Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Feb 1917, p. 5

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What Doos It Mban when we may that WC are qualified to properly test jour syesiglt, and if necemmary lit yoiait h giasisea? i t incs. Iluat we have the instru. muente; neeesuary toniake that cor- reetion, and almo a dark room fruitably fi tt>ldI outfr hL rtlcu- lar part of »ur burnlnes, anl ,it alen nIeas weJ have had là jear. ex- Perieuce. Last, buè not leait, It Illeans wNe keel, a ver7 complote *tock of appecîale and eyeglaniç frameàanaxd otiier Ilecestarieu 50 that w iv may be able to nuit you witbii hese almo, anti thereby gi'.e COUPLE lE SATI8F*TION. itt'grardling ourq nalificationq under tie leading OPTICIAN %ve refer Voil 10 jour netg hhor, if lie or %lie %earim glammea. Il gott.an fioclli iq joli îî' ili xvarinluly b. 'lirected to cenîmiIere. %Ve have etomplimenit paid ont wurk every d1ay and uc are stire %% e tanil pleaiqe OUJR G<JARANTIEE %viiivih npplieea Lo ail lines oh f ir lninreili ie -ENTIRE SATISFACTION." It Nui l l a,'y y1ilan oatilifart uoi aiwi ii o oey t <'vonsut BASSET .leweler and Opticlan, Whitby I-la IaStoreWih the lcony, Srock st. W. C. T. UJ. M 11 l.K A.N ) Mf ) î,) 1 ZI t-\l 1-- . TFodluetlt;tt Ntt ilt ut uuuuuui.uîu l ItI, cotur.s- (fi lt i- l i l t audtît il u ti u til t - tc tti- u I t fi- .t it ii tutu t uti a ili thI ru-tuu\:itu ýii ,)uu 1tu -i ifruu-fut-uulitt ut S iq, ue l ttutu tf 1tIlf u,- tA %,tt th l illI i ut-t1 t1 l-t uil C d i tui tt ttit a % fuo I iil l 1 1 11tut t 11t u duru- tt t. i ttftt t tii udttu t Itl I i i-lu - u' ltti-tt 11 l tt . t t uti li u-t liuu 1b;itit1us itf Ili a lut1. uIl 1, t1utu( lIt ttu ll l r it Uutid 1li 1 tuuu1t1 tu ti - 11l t .i-t i tidtiI i t IIItut li-i 11 1 t 11 tutIlL :Ill frtl I ot1t1t 11, t lu tie' att1 t1 ueutîu lii III i i k (if 1lui lt-t- tut-il i ttIl ui tut fi 11Nk'tar Udgn g - STANDAR-D 12 J ,. It,, One etandard fat al soi bad &uniqueezp.lrenss,Âft.i' ~Jtmuîm D~s i1' asa speaker aIFt ratinra Institut«s la Sninday, Febru'ary 10.mF N oU'F n'làhisPrviee.,ho beo iît smarne tnor Rev. A. H. Poster, pasIer. (Our flott) twelvé eeren 11k. work ln bordering Morning service. Antbein -"The _____________________________ States ail th@ way fromn Main@ te Mon. Contrite Heart." Duel- bMn. A. W. fana.- Spéaking frein th* remilt of ob- Jackson and Mr. W. J.H.lRichardson. Tbenace u.nay Scbool servationlsimade Ourlng Ibis ime, 1Mr. Evenlng service. Anthex-'Nearer. 1~nce~ A~c ' iElliott deciared that ther, la no State My God to Thee." Anthen-'Sbow lis ln the Union- better adaloîed for agri- Thy Ntprc-." cultural production than ln the Proy. rTe pastor will occupy the pulîttInce of Ontario.. He aise declared that bot services. there Io no State at ail s.pproaehing On- tai-no-ulavatgs l he ParelsforPtionts f W rfrm anstudio vntgeu, a ih SUNDAY SCIIOOL SLEIGH RIDE. Personal Mention Ppe~frPisnr fW rtrin l tana do doot er@mmAnd hiise In*spile of lte zero weather, a good lnaphrsn Germnany. other Andrew gave utterante te a crowd attendedth ie l3aptist Churcit Misses Jessie and Luislacperonn large WHY? and lefI bhe subjeel rlght .3unday Scliool sleigli