Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 Feb 1917, p. 8

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-, - i i~- ~ - - - -t -~ -i .-.t~-- - -' - 't '- ~-.i - - ME moit- ~. _________________________ i -t -' i MAKE VOUR DOLI FIGHT ATrO H E LARS '1 FRONlr. i BuJY DOMUNIO F .CtAADAt THREE-YEAR WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES $25.00 FOR 50.00 100)(.0DC $21 .50 43.00 aEe.oo( INOIVIDUAL PURCH-ASES LIMITEO TO $150). FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY AT ANY BANK OR ANY MONEY ORDER POST OFFICE 1 -4 A, N Ci E C) U M rNAqE N Y CD -r 's-V1 JAN 9. 1917 -t--- 17HSEWHO, FROM Ti ME TO Tl ME, RAV INVESTMENT MAY PURC AT PAR DOMINION OF-'CANADA DE Newsy Letters from TH[EiONICTuAi ketLuke, u'a AIiMNI - ouir CorrespoaidentrRNS IAJÀ A. Dd Teacher.' TOIRNG CAR cLOVERLEAF ROADSTER __________________ALM1NONDS. i Comfort and quality at a moderate price. There was no church service here1 BROOK LIN. laàt Sninday, It being Quarterly service' Wetltinghouse Electrie Startiog and Lighting, One Man Top, Anderroir occredk winb aieronte Fui-Diys uilsUS u TheDOat thé Tabernacle. Demountabie Rime, KnobbyTrdTre on erwhe, adt.-l-t eewhchaieedth rs. J. Underwood Is vislting with Cantilever Rear Springs. ai i. "Say"Fenc wasmad Whna ~vtomber d.aîîghter, Mrs. F. Draper. sette o L".ty ec a auiIIwV syjoUVI Mrs. E. Atkinson and Nlrs. M. Hall, ta read 'Stag- Fence. There las no wr nTrnoo rdyls. such thing as elag tence, but the stay Thioîo who take "Fr-uit-a-tives" for wrls Toronto 011 f ront , las-.. YUT ku BN ER T I fence sold by Mfr. Jones ls good fence. thse lirst imenè are often astonisbled at itpd over the week-end with ber mother. the kind that -etayts" put. and gives thif wNay il !îui t/dihn' up andi nakes hlere. 1o a aemnyb ucaigorpeetsok excellent sert'ice. .-.u (liegave inomey by rs.rc.aDraperand Madeline stock. Xatch for Lawrence's big annual l iiferl iie'(lter'ai! r-.. Thrymyb r.F.Daevn adln iie sal. Biswti b au laa ew ay-. îkig Frut--tie~"oromep it l Toronto a fewv days lasi veek. We also have Oil Cake in stock, and a large EuppIy Of sae.Bll il e uti afw astkig o sm seife Mr. A. B. Edwards la confined f0 îhjs Horse Blankets. Mrs. A. Lawrence and MNaater El- lîiea'Uoxpton Indigestion, bdwt a taka agip e îlot? U- wrence are visitiiig In Toronto, ('irnic Ilealdclses or Neuralgia, hope ho wiii soan bho ut again. where lhey çxpert Io remain for sev- rBalIrTobeRe- M.adMs liihe.o akth oral weeks.l"iîiyolIilrTulBeu r.ad c.Slnhe.fSskt- Mr. D. Buclis informs thi writpr that f-l'iisioriiiiii lt' llacki. And they e an.ad NMc. E. Vanstonto, visited 07 F e JD IS N E Yj lio ha% ordors for 20 copies of his book 1ii lulîcii 'l'îita lî<hs cured the wttSc n r.T .Ohrels Siinday. mo