P » aoaa1. CIardea Who 'Pays the>W B ? odoBe obinhone Party Qov- ers- organisations Of the Western1 ______________ be cenierted into a, con. vincell. LEQAL F'arinera somnetimes complain that uie$Snt homne fer soldiers. No doubt. Inatigurated three y'ears ago1 -thewar-ax urdelatti nevnly p- Brneusé.coud befoud fo th rn onth, the. organzation had a L~Q.L sme se oul befoud fr tem.8,00 members on Ite roll at thed JNO-l'.FAREELL on h e ar-ta anburden fa rierae -enly UP* seli themn, anyway, and rebuild Of the last annual contentiog. Si more than their aate. Suci ljeflot the Ili Cannington. However, perhaps we'd t.hen about a score of npw braite Bârrste. cuntycron Atorny «ý btte notadvrtie thm jst et-have been organized ln varlous p- Da r s e ,Cou ty CSo li tor e ~ case. how ever. It la the Indu trial and Oet r fo d e ta h m J a e f the Province. " And the w ConUSoleto.business peoplc who are hardeat it- flot until the new buildings are ready wouid proceed mnuch faster ifr Ofiesoufh wID CoUrt EMsWhtby flot the f'arinera. The war tax sched- for occupancy. were available to carry on the w l'le_______t______________________de-_eueOf organization,* said Seeretary M Aie.eea t hae bea pecall de son. "In one forenoon three pe( 4.E.CHISlA agned to rest ightiy upon f'armnera Shop Early. called peraônially at the office t elarrisser. SMilcter. m.samy Pulblie, Etc. and those flot ln business. Where it for speakers to attend meetings, Cimes, fl-ok 13t. Opp~. Bta.n.ztBU&k reaily pinchea la la the increase of 50 The slogan "Duy Early" bas been we have twentY-tlve cails by mai lle to Ionn per cent. fla Postage on lettera, 100 adopteti by the' Sunday Sehool of the n fattenoncTed 'lt thig, per cent. on postcards, and a two cent Methodiat Tabernacle Ili its campaIgÙ ment la that it la wholly spontaneç tax uipon ail cheques or drafts lasued. for early shopping on Saturday even- NO One man promoted it: no Au As ROBINSON 0111Y tiose Ill business kuow how Itigs. inaa consPicuous space la last mail couid have brouight about lis grea a rainthi ta Is.Hunred wee's ssu wer diplaed te nmesation. It owes its birth to a seemni Undertaker and furnîture dealer. getadanIi a a udeawesIsewr lpae i ae universal feeling that farmers rr Belland ndepndet Phnes.Dayof letters go oni f rom a tradeamana 0of six grocers wlîo hati agi ced flot to re- have saine organization ta give v orleil n Idpedn poe a or mnanufactuireras or professional ceiv e orders for dcliv ery later than 8 f0 their î'iewa on Public mnatiers J3ROOKLIN, -ON.man's office for every one posteti by a o'ciock on Saturday eî-ening andti o zationto incrusthei pois ines r ______________ONT.______fariner or citizenl. [armiers compara- close their stores at 10 o&clock, hgin- lngand otrece her prfts anbu DENTAL j tiieiv Qildoin issue eheqîîes--they are nlag- May ist. Thpse w-ere lte only The hest guarantee of lis perînan- ________________________________ant ever:-day maitur Ni iii thebsnesmereliats w ho werc appîi)-oachrd on les la the fact that ail aem branc nman (r înp.iufsictir( r. Drafit are Is- the eiubjeect, anti il w as to b,- inft-rred are belng formeti ln sections adjac Harry J. Hiudson, D.D.S., L.D.S. Ali l h lide ' that the majorlty or' the other buai- to those la which bî&ncbes airri 1 îeilylief'nîdl< u e.