ride on Monday of Toronho, were home aver lte week tee evnn.Teyon ok njue n.The Post Offie Department In ln re- tee ipveiing Theyotig flks njoyd a nd.ipt or a cablegratn freni the British1 The wity la repcated here. T ean re- ride In the cristt air for an Itour and Mr. and Mrs%.QIeo' ce addagt uhriissalg btn a Ceis . inember when conditions wert dîffer- ,qe'aiteris nd ent.h- athonlmyesrseoiîg (tatno pfarmls o a balf. and on tlieir return ta thét. er, ot Torintï6 , Ï4nt Sund-ay wllh aainlng foodatuffs or articles of doth- n tarin oudmc el fe $100 1 $120ln ucheoolroorn iffere served witlu hot cof- Mrs. Geo. ;$outhwell,IgRol efraddl uuefo jOtrowudsl e 10t 10a Icep and i nboutitifîiî supper. Later in .Cna hd eforaris edinofutreln-Gr.macre Ihat will fnot sel for mucb lover tht. evotitig the inemberat of ile Voî.ng Gunner 4ýithur.ivicholson, oft tef aaafrPionrthWrl 0r wo-thirds of Ihat prîce to-day. Ontario Peolb1e totUnon carne ln 10 enjoy the C.HA., KtWépton, spent Sunday at many. taris wcuid Ihen sell on aI leasî an fin. (;amf>B andi music were enjoyed home withhbis parent s, Mr. and Mrs. The Britisht autkorittes represent equai bausawith tarins ln neigbboring for n feu hotîrs. and lte evenings Jas. H. Nicholson. that Itlai absoluteîy neceasary that the. States. Why the change ln conditions? amusement watt broîîgbt to a close by above regtlation should be complled Eu utso.Tebn r ak theAiningof Aiid angSyn.' Mn. Harvey Palmer, of the Standard wlth. 'rherefore, on and from the lotI IhîlnImthso..'ibe houseare andk1 Bank Staff, la belng Iransterred te lte of Pebruar>'. 1917, the Post Office De- alliitî have t0 gabter lte eggs beotie ---o-- taff ofthlie Bank at Drookli. Fred partment will refuse ho accept nny suci t îey t reeze. Bld-dy goee on Iaying be- ADIDN6 ro ATTRACTIONS 0F Jîabb la the Junior ln the Standard parcels for prisoners et war ln Ger- aîdIoe*e rnsee nzr FRE LBRRY I3nkhee.many. The Deitartinent is adviged by weuther, but site bau net yet Iearned Aniot ber addition lnthîe magazines MlIsi Lulu Harris, a ptapl of MISS lte iBritish auîhorîiles that such par- j ew ho produce norl-freezabie eggs, on te tables ot lte libraru- ls 'Cor- Kahn- Wrights. »passed lier Conservai- cels cannet be Rceepted for transmis- rent Hsov the magazine publiahed tory examîinations iasî uueek wttheo- ,iof le lte prîsongers, and cetild nlot since ie %-Rr bezaut. by te NPW York ors, gel hhreugh. Rev. John Ford comimenced his Times. IluIF; a niaruulficeitt collection 'rTe Canadlan Red - Cross Society, iftiles as Treasurer et the Corporation of lte literaures of the. war. As thlie I liroutgh ls London office, understandslof lte Village of Port Penny ln the à4upru-mu- crimis atidiecut of the struggle "l)OING MANY OTHERSq, anIeî-cry Canadian pnîsoner abail re- place et Mn. J. H. Brown, wto has re- apracier l natter of titis fine pub- Tie Put Av'riutî,Vcuu< say s: --"'rue celc adequate relief ln food andi dot- sigticd. Mr. Ford tas resigned bis po- lgaprocle lfehtl *li.peei drs fD.G.R rwtr ng. sendîng one parcel Pncit week tb sillon as pastor efthte Baptîst Churet ilctio wll hcore 0 calincei vlue prsen adres 0 Dr 0.R. Ireste, acit prisoner. Therefore, exlstlng or-.itere atter a paserate et seven years. lu fstud:.