hat Iflie e canrdesupfo.r Ho100 copt hth'feeibtttira1i r. T, E. Philp js ' isiting xsith ber1 Dundas Stre et, cpîIW -J will Issue anothpr édition. Ntr. Burns i-Iiîî-ncl ' r a' ii u asseri oltyvn bas liad acta: succc.s in seiiing his, tho ;îi'deiîî -,c pi îîeertreî uo' these àMc. andtIrMc. i'obt Sînrk. of Picer- book. andi icois gratified ai the' requit. ffatillonst mles,îtalle frot fruit uce laig, are visitinz iwith NMr. andïM rs. lAe bas beeo toîti that i-s successalbas 50"r. a box, 1G fr $'2..0, trial i S*25 R. Ho" id andi oitbec relatives boere la-oit rouaiiînprecedeniod. Letoers of Wisont TîîesdhareaTH. congai Iaiionhav ben rc"led y iAtail tliaiiîrý r t tir'1 I. lpal 1 yFruit. .irÎRb. ilnistkn chreHE cogrtlain ae eiircovd ya tivcs Limîii(kt.d U %t . of te mail rouît- durittg -Mc. A. D. Ed- Mc. 1tirrns frorn many 1tt.oplo. These lie ad lt s Thf. btz toi M-l -N In-ii i-d-I a. Sina.STA N D A R D B A N K Th -Ill otcLitirrss r-rithihvan d I riait eut f. iirlugsn fOlxw.vs m VVz 1 b i aur mid- -i lasf Silid(I clufi wil iî' ,ax c ns t' Wach trîtîaiîîto i c1a rh(,Ladies' .Vld ociett nt?a? tue, for Ibills. on tifi'l, 16h01 f \i.îtci R, i theî'i' liii rt"iion Tir-idav. 0roo wsF CANADA INorti lias iîeett tocoivoti i bat Pie. dab.i tnitat i ig andi packiriz a box of EO0IC -TRNT 11111. of Iîiîî' ifi aitation. lias bo<-n iloliufrter rler MA fFE-TO NO N tid{lHvi' isa Brooklinluboy.iiili ~frts i-llio otltc Ni n ( osiuî- tit te w t b h tr fa !be. rr ce lucmre ('at i, it iiistzection aifithe Oni o.illai lt 'îîrh~r NItUrsil Ntte wthlf- ftie. olsryh-sai? t tedisesepit t ýgetîer, and A ood i iii' xas l m t leCilhT is Bank otters every facility in Nirlatn- f1~ î* xerSunda. for yeacs 'i wns "tposeî !l enlu lralil 1oitTiii-day'afirnoon 01. Mcr. Lorni' ,Ir.anid MI. heclock. wtîo hav- i> octocs preqcrilted local reiteiex. an-j Ny col) Putekcin kiîiltý astiisli-d xx itti lits, gaso-I linot i rqos ai o tle"lt1,,, til ing cre ll.caltr ' siisease lpro- oîti uE1adî.' the conduct of accounts, of mnanu- ui-lqit lta i iroIiioaf ac- o tejd ?"iaifKto tilivih ea teatten. ira- o ii. T e Iq jeý i sridj c.lis - t-i ine t iiî' rhoelaYn hrfoe r.edt>recon*itinicorr'l 1ticsus iii it i t ile, îNNoo< ii ii ors. Mls-v'i facturers, farmers« and merchants. 1 ment lh lu'" ts tht' iric re, ruaittifan îîred Ul'- Ni r .ttition miiiî bcei III t> " F.J. Chenev .x. to.. 'i'oleîlo. ()lOhit, ixs co 'u o~N r" ~u i Ir sicoi a r.~iN u t;uia ruev alkr ne ilan Ctli- Iiti- li,'bii tif I ýi's tLuigituiir. ,Sirs-i \ad thru [te buil fl 'tle I C eoua Stiiîftcel of the "l- iiîia ctîî Nii fii lri S ~N ~S X IG FP R M N te ey r~ h 3 dr-Il 'astint. One liirr,tIireiiDollars rewarr i4 i'17er. a BxS WaHitSit-tIti.ABY BR A N C H t . oriany case Ihat tialis a'tarîli c trfal, a nw e ý-;(itIon Nlach jj Vi i..'