Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Mar 1917, p. 2

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w. A. Mackcnzic ý & Co* TO RONTO WINNIPEGO p e - ~ v NEW- CANADIAN WAR LOA&N bii~'nrr Struggle Betweeti Duma and- Reactionary Party Eudlg hi Revolti- tion.-German Infuence Oythrown. A4Éfspatch from' Petrograd saysi of the mernbcereo! the Imperial Durna After a brief tèvolution in Petrogrado to estabiish- order anti safeguard the boen o! the uniteti forces of the Durna honor and glory of our country while andi the arsny, Ernpeior Nicholas Il. your cornrades are fighting In the has abdilcateti and his younger brother, trencheï for the might andi rajestY Grand Duke Michael, second son of of Rusas. I arn proud my son has Emperor Alexander 1111, ha& been up- been aervlng since the beginning of polnteti régent. the war ia your gallant rankm. Return Represientatives of the nation, heati- quietiy te your barracks anti corne eti 'by M. Rodziaakor Preaitient of the horo at the flrst cail when you May Dumna, anti a Provisional Government b. roqulred." o! twelvo niombors, have establisheti "We are ready," answored the a new order. guards; "show us the way."f The success o! the rovolution was' "Tho olti authority Is incapable of Iatie secure by the co-operation of leading Russia the right way," was the guard and regimonts in Petrograd the answer. "Our first tisk In to es- anti active support given In Moscow. tablIsh a new authority whlcb we al Alex. Protepopoif, heati of the In- believe anti trust, which wlll ho able terlon Department, ex-Premier Stur- te ave andi magnify our rnother, mer anti the other Ministers, as well Russia." as the Presitiont of the Imperial Cdun- i The soldionrs mjIrched out shouting, cil, are undor arre9t. "Hurrah, Rotizianko!"' Ho was greet- The sole survivor of the old regimo, ed In the same mannon by the omcers Io Pokîovsky, Ministt r of Foreign Af-, and mon o! the Grenadier Guards andi faîrs. officers and troopers o! the Nlnth Cav- The whole garrison of Petrograd, alry Regitnent. Ail the regimonts a!- has gene o-rer to the Provisional Gev- ,ter visiting the Duma returned to the ernment. barracks wlth bandis playing anti - j colons flying amîid the enthusiastie Famous Russian Guartis Joineti Dama. cheering of the people. One of the mont impressive scienes ugnEmrsHin. o! the nevolution n'es the arrivai of RusnEmrsHing the Preobrajensky Guards, with their A despatch from Lonodon sayim: Ac- colonel anti otffcerg, at the Tauris Pal- 'cording te Information receiveti here ace. The men, ail of giant stature, the Russîan people have been most were drawn up in ranks of four deep distrugtful during recent events of the whole length of the enornnous! the porsonai Influence of Emprets Al- Catherine Hall, where the President exandra. She n'as suppose te t exor- o! the Duma hati come te greet them. ciise the greatest Influence over Em- On the appearance of Presidont Roti- peror Njcholag. It liq stateti that ber zianko the colonel's volce rang, whereabouts Is not known, but It la; "Preobrajenskys, attention!" The believeti she lu In seclusion, fearing whole regiment stooti at salute. Rod- the populace. A Petrogradi tespatch zianko saluteti them as; foliows: "Sol-' te the Daily Chronîcle says the- Em- tiers o! the true faith, let me as an presseof Russie bas boon placeti untior olti soldier greet you according te oun guard. rustoni. Iwish you gooti