ýIvIthe mnt.-va. iicit 0fldmhortanelcnstyeauoteninary been ganîzatlons shonîd continue their work1 The resignation will lake effeet afler Iraiau ti fini e yp<. cloatesledeidgae tesive mîîyolers lu (buaes ofcoilecîlug tunds te bc sent 10 the the end et tiIs month.-8tar. bein se li ti, ipù,accntutesthe esies oin may olips i Clr-C anad ian Red ('rosSociety, and Il Isý tifd o hetcr iultt e lîbrar>. sucit mont, Is wanlu-ti, ant i i made a tuost desirable taI lhey linould net re- 0A Smaii section etflite lewnahlp Seutit iisil usimple droiltiamil front thr- beaui- starrt-îtIl lotis tiepartttrt-fron otur mitist lax them efforts lunttIls respect. etteni A aIn earaodntiet (forgeph ilfuul g(titu-rail lglng %noutidaffortl. sonie day lItt vefî.k. 1-Is niany coni- Persons tieslring te bave addlllonai - flrn- dleie lieurdîsoe itis eek. fiduîg rpit-d in lit t'lrcmttoi;lire foodi or supplies senl ho a Canadian IINi:IN TRAIN TENIES lt esîlas tiblitsnî is enrlurlsnPrîsoter shetild senti nuoncy fer Ihal i'rThe tiatit occîîrred oil Monday, Jan- Il ilw Grfand lT-utttt- tai tuu'y smat it-tutr litsttrt.gref-t le- inaivertenîtl> ;turpose Ic the Prîstîners et War De- tary 29tit, of William Pogne, et Scil- til, aontltN ti onilt-t-tuettubsf-adtmade ()parîmeni, Canadian Red Cross Society. gag Island,. one of lte pioneers oft Iis \%ihIi ait.,- lutinuffet uuot StutdaNs, oiiFuît. i% lt nwadrý. A letter containîng a remiltance nnd section.* He.was suftering from pneu- t tui-' 1 i- ituuurn ilviatrabiti t To- -goasking the Prisotuers of War 1eparl monta. Theugitlite dispase appeared rîtiio tu\tfit lu ft utnu souttei lruttahui)INO tent. ('aaian Rled Cross Society, to 10 be checked, the physicai trame was ali . 1îuutî 7311:i.tn t no%\ 111 %~T CTDO1u-Csnd food or otiter articles Io a pris- flot slrong enougi to 0recover lils wouî- t. ~i ..~u ' t 't'Il§ to t raint t'cpu l-iatulbtoii. a ru-tiurtund suldiu-r. oter or ut-ar shoualdlighe addressedtoibc truts e as- nn nMn fruitinluls;u' tt tfil t- gN(alidud aitut nda i tl utu\lidt.u- ruau, luas be-eut ouarti- ilie Prisoîters of Wýar Departnient, Can-day, lt(%29thmInat, aI 10 o'clock p. liniifN tuîarru't-t u s lui ttuu'iIlu-d utMillttrg i î 'eit fr gallautîr*)on adian 1-Red Cross Society, and shoiid in.Ht. leaves a wIiow and hhree child- ýtatu toiiti t7 .7:',a ttiii ,iuti-ud'nf 7 i S a.t luehtit lt-Muild. contutin Information lu thte following renu. Mnch sympatity IF; exprsised for Ilif.fas 1utir 11f11l i l u ttu rc changer l iittiu *l~t-ut il lti utho e lt forin: the. bereat-et famlly antifrientis. 111tIlt lý nIluiuh iuulu i fut- ltuîrt 'u- r' i tut tîl - u ai i tt-s.ome No. 123 15 Privat. A. G. Roi nson. -__________ iiici 0iilislinil Ii n llAi lor 14rrý ii iit av ofX9%f-rg. Il 4, it Il giaittiers,Canatiian Cointingent. a a uttuttuturof it- I<t utI Iutii l E. 1P.. ('auadian Prilsoner of MWar. Gol- SL EITR 0 it'urtt'urrît'iiti- ti atI a truaii <,iiGermuait>. carv Prirone-rs of 'Monda)-. Febrîtary 19.-Aîtctlon sale tu >N't-ui 1t\N.l-. ut ui tt ttu t utttî tîry etuc ao.j w~Dllpartnient. Cuinatilaî led Crots et farm stock ant immplements, tht. tu f ' l-t- ttutit \t i orutt I *- strîi t.