Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Feb 1917, p. 7

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Advances Also Reported Beyond VMlage of Grandeourt-Talkes The Summit et the Sailly-SaMIsel BI111 M 'm F0 NI NuB aT MAIL Afll OtI? 0 aULL A» m SPUOPLU at.. in the Lami lbua j Dagua Bpromoblhe u-. 1 meru4a1W WoId. A despiitch front Londont says - ment refera te the engagement WfllCfl - - - The succ.s ef the Briti5h squeezng ia apeken of as "i proreas," but leu pwrs*f£000wsrildl inevement which is closing in on Bap- silent on any further 11ght.ing along StPansd of 5 16,00 fusr alsedy aurne both frein the west, and south- the. Ancre. and Panerav dril g116fo cert West wvas accentuatcd on Thursday i'he Britiahinshowever, declare tiret Fan deevtole e lbrtr n when Cenernl llaig's troopri captured they have made pregres On beth lFinr odesr anedyth Streert ol7 nd the highet't point ef the SaiIly-Saillsei ides of the Ancre. During the nightlunrofte ray tetCud B ill, jurit ncirthstiett of the point whero the Baille-;court Farin, on the road be- School, Lîverpooll the French were he:l up in the Somme tween Beaucotirt and Miramont, was A nuinher of thse German prisoners drive lattt fail. Arivanceir are Rlse attacked anti captured, and on " the Who arrlved at Southampton recentlY relcorile(l >r-Yoiitd the village of CGrand- pouth ide of the strea.m a hostile wfft h rnCos court, which w-as captured n'ai Wednes- trench near Grandrourt was carrid. MnyhironorseBha benn Bred t day - ReferT-ing to this sect or, the Tiiese two operations netted an addi- .uPonSrG reBchnBrans OffiCigi tatP-nient says. The ground tionai e;ghty-two prisenera wxlth One representative at Petrograd. we have gaivîed lin tfir Ancre sunce nffncer. Thot the resumption of the Hon. J. M. Kinworthy, heir of Lord thse new year now rpre-qcrtt an aid- lritiFh offensive on the Somme bas Strabogh, has been appointed a lieut.- vané o annveniz deth f narl wietid t a ron ofabot sveneencommander In thse Britiis navy. three-qu.arteri tif a mile o n a front ileq la indicated lry the report of aý It la expect.ed that Mr. Lowther wi-il ef over ttrrev-mire . 1 euccesitcful raid south of Bouchavegnes$, soontirefenteSekrhpe On the <rosin >of the tlevatin , at flot for f rom Peronne. 1 the British House et Communs. S~ilySr %va- rl -an importinni Ger- General liaig also chronicles 'the re- By thse death of Lieut. Wyndam, M'ta111îstX* n '-i hh he ritiQh rcpo.rt truite af Girman attacks fit Gueuede- Lady Rosemary, hîs wldow, becomnes deelsi-es was coliîrtt 'v.in it. eatirety. v-rurt and La Bassee and the explosion heir te preperty worth £170,0()0. Sevelity.eight prîsnners. jinc!iditîg turo caused by artillery ire behind the The ahlpowners of Newcaistie have'- offices, eretakn tketer itha, nery'slins nar pre. ot-ed £2,000 t.owax-da the equipsaent offiers wer taiz-i teethr 'sah enmy'îune nea Ypea.of a achool for ireless telegraphy. - - Lady Londonderry urges the enrol- lng of suittible women as army celoks HOL At' D' DE ENC S F OZE UPand waitressesr anti thut' de their bit. IIOL AND' DE ENCE FR ZEN ~ .The future of Irelnnd la one of the h î>3î~ îîjrt 't -uit I'rit'Ynil NuiT i.' l'unit. i-r h-ne. gîrd il iii i-i i.ill.li'I - -r iii ijtNli'lrrUS. it r' m(lii n.' r N ai i te t tir. titi', iii-> ir 'tîii1 hîr lit> i t-' i f...:îri.i uit i' liii Icni i t i i-i 't,>>-, »~li>,- i i i. i.. i. iii * . .