Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Feb 1917, p. 4

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*utnunAwL Ij~fl~> ~4Ij? flma~ue it r tiaîl ià.bh01 ;i *keto bIet 1 the. "ôIe.e litt for the d.f6neeè ut the greaftut $ flw epttm~itsIii hisandi o! the Dominion Priwàtill atttoutridt, x1ei nectre. natiefla liUS -t11ft &Ai one 1w U Iettr day in the lite of thecabnet when émmhcIt n6w,, ;95 wiIl et ____________ ~S8i~lNftWth ttgisu, tre~11w 1n0 deputatietu walts uben theun te t kthe cnd oft three yftam. 'flueare twe A carp4'lrter nîm~ed Jobn-cAe - .1 neruhgdprtments luav6 b40 for i'elkqf for tis, that 'andi the othér otiter teatures whtch are espeeially in- camne te hie death la an nUinlooketi for - ý- ttdeti tO the speebât iteatures oftTIti thIflg. Thre Governlent la supPOSeI terestinatoe umali investers. irit, the andi tragic muxuner. H. was boarding 0A"M tAtD CîlhCâ11roLx. Like moat t elk ahr bot oayha.certificates may b.e surrendereti at any at the bouse eo fr. Lewim, In the Frront- * Whn aaonehas greciror cer n- e, if the buyer airoulti ned bis street termae, andi was taud deati In other tewis wcskly papers, euly tour plaint about any subjeet *hatever - money: and second, caehr crtliegte il§ be uIn té mernlng. MeÂIoréY lhait irages et thia paper are "home print" off they go te the Governunent, and ire<dstered i ttawa Inthe bttyer'. lietihIwui ecllaeoranu omr et e Thre other four o! the elght pages are stagta oecmrlao aa-famentflstoste.lahr- would bave doue well had t niost been suippieti to us slrentiy prlnted. Tiiese poîntedte o lok into the matter, anti o!ftore Valuelcas te anyone sigle. B ut for an ulifortufte addiction te drink. course thre peeple have te PaY the eutwfeteyaeclet fnanl-Si ne it t5OS1ii impossible te get liquor tur Pages cotisaevery rseek orne ot the commision. Thre shortage Ofwhve tet uat epoîlnt tr eertin-1eInln Orillia, he Ilu nderatoi te have Mîuglrty ltîteresting tmat rer. catebeen driiikitgig Oeesubtituit, which catescarelty oet ildes, the slow shlould iL-ppeal strougly te taadianis May haire been thre causie of hie death. *-For Instance, a glance aIItat week's mos'lag cf f reiglit, lte higli coOt e! Pa- because thQy effer te thoue wko ustA i est was net couisidered nees- pae rvaI h flown:per, thé deartir eof resir egge woman serve at home a splendid ol'prtunity u . edeycame trem Halifax, whaperlié, l sald totbre aollowgengI Acoluumn ef tire leading market suff rage, prohibition et tic liquor fer a Most Imuportant îrarlotic service, ed teuite have rifia sisir in traiiic, tire prevention of strîkes, threTre persen who irenestly saves te Uihe -e- Drices. as quote I lui Toronto andi Mon- making of gond mrade, thée extension et extent of hixI abillty andi plae Orillia ePaekpl:-"Tirere la a college treal. Thisi colunrîr atone Io wertir 10 eleciric poier, the prevention et the savîngsa itirhe disposai ofthtIe Gor-ern-. Iu bondon for "Decayeti Merchants." --thée fat-mer matiy tiares tire price of cock crow ai 2 arn,, thre sllencing ef ment by pipunclrasing trese certificates, What le a "deesyed unereirant?" Tire tise paper, for îirey are conrected i tire caterwaitl Iirat disturirs thre nrld- tnay te>F tirai lie % ta rvurg a direct toliewlng definition la atiggested: 1. te ondy o Tusdy o th we-knigirt stlence-ttîeesud theisandB oet ahare ln fee(dlng, equippirig, and munai- fie la a nurehant wiro tilka advertlrt- te or o tîre '.-eekthter strijecîs are "pitt sp" 1te he ining our Canadilan soldiers, '.'