Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 Mar 1917, p. 1

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4-- 4<4 4)--' '11h 4ZE7 ciIRO ICLE Vol. 54-No 31 WHITBY, ONTARIO, CANADA,. THUI<SDAY, MARCH 8. Il .A GOiI7o SN ubih stop That Coyegh WILLIS 9 Compound Syrup of White Pine and Tar ili 't':ltuLle aîor]yule ex' pectorant.- 1h w H I îromjtîdIý cutre CougJlt'. uirs.lrot c'liti'<. etc <ahi1 ret one 4theo respirat ory irgai st lo t normal lieitýtlty cîtrnlit i4i 25c pop Bottie J. E. WILLIS Drugglst and eptician MEDICAL HALL Stoclk St. a Whltby. Scranton Coa DEPOT oiuhuillit-d ailiffto tunof dual n9 viroute t o W)îit y I f tli the ;easoià E. R. BLOWl Whiiby B3ell plone 9. I (o icpl on r-1I1 A Safe, Sure and Ouick Route L IOTT Toronto, Ont. Jialt itit: 1Il c b r A, nt iý e'-iýT, Pnru.raulaip, 4reilsimm.toi 1ce. tgtiri I 1;lie V ir-. 1r, . 4<4a i A ri 1 IU»tU, ..- m l , : -.- . .eIL i okly 1, 1 w-4< l I4" i er.@, ~4- Cor. Ynn&Me and W. J. elliît. I ei rte. IP1rncipal The Gratter Canada Impi'ovement à Land Co.. Limited Whltby - Ontario I>xopertiew lo'rîlglt ani olit. For terraîq ap ily Il -it Off ice-. Brut k Si. Bali Phoie 19-I lu. 1lhotie ir. Your Eyos Sce [Dle &bout jsour eye.s. aI A. H. Allio'$Grugs8tore TUESOAVI MARCH 20 Don't mss ttiis chance f. E. Luke, opii 117 Yonge St.. (Upstairl) TORONTfO Sprifig Term Opens 4mIuely AprTi I t, iandmergeg halo Si1ratefr sessiona f ront J u y :tri. NO lOr-ed i tt<av tionat N. wate t tirie (m4i Frc akâtmgue Write SI -'- *0mul, Tor4mto,:1: < 'e t dos. e& 1&SoBI LIVERY, SALE AND BOAROINO STABLES 13ROCK ST, WHUTBV MJ kladii of msin gLe and double 2rigs for hiro. lu t10 &H the bmnu and baggage transfer. s~on« ught ad sold on dxi ors dàI" po r. M SAW KINDERGARTEN CLASSES AT WORK AND AT PLAY1 I nti't<a l A Iîilr A 1. ain-a 'ttiî I n-t' e il sîta aa'w LusI- tltitntut oItlle Muaur1ratroom aftr'r Easier. »u.tire tu-oprimary, 'oruanittita' ocf lita' ioarti of Edutc.ste), roumfs &rë uîow oercrpwd.d. Thre ont-j ani, . A. Goodit-ilow u retaber of tiei-t coueo!riibe risit may Ite a prepemi, i.tltr oîîmît.-'.wa-n- ln Torontto ont tn combine a Kitidergfflt-n mli.th1eý oft"at <<.i t> îUi wi-t4n îthrtire Ob- prtiary du-irrtmiî-îtî la ti'e pelooial >tÇ4o!ititttp Krr~fUin rhettos ie itîi tbt it 'r ut- Ir-eolw'î'atlenn c ite- Kiiidtrghat-i t 'rtinuary' ,la&MNj, Latter ttate guldtnc.o! Dr. Waugh. 5V M I N A 'A -ta'!Itur-'.'utor for the' irot'hîte.théireE V EV I VKOf VMJé lut-rit nl f7 a. o -gi >uriiAiîîe'ur Ilui latin'.'o! Mmr. str'.of Toronito, Mr.1 ,'luurc1.t irle uay' Io tut Dier Park Tbhi 'tiublir S-htirol. wfie-la j'trhapr the tt'iuI latsr yutt#-rxarîrtrta Ir e cil>, Tue cont l u i'-rgliiî. chiu'ry roonîs art de'roted 61îy Il rthiî<brcîa-' andit uts <1 emldreù iM bd iiuit.itdatiu .