Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Mar 1917, p. 1

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- '~. . 8L~lpiton. A ILL Vol. 54-No ~ WHJTBY, ONTARIQI CANADA, THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1917 CL. ~JUULoIELLUW C~ 30N, ruwisiii f' A f' o __ ME URGE SURVEY 0F PORTION ýBRIS!-! AEROPLANEMN Stop Thèt Covgh 0F liYDRO ELECTRIC ROAD1 PLAN TQ VISIT Wl-IIBY~ Whifhb, Board of 1 rade Takes Action. The effo ris of Whitby men to secur'e a iphone ines8age (rom the Chairman WULLIS' _____ for Whitby a novel Industry -*may Of the Board statlng that the members bear fruit ln the not tour distant feu- were to viuit Whltby that day for the rogod attendance of chi zeils mas at The possible revenue was dlseussed, c fasutbest poe ob'purpose of looktng over the ground. t the f te Burdof:andftint front fretght haulage alonétirIa uabesepov be and that they would arrlve before' CompounIdiî Syriiuîîî ofsi. wî'l wn t l le one of large prospects. the attraction that ls anttcipated. Ttis'noon, betng conveyed down by motor -'- r sdiiniru ofS'cîiîîa itr shitîmeilis hroughit rlght to thetr As is well known, the British Gov- Noon came, but no vlsitors. Shortlyj Iiie 'ie nd la 1 mus îi al-uil fa( i l iii ft f i lioors. Tht se ng'rservice te C1).erninert has sent to C4nada a number after one o'clock another message Wasl White Pine and Tî. soliliî î 1.1jîî . iid *~statitons, as %îeî'îasIo ofoffierswho are experfM In the man- delivered to the Mayor illat the party * ". iiil ei, ais 1 fac lic ait' uoîi îîdîîdb rtgi of ae-ropianes, with a view te had got some distance on the road î~ vauaLleauilyn' .'c- Ia . rr r f. s'ii o a t a rrge rt-iîrns aiso. seleting sites ti the lDominion for the down but their car bad got stalled i r' r 'rit" 'srallî' nd a fre cisto tWhî sh'ire o! lerle'cttcn 0of factorles wherein aero- a snow-hank on the bnci roacis, and' p'ctoraut I t II prolltjtY-.'vi 'cîiu ciarond vas' 1rougliît 1planes ;,Ins irs o tcla') onild be ianiftutreil for the il was decided to return ta the' ctty.1 cure 2o~1î~, ..'o1dilBrou- I îid 'el .1 I Xls\1 laiji fi l)h. bill iio informatiton asui.qt hts nasgli fi irssî" 1'11moî R- ~ msag tatd oeeta etire '.oidi4, Bron- 1(j I:r i ii ý raviiilarile. jîlst as nt) deftille ,cuill per roiiîi an anitioîncement was maie that they would comne terWhItby tiîs week. clit , t tî! ei ut.~t i i. 'Ii . ii 1 r'-l in rtnt1'%%~as klnown ,a -îî,t: 0)Ouujplant %vas. t<îbe erected ai Develojîmenis wouid seem to indi- ., iti;.etcan r0l'rc/irheid ifi ie îî-r '- ti t .inp Irdeni, Ihîls belîîg the' flrst of cate that Whtlby ts at least unifier con- respIrat ty îrgs. i t O i r r r ';' 'r ' Irier. .i niil,hi- ie Iolil.tIl i is ni de niaong i lnsioh îed' îot ieatna osbest o xe0 zborii lisitlîyeriîl i ier ~ r r,,'~ .r' .