'»ondated by Pirofessor Hienry -G. Bell. if Tht Obet 0f thîs departm.nt la te place at the be5iJe 0f Our fa rm readers the advlce of an acknowi. *dgsd *thth@ty on ail subjects pertaîning to olliand ---Addross ail questionsla CAProfeiar An I.R11à INTERNATIONAL. LESSON APRIL i& Lesson I.-Jeaumi Gives Sight To The Blind-.-ohn 9. 1.38 Golden Mothers and daughtrs of &il&go@. mrecodally Invited to, write to thIk departmnt. Initiale ony wIl b. publlehod with @ehoi question~ and Its Anwer as a means of Identification, but full namseand addressMuet bbW given ln each letter. Write on oensaide of paper only. Answors wiii be th xpee-lment station' reportasoonn W ilio a- tac ie a- tor tm stkeepe *Il lier ple-ge*s Wbea us- habit, ëatiy lit ilIr. Few use. oi-us r-s.et-»be bswi*t-h ta-lo m -asi nctesto t-ofao s aou c h e p a n si la m b fe e ffi n g , a n d th e n file P o r ta - nt iI:, w -i a- y n e h a b t- e a -tt i- t itltu- 4 t- a k e s,9it.if M- a - z e c o l p u l 1 l i i t- a - t -et- g i- e t e r ta- a - u g b a i w l t h tn aas u a l a _ 4 t- 8 Yas svm bewx nMIP alM d f b«f Wtîaî ruead'a'ut-then.a-hî"ts-- anti o-u ut lusse l-et.e- taeldîng vi-lb vit». -ad bvi andsi tutUof-a-nelUa-bta-Iymmu i-leit or os.swpOs I- mi- (hm rasspja-uzIng to t«éoU»it- fi pay Se ris. tteu. la es-e-y sa-ep i wsa-gana-ta .haustc îaate w qedîT14 b ymiote f<o.Ucssetu,m-,thee a*ri0»v#)(=Pb 'oo place Pa#0atanc sabMsir la-tMri'e.trla a--- aazr'- s -troa. ll p'm plant. Sieop and clos-ar ara- g-et-st Ye*. IaaioRa1dUke tu akus.- rmIdt.d t raiî"bte 01J Sl. hlt*M d ut ut eit g*saI-- ota*asw-qm-e a a-ds- swa-la-W'At* mrl-a mym d% a1asraafou-oau-ugt part-acre. For genuint as aatura-en-tseL-' :.îp.ai th*ja%«IiAa-Vatsitai mri b~,#e4sts4 sj I sal-t-aultsca ueffl-e s.a etb forua-bU i-,autvlat a al- Il-m i.i.l- alas~ - Provemeat, at little exPea-se, te5h.m wee-î. îIaa'. repl"e Uefara-temet--ty for 'ps-la-' 1» aathenerI, h twl4lâlai ai l l-saa-MhaaMO twamliat I ué éspw tram t-a- mma-a- aniBS r vl ia-m itWa, ra-g- ithe leader. Dial You ori P a " »snte» mo-* ptok-ieursyaiaar -I e-a-lffl-t o Ieay-e Qd"pt- s-t aSpiaM *44s mloVa- aidaatasu ---caytyyvta a a - t e - l a m a t u r e s o d a g - t r s p p s , b y j_ _ _ _ _ _ upring by lettlng- thc mitasp mini w-ber a-nsand butit.. w-II catch lb... audi--A1~sQRIn t-ose- oTbi g pleo f t-ha- tIsa-c. Smtai umQp>WMrT, e-i»T MSag5I*4 W-< u.Se g1,. Tou ma-t-r? Nothina- 1k. ti ifltoc, mtex*av"..- wa 01" A deta-riraeal t. 4. hi Tb$ toW M- dd;iWdb u w - --T-- ---si- 't« 4 M%&- bug09&904MW41 - -6 -...r"'of"'ho*Versern1. Paesed by. A spurlous a"- 11, . -------« cars 0f 1801Wi 11 Publiahing Cojm any, Limited, To- < .Jon to John 8. 