-,4err .al tIn the Kiader- btilM nuat rit mnmtmiut rui-< gaunt-x zd pla i>' i et- 'I 1 an rit. t tm'ittur iiutere4.T*e very WU 5 l t-I., rioa'i w,'r.u<-mrar.-thet'tur*etMA" ad oft4sd.-rtinrri.-, and thi-Ir tlne#reet 14*- lît jjp tn tî- tuî$t id(iO'Vuvt.sd M. SM t f rts'i tur ('rulils for iuttaîr tss'b. r'l r-4- 1 ittlfor ttr -z'îir<î !ittKID.- tht %i) txuhldt 10 ltîtIr'acrtîe-u-sare pihi- out t#il %ieiiîua,. ird itiitu, Idu si it a itaetb* 'or-rt- ahi.)tilhad OfiIr uChargesIn lth tbq utl %ttîghtus rof u'hîrrtta ntuiandt ha the, atul îIei> ttg o! guiritrti Liat r',tutuodin.d l#tufet WU ; ttelltt%.. h<î î4 %hît i i- (LeQiCb#ldu'en *8 UN cruuiit4 eu-ut> gît yarid 14.a-tire, ,loti P'er tre tlian an freîr tk i k*jer* ça»,- a4tc q1httiIlteeiTheu41'I % W1-.*t V wvta a re v etali9on of'h;l pt4 lintrîtîn The dqatîmeiibîdot l th tl* t e" *s wlnuirr w, bave Wba cooli lot" =4 <tmqertsl5 bau et enkt tb rup «4<iblse .. la wndiemelbI. lu afflap. dit. as a strlouijr orm 40W la Ibo lm, <tehauummg baýt. lia my t* 811U 111MADE IN CANADA." THE 1917Il FORD TOURINI CAR $495@00 (f. .1' o i l 'iuu ),i 1 t. You don't necd cxtravaçant clairnis to jîîstify vour choice when you bu>' the Ford. Tf-e new rnodel five-paser1ger Touring Car at $495 s'andard atifîtiobile valce. Wte>dont rueed to make at claims" in offerncs you this car. we show you the car, itself, anrd give re-mons. The. qualit>', the price and the service it gives make satisfaction suie. You c'in always depend on ilie Ford. Let tus show you the ncw mode] to day- - - - - - - - - - - - - TOWN COUNCIL REFUSESI PROVINCIAL ROAD ENDORSED REQUEST 0F I-OTELKEEPERS 1W LXRGE DEPUTATION Chief MacGrotty Recigns. Eastern Onta-,io PtacticaJiy a Unit as Io Route. A demorisu'atlon lni force, organized i mportanc- of disrergardlng the a~i- hr 11 111Il<siiîi Isi.ctt . lh' f o eIl FtI' ilar e'r<rt. s 'llr. VW i t rl'r, n arin ,l 1 $1 f)from arnonz- Ontario good roid en- tempts of any rnunhcipalitles to ln C() li tit, l(itr Noî e> ruîru -(iti "li cunniticrt-' rmconm'id'ýd ¶tilt aihtsnîrfroin the Quaebec bouindary tg flueiicp tioir decision as to lteiroutet. soli" i)of 4 Il 4. <">tmuprt:llît, The' rd.'r 4eii ivr-i tro Nr. Wtilrr-rfor lte Windsor, desrended upw i te Ontario Tihe oîiy governing factor in thre loca- rIt lit. ti.i rtiii . o rri zr il lit-il trIrr o:hr it his i 0er.t1 tt W n or u ton Thii rsdity moruing lasIt lion of Ihe roadiihruh~ uîrî'u 14< ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t t.-îm. itir )rdr trr itr« lI'( dgi' isupptort te thre Governmpt-mns tarte silotrldbc Ilile intert'sta of lthe of r 'b:<gr<4< t r rlu 1trou-it for mx- jM r i orliîi i j.ctelli ru)titis. 1ice .