Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Mar 1917, p. 5

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- r-'- ThURSUAT, MÂRCH lst, 1917. What Do88 Il Meon wlien we s.ay tîtat ico are qualied to properly test yolîm eycaiglit, anîd if ue9cessary lit yolî %Vi h g:amsem' IL itteani that, we lhav-ethe inittrut nients necesiary 10 inake thrt t(c rriton. antd alsoaàclark roomî euitably itted out for titat 'articu- lar part of our bIiiiuesî ftfandIit l aoî illeanq we have liaîl 15 years ex- perience. Lut~, but nutleia@t, it ins ve keep aàs'ery conîplete stock ut spectacle anti eyî.glamm fraitle'saiti ailier fecestarie. 50 ibat ve ilitay be able tl uito you witl tiiese almu, and thereby gise COUPLE EATI8FATION. ilegariiîg aur qualificationq tînqiei tth eadîig OPTICIArt we refer you to your neiglilmrî, it he or ee ears glaises. If gzotten frointi usyeu iill lîîariabiy bc directcul to colite iere. We bas-e compliments îsîd ur wurl. esery day àmi s-e are Ritre %sie caiti îleage yol>.t 1 Meus. u. o. Heard & Sons have had their Overland car overhauled, a new engine Installed and the body repaint- ed. It now-Iresentn a very sporty ap* pearance, wlth Bill and bis old-tlme Ouile at the, wheeL. Mr. F. M. B3eli-Smith, one o!f te Dickens' Fellowahip Players, Toronto, wll deliver a lecture ln the Collrge Concert Hall on Friday evening, March 2Ind. a( 8 o'clock, on "Anclent atnd Mod- emui Art- Frienda of the College are cordiaiîy iîîvited. I1cuîmbr .-tîeWar Relief Society toriial ou Frida> cveing, March 2. qACRED CONCERT. 1Tlie Methodist Tabernacle Choir. afs- s;isted by other local talent, Is urepar- iug 5taiîter's Oratorio, "The Crucifix- Ion.' tu b- given oit flood Friday even- ittg lunte auditorium o! tie Taber- tiacl1 -,Pttrtltulars later. 35i ltlOl'E HICR WIT Nfits' N, Hit-kif, ltad the inisfortîîil, Io sliptitin itte Ice uit lte Iost office ah-lis un Saîiîrdniy tast. and as; a recuit off ihi- tailti-r w mi ws racttime& Mfisa Ili-k le. w to Is ai the Rloyal Hot#-]. willlt tie confltîud to ber ronm for a tIme as - a rvistl. thui-r niaits frieuds, w litfor lier a spved.v recovvry from thi' painfîtl accidiii s rh biweil lier. 11'1E FIRST ROBIN. J liai spring Is îîot toni fair taaNst in iç ici -ie t hlis b-k h îe appear- f anit-rfoiinm.whlich freqiienîs the iîrcliardî-ii iîs ai i li rear o! the home i oif Mm T 1t.lHune tRobin Redbreast 1 las i' i n uin the joli for ci-sera] days. and ilts about quttie as if he expecte-dc iai s %-iv. soitd hi' hi- ..n-a iinîltt li i ta n it li i si. cîî EN- EIZT-:u.INEIi tISIAWA Il.vYIl U. DIti.'uu-liiials uy a score orfa910 '3. Tlie ihIrd perlod was the momt cloaeily onleied oif the game. Trhe teamrs itere "-ccflvi-i mthfîrd lu w-elght, but the iel-s ere aspeedier and bad a stroug- r defencp. Thr rettr gante nîll be îblay cd lu Hlamiltont on Fridav night. liii .% (11it"il eoille or ilie Itaptî.si -O- OURGUA ANrEE t"i tri r w ýcm.