î i Qis gîti t i L:ru-ad ~fc rae. 45en(, for cciitaa :d tersi,îoîî i ,s, gioti 1rieraiti i s ti-iil ii\i lîd.am ManaA.ger.Ian s iu m l i -.î î,iîlil- a ill t1w -tit 1i.j Cîî-~ i 8, Co. To.leioîii1iC. A..-'- Manager tri___ ai f.,,% d is tiiitt-ng taîgailits sl-1 DIiLt tgi.ii s-,,;C irffuc \011 blit- erxtI iil iclti Iaý.- x\%il, I'..tl. li, -iiî dsrci k'rî tt -aiti- 'tl oriHî;all 'iIli salit, as lias i'- dîîciiii- nuit-r %Pars C o~~~ir ;d fîî r s'îtlit lit-s icîle- .ttcian'ii't" tiîix S liil x a i.l rtc- loiit ifolil i)lilm*î-IIitkt-i s sto kîof 1iî i-iiian i litLe--t-lwar liceliii Ill*pro rii Looe xll I i. , t.- 'iii-' I c d ii« T hl-x îi i v îeti-u fot îîî f x'-tr xxottld bhi'oil too ad lu give anY \Y1 Ii i l \tti- li x-r l ,-tir liit"i i ix t iîrd ntoi îiîîlî i iidtil s cotisiritic E .1til liii I a. lt-t. i-i e \r (. "iiisi i-i-tiio i ii it'.'-. to anv of lus frienda alto désire. ii-rtii i f i t II a i-iliifit'- of Il Ir, .Vr. iiuc.li aî- , j . , i itias I.ewis, of ..assey Pai. ii.îift iîîîi t xx ls îî'd îi-c-atv. frot a t istii sli t fr'id'. in .its~---fretint 'oratit>o <xs'5ttir Cllr l \a iîid 1'agxx si.r J. Fitzîiairie-k is ii-l, oi iltial4 i r and irs ilnier iii' ttiïa. t(,i ~>_ aClrTltilied hlitbs brotier Gi-orge. i., i t xx - dî-ctt ti-d i'1 u irofaAxxoî pl.aîî it, i illîitiiibr fiuf i-lt ri-îd. titii 'i- -V c-' in-" axx NIii.ce' i itct i init it iii liirriir-nitirl h i s bli sy i- ti .1 (n. i viillîig for % îo'i'dt ci i L i ib -îA o s lî iui it I tti 'filioi i eii bcart ir i ai bi t l -f1s i Z od n doin ii ri in - t iirvii ilcooki f in- E%, rlîoît t iti otîl for sI-e-îr- N I s1 -l iiJi' e -a i'r1. iac l-iVHITIY JUNICTION.I filo xxxi- xx i-il sîiîiîilii-d. iîj0îdlx--NIl-.ifolt cii-oli i it) itis plac lC t z %~-ù V om... 452a.1. Going Fat-.5 o. i i an' ' i-nlit-t liil k - t -- 7 ..t iO - M m h i- iiid .iin Iltmfi(til i- groatis aebad t i -tIir rfouir toits. xx Itcli aiotnti e-ite . ... FIIIiflLON £&SELD lit dl titiiSi-tni-rat ,nn-îitftcsihave-ii M ts. .\. iloitx at i k oit i -i ilui-i.7 9P. . ..69p aîo i-rtlia tîitilin-îaal0r 0ti ied îîi Ilgi(-ot-ifloi i blni '- rjUp~e!NDERTAIKERS liîtfîîîîîîî iiIiiil tîcvtiisiiics ltnd i- 1itg xvood ila ordi r iilto v- ui~x î~ 'tî\Sunday trains leave for Toronto at WIB r <)xs-iiii ut (ifi' tiii saxo cafri co dtin- ' .1 .!ii-%%liai1i .itN,lii iltii.itOtiuNrt 33 Wn. Gongioih 71B li- ltx - i -Imi ii aiee 1'îx I h4- ý t lt- iot iagt, litt V \ tt i>o fut io i itutiti- I1.52 a.a:. aad 7.1(1t Pin. Prom Tocontao h s.3 ii-tjiaf.4chisi IOrnc A iih('I frnlpea -ddIl trains stop at' Whltby Junction a? .