%a,; piopose-ti îroviticial hlglway poilcy., Peoffie. Wlire these coulidhi' sprved 1 ir il t rtror .,. ii : r Irs1<ft117 irtir l l) rtvol-, for tht' adopiotn Thti deltutii ion, while prescnfing a re- besi. ihiere shotiil te Govprnm'rit tid Thi.4Ilirtlt 1 hir< i-14 euirdro r fi rIfthe rt'porr if i twr rr'addi- i to nis soltrion eoverltg lte ivitle cross-On- ride to locale (he roati. As for the V ian t («IIrnlitt. r. i 114(r' Ifr r rr--<trnirr,-rrdartort. Iliai NMr. W Interr wrrîi tarie road, Nvascihefly çourcerned wlit proposa i l gprit- l , i hp vsi w:rs jiit i. ~ ~ ~ ~ l t. .~< 4ouoIoiilaki- hi ovin chancres of gettng filsthr- easIarin hair of If. from Toronrito oas tinatirinoti ni; fie easr.tatithere qilS I lins illw jtsr-tio rlic(, or .lit'f#[1(thr t rintijor tty'o! lire deputt iIon cf lthrée Honi. Fln ay Maedilarmid, MNI ulor-r of - 4-t (414<U4.4 si11-r.tgr)',%" i w'orr Id ed tir-lI tt.u l a (t itiintd r.-dor more were frein points ln Public Works and Hlghways. replieti i -<tî.î rr r..--.~ 4ai<-' <iii'1 -ou N il i M r i"t tl t',t i n.l , I7nîmrr:Ontario. briefly ar.surlng lte deptitatIon that I ge<>l1, icf Il I.î I f iltIl\4 Iii:;Ir' îrîd l ii> tor Warrr-rr and Itr'flr"c )rrwncy 'h iih' Town îvas represtnted hy the (jovtrtimr-nt valrred ls upptort. lit I T.T ;, f-'..<0t, < <l rfo i-mithrie- -titiiro-Ir -ý of rh' oturlileu-vi' >ow tipy andi Councllilers Dale- %wss 4igratifiet-tl- know that lit antîci- 11* \4 I <<4< I mil444) f,> fo.('r Ili,, ý,I rr rif ' -rrr ft- I.it'c4rî:4t< I l r as frri- marl. 1)trdl'y -Disney, Goodfellow and iîati.tg , rrblii opinion ln aîtnotncing r' -, , .li 4441<)rtll listhal 1-ram 4 ' <4I' cild nutirrivcr's'trd~tîtr" s wcl as by Coli. ..E. Parc- te ru-earitîo! oafisystiuto!provincial 4' 4) - ' J!utti-<td44t I<lnhr(o'lrW'nt-1;uu r-l.r jta:l>tstdcnt of thre Good li-ays. the Govemnarent had correct- l lu r i r- t I r:1 4 -( I <444 1 1; rt 'g o';î e. Moral ohliv1i on t oit a f411s Associtulion, and i 'lr F. Howard I y îrrseFd pubhilc feeling onithte subject. I.If ;ic,< ' lit. 4)4 - 4 <lr r) Io ril,,1 4r 4r" ru. i, l.if i.ossitmtt- fi A Na-rConant anti a number The- Minisr r tited tira tte Highway 4 <i -4,< 44 4). 4" riii î~ \Ir Wlin<ti mi <<t i rfor- nu' iitîithr. 14rirutîrnd Oritrîston fu-oi W'hithy Tp.. t-e declared that tihewe'stern section 444 <4 4< <rt-i' i .4 f 11, 4 t Il erhIlî i'fie-1 t104,r J .- r'îMNobrt>an*II tid othîtis fi-ont Pick. 1would go wlire i H woul-i serve té ln- 444<4 - - .< 41- -«il . it-St< 4i(, o r'il i4i' util fro i<n l<'it. f rk. i4 4ttrw. 4<4d. li ficr. mni frorn ail ruî- tpretsof th- Iteople. regardît-ss of any 4,, 4 .< <(r,- 4n iii<' îi.- (' <o t4ru un :44 1<t i 4i< i144'1444r 'of Oi;arî' 1'ointy w'ere tnfli<encm' hrorîglitto hear. - Ii"4<1' 4< - ~ 4~ S <4~S '.-i <r-' "h'r' ii is 4 -her cash lwr N lr Willitart H-a rst, su f rtn- froun 4<' <i44r-r 'l"-11- 411 i4 < . rir Oîrtarto showr-d Its enthuasiasti n hi'tht- etilu atlon fra f- m n t . H it 'I rctd rt 1)il.