îo are liea as tetne w o dt iet ireeda. 2 et puîblicatiloti. Go'.-nnuiiet--the fpllows wire iasve tire, se uebl) doltrg tireir part. faces inluiss heji, 3.HP dope net train New sud apeclal articles about tire easy lime sud draw fat salaries. Wholitis staff for fear tirey wilI knîow as 'Wall. would ian te10 ie a "big gîu"- in ibese 1 mucir az ir does. 4. He beileves in days of neforni afii of war-lirse stress? The N.w Geirman Brutality nobedys feperlence burt ris owur. '. Tire Surda- Scirool lesson for tire Adytte M1ow r h nyo e believe tirat tir old m-ays are ni- tollowlrrg Suinda>-. ian w'oirmîagiuné îîey w-euld b faire pshdan ob a ow-ai-s tire béat." -1 Adepartment for boys andti grls. happy ever aftfr eruild tire»huit get tire jutntess o! ouîr cautse ii tire pres- ThrsesPideu'8 icetitir arespondetice L vestock inotsform tinn tee-m Pazreton tuiautirhtabiuet. eut 's-ar, or as Io thie reed of support- lias been a steady flow of young men 1» "luabe inormaloîrabou heres. * s e lg it by aI hetire nsr ir oui- power, f rom lire surroundlug cotuntry te tire cows, elreep, pigo. Air oMlcerIt lir e Canadilar forces. tire grorrnd for ihosp douibta lias, now muniuonrs plants in loisn. We take The Iiouriaewife*s Cornier. who la home onr short leave. lu i pe-ak- disaatpetrred. Qu tire lasi day etf i- lt-ave te question whether under exisl- Tire Stor>'. ing receirtly before an auîdience lus To- itar» tterrnaitîy ssuedte th ie world lie- Ing circumstanees titis is a movement Treasures buried Iluirhitdetu places. ronto, salitl'.t a short lime aguire lice teh fp ta ail shi lirha tat sirould bie eticouraged. NVe have irad befn tirrougir villages lu Seotlauti doeestrnt compîs îvlti certaiîr riles Ireen toîdth iat tire young men Cannret Mlscelliieorrs itemsrao!Illere8t. (andth iey rîcre typical of otrer plaettirai Gefrmair> lias laid doixii, wlll liere- lie spared from the' (arma, Certalnly. Il nln n 'îtî Nh-enta fp l ukwthttwrig hsIf îlrey Cati, tir e oiuutry's fOrsalil l THIS ISSUE CONTAINS Egsdnud blê) iee rtnstray~soeiuslInat rite m Tîîisfor fighitlg uen Io keelisrp tire forces Th edn akt.man of milItas-y age couîld be Laeen andibts ieiîsirtreo iem ra itirhe front. 0f tirese tire country dis- Tire esdlg Mnretswiiere tire- 'ork wa.9 done by womeir. v lii ihîcir tire Germanst hegarirtire triera% have net yel iry any means furr- Thre Story e! tire War. olti men andi boys. He arded tirrt tire I sr Ii lte llrst place. 'l'ir resi polit îrledth îeir fair quota. If tirerefore Wliaîl Britishs Woun are L)oitsg. Canadiana lu tire ariny wantetl peace at issue tais a rai'. as clean as te tire vourig meur cari ie spared tram tire sili. t i habarsniaganstrivlizj 1farms ilieplace for tirem la Ili tire Slot'y--Her Grandmotlrers Portrait. as mricl as auyone, btut tirey were de- lîr ion arbanlaiti agaîatscîvîîîza raiiks. Trie artlllery Ii partîctrlar le lermîrieti, kuorsling waai peace before to.sdaray mt> ot r*cal lng for jtust sucir nen as tire colin- KigGeorge and liirs trieruds. teara, hen ftei be beeui seintite ebot tourr aird mn'.uylives 1jIî*y districts cati afford, ment tted te Kluîatie arompisinreît oeticiroirje f ! ror-omttatslhiave heettakeir hanries and te ireavy manural -aork. bNnm ro p Q teROI.lt an s -rs sould e, to go ou tntil tîhe allied i am Therei t uip r is C u e h 2, T è I, as; >et no pressing demauti b> Prof.Bell. iadti fen -on. Tire sword wotuld ire Tieal 0strot1Ii ciehr, for rîuskîlled lorber for tire