Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Mar 1917, p. 6

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Sdu= g1910 wus by far the Gretetinthe II Hitryô -teCompany. That is the best I ma I.fh -eW dnet bellevei3 n lu Qlervisble lrthessane.* m*-idi'Il -01tlaetbron ugr. 6oeas-ie Iout- tha advaut-age et havieg a cil.w t oiWOWiOW.- haou betea le cëïAntin1y veulti lis,' saet vietas 8teo rinesr- pofle la adntretateIExaIpubv bv -baatI O14reS Uiii7blIt-S- tti beconsort-adt-et-liadogme troust-le1 "Youlobai.-l«tnaeed."ates es ofs to iat"#id ii moment ot hi& pasaige t-hrosgh t-bati 4.1cm tineti, but a i.au Do t-bt-iwiiepotuhe the eaume.suj reiv gc-n orit ccjuat ati aai base t-tetsilt-"ait K humsas pndhmonuwn. Andi t-he rninng. lt-S Ue~ct-at- ua-. osecaqtut et Ihici, saur mllk di lq UIIgt-ha int« ar *Vii e aiverel. WliusIut l»q $ 8 rhmé bo struta ere net much ibitter. mc. b" ' ss b n '>' I d -» -gem. IbPm" MMmr<1S<*DB* Vt44<*YB1 ey,emutûm.d ta pliuitithe Mau ~ fAs diasmulta et- hm sa lit-ti. d*. 'i f 1ick* IUI i ', Sout tw b** r f«47, j*hit es- M t-a-toit bi.btv. -oewîî 'nPw*f#Y ob ' -a-ci e- fsrgorauly, adu o e upiut af st .y better dIqested Ib*84If t-be f% -ou obt lotstm tmW11 fdfltll 6oe ahrdamad droop.. an*Mt* loppotdatu., andtits-l M Wo 4 -weaeriu al &W «I "a *ia msvi &l maseury, au limprnei.nt- t-at vax iu«. cn observation vhîiu ceausaib*rer val;griese I sg oulé. tmacu u bci ge * 0 -< tut-thet éalysa fr rhulué m'ta tat- ai wwi spd toi PAIM Tbl'h. tIl54ft-o moae au instaint fiutber eatIw i rla, ho ct-a t ai hiu t- t400ul, mu his RIa bore ve ur dti -l a b y t» It- w.»cI,b tw <LhMi 6,a hl oesfowB*Plt ausI w -mme s,.rl *ep. a u <,ae# - tu.t-miutlae ote s M W <pro t-0ma 1 es lalUS~ buths.bftaidm 81000-ue v»sk sué hoary emme et" am btpb et.si.tt" le l vws thébe rfum.asb&d by thet gim,i Tob. «>totod. pa YOMw byt wM" att-y <crut-os e Abt.Dow < ~- ~ - , - ~ - e suw c*erb* the série. <t dr &LýsUà' 1f ý ,àw yp. w*1 14 - i -t -' t Il evidence of publie esteein. i Cooklag Potatoee. t'IeeFà i lr. % o Il INow that potatoes are high and the Mexican. 'codfih.--One smal ofion ILm » Lotus y«. »M , r...It,. na..,.... price seUh soaring, it is important tu chopped fine, three tablespeone but- Il IUNSU ANG TOR NTOthe meut ecenomical manner possible. finâIy chopped green pepper, oeacup- A1110hù &M"In ureprsen d istriot8 Paring and cooking is the moetfu tw aderie omosn- waetfulmethd, xid dde tothisiliait pouud codfish. Freahen the ced- OROWN u!u masy falmlesthandhey ed cokd n erte abeeonaflur _______________________________________ cooka soak the potatoes in water fish in coid water, thon parboil. hne _______________are____________________tu________________drain the water and fae niceok theru in coid water aiso adds to Malt the butter in a saucepan, add the the a s ut ofh ntriie ata sfiualy chopped union and cook it un- Twic asmuchuntitiv mater s 1tii a dlilcate brown, then stir in the B e w e n ,C o s i s; . bt if paing ta doue before beiling as fleur until smooth, then tha grean thara je if it is due after boiling, net peppar aud stew thé atraiued tomate. A DE LAR TION 0F AR.figuring the waste in cutting away tha Cook fer fiva minutas, then add the OR, jJCAR TON O W R potato. The juicea of tha retato con- flaked codfish and cook alowly for tan ________________________________________________ tain 85 p.c. of the protein sud 85 per minutas. Serve hot, garnishaed with T cent. ef the aBlh, sud thesa substances triangles ef frled bt-ead. CHATERII.(Cet'd. aonefonat.are easiiy extracted whan the protec-' Baked Cod With Oysters.