Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 Mar 1917, p. 4

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-'%Vaikelt 1pfiid M-ahcrnàt ef1ttÃ"r, singes.-One iuay be wtnesu4dany day Ili the fI, l>.b a vIit to ra, o flauier stii the qkt fiemlI'- ror.-Or'iia Purkc't. hoOrillilaPack-ci 18against W'o- Ma Stffrage. The editor says: -W&. flirts genfnralîy are not asking for tii franchise, the agitation behag eontfnpd chietiy to an aggressîve and rsoisy few Ibît Il they di desire It. hIt no r,- Éveciion on 'hein te gay ihiat Itl i bd:i t' i' for tljo country thatt Iheý sholild nf rlai'ehId. 11-ad WlW Town Cotiscil com;s ledý, w it rie ,'etuest of the hoteIkpt-.îw.î-s foi- a r",ilsion of al]i taxes iipon h(-(,1 The Standard 1 The 42nd Ammud iMesa" ofthe a Canarda, wus hold at the. He". Office Toronto, on Wedmnesdar, the. 28th Febr A large number of %harebolders was1 On motion, the President, Mr. W. PI Bog. Chief Inspector, who acted ans Secrç Your I)irectors, in presenting to tht lui Report ofthtie affaira of tire Hsni 19.17, hav e La8ut-qin stating Liait the Ing the puât tmwje ie nths ansd a satid Pssrtmento The Net Profits, after mnahing provi bate ot rnterrst oit tunmntured il11 ls n agems'nt, etc., simounst to $~,3.ubci age paid-up capital of tise iBank foi- thre balance forîî'ari fronti last ycar and tlis new stock iâssued dJu sng tihe year. mi 'Iiî lia sin rîîs41.4si J ssifssIi0 Foeur q uite ('y d adissst i ho r.st- e f ('ont ributîs Iîo Offi.crs' Pi'rî,ionsIti ('ontribuîrsl 10 Pstriotc and i kndrilc "rr Ta x oit Bliank Note Ci'rcultion te : 1 Triani. r'<i dSoittlr e r iîtrous Pi'r ri lJrss~of IProftsan u-,bossAccoudat e. Durnîg the year Dirans i-.-;sf the 71 (ritsîsNvmw l)syto:s, sud Tri" 15r.rs er. (Ont. Thse lirfleh aîm o ii Thse 14sisii ssrpî.tiors f tis I a lird tise bLi(ff Iraû ie srthf[uily rji'd fficie GENERAL STý LIA BILlTI N"'ftsm-rof tise Ft.ni In circuiats .. JI-Poits 5b4aring Interest i.s isscs ', rijod lu daste)s Jk'îîomiis fot bersing rrterst..... 1)1% ide nd No. 105) s , i tir (I s t Fs- iris. liii i.ncî-s due toterthise t;ntuss'ni 11rs1a ncùm du(.Io lu littîs s it s .i i 5" t1t:s1) i n Crin. J Acerptsincem linsier Lî gttC.-d ris 0f i <'ririprîssiut) .......... .. lB-qers-el'n Baasnce of Profit anid I--s . asî <îrrnrut coitsnrfiied ,- biiau s Dominitson5 ""ssti us . s-i - - ASSEl s-s )îsiat ss item j llils[lie f. s - Noteà tu u thi tsriî' ""-i<s.Iace du' tt l-sr ls sit i l.usi ris. iq t5 cuti i1 ul ttI It5 ti CO iurid s ,isst escr-c-(i]ltîg lussuket JUPis - ilanti (ullot ti t is-ilet 'et~aiia i l rti.dlo L1pltitescertCUtýis- h ii a l e-, Csuit sinc5 iot Oh't n r \ccclln îi - i in Crisads l lioidus, S ifs Dcrut ut-ri fosi Brank i't'eqaitm. lit nîst mous-lti' tt'i.uIs (1llAi Aset(Ilnet. risi-ludies iiitIssufor r'guing . .COW.i PI'enlderit. 