Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 Feb 1917, p. 1

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Vo.5-No 3-1 WHITBY, ONTABRO CANADA TIIU tS» FýEBRUA RY 8,1C17 CAG&SPbi bers MMP 3MMM- of Boote -31111F -shées COUNCIL PASSES BY-LAW- RECEPTION StopJhatCo hDEFINING SANITARY AREA SOMP Business and Central Sections of the Town Included. oiePreslrduy n i.ton aneet. lae lnathe-pengé an W I L L IS' ~~~~~~~Edoward Gammon, Whitby boysJan-Poeter.Wlenthprfmac WILLISvalidt-d home from the front, .ere of his duty he was struck by shrapnel Il.\ retiient from flthe Board of Hl t-h comiilf-ted, which was not yet done, tendered at public welcome reception ln the face, leg and chest, one partIcle a niBE sa n na ~i. :i %tle i - he eanar mieet ing of t he owin tofthe svrlbdlas r by the A.Y.P.A. anid congreaino eertn hslf ug hsli UompundiU U Up o Ilo\ý ri Coilon \onday veing ask. 1Fry lhad been iadvised a year ago that All Saints' Church on-MoÏiàay even- him out, of course, and hie was sent to lilu Ila b- ha sseie pescihe canld lhave his.% mone-y when helefin. 11ng.The school-froom w4lg c4mfortably hospital, being shortly retuirned to ou crtinaeainth Xton ftin ishied thev work proplerly, but he hiari tliled and thle boys were glien a inost England and then to the Aberdeen Hos- M ite Pne andTarl oqi'don - osels and cessilocils nitde rio endla or to do iany tini. The enithuisiastier welcome. h r and of pitnl, Scotland. The Injury occurred White Pine andlar -iall be prohiibitedr This requiest wvas; town. thefre-foreP, lhad to repair the leak- the- 182nd Battalioni was present and linJune. and Ernest will yet spenid ladoi. lby the lloiird (if Health last yelar. Vý1,alt anil nse xceedinig consider- pflayed many flne airs. Qlte a pro- three months lin the Convalescent 19a ala11, nacm a aluf r of sanitaitioni.-hfon the inas-; ably the amouint of Mri. Fry's claim, grami of speeches and 1og; s ed. Home, Toronto. }. tif IIth ) 1.hel was bl lkd itIthe and ithere is still a l]ittle to bie done, cred. Rev. R. W. Aillen, who presided, pe Ct oratilI. It wd prtujl n ioard leome of Ilhe imemlbers The Tonv Solicitor wvill reply toi Mr. AMr. Geýorgfe Whitelaw and br. Lavc-ry TWO MORE WHITBY BOYS B3ACK. 1 il l Ctl e iIls H n ald l i)c r- solicior's to the above effect. mlade qleechies of welcome Wt te boys Fresh from the scene of the world's cuire 'ouglit, Bi ,ron- 1l n ofitsgeseas irun. John ilacd ard aplied for ap- and rcongratuilat ion tupon theIr retuirn gIreatest war, two well-known Whitby chiltit ,etc , anI r oinl: - Iothe limeilinnwnl it s ditor of the ow a-from rthe dantgetrs and hardships of the boys arrived here on Wednesday morni- he r n th lluit f Hahhenens fr 117.I1-frre %to'lacm front. The- boys Iin reply naaide briefIng, John H. Perry, son of Mrls. J. H. Thepirtory rgan,-tsi :(if h 111.u(nifs upoorof l l fwe o ' pIcat te ions Cniackntowledgomenit of thé welcome ex- Perry, and Tom. Lavery, son of Dr. and 9000:1 hei"hycin-'i hu lended to themi. but very moôdestl'y Raid Mrs. J. F. Lavery. News of their ar- noritial hohi a was LIs !1 Ailrchi ro.('vt Port \\ ithyfor litil" iabour their experiences In the, rivalIin Canádda hadl been received but \. t ,i, r fb< n M m 111>n ;VY yar.-z Mis.,;Noddr.whlevisit- thick of ithe(,fray. Solos and instr-t none in Whitby had heard when they b l ihPlsid f.\bu ()In in tiToronto nrent1vw\s taken ispr- imental inumibers imade ut) ae enjoyable wudgtit'ow1ec swt 25c er BIllottle snt"I"Ile ""-i""- n "riaiiin. Tit ae refresh-lother boys, thcTe %%as no official recep. 