Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Mar 1917, p. 3

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thI d Iti LUt I~ iii h~ w, 76 Hn~~ ttc j~j t' 's lllL~ '"'q t' ~ tii] tt ai" It f i -v rations hat] hrought rçbquit. ,much more in at1reiutre i, atherwise ,eceeesai-y to resart to coni 1 1".. ý-iiing. iihiî'h would ba n01111mîtV. He nvas very de- mirowt t.' si . i:. t his, ovvirir ta the tre rri ,,, î t,,y needet]. This nia . l,- ' Il, .r ', as ready, he de( la' cd I.f rt"jîrt.d. anti a great re- ductior, T le -e-11 anti sugar wa.q atili 1mpûr.ire%- The Conte aller alt>o In- i. '.5- t tt i. i tilt ~ii' -i ;\~ te "I cuti i'L~i~1 t. I nA L Viti PR UI am POTATOFS kka"s of the -f orl A WEEK INBR1TAINTo8?obea- ited-Compulsury Rationing to tr P i~~acW., 7,110; f53 3 CZW. 711c; extra No. 1 teed. 714z; No. ntary System Fails lted,70 c, &11 rail delivered. ________track Toronto. subject te embargo. Ontario eats-No. 2 white, 68 to 67C. nominal; No. 3 whilte, 64 to 66c. nomninal1, tended, he qaid, ta introduce B stroflg accordIng to freights outaide. mes sure to rvn the hoar-'iiig of Ontario wheat-No. 2 Winter. per car preventlot, $1.83 to $1.86; No. bk do.. 11.81 te f ood. $1.88. according to freights 'butolde. Accrdng a n uoficial report, Pe 2No , $2.65, accordlng to the or int itan usno itrduefreights outaide. the overnien inendsto itrodce arley-Maiting, $1.21 to $1.28, ac- two meatlems and two potatolesq (daya col'dioitet freights out.side. weelyinai rsturatsan htes, Buckwheat - $1.32, according to weeky i al resaurntsand oteisttreightm outslde, and ta farbid more than five ounces 1Fte-No. 2, 31.48 to 1.50, according ai ucoo<ad entte> e srved forto freîghts outalde. of ucooed mnt e b sered orManitoba flour-First patents. In jute ench person. 1ba. $9.7e; second patents. in Jute basa9 .. $9 .20; s trong bakers. lIn Jute baga.$88.80: Wlth regard ta hoarding It i5saidl Toron to. that the police will be empowered to Ontario fiour-Wtnter. according to Feach rivae huses an if oresamnPl"" $7.55, In baga, track Toronto. searh pivat boses andif orePrompt shiprnent; $7.15, bulk seaboard. thRn a fortnight's supply of sugar, on!i QxCort grade. basn o a eeky alownce of llreed-cgr lots. dellvered Montre&l a bais o a eekl alowane 0 frelghts, bags lncluded-Bran. per ton, thi-ee-quarters of a pound per capità, $38; shorts, per ton, 340, good feed is fundthe ersos sehoaring ilo ur, Per bag, 82.70 te $2.80. is fund th perons50 oardng III Hay-Extra No. 2, per ton, $11.60 to be severely ipunished. Tr-aders would8 ..nixd. Pet ton. $8.50 te $11. track aiea~~~~~~~~~' be1oileudr eateTrno als beproibiedundr pnalies 1-Straw-Ca.r lots, Per tan. $8, track f rom attempting te compel purchaisers Toronto. ta buy ather thîngs tefore balng sup- plied with sugar, potatees, and similar commodities, as this system ha.