CANAIIAN SLI)IES King Geor-ge 15s atsusy man tiiese %-%i"-'l----M' IPUwitb tbe crown, or the tl.p caftihet alminotaoei hre0 h bife ' ARE ON AIL FRONT"M. days, anti tevutes bunseii wit.hout iA tiespatcb iroai Londion aya :__ increaseulthe gi-oat drivaeaifVon roof, rut off, befaro the balance s antideboS' .ie 1wmni AEO L RN ceasing ta 1the business ai kingahlp' A case la thc Prize Court tilacloseti Kluck ta theo verýy gates ai Pari* hav- grated Up fou- faod.wa nessr'tetrmat th BIîs army> anti bi navy andi hit air- tisat an one voyage t.helellîgolav lng t.aught the militai-y men t.bings Plant 10ntae spuiag in raws tweîve houadawadfneitermses 7A tiesat,è (ram London says: The 1 hlps-4i thinks oai ry itt> el» caried 87 cases oi dental uubb.u- anti about defence that wouid neveu- bave nbsartwthe icsbte. od, yuuting ai thi. Tutrks at Gaz. by Sîr1 unies» his consort and bis -kiddies "'-On anather voyage 48 cases weu-o iouuid been lest-ced otherwise. Parls la ta fcssaa-,wt enlce ewe ois" Chartes Dobel bas been followed wtb'a .si atstimuo oe theosesa tti pne-s n1 rentutdlaprs nioplantsea Ic heows, The hales, keen Inteu-est by Canadien hra i a 4Oe a wbic, r smeî abaultiio f hepas bra O b etenrutd ntara.Ettweec'lvchchul e eichesle nce Victor>', togetiier witil the ou tcessul excepteti. Nothing Ji sllowed to l'a., everal other shipa fi-oga Ameiclan ties sare to be wip.d out and wldcr deep, can lia matie with a dlbbeu-, the,APueetleas eamplg'nagaiat Cmoton rure i- bis woutk. and «ely Ports "Ccletube«, rubber gioves ndroeand avenues buiît leatiing ta r, 'cubber boots w.-. othei In coauîtlIn-and fom er<u ity. su (ib ing . Sdlowplasing înd .a. athterdueaeswbchcas Mu-les, eauries Capadian participation flot theclaeck, en teesary h. tbii. .ce-raebooaits g fondinco, r 1fil du->Slowpti ti the l eAi op" bew9l dy tbi dk.*e uMU« hecorten;ý -French rity planners under thei.u duc. forketi roat-i tbat are useless. By havoc aogg-wn ris mtl Iantewar ta, &Il quartera aiftew'ar. hchtgtoei. ql dy iuth i do rd,, ae q cpeu-vision ef milItai-y engineers antid tnat.roswl erayfr ebp t otwdsrtd tl RUS81A RELEASE8 $00 toee b eetils lh IIe Ai..t i.t>~ hc w ue,'t'statot htti nutl>edet ENEMY ROST gM.rasalndcitear iuut public Umisa-'Poor snil da-a Cy~ et e tand t e t " "h ris. rw Where tie soli lubeuvy or retentive =utea ndhrl ENU OTGMb. would manke a ftret-u-ate poliienl. Wkaya'.w %loio out o th e rus of$e Ma nt ix London Rester'. Ntrogi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ eh@&cor- UeepuB twe , tWA'IW1<I be va>' laplaceswhkdi have bwfi haùerMd tentisudtiwîth 1odr.sit' Ritg are u" ilonoU-<o02Je- respondent ays: "The pv<tsloal e ldtwed tiI wit us lby be -»in* ddwn of te 'r- <>wn Up afoot hh, avint a - ii- cente i.cptLIfwsdltto Goveiument bas ordereti thi eleseet Ne IffUa lea 1'aa& -Âmo b » *.0e 1M* : d ckllsgmar i