munitionis T]Ir e Siirday Schrool Lesen. wreuclred f rouitIre Kaisers bond. ThiIs trrfr.bcieurr trllîtlr atre.au flcesrti r h es-en and es-er>nîîe îî-homiîsirea ta e- rt- oren are preporeti te meet tire @mer- Ti'li otigsof tire hufs (illrres). oficer irenît urta say tirat ireliras uot set - efmiMfcelt uy ,ny ougftmr h r e 'rouir Probletns-conrdtcted bh» Mrs. ceasodte tatell Canada silice lits reluirnA I Otapeenthllsl ia e 7Iris deut>. gcucy, Ytorug ftail-mes ir ae tet tint mo far CLanada lira@ feu brut tr Iîs the tr<Fbîtr- counîtry on tire (arme,ireipitg to keep lieenLaw sigtes pncl o wr. ndlieuredwhii lire Ilouge tif Cottuiions aijtruro- tip production. By eottrlng Intô town 1lel-n Ls. slgireat lucr o!s-ar ant iretiretie, the 1'riirre MNIhistr anrd-Sir NWilfred ta '.'ork in munitionis factories tirey lay About Farni Stock. is ircarers to ire prepareti for far more Laurier hoiti exiiresged luIs tPettt. Sir ihemrselves opten ta the susapicion tirai F'rslleu Fadm. sacrifices for thier om-r cietittal spirtt- lolîri Bordeir satd: ai this crisis dollars aud cents cauit Tieepages eftirhe pape-r airouid ire tial snd mtrial good. i, erar !ie1'rorsr for mare w%-ittir tirm thitrtiliai niot tam.- r' îTcr.fe rrîrae otlr rese '.s%ýrds speak for tiinselveêsl *,,trnw o thTeonsi-rli ahcf redmihcae frleri aecotl W-\e are so far fron tire scene of actilonr marinie carrîpaigrumw liii ail its barbanolurs -- -- ad on-.rp Iint ,ilit ~- wni-th da,,i,-r - ..- .-I nretlîurd s anrd tire racticat erilavetncnt qurnire a m ewrn oasthat il takeg a dprided effort for ilso11- lei-'.i -- id. loldtre1i t-) e' ery farm and homne reader. ta realize ail t bat is involved Ili the lfIi 3 jiii wpe .tol irl prf>eit w ar, When me tbltrk of tire 'ste and sirengîhien ('anadlan rpsolin N.illages ; itIIlrita!ltn t aIhase hpi t ion. ('anadla's work I ltie w ar If; trot N o i e E~~a1~ui.1 ~~o0mmmeptcItar of trir mn, . we hirtrh r lfrdLaieedeofiej riil iof oour oxvin flvsh rind hloed i I, 1wOjurSIr N Ianfrqý Arî s Lae senti- t rt-udr s to stand hi hem suid t o reliOoiion xr ;dtirne sni Th tfriiii iii-rrrnar nt iam-;nl(its,. and sald irat ln regard to threCorncgModyFe.lh irsg th ings ail treir own way lit their fre1teti l stim fs e IRdýCutlecn9MnaFL.1t aew atiriarirr ~rrgram.TireIlrIîsb o ~ '~~ ~ i tireîva* m ent xpressed b'. tihe Leader of thre t ;verrnetit. Thre cýfnîcaîîv rutirle11es biy, Port Arthur, Fort William, ee,çii itis latestatteicmlt ta 'iote ail fe tr tviolistioit orft3etgitrirr and rthe atrocit les Winnipeg, Brandon,R e g ina, lirepu-ncirleeaf urmnityerr casldof the ;vrrnaîrs rad Fatlsiied tire world Satskatoon, Calgary, North Battie- î'rato lorfor ucut rai ntrionis. Il wul bhi 1.11, il.r \alrS1 Itir tnifficates thiai tere strouild 1 bltionle etnd or Edotn nouead nratry a long day hefore Germîrtra ereryN>- 1r. Fîeuiiiv cirry fotr civi-rrggts- sîrir a '.'Vanrcofvrrcand %hre ie -111I bic reuttrirdeýd as an> -tiring'i cii irr ,~tott as m'iii inakv rertirretîce or the Pacifie Coast, will leave t ri ri îrlrl rîeeu rage rîr ilrifi anrd econ- ' - brîi timurdt rer s The traître of Germatin ci'% r u~ r'r iearopr stici nt rages trnitomi n lrtire genèr- Toronto Union Station rît 9 p. mliila aatr.irtndritlit-col id tnt l asio l\.t l ppo ar e tiol acon ntad 04 *airauldei-tir rned Ili thie AI iled nti onsir s I l n oi x tiein re."o Und acatrr ins J)o 0.5P.1rMndy Io îwoli'lê'of that bre.