~'~ ll'st \%ln ta~iii tsI lmnaiî' <orrosi. til ordei to \.qearly ns lasi (ail Vhltby men the proposec faclories. Whtle no one firit 7 1r, N\ ; lf 7,1;llltiC rlsn b.akd ai , a î thr ii i.-ss year, Naý or Warren.INi r ts genirieiy to be loped that a (avor- an tilm le oio ie Ross anird Nfru. F.d H. Annes wruit able decision lis rtaclied wlth regard 10 25c per Biiottlîîii ii il *1 Iu sralion ,Idnto Toîrontîo I f'vt -the oftIclal location here of a factory. Thle large r r; .' rt .1~ s r' r ' ~ mîr .,Irlî i fl ii'UCommission 1nia kes this , r ';k fî-h'ete md feaslni ie nitra r t lt tvili(ii((i*,at'%fx)lis iei ft e a v ttg,4 t lg't oid le ninde ovor îthe lake. 1: it.1 %I ii- ii l rn d1iii" on Ille ' fui iof fleiitiuwili unr ili i , h.' o 'rl try 'Vhitby, foir the location Tiiert Is no rensoti why n location at J. E.îrii îWI h-i viIcinil '\'iibr Iii iiy'lIiîîr: lf c ar- ii îu"î'. andti rgita lth(, huard ta NVlitt)y stiotîilo t be just as ndvan- O ragistand ptiIaiir-".,rrl'- .1 ~ ,> iti iis. as a rp'siîii <irthlic sur'-yac, ('oine down uatilook ovrtt'e town. tageous and conventent as ai any ottier i r ggiostrand o tpt ariasflit ora.an linf 1!.aieTh11 'iNh ifhy m ,î <i n.sitred thlat point along the shores of Lake On- MEL)CAL ALL h i -- -1 I. r. .îîr î -frî.iu i i duîîila' I i-i slciîîmts ssmi Ibifgiveii t dup*tarto. Tht' linsslng, or two lnes of 14 nisiter.iîioîr but i .,t'weeks eiapsed saifway chrough tfie ton-n offers crans- trck st. a Wh itby. i . iIr' ~liur ira i .rsoi i S'i l lit- frîlîrît îîîg resoliffi n \%asfîn i î rhrwr 'sfrhoigpiaincnv-roîe ftefrtwi fs~~~~~~~~~~~ n .ri*il*r"-ii"- i eai uî ",d Il-,- \il'f'liî'oirc K I iig-. seýcond-ianid Il m as t houight that th(, maitobr liati or. anlti ino liglii. eic-., are ail as-ail- r 0 a t!1. -rin . r uil le.* ilir ý. 'l d i i-\t i 'i\Ir Mrlt itvre-, andrd a rt .-r t (ýIr-r d ropl d. Oit ,-7oitirday inîn.li iîîg blen i ls-' t r ge quat lily. 1, le i,ý ii4 IIrir r'e- Il 11r4,. - satie -aI i iily h<ing tised hiy lthe Do- r. n ai iii 'i. ai-aiiii r îilhionîGovernmnt ias il I-t s~ i I z for -~~~ s"~~~'î' i - ~~~~~r.'iiiriiî-d noldiers. anîd ih'iifi greai Ul D hP~D I, RY' RE L N~ S c a uon g al'l!Il bUdf( !adepailud "'H jId >i j.l nlo rr hewot Ilf dt 'ýlds rsdet. u ln its resideiice ln Whitby the i r. n r ~i 'iintti îîl ar'ocîîiudc ioî l fu' laI î-ilr;lu uiUa' nsy - îSSpasse te f0he ebeyond ln the est ln municipal affair. He was a D E O Il '- i 'riii- i..ii . -ii ic î.. niai io o .ritîcii 10î puIeti 1u3 'oii'iî rîccI ursoiioftIL.L. Hug-gaîd, whose death meober or tht' Town Couneil for a rr 'rl.- l -a i ih. i'- fuitfl 1 rcd air-l;'ii îRoad fronuiiiho't-PR celiîcîed on Frlday morning last, afe- number of years, andialsio of the Board Ouit~ rUirlrrl îLn t fî' tns if ~011 irsli raronut.