dwwdtealuheeuIWIy t#'iilbl of,' eUng(h 50hostages csptau-.d le enemy t«- Alith .thecits et Panms a la inuit oui- tiolIVf and inith b t «rvn skta th*M*Î'ueae'posIti igon hi vltory. The. Gierameet censidesIl emohsplac. vîrto0 fl M&~~ *~<i 'ne>' ie vatcr- on <e -uéi#Meoft 1h. si4i. la ~4~fr ~ l -oajnsa M nInJustie taImprison People ch«@ae -binî repriosot«4inh is fitt OS ia te W« U04Wbb# 1ine 1310mw ~i e"rneff An loil te w in îh* '.W* wotiy0 te diu'es T per ta n1 ,î #jbw #,IIo M tvt' mtly offeane. 1%ftdlty ta thlr o0" habîtante, there art no bgew ls exs.o*Miii.>'are pu i-*gUs"r ut *M1taobtiafieti trom gr*" fmts y ~-lt garsoTISO tpîi ti îttix grameOueesry1* ha 54..cept a f t w«. tO Am îm. « *0 i 4 V Ait ) ter~ tWAr, c, 1- mootha,, f Ody Enaugb for 5c. (0 SIllijiprotiuce 50 large ?OUNTaOPl., laves 0(f!fie, MADE IN CANAA wholcsauene sur- Msing hom madie biesd. Do not expedinet. there li k hn just as gaoJ.à ~~;g~fl *'jg~~MW kets il thoWorift, l' IMK CZAR ISLS I SAE I oto PW -aitotawie IIG IS N 0W CoM A TI LY O R hiomlnal.trckBa gorts Trhe volume of applications for new insuirance Maioaoat-W . 2 CW.. 78br; . Lack of Food Has Now Spread to Application Made to Provisional GovNmnfoFudtove during 1916 was by far the Greatest in the No 1 fed. 7j,&lrail delverd.27 Kaiser"@ iJeIovedIm eit Epees History of the Company. That is the best traek. Toronto, subect to Icmbargo. ode.______ evidence of public esem flflial; No. 3 white, 69 ta 71c. nomi- est.eem. ~nal, a.ccording te treliclts outoide. 1 A despatch froin Nem- York Baye: A deapatch from Petrograd saya:.' follows la 5000 ai,£7, Lot us sond Ye om »Meftresh las..n.. tesots t, 1.92 to $1.94; Nu. 3, do., 31.90 ta -Amnericana returning on Wednesday Comnmissary Titoif, appointed by the '000; Aatsa 3000 i1.92. accordipg to frelghts autside.. ýfrom. Berlin and other Germazi cities Pravisionai oeoet t ae Sne106tecvlIs a mut 'OROWN LUFE INSURANGE GO.p TORONTO lPeaa--No. 2, nominal. according ta on the Spanish liner Aifonso XII. said chrg o tefra of te e-Car ed 000 nuSibtth nr Agents wmnt.d ln districts Ii arey-Milting. si 21 tri122 a.they were confident that Germany cargebisftam, ais ofpihe for amusrvnusdeie fo£mns __________________________________________________ Iuckwhîest - $1.35. acrordtng ta would be compelled ta plead for peace grant to cover immediate expensea. foretaadan elnngt th _____________________________________________________ Wo. 2. $1 FS to Si.60,.1accordtngtbeforese n of the eople , ecsause According ta a rough estimate of their EmperrsCbntbsbe wloe ta fre tg totutside. temse ftepol eesavsm tuba t"u-r Pt rttuts. ln jute ing. Up ta the present the lack of private fortune, it appears that up by h at rqie o h liags. $ 10, second ;patents, tli jute ba,-, Nicholas Il. owns not more than maintnneo h Ipra ei IIVA~~YP~~~ ~ I7ppITI~~7 8'i 50. lit,,gbaes.ojuel'r. ond bas ol al'cdt h penivilapuhe-'£100,000 in cash antdsecurities. lus denýesotn oe n h ON N EIIA LLSS DAY YYLLfLY OTir<îuo acr tinbtnwiba redath wife's fortune amauints ta £l10,000.1hastairtne.ilninpt o 1 ' pe.