-Boiiad He looked et her s littie ahyly. She The plunga into study-se hard for te tteai a,,enrmvd cd n u lo ytreead' bq waaeniilsudslght wlt aver aMan net traiued te consecutive A pa.red potato seaked from three oe-hall cupf ulu ef hreadc m.be, twe white akin and pale-blue eyaa, asahea brain-wrk-was thaenlWy thing that te fiva hours louas about thraae s teaspoonfuis c0 butter, ofi-iatr l~-4 and eye-brows as light-celored las the made the horne-sicekm. bearabie. as mtuch Of its minerai mattar and; ~aspoo0nfui ef peppar, oue egg, ue- f keir. Thare were many elements of Jpen aà little pockat calendar ha would savon timesasa much of its prote!. as lf echopped onien, siiced pork. Care-a prettinessansd aise et deliracy in the faithflly score eut each day from oua that is parad aud immadiataly; f I y remeve tha boues frem the ced ao r face, epeilt partir by a tue fhiu and'Octoban to March. With what ailant coeked. that the fish can b. stuffed easiiy. wlde rneuth, whlch aha saemed te have je)ý the "stiudant" weuld yeanly ex- lu the moat wastef uimatbed 0f:! Put the bounes ef the fish te boit in two Pl ~f soe difficuity lu keeping under con- change bis town clothes fer the white t trol It exrem an nereusmub duk tousea sd ta bue erg cooking, paring, soaing aud starting cuptuls of witaer while prepaning this t ility, whather 4Juring speech or silence,, jacket, bis books for tha doubla ham- te cook in cold *&ter, the loua ef pro- dish. Mix the oysters, breadcrumbe, ai wan almoat disquieting. mer-lt wouid takeana exila te under- tein is 61 par cent. sud 89 par cent. of pepper. unjeu, butter aud agg and .-.... As the studant loeked, soe dimrn e. stand. Upen the hope ef that me- ash. Wheu cooked with the skluu ou, parsley, aud atuif the fish with this ti collection stirred. That aggressivaly meut ha ived tbrough the winter; sud. potatees net aeaked and drepped jute dressiug. Place a few suices ef pork M a fair bain wasas thing te remairi ledg- upon the hope ef s returu which boiling water loue oniy i1.6 per cent. lu the bottem et the baking dish, then " ed lu tha memory, howevar tub-, should be permanent, ha hsd lived cf protelu sud only 4.9 par cent. cf iay lu the fiuh and pour the liquer w,~ . i~ conaclously. Thankful- for ftho through thase yaars-yet they wara sb f rom the boues of the ced ever al,~ - ~ I5 ,5 chance of unitiug civility sud veracity, yaars cf bendage as hard as thosaet Bkngan tlmigar te'otPlcea. siesofprkentp n b: ha murmured: Jacob lu the bouse of Laban. AI- Bkn n tanugaatemsilceafwscse er utpsd~ "Ye no tht yu sy i, Iremm- aay ws te gal pperin ovr ta conomical methods cf cookiug pots- than baka for about oua heur in a bar. irhank you most ki.dly--thank %haziness, sinca this w-as bis third terni, tees when fuel iis considered. Posmoeaecnbtig caiuil you again." aud sinca oua more weuld sea him in tees cannot bic baked well in a slow with butter or soeaof the fish liquor d Ha was on the point cf turning de- ordars. More than this, cincum- oven. (Serve bot.c finitaiy, havfrng becoma unpleasantly stances wara conspiing in bis hiver- Brolled Halibu.