69 (ose margln) would -CateFnkRaTrto ronto, fand nswsre wll Appear I htnle column ln the I.n hsvrewt h at tsen *Pder ln which they are received. Ast space limited quinktis verse lt he dIsat.liL e eman1toryu o lt 8 dvtiUbî. whin. immadlate reply ia neccessary that aloquite eei" ne day as li televen and ffte yrso aghetj sdth aey 'a t&mped and address.d envelope be encloi.d vwth the ialn u tet" Fo isbrh .i ok r .Tebe a asfe 'Evldently a weil-known character, folwigb Queton-M.of :-I aepucahsi aveveitscompare verse g9. ,,. ...oIa o oinromeed pipltewhntisri "hall 1 appIY it to g-et best resulta?7 Ilr>ounris of fertilizer in addition to the This lit Indla'@ problem, on which the faces the Belgifan refugees when the! food muet be supplied thern. Storce," byJa.Bdwn"A itOfstr3 hi.Orafde you hae givn avalable whole superstructure of retnca.rnation Gerrnana have sWept over their tawns. This is the work the Belgian Relief an Ice-pan,"byD.W T.Gef;ca tkdtahebti inen t, owou@,brlyconBuar' ie, Yuhv ie vial plant- ln baseci. Jews believed ln ture possl- This aged couple after wandering ('Qmmnittee undertook to do and bas d"David Livintan, yC .Hm;T n e ra r a lnted t sa oaa, arly, omn suar-food tu the tn lve rpjust the bilfty of prenatal sîns; thîs averse- am oeles and pennîlegs fomntadewthahougnsshtbaT"TeBy.Nln"byH F.D wich.bendpdinv beeta, choyer and wheat. The land, saine aý Yeu iover croe ilk ttentea h ty thogh fe rsdo-os hs oewt atoognssta a!"h o' 15 ail under-drained and faIt plowt1d young calves, and the resulta from vious existence. Parentp (otnpare hav returned ta pick up the shreds a.stonished thc world. It bas tirelcss- Wheeler; "Livso ýo osWotr .Fahcfe tîl except corn stubble and beet ground; soeding bath the Young barley and the old proverb about the father's eat- of tlieir ]ives. Where there was a lesuly labored to gi-vo these people the Becamne Famou, yS < Blo;r'oe b orn ol à oi!, good dlay loam. Intend to clover crops should be quite as appir-,Ing sour grapes and lte chuidren's prosperous town they fi nd onhy ruinT chance tbey hà .ve go well earned te "Historie Boyhos"b .S o hog h arc .I s0w bre ncr tbl ln i deta hyare ngo edigo ce teeth set on edge. Jeremiah repudia- and desalation. re-estabhxsbh themnsehvem. land; "roadHerche fEg rle nfurbfr rl ari e y Os rin bl and se d t ,r d sc e d c s t hock .od f ed n o ie ted lit, but tiero w as a partial truth ln Wh at is left for thern te do ? It In thi. w ork it ba s been aided by the b h H s o y " b . S o f a ; k e n t e j i e a d m k Up n te r ing o la d s e to cd cl v Q .estk. - .iC - -A mwhiiîcîo li. e s rejet s thed U e r 3 of 18). ce ls hopelesil, yet thousands of thern people of C anada m ost f r e y, and It "P lutarc 's I s s fo B ys a d G r ," m e t n er nd el i u . o u t h e a r es o u ld di se y on to pick Q ion a' A n t i ki g a e u r l c a t h s th o y o u h a v e faced th e ir r co n stru c1 o n p eriod is d ep e . d en t on C a n a d ia n s still, w it b e o d b . H e t n I a n o , B I a u r s a n eu tre crs f nfom on tubl owngs of. e 4acres of beans. rfering altogethc-r.Mans su ffering taIon beore it W land. Apply ane ton of ground 1u'e- How wotuld in'% fr on sod plwe n1 God's apportiuuity; compare John log b r twas safe to do sa, withthibrhe.nGrtBraiad and "Kentilwrh"b'Sr Wle tknotbwtr r atnetoth frt cr ad hoogbly tesrn leln issny :I-4, and 2 ('or. 12. 