$8041 lu astin lags ra Iak army. When the soldiers bave theiri 'i 1, i"nuiit l)stî',nt"ul. $7 75 )t"l ration cut in haîf they will realize Yqung Alexis is mucb eaithier, as bis bis Vra ossin teCa per yllu îîîk qfrl% 'tl-I expîrt grade lo aieh s enacu ltng Ie t ( O iuRisDu INIUNIIEI) Mîlieeti<' Iî,L.t olik rt otro that the war 1 inggint them, aiwîc a enarmltn.lettleapo aiamc stera frehtgbîs. bîîgq pîiuli H.ler loti. the passengers saitle andti tis may iaad posee bout £ri),0oooo Tbe for- estatai nigtate abntwl SS shlrts. pt-rton,. $40 t"l $42, nitl-tu e ofhs itr ae sintd a ,eo I îltlugq.i t-rl'on. $41 lu $45 ,gi'od fpt-(lto Rti arevoit.tusafisite reetmtdabeoeSaeprpty Potilîocs ('an Only be Faten in (rent Biitain on Two Days in the 11i Vi-5 o2. tonS $11 ro lun 4-___ $1 YIXMIJ'-rtol, S 0 o 1 . in li M'LCME TE IRS. Il' ' OI WEIZE BOR~N A MARTIAN B A E Y0 WO N -~~____ - t li it o-i"t '"l'eae 'Ocet echeThs ou Wouid Have Heen a 1)ifTerent AÀ 's~bfrorei nin uî'liusvs ' <îd at men a rved inh tlli i . Country Frodnoe-Wholsalol'lai Return in Spring. Kn fPra.I A II oo 9 1t , i'1 q, -t. it'. t" ,.41' I o v n"r egh os r The liigger the planet on î"bi'h 'it I3sru Pa t, o t he,1' prltti ~irîF , Itî uiit uts, lhoni t tg usea anti club43 1o t' t t t,. sit î. 42 t i o nn i i neghr ext ate brlri iftyu tir v Coit roi er, lhags orîb'rail tit. î' bozn- 'ie ha tilt' fttr ma-zt t' fort breakfas .%%hh itit oil 41r. outSpriiî, itagin t bis very mont b ta make about. If yuu waro sutdaniy fru-INX .WAl VMNI YA A pi it' itîbotai, ~"ru u t tonlies; uion, 'tîîvbe ounc'C5, anul "f ,ý, .t1 Is t'9 reaudy for them. When a biît secs a potetatt Jupiter, the largest tof tht' n'ing A rlV, 'lelý eta rns it, uer. f, t'a nota 'o 'The ireadtrestri" c-"' th " iit b. 2' ' . ome it',' iikas blie 1 1 wallt îigbl in pianets, and i f you ivere abile to iive T ' R ANl ' board ingizoq s a ndtî tluibs, thîre !hall t lestli l11for t"' iltt's lit ail tC ttit'lttt-,.2 u.wtothebacitution. But iirtis, ikeli is emtinsufe,'sy a ho n< met e't <oy utliy. îtlut mnis ~~'lo"z,' $4'(l u $ i2l'î 22kv.. -'îi') . oatbr tenants, itisi;t (in tertain t'ttii- writer in the Pupular Science Moîîthiy. don the 'itîv wtil l le Ttîasd,îy. I se- Baotn Prvouport , jni expiai ni n g 't't' .' u k' s 2' 't'borts. "'uwîl tdi ar oltvtr, iAw insacsa 'org wbere in the t' edttai Kngiiîîm it willcrîlar, sai' i b'PCte cifitto resultit Nru tîriru-27 " ,27c i-q, n' 'fueiaîiVsaiit egbao.bu r~ t earu urafn wi adtifti haa x'al Tht totttrl erhasaia nîlrcl b,~nut'<.~ ~ u liatti, ,~ h.i. t l radtIftn a loxc, ahifret biglirm-hc c'o.neÀ stancranedomîîald ba apiri be Weinesday. rn stving tif 65 per cent. uf the nient 1lit < ' 1.11ntts. 2', , essina'ox 'e isttin lai l)ansisanegar.