ài led te mischieveus waste. Butter-Fresh dalry, cholce, 80 to Oc; creamery prInts, 43 to 46c; solide. 42 to trgs-Ne*Ie.ald, ln cartons, 39 to 400; aut of cartons. 37 to 381c 1.1ve poultry-P'owi, lb.. 20 to 26c; chLekens,_20 to U2c, FORBIDANDAfID TWO DAYS Hohrdiiig of Food WilI be Preven be Introduced If Volur A l~n,'froiln Londonsanys: The food twt pessing daily wlth iîra~nv '11tttency 0o1 the British pul~~, at] rtig ta authoritative re rPlta aXs will see new a nd w t , the part of the Ve(od C oth;i 1rlDevant oç1, ta meet the cib t 1- î prevelt t' xploitation orf111 'j% traders. 1 Til(h..,r trollnt çttj ini the 1ltît, t tI OTI Thurittlttvthat ai-1 ti'.~ îmnîuPl 111 Dese pulry ickens. là to 26e; tadfatwanteeprrhd Bfoetedyfriw 8AA ~ FR N OLD COR AND fowl, 20 ta 22e ducks, 22 te 25c; 9quab___________________________________ per doz..84.10 ta 34.50, turkeys. 2 o___________M ______________ littie gallantry n h itrwaBits ninam sd'e 28c; gesse, 18 ta 20C. keyt a1 Cheeee-New, large, 26J to 27c; twi 1. WI-TTLE SCOT"Y PfOUDLY WRA118MiS DAODY' MiL.iTAN R leyt a er e a itr.BtmeeIsgn n ev glïï3 AC O Y27 to 273c; triplets. 27& tto1171c; od, 'rhe pheograpjh ahowb Lieut. A. W. Harrion, Who en reo.ntly doore ln at least oeisac trcod sM» tte easwr ei 1.ight lThrown on Method of l ;60-lb.,.13Ilie 8; buckwheat. 00- ________________ _______________ When, atter h ateo ea a t rge"Sc a h lbtn,9ta 9ic. Comb hony--extra tTpoleWfftft e nte e dk amk t C~5O h ag.we fine and heavy weight, per dos.. $2.718;I~ A f plc ~oc I)estroyiîîg Vessels a ha t > O h i~d lt, $2 60 te $2!eNo $0.o E&R - ole ntherlaed emr apeeddargmn rnpr eu Sc n 11.and Lowlands of Auld Pqtatoes--Ontario, per bs. , 328, iLIUIANT [NaiW7y JiKUJN M EL ANDL1.IU is headquarter.TegtugadH a ildtramhus Sa in 1915.'New Brunswick Delawares, Der b~ plundering inthtonerntytkeereuedadiv hi A ltîattfromn New Vaork says:- 8eta 3 60 ta $3 76. Albertas, per a,1YMl nU op vewht, An al1geýj iomi8ion tht mony forBeans -Imported. hand- picked. per h al.A thei establishmnutt of a bomb factory. The Town Council of Hamilton, bush, 36.25. Canadtan. hand-picked, per ALA UT heal. shadde tedcsntiofrdtervehem in llohanken, N J , wam furished direct have decided te> taka up £40.000 of bush. 87 36 te> 37 0: Canadian primes@. UVLL AND 1113 PEOPI'L who had beenwatn nh prtAcotbtote haess trom officials af the Gernian Embassy the war loan. $7.00 to $7.28; Limas, per lb.. 12é to 13o. Berlin Newspaper Regards the ment, appeared ttetpo h ra asta h oute are ai Wîuindligton Wag real aon Thursday After ferty "yeurm of service, Misa I vw» ulal taircase te Ree l.serI lc tamhu' when tht trials were begun hereoaf six Bruce bas retired as haadmistress of Smoked rneats-H&as medium,. 26 te Change as Increasing Hun O«vrre,,t,. la the. Land That 5.1gm "Who are yu"h aaddta ahdhmetscrl Mn~ charged with "hving attempted Rashfield Schooi at Dunoon. 21e: do., heavv, 293teto 4e. ooked. 