9. the same fortitude that the Belgian the United States, ta continue the Sot "o dise dit in, in preparlng the sced-bed for which has rot Ie'en %vorke,î for quite a 4. Wo must Note the rebuke to nation displayed in reizisting the in- work as long as the Germans remaîn STt;o m rwnsSholas, ysuba cemoftrar p tne at hi tlrs te cr e d tru dthtspin? Te lndis andhhom anzbyMis Minc.tTereisals tr, r dlut oal atid e beh l h i o seed a r e .h l . Wo f0W t e e n w t a t e r r d h ew- z irn thys l e l o ip r e su t t e e o r g e u e o e m u s t . o d B e l gs an t s i l . u bsth e C n p t r a an s ph o s dH u g h s J h a i a , G n l - s a n a d w s e h o g cae. On te second acre which ten hoe <inN , Ifow decp ,hould tbey frpo rw Thiey ofh>uld bg erokngout Bhateheso ourag tey as petole mut beo-ul beln ither mtteetra eiso59ny ouesani rmvdb uet abouhd lies right between anc and tbree he planited and1 would the comrnon tor lnppitsuniticero'om n ier a aehluti bycngta terBlin lefrkittce atfor ba splnd ther in bisise teilerd btoro .ôWwhite bet sbe aforigboysayandegirlns11rom12eî35tThtaparur-a then of id. apply limestone and seed to barley and Answer, Beanq should do Weil ýa-he Itae1' guarfis against mfsuýse: themselves alive, the>' must receive aid branches.Ta vr red claver. On acre NeJ. 3, appiy thé upon sqprir-g p1owve(Id I f ifter pIow- lan'mIen de tal nd hî. B u uas wor ."at n k htEeyChl f(aaasFa, nw rerma4ning 1000 Ibn of ground lime- i nizgrent ('are la taken ta thoroughîy laorkfor dn ni~hsadutmi top Wîaa s wIur "tetanSboh d o, WtrWnesTa ent wnyfv hlr atone and disc up the land in prepars- dise andi harrow the s4d-bed, and pas- a- t sudon n ,su itheopportuni twok T ,faliw.q etd bybdigEvr h tion for the grain seed. Just befor?' sibly If the grround appears ta be to miriisterîog 1<> inen ln their sort-ow 'hlm le-sve the Heaier's presence f% th ___ EeryCidS l nw"Smfpr.Aother ouritiipa ale rding in te, orkea t e iek o e n d 1-s. 'e to ro ll it and follow w ith a ar- w ll rt- qne m lu h deatli .13o ( .t M Iin i o t-- ee verse 22 nd ~A i a s " " i t i e , S n s " a d g r s i T e K y t ' U % ir l . T e p in t s t as t th e t u r n - 5 . h e n - T h o r n I& a d is tin c t U ic-J otie r 1 & 2 . T h ee t s tfrMa t e d a r e : " W ild, F fhertilse ayzi 200 t 300% animofanir under of the heavy sad may nike gesilon filai tiis 0-1st compare Johin So read, beyond doubt Since this Rig up an aId pasture for the hOP "hîerolneig."Ttssoisaodsa-sithepîsmybe bai fetltraayig2t %amnâthe seed-bed toa baose and actually in- .lt ot hsolene Ss e-gra ttsreea actî.a uue iissaon twlw oagt-s avn.5 beo sà u nfr to n egyct borelr a 5 et and8 o 0%avilibe posholcjue hewatr uplyarun te oi Trexi Studies for N-arc.11t18, <erse Judg-ment. there la ;peclal significa-nee -ut fu ad8t10/ vià bepopoijuetewtrspl rudte12 lin verse 39 li tliis connection. in food. readable form. acid. If your seed-drill bas nat a fer-! ýwn plant. Titis lie h avoid- 6. t'oniprt Mark 3.1: R 2 '. The 37. lie If ('-ompare John 4 26. Lots of folka down-town never knowr L.W.:-The cdn niesre orx n-afonegyc fertilizer as evenly ais possible ov'er the 1bcd mnto à compact but still melîowof sa-liv-a Is ttsed l'y Jechus to help failli: verence %Nhlch angels refuse (Rev. 22. yours extra g-ood titis year. Lahr ,Fut n lwr; 5 uiwl otnadwie acre nd thorougily harrow t into the iforni--tm .it I iti w a el a e Ket e ; 4 ýt e p i t l h t v- a e i o e ,9 .The constant cold w eather of the W ooden, 10, T n 2 11 nl F n o n e l i l o e c le ground. Then sow Your barley andJ The generaI t-uIc, ilu aoning seed, is ftrom hlmi Anoljited --Resd, "put hi, s--- past montits bas been the means of Linen; 16,Cyea;2, hi;2, itnsd glcres red claver as befare. ta put theru not deeper thon four tlmes lythi el"tenari asn Armt haresthree igu theares sepa. Iearlnetha the hens his nobed ie ri P i fn place of waod in thte manufacture titis bas resulted l n agreatia-ny cases 75,Dlaznond. fotia ukp eie i ~17ý Wash Pie mword tised inliplies uf automobile bodies. Large sectionsiof ct-fppling aningst thc swlne borde mond. en n ubdovrteh stely snd you wlll have a clear tîemon- plsnted deeper titan 2t.4 ta 3 illchea;. the %vastiing of a par-t, here tîte face. of aluminum castings are now used Of titis country. I...-. Ml lheaetewsigi ilpeetru striation of,-firet, the. value of the The dom-mon wshite hean is sa service- Pool of Siloem «*Siloa'ti brook lthat in maklng touring cars and thie inclos-' It is casentia that the brood 50W b. lima., second, the value of te lime and able type ta g-xow but you ahauld take flowed fa-st by the oracle af Gad: as88 ed bodies of certain aLlier motor cars,'fed a weIl-balanced, succulent, nu- -- __ -- - - fertilizer. Besidea weig-hing- the bar- t-are ta aift'aut all the undersized and millon calia It The pol leqstili titere. 1uewI - . . -tcal tentiius ikprdcn rto hieTo tk l loy, be sure to note the carlinese witit' injureti beans andtietapick out 100 18ent That lis 'issuing, gulîlIng forth ue huhwa nt'ratcaleo tîuous, mtheîi-roucgr. aion lpr o t ake cth, erIinsrpwn h e-iepanl he which it ripera on each plut and itbe beans, and loy them between ascdamp BptsJtohn fitensprcm la yp t c.1Iter- euafr a -king stalumoile daies.ddts, sucb a. akim-milk, bteXik rsrn. imtrsu adet wcigit per busitel of the g-rain witen clath, kceping titen in a warm room. water of lire. Bodies made of it are ligitter than' whey togetiter witb maea-le uch a-s It is beat t e coswic ceB-aawh1 apoal It in harvested. Also note how nue- You t-an watt-h tite sprouting of these' 8 Beggar As tu day Ji) Indla, those made of otiter aheet metal and shorts, ground chats, barley, ahil cake cut very carl? ii plg rli al;o citr w te ceaful te grass sud claver eeedings beans after titey have been prcpared' there m-as n<o ottier lin ellhood for a 'have a rigid surface that will not dent and the like are all bigb.Iy situable for tbcy can be ket1 os ads ritéWd ebn ntt have been on oacit plot. ýas describeti, anui if at the endi of a blld i an ait,> liano relatives tae casily in case of accident. The alumi- tite feeding of thc 80w ait this sea- sank. teo i i Ground limestone in a corrector of week or ten, tiys they do not !5prout .suPPOrt binton sou soumnessansd us not esaentiahly s-stog ni hw si44 rvio,'9 o-Pr -f "ri he fact titat inums surface retains plaint well, and sn ___ -hnro8epeetn h plant!ood. When you have limcd theoIl you wiJl do well tuo btain ncw- seeti - lte could see. Aitiit rîtin disproi-ed :the increased rigidity mikl the car!