-iý, o bd Th oirllrh snst ree h t ç\ o Finc, prcet f ien 1tý(fint i tut what înative îîir,îs nt i n 4i t'~t u id -1, 1 it l. ts i lt Vt. 1 A b u . T'i .is ta e<lite r l o Ie ln potu to"a' çr fondl î'ntî oig îta tti 03 per- cetnt. ttf tîtîgar. Il a sîtici .11Si' t t1 .1 ta,, t' t i t- i ' t 'to boxas," sa s a wri teainiii iBuffalo antîrmotis egvitaI icrial i offractitît lbe Thittumati a huma, tttutit itg ut he top-; shall lie niitni'aui.ex'-epl ou ment- hee bati triiirlliy ittlne d t oa îrter 'i h u.tu".\r ti I t.' t'lty lese iîiy tîttl oî Friitîv vit cîît,',~s'iny. lît iba ' t.i' :. ~tt-.t 12 " ' Expers. 'Tha"The stlpext t fini uniiwbi'b Jpîterwouti -hatJupitter l. ot-e ananîr tt' iatti( or ourn he orîas it"impss etritii nIbs1it lîîF' er.d i2da.vN' 2$ rt.z 2 2 me1't $_ lt iî'b if thesa irtieart' iikely to ha The ligner the platiet the baruder are 'iî h oî i otat.,stlrt The.ordelr re!tii. t i 'tîionrthis "'t l'l ' founîf neetiing iîg int1taiu0next iaalau1 1-fnupu ieiiiilaiu ButfSlo nerfatiesInhavor swepthedrt, totîtt soffahet1rrar-aS- th ilniiso in. sia n iedcnurpin 't. S22 .1.1 $1 " \t 1-1 1,;' , a.g ibhe specie-,utf tîird degireîl teing de- la e ti op ty u otfr arti t tic t the"'t ridtthp i. tto ihke-rsutepMars is only oune îiith as massive as $l$ît 25 i 'it ta' ttîîtiiî ti's'.'ttbtuiza ibox is reiuiretl iy that 5pe' tht' earth. ilente vou wouild w'igh irtiagnaIintferyneho hne 7t3 r.ttii, j$t',.tiieiti.iciltni of tbe sîjît atlo a rta b GERMAN "TANKS" WEATIIER DELAYS- wthe.~îJ -~.: . :~ the'r te rbeopspe iibctuhe bu, mth4. . AcsonMats an poite dor ou en kniomlu i i Provtmon-W holenaie entrania, at \%hat beight the i'ox carry as mut't as a terrestria i ae- îutaa ihwr wrha iog ARE LtOEDiOR EST RNuitM R 2t,îl., lt 4 t 2 tu .114 Io ildlia placeil, whetber t is on a pliant . A Martitit tasubll pitîyer beankonatitug h'prsn i9c ti"lit 21 toi2 Itr"Ftîk t tel tti rt pale or îuthîiîîg tir in a trea, w'ihîub ctuid hat a bai a mile. A very ordîn- t s 2> tii-m -ltti323ie33 on-way the, apeniing shouhti face, ithethar ary Martian athiete ussuld iîp witlh' nuhsactonero teeir- Rons i NrthrnI-'ane Nw' crageIVli iklv e Qit 1?t .36i'tt'iiui' ut te., 21i. l24-' the lîirî w'ill fake nasting maferiai if vaase over a moierately sizaîl bouse. noi Rondsîn N'thern rtncefow Area.Z ' 'llion Sue acqoîtinit 4ïtheilsworiî1-l2that1 braver 241 le 2f' tilt 24f t"plan'ed rinar a neet site anti ihat suub Because bis planeS is naît ale tii putll eci niueotdwmnae er Quanîi-esAitr leav' a îer- abr Stua 'ut, l ii. .ti tte, mi. a rîr. n 1 ii ateiaisboid e. imdow wib te atratie ftrcein atirractiavpeil.Afomrece 22 ~"îbui u tc " " "" If one decities ta attraut a birîl Shat the earth exerte 4tipan us, the ig Snowvfai1. tion Good. tstance havesea bx, beenii apriotacirianhautontheb vat-sltrr Montreai Markets httosotue oteel ypia Mria ascrîevfîy t Riieinwre î h atarna Acisit'lfrmCnda lati- ep Ai . ( V t wd idfor stuciy in iearnitîg just Sainedile stature that we woulul re- quarters ini Frantce <via Lonn), savs: A'itîe spa re sinni pregnt s: '" "C ieN'3. 