t- --t iii' wave thei bands tee, un'ithere arioe iebl ttbe" ,w brtmkn 7rudýpmioaltl &milea lni their eyeta. - OCCER IN IYARJNG FEAT. e iebI tthddv vrsotmkn 7rud~i ilg i ot ____________ jinà then the ward i- silet'a¶.anti mii pluata, Wb"ehprouaes ithepludeet Ifor the. summerno« ef 1917i tjgneuuagat. low ie Atacud iblet. rocet ot.Witb this type of ctest ti.full The a, odf tb* puiatiui st.ambhl __ But the suashine st1ili emalas i Great Rill -fs# hr uao ".xl#a n.sCarlote u te. laskawi nmS o, ftd the sunqhtnio ofchildhtibeil hiher - e wui.Iaams itrsadtubttd etauuar-a te MadaUtmu .,Uatd than the sk>'. A few veeka m"0 tbe crew cf1Ris- Jerey cl, thaW e sousare votai fer proomSad aucess tbat t e =PMI lrttae4I vtta WeiV - *--- -- %tgns' ogZingcaMP et -cawM Ilenar- ihoppinge - spor &M dfor prac" WI dne &s1tWtatvb~ut te arrange for 'gr*" WUdt ftfretSt.us !MN bar, Tribune Chapnel, about 80,sPs. he Ti"i tebaates oieetbar returai ta tii nrtiierlmtii on AIWS, LINWNT ln «e uee. ttà 'he youngest general fil thlrae ortri o!ganeuflr Oftissad a ac Ut. Jamt>1subtave rigt grta tii-h Army bu t.hlty-rsine yeara olti nrh fneve. yesr, viie*là ade expcet.d tourlatlnabi cf LmeIPPO, and labave freqouutl>t' o arolern. t Mdauâs, Fhe- 'jePr*eIJ eiiW O481 orudul basbasaus .rt . -"à * 1formed by oee hï à à * " Tmpte b"b M M 8-. ~ eitou. wli douWOessb. tWlked bout fo r ro yfr locealI Mef aer or wltlaa vlew tte gtvlng lu>'T9s d" h' a ' taieiLsc" tabseo isKCaICupi'70Eodfor the sroouB !adress. lbok- Befo re I bats etdrdéil rSi- ToUOrOMa# D rinking t... =*kin Teaorii.akoeitovmal UuaIingtLl5MiadS-b'awerk itM -of"<ai. Prut h* s b*sg ti. à «V bwbr- Ye iWon»dwro«.ý on ««ù» «tjýOLMW iga «m% P le Mtbm I Co fe , ,q DBItouWlsue swatobe msu. ou I vu isw-stj i bm* ü«Wy to i".cl ts &<~bWI te4oOm*04Lb Shouki - Conskler w heth>r ~~d Mêor 1 te t mis 1 upa f 0f d t a 7. 1* ~ tet teeto and That Great Britailisa belng ke1tirbrnFac f buiy .ttendng t tu share ln the c n yaF. tha coneEuropean wap Emwltbout saylng; te uoied l âleM tiee ta sr contere f ra maer flais cncluesionfr = theirth e p6thait it luese ablopasport- .-,&%à à ts and starchy ont te seCure râw materlalis for thir ioodt for a while. Kat manufactureraa " it la tu »ecu"i W A N TED TH E repatri1ap.ed Shredd" Wheat with milkokets for the ilshe epr e.actig Rsbffmemuscles apply bti wre otf -or crem for breakfast; cMt for the great commercial anmd ius- thoase whose prethselý itwih teel rutsa.dtrial war that ls destlned ta f Ollow oneache ity. A centie i- ih setthe present terrible conflfrt by RettliK been established bntr ndsoths wilui t fais- vegetables for dinner contrai of large supplie@ of raw ma- Cniar frns wa te ave .RoyalservaCi« a0* mn Vo 800Jand sothes otlumofd 7W to laho deman or supper. It Wil Cure auto- terlal wherever they rnay lbe found, R' a m erMdsod hyiqeaccepiet..îâ rin adbruitesare*quick1¶y reHelth srvice cainand make anew regardless of distance or immediate lisvue. tuai rMdm pue r c lffec-u,it eauso!ec at te ssibllity. ABrn anevidence ut thils py$.0bnmmprdy-F«Kt ieta u ltr 1onmne t m an of you. A Ul the m ea 3 t efoîîow ng Item froin the Septem - $2 » p rThhS p r i A O * C .d es nf alin 0dicineocmi lthe o e s. O he dv s b lt o the whole wheat in a digesti- ber number of the Bulletin cf the ?qsd.emd au frnt 38 te 450 fMd 10 iqe 6MomeTh ue al dcie festltoaumn be huett e bic form. A perfeCt meal at Pan-Amexican Union s ont est- lst 8 twf Mê ateCKDI fbmet bu< a I4itS,2e.o 502n. a in es 5bi~ M"eiCnd El Dia, a daily newspaper of AY Ppl IMODOK1 U aimS ille COR"VuII ')2. o. d$Lo loweet cost. M dei Cna onterey, State of Nuevo Lean, aîy e areOOREbelng taAM" Mexico, lu authorlty for the state- î103 e ..Sre ORONTO. wuan thdea THE ctOMIN(i 0OF THE FAIBRIES. ment that a company of English cap- De. of te avai Brvue a-eCli,8 it.alista with available fands of several deOTTanAMuA ,&Ilm lsof Mercy Brlng (,ifs Io Wousid- hundred thousands poundus terling Gvrmn îo Pd Warriorst. hIls been organized in London to work -kp ntecm teMercado HIi Iron