health." "Ypur Excellencyil' came the thun- The Empress Alexandra before ber derous response. marriage te the Empenor o! Russie in The Presidont continuetit "I want 1894 was the Gorman Princess Alix of te thank you for ce,sng te the help .H esse- Darmtadit. TOWER 0F ST1UltCTH [N TIMPA 0F STRESS AND STRAIN. A Book Lately Issueti in London Throws Sorne Llght Upon His character. The popular impression- of Lord Kitchener hs that ho was a strong, etemn man. hard and- unbending. But those who knew hlm well do not con- finm that impression. In fact, like most great mon. ho was -many men in one. Perhaps the man the correspond- ent. andi reporters-who make or un- make a man, so far as popular hero- worshlp ie concrned-ssw was the dniving, efficient Kitchener, but for differont vlews one has only to take evidence as furnisheti in the pages of the "Lord Kitchener Memorlal Book," publisheti lagt month in London. The book contains many brie! apprecla- tiens by prominent mnen, Includlng somo of the boit known Entente gen- orals of the pre&ent war, and is a fit- ting recognition of the peculiar worth of the boreo! Khartoum. Thbe book contains the sIgnatures of ail the rnembers o! the Asquith Coalition Governmont, a wealth of Kitchener portraits, reproductions of hie cals for ooldiers, andtibispublic utterances. The mogt Intéresting feature, how- over, seorna to be the sympoIum o! appreciationL% written by hie collabor- ators In the task of! gutiding the En- tente to vlctory. Graspeti the Issue. Gyeneral Sir William Robertson, British Chiel of Staff, wrltes: "It is unlversally admltted that, if we eventuaily win this war, as we mnay hope te do, the chie! credit will be due to Lord Kit.chener, f or h e alone, se f ar as 1 am aware, grasped from the first the magnitude of the task In front ef us. The rapidity and efficiency wltb which ho causeti the new aninies to bo raised, equlpped andi put into the field were little short of marvelieus. I doubt if the same results coulti have been achieveti by any nther man availahie at the time. nor - - -___ - Vi ------ --- - - - --& VrwIioe-boeelecern nd rned.. esch. 840 te 860: sprrig- - - -- -- -- k -- - cen they be fullapeiteib a~ g t,e4 inîeatn s- te n e dtum. 26 te 1 re. $60 te 1110. Ilizht ewep, 810 te Ii , iyy Markets of the Wor1d,c. d,heavy,23 to24v, <n;ked.37 te ffhepg heav 88.60 te 19.60; calvies. go:o CPRCIATD0-IH 0TH 0FINER 0ofnte neki vaceqit asc. rolle. t2 to 23c. breakfeët t ts'oDn. tOrcne« c. ote$14.6; a be, cholce, L 1 ~ 1FI pnesa on ni vnei ntr - 5t o.bune: $1416 te 115; do. medium. 810 te $12; edoIaron Toronto. Mar. 21>-Manltoba whet- Lard-Pitre lard. tieresp. 23sa te28ic' V'egheid off e a ru. 816 65. de- t' o b.,ad rTizto No. 1 N therik .00 do..No.5 2 . -9? tube. là te 2j". pelie. 286 ta 2ô8<c ern: 8 14.66. 0.4 )SI. J:ud.terep 7à t 11r MontireaiMar. 10-Choir-e steers. $8.25 STIJATION'S PERIL SAYtS CORNS LIFT 01. T forces in the mhta !agetwr do..tNo. ,aIl rail w eoti20 t le 1 IS 25 b ter$0i mbs,1.2 u 900'Wbn abottonhm e real frolorht. IOic per Wb ,lear be liep. ?163 b ble182 6 teU10. ab. $8.816 teutWITHOUT ANV PAIN teWrOfch at em:' n Maioa oatu--No. 2 C.W., nominal. -114.21. heep. 8$9.26 te 810. hegs, $16 te h a fie Irt to7c; No,8 CW.. 70j te 713< itra Narel1r~t 16 26, wiwohed off rare. He Evidenced Hia Wlsdom and net at aIl the kiti !""mrepo No. 1 feed. loi te 71 bc. No. 1 fePA,19 te MnrI Mrkt ->_-------"__ 1~' hn a'et ha a ut 10c. aII rail dettvered en route C PR_ Mon trr-a Mer .20-Corn - Anie-Iran SPRING FLOWERIS. ratriotioml by yg Down000 hn1am-i points. No. 1. $1.97 No. 2 %>eIlow. $1,30 te 11,36 i1 true. The stenr ti e ,ovre - -*meiïcan coin-No. à yeliew. sizo. Canadieni Western. No. 2. 