1 bave compared t[ h s-oi-e l3slsiesnei aRtt he Chlet15ffice of Thé Stanard lîinki returna recie4 t ront is biancheu. sand at Ing th e urhîtien at thech<'ier fofitls'isosce January îlot, 1917.,I1certif>' tüisl, s ry op, a truc and correct view of the ahîkte offihg beit of nay informatisn. thé eOitions C 'book» oft[heo Bank. ln addition to th(, examinathon mention 'chief office aiid CertainOfethtés princip441 bt'i by nie nt nno[hgr timo uti'îg tise>'5'r, ani boiçiof lté,Baik. Ail Infermation usîîd t'iplanaaiLone rcqui ail trasahctions oet hie Batik whîi tits bave ol opinion, been withlaati te oecrs ofttî 1 (1 .T uf Clstrkauon (lord, Toronto, Pebruiéry 13(h. 1917. The nourai motions were Immacci. andth th hofollowing geI1nfleie lesci ira r»rssct ÃŽW- . i'U'a, 7Mr. Wellingtonîî i-rîsîiî. K- T. IL. Wood. At a iUlisfeqri méeetinir ot Toronto, Februuiry ZbItia 1917, anda SIRV ý-_pcaII oi éi veiry. -own. lu fnietayettie d in atnixh'o t I5tuOpt-o thé, by-la* and almoat s<ià . -17V PV~iiW g ~ t c~ a~ t h t :1- Mo ey,,thue and r-e1eO n ee cf fd-ubndeea' the -op Wao lton. -' ' Y a t d t, a B~ ~ctt a is ifleue f xtapo.Duithé, e btel la a pl1ace of reaidence k>tSL'rfia 'vo SE Xr) 90ýý'rttIFth 'iiüuiie f xopi.The -bigs 1èr oerte f1 ye«i.'*One- of the 'rèauliio eticwate the (or thse hotelkçeper and bis farriily, ausd by te CanaLda fýroën f.~~~oi loage, points the wuLy lni whihh T1i~r a e 4 nb er j4 ui b sineru, If his taxes w re rem I led w eflhci Iot M id antl, wh c em p iyed 4600 met, nâ ltbYP nay itlp' o releve lthe sita - tiin ve wlfl *oeonc areilscoîsevery other citizen be enlitiedto ter- iwlhch basa been ècsed for touar or five tlion. With Sir Adam Beck's flrm static 01 taxesi; mean who,,.,because âf.. de- iso ttxsonli 'sdne years, ils abouat te be utilizeti for the ut i-familton on Thunsday nigit 'lilbt, prcsscd lausinesa conditions, aiè rc asî reduction of copper ore. The t. Law- when he tîarted Uic tables on the Ma'c ingne n~>ey.We orat eles ir-ar Irence Smneltiag and Reftn[ng Co., wiso kenzie-Mnnn attempt te geltbrough 'In neinuey.We on" -otenlifarNOTES 0F'TITE 182ND BATTALION. 'conSroi large areas of cepper produîî- tint chty, wit!s Its îropesed Uise le the' of a grocer or a dry goods mass or a'n n cto otArltr ste ' e si Isutcher asking for remissior t ftaxes h A ver> excting bexing bout u'as held igmti 's e otArltr h h igra for lneraumninu he as t I concerss that bas acquiredth ie plant aI ih todh ugetn i eî Ithe Armouries on Tlasrsday evenIng 'Midlanti. Thais firm has opierated a supply oaf Torente, the prospect et es- because business ln duil, anti the>- bave last. îThis Is really part efthlie train- smeiter anti refisser>' au Ti-ail, B.C. bt tablishhng an alternative route tinder no suirpltus aithtie end of the year. But insg et the mets so business andi plea- propose le hransfer tîeîr operlattons le Hydre auspices, with Witby as thse are they neot just as astch entîlleci 10 sure ivere coxnbhned for the evenissg. Mîdiandt. Beides being a great benefil teraminal for a car ferry service acr'oss ask Iftaas tire tise betelkeepers? Hotels riere were enîries in every dlais, andtinte tîown et Mitilanti, Ibis reflnlng the lake file Alcott, looks more enceur- meat of the beys stayet te se lte fun,!oorInOtiowI eaga tm-g'- are as npcessry te an trban commît- ant i ere wcll rewarded for deing se. iet ai Otacorie wibeagreadut rtimofaIllng. cri