(i -t\t.d.4 ' . ,im y e , utot I t e r-rpf-f -rr-d .t- irg legislal ton anrd <t <<,4<<i i 4- i<<tr- .441-,il I]Jiii' iti. n ii ti ' t iittiti 444 to ltt'I pait-i 41 1111,11,t tt4' t rt- t4tt asI 'tr Ontario dii. ecInIrurté-d îii>oitt hi' mossîbllt les o! i ')r- 4,. 4, If4 ) 4 1:J!, '[t-.l ou Atr i iir r.r'em<< -r o i i e ar~i i i ,i i iiltrloti oaLs t'-cctv-d hi- S ir tht-'Km <,r-t( i on Iut ias an ailtraction te 1'.i r 4- if \ .44.4 4 4-' re -i I i' tir- it <t ftx ig 11,01 t.tî t a ti rr 'l'llinni i -arsrt ,nd I-on, Fuîilay ' - touritrss if plact'd lîrpropct'shape, The diarrî,îd. a i ti- mati-rstairs. wtichr (iGovt'-tmemrî pro;ro.sed te carry ont lis 4.14 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , fi)4 <<~4<4 -4 4< 44 . r î.tkri Il'l. V. t ,ir- rî ritt-jtat (teut' ltic %It-ri' crON'cle-t te their capaclty by -tht- iolle>' w'ith (t-t gr4'ai -'nds It ir uw: j ~- '<'< -- '<i, <<i44r Il -î t i t-t' h -,s rtirr<.'i <r o r r 14) i l m.'h rs orftie de-pt tltion, thgi- lin k inir p o!f rural coramruntîtles 4<44 - <~ <i- -f- tii <~ - <t ..',4<' <lt itg tti-frs(iv'~ Iol îotîîniii- heresentathon of lth e - o! thîe îrovinc". anrd titi.providlng of <o. \t<4'lt<-;rt.<ol r' rik< s<<< <r <<f 4415 and4rr hr' itt44t iirttrh' .4- < I lo. a<t IiI 4l <44<44444 -'f I f-Comissorit -at'0<'rî <itpîî Io rpi'k, Amoîtg tire rumber proditîcts o! the'faruns coutld be broughl Ill l4 - - . , 44% 1 <1 ['<44 ,Ilti']rii4i rtI 44< !,t -I t trJ i4 < l t Citi .1. E. Far'ewell. of Whithy. te the pî-olIlini rban cetirt-s, 44<4" - 4 44 4r,4 4 t r.4 t (44 <i l tr 44 444 "IW 0444 tr.'d ' P . R. 0orthra>-. o!Pickerting, ne deiitatioil wotind tmp lsts tby t 'rrîtîîr<<i<u~"<i4< ~anrt't\lurti nF. [,.Nitson, of Oshtawa. igorois clacîrs for tte Governinenl. '1..If Ji<1)tii F4It'it a t-ir, iovei-e'r. did furol respoard. ..'O o> r 'Ir fi. Il Il r i- i<44 <4h tir 114 ttt't'4'4 0 iers (ioi ) okf a-t-e M ayor Styles. I '< < - ~ 4 t - <i <~<ti *~< 4<444<-r rit .<<î<4< 'ltr :4 4 - - - < «fi.tîror-Dilffit5z,- Dti! of', Po! te r- - <4) 4 ' 4 < l. l<-.4.'rt l'4rî t~~<<4 *mmi t\(îyo Iti'hgics. o! Kingston: MORE NIGIII CLASSES~ v iI ! I. -, 1 - rt 11 - 11l rt <hr -N'il-' ,\Itr<\or A\ tîlr. of Prorcoit; Waurd'-n MciAr-G lit i -440 4 rt t: - 'i tr 1tlr tit4\tî i. < -'nroît, Dittrdas and (,Iî- -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~z - ,,rt:kr, 'r '<ttcrr.< 4<< i14t444 . M r. 11 tîrI ,rtf lt'hoOtrawa _____ -~ .- - _______________ - ____ - _____ ________ut Iler-<odIitoaris .Xt-ioiatlott, and Mar- Tu4eiu-o hiîsiiîtila sha i t 1Grut >drrn, . -'.o! Londri. l'echin ical 'çtiç)ri hhvsbv it ti IIll ore FAN4CY LDRESS ( AIiI\'A [ rntrio. brIi2 argrhe rorur î'exre-dcififi,- th-, :ifdtittcf.!two î.tore rwiliin thrughthii notioni sbje tri ttt' (lit cf rhostualre-ady A U 9Ai IIA iIÇT' o/1r-fit- -lrot itcei- ihat recr.tvî' ,iitwcilIai dtati aîgit. i~I ~ ~ irmetion.mt -Titi speakers -dcciared tral ()l Monda)'r','u i a clatis lit M il- _______ d ailt ilh't» ii iiIif alltIr-s alottg te'](le ii: r> tuas orgiriz'-d< ît'tith lsVeda i 4. 