78c:NoSe . Sore corna, bard corns, soit corn% or igcaatrc track Toi-ente. subject te embaxro 75<'. extra No 1 f eed. 76c Banc'v--' riueGtteRc Supreme Authority. a ny kinti o! a cern can shortly ho liftcrce cmonyarbteit on ate oats--o. 2 white. 82 te 46r. hMaltteg. $1.88 Fleur-- Maniteoba Spring They Are Got's rciu etiRihhm a itl nomi . :No. 8 whte, 62 te 44c. nominal. ahent listent». irets. 59 1"-. sec'onde. andi Poor. A despateit from London SaYs:-; applyg ont ith e n ewrs o! fa.r as my knowltg ! h u &tronba-o. i Wtnter. poctcar pt ntq. chaice.lb' ie, tral«ht roliert%. Lot us aIl bnhghten our littie r-rner Th Tieouin ayda "Angi-euan- frooonaysn crnnati authopsoity. . hven ii.1o -accordin g te fretghts outolde r pidoto. ý3be: 87 (0 te 8V16. de.. lo! this gooti olti earth by piantlag avlto enaccmluei h At littie ceet one- can get a amal igm 9yaso am evcat Braheotd.to18Sot,*89t 4ýMdln $86e flowens tht.s prirFg. Rusi. The Czar bas abditated ha bottie o! freezone ut any trug store, Icntuhul a htIhv 1trley-Matnt. 8.11 te 81.23. accord- 841 te 842 1Meut t le. 845 tea . a- The goot ma o!the bouse can non' layor o!f tla inf«nt s.a ism thnhich wili poaitiveiy ndeesfe !nover been brout it otc ' In te fretghtu ou leide. No. 2. pr on. car lots. $11.60 te $14.00. Mis tuete mke smerioilonnboxs. 4etoont Who n'as Mor aytov.H Ducwhat-1.5.nominal. accerding Cee-Fnemi westerns. 246û,- fi nesI the Grand Duke Michael, is expectoti ever'y corn or catlue Wîthout pain or wsatwro teghwe ie te or o t1~ouitstde- esternit, 153e Butter, Choicemi cream- About 8 x 9 x 1.2 Inchos je a goot i mie t e urgn~i ~aleoecersonenese or the danger o! Infection. wsatwro nye-Nlo. i 81 4te 81.4à. accordtng t r 3 etic, 1 W d *e4ofld 42c« E te <t afor selo-Ins, asters, cleawerc bac! antidîfutisatiaie frt~htuiteId.. reh. 37 te îSo. ['etatce. er bae.orstarting forsom tim pasters, he erac.tiThis flOw dtinlan ether cern-.isae. nitos 'oejyt i bsusl81.00 sQr-endpatente, Ib ut.*r-ar lots 8il 00 te $1 30 Towand the lest of Mai-chiftll0btho elain ew h.aaat iePoundi, anti tifies the moment It in &P- coienre, andl t bentbin- eas. &g.80:.eetrng aet., n Jut. ",boxes about one-third fuIl o! cintiers Court coulti net last. Thegrapltinidesetnfmeoeenu-urlyh ni!obtigetno, 19.10, oeronte. , baordrinaear te.' tau wth geutelie adaoe nt.iflmeorevn r-dangersyan Ontarie flou-Winter, accerdlns te Winnîî..<'. Mar 20- <'aph pice- daiae nitenfl ~n~b n' as that the Czar might fai, ntate the sureunding tissue. Juet hewhmt eakniat osdr *ample, 87.30, tnri t a. re eeto. W7eel NeoIS'çrtiîcrn $1 918. , e-ccd pottine- mou matie o! two parts jte rolis. his Position wit.b safîenttik oueai ffyu -santiet ntematoroglyhetl pr'ompt.btzîmat. $'L1 . bulk seaboard. Nont her81 791Ne a Nonthern IL871 ; leuf -molti, two parts gooti gai-ten loempopaeadmie-t itheriehstjciusnk on' itO ou bitonapando tigantilioe.m esaany, o) y exilant irade. No. 4. $1.611. No. 6 1.42à; Ne.Popiueadmgtete eitcalssnwwtotabto ano Mitlltfed-C tt--eiee et 1I OI oic.. 6oîc, No. andi ane part sharp &and. a revolution or defer his decision. He soi-ones. If your drue-e-lt huen'tsefabtrmc oban-kon- ieat retghtu. baga incude4-1%ren. per é W. 51% r.r-xtra No I ?'ed. 553<'; No Atrti oe r ilt niieti u uiceehseiz niuslis esn ocnesi e mî et- abetr per orts 0 ton. No a.odfee 8I1.0b, 3eNo2f.4 0. Ban1e>- for thse seede, take boiie- water sad, patnietism net to tuke cither o! these tlo fer you from bis wholesale drue-g I X-En!S b . 