-d or Ioiilire tira- pn oo t 1% nsl i vr h epeo aaaaeaui nWdesday and rrF ay dibt fta oiiiý 4rtk ant i urney order post office ln thre coliictiorî ihat a grave responsl-Wdnidy dirrîs of tiraida.The%25(-Otfrtrt slrsforbility now rests uponis. snd the peo -___________________ 9 $21-541t ire $150 for $41, and tl ire 10 rple o! (Canada are looklng to tuehp lis rraFey rrrtirtih- ad irai mwars for $"(. Ab ant lnvesttuent tirese cer-gieert oierdl n ee- ficrrwr iririar b. - e.ualiy applicable tg tîficates offer miaty attractive fealures e-- QULALITY and memau on-- A.T. Lawler'A The--Grocete~ WI4ITBY Phones S:-BeiI, 47?& Indeptudents 47,b -r I HOW TO KEEP WELL ST 105,1< W, . iMocuLLUGUR, M.»., D.P.II., CHIEF OI'IICERf OF' TME ?MOYKI AUrRD OF REALTU. ~T -p no m IVER là sev ered iaze coriuig on w tir ead uir ue, rinP et tempestare, dierhoee. andi airderniasi drteurtion. lu talezys -J occuirsasuthre reit of takiag inte o ou'e stouacir foodi o- drink coatamtuateC wlth tire body duscirarges. Tirete dlstbarges may enter e*@8 moutb la vater whkb bas been polituteti witir sewage eoatatiais typhotti gen-m. vh ilmIk or toodi to whieh the Lrnis have becn esiyteti by Blta, by 4h17 bude. by dlrty water, etc.. or by dis-cet caitact witir a perses 111 oft typhed fter. lt l inqisp ltrlbsîtt by *'carrier,,,' tira te by pereoua wV4 tbengb tuMUes te tbe4 tssa. temselves, carry the gerims o! the diseqis ta tb.otr latentas.Und transmit it te others tbrough 1tire dtsehasges reaeblug food, etc. 'Typhoiti Mary,-,' IYPROIS lEVE the New Tarir cook vire gave ike d1sease to a large aumber ot people belonre c ts Iocirtd up. 's a typbold zmple et a tipbed carrer. Peopie vire have typhetti te% er îîay eavoythe. tuase for a boaslUme »ud b. a soureo! dang-r ho et-m. egptkially Il tier ha.e uaap tlig udo -witb th. preparatios ef foodr. T»> a tsblê )àtYts- e rs-Common &bout' tire fartas car"eially If a alaglir eaia tuoecun*lt a a eigborbood wviree bor,, aIoan>' cban«, tet the-. vm» al «« MPgly. snb aM aps-tsf. Atreaun. or take. ueceiug tir? Intesr- tiidabes- et thr 4 e 8" e. /À typicl cample of ibis occurre ' la eoasatletvitir-«au matI oeth@fIee te. atfly=outir. P&. la 198 5. pltuth* la a quai" gtoua wlîb a pulatbuatMltelime#-*(tireoutbreait et aboat -8.009,5 lu ta W4Sf W wy u obtala<4 rous -moutitatti atroani dntst.g ait almoat uatatuabtted wstead. andt ie vaier for te townu vas Smmoadla ue* tfou-luousilotg rmareaIs- 1w la Juas-y t tait ustugw teu.I >daa i tt Mbolity* la Piuladeiphia5 W at Ubb b«»., 114 ?I etCfttt ot U ~O#*ted .4but veretb«m*.v etogr 1%#* tire tresomeft aos- upealits smw-ouered -.amba. tu 3Mutrr4 idm aMta *pruz, tbs-s. "dkt lntlm aa et rzsta voUbs- wt 6kim g 10 t. "M IUi tva. l au sem v u etus1f o-u eum.ose h.ib r a *d fou ca veto tepOrte. ft-e ý r, IL .eUmt.4 atu$be 1, fflu at lIe 4ulI. us.be"-o4f14. Th* tutt$OW useaoe .e*.4 tu tires..Wb*re ç4utble toa vM.r eU$py, liru .etsal.irea itliodte *tir sse Mt fIla va«*rT b"* Wbe e h.saitwrtt tf&7t rope ta C4~tu *1»U» .61 *a *"et., 4 t, eesI U S-tIbo eumnw et P«M«4u tl, o peMie w pafia »t--01- 0<8< ~ ~ O turio. Tb* 1re*k e4 You'II ONTAIO 50 àêaid NIeBLY PRI NTBD $1300 This m-ap has been called, by those who know, the best map of the countY. ever published. For 50 cents no home or of fice should be without a copy. I-I -a 71 Regret I i f 'you f ail to get a copy of the lowmpriced NUIT! III! for which C. A. Goodfellow & Son are selling agents. Just two prices Cenits "r j i-e s BUTTEUR WRAPPERS In time of ,need loi ------ rai 1 f

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