> t'i r * , I i -'i' >1 i . i-n .nt, a i i - toi AE)coo tro b aOt'L u lito tpa* ae ~Let rBie. Ig. tue w*e rc<or0- til lb u s eai pa.5e MIi EaU< rethe f ree2y otait- Ais? born oough. cmtarris ln U. thls prescripi Anydr a botteel 75c. postai D, Addroesloti rMes. 74 St. ,A Canad.d~ 41 PERII Itand là plessant roue Who bas a mtub- or s.d colG or irorn,,eould give ot eao u "ulY you. or b. sont on re.lpt of note or moaey order. Lrnm.tiOnsILaborato. i1OIl t.. bMontresi. ISD s e v VÉ% sg k Submaries Depead Greatty on Their Guns Rather Than On Torpedoeu To A&ccompliah The 8inklng of Shipe; Tor*edoes Not Rehiable. A d.spatch trom London says:- Thez4 ie not tho slightest doubt 11 Naval officers are sure the next few official circles that the Gernm na ill days w i ea an off ueting of the Teu- eit.her attempt to sink or actuaily WlU ton's grand finale of flreworks. AI- sink the first.American liner that yen- though Ïbeolute silence regarding sub- -tures into the restricted area. Sub- marine oper'atlons lu the mile aznang marine commandera have received ab- naval men, It tg said thtst thie Admirai-j solute.- orders te sink at slght, it 15 ty's measures are pros'sng effective said, and- it wilI be a miracle if these and that a fair svîi-age of subrnar- orders are not followed te the letter. Ines is being capturtd or sunk. For the last week 9il wireless sta- It le impossible to get any figures tions, cribles and teiegraph wires havé regardlng the number of U-boats now been cramarmed with reporte as to the preylng on commerce, but it ls net 300, i eff ect ef the new submarie activitY. - -4 frm canina ian1Ail .,1'o.,t-h..t the auhmarines new de- ig TO EETAND END. 'U-BOAT WARFAR, Measures Taken by British Adý4 mhralty te frustrate Sub- - marine Campalgn. l'AI LIIV IE A as nome reportri-a uLUa ioitu'iai a L11 8- - .1i---tu- ON .AuL uIFO îN countries have pla.ed it. - pend greatiy on their guns rather than A despat*h f rein Lendon aye: As London opinion was summed'up on torpedes te accomplish the slnking "We- arc net alarzned at the sharpefl" for tise correspondent by a high au- ef ah ips. Out of seven torpede submarine war. - We kneW it WS« Liner Sank lnh iNme Minutes thority: "~If the United States bas fired at merchant ships net a single corning andi prepareti for it. Time net aiready feunti cause for war with one found its tiarget. Thse vessels wili tell ho,* our confidence la juffti>' After Being Hit by Germnany then the submarinea wileltiser saw the torpedees and managed ied." This' staternent waa raadeto Submarine. suîaply such provocation within a few te evade them or the German marks- the Associated Press on Wednesday at heurs.