-- n t i tiir: -nu--li-i i lu id S ri- -roperty of Frank Smnit, lot 8. con. 4, i - N4 - \- . t t )lt l« -1c. %- NI lu-s N uyil u uti u u--t1.1 - fti -i t- 01- ' ri r-nit lance se it u I e forin ik rn p, 1 m ls M eto ui I tattl foi hil tut. of- ut t t itan q- utdar -1 ' tttricta -utiu r u-masuleui auteV.- tf a Post 0ffi-e Nîonne>Ortier drauvutIlut lt-y. Sale at 1 o'ciock sliarp. WNm. lu\ T1l IritA- \ý ls :tu. uuti ¶ luluit- hiiuti, <antdian lRed Cross Soc.iety, for Wednestiay, Fchruanry 21.- Autcien ut isusluutI rf-uu. t iuuîtuu- tiirt l -u it- .- \V .1, t rouýi futt liatluttt ue-tu uli-te'd tht. Prisoner of W'ar ln tquestion. stl.0 a tc . i pe e î, at uîî,îtî t tuf I)il'ru olllfr,- A(or ric()l(totuluilrAtt r pertsen isltiiug to senti a remit-litusehoiti trrnItant., lte Iti'pet.n13of t]uullo - luu ' ittuiti ti piuuk Iru-ut Stut o ru a t -of (lut' lklia rI t autre idire-ct of War may do ;o b>- T. Eî. Pip. lot 4. coni . 1,Pickering tu> il t if . lu intti t s andt id ut it utru- iNeutit iii- tttu t . i-uli ur 'ut or lopcu. utill uit-ans of a Post Office Niote>' Ortier. 'Tî). Sale ah 1-1.30 sharp. Wm. ia'.t, ut~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~l tîuuruitttistl-t ttu-î- tîtiuh -c-t-rTr-ttrr uuc Ilist.d frme of Commission. atccioneer. Itilt! Il i iit . SI.IIýii tl lu ttu-1i-i rît port Il01locouunîiuîg Post Offices. sale of tarin stock ant iimplement.s, th(, tu-tut lu ttut - u- u ru littii t titi itt.. tul t tttui futre ttui fîtt t iPuirel-s for priatoners of ut-tr conlaîn- lîrcifert> of H. Lait, lot 22,<coin. 9. -ut uIoilit t iiil t-t ý;.4m -I ni, îii i u u- ttlt î Ituuu tu t 'Iitu itu l l Ie-sers los may b e t f l rs to tht ar1. H. S. Itigî. aliticiucer. - <-~~~~art- of îunsoîuers of Nar )e-partneiaut - -____- ilin iitiltilt rau t-u t -ui. i 4- fil(, i! uNi lt an.îl uîjuut'w iiNilv C mcl ilD ga d n efr-rdd tfe he o ae To R n , E c q i uiu .uuî~ ii 0 -tuîu1 l- w- tut. i l 1#4t- utli ii tE. t. lit-t iii utlur Illeu' t ic-tsîr- Iuul ut-li g. t.U uîîtî d .l 1(ît f Iui-t- îo'itîmaî in lîd e le fruouci ufcr ictit-i .ý ot lie -ubaltý ha e b'î'î ce-tsoredt. i- t ii -- Ilitlaileti rt-guualolns respect ing com- FOR SALE. ulltutu. if ilili t I ltiti tt uu si i l î.- f t' fîritî i >11-i t1i ollectiotîlut l tuJlutt oaheut l tis lment u-îiitud Iîntnicuution it P'utl risoners c vi.LrWar ati, ( il-utu(,' Ii lu lut î ii l-t kt u tu i i g.Ia vro li o tl',r b n ,btlg isie oah-osa e vieg rî '-in nd si me v o- p tu-ltrOlorloid. - lr»ii1,at(himtliilf'îftioPmtaybe olù- -In J. J. Fihzl)tttrlck. phone 146 r 2. ~~~~~~~iltri f tluri-l ru- ietttu i ututlili fo >- nouiuýalî-ilti 1 tM tuî Il u.î~~(' N\ 'it fii tt- tx I u lle t-spe-il of ltnPiao -tl uluiu.