1 perton5~U . N12: . 81 ('fi - . FI.ai-10o1. rN eV C. t. awatering can, saurate the salI ore.B onntespe.Kitchencr's Am relaîn b Non. I1. traen Ton o Il2. 9, Nu 2 CdWiS-Ne61 tcoures. . îuayng dboussure e. ft1e. ts. pete m 0.6cktrone 5. N ' . 35thoroubi y.This stenilizs ethe so",lauthoritY of hie w- ireswi~l ho las , Nuturaily Joffre.tsioyrcie trl voo"rontuWc. e killine- any animal life on fungous rvcti hie people from civil war anti FOR CARRYING LETTER mucit prominonce.Jfr iesKth ~ à de nneafli a tr 10-Vh*at Mar. @Pores. Let Il stand a fe'- boums te hi capital from anarchy.1" NOT SENT BY MAIL ener te Carngt., "raie ! c comat" 1. "à 1 t () 7 b«J5 , rJ u1-4y, o. .21 .o ola d dry otbfr plantînge- T oui ' cm etd pntr.? esy Bîtter-"resh dat-y choie*.Us . 8W te il bard, 8t#a&-tu 8OoI eut Nofene the Tiirevouton lacmentipotm'.Hoay- ci-camer>' prints. 43 te 0c; solide. il te 1lIo 1bi.N.ZNonthern. 1.80 *.,W«lite ily cre by ether aewspapers Amenican Seat to JaU fer Tbrec 'Right from teotra !hu 408 Ioc. il.$$ cern- --Ne 3 yeiîow. $104 teopi U jg**Jcrflyee .~ya -es otal iiie lhavso e utnn NI tu tcartons. d t 31e i 6 t' itt5. 3 a-bit e,6445 5&e 5. cnl h edcreul vrteWtntbuausm, mainly a rEs oth nFglan&ud.is wt ca~¶rts 87 te $Se. Fleur urcbsnoed. Brun. 84,60 to 835 00. ear»l thus prepareti; covrnit lightly, triumph for the Entente anti a gpeut AdptbfoiLne recognise as prohtcoti.ees vo pouSb.l1tr-$et 4.%sliWi<,Liiti?. ta.Z0Wea-No ïnetmore th=antwice the thlckuess of diastcr for ' A dCentral PowcrLondon saya stc !tel hc *bjrclts. lb.. 810 88eni sata zs. -orhen 1 No t s 1,9o.the seeti. Set the boxes in war proesdeecribes it as the teuth o! At the Tharnes Police Court John country n'asengei h vleit pu o..$.0t 804te; ia: ducka 18 ta l Mqa)e. 14. Se, 81 ?4 1!ed s i e. eunny windows. Avoi overwatenae; German hope« and a more crushine- Robertihin', an American citisen anti achemte o! th1nn l yoea -l& 1 * e, .twn.koep thte oiljustasilgiti>'anti cveniy anti more far-resehlne-bien' than a fireman, w-as charget i wth havine- Ii tion that bad t1.stoufo;wl In tcs etr; 1 e 117t* i ,; .ta teak nasts duinp tilt the. si Prout. Giin bu-treeei Lb.hie possession a lette>' for tranmis. hia tuelou Wilutaneib'df I*r, tr t»40;, $r1 eessipn laden wlth gahfrSan i.pa .b. e smeft copii g in. ae th er osToron.860 to8. st r e ul. Mhist d onr it lv r. i ,tns,1 o b c 1 1Wd o., coud.S Io 26*te throughut e s Worlti.s ihrughte ot utisofo Il 14010i.0sutiumho eorcpeagh a i 1 oli; nsxba. o .reiunb 0 150. culebfic taw au- i>tntesmet>ae*i $lpeoe. h rdueite etranIVt cmagtdvsondeKteec oZ t e. bte 810. C.m b.riy-. ta Medum, d. cumodt Oe n'es êoi8 gre- infupoceIn tt causnofhlbertyyhiwereiemeitsuraineor forcesT e pla te tisee eut anes, $S 40 to<lf9 baleu1the2$;bue eit.rV oO$171That theme tha>' .1111 b. a posofithety for tii. Emparer, ohewitom liteawor t ol> 6. .5. ui cL e . 0 S i t..> ule.8$ 0 e dlssî. ha rger 51 d.. te lU.A[ne- tc fpretin Ocfafa a rut.,moandtree ath) rialare pii tusi~ nieaeealn nir- ~ rgmet r l-ln-wt Noi *i a perb".i tu il*, siodtu cbou $ ptcrWo.. n orhr atngesanti mns Ie - ou sa lvbedupulon1fricteZeppeine raidst I.l n hoUd jpuisani ieorUaIan'an ow a' 10; ~a toicannIesantd entiers, 4.68te # >.