~ nesaiea in tbywo ulti be willliug exlst.", succesor 10 W. Adam&. -a farine, sfedio,îif vIf , issues anc.,1t0 enter into the sanme arrangement. A T-WIX ORO '<NEçZ [.ýjý Office, Dundas Street. opposite post The tradeanian '-enunt<-rs ail the ce the issute of the' paper one' ofi Th UF.O. seems admirabl desi OLflce. Bel Phone 122; lad.. 64. otiti,,, ra<: uecasimied h%. the - war tax bihe aignatories 10 tie ag;reemnenit haa ed 10aserv-e both ppurpos e 'r w- WITBY, ONT. thlth aie i- <îi~~h tl nt keeio< tetaes»Jilvas created. . tIrI a twin organ ________________________________ Erlyriclioaiaanînve In the' rigidi- tion. The United Farinere of Ontj cr.The,-e arc ,I-'- 'ats1to uit- town rection. ManîY People w atk about 10w- a la a ort or' Farmers' Partiamett 13LAKE B. B3EATON, LD.'e" .0De.e8g or cn-< businiess ma.ti for palrîoitc an-i on St.uiday cveniug for several hoeurs cdiicationai purposes and for lhi Craduafe of the Royal College of Dentalother h. p b I on.- that r-ar-h#,s, th( hefore commeneing thpir shoppiîîa, enssion of public questions from Surgens ad Uniersiy of orono. famer llill.ý. hlien bi tng miglit ho done just asl'armer's standpoint: the' United Fa: S u r e o n a d U i i e r s t y o f o r n t o t r m e - o u s d e i t î u t - s - t î l g a 1 i e o n v e ai e n t l y e a r y l u t i e , e v r e i n g . I l e r s ' ( o - o p e r a t lv e C o i n p a n y a fffl u l Dr. McDoweil, of Toronto, la taklng taraitr -r soîiti loi b,- dmwiiearîed Ila;l'air neither to the tit'rchailts nior!with the other bcdy. forms a medi D)r. fleafon'a Practice durlng the ah- wtintu ar iti etIli,,,iil, the ta the tlerks and delivervys. bultithrotugh whlch l'armera cao sel] ce- 'genre of the latter on millllary service. a f ag ii:î tca-onlli-thr ouif îy a r-emedy Cali be ffeeteti erativel). T-P latter, la fi-s third y OMce ver . hi Prinle'shardare aionttlu- fi by tht- nîerriants ta',- did a busine-ss Of hall' a million tioli. omeOMCîelrl-M9PinL- hrdart e î.ora5.30.ir n -tai-pat-i ti h le malter in baud and firmi l'liue sort of arguments which app lad.i'hon., Ila: fiilphalle, 220. ,~d-i-piri bas ,i .I lit-fr. tr acarri il g olnt îlîeir agreenionit. XVheîî tnthose who are gettilig behinti iltif t un-, (te sope,- tiiîderstaîîd t hat t bey cannot !n" nîo--emeuî CRna ht-St be illustri G. Arthur tue, LOS D.OSD . S. bu%.imter thaii ten oclock, they w-lit by rreporting some of the thiags - gveitthemacelies aceordiugiv. Tha lîY Mr. Morrison etian organila Graditate of the Rfoyal ('ollcge ol'wriiwnvrk no hnrdstiîi on any porson mneetliîg heid inl WhIIb)v Tua nsiipi Dlental Suîrgeons anti or the University W'hY N Cf Canniuîgton ? andi ait! be a distinct heu, fit tf) tiose w-f-tt, hen a tieiv lirane(h Mwas fort of Toronici, dctslre.5 ta annouxice tiat %,%-ho are ti fi:-dla îLe storra-. 