4 - i4 \t 1.4 rliu Frrd:î>-r 4 c -msi<ii"d i(<o. îîrîdr er IiS "-d froan Torronto 10lime cas-m hbotundary 1 sIi 4.\ 4«~ 4 o <<'<<S ;of tl#Ii; ir;oMNsr; w<ernttt "ri- 10< aile;.aq onin tmaskc~ing the--oy- ;t iir s- riirs.Intutinl - -- 4444i<4r tr ;t i 44<' r r <Sut 4* locad as a pîrovincialIhItgli,.Nay, Thcre liiiu'rs , sî'- Iatention %v'ii hi- gîveir 4li - I I. il ; 1 il l age isi i t it-groril, - <-'t i i-ts.' Nf P-i1- w as mro dispute i t, tet thte rouîte, even te u:e pLaniîg andrd nak ing o! titi 44, 44 .4r1'- r tt li t ir' o couitait-s- n .i îî l Rosrs uitti i P r Doi - 'it; itd 1110t 11ttiu h trre iiiir e as te tirai ira! [rom tht- wtrc shape utp, and tire <-<4 ttrs.t4,1 <4<4 <-.glit-ius rtro r m-/'.th,-n-otICii-' mitî' aid 11hiogi O.ttjntario. The-King- size o! ttie ciass la to ha limiteti so as '-(«'t-;toiii14 4"iid:t,"t<' o441$logicai course te sectire for cacir member pmopc-r ai- r~tia 4<r 4ut4oasunr 1-'~ atoai r JHtii ctiiîc elat, Tosy Wnn f or tire roadte ho folow,,and there was tauttion from heliitructress. j.tor. iNIotIi- fart ita aea oti utuano division as to his. -' -4ras potnted Wit tire end ln taiew et st4muiatiiig.o i 1<4 <«w 4,1 i mr-(r.ti ed rritiîtrt. Ni- t tairtt g<tT.rtnra n.-otu iratas il siood the Ktn"Ion Road prrodrction-ut home, andi eaabllng uiose f <.<-:<o 4 . rtI. tr lorcVoliedroîrîli ru l liiî trtirtm -"uc '."Tmp watt aegletied. Tirepeoplie thQe town- wiro must rentain at home t .o take a 4'\0- 4 li rtu o 441 diît- lt-e4 r " t t oitfi om itiir-'tr'r, 'Tm -Ju~ aikiTar, Tmplesîrps titrôtagit r<ich Ifitan titi fot all part lu helplng toevin tire war by pro- Il 1ilaw l) ortgo lie!ý' 6,ui**(> i, aird muanyo! ttlem were dîsiu- duclng somethrîug, a course ln tire pri- I . t î.4~<<< «r- - t(tliutrl rî <triutaaiî- !~î r> cilued tue pd money on lt. OnIy by cîples of Gardenlîrg la aise betng or- t l-îîir4 4 'tiltir-.trrru ifor i.tie saire Ilf-sr ekaîr-rs ( et»rrmî<t' ies Ni <;i-rnment action andt oversigrt ganîzeti. Thte cass will meet eacir '14< <i itirril<iti- <"r. uîIo.~ . ihis. M.'tI r,'t îît it Nccould Ifluecome lte Instrumntreari er- ednésday eving. Tire practîcai ri-coirrval% -uîm (ýonit< fciild'f;coitrtiî., tyls i-viceI'f tas ftended htei'. ide o!flte work can oniy be takfn op J i. l, ee1w- iti> r- ýTiti. positionr <ias also taken tai by eacir meauber o! thre clatis lui ls or ti Ilîî ,,a< and tii-, tttnlim r-os l:ttiltjtrsoii ito wsln rosi uniewaçs durci. r.cîproclry ln auttomobile lîcenses mer own gardait. vln, ari1. 