-dfr Te anwhod. omr hnh etii> n hs ot j ~more than ho oe À A ,4 ~ strmbu y taiîy exercise un sunl- When in tite spring Uic uap begins ml Lhtny days, andi cax-eful stabling wben [HI. o <tanmov e stock, be rea-dy; this thte winds w-hisk around tite corner. T E C L O H R C E occurs early in te pluni and cherry, LNJ Before we affer a fat-ni'for sale, we a nd later in the pear and apple. Do_______ Chronic indigestion le indicated by thc know lit psys -; t- k it up anti make it the grafting, if possible, on a mlld day following syniptame: Unthrif tiness, look the< .ery he-'t we t-an. Saine (haracter is the Oniv Fortune Worth Accumulating, the Only 'during showery weather. Thte neces- ConstructionadCrlfHte adCI rneB t ca-priioue appetite, increased i tir@t, way with sat-ow we waot ta sali. W<5P I>oslsension Thu t Survives. sary tools are a chisel, or a thick- GreaetAssac nOtann n al tr Irregula-rity of the bowcls, dry, star- t-so't expect men ta take mucit interest wbla to eplit ope ran he sok mithr lng coat, bide bound, sometimes slight, in a rack of banes or a dung heap fauet- bladcd knsife opanrathenstocralwterihMretPoue collcky pains. enedti L a pair of hin<l legs. Clean up. it is sswed off amootitîy with a fine.i If due to impefect mastication have Put a goah t râi of flesit on Yaulr Caw, l'hou destresi tîruth in the inward iftg 'appropriatim," which spcaks of tooth saw), saitammer or ma-let te h adnre g-ats iat oiinadbnoi ie follwedby drm eah, ingr, en- astremwhih ar usd oe we'-rimes oftitrade," and reporta"-site knifc to, triai the scions, anid a splytho tienowcd by a dram d ia b n e fgten- Pasry i t - b re usii ed neralweek a te i n what %ou say you %-on the prize" instead of "se gambl-'of good grafting- wax. S upplfayl fa soda 3 tim es daily, and food of first- nn s itrt .4t leant three w eeks a -ier - ' h t is p o egsion -, no n w hat y au (Li.- bra nch at te d sired point, plit Uie : hm t o plant e e - d p o u e s c l ie m n r n i e U c f a n lasquality. titan if the),- had u'eert properîv t-on-! do, tittt is '-onduct; nor witat. people, Many a home ha. g-anc to picces,' stock a littie way down, a-ad îasert a linge long becr iesedpane u l thinkabc>ut ou, tht im riLtwitb. they smasit.1 ofterrstha rive regular exercise at some ktnd of . C(harauter is what yau are. It i,- the, ed front lack of sincerity. Little acta'isthUicth inner bark of Uic scion ll_ cold tramne enishm tegtth wor 'cnt rai self. the mari tnside the mari. - of deception have icaused the rift witb-augi>' andl cxactly a-gaInaStte inncr seedlge produe aLt ohuagesFi ilb aet W hno he ha?. ji s o he , he1 Wi ruth as the fabrit- of character, in the lute. A safeguard ag ainst evil bark of te stock. Titu-tag-ther gradualy cc us o e e o t o r c f- s e s o ti a l. U e sa hea-vy coated herses should bat clipped ... 