-- manship failed - the Admiralty, afid it was added: A depatch from London ays: 'It mut be reernbered that o0ný Forty-one persens perished svhen te the fct tat. he fret ve e t gubm armne may croise whele- a British passenger steamer California, il UtLUJANlliUIR O mernbershîp bas been ellairnaied by without getting a victim. For in- oif the Atichor Line, was terpedoed Mr Landia ln constructlng lita mor- stance, utn one day since February Il anti suaak off the Irish coat, at IO BTlSRA PEUB ft table. torpedoes were fired on sight rit seveal t 9 ta~., i»ti i a tnî nfiMtrux I.1 uu- W uu.taiiiiOfRi o'ciock Wednesday morning. The ve-'e Th.i rdt> : i r here would aIse be gains of our mnerchaiitnen without getting ininfinnn lin in(irnn flellmRtolforettd troug - in&p ht_ é. ava tbe eur etingft e oImerilntWthr cal- sen shi a abl e mte s. TeutiOSe cunii vLLuilt sni ii. Y NTIER LIES EXPOSED qesios -o-wconei d tth o- el sank la ainbe mt es. Theutricit- iUUlK u uh u. Iapres. No allowance wae made for which we have e mnet, .sls n hl nived promptly.ga s;vixngthl frustmute the Uba An impression lis grow'itg that 50011 Nevertheless five hersons were kilied, WILL READJUST ITS R'uAhTTESewul a urls"fcareIel"bvoa-h osernnient I)eclincs te Follow tch.. lizhtirig trrrangî-ments ef bondon by the explosion anda 161 wvre drowaed -ln contributionîs owing te the fact that, netreveal them-th ai Ion"s îwîî ill ie rFstored to something likl« nos- ln the launching eftlifeboats . Society Proposes te Place Its Businlessaifter fl*inltiniitlng tIio ihrat flve years3 the decrease in aiknsa M til, The Caiifornia was an armer.!liner,i on a Basis of 100 Par Gent. j of rneihersltlp, the Actuary loadeti best evitience oforaucs Farthiag clb,, arr- Iecoming vî'ry Carrying a single 4.7 guru mounted ori Actuarli Soivency. the tabîular ratles by an arbitra-y eum Former PremieAsuh poptJiar i and1 near London. Mlembers the stera. The gunner n-as past traIn- - te nrake assurance doubly suris. t Germany's new naa1 pic Tht i î.. Bn uana at- >cl"r tt1pa ir a ri.tlirî oah wekif) the ing the weapoa on the spot whet c-i1l jThe Canadien Order et Foresters hals theti embership proving for read- et "vadimguised avgr. bcil.~.'lliN approved Ny the Dctch yt-ar. bubbles had réveaied the presetire 0f bad a record posasbly without parailel jusimerit. arAd this legisaticon will ha it wns ntvt wcrth hldic lii ile e îtn pru>lenrilgr-oaitl. It ii lTai' rotnds n srie pirt s of Doi'ntet jthe under-wat.er exlfmy when a tor- la the bit-tory of Irarr.eriial Instiranie cons!dored at the next meeting of the motives whirch itaedt' i;,eitiig 10 note tit the F-rank- art> lisot inipassalil,lr owing to th@ peito atruck the port aide with an ex- Associations operating ln Canada-.Igh Court et thue Order ln June. Goveriment. Tuenvlf furtî-r Z',iîung hînt if a fev.' ss off()agOht-asy rtvias s ,ich have rt.cc'.tlj plosion se violent that mot-t of the 'liais Society was Instituted ln 1879. ITîne rate-s for ruairs who are now was, that it wes adrc tIýat iicutti'thrxwoul(l emlîark fallen. 11t people aboard were tht-owîa off their ln 1885 Il eOactted a table et monthly in tha Order start et sixteen. wtth a challenge to the cncac (Mi kt hinhIs ha.ailous nauiture if Fii Cran' illt' has been appyîinteuîul, cbing kiîîed and a score 1la fromethts lie oan teethnpin eitfo r aie nt la 9e; et tft66c; 85ctwetitr oth trs Lion ai1ntppreiet l eo a t-t- Bitnaris ()rt fittienta te' g .i-jured. The aubmarine fii'ed eond witbout a sinîgle change. Duria< thet thli-ty-five, $1.08;, et forty-flve. $1.63. Enetaier eHc a gi'vi"t hn apaîetlY beea tken- t-ari Goertnii'nt if 'enrel.