>fli likeandHosiitil teir a two tinys' llln'sB. Mir. Hug- of Eduication,(rom whlch body he re- qi, fi 'tns(f,\l l. s*nl) i(-,' ad opia. gard C.I8teatt hbai bec-n falîing for tireti oxly five or six years agio. As a r ' r"' ih 'ir % le-i re-sîîotfuill>y reqîtîstithi-H ydro- sortie titdle, but lie was of s0 active a resîdent ofthue town from lia carlier u0w en route to Wlity, If thie :Mdil- si I un it I.iiîi'i'ti l'l-cirictCommnissionr te have asu ne- iitreltai be wiis going about the tinys.lie w-as able to infihivnce the e tiîepatîii ~ 'i5 i.ir n- -lii :4 t ~ - llsiporatiosinu(iif rcdr' u iin t îre- T 'wn. r lieuse as uisal tntil just wo ciys bê. wn's affaira during is active parti- railwa-;ys giv' 'i. It ehtinousp>utlot ti rua 'Iuwi fore lits dî'ath. Even on Frlday nioriu- cipatton ln clvic lite, and Ifl may be to keeli i. sîîppiv ~foi- ir.-laurr-îof le" 'il riir siirrji n.il',ie. rt-l iitl in ose vthe- Hîu.Itin. l, ietî iîîg he dîsîd.)ayet a deaire to be a-bout saît finit he wîi-. always destrous of ths-11 1, 1. ar i l i i îîîî jr' Iroi h frli y-lawss îtsed bi atfcndiîîg ameoting iat eveniuig, If th- town. Ilis ideus m-re progres- 1 'r r. irid(r .'î.rriri o t - --i \il(-ituai frlito titeiicln 1914.Ton1nposstible. About 9.30î, liewever. hie be- -sîve. atd dtring hists s-nire tof mce on Il DIAIAI ~ IL..t.. r- i(If- iu :'a-i i tu *.fi Wl i~-lue c'qu-i oi'd iii ofalshaeTwn-camete 'rv weak aund deatitcaine :;Iick- public bodies lie wsas of gueat lise ho E. . BLOW@I, YVIIilb>7 I 11îiIi'l Ill., i tîrisîr...- c, oil r f h<'sol uit mi-y. Tliougitfils deatit la mourut-clby anflus felîoss-citztns li ihe say of adi- Bell iton- ~ bonlr li-uni it r i n~rlui' l me. ort i l t."Iiii'iu: acvîîit nhiisi aniîng the- tnttrests of Whîîby. Bellphoe_9._____________l._t___________ lu religion,18 Mr. Hugntilsisti.1 l reigin Mrwaa aad Pi-aes-s ______________________ri fr i Iti usii r acsîîrnd ilib Iiii ho toledtilat theC(om- ' -byterlan, andi bis alteudance tthe 111 l i. te>itt- i-i r us ciiii luiteu sv--'iiiisasi us il ] cil oncle aci uîon the rie-- services of St. Aîudrew's wîts as rt-gn- lei. icii riof ut h.îc t rziislslrr-l qIiest of te Board of Trade and UeJra hshat prctd l,'-ilisfo-lt odtr atlo%- nit'ourictl. suhicit. on INlonday es-eu-- a-bsliegadats e ofhed. les EASTER TERNIriltsiasilolin"'id 10 i Mr. Haggurd was 011e 0f tuetoldee hi l. i iif-dtî.a 'i ,tns' ar-o îUni1mlrt h members of Composite Lo)dge. No. 30. OPE S PRIt IOtpt;tmt.I ifI doutît lt-st lie lii lise ahovil'. Accordhmîg te Sir Adam Beck's AF& A.M. anti a Past Master,an was L IOI iiili' rci> t 'er. for ;it eiitly roaîiI7atioiîof thet- t".als amember of Keyet-one Chapter pe.