91 te> prus Spreme la the. Commue,&. roughly in srrae etoùbpat' ek 81; roll@, 28 ta 24c: breakfast bacon. "Iil. 4 am the Duh1 o h ta t> eate a raigt. of tari-ar on the high The School Board of Helansburgh 29 te 322c; backs, plain, 81 ta Sie; bous- mi !WerlLrpidwthdgtywenhrSiwlhaagh "ass byi destroying veselâsasiling have allocated plate ai g'nôund to leu. 38 ta 34e. Adsac rmAsedmsy:rpidwt La rd-Purs ird, tierces, 28 te> 28ic: epthfo Aitna a them Enternte portis, ih agsfrtheppl Jfr rwn e>f compo. und 9 e2ic ai 3à ta 231c; -The Berlin Lekal Arzeiger, a copy An increase ha@ bien made ln the 11I pity o Tthe Enet iis h ata M. . Lothian, o Kilravock, oui, tierces, 171 te l7&e.. et which ha. been recieved heme, eays1 wages et tallons oaioe penny par arn going te rs orhsbn! (mhekne.Teeeh l'lit, defandants are' Capta'n (Charles ha@ bequaathed the 5um 0of £29O00 3e cper lb.;, clear beilles, Iîi ta 20c. htift.Russian revolution bas ne- 'heur. Teni onn hnte e ut tl ntrigbst voi Kleist, a chemnit, who is accused te> the Edinburgh Royal Infrmary. - .ulted ln a decisive victory oven Rus.- The ameunt contributad by Sun- again hie Inqulrdwt',buqu i-t n iiadte et of having beon engagped in the rnaking A war bonus ei twe shillings par Uontal a3 Natts ian abuolutiom it means' the disap- derland te the War Loan te, the middlei pleasure' emdt nf i ie.8 of the kombs; Karl Schmidt, for-.nerly waek bas been gnrant.ed te. the sur- Mantreal. Mar. 87-O-ate.-Catnadt&na rnetfsan impottant elament of et March i. £3,570,809. "Madame, h1 ol orbeadseet h lpat n i i1 wesra tesemhp aewres ntemns tCwl 5tern. No. 3, 77 te> 77§o: deo., No. 8. parnesin the Ruaso-Franch al- Harrow Council la about te conaldar b50gomad astemk wa agit01thwsceustiypa che tg0 ero h taahpfc okr i h ie a oa. 7 e,o;extra No. 1 teed. 75 te 7leà W kiec Ih Frieirîch der Grasse; Ez-nsa. Becke-,j The Victoria League of Edinburgh Bsrley-Man. teed. 31.03; maltins, 31.55. fiance and fer the etability ef the En-: a scheme for stanting a municipal stud me?"to ndonhectr eleçtricitn; and Fredarick Karbade, las giving a saie. of Sunday con- fIrs 3980 g; seconds. $9.891 strong tente, as the war alma et the dame- farm. t a te atr' ege h sop (baorge Iraedel and Wilhelm Paradas, carte for the banefit et the loldiers. bakers..110.10; Winter patente, oboles, cratac Western powers ceuld net, in A large quantity of seed potetees hum if he hsd nt"wsterp' -1 asslan ,.gi,.t.rsof hosam va- Fne amur.ingte£42wîn im 9.36 traight toilers $B.6 te $390:' te long run, be the smre as the aims a Cehn been destroyed bY t"Elow mel"akdNplen PBA Ytesu w gel poa.d at Kllmarnock for contraven- Bs.rrelas. 