- it torpeulo, in napparent effort f0 accel- period l other Fraternel Insurantce sslih graduaily Iacreasing rates for the "This declaratonewr -Iins tri ut'rters. bt nfait-- Sl. k.the' sinking. but tesecond sotSociettes, lteoclaimed, hvefotiid ider age. The rtsfor " ontnud M. Aqu ti 1 1 it. itch it..ol alm.'ays be nissed, riithough both torpedees were necesse.ry te, reviee rates, until chia bora atart at sixteen. with e raiee oflity," otne rn emînerod that tlhir caît fr entier .- fireul froni a distance of lest- than 100 Society stands as thce nly promînOnt 66c; at twenty, 73c; et thirty. $1.02; challenge wh.ich bsbe ii- the' Nieuwf Rotterîîarmscle Courant institution uperetIrig upon a ramai-k- et thirty-flve. 81.23; et forty, $1.U; et with dignity andwthtd 1î lE(Tllu yards. Thero was on>l one America ebîy low schedule et rates. Ja 1916 forty-tour, 11.88. groeat et o neutra tts 'iyý, li guls lies expt'iied the prte- LCR IT IN FARLYI h>AS. ahoard the Califoras and he la the Society paid out in deeth clati-a Two options are given te thoee who for us te ferecratheba zctiauniî. After such a long rer-.- among the survivers.j oves $726,000.00. NotwIthstandiflg Ibis are alrendy members ef the Order. memorable event pats a0il "if laril frost ils chief ryst.etof One of the Oldeqt ef the Sciences. but - - large payment, lit added te the intir- One option provides that aIl mata- itewr tl a ti iîefq,-t:î- ipicroittly do >nul îaassesuî as Developnaent is Motdern. SUCCESSFUL SOCIET'Y ance Furiti fer the year, over $422.- bers who are betwseea the atiainai! mauch n aliie tîas tht-.v are reptued te 000.00. Thse bealoce standing te tha agea et sIxteen to forty-flve, Incelusive, teGoteneat ich wh ri-inB ie.Electrîî'îty is not a tew science. On CaainOdrO oetr a;ý1credit oethUe tasurence F-und on the ages eîact to take tarmin lsorance, Gvrmn h the t-'nra iy. f ew scencaes are se old. BaainOdr0fFrsesHsAI 8aetfDecombes last ws $53,628,343.00. whieh wilhlentitle thamte tocarry thiaIscarsef itselt. It is helivveîl. for instance, that Thales 1 Splendid Financial Basîs. Ia splte of Ibis moat unusual record, pi-osent Ineurance at tiselr present rate iaWe shhhall wih1 of Mht'ts (. fiO-~i6 BC.) new hat 1h. anadan rdercf Fi-e theeSociety decideti te have e acet ualil thay hava attalned thue ago et witi a strain eOfa lypi 1, ~ r ii r 'it-'- t o -ltisl.64-4 .C)ke fiihcndinOdr fFrstr hrougis and comprebei5ve Investi- sixty years. Meobars between thse and resolute &eeiîa t- : - - t -'. t. , . î. i- i.thteruliNing of amîrer gave il the pro-' which iris for years eccupied a pro- <atien madiee ofItsaectuarmai standing. attalned agos of tonty-ah and i ffty- ehrgea nDahse ntviiinti S:' r. f 3 dî'1-n.-.1Iperîs of î.ttractiag iight bodies; ad'minent position as enaetfthe leading Tbis course n'as t.hought Wise on ac- fOveInclusive. may eleet te continue fter at e snor ye $5- i 19 10-. i do .dt'iI là 162 tur Thaeophratus (c. 372I-287 B.C.9 tfates . Fraternal Insurence Societies eperat- -cont et the legislation pset--d by the the preseat amount ef theirInatir- i-t". r'. ii ii "11gtt. $- -toi tir IS inl a treatise chat this preperty is not iag in Canada. Was instituted in 1879 Ontario Leglature et ItA lest set-sioni. ance. et the pi-osent rates, as terra Ia- have abundantîyaand a i--r, in .0, $ ge,3bp 1u r )filescetfi y 8 emesTise Leglelatiualn196past-ed a uacefraporiod of fitteon years. the title et enameso Fi r. , j.'