ngt*sasteC Inft asaüyothr bsinssandIf rin wa9 rpedoff an th ofices'the province. Midland citizens arr op- adian Nortiern Is bankrsîpt, andi shouid be possihje te operate two goond baicony, brncits-, tables andi bunks timîlstie as te the a'esult8 of the estab- Islîould be naionalhzed. Perbaps lie tiotels ln NWbitby at a profil. One - or-wsrce ail crowded wi[l spectators. lsmn r fttiInuty nw twl e.I htl ote hr Ring officiais sîeru': - Timekeeper. lien ireo bi nusr' neews il wiofbuidgtish ,ies thef tloisoetIlle ypaî' might show ne profit, Sergt.'MNajer Dickinson: jutiges. Capt. roati from Pickering village tu Cherry- or perbaps a loss, but tise other anti Geo. F. Bell, capt. A. B. Ceckburss anti SPLENDID PIIOGRESS. wedti t couple up the Toronte Eastern twtter jiertotis might even up. 'The Sers-t. Hazèîl; r'efereé, Sergt.-Major r euuhdni'urdIl,îk 41111îhîîq l oc'eisf îvitb lthe Canatihan Nerthcrn making travellitng- ublhr, we believp, are ili- Muoen- "Jet Swepney'" acted as sec- Sho gBIfI (Iî'îrth?l so Jsîts. an ai' line less than the Grand Tnank Ingto aya r.toiil;l rte eraccm-onti ln one corner, ln bis most protes- *Tt îs iss[eresting te noie that îîot- m11inileage front Wititby te Torento. tîs w st>a rnsoabe rte on tccm-sional manner, anti varieus chieras su'ithstandins- the recogizesi tact tisat Tii scisene means the realizathea et modatiýI3s. ati'I ieto-ikeeîienýs arec cr- tiat-other cerner sIne-ie to de likewiise. business conditions during the týst ltse Hydre Radial astisoniacti from lie Tie feliowhng ha a summa-y oethIe Ymrrhave offereti man>' nes- problems, rit>' eastwîards over a more direct route -- - ________bouts with the resutls: andi genéraîlly tiat it bas bren a perioti1tItan Shal voleti on b> the rural muni- Bantans Weigist---Pyr.Bal ley' vs. Pt,ln whicîs lu.was necessan>' b ciercîse cipaltiies buit ute-inot necessanui>' ai- Whiter 'ehsingli -Pin~h s Pte. le.great caution,lte anisuai reports of ter It within sitis1w-n limita. Utilizing P d I t U ~ I I U W e lh r Deish r g î s1i e. Wildýij p s P t . m ost of t hi e C ana tiu m n ba niks have t ie bran sh U n e fro rafle G ran d T r înk hite bt-u'te. len i-icPt . Ie w htsplendid progres as l jtnin tegrent prov incial hospi- lan ofC nad Colrhpora gLt. Dec- isn ia dra . L.madie ulibe dcvelopmelnt oe tir cout- 1îai, new Srned o-en Lutiste Dominion CoprlLf.DcsoP rw' try. atithonithes as a sottiiens' isospîtai anti siraa-oldea- of the Standard Banak of Heav's-weiîgt-Clu >ow-att ivs. Pte. Tis is la soy coîssp)icion)siv reflefrs--d vi)ational institution. street car ser- 1 of te Bank, 15 King Street West, Myland'. Pecis-ion ris-en te ('f-.1 sr.ila lie c-aseetftihe Standar-d Bank cf vice ceatidbp givesa betwern tise tpper oruezy, 1917, art 12 o'clock aoon.Havwhhe-- Bateman %is. Canada ais appears f nom tise annual par'ts efthtie towis andi wbat already 15 Cierl. R. J. Cook Dso. a drawi. sît-erso tisefrs rsnes 0sswig itsSnent requsremrnt "of Ibis prsn.Thse followIng arle thse changes onu[lit ahareholders on Fs'brtîany 28th. means et rapiti transit. A brans-lten -Cewan. took tise chais'. and Mn. E. A. strensg-ih