- ai toni uon NMonda> ! î;TIANDNIOTHERS- MEEIFFhNG. OIJR G<JA ANTE i# irrri uiii,- tîiîîtm#rtibî-rs of lihi'Oshawsa r 'It'hei gitar mee-ting of tilie Whithy- wicii nli; t ial] îîîîu's uf mri r'iictt-ue ltiîiriyWouetslsiitiii- .hî'id lasi Thutrsday bsnn s"ENTIRE SATISFACTION" rsstro - r;t ,ý ar,-l îîmn ii-t w iîbliteir iifii-rîiuuî. inn h- homie of! Mm (h-o. jA. It W-lt ) y youin saiigfactîiu îir- îl iI'itt creîitpro- R oss. ihe Fmi cidi-ni. w-as cmon iliior- amtIi in i louc3 i rnsult i gîli tor crac pt ilrfitatd int ýlli otu(sh <inamilY îleb-lu.lecatise o!the 41 m i a1rid\\sIlrihb vtati-til Firilusrlîîg ttis Iiintlittî llrir t ir ofti f ,re progmam. f r. citg tont. ci was ;tîî <ron. îtîan md ' e r t ire -ril btsines. lii-(, ms-t ing fi. rî i i sue st i aIiî- iIe fore lrît s t ri îtit-d <r r 14 I hi- grandrmo ht-ms. Jewelsu. and Opticlan, Whitby tarti îrit: rth-.Oshl,îsil tii toit N ii ic il a i i I t-s L. 1 11-II n ii tte chair. In t-ht3 StOrO Wth th 3 Baleony ,BokS. 1i Ii#.u.' (i <f i-at) I i att- - tcai tr fi tir i Thc'Ph roir;ni mwlsas os follu s Pijýanjo h lriîlalhi <i-'<\i m diid fi-ii ib\Ii chit - solo. Mrs .1. HIL owvnve -miading, Mmc. i r. mi titIs .1 M ilis. îocal dus-i. t' ra. Cormnack _0rand AIrs P Wilsoi: rs-adln.g. NMes, O- l':\i\ )I1utîrî11 t- E',î t: B TI' t renor i oî.,îiI colo. irs. John 114el W. -lr.c.îmîîsu. 1)liv c- ngrantlmoî iters,Me ~V . F J tr it: T iti ar.-FIsuorii h eagieda mtiti :, 1 rr g. 1) utio r. C'oimmak iraMotdas iiiuîng. adlti-Ws idI'Wirr Pitrj1,.iîs. tune :mdiîug. ALI'OH )1.'.\1 q,-: ( rlrt Ifl. srrhjtcri i -s.rî t fat i oois I -î 'l lls o5l -u. M c J aIid t:ii, Ilie hraJiit î js uidI li-ýd TIiii c '(-litiiu N\ is a s sîîîîtriî.d h etioftei ritte asa- <tut~~~~ jo 'ciltt~trt mttttIsAt-r iiiuiPiti-'ad -~~ so preset b ut did nol take part lu the CIV 01 l bârI r iiroiililoig1rada 1t hemeeting cios-ed with te -arittt i n lu tiiiiiti lrbloîîd (ilu 1i0tri -tsi ;îîtll îî T 1lirm ultutîtis i iti t 1111 -itiiging : o! ' Autld Liang S n~ affer ru ?adtiiaiI tf 11b\.ii\fN iii, -,ss hisKiiran mdeirefreshments were serird. ttI%»ts o!f ti' m id. t lt-niaIi-r sh-iiirrli X\\ i t -nTjjc t1,r(qjl't ..-ýtninit)llk,d tl* .i. îa-'d 5-il h ut lt-r ilci s i tti tr1. ilt lise as a L-s Pratgr distcard-d MI4d ircai ii liai e tim t-cl itiioti 's% frmîii labtor n t<îo - r oa« ît%, ,ntfatal faitit 1> raIl h- i4>1gic lîî- a<' nd s, ittici- i-Siiiîtony tii i ltlcîttiil ias alit islîc , driiîk, f0 rt-i-tir i fi r i i iiii icr*N oîdtd .teiýr -s lît mit ', Estr( or i i i i tt 1 Jr m de>r fortits a<if hutlk.ii il Ili 5i lit-crî 'i a-s, lalî'ci liii s ,It ilnn il. r t- iii- f.iir P haiT. h i.i- rilaie ihîrtio,ir i r. LCL HAPPENINGS Til i lir tri- ec a[li l onif-riih1 t.1& Soii$ ti .îtottm ur m iToroito nt aerd ài %on t.st I ls-. iii î x% tloi w i kr çlIiooI MtiMSna 'i - Mark Iiiii iii c- o!i edlimi B a fi <mntou r tmore tbioa s erseas lu w -hiui besuit siere as-ii at (titrisîmas tfini-. ' f *s a î ,i4-ile-n . bIl >irr ' v-. Pran k c;ray-, A rtur N ut 'odor tiibî %,t.îîdMur' -diih Mlre tKliinat iîl anit Sf î,îlîî iltoua littil 0ifMiss Edua aliilxoîî, wbo rici-ntly puassi-il hir Eiemetntary I'lano examina- i iten, viii given l Itlaitiw".ks i gsie iêu Lillian Plrei.