-Sice the fish sud Lady- Rosamary Lavason-Gower. awara tha.t they were still eccupying The preseut pastor ef seuls et Ard- seasn with sait sud pepper, then Lady Rosemary Leveson-Goeat the anme spot on the pavement, whan loch wvas ageing tast sud yearniug for Firotn a Fanm Wife's Expenieuces. place the fieh lu a diah Ã"f mehted but-;wobsba atoe ndsace she spoka again quickly.. rast-bad, in fact, et the Bishop's 1tan aiîlowing thrae tablespoonfuis et fer service at the front with the Red 64la this your first terni et the Uni- apeciai instance, agraed te "asat" eulv Label chldrau's bats sud wtraps. butter toeaach pound et fisb), sud Igt Cross, close up te the firing lina, is î-ersity?" until John M'Douuell sbeuld ba readv with the namae sud address, se thani remain in the butter for about the daughter cf Millicant Duchess of "How do you kuow 1 arn at the Uni- te take bis place. For the Bisbop.i if lohe y a esl est I .haif an hour. Then remove, duat wall Sutbarland, sud the ouiy aister cf tha '-ersity 7 ',who was s briak, cheanful, jolly per- 1 If tbey ah e sily rastcfrea She tossed ber fais- boad aven se sonage, wl'th a gooéd-naturad propen-, hy'ae nvwasb ueyw stockinst hefore .th fleur sud brou for about twalva present duke. Lady Rosemary is 't slightly. sity fer ietting people hasýe thair owu thongre for the y wedsshi iant much minutes. Serve hot, garuisbed with'preseut borna in England ou leave for "As if that wvas difficult to guess! wsy, bud takan up John's cause warrn- lonefrtetrasern u almen suices. a waii-earned neat. Tbe Duke cf Wbat aise would you ba dciig t the iy, net the legs warmly. perhapa,' ha- * cene tight. Sutberland is a commander iu the corner- cf University Roeavery causa such casas neyer faiiad te shed' Te meure good lights. change yeur' Royal Naval Raserve, and bis brother, morning? And the bocks? Why, 1 credit on thé dioeea. Iu bis Most wicks often, as tbey soon beconie clng- cnm nRnln h ahr odAiti eeo-oewoi aven know -bat course yeu'ra follow- sanguine dreama, Jehn had net dared gad and do flot permit fr5a passage of ceey u adln the Washar. ord Alis airyLesu- er whois ing," she added, with a teucb of te hope for auything -Bs peedy as thia. cil. While the washing-machine bas' ntaHuahiwsary, aered. cequatry-lbut of fuirly diacreat coqua- Witb ail tbe more unshskable belief i Neyer put coid water in a granita corne to be appraciated as oeeof wc-'te11-15 oerations, wswudd try-in ber g1mnce. 11I ceuldn't halpIbis "call"' did ha toil olwaids. I kattle thRt bas beau dry on the steve,;mran's beat friands, it daserves bettar rnentioued in daspatches, sud got the seeing the i tCes cf semaetofthosa During ail these threa years ha hadfo twlinueian cusi ocr ndtetonhn eevsonMiay Cs. volumes in -peur hag, sud though I1 neyer spoken te a wemau besides the o twllijr tsu as tte ardatentim.Onn an aceiv s o iaXCos (lent uîdartanid tbem, 1 know that landlady oif the ittie East-end room crack sud scale off . t~aaarf . O ayfn thay can't menu auythiug but the lu whicb, despite the distance freni 'lo renew cil window-shadas, giveia uaw waaher la bought avary fa w Churcb." the UniNversity, ha hived fer ecenorny'ls theru a coat cf paint the celer of theua 6 ns, u ibe proper mantoaget ARYLREIET0-OS She paused and aunk bar eyea lunaa sake . It was ouly by the strict.est shades. Usa tuba cil paint sud jet acoucmy cudh rogtjt r c dnsi oho faOeT sudden acceas cf narvous gbynesa. frugaiity---auch frugalitv as Wvas ne- esch curtain dry tboroughly bafora tise sleng this line, a8 wasbers areIcdns nBydofaOaTm "1»m ýsatraugan, ef ceurgme sud bavel presentad by the daily packet et hsugiug it. 1very strongly made sud with geod, Haîr te British Tbronae. ne right te gay auythiug, but 1 ubouid saudwicha-tbat ha could manage te Te kaep the irouing-beard lu gond cana will hast savaral seasous. like te ask yeu eue question: Have' make bis carninga cf the summer COV- - A good coa fpitwol ete1ar e îayiug au iotntEurprt.Las, youneenateIok ate yu 7 a te epase cfth