67 86 te> 37.46; do.. baga, 90 lbse.. ot Russians ebaolutiam. the recent sevîre trost. M ubn a enl h eve lsI n i Ie.Te Lote$3.60. Bran-810 te $88. "Th rs "inreouin" IThe pp'waof ScodcbisntduIrisndofcthehinng5h lltoW the police raptured the ai- tien of the Lighting Restriction Or- lhort 3 140. Mîddîîings-84i t hegea u'0n ee.twn hskprîc e etSctchad Irish en hity u r is, e.Pr ia It-g(4i plottors aftei bomb explosions' der. lis. moulie-8sute lé.350 . . says The Lekal Anselger, "will maha hsyhabe nrae etntit er, ele h uhu.t ulhmof in 11)15. latidestroyed vessais and J. S. Paterson, waunded at Galli- Mt trns6Iota. o.18.6 te 14. anen t ti.antgeIL f he shilling, a bottle ln England. "ueyI a o ttemmn ht5185hMmcrl.A h crasworth upwards of $40 0,000 poli, bas been offered the beadMag- Dnter-t west cmrs.26; 48..csteons. e. uinsced i sala Australie, la sending 1,000 mer te the king liadmigtya nm smn he igrle i wott t'itald ta the jutry by Detective tership by the Scheol Board of Oretzia. 40 to 4(c. Egge-Fr.eh, 88 te $De. anythlag permanent, -the meet coin- England te assist ln construction Yeur Majesty t ofn gîa htaradbogti onwt Potatoees-per ba, car lots, 31.76 t lte, agrement negarding contit- the ielephant'. haade. Roshe;dke oul Il 1-i h, who gained tlie confidence Edlnburgh Tawn Council bave ap- siioitt-wrki oncto ib h m. hii. cudaano l. oftmi leist by îepresentlng himsaîf provad ai a proposai te piough Up- tional principles will exist between The Petrai Control Committo. bas An answeratocseprtdnbeaganpitbaialla Vt, a:',îaent of NWolf von Igel, said ta partion& ai the public parka and golf . Lipr w" the allies,\a.nd tharetor*durlng thes atepped the turtiier sale et petrel te f and tacttul sitee vnNplo' ad est. nhn ifteGrmnaycore.NN-ie. iNotarn. î31.553; N ies ateon. tbey wlll b. able drivers et automobiles for joy rides. arrogance. hIf.cnemto ht A Isatltrh tpe sistti nuI.. tlits 'ccntry. Von Igai R. Thom son, Rumbha, bas beon alect- Northern. g>88: o.. i àNentherui. 1. 78e te corne fonward with a inucb nmm Mies Winnlfred S. Patch declines tollowed, the dce.wsal em-ectdwthr nf.bn teed 97e. Oats-No, 25 0W.. 610; e:No. htssy, end rrîuriie, t Gernuany wth branch of the National Furmers@i' 3çk, 003; extra Na. 1ittil. 401c' No States governed acconding te, various ground that ah. la an unenfranchlsed duke and reliefotetwnppl.bu"fInheaerDon i oul %,n Brai"Wfermer Gar- Union. 1 feud. 511ç; No. à fe*d. 6710- DAIOP antagonistie politicat priziples. weman.. At the closeu 4 u oqeorsl ak hleSe lgrie nîttu>AmnloîasadnrThe Auchinleck Scbool Board bas No. 8 *1.0 .ý-Xa. 1 0; r ies 9; 4 * e erlstbreeten- gGermany's A large woodîn building contain- te ber, 4aaLpuar oeA as ny ie TIh'. <etectitve saki he telepboned ta decideld te, grant a bonus te al the 'N-1àCW.. 82-6911 future would b. formidlably lnéreased ing engines and pit-head gear was wortby ot resettauu te .. rn dtemva lh van kl{tet, la.t..ipril. and told hlmn teachers and te the clerk of tbe ichool U"satue * rell if a 8tate witb a dernocratic consti-i destroyed by fine at Skelmersdale,j man 1av nwn o have ~ae n~ lgapae bv h thîîî lw< hîtîl een înfirnued that von