& ltt !0tCadanpn»t 0 o tc ail ittr se d imosus_______le isostion redt taepprein rith&tpiomn. M ajfr lse 't h ___________________________________________ lie oGi-eut Britain in indîcateti b>'aand bit -urdent testré te sere thipee.TeP-0eTW ieGemt albeoeUe» (~p jJ WfDV EOLE S mJFE Tise ceessein la th seeTeet UaI the SSA*PUBLIC HOUSES MAI<ING WEDI>ING RINGS"ITtn'ai undorteu- !Fac VIVIIAVD rohbitin of fruit impor t nte, the àMY c iOSIC IN DB tT Aý4IS'A "NATIONAL SERVIez "tàat tu eset Eehassu r th r AR 1fl~ I~IJ% '1) 3j8 ited ~ ~ î - i -a- jure.rS»W It la fr 1, cuo0elo- etion. lu the. mauhli t atofes 5jieuol f- jkyî 5 la es5j"inspgJaeeM ist'o lesipei*talwg f14o!Frssesanm ro Iat th ______ 3bha bisaderiUed tâ A sp»a gtu.Net Aveu.Lb"haumalo, a aniie i iai o piles et fruitfor tise uuvy, ti=ludhI< impae1fi. 1nea*sb-u*Adupu'bu ad» r sestsie .su Stamdard of Lvlg Lower Tham That of Cooli Irss - w irfea UitlPoor A Ots ilUli at focs, Leeo' «seatMy& A i ,sasi:tf$eudauo!aiee!iii bit nss Have Beesse Demperately Poor. heueo a""t» lie <oathis*dtlu ate of WMpr' WybeS»ed <Irngtihe Wcs ut aa "Iunafors«Msate« y mA y. A deupatels trom New' York mye u-ofe lte courso ot&in îlssele*. fte soluitoen of tise dI#haty aes-ie aw ualsh I .oe.li ?17dsrhoKuee t *Wuge-earnlngGerma.>", nrm ous>have beet mebelatine- t&reoh.l U KEEI B (1A jtu uo*, rsrI o t iabi*é I it1saI tise maug lm of . ~ th semet#Is-l fo,> Ina>'.~:th hen aom an bu is Ieruafel> ,s Mnoudpotatese OI *Wu.I Mi t1eb-.eams talsw 1m o*rw* slwî.t iseht oIl. Tietistclua o!e Ger bas phu ut ti eWarvto,. >ew . idi> mslu-lutp se1 - :_ ?h 5ri beemo llen, detisafled ht h s e&Mt f orooo.a alie-A. ttsG~ai tueaAllien. 4. ,tdl-. isft ise i[tA - O nauv8 g Goves-ni, almosi rObeIlou& Wbl* 1une' n'ar Mayrn'o b. 4, & jtu heUMtoma; De" Iiliuso,4t, bMouve- b 'I15i <,08t.istsof b sessiOÎtO ti mItdîsoclans romaieIttus Oi.ftals-lOfe!centrai tu«e . "- ý lý ms " eI4' lm ' vo l 7 stlsle ' t M<*1N1 80r4 to*l -i*4s patriotie, puadîne- .! o-eths eaitai cflras «andd u Ibb umee- tis; t ami »»M«. SlIbeU t 1 <S*te.?5ot4 Oui am t a ui < U of tatai id "WO. tis miiovr ucw oiAMati et.mtisd verlslg peuple bu. te. WW«W > Soui eli tae-letiseWhee-ouksi b. ep-,e4 is . g àt , Germn>,lte fatigue ef var là malt. fearfüil>'. I l i on a»r vs ie'1* 601 MSeÀ êsebdie t4*kle hie alrmIne-s $*Wu amuse lte Vork- oe sta«a" of .vesewg. dA"i. ttt ouisi - l_=e~P8'*d lb lue- peopi..ÀAriet many eo iaf Ü jrvMMth. î< .a. ~ M4p8h5 ITitOOt Wlil"a Inla.4*6&Ïw afl oflflBb. Té 011 huimble people vaut peuce u i? hei ltis amIféoie uai 4 id4*eor un.le~ .is*. prie-satâlts sse!Prm.of teïr iobit.,rrosîw'scotebuh *4Rhioî*4 W"--1 et Aise-Lorslas «Muof tisauni Useiram aoele..i uie W084N i*WvsrI-U eurla tMM**tt eeitra sprestigeamsudoItteM." 'f autena *Y. ". In t*eur bhoae- ,111WT IMliée~-~ li 11ele is e oplulcuoo!A. CuStà vosise deesft'peoui s *.__ Rotis, Aswelan Vle-Co s tPlau tous-1qtmwye> àe-sum-t -u.1. t sî~- «4t 1& Saxo Wvih a D11ud te *Wulose itset tse*4"W t tia 1ose tmlli tis e-.p sesl Ou'a bIr-iPi-tssa oeemr i Iustustey .qahie o~..Mtv tie-.