Mines, near Du-Ipleitth no li mafternoo0- lle un l 4 prefez Tis ts in the on ofth ilrough ilie windowm (0f the grefkl rîchest and most extensive deposits of CRA '9TW RTAF " '% n é-iq of itorious 'ili e- ron rei teworl and has hereto- (EtA 'S-A IAEbe rvddw The' hospilai seemq fuit (If «sunahîne fore been largely used for fluxiflg Business Experts Work Deay and GREAT INFLUX AFTER WAR. Rsmtino an<l hope. A great, barn-like rOOm, purposes in the principal smlelters of FiINew Sty es ight Preparing for Peace. will beadensunder dIreinEng full 01 besutiful flower, and laick. the republie. The Company lu report- S y e >ti~ Graysfrrahn ayCndal iIIeani n-o omre bbrtokemd n men, wIl I ilsof! organîzation tahi irn edtto1it, and .,varlpts. ni ing thteteipasfr odcinn old aeInd, qays Queensberry.byteG err il. benfath the white -*-------s, governiment cnenigtegranig caplan fer nuthe warwore mtatie la d tdn fBiihfnne ecads.E net hlood-red mynibols of the Of the neeessary concensions; plans cmag fe h a ir ae Acoesidn fBiihfnne nethth Lndion Answers. ha'be ai o xaaigwrpublic recently in a leture in luS who is on a viqiL to Canada et pre-reute. Re bcos, aftrmo0f at hr sa softhaeltes ae toi-> eexctet nti the Bead embroldery is a strong rival Majesty's Theatre, London, England, sentt ake extensive investigations - silence, but the branches of the 11-g9necessary machlnery lu to lie lnqtailed Just notv cof the dRrned-stitch embroid. by Frederic William Wile, for miaiiy into Canadian conditions for after- K E IT rewasso spracticabie. The - ' -I YtCe acign ik ndw .-te d. nynsaBrincrtpnei.the-war investments, andi the bring- itr oteingasgngsoon thas 1companYy woleln lkad ortd Onyrs ericrepneî. aknd peace. Boys and big men lie in hsm placeti a practical mlinUig engineer , ht akruwiead color- 1 Mr. Wile decls.red there were count- îng out of settlers, is the MarquisWE their betis anti watch the sunli ght ge- andti netllurgist in charge of the ed beatis are ulseti Most effectivelY. less indications that Germnan finance, o! Queensberry, who bu arccurpanieti Wneri bp ntichase cros te plîseti~trlîant a umbr o laores hveThe white chalk beatis on dark satinai commerce and i ndustry hope to be by Mr. H. St.anley Waugh- loor. ...- ady been engaged ta, carry an oa--and ilks form ver>' hantisome trim- better organizeti for the post-bellum *"Tere is an enormous neutheiteues ,%.,ht- s ait dr fioie n h t1 qýoperation% in the developmfent of! ins Beads o! varloilS colora r carnpnignl ail oe the globe thon any beîng taken ln Canada, andi thou-anitomta w&.Asg pamo amnse te"rangedi in designs to imitate the POP- ather of the great trading nations in- santis will leave the Olti Land fortatkehecii sîgh 5pcA a !awe an's cri toiti-_mne.ar Paisley' effect lu one o! the newesticluding the IUnitedi States, as the Ger- titis country au soon as the war air n xecs wchtedancing beam. It ieaap(s up RF LO Ddeveiopments in beadt work. Other mnan manufticturing systeni andi dis- ove:," the Marquis tieclared. 'Il knaw ncneinet lhewall. I vnih(,&.itfi goe. JRCH ED BL ODver>' attractive color combinations1 trîbution systenis are the oni>' unes thousands o! Belgians who lntendupnovrea Andflu thewar sermre At.!T re a& seen ch as dulI blue, old of the ifirat magnitudq which have making Canada their future home.ronsataes An" he n e ard i-ceThens tnpty - MEA S OO ALII rsI n rono ih tnbc- o been abnormally préoccupied dur- The>' are tireti of the wsr, anti don't o rpe Thenbrsi abse tnt.Ted stoare MEANS liroe nd brown on lgtuht tanormr C gtnc. he brve wanuiedare lft - roct cotdi. foming the la.st two-and-hailf years. The wn artr a hi omrcun- hlite ns alone with pain anti torment ilheir îs ~tî oeRcRd eetcsue o Paris aise speaker saiti that German agents in try. I have heard even Englishmen Tbes h> tips are as parcheti as their i-nuls. Alii iteMr ih e show that machine stitching buA8 verY1 recent tîrne had been partiq.îarly ac- gay, Oh, if 1 coulti oril> get BwaY ta tmc nib inis8ing leg. and a part o! f i' &amn-, looid Cures Most Ailments. 