25c pernBot u. .1bl 111, f \\ h)th.v was i, e sand in this all took an, active fltonto themn. noth boys have been n . . yvGr, nil ili at l or mantnac zof rt. The hand again strræk up and wountded, and were given leave of ab- utio n srai t chibe bor abe tothefurberenjov ale numer concludedsence, to visit their homes in (Canada. WILnin e o Maýr Tlic iln ti lMmelylispleasant-l%-elle,4 ý John IPerry went overseas in 1915, a • o n s n reahed t 'n ,IVERoiA 1RY1'117 Y and was ln the trenches steadily for \0111 snsds s1and erssove. a Il r. IHe won his Lieuitenant's pruggist and Optician Cn" o.n n llIt l nIil 1rii t Ensi en .son lof Mr I d anecdýn ysu MElCL LIa l. I i R. M . Iary Street. the exlosflin of a bomb. MEDICAL HAI, lii:bih, lo no a hiihyv. reached h I. Ile 0on 'Aurdaly af- Tom Lavery has been oversoras for B3rock sit, a Whitby. n11 an a tonoon last, fteris lotig journey a considerable time. also, and iafter 1 danAn h rJFin fromEnglnd.Ernest, wlï»e is but a hinig wudewas ini the hospital for bcp ro m ne , i.siaicfoIfntini Iihis 20th yealeft Caniada iin several months. ibi t 1pr sent Thiii iz that aciiwe r of lthe fall (if 191-Î, I h a draft. of artil- IBoth boys are looking we ll. T ey Illne1 istarie t rdet uh ein p r \ i whllich heif-was connected. He were i vena receptioni to thieir homes .is a :lt i:1\"ihCi'he hIi" I" litormanitof hi d tes The ruierulio- a c efr h m maw ee sutch ail;can be given only to those who 0rI of athepurhe( w<n lt inany imonthis, and was almnost liaýve been away long (onia dangerous t h .- " l è ý eiInift it on1li i;ilonti $'.fnitoI.usly eýor (ngazed eithe-r in nyer- rmisson. Itf wasthe Ipurp)ose of the- n ii an pouinder gun. or in driving M1ayor and Couincilto xen a "Scrantoni-ll Coalea-îIrai:°0rine .amnioniion to civic Nwielcomp toIo im, btof ate the le f 4 'lelici be ilil if 11.1. Mfýfilo l. -14 jhe u n-s. lh routine was to spend a retutrned soliecrs sjeem to comte to town "Scrant n Coal - Illfýl1l"ftlIfý II liliion', eek %%ilIl i the guns. theni. sveral Iweeks %without lwarning, and it has beenii m- Tne litrdard dri> in iiinest was in the Ypres see- possible toi arrange matters. n e srs ontJdil i nIof Ilthep o ito a A t, this « you lwa V.-n te laid iiiini i raeront l non nu lin . go Ou tfo, Il) 1 -LIIý r 1 >1 r;] t h'iii vle G on e oanni o o f h·ssrs. Dulea nd goou o u t ua o fra siinseumdflow gau f 10 a mde Bar f gjg Uli e flecquarttegave a huimorouis reîding yor oo u! urn in i an dih. hie o eVitrianOrerofNuses. fl ]Bado Arcand responded fto an encore-both sel- ear t wb fu r ld bi i 'tir 1 e oln eo tirat he hadM etns$•.veillons being given twg years ago. yo.11-e tc wIýjid li hi li tIfrl led In offr o(l Um Ifor hl tn. --- - - Miâss Minto gave several readings. youir iunde(rtakk lIln S, ar- , l 1I r urnel lh" I 'l si liher %nled by t' .TI'nl, H yd n. Judginl lby the l aittends.ntce at the all of -which were excellently rendered. pathway, friend1, 1fo.r 4Iga i.- 1 1 lwn e\ hitt I.shlorn.l'ark, and easked ihtite ni'ailr initings of«thie Board of Agriculture Mr. W. Dixon Shields sang a vocal an teIiat ewEar yu-1 aon ual.i1 d thL'thIhild.ida-at one.Ial ir (E. Wn-cnITuesayoafernonland annig, on sol. andpleasd dhi eacedence Woeie I apou s otwe lghedte, homaieth ofe. Ihidto bIIwul-fifd say thait the women are muchi that they insisteod upon an encore. (!eel*t mhfaî I owu and advised as., sooni asposb mort- interested in agricullture, and a The skèech "'Card on the Door" and ( 'ncEliy( omii% . M Nr. Uatemian ithoutilthfie lumiber solution of the problemts pertaining the farce. "orIJosiah," were v£ry WBLlWR 0,lield to ied te h.