for the wp*k:--Privatsc J.'J. ant i îcî appenara ln znoîîç'n colutan. Victoria street. from Brock te Henry 'etary Lut the meeting. rendth ie report: Swsirski, 8. tD. MilcitelI. and R.J. Tsrr- Dtsing the year radins- .anuuazy 31st, sîneets. exactiy a quarter mile' ln ekfu heodrsr ei-ii Yi-st cond Arsy, red ire-ia udiai' 1917, thse Basnk, after pnovitiiag for ail th--, weulti de tiis. A Une on Brock kud haon Sue '-n s'îriirs lot Janur- , Pte. 1'.. J. Clarke lis tratîsferreci i cas ata et management, payhng Inlereslt rom tise Canatian Pacifie station te 5fractot y licii'se is shsrwn n usaIt de- iialtie-s. Sergt. A. B. Fergison, an- o i eois t. n rvdn o h oto h tet hneagv otier et the od iboys cf the Baitlion, ho ndiidpti, tic.. showdprofis frtienfoo et tise etreet, wbnce a ge ionfor lhart aussidostttfl'uidebSs. ne- a member oethtie firur N.C.O. Chas, t-r b58@,anti00.eubîttult;ebtisho p 9roftsoree sirk, lun lest t h yn- .1r iuscurt 'wtigî. -et rft ranrferred le tis@ Osersoas Traininsg iilc ecn 89-~-sornectig s'om-tt h ie braheb derdWcujt. xclane. os onnia- ofthncaita, r ticl,'ofIheos-ta usg au. tlî, raiîe of isg,.; on tise ai-e- Co. of theC.O.'P.C. cf Sthe îsiversiî>' of and rest cembineci. T1he net profits !plai, make an aggregateetof brep ycan. Thitîa mouut tngr tlison wsîth tise Toronto. Sers-t. R. H. Bain. ls tranc;- the pres-hts year wene $563,402, lise in- muIles le lie conttced. giving service ssitti ut$333.24-11t tfer'pnesiurns on tenned il.-; fnom C. 0. T. C., lia ex-' hr - -ig 1.2.0 h'o h w an]le ala ttos ké,s thi- suns et $9-5,119 Il. change ton Srrgt. lPengttîons Sers-t.etease, ien' oe eis 1.20.T ti- Hostisetalman liyne rabutations irc-nultion shsosRn increaise oe-ntithtHimporan Iti Hetinisr. btont - ~~~~~~~~~Ilaiiitsha abrotisen of Jack Bain, et tise preuleuis year cf $1,274,750.00. andti he ipratc t.sfrngcneto r .1: tee rinîuar--------..$3ÇIss996î litaltout. Lient. MW. J. Bealon, e otst ietis o---san s,$6.- w-litihe Toronsto Easterntrackage- for "o000.00e Wilievte. i at&tuck off th&, smncngSbas-<6 0ass agai tc ubicniv 39.stad at .-tise froattraftis-broisbt over tise barbon cI'jee...- ....---35900.00 medicaîll> infit ton fiuniien militan> aedaels ea.Ts e iai how-bmeanu of the car ferry frons Olcott :1ssi i-er-nitre 1916-------104S3.75 sens-Ire. îloth offuirra ais-cimciiregret s taels éz heso nWih.ApQ ilcrcpwrt p usiinn iiNr'iv Suer k -131242.14 thteanhelhlismai'irncssn irmankabie inerrase eofeom $4f3 Whity. ml -e-re10-nt p iCir-s fo ivrîd---------lha1.6 fo oln. eants tesqmtdi t it' service. (s9fi05fi te$46,292.564. wis1e tise total -rate tise line from Wiitby to Tronnt o 7975î. 1 Fleitis[inca-. For!zih anti Oag. . - sussets nomstand ai -159.85O.274 as a- Iola xisabte bý-tisc- r cetsm towts a-s s eantstF. W.Jenes. ('Ti. J. F. mrctll- lrsS .2.