iintr. Nocondition, cever the hoard, bef ore put-ct fpa1 wud a a reh l thaganimra ntlu pErpe beys o o nî oo k att er ypla'er fe amsemeoft had aax e au Notiug it away, witb a giugham bag iOd aherlook ike anenw pue,an in their teaus, etten in their eanl "Yaa; 1 mean, te kaap yeu from hlm, sud net oeeof the women who drawu up snd tiad with tapes. Then uard a a t unkt oud deyin tfeld;nu, ae rvugas oidexa lu tha studying toc bard. De you knowi thraw iuquiring and appreving glances wbau ironiug day cornas you will have.tubVafkeep asbucket cflwms t rte thut you've beau grewiug thinuar aven etthe ti igrewitb the amail, fine- adcean board . eo et u f the was arp ail te ote- the figbtiug lunes in meet ef thebhalbi- siuce Octeber?" ly-cut baad, could boat that sha hadj Somatimas when thse bouse becomas veutbuiging , thwerBiygStctutsbot- Frôm an acquaintauce of fiva min-avenr Mada him awara cf ber existence. t coid sud it seama impossible te hasnt tom sud brinkinga f estve. garent ecutnie sertviBy c out r ute' tadin, heraas- wa tati- al dayssdeauoi,' fer bis, the roomu, thL trouble cernes hecause: About a bal-tub et water sud a!ligvauhesric t vra ing; yat there was se, much genuine, studias. The Rachel ha wss serving. tise air is dead. Tbrew open deors umahl aMount cf clothes requine thae idotn'ruu u rsesbe sympatby lu the veice, and lu the for were ne wemau's face. f - .t iiumtrige h ahine, sud Thay anea --body et raceut oegin; but werkiag et the unâtcady mouth, that The experieucae otet-day, t rom its su wil nd s for s e rmutes, au aalgtsri niswrigprs rle edognzdc avenn a ss ceuvantionai man than this vae uuprecedeutaduess, could net yu ii udtht hreocs a t ihetws-ai uis jworkiull part ass. oeta w entu ea age taer ha~eudt hmgb a eTl vlu eain ak. T j radily - Wof boys, lljmadtilc was rlidaade rguzd en 0ihu aohs-torhvesatoirnan a dsoerdm s t avek.un its rdzoo tbugcbothes it graly iceasses the labor ýpany0fby, os ricbl an ne te b' -dmacbin, more miiitary, who were taken sari--' Thara wstas- ârMore gratitude t su bhad net even been wbollY unpeaisant. to ave a mîtten made cf goed atout cf the perso oprtgthbyhercmadrsdha- ss'rcaem lu the toua lu which ha ne- Hie lenelinesa wasansecompletc that tikking (with a ring te bang it up by) whila the clothas wiil net cdean gosell Isalves, if not hy the natien at large. plied: teIt ttîedysmsh oulteslip ou the baud when putting weed hebosodir o M c "Tbauk ycu, yeu are ver y kiud; but net tail te bava a certain warmiug et - lu the steve or baudliug bot diabas. Fraqueut adjustmaut cf ail tha e wilimte ta b ukesldonsGloutr. for it lu summar, you sea." ah-e nreably had s.eemed te mean wbat I aaal aesd aiyludr tsshi cine su ohe partse, h Wlimta-as, uoetGecatr "Oh, de you?7" she aaid, with oyes aba nald. Te John, wbe wîs the leaut ed. wasb umchiharer sbould e h ada, as lia of the oiyeete survveno that looked frnukly curicua; but the vain et men, the Ides cf bîviug bee Never put away the dean clothas it turnusmc adwt hsa tin r nyed ýnet ate ave eencAinde- e studeut'ashayneas could stand ne more.'observed snd almost watcbed ovar for without examiuiug avery place te cee oose, sud le a damaging strasm on the andncasaconsortlPrincQuGaorAune- "I'rn fatmId I must go,",ha îald hur-' menths past, wes et once startllng and if it la in any way eut or erder. Alil wheb ahn. amr.EïgWlim u ua niedîy. "My time ls up*' 1vaguely comtortiug. He bîuîbed a'gretad oknliepcaI, igtewashigsud beee M r connot, Pirnof Gerge et 118o in mina," adnit-ted ha c6inan-. e mountcd thc last alope, stil-tI j iouldbdéha