-lit crrom. Th'e youug SOF40%f Mm. and Mmc L. Fr.wn, Ftc-lidSti-.ssbo liai% bt-en so 111 îuîl IIfor ihr pai( tesw i-ka. .trîs bowing tsignLî ut Inprovement, and tIopretu are eutc-rialted for his tspeedy i~ h 4 Tiie egtlam mont hI> îti-etlnr o! wlil ýMIes' (omnmlite o! Ihi VO.N., o ,ut~ held l u tié H om e on Aonday Iliceflrmiîiîîueî-t lîg Ofut t lie îiu i-a.hIm îrgt-d litai attllc-s lie 'l'le Coutîti tf tOnitario Olul Girl iat,' fomsiamdcd, dtriitg t lit. Iast nn sil. il thtlty Iturs <if 1socialutti' Catîtîdian lied Cit-os. andtd cgifttuîuioa-îîito.t suiirt. 44) thlecQîeti-n Marys- itld AtI te lW uinitlng of tIbm )eai' te) r«&t $C5 '.00 La4àd) %V1111801t lu afl io! the ~Itrîtisht .cnd Fomeignt Salbots' Soclu-is% --- Atictlotper Maiitw i,. botuked a laï-ge iîîîîiîbî-m of sais fuir %Match. su tîtîit>- Iiîiuhîed. itat hi. ie galal wlto mitlit o si-cuirc- hits.ntu-i-iIco bse- htnlt ao<nce- as ta dttu- Ili- lias heigi igo-ui fur sistmlsaléIn Yo-rkIs itt% t s ai.s-llas Ilit t h.- sC)rmîtîu-îr llue&To! Olxutario t'oîi ts- ia o lac ii ttjr s ii p 1 o ai: - 1 1i. did r t mY of WOMIAN LECTIJRER HAD BAD buîiri..t it it-jiidg-st-ý otiaidi-mtd R ECOIZ 1 sîotrrcase. anîd awarcied the dûeels- Adirachfot att i.Nan- uoit tîecoriitgh .Ontui..dut i-ill-ci9. sin:Au ipori- on Fridav ant arn-cI sas madei' brme uv1). lil. ey- î;c i i îe 'rttinî uigit . nTdIs. Tras oitiîig I uspii,'tr of ithe Do- miiniuîhniirratiî itD-îartineuîi. As T À%.S NIIII\NCE nUSY. Lotiiie I.. TElinîson, alias Mary Nie- TrýrI &Co. Ir ti-ati. alilas A- IaCosiello. w ldcI- tir ii .1iiii-rfi îî Air Nit tcmafi ertiaî-d tom a leýt it-liit, tour ihmuuigt-* r t ute finNr t» a u A teonia Pat iel. supposedlin iith(e liii ti rf ii ltta i t Bcd xet'r,ý om IInti rio! Led tCrois!;Sorieties. and ai- or lýv ali(I qi eçtCros 1Io-legi-d to lie n native out laitrl. sîepîîed ti rr-rt tO4a hili report as Io Iiit off a tnfronittte tniti-d Stales le Bciitimf titiînlSti- ir . doîîüad . lu>i at01.assht-uxpecied, an eigag-reeu uni Ii-ts ii S ~- ruir hl tu Occu titere ai îwu ut thu- lî-adIug -cbîîrcttca. lit i risattlitt.rri- w Iir l oit site usas inketi mb c ustodvtIt.ilis al- drrî ut L utîn- .cirt-i S 71)Ii tng easî- e ge la.un eii-niî -n.u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w.. î s ugcs attlo 0 0115 irîîd ini Turoîtto Oit à c1argé -ttiti1 ut .- n iîrI he. -dli- rt-a rIN f >i- 1- t oI i fil itg and si-itenced to i ritcru; i tasts t -a t iiîî t ti' i n in itltir. mil(,il e lt thle saine > car'ahe lit h 'sas IK i-- rrî-sîed lut Hanîiton. liai- i t-rhi, r cii s fuii . i 1ii- i l îg tutid a fineo! f1r for breacb ofilite tirs -< l Iiluý Il otlcP 1iii I iig rait i w l.am - it metucru itg Io iruýz> 1 Cnada lzh masdioî-tod. Titis I SPEItI . IMFETINC Nîî T'riv1 ;iY stîeanie- wonian îs ho lîad irotule over PV-I-T- .y a 1iccure slîe -as 10 -Ive it Brookîla., Il Piai ikto o Bm-Otal rio t orrîty vand icîso îîhc mas to Hi-i. Alb lrrîi -lasiir t Bos het Ir--iIvîo <if lte churchea lu Osit- iiriii,lle.sù ti I. hum- h. lits ru'- lama,. tut copi d rot make satisfactory -dgiuutIris liacluoriat r ioiki' (ertIniili ri~ci- *s about iltikets. ttci lît & Aita --i ii nwii' ug o!f-_ o ili NIic ltilliN hru-ib tI -l> ir-td al tsthawa 1FOUt. 