îri'revioiis y 'e r busaaslte HSes m mis, sicen.'t tk tîs-î'e hert operil t ai iurt'i-tL, Insush andtiPie. J. \V. iTkcrIIIs ben im-eni c c r nt~c-s e y ibeHydrocmi -tr(.tena. ln lssr. si ea-t ti ; anetd unui- i-îîek at anoSs il he gro-vils-fet tie Standard 1Banklii-d'ti, aicis src a i ittiri i ii s'a liss tuutri 50 flas Hasi.varont; à rngthîistfir s-ar bs n 5 sBrock wosd gis' lic ilrev Indus-a Drit]yîseiîsssgr--iut.sdi it. tiraseH.J. truteroa nto.s-uissl1 make-ti. Ilustiai penoc tries n7e bir lssr t;ckle and ie n t. O u t Nc'.b o s s - n is . He r s . O l i i l o n a n ( dj R .t J . e t s e d r i e F i i~t- l a i e n sr e a s e t i o v e r t. ( , l a n k e t s - - i ss t w h i t t i l s ' > a n t i o r s e -' iousn andi Cook, aindci -Cpi .HarrisonsP-'sr-i at1 el-'r a sestuielas nuin is the tcld tien(-t - fi-est ro s-s'7.11.'17 lus 1912 tari«)dOto'nsîosr rtsmi bise ATEMENT ar'-detii)5d fou-a srtirr;' in Bas oncl is'5Çsfs5o27., an tîîs-rease of neanis caLrs tromefilîer G;rand Truink on ('ais- Piltn n hscl'riis-igai F~ it-is eya ts ssa u-itesse îi Pacifie 'ieediin tise te yarid.us ES. h it iin (55 unix l'Toronîtot. 3-at-otitins- te $396.899 acre iaid. l'lie ltroapeet ili tralitis-for sus-ha Ssii-i le ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sfr£f F 3e 3O i-ib-sii irt. If tI iis3d otris ltsut h- Olsn'~~ lisse u-osî:ld look niosi ronnisiirg. Repue -~~~~~rttimin to th 0ftTi-s1 3 ls-itrltsk.(Pss n:rý- suii(tllgrs 47..7214 i62îe647 ~ ~i i doi Ss s rdi [on r13 1-tii d. t tiii( o Ile 1 Piiotc PFi(,1 o,, ncy'ssu s-.teof thedistrict in (I Ilis sls .b a... .s- sn lse.. ..s co se 1- 4 8 3 7 5 a n ti i 9 1 .94 7 usa s rm is-si fo r- . -i c i n z iii T o o n to a tt eek a ti s r lii~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~. K-it îrr5sri1a4at-ha\it i Scisool if tsf;sitei'P'cr or«s- t tn aru Io fprofiti anti iots-s-iolnuir-rkhls.orilati lors-fnfsal sun naanti rn - i1satlvS o lofliIit I.T rntfr itens i .9 6 .c-iasissg lise niglît tofw'aý for tise lits-c a ......------,. 4 7 1)55 -ua a--ihicEtnu n ue-Anlcai ettelstotstik's %%'hiiis'. Tu needs.csasily o go a step ';i1 -13 4214 ii , lt'-. irrs-n Il avi -Ms- ku~îsi A tmeri ustientureithets iiets ier rs -1 sîanit-tb% tie cal N .........r5X.045-84t5 rs-se an V i i 'n ' st OW e pltd athcie $2uic fsss(s, ktiras-- tsssî s i relse a is n lsas s-t'rs . ......- - ...33 I42146 ,1't,.GI l la i. andIOV ts n %rprc «liti.t élzea h alis,.p 4 33.42'4 S ont Iiî 'Iern 'ai ti. Tncurli-r er s is-001, TsSV4.. c f t se total].-îciis iiti sihýe nmuient, i ltifrai ci tise Hydre ...... 1'l3r 9 il.6 3 c-si a ieThei n to fr i s.7i*;23 2):4 ranis lis- îatst. ss as te I),. viuteti cii lus tIre riu~s $59 (I-tu-ilousr ! i boi ;i-t 'rtisi i s imsts' n-qsire.tss-n ta of mans- ,,adolynatn ieedo r s . .i(»;I . L ota'ri.Dst-ns.endn ssrs lia n ts tuts-ci fa n in cra w a r e) se c' so na;l ie tv cois s i rus ted . Tt 1-32 1:1 s 7 1riLi oran n set t uts 'on Sutiiid.î -fl'ena s Iý 1 î 11n ý le f i'at lnid h v h s5io cOu-tcin I'înj iW trtres( i i el,î, s10 il,- Ibtis , \v tii ilo o rii w. ass a s 's t26O5'4,k5 Tise licla-, a nd cf llowman-hle, as c'il asco 6 2,s 2 4 7 li%%ias %VI ilair-ss o f usistst< s-si, tiatIlu-savs, tses'rs ini o Il ,ahanet u i i 'T'rontt. bts-anise cf is promise et itt- -~1 h ,t-tot s as tIli(s fr11 iiru for lSt F . srdi f i 1 il satI!, fi "u (1e f ats-ad ias S ssiianti pertmanenst rie ii"" "- O .... -s..... 1'litiTti-rsdss%- nsoriiing saws stg 'rlti-tr c 1s,,ti - - - -- - i '-ssii i 1i: ll-kui-,. s c-îeniisg doii t dsssba tst ie .