'Llj~~) i >asecrethave rets.st he somth ig-wt the cxclusion of ar admit utiony pant(a tc yteLm h etsadge bmf~ e When not et wvork, has-c a blanket aIl of týâ hour i:; for characten. No -ertteemutb oehn ure until a union results--constitutes hUses.lnti ha-ndy te throw over te clipped hors. Stop f"-ding geeae twelt'e or fifteen substitutes wiill (lo; ti Paper t-trrenc>-, wrong. 1 do not refer ta legitiniate Ste secret of succttes. Trlm thé scions gardon le read frthm and ho wilh not take t-aid hours bel'ore you kill them. no promtises tu puy. anly the pure gold ýpt-mate affairs, but to secrets witich, if jwcdgc-sha-ped, insert theca accurateîy; The. cold trmlnuedi a-dnn Titere wiIî be ne deIl>ys in tte spring< A few 8ickly litens w'vil uudermine'o enit wlianw'. told, wuud involve us in shame. Iity the wcdge eitould be a trillie tiiker on te plants wbh haebe t-edi Kepshbdpalyar work if te work tcams arc propemhy the betqt-fouiîded effaita ut tiuccesg. In this '<g-e of fortune hunting the poohr uwetch wito for te brief me. thc aide whlch comas in contact witithLie hotbed orlumdcia-striedsgmta. pepared at te st.art.- Fin-e La Len per cent.- of Lhe feed character î i he only f ortune worth ment of illicit pîcasure walks ss-cry tshe stock'a bark. Lastly, leffply graft- startng piltbeoeheeescaiplts iînedalit gh Gradually tougiten up te hors.. -given in winter sitoulti ba ment iu @Omne accumu1ating-. It weatittr.s ait gales day sitadowed by the spectre of cx- lag wax. Each selon ebouîd be long-be safely platoinSeopaIeclseetiedrct ay A poor colla-r hurLa worae tan a boas-y Fresit cold air ho te only thing that, When te curtainla. rung down end we C(ha-racter MuaS Be Acquired disprtag- of te clefS holds th. selon Uic cold tramegesthm a otrTisisacisinpntlf Ioad. AdJust te irares te te long-th will kcasp lte 4Is fr-mi freezing to enter the narrow door of the sepult-bre Th cl fr>hrctrm- s osectn-ely in place, a-ad thorefore t>'Ing root aystom aa ae stn seke à ialgan asra-wt of the rne.-GeL your borne. asanear -death .a-Il otiter posseseions are -tcraped off. i8eta-l or ai-ctria-es ne J shotald hé -t-w, new saiy.lf er héscns latndh.oren -ondval motac.' as possible teite oad ho la te pull. -IL wîiI help Lu geti. g-gs the )vear <CiracLer aloue goes through te Ged. - compromise W'U yociy J in a cîeft gopn taiee e u n h oe Mud-upattemed itamneeses on a clou around if )-nu ti0 out te overt-r,w<l- t't aracter ibas titreatcharacteristics faulted the- Phaiiseesb-ause à they ava-y. tcus b.patat bbm day look a. if uoaethîng- vere wroag-. ed bouseii. 1-eracitv- wit h a expr s tressed <-< uduct luistpad of chat-acter, <t. iol éj os -e-W-e ont-v1e a N ; Vin into if) buttt-r i butter cuteti witlf platui.4 thte celai newqpapiW m step- M tg aknif~ )ry hot wâ Jctn bo( 3the mOà at; etdOn titq! y itot V4 len th wasit oul' for your. ho Makinif- i f rom' fif May t.ak y f or boy rt-k V&t~ doua ;wi een. Bot ried fro baif ouuc« ' l u e , t h y e * ' iUnces hat t'he band'/ nt a. ma lemo - ho kitcbe4 nais afte ýhe R<ive- Jiat A bn nortit, »rosse t aid foir tbet Pharphs1,$ iA re of anad end* 6ut tbrq en topo a-ad cov bteat freahe hable mi ever,. t tel , Lposaib-le' t of th~ rapid3 ad wate1ý domo Loi lu Se ln e roi mil et mil lbat