee ofsu.hfrm utaw as tour, Minister et Foreign Affaire, is uiurly sharp drops in temperature with 'bigpatdt oac etsrn railvsay. Locomoives are nmee'A dsae expected te arrive within teti days te snow, were reported in tho important ,Wilpeg Grain and this may cause a tendoncy te yte50 ala wgn n Tev h M'bnnlpeg. Apnil 17 -Cash ,rlcs plant on boss suitable soul, thus re- hyte50.Riwa aos n rTebve ou sano r questions connectcd with the conduct Before this development the agricul- Northero, $2.04f. No. 4, &.s i ~ Ulgte ubtyadth akt.oeating persone enumer e ureoserienfrntd nt et the war. In addition te the For- turul papers had complained et the Si 691, No 6, Il 39à , f eed. Il110. Outs value cf the product. Etnc oe he umotds pPots have benstbiedl C- Ne.I W 6 Iv N 3C...668v. Iý While the study now boing made by h ada, to receive addts o nit eign Minister, the commission wiii eff ect-s et the severe and protravted extra No 1 fed. 660c: No. 1 feedî. 658v: in i tetrsofwr h include Admirai DeChair, cf the Brit- Winter. The Winter grain crop wa No 2 f est. 633v Baniey-No. 3, sli 2; the Tobacco Division et the tobucco- w ered. n9 a i the stwtee ment. In viewe h hrao o lsh naiy;Genorai Bitlge.ç, of the several weeks behind its normal de- Fiar-No. i N %W C. 1.7 No. 2, C. roucng er onilthcases in ther eokly urxny, and the Governor efthte Bank of velopment, uithough it le declared that $271 complete, it hae boen noted that f 'r I heen only 4,57 1 cases belonging te the taken t? providet reft ra x Enelandl, attendod by a riumerous th e proportion requiring resowing was UitedStesl&kg quently a sou bas the capacity ot pro- typheid group of diseuses, whereas in foet wt hom. Cosquuur h staff. cornparatively smali. Farmers were Minoneapolis. April 1.WetMy ducing a poor quality et ail classes ofet Suh fca a ehd eryfret th mont made by the State Department pisnting, and it seoma certain that tho i hard. $211 te $2.22k o.- i Norther. ! favorable te the production oete csswtg,2 dah.A r ee nt tpontuau $2.131 te $2.161; No. 2 Northern 30 iynayon. of tue The British Red Cross Society goni mirtne aain t Osto-Ne. 3 whlte, 621ytenclasses. Te ttt inAtwhoseett gees, but it was learned authonitative- 00w debay wIilrnateriully doter the'to $2.15q~. Crn-No. 3 yeiîow, I.2 j hghs ua ou eula si e work is tee weil known t iyTentrci uta ilb b. toIl38 1.50.t.oncemihiem21," hassse estabhished a a, oi'are engaget inumongertiu lthat n French commission, compos- FabI harvest et ail food TTops.41v. Fleur unvhaniged. Bian, $8.00 andi climate muet h. suited te the spe- commieornte d aeal witu erti nti rts tls ftenme eîd of officiais anti officers equally as Thinctreaaing ladifficuity w te$3. Ocomte t da wih erinnteBiis dietinguishet i; the British represent- ncegiRdif.ut in carryiag mer Duluth. Anil 17.-Wbeat-No, 1 hard. ciai neods et a certain type et pro- elasses et disableti soidiers, suchas5,000 were en]itdat etoeaa t%.145; No. Northern.1.096 te $2.13à ; duct. nuainniepîpoc ndohes l trestryr batthos atives,, alo wiilbeh in Washington untîl the harveut on the scanty reso7rve . 