îscitt aaPatt- i t co a rch 6. 1 7 f,' fi it eîîsing so-u, b ile-a s n t n tise tt(-us-s ti us ns icaus te thse Istubtis-c~.iî - i il - flTIP hostes nieits ~s ;in -r s w-n sîfstrti '(ntirel:. ic Usatia. F. 'i isIcm7sarai17 S. cou suis , s s- s-las-sm1Ný IbTisa peit bard -sîenk. US- * -.----e4@ jC tJ.;î~ ~ ~ t.- tuc 'itis ré5C, dl'lied iuuto s-ii C ood Roads Association terODS M r, f-s sit:s s -ss"s.siccis ins sitar ae cf astilus-t nue- Dr lîrUiken pnacised hene lat Suis-te r 'n, (Y),r tisstins liant lculai- rnnîg. hou'-1 titi.dain nid cf Lthe Albent ('ollege Fiîrs- - 21 s -s%. vey55r-1() Iliive_4 t.sit lmars - iss Giadys wtisofTrn, sît -fiOn s jdmill. ati titis--n susisots'ardsuirtsek Tise Ontario Goti Roatis Amssociatilonis vsted o ver tise week-end 'titis Nir. 251< 52-s-s-I lite dccor.s-ni Otstliiri, daisdi tire s-. h-r 1<' iitsiiisession ai tise York ('ount>'-atiMs A[.Ritrisn iii cljt.. sss-1uîs sus in s- o u i ai î su d o u ble fo n lis B u ild in gs i or n o last w - ..i rs . M . H a l i, s i5 ti g fo r a f -. tih t stocks . -~ 926 7i rst otrîdoor runsilices'lait ft]î. sSîmej %blheuî li 'l'oouto s a]re rek a s' s çur ii tes F Marine Instituts. Wasattendlit the 0.04 Rais meline- ÏMS hâve bistitule,10aMelte priaeipal delcgat"eS, a4 tkat the Propes.d "pro . br&Patgetvisileti iti Ma-s. IT. Iret ss' ben ivA l m. andti seaker an thie el Conert la Mal-.vinefal igbVos amorensenu snet Mr~> eied ime- ibiter taDY notîc lisTe, la smy tîn*u Theatre on Suuday nigil, a"d ala"ilîed 9»84 baÃŽ.ighvay la on-. rd arn ta e u-y.L.~.l ian~~~. ~focelilaid POPUla, speaker ho prevtitarie, but tha-t rbess ealspathe ~Yeung eelretS - Jon' Cst'b, f bwi I be. IWkile reprc.enîingthoe would affet îe Whoie -et thse Province vélo-so kfidly helpeta'l our ecoatet lut&Itr tiTfi.AK$\ IX . Cmy. h blwt sl el"o r rier4iomsUaet>lt osedyee i . ysivn the, weu-k doise iiy the soldier ens landti grevcrnxs Iltemsry. Tbe' -vas are udr tw-e one drainais whlciert c#f: 1 andi tshoed tisti perfect et>opera#on s.ctioai or orgation ln the province joyed bty al, W- hope to have ilean tome o ithitte - iluint<sYmrepe.t land arl orspirt eistebet en het ivas M'aile important thasi anotier. viti us agiam aromn ue tlme. A'. Mr W. kV. Mlsr -. Y. W.' Ithe Aran>' andi Nas>' et leur grat a£Ma- Counstles. mW lie Deputy Milater. esr rl oak on uàn, iii (1 T $imlfciandiU. lire. Dr. Halidrect î mion latu o int sn ea d the Proposes! s<heme sa M tv. Heur>' >a rr ela et and tise Dts-ttors I34r. W. -P. Clevs, tester lna theets ofthe sc sople. a as a lu-cmeafos undertakIssg. TIe friengia berel- on Prasir<tui K., tove land Iadmfirationa for-tie Xavy. tula iappettns ofethle pastt hsue ycars hast Mi'. »dNtimu-T. R PhO is-p IS--4.j GP. $"lLP f, he atccm wîisc-rtby Ieîurîug te people pslllet tisai ie, W%*sa onetneatakil thak li Maly - f renda isba bave ceemlrl Maa«aw~, l stUchaises, but more emp.dialîy te tec Ï e igfr <b* elpcoeIcetthle Empire, asaîdtisholntnusrep le soelv S.. --'-< te l!ekon i.s; lendid