~.on. .No. 35, R.A.M. He was ore of the best lntfersxed ant ingot hgl epcc n -i ,,inembers of tht-se lodges, and was ac- rcv Mri MF~D ~-C A TI N orded a Masonic funerai. Re ia lc Toono nt U~NC-IL E DO .S . A TI Na memberWf Easterni Star Lotige No. k ii rî.. i u aaOF THEIL RBO ARDl O F TRAtDF SIwL~LIL ~ ELLr'tembers of tht-aly h urie ct-r - 'tM s. Lotle Rusreli, ut hom e, andi a f t AluIl45.il cor rît il iii.i tiiig ( loittna iuîs or tti it ~. askiiig M-laitfermai -,son,,Byron, of Fort William; as well as i¶ t~ tu ilus i itrîîîrlia(i on nmais had n otîldli lt- cequlred logel lutoelocate two guautsons, Nitervin Rusîteil, of o il31 !iq il e o ft s ýf-t-i iî (if ithes Iltard of iiW iltlu ht- piant of this coriceru Whitby, anti R. L. Hugagrd. jr., of Fort t I i i irnîîu nuit.ttc, t cctlior tiins si-di>s-s rai inembt-ra oflte Wlim C"c v. Ya rar 1 W.J. iltt. 1 . rluer teit îord .;il a sîbtttiai t oIliliîl 1mo nmiks ago on bhe occasion ~Drn i tIlînesMr. Uiuggard tu.ruî SPD1 r.ttîi-tdsciîi.lai uto tht Gooci itoatis delîutiatloî waliiîg recelved ail te carie that iovîng hiunds ________________________________ utistlilu ibi h u d t i t.tirit i lîs-Ontario Cjouitrtîinssi cou.ld give <rom hls wIfeanad daugbter. on i . tîrdrs r Ae 1 oty tof Ili'le T'eStretis 'oinmiierecommiend-' HiSs son, Byrons, ta quitte 111, and was i i)"ii 11la tîn Irîsteil i fi ai it ct li'c'Iua-is cd th-is'iîgtags-iieîîb oftNIr. Johin Mac-otable to lt-ave bis bed 10 be prescrit Thé Creator Canada Improvemient à c tiend .îîi c ltiili mas nsl<ed Io Cari as ftres'îsoreman at $3 a dày; ut tht- fuiaeral. Land Co., Llmited 1011.24.1is i itiiiteiledvur tlt f or t-udt-rtcfor t't-mîîîg. -Service wais held utathe famll resi- tl'i it i t rn nutilab-r oh I lit' lso ils' payini ofi ot t lit-si' accolint 5; tact- ona Whltby - Onario-' s'ýl1 orifiwN lit-irti lii favor of dtiuunn JoNliitr('arl--------------...ioTRE LATE R. L I{UGGARD. large coricourse of friands galbai-ad ta Rl ýta d -l"Atu î'ts.al -Aîrsties MNanAUgetI, tii'uir. ii.uni rldh.-edoth. ilo ni id rtlki(-----------------4.5 vas-y large le-ieof ftadi, it. ta a'mat-edo mn r ie wunesyof hndceas. lKeute itiru liii.- sii tIt. c -al Iattti ir,' ;I I \'.- m Ituit------------------.2 0 ber of stisfa icto n ho th e t-m flat h e a s e m an . M Co m c, dct e f i . ('oliseteîi itîsu Acriiîgeul i îi î~.>iî~i îro>t-'i. aiti s'c Viot îckl leSotu3.11 -tt-aîleteupofor-sunyr ferany lngth eârt-M *PI-ehyterari Chrclufol- ltuîeriss .uic. uiusidutiu. lliii id>1i t toG cts-lssuanid Tios 'lT e eprt nmas adoibuedwMithtout a- o! blme, andtifigI he vent. as hwouldjtoi For tsurisii p >Illi'stt >lliirock St.i crtisi. '-1 iti-d s110s1îMs Iiaico u<tt sidîtîthvewae. tlkyan e 1owed hy a short service hlid by the Bel l ' tt 'à,à t. aewae.qlkyadwlthout a Naolebehelo't I ~ e t P t i i e 9 3t i t l ' a t u e . i l ,u c a n , . t sl i i l i i i t t n i i e r t i l t i a i a d o p t - - ' l t s ' ( ' o t i t c li a d o u r n e d 1 0 m le i fi l e n g t y c o n f n e m e n t t o h ià e dM a o i i b'a - o e l a i e M r . H u e L - - --.