'rIF YMCCAMPAIGN. ont 'l'itticulai it il-igiat ion mas iii- s 5ratîddltional contributtons Io r( ait nu-tnt'lie td..r. Match 4 Bclei -the Y.M.C.A. Canîpaign Ftnd have Vlmcft-utNs a te. Maislt4-ltp)o-.(been reclîrPd since lhItlIaI as pub- f-raton Iii thts \shiibs rsstteri- l lhed hast ici-ck. Theme vere errors [itiri- titi îîuwfois s ac-anrcIc-lî- bîcker lantti' luit aliso, Vhich are to be cor- ma vig 11Ir.scciIrrûttî i os Correetions.-J. B. L.ailaw, $25. ln- icteaul o! $1: J. E. Schiller, entrred iF:ri tETI Vl'iI E t} îu Omissions and addiional.- Herbert tVIIMA\ Irocor. $2: Mr. Gouldbcirn. $1. David NIis 1. G i 1<xuic-s%, s idus of the Webster, R.R.. $5 Mrs. WmI. Marshall, taie J. Macdonald Oxît-y. ancd daughter $1. Mros. J. 11. Downry, $5: Mir. J. E. of the late Shrlif lReyntolds, of Whitby, IWilia, I$1; L. F. Richardson. $7.50; died ou Satuirdâ anaM anthe home o!f ilev. H. W. Feiey. lrooklin. $2. lier brether. Mr G, N. Reysiolds, 138 Tanaery fmplcyet' litti ltemized.- I)owling Aie., Toronto. Thte laie Mma S. Vanatone--------------------.$600 Oiesu). ai% bot-n ln XWbiiby 52yeana iP. johnslon----------------------2.00 &gao. li-r toiler. $heniiTffleynolds, F. S.nft... .. .. ....650 blut Trafal#gar 'a.sIle, now Ontario A. D)ewey. .. ....... .0 Ladies' College. for lusi own re-sdence. A. Chai-itou .I.. ..O.. O. 10 and also bulîtiliter tliussn-Wbitby. F. lieîtsctock. i. OC ....10 âlmis.Oxlehâ' & d Iin Toronto for W. Smithb... ..... . 50 tbc b.aut Ivels. -ema. Her ubaxtd. P. Christs .. ... .. .. 26 wluo sis wcll inom-,tinIb tlnssursncr s. >Kt-an. .......5.04) btimisiîe. pred-ceased liter by about a J, Stewart . .. .. .. .00 yeurmasd a bal. Mr. Walker .... .. .. .1.00 -o-T. itichinmso ... .. .....1.00 lYOOKI.i N YOU NG PEOPlL.E AT .1T. iM. Backln -----. ... ... 1.00 JOlI S A.YP.A. T. Branton .... ......... 100 011 Mait1dey is rnlltcthe nîe-mben'of ctMr. ('tfford .. ..J.. ....10 lte Lesoth .agie c.! the Ibrooklî 'Mm. SnIlt .. 1.0 .%c-tiodii tCtech ptt n anc e-rt ai ' Stn Il .. ....... ... te iieinif -ttheI-N. Y ..A. of St. Ir. DrlnkMait .... ... .0 Joltiusq'titirctt nt Pr t Wlîtby. Thue Mar. Dtrkhts.. ...- ..- .. ... ttii'ent of iit hrch*-b vi 1ud t r p10f. - ... catîacil.s iOr iaun neted sudience-r Ttlý...... . qtitt- a iîcuzuî-r o! wLo<m wvr t om Tol- ---------$00 11-rookl. ci! course. Bs'-. H. W. Vois-y, ;sa8tssr o! thse Brooktin churchu, octu- Wlf!TJY BOY OFFICIALLY Re pied the ch1Wr.The glisîcsîs -riegisien POWIrEZ)DEÂD. a ftih wwords o-f iveIcomu- tay 34192M. E. Mr.. and Mms. Wat Wtlikhscou re Siri). il>etd-ni of te ASP.A. The î.otifild on Tu ay thai dheu deathI ;urlugrutm sAs Cc-au-pîlaly (hic-.and fti suevl.bas e ot titlttdc-d ttaottg oibhertnbers saIiay- tc4 -n e- t m ltk'fLîdei1tzh 1uNd th* audienucce.