tr-adiioneîuIThe. taet b*d te be bser«u la ind îb*at laeM *r ar u i-ati b. e 4 janti Prelseut day saork -af the Bu-itltishle ofibe coiStTadtolaes ea r frmaliyofent !tan *T INavy, .Th icir uouW erMi» s Mida-etImode coul t .spraer 0rII 12O s'I ¶t4er additures M ilv& M. t Malyw»&jpu-iti freint-u s rocu J dyeasor sai smua>tam w arrannetiDaim*. ex san erra»ml rusck a.ppreisted s»#^"» iasotaand49000mcofflues arilnti t sialen& Ulm F aIse d u mla sg&Ie4I giidbtays i te gvêry4maco l#m#-ne vef r.s Waren. et Wblnhy, IUed, dhu au l 3 0 Per oeaa.,of lihest 0of the.e*or la an %»a mai. Ie repau-ig it joadM" W.ouu d alyso 0ung t tone Wg Mois w mi >lonOy- brmbu rdwàisMd 9rrfth 41 ateh 1>« Oîiwaî d««Uffie ugst, our dit Do'~~.14 ue t- =e w-lU ~e <reIt s lbosalves ilul bewfrIstas-1< ontti g» ýet ei mUal W dtrip on allcount of the led Gj I ~ ~ ~ ltw 1» *ome th&&,oui' m"nda au- Mr. ie4,l quil u bw la in tVeu- o t'*"y p t- i4,vea->' = fxx = t e- Sprane SuiTh e W .4-$lies i e n u l t ttienlar dl>gett. w-c al «orfw etwn'qar f- qp erýUt çmmtfor 11W hem.et MnUr. Irtt MUA rrll.*ei'usclIau gtilâ trâ-slu* aiepy e*-e n .r ettnrg f.e v4irfs. 3Mrî HW. Nxrla *bd14"a &U -re ___________lets. ie îwm l iit wtisaIt iVsMh , AU~M~P-N «N R<)IOIMWAY LAW$ mir go5*1W a fkW 41 N$#0 of ie who>* f-ýr dliase r h sia(p ilwa eva wftolltt u j s: t11 tni. pes, Ob . *7 4. M»vfr *e*l b*k 4k Wl rcttisiiTï )0" 4itr >; ie;4cte.out -,te ItrdAltethe ia. P1e1e OW lhsweduu- 1b Paient of actienâ ÃŽ0ed guud brave -. f -lowi vice ii laisses - -Aiid Wortib illntsies? Anad IntPrg-tUen llemire or lthe gas -. . -Young, Words caînîsot alsvays mou-e tIse hsumastit is-d t-e asidi, 'Iut inusie charmq tire sotsl and lacart and oreates grent- er actionus andc deeds. Hear thse patnioitie soirgs 0u, Columbia records. Ai tire leadiîug SonzElandll otur f the aIllîd coustines. Yen cari sce il, silhousette ais 'evenmig sPlut by lhe soldiens., in tihe trecles before tbs- fie, '"Someu-iiere iii France, *- singissg t-he old sotugs cf borneI and counstry. s-se carry' a coispilee Unie 5f botir COLU14BIA Records aind Grafonolas. (rafoiselas cati 1,0111i. se rib1,.1 laii s u cist u in the Store with the Balcony, Brock Street. ciri icfs condutird btuyvmur pîsstor for teýnder of C.'A. Goodfellow LSoli for 1)0151 fo>ir wepeks in $IîIscC;S'oll. prinîing ansd statiomipry for 1917. Tihe main fritnds of M'r. and Nirs. Tise Assessor's l'off as reîsrrned by has. lidgett. of Kin sair. tendr thein the Asséssor wvas accepied, a'ad : hé- ;'mîsathy- in the toss of their infant Tfrsastirer was sîîoiehte -rà-jit ils ahi- hoy, who mwas fiterrs-d ai Salein chequeîî-isn favor of J, N. Hlortop for 5n Sýaitrrda * - last. .$125 for tis senriilus às Assessscor. MNrs. Maiv fe ias hees speridin ~a few Tise 'ottncil ;rrtjssnrned 10 m eon fays lis roronto wItiiber si.is'-. . o v,.'ýfrs-ril id. a at :or' Horse hî'yerg have 4h-11 Koking for tani -t lo f grisera busissesIs. )Od rn es shiekorses te)ifi]] t hein ne- uireinents.