7 iýfxtua N'itu1el ow yîîu tan attraut tbat particular gard as gigantiu. Tliree tîms*Vlr fRsin W ltler t rri erat res til pre en he-76c I liiti *- M;\ttil tf-il St "riu 1tu1110i --Twentv-fotirbours of soowfaii bas weest froni uammunt'itîg pring opera- $1 2", Ituitt-k i -t'aiNio2 t2 1.2 Fli' rtic.Toewo aemteasc agea ua ntisrete i-tfheew en bbsb- c'baîged he rade aro îtto uag-Stuis ai 'holarud. luna jant ri S e Mii p :'t It)g tietltîsitettîs. flrelîicees of attrattitîg birti and krtow haî bas muscles27 imes; as effective. Hist'orne kant m kMdm o ni res, anti grea tl1vyincîreaqedîîthe mwest bave the faimers be bet lt iîçut.iii,.lai t~io do it, bave learneri in tbree tîsys, trunk muet ha fashionec Io uenclose kavtEaclnlcm ndnte t transportrition tifcîlie h.le saSpi'vtgorîarwiî aanyle tosîrit lrlrier' $e5te i t ilt o1$i4> i klt . bitis. ItIlg s,- îrougb reading, tbrougb oheerving lungs capable of lîrtatbing the exces- , Ural('sak egetaiSeR- P sa t l)\iiiorh rr w nz t a ) e - 14 il, h'e $4si ire tîtt l 'its ttrb tel $35 tiiirîs. $39 un $40îi Mbdtîitngs. as favorable conditions are given, ficiently large iluantities ta sustain' solierîald"elwMrh"bte actvibwh cadillit-easePl il alsltuiig noSlie igencraIliyuniier mW5V 5ouh-41 to. t Nî4tî2ti$46 t te) Ssii btaî points. The acrienge aiready prapared for the' -session ai the nasting site and of your, that lho bad nu macinery-be wouldu odnbi.I a entld of The appearancetiiGratttk"uoj of 191eimt o ormaisutme- ".î, Geir beart as welI. But yau cannot bave be a great succees, becausa bie wotîldý Mme. ooteata h a wc crpo 97i h omo umr V lr .Ajir lt -t4'as;h ttu'ttathit otnint an, niiexcavate a canal witb the speed and tvounce bl lhin nEa ra Io passible in this aras. The value of îallolw, mll plouwbing andl tiet-b1eak- îttea- No Nîtrtiett. St ipainNu' 2' tibm wi tanksi in the Germai defonce would 'n libl el Ia a e r îtben. Ilt961,Nuo. 3 N'unttiî. $ tî,patience, Infinite persoverane. Iefficiency ai a small steam sebovel. Rsa,1atireevd hecos iSt n n ssihl eo hto e-ci.4, ,SOIalNi'2 ' 5, $1i d6n1po9eths q 'Netatî'ecmat i.G.îe $1ore h apesona1areaÎ,o ha Iconsiderable, and the eneciy would 1 agir. G it\ei fav'orable conditions, N $. 1h0 u . t INoi C .W-, ti , o "If you o tpsesteeqatt-1 Bayundta eano g.Itl'îGor daubtiess concelal them as long as pua- bawever. 