-. estt--- laid) us ilnim-t-clliI<'fie - itt the ittrttlt'ri-ir Vite >-rtîn uojo! ofst. Jolis "-iîtrtbniîtud t cilr liant. of ihe As tiatiy tututiharra utftI. Toin uti- .TIN'Ls:îtUClf. cil as arc- tileIoiladet su w iIIl-i t- 'rt me forr n-tirnîn; *atioeal S*r- monte to-day m-îîs-îitîg hiitititlel- '1<-ecardstashttc-rit eXtetidt'd 90 >Utafth patit>-ice tti- I>mos iiclai îcsimnît'il . riii5e t i tOti me ttie h ha otu 9 la mnoihlzi-d t10 sttttbl l i roi-ilto b Fvc- an ursîortcmnity to th~ eWlio -aide hlgltway, Itaiiig hitthe- Kiag*ton hS'uxs--meoCar ntiglectesi te iti1c t,,-se Rond for pari t ! r tcl sctun A <rom- tairds te do sa*. Thîsre are a goo4 ir* nifflteeo! the Cotînciliwili also visit tosutAad tmranlrouthcauitt. 1DlhI1- and Inspect a certain Indutrtial plotit Iokmi Io have netct sMtgn&4 t*eix inla ronie, (bite oros f %ishîcit baa eil rdo. and thvcrt.re uime tu Wlttby. real Wiide ove-rtires ýo rb»ý Cqoqpii 1~Uter 1is lcdp- gay* bho attilha#st bits P14la isWhJbU, uUPPW.<etfatals on baad, sm'A W111 e 0 pkemdt o harni oteti r ucoré t. J11tc> - rtiwiw mMt 4 tv ai h i ta the.u» t litk-mtabout ix hlier »E I Ie$? ?AMA1U. r. --tt.u r .rr.s ~ Persona]i-Mention For Sale To Rent, Etc. SiHnday mlth Mr. sud IMrs. A. Bande]M'A NTE D. .liss Vina P'errin. of l'xbrtdge. wap Wouîiau for cleaniug and washlng for a %i8litor hast wic-lth iiMm. and Mmrq a w eek or hy the da3 Aprr ai lite J. H lirin. Grange.,1Phone 127. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Niaihison l-it'1-OR SA LE. ihis w eek for MayviIle. Mich , tb %isit Seed -,ose wheat for sale. 1. & N. lrg. %,Iithison't;sîster. 1Jeffrci. 'Kingston Rond. Wcsi. Mr. Loverjgni- Sleîîhpnson.<if 'Toron-1 lu, former'r%' o! 'htthy w-as ilu ownur FOR TIENT. ilis wi< pkcalllug ou trieudq. Store and trec-Idenevto Iet. Fosses' Mr. aud Nirs. Frank W.flrow u-hI. of siogn April 1sf. One' dur %%(et o! D. %ýinupe. havîe been i isiîing w iii Mmc.Xuh st core. Aîîîly to J.C. HAde. hîrown-ult' parents, Mr. and AIrs. T OsI" Iieamoud. ILSr it. iX- ..a.1I lri 0,. ,- , A înch of t<evs. on KincsIrirn linitî x1r8. j. i. ver I. Nir. r>ajii rerriln aud -Miss Edith WNilson wenî bit to m. manville lati Thtirsday to put on the blg fealire, -Thc BBoule Cry ofPae. tn ihie Royal 'rîoatre ther. lirn. .m ohnslon. of Ashiunîr. and iRe-ý % .1 . \Wfsf, of Port Ferr% ., w ere, 'eelroine calleýrsat t he (;zc 11ffce on 1114 day afiernoon mwlhen reîîrnlng f rom Presbytery meeting ai Oshanýa. Misses Mrl and Mutrieýl Dent will1 leave for Sarnia ai the heginning ot he wqeek. Nir. and Mrs, Dent anîd gon Fred are alread3 iu ihai town, whjerf- Mr- Llcent is tena-aged Inu înition ¾ork. TrHE NEEL) 0F HELGIUM. Th o itC (oînain of February 'l". 