'l'h- itbti et-i tihr he astaçuDr.Siso'spr hei(t" Mebhiodist SillîdaN. SchoolIs to lie Coni- I:Iht .TIF r F:tiiR-Vs w* << ise aretnkcD.Ssonsn atie od Wtiil- d- tn rfuanirmndetioou luit iating this reforni. andi t present. said Mr.. Marriso la prlîaed 1 oniu bt aner iid.i I -di-eiast snz-o h 0o1, fWhtv igii tîo (o- fariner haî, 1o0say as ta prie, s cit e*itîae.tsa s 1 dtg citizi-ns t i l- batltmaln t'fg orP i biii o tli Office ovr Allia's dr1ig store. Houirs tiilzg(d for scnhli s-praI lit fron i akigiiefe 1 "ubu n r elu. He gocs ino . of OntrioeVvtiIgg(eas iviif,- does, tb sel 19ela Phaone 1 a p.. .11- tiiî t y ot)(,tti, sg,-î-dozerieggs md us aaln, o lie!! pono ~7.lad. izt'Iw- îl t1- a tpot icýtajt i 'The torekept4,- tt jkt-sthe' eggsa tii' hl oui'. UEitorial Cm ment. S sauN-s tIliep prie-Nw i11 be nl5 cenIlts. lc 1, h- tiitv t il t o . l 111 1 tiautis aur-r ibe ts nurit ysthe pi Marriage L i c 01110\ tiinîugs il \I W tt i Ilt.st-(Ii Ii 0.Tela eswf iau _____________________ nd itour.- noai--ri l-t s;Iiriut hI i ,.poti < Ili ~iîî~~ t)do fiiithe ,,alter .1ai1.ait' t A.H ArN.1 eýl«s tel tei. -iKitlI-. b ut ' ,sliii re- of thtfi-ht itii i, t-France -of tatti. Titi W%*(- haief, ni i- otr A.H.ALI. tîi, iius '<tutti-i otrc tndsl',-atîrtars Io hi- on Ilie rull.-andifil'again. -been gliigall aur attenti Issuer of Marrlage Licensea. ' l n ' " tt- llo-in l, aihckio let111t s 40liseito ht poti Wheré,w tii gtitrlar t Corner drug store, Whitby. tyt Ioii lutain .l1st.t-mst îîrt.m inlitti-hecaekîtit it-nli.ash îs o t ht proend.itit- u eloci ri t No iteses eiIr ttitu tini li souteforeigit place, wh ieh been l'or tthec tutst iion tii-Ilie w il! 50t'ii firnis'-ol' irnîît,-, ut inakors he to-t No ltesea eqlrd2is 'lthocase-fii Otntario comiîty. Cati- ho dru-eii froin itht soitlu-l(,is iail'-- i.,_il' theblîo tuti tered ilntthi-er thait Goii gt oSi ta t lie moIlle ct-uitra lpice i nl Vast a t in.Tii et, knad iauiboy s Ihave 011 lOiowtaibroti nc t(lie best clasa G. VOIJNI SMITH, LIl.i.- l- .liait ti.uagtît- titit- ofi locateil. , lai mlacti itery ant ileft the e di Issuer. otii as < 'o1l i mi-. 1.4,1 '< tainae a andilshw il of-w iiiit stoff iy art' -it10tkecari- of it st-tf? Tlat At dwellung hou» oppufs Mlthodisti eîîu iii Atislttt -i' -aîii swi twit rsut wative as faraiets liiebni doi Chimh. No wl ;t< <î0t21tMba T'Oreadiof i lit r îîrow t s. 111tofragn--oi W aebiao u1red. Ifor ~~~~a gnas. n Me - -, e-n b ÂUOflNEEi th fI: tn fbnortg lac hveoia sons er- l'or the a -,the - initct ion to 't'oduce, vti c AUCrONBRS 1Wu ancvNv( thv Ilc ben ri% 1 Tht' United Fariiers ' O0ojirati fauî~a- lii-csect lre r Roblison te îtieh-cipiilegpd to aliarû 111 C(omPanybas show-a fiat farinera ic W M . A W k ~ "ftlttt * nut w:r W, ' i n d th e - u o ri u s p u s h m w ic h s d r v i g th e - h e lp tît h e a l %r . W e d ut i toleENSED~~bs i ottî aUTCNBR fot(11 hýrC icîttîlthIs Yezir at- paitioit- iraif AIe NDEO fLUCTIU EER fmn ttt ttl hereitrai et i tii ta -jpî ns It oin a-i sîîîea 1 andi, -teti dns lt n NO VALJflTO- fou tîu:tu tthina.anindZs uýit pItîtisît-r ýt' lît ii luis w ortd at rugt-gui' wers lihe$tt( tno, -Al kinda of sales ltromptly mIteutied to a i <lta.r wt M lt lieril. -ho\%tl itrirn 0f st-ruice fortr frdoîn anti 'i ie dPss-o th i-'-t the Gaztte Office. Ternis reýasottable -irii uh 'siatoî-so tîiwrug aitlt îyi jîeo eu Arr lanements