2o £Northertî. $2.06j te 82.055; hMay, oTii. romainder were drawnnd trenis ef stock, evon if the harvest îtaelt is '8.55 liy._82.005 bld. Llnseed. $3.066j In Ontario, the chiot varietios Teetmi wbou tohe ae yMe. Viianomi, Ilionnot afiected i n quaîity. te $3.08à . May, $3.06j., July. $3.07j. tebacco 90 far recommendeti andi prin- ohruiso wil le enedbyM.Viiaia pe-Liresock111tte cipaily grown are White Burley, which1 MORAL SUPPORT It is now pr'psdt ices h lus,î ~ i~e h'~ 4SVUSW SeiN ~*I6 ITMTI " ARD TEPRISOER 1Cross Show Themoafes as Bar- Spit ln CoffeHauded to Top.. while the women Iooked on and 1aughi ed. An equmlly eommon rmtortakxm.n wita tii... WoMen wasteoff«or& wounded uma a glass ot wator and thon pour It slowly on thu grourbL Cases ot physical mahw.atment, d Brtttsh wound.d by Gemma n tire were Just as çmomnams.systematig as the refusai te give thom nourlsh. ment. The nurses net oiily refus.d te at- tend to Brtish wound.d but regular- ly tnsulted and spat on them. Fr.. quently they oven struck or kleked a bandagod 11mb in order to givo pain. "If," ays The Times, "the Germain Red Cross Io merely a branchAd Ger- mean militarsse It haî prost±uted Its sacred slgn shaxned its name and fortettod ai rlght to ho« regarded as an orgahîzation of humanity." CANADL&NS SHAE, IN WAR ON il-BOATS Q 376 Are Memibers of Royal Naval Auxiiary Patrol. A iegpatch fromn Ottawa says :-In ail 376 Canadians are now engaged in oombatting the Gorinan submarines, as members of the Royal Naval Auxil- fary Patrol, and, uccording to reporta which have come to the Naval Services Departmnent here, ail have acquitted theniselves well and have- reflected credit upon the Dominion. 0f tho number 264 are euh-lieutenants or o- ficers of the subniarine-chasers and 112 are chief motorboat men, or mot- orboatruen, the mechanics of the craft.' 0f the 112 motorboatmen 43 are f rom British Colun !Aa; 82 trom Ou-l tario, of whom il are from Toronto and six fi-om Ottawa; 21 from the Province of Quebee, of whom 15 are Montreal men, 9 from Alberta, 4 f rom Saskatchewan and 3 from Mani- Uba. UNCLE BILLY. Hopef ul, Tolerant, Pure, Bis- Lif e Was Au Inspiration To Others. *Everyone in the community know Unele Billy, whom Rhoda, hie seventy- yeac-old alater, described as a "1pro- sorvod boy." The litte old man's sixty years had subtracted ail the hafr from his head except a thin remainder of white silken fuzz on a level wlth the. tops of bis ours. The back o! Uncle BiIly's head looked like a big egg in a neon of wool; bis face sug- gested a fuit moon on- the- disk of which two twinkling stars stood guard above a ailei.; Uncle BUll was always busy, and usually lie was doing something Worth while. One o!bi is favorite expres- sions was, "Doing nothing is the liard- est sottjoi work." Unel. BiUy tried te 1.,' '7 i. rh 1» t j t, I I i t s t- I riglit." if you .uatod that the vont la gowdng vwotesthe litti. aid man slook hi.bauImmesitvigooua ami rapffl1, "No, mno, méý ot And a«m if t vleo ttWoulit b.e t buiasate h»Ve It boterfor the-. ut gone- nhe tat that Und*a Bily w.. und4r. marks that voutbave k hurt ua t. b4 fansâer. Dot tirAyiMn»t burt Uns!. lmujep'a i u«YwlVU a lamgbo 'Yjs cu% hart My faeeu%" &aM ra wkkWt> & bout lit bu.1naà & an~ ~ ~ ~~b arnaLmt Msu. Iiw dan__ 1) (S t i t q 'if F -'V. 't 'f i V r.,; fi f f. q i v bAm 141N MlNIR L)RIps f ~-