- nd s'tint-r. tHELP NVANTED. y LOCAL HAPPENINGS 11111] ot I"-ltutui l itA Hq':;.1t-llitau<iN ice :t t lilIl prolu- Itu.: (ADI'OPININS.FO RRA -____________%loi\%___ i %A it l u f érouni iitui-tr:uiu-d la it cuu uî ur-ati rc- W. L. Smtîit, l 1lekl» St u. aal ennl nt1cn d li Rut lur ui. tfIlt"if 14 Iliuiiut It-i ut. i-1 t ttluttuut - flsui luln'on'utreu t oil e î-r counurr-. tîtat aits-soliler n-ho 1 m xeln il g eesl y coiiig. Smali family. Apply toM Iit iut uItl tuu i ne-i u ttutcl-tii i - cV'uniîttour'iifg tvrI lurutu.ientifutru- anudkille auuohu'r man n-as a Anti)' Broder-atlte Pairs and Exhibi- -îf. oi III f'-l lm110111Lrc WAisuuf-rii NîletluIleuttr Ail utider-rIulK gGog niotue ions Conventions. The beatt îing te V Lamoii -;%ýovri-d iii of'i(ý alid «ant idntai 10itI an> thing. While tiat rural communtlies aen longer UNVELIN,; O MOTO. Watson ti-cluet to <ail i wnesseis formation et pîîbliaopinion. The peo- 0 t uttuu-uit iiîîtu-i.isuiuc'wt aying litu-as againet his religlins pie along the coneeMslon linos- are, as MAI IlU) usti':lr t.-bd ut thu' >t-tdlstTah-racle pîînncipîeft. Tte maglstrale Imposed he Ialalielng lte groat centres 10 E' lil t he e&titTbral A i ieo $0o 0dysI al hevieteopnontenyo hi T'rit .lliodlatt Tatbernacle- (boit uta-- Sonda: iuoruiâig lae t.lte occasion a fleuer ttf lit) o theayla . L ucetree.opinonrurnetommnletItemuas Mliîled by olluer local 1taluent, is pruptir- beluîgItltu' tuuuu'Ilîtig of a tnoîîo for lt nsnncioii ater, cenl treotion rua erand bied 4asb -Ing luIaiters mOratorio,-"t- uCruicifix- -,**tr 11lut7 .> ht' soaia> Scitool. oe 'iefl ifè uXr-sbs n uthe large ciles -*ere alwa.ys a wi». ton," 10 be gili-cn oiti ;ooti i-'nduyviuî--<ut-i- lt-s lutfor,,lte Soindai- Scitol I hnî oest an O1oe oidntb l a.etIdome I iîg lunte atuditllnnof tht.'l'aber. lu-ache-rit andt;ti ueblitîrwero aske to te quaspadtn hicorne î6 caitng alof ng l weîld uttese. b a. Bu,110Mteno. --1-1.......3r .89ýect at. notî.and bîri,,e litIn. Sl IX aeaa elTtsl -alI au? eng @VMVab rauns.it A h&t -oah 'Te regutîtr meeting orf tie Wit lsigtttite wn-ii h id eotnl-riday, l-Xb- riary it. ai 3 o'clock a i te hoite of Mni. George Ros.'rThe prograus ut iII te pnovided by the grandunottert'. AIl tte ladies are cordially inui-pln bat- tend. Adasisaloit 10c ilu aid of plan 'SeraI. J. D. Morrisoit.oft he hltlnt Iiattallon, fnnuuenly luaer of heh. Os- ,aua Baptint Chutîcit. îrea.cbed ait ex- coellent sermontll te Whitby Ilaptist ot*" curc l sat t5unday ntoruiin.. Se rgi Ctuumlnge. o4 te osait ilatalion. preacited accepluîbly lItite evening. The. Couîtty outrilo Old (liris' Ais- socIation wluh te aclknowiedge wlit thanku Ibo cheque received trom lte County oh Ontario for $14-74. biems 5 per cent. ofehlie anounl ezpesnded by tute Soclety oai soldierau î'unortuu. BAPTIST CHVItL'l. Rot'. Harvey' Merit, iI.A , i l'il .-of "I'lîenl>tîl>, wiltlocctuluy ttIll 1 illotf t- the BaptitChîncili atihothiil rlcl'i SerliCés'A.111hirlueru-uuittl lut1 t tii- 43btîncliaudlitonîîn.tun011Stiday lhiitati .e lnth.e.seol roornas titurifiuz lite jîtiges sre-alupoluteti. Ibret. rou the iloard of Itue Ct.'ireh and itree froin the Stundut S-hiooh. Io select lte mont stitltile uuotuoo mt. of about 50O sent la. and thit-r a-lection was the moiteo. l- Dovour fient,'* h> Miss Moule à uut u. ftuuui.Dr. NWonksuan -as aalk- rd In b6e pré-senta and i gîe ait addrema. wtticit te i-r,' kindi> conaented (o dib. lis adâreas was a inoaI Instructive one. dêallg suait e didti uait suphase.et tite sbeccied untio. and lmprs5iln£ tipon the nmnds of the mholurusud ebli- erg thlut-reai l sud truemmnlnug et lthe niella. Mn (eorge W. Dryden. an ,u-Supi. ot Ilte 8. S., penhormed lte task et lin- rellins ite molto. The musIfal cmm- iItie..undér tue direction ef Misa L i ir> dcii - îretîared lte music.al pregu-am for t,. day. wirhi eoslatimd eoftiti-c Weil selerici hyinuls. a duel by >Iùala. Heiruts Iiciardson an t hr FitelSaitit and argihrtsri seleculont. 