15 la ex'pected Shah. the acre- 2 ' i% . ii. iNui2Si-ci. 64(, "Nti' ficoat 'ion, aer n o nt. If you do, gene isut nes so al a bumnattri- 'br aveym.Kkoteasbs ible. On the RuRsiafront they age uer crîp bib e Sbree Provinces il $1el 41' Nr2 e'dNOba',' goa4. it w1l1o3o apett bt. t a s apeeda ti 'ad ere i ha6b8r7cosak havee usd arorodcars flo uarkstenetlî le rude flthe lw-i a lrie. madebat'No iN Wlis52largeearaeveynbi19i1(ajdy.NS, wat CrWb Sat2an6bs heume he dmin-durig thhRudo-Jain-s War an tanks, ta eut ivire %îtht. îlaving fin- N .$ others bave sean and then a great' anS race, not b)ec-tuse aifbis physical îbawhe peetwrbgneemn aliy determinesi ta make a stand, hae STAE N RTINU tdttuNret deal that is yaur very own. Keep ac- praîvess, but hiciuse uf bis brain. Itiagecit e oath aietwt Q wll se veythng f is ammnd TOP TRAKIN IPLDSODER lttiatibt INi Unitetadcuaedae addaa ya tryermatateathtts iooiclcnd-ha.rketns eprs f"YIo ta maka goad bis positioîn. S 97t u Io 1 97j,.July. Si,92.<'asti-Nu. snd in time you will coma into a herit-' tions ut Mars are such that a creature l Martba"i a entlita urn __________ IhariL. $2 i i45tiî 2 b2à . Ni' i Norîbierri. age intr aeta ilmake lRfa very unhurnan in appearance may She fbinga oaca h anr A îlespatcb irom Lonîdon Rays :$ 2 31 il, $2 , Nu 2 Nurllîern. 51 951 keIbavofindnheatcnunceinth barr ws ha dwn nt 'elow BW 155 BftEAD CARD iT Mnsr f aobcnucin l$ 2 051 tCrn-No. 2 yebbow. 31.23 It warth living anti cep yuu alwayshaegiete sndnynteber iTe iisr o abr i onuicin 126$ <a5No. 3 w-hile. 63 ta 65cyun.ther. AI-TER (SERMAN MODEL. witb the War Pensions Statutory Con-i1Wl îur unîîlatigeditifran. 327 Coo Iu 31<ooh iga ert"srgl o eitneo pue htM matta, l asablihin r"d -'Duîluth. Apr. 1OWîa,--o hard. Once satisfied i1èW4 nesting place, is fast îîrying up. ing Iii e tadsare akwt A epthfomBresy: nte i salaig taeatisorY $2.07, No. 1 Northern, 32.02 to 3206. No 'birds are likely ta return season atter "'4 ' - it, Tw Graspuse1era b A dspach ra Bene my. Acommittees of equal nunibers of eni- Notherro. Iu 96 ho, 3î.,98 Mîîlv, SI't.h8 broad card after the Germati pattern poer ndwrkpopererset- sed. Jul i) $192îa-ked. season to the anme location. Thay gen- HORSF.IADISH. rmnlt eanbrrgmn a h ta ta be introduceti ln Swîtzertand habie ntericplasta- eraily appear sudtienly and may take -- bahotb ed foi-e the end of the present montb, ac- itvsi h rnia rds oa-Lv tc Krespseso ihu n omlte.Drcin o h utr fTiT codn eu noneetmd nvise roncernifig the tr-aining and em-; Tor'îîîo. Apr 10- Extra c'hi.'a -ssi Last season a wren took possession of! , Useful Vegetable. i been tudI ime nalg-a ss coi-ingta n annoucemstitmate (iiiployaent of disabled soldiers wîthin rsteerg.$. b75 iei $i2. uhutî-e heavve suce r fri a e Ati . itiI 'aewmnwr spcalntda Wednesday. There will be 2256hs t-ds ea bismn i i 0 i 110nlhavser. ria *ouse bcoe i a ee placed one- A n itiC .arserad.