!(-qi ilb lt-S 'lo Kn32 tIs ie ' ieto amber. D nt cetfc'y48mmes whff seceded fi-ors a11 n uec o $i 2(il<t10 iii tIirti $7 25ta $7.7S: knewledg'e ietiiy ae.ho f American tOrdar oet rstes Act which requiras that ail F'rateniai Tisse members wbe are between tise race." ito ' i qt > Týo -i'choitc.- eeders. e'f.O>'.'t dts.ho-'te-u'iri-Insurace Socleties salat, on or hefore ett.eined ages eoflffty-atx eand aixty- To RepladeLs o 1 i.% i.irtiri uIuttp-a, 15 ta ever, ealy fi-oma the enad et the six- 'Te-day it bas a membership et over cisc fi-at day of April, 1918, file a r- ateInlsvancrycIrp- Adr" B arLwth 12 ' ri ri-tr -- . 1 ti ItI:teîatb ceatîtry, when (1600) William '90,000, whlch it tise largeat- pui-eIy port witb the Registrar otfrifendly seat protection as terni lasuranco, et >7- tfi. stri t tît es'ea19 26 1 Gilbert, "the father et mtignefic philo- Canadien membership et any et the Societltes, whicis report sisal! contait' thair present r t '0 for tan yea.rs.cftsExieerepes 1,. t i (1;,t-'.> i$6 o -I s,1 ophv"fipuhliahed his tgreaf book i"De -fraternel insurance secieties doing e valuaUJonlýof ail its lasuranca Certi- Term procectIoii hbes etween tien with wisathosud ca % Nil' ti.13if, cM r 1' -il- m fr fcaeslaforce on tise Blet Decerrber, tise atteineti eges et sevextty te savon- perefeet mannerti-hh Imtlr 11li ' i' l nd' Miagnete," inwhich. orthe ii-st time bus-ineas ln thea Dominion. f1917. Iis eotme e ayso ysxgauiydcessfenan ae sutshdvio $72 bi f i, .5) 1,t.>. t-a lt-O .d wr. ter,-d. the ferma "electrie toirce" and d'4eiec- Tise mociety has had e meet suecess- 1917. Ti epcrLaityustnet l hoSI>yeax rs et the ae et sent>' t e re» isqcuithyonth1r i. 3t >u>' il " f1 r' t - .e1t trie attraction" were used, and distinc- fui .record andi bas accumula-ted funtis, ciel-y bas undarfaken te pa>', but aise years mc Use age et seventy-slx an tral tiseface o IV, %'- Wt.a tas ma-de hetwaen îîelectric'î antiehice h rsent timie, emnounit te -the Assets whlch the Secloty bas aval!- oi <'. l i fcee $Il, .> <-'-nt-t-err>le to Sii -but' tirr bonne.trcnhdies. In distingui-s- 1bctween five and a haif andi six million'nhIe. ln tis a vaofetaccumulateti Flnd.-, This<end option meures te ail Ntn htmr n 1.tr ii f-i' t 2<'ra'.- f tt-crs ortepy mmeon mte hntsipn t ' i'7t 6 li't.'ti ir w.titlit n en'bcwe icr n a-dlar. Ls emwa paety entftre assssiants Lifortisasa>- man teyr ettar thwie son admtedichat rshipingw cm 6ofi $ a)" :' o .d :$t ~in i ni:M etic action Gilbert succeedietiin what'oeaof tise est succesaful yeaarinmn fts nuac iblte hate'etints g ts-etdrc euete tts iy. t6 2f l-t ud811to1,T thay matura. Tisa ebjeet oet tiis etatu- anti over, tise riglst te paid -up matir- and that the Shp8 .gC ti;iu ,I1 - t-il 17 r a s: . 