1111--. .Ia 1I; <'-lrs ti d itrlf ti t of l i si-.tIorl l lt iih-S cey te br.en pn no ef c, m lrss O W d ed y ee ig a 4 ilau rîtt( ,- 1(1-t t ilutgo>id deiiaIl litiiiti'oîfItie cit:rtctt'r ri'présenred. from tire United States sitoultihave NMr. Wm. Allant, Toronto, tead gardeut- lui»,ý s ir. it dont(-iin eiry case. aud tire prît-IR-ge o! drlviag clver as goodi tr for Sir Edmuitt Osier, wtlI give au hi ie .t4<' ti.-tutius u (h.-'tVr i it-iilïl.ié 10r. cttrd o!fuit- costulmes itas roatis ln Ontario as Ontario motorîitsa adrea Iuttire HigiScirool oithtie lit ilifo-«rr ýz!II-r iIi'ld r ftnhne ototNiuîd nadîiur10trepîz ind we<t'it h iey go to tite. .United suabjeel, *'Tilage, Seedtng, Cuitivation 4.<<.îii ti :. igJ itrr-<t>; tîidtii rîi r W A>i its, ttth oligitoI ng citaracters wereStule. -and Harvesttng of Vegetabitra, Tire 144tds Irtgist re'd Ont, or two speakers urged anit m- atidrasa s li ira illustratati wltir color' Ilid. 1medilate start upon constrsuction, but t-d (ant-em alItes. Otber atidresseil '(«tir i(a'-' îraî,ti'd ttci(tIltBand of< W-strt: tilytt( .Totms tirema<jority duraIt 'dlite project as I<ill ha gîven by outside speakers oui r 4<.l111î la tlimmr. %<io itilvt.thimî raC i ir- Nevri Batrlckmaiî onet tiat shouit ire comrrreueed rîgiri Marcr 21 andit28. Tire subjkts dis-. 1<,1-r,1 <'mi-dtIr'.lu iuargr Ttira'>intit. evt-irîdumîn 4'Iti ,(111111Walgr after the- star ivrnatire soldiers w1ll cussed wIli ire Flowers" and **Bush ml t-tt1-tril tWi lîrrîlit f Sr,-it h- atui -cîsaIlor -VottToit, ire comlutg home andth ie question o! Prurits and Stu'awherrle&. nu. ri - tlu<rtti(i.f Suu-a-aySator Vcîîr Tms.empioynient ireomîrs Important. Thre Tht-se additions te tthe -eourses now 'I tie JIIig<'s <t r, r- 'iSJ E ()iI, I>d [Illichr (Ii-umrrr-r -lutabiot Srer-m.iti as emptiasîzed. rowever, tirat make a total o!f elght different sub- 'tirs Il 'l Toitîmon. Missti acdoîtnt-l( iluatmn-r Girl -Luara Pellov, planis for tire construction of the road jefets being îaugirt inthtie Niglit Classes M< r 1,'tt i riît 150hand NMr S fi Le (Canadieu i i.oA, tflss abolacui i'formulated andi compieted of tire Hi.uh Seiool, namely: 1l3ook.- (urt-rrI rai V rit ll.- ttrx..- lsro! cos- 'rite n-t-vIl --Gordon l>Dw.I , - tai-ed-ly.&g--.ririteeing .tt-gr-hy .. .-lîn-,Ar Nid- Wintor sale of Boots and -Shoos Ail Winter Footwear will be sold -at Reduced Price-S.1 Also many Broken Lines of High Class Foôtwear will be sold at -greatly reduçed prices. J.Pool & -Son09* wItk Phone 1519 Brook stss4th I THE D 'i 's,~-'~- "VEYASMÎ"»EN FMON IWV NO" VEGETABILESfOWN Mu'. u.AIanf T'Oronto wiIl Jisemu.an the procs..rqi r .d $s iii -h , pr soedng, onlvaUwi sud buvd 'e .1 Ale addr.s. wilI b. WuUt.td wlth obloauten m4n d, Kvoeybody WeJ*ue' Tii.ItWW .#.-fre M.J LM~US.U. l4< tg Awk « ~1 I 'cff t<ol mait ers t!-- -1r4 /4< I / il~ * J j t" >11 p <t 14 / & I W. Je. Luke & Son DEALERS, W HIT BY9,<ONT. 1 0

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