1917, conais th(- toliom-lng editor- ia po he above stîbjeýci. The ('oui lianion gt'es Gireat Britain eredit for contiribuîing each mont h for the relief of i3elg-itm halt m- much as the Vulted Staties has couiribtited silice tue w mar began. The article follows: Il mould bhe well for flelgluini if the Ame(ricanti pople could. re-alize what a riailvety saat contribution ihey have iuadv to Belgian relief; for Ifl hey 'could oncerze il, national pride 011 i o înùreàaýe échoînlolisly the a- mint of tîteir .gifts. Miss Mate Wright TEACHER OF PIANO AND PIPE ORGIN Pîîppla prepared for Toronto Con- servatory or Uni versit y Exam mations. Résidence nt Miss F. MeGillivzays, By>ron Street, Whitb>ý TFEAS Wheu Tea was firist bouglit wu Europe il was regarded ais a great Iuxury. People paid as much as iy dollars a pound for it. It is aaid that sonte of the tes raised to-day for the royal fuinily of Ciiuuta in worth one hundreel dollars s pound. Better tesa s obtsined front Ceylon sud India ilian front Chia. In tii..couatries the. Earopeans have chiarge of most of the, tes fartas, sud tbey have carefully studied, the, ultivation and hsndling of te.. Black sud greestes, are not dlfferenl varietles, but are pro- duced 1>7 dîfferetît methods of Frein variogut cauatesa le rwlang lu prie* very rspidly, s.sd if exp.olte4 to r~.h a hish level ahortly. W*. Mmèeker lt>CîW NeFfl Wh)tiùy and Orham a. ritider please I1ra' e ai Gazette office. Business Opportmnity llusines-,iman with selling experit»nce iu Agricuilttiral Implements, dairy sup- plies or tarin (-cltipment \vanted to handie and Imatai moderpfittingsa nd eqîilpinent of cestab]Wi "; mantactur- Ing firni ini Ontario. ~r efor partîcu- lars te: MIHN FISHER & CO. Farmm and Factory G3rokers Lumaden Building, Toronto Win. Potter has opened Up a blacksn-ith- ing businms in old Newport' satand lattdy occupied by Mr.1 Squirrell, and is prepared to do ail kinds of repairing. Herseshoelng and Handling Tool Steel a Speclalty. Priccs Moderate. Great At The Oý AUTOMOL- V ou will find it to your iiiteres, require the service of rnotor eng. Ail makes of cars overhaîle- service. A Une of P~'i Tire5u, etc. Cars Mist. See Skilled Air, XVatcr,,ci CIVE US WEST 0F ARIM0ý, Auto Livory. Charges Moderato, 8 AUl Pal and Winter Stock to be sold regardless of advanë'ing. Tables will be laden with bargains of ail kinds-Ladies,ÇG, and Children's Footwear. Be suore you sce the bargains we art offering. Aiso Trunks, Suit Cases, etc., Itý ChiUd.'en's Scheol CasesM at e RFIPAIRING NEATLY DONE AT LOW PRIý, &I!l4 s' I Annul Win M. W oeLLINS, Are lTou Gomng to Build... Il. The total amonat that the American people have gîven t0 Beigian reliefI since the beglnning of the war exceediq A S ua e D alby flot very much the suî-a that, ln Feattured aonong Our ichool heipu h a& question box. Dly is any Brîtaîn and France together have con- attendant, yonng or oid.liais te square deai of belng able to bring tribttted every month. The total gi ft before the school any suggestion desired. of America ln two years and a bait Lait Sunday the foliowiîag wai askod has been little over $10.000.000; eachi 1"1Bleviîîg ln Snnday ai divinsiy set a part an a day of rest, am mon tb for two years and a hait Grea t h jamtified in bu ying gooda on Satu rday aigbit, thus beiping tao keelp Britaîn has given, $5,000,000, and inerchants snd t heir enîployeei workingunti ineariy undsymorniing"' rnehsgve 25000 Next Snnday