1.e13 t- u-ip a predecessor. Cardan (1501-76), hdtise history et tise institution. e ument Il, te show tise dagreaet actuar- ance for amounîts set eut ln iapttn ona ag u 17 tu t' i 1.. cr.chilci'-at)ti-ire offdone but iznperfectly. Observations amounit addad te tise insurunce futide a ovnywii abSce> asieuep-p--db ieAtrh pe, i-. Bnarais- b'i '. s-t- a iîd l;tt.113 plage. on electricai phenomene and import- 'for 1916 was between four anad five as et Decanibes' 318t, 1917. Tie Act ieascsmnier ontdsr m Il- ent sds-ances ia electrical knowledge hundreti theusand dollars. Notwith. ýpmovldes fui-User, tisat at tisa anticf te continue te gay thaIlite rates Thsis almize - the sbmre were made by Robent Boyle, Sir Isaac standing this succens. tise management eacis tbree-year pesioti, atter 1917, a scheduîe unitlles the membs f rem that somrè of tebttb isimilar statament ot valuation 011 sxen eagite t sd pJssr )uty a]ag n - -- -Newton, Otto von Geuricke. Canton decided te ascertain what tise actuar- bu Biled ta order te aseartain whetlesa an e $900 te teee ldup senty, ua ws oncntat u (,ERM AN ANTHEM TABOO. and Hawksbee. During the eighteenth Iaý standing of tisa Society was, and, or net thUeSociety' bas maintaîned 1l8 iscisforme00nt gradua'ecaofsev as blen as togehrhide century eiectric phenomena were ver>' ecuired tise services cf on- et thé Most1 degreaet act-uarial soiveacy. Tisa ob-tise attlanei a&.eofthtie member ia-nettethpwst Michgan Hîglu Schoel Himse "'The close!>' studiait anti knowladge of conipetent actuarles en tise Continent. jet oet he Act te, Usat where es society creases. vag.. t u h rna a Watch on thse Ruine." îieectrielty wuswidaly extanded. Actinig on tise advlce et tise actuary 1shows at the e ndi of he Brut ~Taato tthe ropsedv mhag ofghtb.do gstr a t XAtrba soehsoyntisat d uTe amst ih ofeatse roald et>' oin e n mi A det;patch fi-onuAlbion, Mich, Stephen Gray, la tise early par te tesaSociety dacideti te re-adjust itsî y ai enibsntmanBI d absot Wn laeth oeIe>'ta es ooanb nw r ays :- A g-o oet ub san. fer a moe acentury, discoveret electrie condue- rates andi place Itsef upon a bauis a lb nb-nIees a m-bia soaniolut, .lvnenablu It te phctographer was obt.insble when L'oni and distiagoîsheit between con- whicis wsll gve lt ait leat 100% iratas as Wi meure tisa-ttha socisty maintainlis s plendid postion la thse ASRASILS~ "Tîhe Watch on the Risine" was an-.iductors andi nencenducters. A Frenchs- actuai-ial solvei>cy. s"isl maintain Use degreet solvency vorîti et Fraturnal Inguraee. FOR GERMANFRQ nouaeed as ch.enauring song et tise mati. Du Fa>', anti an Arnerican, Kin- 1 By takmxsg this course, while its whtch lit hati on Slzt Decamber. 1917.-_______ , A>loin H is-h Schoel chape! serviceà on nersia>', matie practicailly imultana- f unds wera stili piling up, it bas ben en! OP- itioa tisat poIttiosi. Tlsur,'oîay. Hising, rat-calling and eus and independerit discover>' cf the able te trust its members mueh more Jlat vtew .of tuis lestalat:1the tSCa. 5801000,000 A DAY AdsethtasWs ether ds4turhence% r"cte t tii an- poisalbihity of two kinde cf electricity. favom'ably "n a aiy cf tise socleties &&an Ord eof Foi-esters declded pot COST 0F WAR TO IRIAIN. Austia bas nita yt -te watt untl tise81«Sute'mber, 1917, fmon submarlnm pag neuriremtnt. and with onle accord thée la 1745 tise Leydcn iji- was discoveredwicis have r.-adjuste their busuises te ascai-tami the tacts requtrisd by tise A dsaasf-n ednus~< filîya h 1 studenttî tood to ttir etest and g-ave by accident, ait frota thie time on dtsriiag recent yemr. Act, and, short>'.