ýýwIould not ble -sold for bess thian $100. theretp, than are the men. Yully frfty -well givin ide-ed. Ini the formfer, t'ilEU nDnd. iret t %,I so asi,,;tfAccordingly thiat figure wvas iplacred on ladies gathiered in the Agrictutral Misses Edna Mathison, Eva Bell, Edith Bell phopne 9. lionl el pim.. I.11 lI . no-Meas n e aý(11fllIsterIt-l . and woeroffers Ii)o -may have Roomns in the afternoton, whille only a Wilson. B3irdie Wilson, L. McLaren,i , Ill te fentire lot of luimber. - handful of men thought It worth wile Ptry M:itcl and M oessokrs. t. M. t lial>it,.awnI of thle founlty 'ilayor Warren reported that hie had to attend the meeting for them ln thePrnoadT..Rwetkpr.M. ri (hilrir, ni' .\j(d Seociety ai ecivdani nvitation to Interview sev-• Couincil Chamber. Be it said, however, and Mrs. -Arthur Lynde, Mr. Frank, 0. Arthur Lee, O.O.S., LO.S. asked fo[tr àa$Si grunt for the e#ral Englishi military men ln Toronto that the other meetings lathis series Miathison and Miss Margaret McIntyre Iiirk of Il!..inilluitionl. This was! who are tin thisi country ln connection held in various parts.,of Soitt Ontario, took- part ln the farce. These little (raduateofh Ry u. of nmoi N lcssrN. Conlin and oeith the establishment of' schools of drew splendid gatherings of farmers plays were splenidid ly given and loe. D a-t;t.>frgonsor5 mti ;t--uielæsir\ hnaviation. Mayor Warren, al'ona withand thëir wives Îañd daughters. caslind much amusement. of Toronto, desiir4-, to anntoaeii that request fromnthe Couincil of the %>ssra. F. H. Annes ànd Geo. A. Ross,ý Mr. t;bvn Barbour, - of Ci-osshill, The quartette was on the program he halis taken Dr.,isonsPractice and ('Il%. of Si. Catharines that the local went to the city and had a lengtti0nt. Was the speaker;Á.mn n oytre nmbrfád eWonedt âist4pre-pared itu onminue thelisaineoia. Com nnemrinorialize the Domtinlintalk with the gentlemen, who were: the.afte-rnoon...when 14Àfî it W t ene aà, caabihe o rmetto e>nforcer the M1illRia Act. graatly .-interested In, the loca>on of numbe r of subjects, anid led a eneral n (ieover Allin ro: Ilo Irs ýioli the exoduis of youing mien across Whitb)y and its advantages for the pur- discussion on farm toiplcs in general. On the whole tlie entertahimen w 9 r 2pA lm. 1. 1o0 m thef blflordranid do olter tirnilar things, poses Iin view. They protnised to send MNr. Barbouirlàs a very well known above the average, and very creditable 11.; lhoo tl lI %va, lai on thli. tabl.. , an officer downvi to Whitby to look over farmer, who has had wide experience to the choir. Mr F V. Fry, who claimis $79.84) on the grouind, but to date nothing fur- and hias gone into fartning scientifical- •- lKar'iag6e iCDsOS. 1 nt %roi .,thfiro igh ii solie t or%.ask-a IlleStrees ornnittee passed theste valuable and bne eial Informin.vr ig lntriiair pa%.nnent orfithe anotunt. accoutis: The ladies meeting was addressed A. H. A LLI N. Mayi%.or \\ arren expla)Izinetd to the John MacCarl . .. ... . . .. .. .$16.50r by Dr. Mary McKenzie Smith, of Passengers on ýthe G. T. R. train due lasue of arriae Lilottnest onntlil 'lhait this Im was hield back Barr. P'laskett .. .. . ... .... 6.20 Gravenhurst, whose talk was full of at WhItby station at 6.40, had the, ex- Cssuerodrtrae censee- fro .