tbis question w'll be rep'ted tahy a Whitby business Those are lnortlfying consIderatîon s. ninn wîo lias bâti mrueh expericnce beluind tb. eounter. They may be worse than mortifying. Mr. HIoover, who la in charge of the Tabernacle Sunday School work of Belgian relief, reporta that the comisson equrfsnow from $17), _________________________________ 00000 to $17.000,000 a mnt. He _______________ ___________________________asys that the food problem wiilI get Qteadily worse front now tîntil te end of tihen-ar. Three million people in HOCKEY. ficliy reported. Will was among ibe fl'îgîum to-day are deqtitte and en- WHIIIY 8:POT FRRY 4 missing atter a battle several months tîreîy dependent upon the commission WHITB, 8:PORTPERR, 4. ago, and alt.hough no furtbher word for food and' other supplies; nnd the Teains represeutiug Vhitby and Port was rreeiîed, somne hope was held ont1 number of thé destitttte la increasiug. Perry claashrd at Burns' Arena on Fr1- that be might be alive. For months It needs a million dollar-, a month ta iiay night hast lu what w-as a garne Of bis parents and family halve heem lit feed the achool chtldren, among whom largely local Inierest for the reason suspense, until on Tuesday came of- there has been an alarmlng increase lu fhat th(, Port 1ery boys were onîr ficlal notification of his death.WIIltbecos. Th agiuuri ro ive lunotîmber, It beln.- necessary ta the fouirth Whltby boy to make the att- ducts of Behgium and northeru France V'ut Iwo local mien on their tramn 10 premû sacrIfice. aiihough the date of hav'e bren greatly reduced owlng to ill up- the required number. A i'erY his death would probably plarp hlm lack of tertilizerr. Butter ta $1.50 a lvcly game eusued. wilb the Whltby first on the 141t. He was î'ery wel poîîrd and ment la $1.7' a potud. The tram eomlng lhrough wlth an 8-4 vie- kuowu here. havug lved here aIl hbi averagf inarme of a 134-t-1.11 faroilv ory. The Port Verry boys remalued ]Ife. He was a ver), hrlght. geniali a~bout V-$ a week. n tow-u ovri rnlght, rmttîrnlug on Sat- youug fellow, and It la wiîh the grrat -____ urday. est sorrcsw that his deatb larmcorded. --O-The- deepest sy-mpal.>i, o! tîeir mauy DEATH.S. i'EThERIICUl( HAS A L.EAD. frIends la, extended ta Mr. and Ivrs. ONLEFY--Suddenhyý. at Torouto, ou Sat. ithPe247ttt fattailon cif Petertioro. Wilkinf4ou and famlly. for whom the tîrclay Fehmîîary 24, lt,17. Louiga "luirh beat Oshawra lu tbm third round' tireirtaiiity and suspense bas mode the- tlIhi-ri Reyuolds, widow of theé late uteredlte 01-l.. wn a6-gol l ad of t orrow doubly hard. J. NI. Oxley. ln lier 52ud yi'ar. In 1>eerboro ou Tueaday uighi, whprn lîey bs-at Hamiltoni lu the first gamne - DONTE CHILB WHITFIELO'S C IS GUARANTEL MONEY RE. PRICE :t WHJITFIFE DRIJO and STfATIONERV S' WHlIT13YI sole Agent fer eutterlck Sole Agent for Nyal P Leave your ordervr lPiano THLTRSDAY, MARCH Ist, 1917. ý 1 or temo&lý glu .rr.41erdiftt Vottr 1 ýihe M*g imp'St eo b=z. =d çarci 0: Scsidm

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