-dliii, r te.ard (of 'lrafls- Aiej-rtiai uu'SItbll011 ou ulîda>- e'(I'eung, Tht- laieRobes-t Luther Huggard gar.i'l.Tht-rt-was aitlarge liepreenta- ! il hect'sîîuî-sîi i ilits- iioarîd usndtNiarelu 26, for thes- pseto f cortaider- -sot ! h-b-tknw ie ions of Manons ps-lett, Who accom- o iiii .lutiiis'-tt l a Nuittîts-,- <iii lie tng rlerts' aî.iiims-iii of a ('li-f C u e t ! tt o n t a en ti ts<~tt tinis1 ugae fur :rs l 'ilsu.ti .A 1î h I lq i l iso5'ct i 1< u îîn I~~i a otipatuy, U 06 1O f ttu-sg< gC rhre4. IOpa'd UP n Il fi nl r mai g llu Ce gusada'a' il w-0.0 S ".îîr: t-m-m lir. .iaiy mci. Nu t 4 tii is rfu$'t l 0. aui w-ird w g ¶ts>î -ii ed ' ,e rs-'atuuuui, N.,. empli- liat- ('oCtite11a~ i aattgit Vslii- Siist - - iiisvr4un l- &Il ai t *e-r ut masde fs1v.t b tn- *Man ve is pbi- al.r.st fi ta%0 t le r Sf'leqa, la, i~t ( ltoaltîtai \evrfthrb t* tftdaai usirreutlg ,u sui uss-ir ai leItts oller. -a ,s-tertti futht- psrm to. tt«*-Il *Io - -- ' t~~~~~ufltttn 'suams maîstl uy tht- <'<uuitrl -M1's u* 'pIJ:fr aAvm , vle lita il>.-l'aisa -e '4Ny umitt fute&cuquissr r 5 - giNte lSslialta M*e l t i s4'ta.sSuu.M IIWIIU GUDI) Pt miit M csbis aalary. u(tu*s. on "i-,'-e-iisWtt ~ -d t8881(e9 1 tsousîr INs'îtu trlt tht hal- usom dtt *www dajv li n 0t-# LIVERVI SALE AND i ti. t~Iu- opss tt4. us,4dsbw4 .4M0 al41il- v1 elî rst~t thf'pqSusujA wy««*uw4 8OARIINOSTABLESI 4> .j ti tp'r*'t ts-Lit- I. BROOK ST. WHITBV La@ ne 14M;iW4.utut- e-n <onW 10 ' $#s>s> tI'i I1 defatafetr lbi-t #rt»Oj> k ki of sil and double *bottionit~1th*u* ia r1gu for Lird. us os&U fbo Nim t<> tu fîilm"isIMM, 0 trsi»nsd baggage trans-fer, !He -.- 4 t'bMamsl4r~< Uonsebought asd on<u tftrt -c-< ît~î s0nad drlvm "d sud vy ¶1h'~u r ewm for il; alto b4Iddl'q.Orr* P « hi asyqaatl~y~-ontut b a~ bvadswwi MqMkrtitt, 1OM tO * »X4 (:Wu. oeuw- b>l Iav ttç*4s ieS 'Wit& lru'avei,. IfF us-s-u#a à u*1 waiavus. m Mid- Wintsr Of Boots and Shoos Ail Winter Footwear wiIl be sold, at - educed Priées" Also m any Broken Lines of High Class Footwear wviI1 be sold at greatly reduced prices. ,I Poo & So, * Wit.y ut 111 ema L =90àauac MdvNe MADE N CANADA." THE 1917- FORD TOURING CAR $495.,0 (f. o. 1). Ford Qiout. Vou don't need extravagant daims to justîfy your choice when you bu), the Ford. TIýe new model fiye-pas!zenger Touring Car at $495 iSstsandard automobile v"alue. We don'c need to make -daims " in ofTering )-ou this car. we show you the car, itself, andicl"ive reisons. The quality, the puice anud the service it gives make satisfaction suie. You can always depend on the Ford. Let us show >'ou the 'new mode! to day- DEALERS, WHIJBY, ONT. - -c -- 2, C- ers 'W.1J.Luke & Son Vol. 54-No 3ý IDEALERS9 ý 7 WHITBY, ONTARIO, CANADA# THURSDAY# MARCH --22, 1917 ý ý" WHITBV9 ON-re - sait" 0

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