> cter the Act was BA sai pa aed la lb. B My the m>ut enthustastie rendeing et public -exhibitions" ofe ltrie pheno- aTe mangement 15 4t> liecor tul- ptra bb la 1910. tli acd tyle Tannes- omm a an L awdayi he m toi- - 0111121r ~ * 1 St The Cipemat a gthern i la mw taboo s Benjamin Frankina diti intcrasting place tise Socl.ty upon a spleindid fia- s« for the purpose et £nvastlgaasgtise larrget ameunit 6"hat uwwaasetnk v A mm ma"ese hurdin se 'litsty.mea wrepeplsi. tedpona oure e atio whehwih lits actuarlal stadtng, aso et tsttsingle sittlng by - aysttsaa t * UY beillon U s >latîpel ,ong anti valuable wcrk in thse develepuseutat n1c5. al s, anad tam sthe future o cf me,11.M.Lfdsl u fOrbe«,-ojiqj et tise si«ee andtinla1760 proposedth ie Order for-&IIl time. jtheemer, 1115. tuM«. ondthAadSe 0 » 'fp~.1~e<iy 1f~C8l ..2 bis farnous wire experiment--whiehomlinent ta-day, and lasew veogcntsed ml D wt n * w -. <i bi~ws famredut wia exrdig eis dt-id" Eý"ln the lasuranc»e wod. lIa ezWI'<> Mar&81, *Ob~Sd Ofh tan4a iusltd ~Gray- BER I t N<7LEKS GVEN s ai-«raein 162,ortheg t e a r eETNET FNB A nce exiwsids over a term-oft weaty- lil70PaW. a11Me teb enm a »i o.uit L.EAVE 0F %BSF-',CE, DlalZ lu aY, ea T1TU CLOSE 0F BUtINER Ove y«1u% elgistusuy«»cra et hbba« a in p '«sdg wek ie Mhsiuba vasuISIW In wli'Vratklin made bisa still more j-baa d.voted .zdualvey'te Fratwri spfnt la O mw ua4ItI e fre mu A iespatch (rota New York alut fm sKpriestwt te kt. :despaétram fi- m oea>»7a1# tuaituiO 5<tO'. IiIO i.v"Ti eod*t 4 ~ .. . Yfîtte-en Gerrnans employeti in thue.Franklin s i t* d 4 igtuuig ri, ~'Addressin a meeting la LezsàoaW@&.a<bU Ii > 1»0000l ,etadt l ago.bi Furîgai Departinent of tise Guarant>' which soon becaina ppumlar inAm- S " Wfucyagt uisBde Kase t l10" Ose -a4 d i0 .tsit7et<,xi .4a - «ya 1 tise, sda et ises soattulW= ITrufft Comnpasny, onaeofthtie larg ta-ls m i pe inBrec adb ueb' .v.gvn tn s u ietb e iae.P@àdftort lu1145 i hauakine u0r.unitras insthse country, am canton Made téià mtadbScver- a*MY 00o -a" ina eYlag t" at *0 *0 b. omoiIte e Stau«e-£U p « -0 w 4q gw tgd a @ 0 have -lasCa iven indefite j«".a of I«teela regard ta pyroeletrldfty about im0t aeuus batveureireuusuta- a .1t»be atiea r-esI..êiI"4n-dI.er absence is psy, st vwsa aaenc.d os 1770. H.nry 'Cavemdial(17811810) tivu OfthlEmat, a iMeslb*0 ' . MW -1bu WbouPM*Itli $ * ti a -OO.udy< WWn4esay, ponding the. oute,of utw» h*s tievwr dum-nyet 4h. miiisle b.W bus aived a- t .e l45re I 0*Obd 0a8lSi b 53f M0I~ 1tise break betw.ea t t. United t Batus mt impSrtnt tacts aboute rtclt i at tie v>'bOue «d ci ue . ~ 1and G.rmany. An ef& f he c. n-whi eu ema-de k»» te a Ou aw.. m.-eqgtues szsos vsas'm o I *W . . an xplaîaied tisa-t hal io a s wutothamtyui- y i-ColoaabOinh m oust scuW t tisa o i-efleti> on chai-acw terett1.0 umgl<MIamui ii.dicenet i-I4 0 u * 11Sa 6. 1IU'N 'men was mant. et, «. lu va oM&l a, ' Ialt" -iko is am-cte a m. ________ M lbeû. mlelagme ùa *gIu 16n lawmu*. - M i l vialinuest).ibi ,p J, dspccs iom Ass-dmsaa'I4awi b4IZ la.15 du.. bac&s.o1"tsi-&$ 6 1 .6S $ hDt, swoe*m tlVlsg teSns Irv1" per ton,. eutlots . îlkmd te att 1.4b«Wesk dIats,' net et str ne. es <a'. 