fsae tanPhonme t dîî< hot0, <bc Ilit 0f0 -0- huent.. t' coutti lai-c doue bett( litilîuitiIndpedegt hons.i'îtitduiimu'< oli ai t bt l g g w ; X'e are offereti, a few- months a - tt n la-t tîiiî,tiustIlt N i ittaa rt-atsatisisfcioln ho Caîadiuins corn at SIC., Western oasaat 55, WH~i TBV. O NT. w tîtlt .i l igood t tiueIto bar tio,,n iti- att-i tailt Britiqhi-ra to kno%%v itîit atbratn ai $2(t ant ioll cake t $3 iCatse ut e were not la a Pîositionî - t-~~~~~lt ,ii tiiulat, , trir- tidre- Iliigît the tUnitedi ta-)l ave roatîzetijboy lte dIfference'b-we-thoat' prit L l' iitnitîi'oi lit-rZt-r i!t-sn j ui h t- nomy wo have been llgitiig anti preseat qllotattona bas goat' mai j- '-tti()!(I. dotaîîttas ieil jotb as btîlt for ta uînyili rot y1uars la their ont-mny- iv to mitidlemen instcead of inuring t. iaptt ot outis ialttbuilding-sîs ,;îîtii filt' lte t-nom) Of the ûi- the- profit 0ol Wesîerîi.graitî grow-trs YOUare CoaI iii-d )îiIo i,,dLY -n oiiolii-, ;hie ont- band, anti Ontario feüdersc Ile~M r m oi'ee ttd *,' Whee ouareOuo 10C tloldbclit' 1Oiu fi tjJ inti lufliucitial a lelpt-r asthsme great It ."thas bet-tipetimatedtii W io r y u s u etts t t -ti S l h l 1 . 1 1 .; th e w t- e , l s qJ i c n e u l c . J s I l i r s i g w li e n t h t - w a r e n d s , " l e s a i , " it e 1 ut il Le csoliia îuîîust-îat-No *mAmrcnre îuic !l liee tlt lercat On national debi andi pensic . ,iIt- lnoîjteî ho kr.us, enti-- instanti saîisfacîory ta knowalaso that hie fond bog 41her la -fo 1lv - - -- ------ --- da nbrougi the States. Ir the States T Il Ewere at vrs, than ohierwise. ilis tir. uc Imagine, Ia grouiliiM. for S TAN BARD BA-N k -07 CANADA -Alinpoint 10 1h. Stait HEoa.o pricu - TOAQ#4T laiing a vos-y heiptul panlu the.w sa'. "ci M".y voneot i.k for a mueh #p«4.- Money Orders and Drafts amc thsutu t <of Uiu utho- L~ .41-'-- 1 . - -l#0 ber- lm oi ith t eAllie? Uitîed raum « et lrio. fis. oeêt,. ~~f5f~la Tosoeei. id <air ~w Son~o ti~j si tM. va lsUVU Dy [1Mi Ifni Payable ini ICT 173 ilparts of the world. -~ WITByBRANCH as- ýý-k ' LSW FADES ASR Te AU*. P Pro date Since iches parts work worrA ear of Provn oned IPtr-ord car has been on the market twelve years, surely long enough and-is gan- to, have proven t high quality. Jng. The!e is nothing experimental about chesit. Every part lias stocd the test 'adr ~. of ti m and proven its stability with hard service. No other car has eve r J ~ ~ :, a proched the durability recorJrs of the Ford. tlfor dis- No matter what price y-cu pay for a car you arrn-cannot get one with a stauncher chassis. Govern- lium ment Laboratory teSt3 have shown that the diff- yea: erentpat of the Foid car are uperior to, those ara.in any other car. Ford Vanadium steel has neyer the -atedil een equalled instrength. said 01inn If you wart a car thlat can plow through the deep mud,sand aniJ gravel-that can cross fields, corduroy roads and ford streams-- that can climb thr the steepest his with ease-that ivili give the greatcst mileage ail year round ivith the le;st and He expense and care-then thee is only ONE car ;iec for you-The Ford. son 'W Touring-- 495 t 1w gest Runabout - $475 ghr 