'hle elurei choir wan dispenscd s-itii, te u8. A uripîetru supî>lyisg tlb. istsie. wbsctb added mintci to10the sert-ire. Umn14e Saur> n-as thse ar'ist wbo dreiw sud1 î.atuîttd te motile.le shom mucli <redîtl l tt'frber uepîeiidtd aork. Thtý muollt ahi te buag ulit e S- . uherei It %ii t, a constant reninder 1tact* igeiolar tiu'utîghout lite >-cr t.e past few wceks. - t-'lt';T TAN111LYN l'iIE I' OSTEST It us epeil 11tubntli-r1-0gbh *h I3QAItD OF TIIA[E MEEING .ui Fllay -e-'ins hast, n-b"tbo ttA*- 'llte negular nîosithiullif-tut lhu of i lic titil uutl Rnm Waptt .-nowd on eut«ý c- ]Board ef Tmade n-ilbt, lield inlutmlujturauutotf ite rsi part or thectcwnUa <2ouncil Chanis-r ons Wu.'tustiay u t- j- ;for t lit Tainbl.uittPila. Farh i riuEl tain. February Il. at 8 o'riot'h -iutirit ldt ie. o tufniltet- it-ne our,ggvo & Ail imembenu uited lto lu'a'td- reu-11hon 'rTeeoni<on n tttii b.t W. hD. l)tkK' lau si-lit-radius and lte tirttlu -pob, ei rehar'. lit #uIuu 1- Th 'le co<uutausta t on Pt Mnr. and hiUs. John Vice, oh L.orettuunn. afnld rTe judgea n-u t im x1 lhna" :Sak., batte been Vlsîtlinut aIthe honme oh Ontanlo 1-41Ws' <'ohieg; heu. <fGO*- of tbelattera brotitti-.Mr. T. G. Col- Niehir.e-,o t -niIe sAnEd1Mr. W. 1..CI1- Ut, w..ad bMv., Vice have bora lu-, Idg». lu ad4t11M t10 le traIe -te esfr e years. andi are %tronc, lthe ent ne ilaxe sIleft y xlsvon- - - ,4vocates of IStaadYflutagebansd attracv»1 n " flAtvmd 1Litla Sonit goo ýtjocà. oreliIt, w-b le I a tirivin:. hbY Kaihtiai.NItisoInu. oa àngt rua tonn tlb. C.P., hbua sltrtlYi lits ly egi lvkaanda see"Ed iI*Y*4 br i prssaIaisesud nipOiAiIO lu twO VOboy* sitd t-o girtut I rl l.awuu*,, - p -lset e*#t yand Ij >Poldauc citutulem.i t- V M à ANVAL >flE1!isa. frieo ea t ith oOuilwesn- mratu- "W Two aspaeeiof m plerid 1met bave~O> lUalt ~*P~ taO oh Ils chiet magistrale: '-Reeve Treîleaveil wnt to Wbltby Tit-uday tb represent thte Village et Beavenlea ln ltai auguist body. lte Coutînh' (oiîncîl et Ontiarlo. Mn. Treteaveus, weundursland, b.d visions of the Wardcushlp under bis cap. Truc. ItlaI hn soe . eanssinice te varmed lte seat befere, snd whie lime bas deait ligitI>' th-ibhm, Dot se0n-t bis felion-. of former days-th.y hbue îdiiateandrwith te h e astiquat- 'ouaty (oneil la not oves jet ukat mighl b. calice a progressive bedy. but Il , t nftuttely heowed n-bat Mr. Tv.. lestes veuld havo Il. This SgeiiUs gees o e cCoueU iepîot e ltose n-ho elertod t Io teoppose on joueraI princîples et-erythînga Inte nature of gvants. i«bleb ho cotmaîts tmd4 'ton haaton. A fair exampie etfibA nas geti ai et theInaugural meeting et1 a«VtononuemaitL, n-hoMr. Troie& ven oipoeéd lte rtatst et tht e t-t jly grant to lte Women'a Patristiê 8.1 jeiutîy eof111.00 pe on . on th ie <t» prrsz t atsortes acre abroed tbat1 nume et il wvas betnlg wrogiy usd, ai- tongt est-en>' ss.nîh a dettatid «tgto