1 # %utr- .Ifete& 4. Nin. eck. 4<le. Ne, mpe-Otiehrusaa e 32.71 t. Ss e tirs er a.poatee, tIy p- l iI0 N i desa pil. l.e'e .vs ~rUs- ai - t ubbb ît w rare1 it we cati- reports oi, ilI be thel idescri-bel, ýy as "nl Hie 13a 'using thel he Gierma-n cattire of it and defiant and to th& rai worI4. Race. .on taettr- ith, "ijg a, taken up lelay by thý It la n4~ ring et thisi f uture 'Dl I itig for us stionst te able te, takce, acclarnatiofl4 de, ths e ti Dn of t1iU fthose whs ý themsel1 the huma Ésage. ie Chancell 0 sed satiofa bd te. as tii former Pr 1the féiU a ofthe'nea trine Menai1 1more me ng under. Governmen, iotrolli- aber-et n id ho dld no~ danger,bu )raina in t4~ among fl8VBý ion thse P»-% 14btd b,tbai se to ropil 1 hIP& Ib*i SUIVE' 1*1W m AI Mml.. trois 14 t. (s Th-is Whsoi 0ANYuBAT SUNK ORTAKENuw11 ~I1I D -11ETHESTT ifREEDAY~ EAST FR0I For "[ia ti ea.onrN Itherlands CI À I"rithfi n . m 'sty The ctvî-lI,îmi (ti\, itirt trig th(iAPrrcari Li.vgiîiii u lt Ii e Btî bas f r r 1 il cl ril - , - î,'i)t P - dent N\ us>-î.îtiit t fol and IrcAl offr ip.Iriat î r-elliînv witht in >y dent iI-'isl-ihî rt' si n sntisdaî utn i n r1c1i titid Mali cr...siLvre the if>vivn <iii-f the (jet-nmtn pr iriciple (f 'vrnn regardmiri s onvr i t.~ îic.I louidIe a iistake t o a ,>t ni t hat t he Dutcdatr.'not in es înpat1iý willh Prvs- denttVi fmîi ction, tInn thu G(iî ran menai>hz4-s over-hrit'th'.g(.nc(rIU' riatliriji impuilst-'i LEADING MAKETS r - 7)tdII. 1 1 1 3 \L i 1 i.i i-t N.'i, N-t -r t!, Il " N Il 2 1. t1 i. tri, k ,u 1 M il . î ..o .&i u I iî 1 , 1 Nli, INl i ,.. I I )OiI i i l'ltvI e s f$ I , I . il1 id lo lia, 1v " . t $N. r ac' ,ri d7i i III t,,I . rî iu:l. îtVr liki-la %t- $ 2 1 2 1 r dn 1, 'lop . *it.tt$ i ri y idnt - -1re tlq F iI 1 ' \ 1 a "IlSt 4 .-u,r 'iîr . n i i- OS 1-h l Ii ir r t 111k r-l'tiatdtint& N r i - (Teir>-C r tf qii> 14 \1-0il tfier1 fleiiir tit .ît'g $2 N îî. 32'-lmi iler tqn Et. t.i .il t-r i 112 n'it pet tliii> $4'rii it tiai-k T rrî'iti Itr N ( i ii ia tii ,rl 89> t'i.u iontry rdo.WO5Sl l:titti r Fi t-i-h ritt rh i- 7-i3,1 Io il-.. r p-otu-' tttit a 43 toir 4&v C pe ld. 42 tri 43'- ktse-jcie%, h;int.-41t t- titi1 lai car- (Liii> p rit 1tr3 o .w i 4 t tr lii u-ot trjutri -t hikt-lai 22 loi 1lt. <titi-i. 21 t'!2c: tfuCks z, n.' tir 2h iub per do , 14 ) t»o 14 1v . turitir-m. 21 te 330 > 24. -m. 18tu ieî. lOê i.O6 i se otu Wtr-ll in r-r. 26b tel tins 1 (1. 5-1bb ttira. 3tIo i134c< 1 5I- j 21oto 13c -. 60-lb.. 12 iiit ii'13, bu,,km h «a i. 6vtii tIins heavtir l orir ii los- 97 7t î,'.-a r d $2,0en' 12avîsirt I-.2rlC. n82 i2e1, z 81.6.1 hi I (lit5P, r 8 bit a G 22 8 2.78; N.w iriît.ati ialssi 'i'pe bit«, $Plo ta3 00, Alturtas per ba 9 13-ronn-uiî,orte-d hatii' -tkcil. t'el blîtruh 46711. ('îtitt. iraid u.lî'î fîr ïI l. ', ffl -Ca iaài iit ui Sm.-' cf êt(. t> 5ii it. tars. mr- lb ii(i tou 2IIII 1 fç. do , heay. 32 1t1ir 23<' nî.kti13ilt 17c, rnli. SIl 122c: brpàr.i'ant b taI ta 99i0 backa. plain. et ta Rt-v. botta'- lois. Si tg) 12. l.ard-ilur, la.rd. tierces, Il&<(0lite. tutin. SitIte 12C. Peuo.. tg lu tâtée. cola- potind. 16f ta lie (oummatp--? 00 rlisar laiton, 18 ta 1960 pet Ilb . cl.'eax Iie.il tu 116< - '1~' 'il t-I :7 'r .1 - 7111 t. il,,.'- 'liri 1cr tI Il i n ais Ils t". Su-Il 510 h. .1 i i . - 'r lu i i - -z-- 11

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