îs,,very tiny'SM i 810.611. iqaiiohn ntn 5 _F oi ê.l) .tel, F.'enth 8481d14 soGreet Relatlr" mLibe. - '*2.4 iu Advanee., -Ifundreiso t ,eenes wbkh. eien Oernbu4t q=u4dbot pproach I1du- =atic ar-t vee e*toew in varions- vil-t l*age *hen' lb.e uah , oIlers9ttet. tIEW.ILLETT COLTDÇ~~ NEWS'l$FR0M ENCLAND N'FW.q RT DAIL 6ABOlIr? 0IOfl! SL'LL AND 1H13 PEOPL Occurrenes la th. Land That Relguà suipremo la the. Commet e4al World. Owing ta the high price o! papai- liangar greprngrocarS bave atoppedi osing paper hags. Nu moire licenses wilI be granteul far the importation of hope gnuwn witbin the Empire. The amautît subscrilîed by the uit1- zens oft Deal anc1 Walruer ta the ntewv war boan was £300,000. SThe' offices ut the IHamburg-Anei-- i-an ýSteamghip Lina in Cockepur tStreet are Sa lie soldi ly auction.. The amoutit palîlin for the, yaar 1916; througb the sale of etampi untier the Incurunce Art ivue £79,409î,150. The Narthamptansbi-a Assizes were canceileil, as Ibere wei-a no case!; for- trial on eîthcr the criminal or civil higs. For taking a pbatogrAph aS a qearchligbt station, ,John Turner, af Raneiaqgh Avenue, Barnes, wns 'flned £10. A fine a! £10 eacb wns -impo.sed lon Prteesqor andI Mme. Linda ut New- part, Manmoutbebire, for fortune- telling. 1James Thirsk. wbo lied recentiy-aS Beverley', was the laet survîving son ofu tamnily of 15, alI ai îiham were oMe 910 years of uga when tbey dieul. The d'eatbh.oak place racentîy 10 Birmingham of Sergt. John S. Par'- kinson, a stîrvivor ai theý famaus charge aof tbc Light Brigade ah. Hala- clava. ORIGIN 0F POSTAGE STAMP. How an Englishman Devisati Theme Little Bita ai Gummei Paper. - It la nat yet eighty yearas suce the firaS postage atampa" wcu-e useti. The idea ai putting on lattera' these IttIe bits of gt1mmed- paper with whicb wa' are al mc famuliar la some fou-m or, ather, anti whlch indicate Shat tae postage hàs heen prepaid, oiriginateti in the mind of an Englishman, Mr.t Rowlandtill11. It la saiti that taefol-1 lowing incident led hlm ta aee the ne-' cessity for some such séherme, andtiet think seriously about the matter: He was staying aS a littie village Inn' la Engianti, when ho hearti a maiti who- waS Working thora having -a discus- alan wiSh the poasman about a latter ha hati brought har fi-rn hiÎr brother. In those tinys ltteré were invariably, sent C.O.D., anti the peu-son ta wham the>' werea atdressati paiti the chargea anti i-ccived the missive.or, if ha titi not care -ta do thia-he postman kept the latter. Thare was aie shiling due on tha maid's letter (imaginie paying 24c postage on an ordi nni-y latter no'wi>, but she claimati ah. ii nat have the mone>', anti wanted the mn te let ber have it without payment. This h. raf usedtiet do, ot course, but Mu-. ,ill was sari-y for the gil- antI paiti the shilling. She diti noS seeni particular>' elateti, bowcver. anti upon Investigation Mu-. Hill discovere t hah 'i e-' '45' ~iii s- 1~ 1, .1~ 'i i j'-) I * ¶1 4' t- t lui S? s'>