board. Mnnepoli, &. ~7-Whs.t-hi tutien were te anise almo on ber east- Lancahire. your husband.Iprohmutr-0ti ivr Kieiaî baii written to Wolf vaon Iget. * An*entartainmnent was gpven inlasi*841 te 31.841; July 11.78. Cash;. n frontier. The itroligest guarali- Four bundred and fifty trac allot- lmemher 1* le wol npu coa' Teampe eif I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~,h t dhî i utol s o i.paniion at Johnston by the. 851h .h&r'& 82.01à ta 2011Nei .%thjtesmust b. tound against tb. coal- mente have been provlded for the as for hlm, hi eabdcs! mce.Teeehn a 1.0§ te 81-9111; io. i Norther.ruil11 igel (hi ough me," leclared Barth. "I Volunteer Regiment, in aid ofet b $> 1.946. Corn-No. 8 Iowai ci tien, wblcb. tbrough the neniOval e01 Sastbounne poor by the Duke of That wsmrl aeens>~ was agi rig eusa laie> moti him by sppontmeît and he Red Cross Fund. V""ou ts-Nchne. jBan. '4-80 o8 à*theii deep antagonisa which bitherto feentre on. The dukea n ae a r-wt i rn hrSn .lAi ni, tkîat lha and Dr. Walter T. Dltour Mar. 7- hi a.No 1 é. bas udlvlded l, willl become stronger - perly appreeltv tbsdees o perwt i i lhm Sth<'ole, alqoa a hemist, ware partriers L531; No. 1Nortberik, IL 85;Nladmr oeie"~~tedcmn iIscrdtebit~gvn lsl hk i cmanufacture aiftire bombe ad CNDINSODER <oîe '. 35 t 31. 3n"4î. SJ. 81.845;IPS I dicait aise> in fertiliner as a blind. M N NERD 114 BNGLAND.m y a 'Scheele. van KleisLtald me, bad M MfIDiUPOTEES lae i Afi e.et ~ed ta talc. it m i adbtLi amrdboao bb receivod $ 10,000 frein (aptaîn von Soin. ProvIIon May b. Made fer 49»U kaa ___, il slmly""GI, it e m wif; lb .m I BddeIA« gett Litae ?'aiîen of tho German Embassy, teT'hem b GMfl1G ULv M lb Get t-Te - . -p-rr ntededil or er. elphnt ad orn tahq ui t:66 1 Mbe, dinm ru sUit entende naceth bmhmoln, uthow Adespatch frein London saye: la .0 Woww >ieoe ry clas or design et vua-i let netid af more cash." ti Cntnso hu.a ToiWR Adsatbslauls l.t particuar w&p. For ii- ~H 50o1l ewv th omnso ,raa y M e#boAds a a ppeoa ttaa1<> :- stemr ibh rn ulba.-r~I at'imh ie4eba Thechbcnd of the aleged plotters som.ik.d fb. Culo" Sle tu cl es s, fo tlw ay-1 tai.a, the, oli tffl of gle-bottoni RUBBIA8li ue*ytwz b who c-caped arrest by flight te Mer- tbat ta, in the, modernTi. usxt dy aof oat1- waeitidtohae ee Dcana&", ies Mul buudlm W« * am-en trJ&i.empoyiet ettee soita1hdo.d.a t> Grand [a. ihelI.Drte kmn, re iabooe 100. - ___ t loua terat~r~ . .~ ~ se t. ie1, d. , e4.s ; te MMlhrwm Mt tfwork by tbs""n tern-lmuot Iamrlably toundraon onCer e t i l FR ~ ~ ~ ~ tu tleTS tate) SA IiiOli Idflui»M 5to@kwiý et *0.rise actory et Quel>. oeo euo noe ke -tc uk ihe altpetnfii!tih e ad outtoe te "S 85oftWbm 5e aiimu wa VIIIb. t.m»u«»I"t tiey ï1ik loee, and ,i.t Grand l ItEGULATIONS MODIFIED M a TbM1111 is .b el r*U», ea gandto oh= o t~Se e $Ü.1: Un TseGeVernt 1 eent la i withthber bow or sters up in lte air.' yjeh, tbg »nWreatt silab.'uoeNaIedwa s - ~~~orne ai! bestrctinsl t rtu, ern.aMd#S# .. emo..18 ilte*W*@.' v1, uil mniios factoreat troieffol Titisla aecouledfor by the tact pngr M>A c iaoE ii £l.i u h @wtn teresrIcton.wIiAe nde 15 a 815;L I ,to 8ee0; Siv t c$î And Bnitain wîîî perchas. Mes ýs ex"tint maritime oAitens, kt wu hffl e e te ;cava.liogitlie ce& 1r%0isl m el tia a beeerp int ii te m ikl.o iswe ebs .a ~ t'~b h ne v y poeonmtenraelindchie. 1424te Ili.e&;kdo-ed me"- Gb euui- e' e dM~ p .I1y'findâ U I ls a eel, odAi £okaiy er. lllliebrht<idyIeleLY.& l « C4nadiaa Salmoe.Pr .Muais. neeu10.6i0os mitc raelite l~~ hors. ted a" vmtered. mmet'mexroprIation o et i..f«n t-liiost 5 « h lxsNeloevti7U~IhP15* A iespatcb fremi Oltawn my:-ity musIt est vith lie' naval aulir't 8 t fê:(4? hvet r<efrorrne et t IL m of mperr ,a, aue hgt. uçrr Cabies recoived on Tb,éreday by Sir' 1ies NentreaL Star. 3?-Ci.le. ae«. l81 it i iÏ ea mbefehe .fctory cma OI h aee amdmveel esi t1i.jai' 1Ul5fM CS tie. a 85m 14.'0; teherVlieadapte! ta ltte manufacture o e . b . l t s~a is e o wu s sed Wu * ftis.Gas ueIiSe George Poster fîca tise 8nitisaii <- MoCeuai 8eoU-_qs it knewn t 1a11. e lelo'nw EAl!ý'ini nesl syeatsIas 1~essso b lvgm~WUSJSIeleS eruentmanuer a odiicaioniiimmnp dependent disciserge! Cana- siN-rsd calus. 0111to e 8; e1 tud.evlbrbworsa bg ip 0f tI's, Briklsb Impeo't relatlon- t »-' dlan soidiers are ln severe fistreu 0@o0*ei$ e, i;,. .ufletfQaèr itD1 ftiootei4bpr ad pird ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Y te teS fuis o9.14eon Ttuber?"** M5 'i o>~ ut et tise vater; or eli* ée. inks Dw glft lexnra'fGred~ prohibition 0 e i mportation -of led Maltl1 -te have8neknowi. 81< 21te OF1.80. 4vtb eathumyliaI, o« enttbo n. usul a be"hral fruits bas been relaxe! se as te per- e.oft lat, but vili try to 8soeur. iti, othe t. Tii reso.for titi aI.o, dWt. l.Gmahsue. m0S!mi s~bi i~ mit theim nportatloîî et Itty per-'cet. intorun&tloa.nCOUSIN <or KAISER A -despe tics r.London %&Y:->Idut the mbuk.." 9 *w.Vthe5 alt .t&W Il Ii ip.ltfU, I5 PUII of the Inportationa e1 1916. T1 cClITbSnt ii la iukvs MOaTi MSSN. h«RsupeG eesiet asbu e dvstisetea b vsi we fainM.ssaw! re uu. ybi ie. a relaxation applie, , bever, euly te, 0sOm.provloien buid b. mde '-1 lb i!t e doesed mpaer an! hie ite levai; mmue»Uy* *40 ies n.par. d uwla1 .xisting mupplias, and ViliInot b.e of-for tho ioe.. Rau Net Retase.! Fre.Air Rad consot sa-t!b. r*gardt! as hsvlag % !ilr portime !t i. slilhu o f gna6. agirDle Ié fective asterJuiy let neX1, umieilisOver l imboendeprived et tbei-r liberty., andmater 'aIle t» raoeoe . sate1 .t10la~I sEuIn, tbere lais natorlal change in hel.,:-NO USE LAUN(IR14G Iftthat e. ~ tM *hall b.brîught to thelllywater-taltW sI st w thatt m tot uasete.l Âqu. LT NGSJD0U laigaipn odton.I di eptbtrou Berln sape: TIi. Tea alo-et. UetR's Petrotr& ad -t4tmsns tM4e, ewlnt e te inw.rgualf>br s*_ itingoalepig cntefmons, [nmdii-bAS of Twar Offcereport sa.e:"AIN asetm or epe det leg mis Tierkft groaterwegsîa eenhll he mtu- o ii~~miut - <IIamnu t Rtyprent fltC<1inI Ly Prl" re rk Rd of i.0 la a town (uvllmge'of ti eCzar"), J ît 1 lforths lroMautb*t sc-b? ~ sae bUe.10 eotee len e .smorupt ins, cn.cf AKgo paetros lite or1 Pr»" e ias nl et rsnad trou a rm rai 0mls5t.