1'.0B.FO/RD, ')ý\T. of; 1)jng Q W, J. LUKE & SON CnFORD DEALERSW ITB O . for itr1 ary re- er. 1il tse, ive I r- re- rly ley Ile gle -CANADA EN FLANDERS"- The second volume ot "canada in Flaides- by Lord Se*Yerbrook (Sir imax Aliken) has juet been lssued, and la even moS-o ltes-esting tisa thite st book. [t continues the .oMlUacontent- pors, sbltes-y of tiseCatiln Oves-. ea Militas-y Forces, Volume Il. (to» the growth of thse Canlisa Ores-semaMitas-y FoP e atîIyla lb. FIeId, aad <ros tise or- lsaal Divisi othis Army Corps. Thse as-raUIve la a eudauatten ot the tes-lunes of thse I)eonlon's ilbters trois lthe s-eUeset VesêObes- ta thse. bat- fi. ef tise Sofmme. so t)satthseDa-n ema des-lt vitis are Usose et St. Moi la 'April. *U,. aIl th. e a-e 4htUg las viie th*Us.whei Ca»diso Corps tois pari t b iut et Tps-ein<ot»s lag J une (tuea'alykisev à * tise bs-nie et SUntery Wood)>. la i"isatter, actioitthe (Cormaua Bs-at engtaff r 11". 's-l rU mmoi ai heent ut U&Ma 1* a by tgwta. The book la somiewhat longer thn Volumne 1. This is fot mnatural. as la the period deait %vit1- September, 1915, to July, 1916-the opèrations of the whole Army Corps, instead of a ringie division, have Io be deait 'w4th. The last ehapter la devoted t0 a con- sidpration of the effeet of the m-ar on the relations between -the Dominion and Crent l3riîain, and foreshadows some dloser formi of constitutional un- ioti. Thé, prophecy Is Important In ',Icw of the imperil War ('onference, for- which Sir Robert Borden vislted Engiand. Messrs. Ilodder & Stoughton, Limit- to fe FresihandRt.1 umnustkeepyourmm.~ ,hebowelsver active, thebwelreguIar,andyour blood pure. Your physical .condition d1ed on the hea t ftest organs. Whuanythîing goewrong a few dome of Becbam's Pues' md voi aù mâuvaieoi1 i ed, are fe publishers, anti the pi-trcejM R I G S î w il e th r ly-fiv é, cen ts n t , postag e A D E - Â r ~ n t t l t o l t sevfi ent exra ParsOllage, Whilby, on Wednesday, 1The 'viole of the' profits on Ibis bookj Aprîl 4ti, 1917, hy Rei-. A. -H. Fos- Sare devoi-d ro rte Canada Wur NMentor-- ter, Miss Florence MIay Bathi, (ô Mr. laIs FiiatiJames Edigar Andrew, of Piek-erl;g. BIRTS, iDEATHS. DIR HS.S.M ITH.-Aî lot 22. B, F. con.. Vhlthy BASSETT-Ia Vhlthu-, on Vetinasta, Tp. on Tîîesday, April 10, 1917. April 4rh, 1917, to NMr. an,,t Mrs. It.t Sas-ai Crawfor-th, relicit of the lFte N. Basseti, a sont, John SmIfi, la ber 72nd î-ear. WALTERS-At Grimsby fBeach. an AYRES-în Toronto, on Sattus-day. Stinday, April 8. 1917, to Mr. anti April 7, 1917, Arn mRcc. beloî'eà l wt Mrs. J. C. Walters (îtee Vioet ofGorge Ayres, ageti 79 years ansd Augustus), a daughter. 9 days. - -FOR 1THE MAI WO !WATSSTYLE - WC have the sole- agency for Whitby for two of the-la rgcst wholesale custom tail- oigorganizations in stablsl »yearsof MonwzeajCiiada and oninue of Special C Ta~aTI~il - il Il WESTERNCAA To 1tir - i - il j t~i I iii.- -~ 1- h Cn by ai T-01a1i. in ques V iliitsta passed i ris-t fu ner-a uttis d ister's -and3t- the hc -sufficît home Mrs, on Tu M ccle .tery, Reu fer's1 Hall. ln aid Comfc The evelii Depat clock. -Th- -fo -. i elsew] THtIRSI)AY. APlqiTý 19 lori U.. 1 - ME4.1