rndad néatly. Be aun e rne u es it, makea ay avn ec0îrne terou 1 r' -awaeh-day basa loiced or, hlm frem t-he firat as the ion, g'ancing et the clock on thbe cupled with the discoveny. aud sim- ' rplc 'eyofeîgiston ae drudgery sud prevauta wear and- nelghbenlng churcb tower. "Iu five ultaaseously hp hagan te wenden litaetfmauy au article bas beau las- ta tte ahns!wp sadsu ains te t toe u th graus minutes I've get te b. at-et my et- 'whethcn ha alould sac lier ageu. sne yhl frlc o un. t i t ts langtb oft 11f.. Run kerosene ipelins avereike n ducomhm asr fiee ln William Street. Good-bye,1 0f courselie did-eshny twodtiys lit- ieuathhilt forlacncfeaaut-ton.tu eitt i sfraig and ycommne rh thon, for t-ho presqut, sud pleans.don't an, l'h. meeting teek placee -h1houbtbegoiu ne ek t c llet lese ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c yorautc~i"btr ftaelgrtr thlebim-loose aud remiove refuse grease, !oî 'loaleerîl nd cky hiIedutaho If u tliafsrw~ l gane t-ei w 1 horesondtele e edus et un c e ti- ToGo udns it t. Te ieaohrto'vslyl aaolat ptd u moena -ha nisan n edw-eIig n , o Jh pat m a o4isateaI u b oîug wTh o div pa ri.h wtebr v rpe d e i o pn fby sl iThen s-ha- the King say unto- them on bis right hand.... 'was au hig.,and y. <ave e eat; Iwua thlrsty, andjeygvo me drink. naeandi y. <c.I me......é- fed t".?-or dd, é ge i.dniu 1- ~mê~,f i thoha4 GARETTES 4e4qat~oe e naz Ye pi fe P(l BIBLICAL BOTTLES. a bottie that was referred to in the Bible in the much-quoted dictum te- rhey Were Made From the Skias of lating to putting new wine into old Animale in Primitive Times. bottles. The objection to the proce- dure was that the skin of an old bot- Wrho made the first bottle has neyer tie has become fully stretched and Deen determined, but the necessity for; weakened by use, and if new wîne orne means of transporting liquide, (was put into it the pressure of the )f which water was uridoubtedly the l gasea generated by the continued rst to be considered, must have exist- 'fermentation of the wine would burst il from the beginning of the human the bottie. ,ace, and it le generally considered It is a generally accepted fact that ýrobable that the first receptacle for glass-making and glass bottles orig- 'his purpose was made f rom the skin inated among the Egyptians, although )f an animal. This was removed with at what date no oçe has presumed to ?s littie mutilation as possible and ail mtate. Even in Eglrpt, however, the fie unavoldable openings carefully' art of glass-making in its early hie- 3ewn up, leaving a single leg for fil]- tory appears to have been confined to ýg and emptying, which was tied certain locaities, and was not prac- with a cord. tlced 1i-t ail widlely.-Sci :ntific Ameni- These we know were used ages Rgo cati. y many primitive people, and have ince been employed extensively in many parts of the werld, and even to- Silver that je in use every day can ay they may be seen in use in some lie kept brigbt if soaked in bot borax Oriental countnies. It was this kind of water once a week. Wh our tbik ndk oftYvbei ouptth h Le u rstretosei ewntess y i-o ur acoCrai s, C a rt. muBlanke and o t e r h u s h l d s d e r s o n a a f e t s. eT h e r .P a k e r p n t ro c e s le h o a o u g h ;th chrei vsym d r aiead w e-eaps car nage o utaWru;d. Seni f ru alo, p l.bavilng-aud Dyi mont P A R EFR 'S W00- ilke ff-1- ofKS I MTnces. pak. eetyes aws -ut TH7 rsttlY ong andtaetas Tor00 nt. a p i -e n -f e il t t - - 1 I. I - s s À 4 I fi - rsi ci dom a à .4e

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