* i~%er Ilmt o f Iti* f. ulyoeasm~ ~bp~ma!a*'lI cesetet bars prtions, lie rillaS aent ot ths e scaffl Telegepli vaitheise b.Ullises bslumeen Aras VIhMethIse lin lai Sommer roalo nlmS ow a hipw fia. l# l t5o $h*8.b.laun-ane li ~eerunat a 10Caromp.~ -any. Londonsmy 'TeG«. a1 1 lOU' e!Xae it usiinr $base six hundred tens ef Canadian Imn Ktastry otf I, and P" ~ Pre ow S l atelelauttJ eaw b atie JI»lp 17*W. atml. suw en ";M f eo&" o h ~- 1 5. m lxi i O e n n a n a m i tan . w k k ta ' i, I. 1 7tb y C bw, V I.II1 7 4 * Çese ii tauelsla-1su-_ PMU TM= au= A 1 b", tm usM004 l A~~~~~o m'toiei re oneasae WL gta uêm t * laan! lsoefrs ore ~ v Lys, the liants te baggage. e eneugli 'an. un- zeachery leader et an that L n tiooci. and the le the trapplau un-kilber. Journal d a Short hook and strapped t pIed et ast ris. -unk firet e othet, ter Sing [e fou poil and. iter over ai' Singls But tb. arne me- Mr la lte là a Ibis! rng vils nged for- 1,and the mmv Ibat lowering down lie blowi or, dephtaust'5 mmm cfd e surface rom te risa mna hie rider the gmet 0, du «e Tb#. sassetu ~Mqi isotk 1 1 T-111-9CoNQTJJnoa CONQUEB». Thé G(fret S!aP1eaiiMet ias Mat4 t the Duchems of* Weim.ar. N4aWoeot1, the rough and ruthlens conqueror, once frankly admitted te a woman that, exfflpt as the motherg of conscripta, ha considered womein as of ne impotfance in national arflairg; and he was always resentful of their in- terferatica. To Madame de Condorcet, an able, intelligent and witty woman, notably intere.ted in public questions, he sad bluntly; "I do flot like wonien who meddle with politica." "Ah, my general," was the apt and IflstantBTieous reply, "as long as you men take a fancy toecut off our heads now and thern, we are interested in knowing why you do it." Plenty of women's honda, from those which wore the peasante' cap to hers that bore the crown af France, *had talion under the knite of the guillo- tine in the great Revoiution that pro- ceded Napoleon'a rime te power. True, nonea feil by his order af ter he became amperor; aven his rnost brul- liant and formidable feminina advar- sary, Madame de Stael, succeeded In keeplng hans upon ber shoulders, al- though she çma driven into exile, and he would gladiy have lmprisoned and ellenced her if he could. Although It happened net a few times that, tI ar- gument or repartee, hi failed to wln tkAadvntare uai,.nt a wi or a TAM ING A BAGGAGE ELEPUÂNT. How a Native Driver Conquered à Treacherous Army Transport.

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