- gt Il àa m clsss ,,bt ai ênIaiuuIhY -o- ou~ . motionless, as; If buried in bis thougbhts. Then, suddenly, in a deeP and haif-strangleti voice, as if he' were uttering agonies, of pain, ho slowly atidresses the Britilsh officer wlth these following words and shortý sentences which atili ring in my earsq and between which were great silences as if he were -gasping for breath- 'Tell Joffre . . . tell my friend Joffre . . thet 1 amnvery qorry . . -so very sorry that 1 can do no more.' "As 1 have finished writing do"f what he dictated, 1 turn round andi gaze at hirn and to my intengé aston- ighment 1 see that Flelcd-Marshil Enri Kitchener actually ba& tears in hlm eyes, because he lu 'so very sorr that he can do no more,' He catches ny look and, as If ho were ashamed of hiînseif, mnd of what he weems to con- sider a weakness;c, he quickly pute bacl< his spectacles." SPRING WORk IN TU E ORCHARD, A sharp prunlng-saw, sbsrply useti, rneans a sharp appetite. A p-rompt cutting-back may holp t(i miive peach trocsi that have been f rot-en. Stand by your orchard. It will pot go back on ycbu if you do the Mair Lhlng by it. A manc cn take an aixe anti strike off a iimh of a tree in the o';chard; but ho nover will be satisfied with the' job. Suckers anounti the foot o! a fruit Lree, or growing fnom trunk or niain branches, are thieves. Cut thein off before they rob yeur orcharti. If nursery trees arrive in a irozefi or tirioti-out condition, bury them for' a short time in the grounti, te, thaw anti moisten thein. A hantiful of fertilizer rlght up near the base of the trunk lu a misftake; open yeur hanti a bit wlder-scattel the fertilizer f ar eut, wherever the reos go. Somo pnuning rules: Rtemovs branches that pull top in the wrong tii- rection. Rernove branches that are diséaseti. Remove branches that seyl.' ously interfere n'ith cultivation. P.0- mnove branches that a'te toc, hlgh tî convenient gatbening of fruit. ê move top te correspond n'ith rot when planting trecs. In March, before the bude s'l spray fruit trecu for fungous toublms sncb as peach lent'-.curl, subo!pa anti apple, fruit rot, teaf-blight, .te The Bordeaux mixture ln tho standar fungicitie. But rernember that h lime-.sulphur mixture i lt aIs ug cide; se if yeu use it for Ban 'e scale où your trees You wil net ec the early spray o! Bordeaux. Afterr the pruning is- doue:_ 1, Ga- ther up anti remove from thse orchard branches andti nigs that have been eut off. Burn thern. Thcy ai ord homc for the disefses anti the insecte thàa' may attack your trocs if thse rubblsb is loft on the greuni. 2. Cover -the wounds with a coat e! goed ic«d paiuIt This helps te kcep eut the water andi prevont discere anti decay. 8. Spray, tbe trocs with a solution o! one gallon commercial line-suiphur te aine gal- ions o! water. Spraytng just ater prunint reduces the cost o! applylng the materlal, as there iLam sbmush te- cover titan ut other -tlmes. Moreover, lt ln close to, the r'ight season for tht lime-suiphur. Grapo or outrant cuttings a cnbc made from the. largest and hWs develé OP"t wood o! t6i. pat yeurs- growth. Ths Ibud b. St int< pleoe- about eight taches -long, Iiavlug ut hasttwe budq, and paeloed ln damp- tnd rau aies latis ceiar touspl U tig ia -,%S BOXng Jiae Scuttina us early âât iblbl.. lu alrI le apy The Saest and Best lnv,..stment Possible to Oêtaln.4 I S' 'i i T hese securities are always sale- able and we are ready to purch- aise ait any time. \Vithout charge we give best ait- tention to ail applications plaeed through us. Fulil particulars and Subscrlptlon Forrus furnishedi on Application Write, Telegraph or Telephone us ait our expense. I..--- e I Wl ( j; -4,' f 1 ý 0

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