\lts -'l'- l înixrtCiît'd('(LI'Mli'-i ila.ii-i eak si anid 1lit. 1î1.t a ii., a -d 9,11) u1)ni M is rt: ll. Jo iI t 1 4lt -i i 'i- iaih-r-. id iittîx ii d a fini' luIl t: lxx tof lit-r frît-ta4is rt"eniil.flit tct\Sttîu t: a i r o x'(a itti-. jot i tind ciic-:liai \N'îtl vat-ria - -xii tg.UP-TOWN STATION. F'ar irs' littti ii- Ille(î îiîît, lii Nio11 - -s F\'- fi 1"i (. of iil- ad s. i tîî'rv x% as no i-atel-nicîIday iii gîtt - Tin i rog.rat ii. ici tt-a, ce- tit îî ýfrIondiS vitfi a a tntcivliai 1rida>Gong 4.15 'P m p R YA TME TR Thna'Cii-l ncitations anaîd fliti -c-aI soe-pliai mmi- xxOct' t'il- A 1i lta'a Ns t.r iiijuriaiii'6.40 PrîM.EVER.Y N16HYu ti "uotis 'liî'iî iix Siidi. reauiy t-ijoyîd b)y itî1tini, C. P. R. "Liberty v e" Mondav nlfht. NlrSi. Andrew Mitrison xislitd f Nî'î l iss Nlarili- Nituingftint. of Osii;t%% a. Goîng West 6.32 arn. Going F.ast-gO.zo S W .\hIULÇai Goodxvod litIx-k. S il 5U.Wlt ioivý455P TcLaisoslirii Pfl'd t osa Oit ix cealin i ofithe -r% cycold xvta- I i .tîk'aii îo-, '~ Wednesday Nlght Broadway Fuature.. licaneli hit l Ni-ce> stîcc*-si3îul tea at ther. n cather antaîl ccttxxd.tttciîed otit INS.E-. STAGE.Adiso- tua,1e;clrn 5 'Tie Nlaiis(i" on Tuî-sday afiernoan. 10 thé cariiIýl a il-i tu' hut e lt:st . .Leaves for Brougham at 10 a-.r i. Adm ci-altao, loc chuîden, i Ni-ýtStiiitday senc ic ixil l eit on jEdxards, proprletor Setlso, aal Jatiary 3opi lîThe- tatables. rteé %vait- xxeek. dcîdlvM.G-ri îa i bl a aeta ercs tatdiilit- acrangement of lte tables Some of unr yoîiag perople atîî'îded j trn . 2.30 îî.îît.MIL CO (vert' ail lta? cetild be desireti for a Ilite dance lait he Temnpercanct-Hounie il eea fmle rerpre sifrRS. PERRIN, Manager. tiiainwt otmoti ok -o-1Iag front the' measies. 1t1 7 30 &m tihcatonwiti amou wrth wrl<--to-The attendance ai the schoaî nt lat' 1 6.30 Pi. 6.30 p. M 'rhe Brandli accepled wiih gratitude THORNTOYS CORNERS. has been vecy ioxx' owlîîg îo slcknes 8.30@P.M.________________ froitthéucloacliofaiChalk Lake School. The hockey tearn playedtithe re lt-n among the p:îpils. Por t S-7-311-1. FrOsbewe-a.a@p. ofthe M Hatlierly. $2000. belng part gaintela WhltbY lait Moiîday nighu. Miss Miller, of Mt. Zion school, vis' 8.3 p.m. For NOrth -6 43 a.uM ofteproceeds of a social hedindtle hoeflcr.suIt of the gansel was la fax-ar Ied lier sister avec Sunday.r -- scîsool lii the early part of thse winter. af Aimonds, the score being 5-3. Our teacltîr, Miss Miller, la taklng A good conigregation assembied to 'Tihe yoting people were entertaîneti muusic lessons f rmiMrs. Eddy, uof OMA AL R OON - hear Rev. Dr. Menzles. a medical mis- la8t Tttesday evening at Mm. Elmer l3roakli. sionary front Honan, China. iast Sun- Llck's home. A very enjoyable time Tht' Instlîtîte meetings here las? MNQ RND day evening. The Dr.'a graphie de- was spent-by ail. week wxere largeiy attended- The wea- Nid, Btiong and W.fl Ey Yiuol 1 O U(J R S scriptloi lof tlie work carrted an by Mr. R. J. Robertson had a very stic- tber was extremeîy cold on lb..? par' Wyneeboro, Pa.