\ir iFry untiIi lis conitract should Richardson & Richardson . 6.16 things interesting and helpful to her perience of being in a train wreck Corer rugstoe, hitby.audience, both ln regard to home life within a few yards distance of the sta- No witnessea required.- and to the wider and larger sphere of tion on Saturday evening last, Owing - work ln the community and country. to the tact that the engine. was slack A GR E AT BROTH E RHOOD The even.ing meeting was held-joint- ening speed when the mishap occurred, The BImiter Canada Improvemeat 41 ly by the two organizations ln the none of those on boardwere sertously Council Chamber, but owing to a num-'tinjured, a'ithough several were badly Land Co., Liaited\ verv ri ommendataleý featutre of t hei Protetntsii Jew s. ailfatake turns in the ber of people having left town for their bruised. Whtb -Otaio"-or f th., V. I' ^ amengst soi-, holding of religious services and com.- homes after thye earlier meeting%, the1 The accident took place sust at the Whitby - Ontario di -rs is thaàt it is enitirelIy non-sectar. mnin inll the huts or tents iof the An- attendance was exceedingly inall. south end of the freight-.sheds, about "oi listate Dbealert lE-tateffl Manged, ian. The- only PasspIort required to re- sociation. The folloingl fromeThe This did not deter the speakers from one hundred yards fromà the statin Beoflte Collected, First Ioant Arraniged, 111eth hlpf of the Association les 1rafsh Wcl tells its own story. again o ffering many splendid thingo Just north of the crossing'-at Gtlbert Properties boughtc and sol \1N1).\niy felilow hungiry, or cold, trî' for the mental digestion of- those, who street there are two switcheb, ont For term11141A appy ti ad Othiee. Brock St. lonly or suffering appeals to this 18I nOwNdA < IIIIINA u.NI)- T i, 0 did attend, and the opinion of-those in branching onto thleeasterly freight Bell Phonte 193la.l'honue 7u. helpfuil organiraton, and straightwayNTIAIN I k attendance was that one of the best track, the other tothe west, thepassen- al ltheir resources are placeffd ai hi& dis-.I Al and most proditable days ever held by ger track being betWeen these to Posail That Is the sort of brotherhood! No liner tribute crould blecpaid to the the Inst.Itutes had been enjoyed despite Due to carelessess of some brakeý TERIM NOW GPgN Entetr any day. No macats. Positions &aaured to graduates. Free oaalogue. Write for it W. M. SNAW, Pe'aes.t li. lilli l itil UitRit SALE ANG OBAR0188 BTABLE8 EROOK ST. WHITBV GAz 4 "MADE IN CANADA." You don't need extravagant' claimns to justify )our choice when you buy the Fofrd. 11e new model five-pasCenger Tourino Car at $49; iSstandard atmbl value. %Ve don t need tO rmake I' clalims in offering iy ou .this car. We show you the car, itself, and give relSOnS, The qualit ' itle piice and the service it gives make satisfaction suie. 00 iCan always depend on t he Ford. Lct us show )you the new mode!, to day- Also many Broken Lines of High a Class Footwear will'be sold at greatly rtduce prcs, { mnumana 1.nea.na a tha anse. naan- Ogggger Thew war , *1 wnot 1e*% by the cam la Whthby et itbia iwre wt orf the Yï M., le the extatt ¢et Ia t« se ann mro E W. j. Luke & Son WHITBV, ONT. M-Iîd m Wianter- Al Winter Footwear wdl bç- sold at 4-sn Phone 15 sokSt. ýSoutha X- a cinso Csad deshie nge transfer. and *old on Som 1".good1

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