(,ood priea arc tîdng paid - ----- -- __ cri. prime antimais. or anme liltis' lime emîsioýed in Osh wos a, bre ieni rîag hlm ssis ago ood H ealth uffering froni sotos' ar trouble.sa rttschimeafw D.rvs foov hs benattndiil-hi i read f*good appetite good spirits- rrjs)orted ssoinsettr mean no discord in the body. .~. AunAsY-wui11 were isneca-use ('os11inl et on Ntonday, Niarcli 5tlr. se miembers mw c-eaill reas atntihe B E aidf se R owr- fil isttsr chair. Te 'rC A M S iinite of fast Meeting wvene reati and isftirmed. A comtmuinie4iîion î%vas renad front liiP u sta.rio Municipal Association. ne an- ai Meeting and memnbership tee. wu &I"SofAu, Ma ibte woeUs A depurtatlonsfi [he malter et poiver1 UW*.6o.8S tid lights f'roni the Hydro Electrici_________ rnimission. was present. and Dr. John ýorc, H. NV. 'Mcllrlen arr] K>E. Pat talon. DerU eIUNonSPiIIiIof teUIe ý1ston. weeIeadoIelnf0fIet " ntsmher of accotînîs were passcd. " deîrîîtation; eossnsisting of MMesars.111 Isat tý' andi E. Webber, was heard by C'oîcuncll. reqiîesting a donation to~ eBrooklin Spring Fair, Io be beld on QDECIAL - uIIIES ay 211h. Ail the profits ef the fai r. donted 1w 1Mr. 0. W. MCLUÇ!lâljn -é ohe devoîtd [o Red Cross work. Ons motlons of W. H. Gtsthrie. second-'Oshawa, wilI be offered as f el lows. lîy P. L. Bnrown, i'red I)ingmaa w as cî<iae soin ted road ox-eraseer for Division i1 Nef lSteer or Hleifer under 1$ mbon. -7. Ii lthe place e'la.Pognon , $6s$4s$250 o wishes te be relieveti. C l'a" 2 1 W. H. Guthrie, seconded by F. L Draft Colt boin ini 1916,90916 ,ii, moi'ed Ihat ibis Couinchilmake @8 $ :.'50 grant et $75.OQQ owards theBrook-' iSprlng Fair. Carrted. Codiions--l. The animaJin eaeh of tho Xoved by W. H. Guthrie. seconded above clamse& mimt b. .xMited l'y Wna. Ormiaton, that the Corpora. 1bois betwoeu là and lW yeof .ge. u of the Township ef Whitby r.-' 2. The. feding aud fiýsbg -far-tvo moU.bsa ?etfidly roquests the Hydre Elecîrle ,.relq» ctef arir maU e . doue ex- wer Commission te supply éee- Clu.iv,17 by tii, boy embubUng. eai power' fer pri'ate and fitreet 3. Tbe awardx for colts mit be rude on îting and power for famiers, aissel the fellowhng biais: th by the petitioners and - as pr* a a rso rinn ,4 ,p r S t led for by Section0.7. clause" ! and 15A5U5« o rrutiug,40 pet eut. Pat 11, ofthUe Hydro Electrie Pow.r tlger m * d fltyo, 30 p" et sinisalon Act and amencdant, ye»dsult,3 q at ýret0ofe 1914. Carrlr'd. W .STV n&~. i IM.W~y )n motion, tie Coupleil aseeeptcd the Pmesdent. eé Tm:su IBUAL MASS TIB T.aIU1 W ItIy SI Lîberali7-are requieste.ý - ie preulit 'A Rossi GORDO>N CON$MT .T0La Grocerý WITBY 4/ ~a/4 .5 -r. '~1' s a - 5~ us- .5.5 f lie fu or 'lire s usm 'la> ln tU s- 5 1 ii .15i --'sf foi mnc al sss I s. hS. l'lisCol hs- ofthr the si-sisies bi dary" (lirs o h F. E. L Tororito'a he eonsult Whhtiy,1 2kh. Do- Tht reg WVar Relut -Ceuncil ( noon, Mai lange atle The B. tiat Churs nhck's sec 19. Everj be Irish. iSabbail Churcli Rev. R -eccurpy t-h A numt fers ef R out hi peq Mru. W. ng, nd Joyable so Tic Sup --n session noeuse,but juronsui:h natifledti l --ltaI wasi ewir.- te parties;. --A met VV fil 1 Di 1VVý N;Iýf-ILI , ( ou N ( 11,- $102 Model, on easy terms.

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