-01 was ali rua dow hlm waà not oîîly lnteresting but real- cO$easl e laSt week. Ho bitqsoladtilcîlar day. Good seWakers were pre- af , a am aet ofbre»cbiU. (00 i as a5PECIAL1,Fares naw ini effect to- laislc.passesslngt, as-lie dms, 1h. gui tof bis place to Mr. MCCIuire-of NMarkhanm.sent and delivered excellent addresees î #__or e __ epaf bo t. Il p-Drse-te-t o.a, -.rg Mn aeSitts, o! O*h&wm, pesut a eelvet! neg&rdlng 31M .Rers' condl--enae.o~yCaaAtP t&# few day witb bis parents bere. te e a ?aleietaI~ e""'EXCURSIOI(>N$ Fat-mers are buay Chete days gettlng wtli 1* tmore tiiiiiPlea*ed Ce sPOnt,~~ onWU ParR) .Jbae~e tnlpg e1.UOWU 'hu THEi thscIr Ile upply. tich more favorable iuforniuteî nexi t O AAlAi1J1 eahld ontleds ene i~s PaMms.C, j, Stevexusonand ber motlher . us a Ner thi w- M& a" both rePoredas Bn .J.frown wuilaTor-oto te seve r rouboe.atmded divine ornas >Lmr,. a ue tea mhIltCo mm.êWFI A5ooIL aa-bushjvn SI x EL 1,h:a boss. leut -tybe tIla 0 Ibo f.lAm ai M. a» âdbémr bildin, aew b.omtss.ia sasaWOWtd do w.» te leuitUP ths ia.gIasW 09 the. .VU -I.<B eut.1o4i"sent la &îb* <*»ý vo" -«M ~. f e OP.aI imis mw.t teCAma L Mz p"d m MO am lmi 004 Ol55*4b.f~w.8 (~.Usw, v. ba, i.vtstMs-b y r, 0h114a7 aMd f*AUtlv rk- - ,mr lii. *lm ft b"8 e brma #t o n hi 0 Cbf to ien. tw*1pk.usTam «Me o: . mb. o*t Ur~4mn~m*bepy tbueb üIli 0 AE FUNS REfifqUSRINM- Net isa. ýb»o Ï y aý- s --i NASE 0 ' W tw* L »i. . . 11. UpwL- uTiIOr t4btbTAhoge oui4._ 1.$«0 , j $*W aIN SUMS Cf-$100,S AIIY MUIsTIMPl mt$.~C~ Prlricliual rOp*,'itii, -t ~tout. t~. lites-est payable tuaIt~f -. ~ t >~ j ~ ~ lily <tiîitrid Batik :#i Canada ~ Uio g~ q~ f i~ ~ g~s-~ Nul Wb. c( CUisato<k wi,U 'a, *i o fe .-ý mait of OMIt. in P*y8ut 0f<ry e$ -8%$ IUIn am C4TI5Buwryfit w vtfi iie 'i t-- -' i s- I ix t C5 - -4 CASH CLEARINO SALE 1000 RODS 0F FROST WIRE FENCE and Rling Lock 300 rods of 9 bari' i) iii. Stay Ve'nce at 50c îod 70o rods of 8 bar 22 in.r Stay 1-ence at 43c rod 1-0 rods of 7 bai' 22 in. Stay Fence at 40c rod 2 doz. \Vire Gates, ail sîzes, at Old Prices. i set One Hor-se Sleighs, wiîlî box, $15.00 A BARGAIN i Gurney Oxford Cast Range, 20 i. oven, reg- $50.00, for $45.00 i Steel Range, new, 6 q-mn. lids, for $28.00 2 Oak Heaters, regular $13-50, each ý1O.OO COAL OIL Bring in >'our steel drums and 1 will fill them at 16! 'cent9 per' galion Urlah Jones s t t- 4 I y tfHE MINIuTER 0Ffi r REQUESIS THE PEOPLE 0F CANi BEGIN NOW TrO SAVE MONEY FOI NEXT WAR LOA à«I. t file j ftWRL O1UtD~ in ibi 1 1 - - . aummow BROOKLIN9 ONTAROI 1 1 TO_ NVEST

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