nw"tI ofIb tt mare eoft* $oryeys given-la tht.. counrsasA iIt' wu <5used aîd t<h t» (*Vitisi oi'- ion-ni thetlotur Conuelfon vottr Ye jbut Mfr. Trtisvucould fn eb linducO Ib voer.l')r a genlwmnla ilsWar- deotip *aagtiraà% iU.Mn. TÎOlMveu u0* btitla uaI r* eîta Iattmlà -Weivl r ur. l lb tmid me oi r w Ïbe wmto titinunmpu09 4 *> le 14puiP<out et th O#tu Io M1L goc toc lat-e for o<tse lng hesd Unes of the- dally pneu snd lbe excited splntter of à lot of 014 lad-- AU Fat! and 'Ninter S les o eh tsexes. Ttc eeffpie Who really hav-o liae te ihiuk, and who, la Tables wtt! be ladeni tuit t utà tine ut a vle. and Children's Fooiwear. putt et herEatew the M* r Bc rnâre 'ou sea the bi are undulyt! oL A eanolM&tedrua chbine. vilt témafnteauaiot loca debauing meities et Iii 01-' Chili temns, aaght iolp to e vo eT thiîs uf tusato codltIo& 1. , mise Matà Wibtk Pupils prepend for Toroto'CaO& iervacory or UniversUy Nsn*o Rrald.Soe aUMis 'r., idtfllrrsys i»-oen~ ~~im s mfi dpbn o2 REI'AIRI NI I ForOrppOodsJM Laatve CI ueTbês WL.n votà have that miserable feeling whiCi msuall ylacIopaies a head cold, get buey and de sometbing to relieve it .before Yeu, art foreed to take to yoilr bed. Whitfieldlu Cold lTabit, if taken in time, will prevent serions cases of griPIPe 6nd eimilar aliment., and even after the. fever andl chilli bave pjit you on your back they will put you on your feet in a fewv daye. Keep a box on hm.nd during the cold disagrecatble çeamon. Prico 25e per box. WH IITFJ É LD'S DRUG ands STATIONERV STORE WHITBYe ONTARIO soie Agent for. Butterlick Patterns Soie Agent for Nyal Preparatien. JLeave your order for Piano Tuning witlî us. A ivoman truana. offleer bas been sug- gesed forthie 10w» of Orilin. Property__WaRted Ten to flfty acres with Luildinge wanted to purchase, convenient to railway depot or village, also grave] property near Ry. siding. JOHN FISHER & GO0. Lunisden Building, Toronto 'larme and Country Homu esriSale' Prom ptness counts whien a pipe bursts-when a valve or f aucet Ieaks-when- a fixture qverlows.- when a wastc pipe clogs-when the roof leaks- when the chimney smokes - when the heater f aits. We are always promipt-phone 228. F . Landon StandardOsak Builing wNITsyON. Stock ta be sold regardless ci advancing"prices with, bargains 6f ail kinds- -LadeWs'Gent', os~ )argains we. are offerirlIg. Alsê Trmnies, Sikt Csee at Iow CNEATLY »OINE A1 -LOW PUICES. Girls rices. M . mmumummmu Read t-he advertlsements omq page L. Ce ote' The Central Garaue If you want a good job dou. We carry a line of repairs and accesWries for automobiles and bicycles. W~e bave an expert machinist and a good equipuüent to handie machine w.ork. Car@ rebpilt and painted. Special attention paid to vulcan- izing tires. Lias engine trouble made easy. (bye us a trial. Charges moder- ate. Bell plione 147. McKiniley & Daviisom IJST WEST-OF AJRMOIJSIES0 Wm. Potter -h asopened up a blacksmith- ing business in old Newport. stand lattly occupied by'Mr. SquirreII, and is prepared to do ail kinds of repairing. ,Ho soshoolng and Handlig Prices, Moderate. w -.t.- -- uw&I -Wîiteî OR THIRTY DAYS -i -.--i oulumum

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