'prominent farniof trimmlng. Rows tive ln China anti South America. the wiids anti forget it ail.' putaed gaîngwouni, ntidats 'ie hck ! sf~uînt etiheat!-upon rowa o! stitching are useti at the "What few people out.lie o! Ger- IlW. in Englanti feit that blackcIdanibth Pf lite(lA stoin Theun asd ge1"elnkô flin redhealh- 'etigesof couati;antion collar anti cufs. mon>' seen to realize," saiti Mr. Wile, elaud o! German>' ail along. It in- prec ft af eii e I tue coln. The sw a r oii I.' ga M do snt en e ey n a-"is that the. Raiser's Government re- terfereti everywhere. 1 hati arrangeti sli by m dcn eh. The. flewers gleani tuîiy. T piilù complexion. It la much more uer- centi>' establis>îad wh.at lu virtuali>' a for the working of mines in Liberia, a 5cnsab reeq Nitir i estiessI>'. 0 Got, they r 0s>'lolespol are the ired separate Governiment fer the exclusive South Africa, anti German>' interfer- laa eica f acimg, the mysqter>' o! pain, ln silence.- I:inîilu tun down folkwhoeerhave purposes o! paving the way for the ed. 1 hati a bill put through the \Ii ter r aU bfae h ir eof nul njo, t&sindlietFonhertnew trade war. The>' have set Up a ;lrkiah Pnr!!wment severai yearsNeA %Il the inmeo-t mes cf tePt i. t he ntnuih hr' nietohatso-calieti Imperial Board for Transi- aga, and 'Germany interfereti. The paatiailioh, hendache, Ihackchc, sorne- to"How faut c.an o nn o wrl wl glimtiy smglhts, tind the horror*s antid îptlet in cnmc ciitn o iea oliwi e a different place when "ae' h ~. ' ereraetih lîîtieieli.Th aceai imes !saintiniC apelis anti alwaymt nerv- --4-the fineit business experts in thelthis war la over," h. declared.ti deretfndu terr o h ilte id h cra t&;e..I ne i rl- cougessntry, wbo are warkl.ng day anti has done us gooti to maike iiuch great of mhlla i-îindi" agaîn in thear eari; o Lite Ltis wttt, tut l'eath beckons- b negced tee long a (lectine is sure night to transfer GerMsan conmnerce sacrifices." The-ir fingtrs titi', th(, ineit of the te folio,.. .lust a littie more bloatiIf rom a war ta a peace bons with the The Marq.uis expects ta be in Can- NnruLnu blooti ii r-. h eti ait ,th t-nubles. ridin mreah -least possible dela>'. ada for about a year. He in the ninth The door sw ing- s'~1%y, catiu icv. d110d he t "Thln hath leir main concerr bu ta arrange Marquis o! Queensberry succedi-Tg Thei-n c:îu.eu agtii ii i ath t aîlitv andi piraure in lite. To make .-* for the earîiest anti largest possible h is fother in 1900. He dees consitiet- blue sky, tit ""liiolîgl i, hwlndow h' %ot icr-iatipPe seD.uuppîY Ot raw material, esPeclly 1ablie writing for the pressa. It P lilsiacrosa in- iiills.aNo othertiiimne o! tram thc Uniteti States. The fleet- iiht Te :o ~ î~,'~.,<i S 1w cI ieiam ses theik ure al d I - - of thirty to fort>' odd Germen liners ha lse Vfdo Lqor-d.Sol'quickly or mao surely. The cure actu- te pi New Yok____ae__lnr' Lamn CrsCld.Ec nuVUl -~'lotcv a legins witiitthe fi-,it tiose, though maket, ,t,.. r ta ho e w r un. if hite ti cf goidati i. i " x wt' ujourne>' ofter the war packed ta the HtigBc.rdc lit gan" bîtw-d t tnt a nierra' cmi. Dr. Wiiliim' Pink rails with American cotton, copper, Uncle Silas (visiting city reiýtivei l811 tripa. - iganinCnaa o mr than tnp SÇi lis haîve been dolig thim over and petroleuni, leati, zinc anti ail uther who use electricai appliances fer cook- casru Fachsi-araici-ia lntCtnadak ioi- mhoreth. , Rmanuf acturing staples o! whlch 'Ger- ing at the table)-"Well, 1 swan! You m.inv Ti" anroch ti~equiarter ut a century. ThiiS s lewh>man>' will stand in puch urgent need." ma-k. fun o! us for catin ntekt part Copn. Th > . prac' 'h. thousands have alwayg a gooti Word to Wile siti there lu hardI>' an in- chen. 1 don't see as It niakes much ber littienag, looi ()e vmidtoboy intîho oi thqrs.Aex. Gii, evin. dustry in (Jerman>' to-day, from bank- diff erence whether 'ou eat ln the kit- hL __ ic! i s leg%.- 0 v ' vn »ter. ie m i h t t - - a -- AI - i D r. ai vi la W ý1 i n vony , w h.ich iu mot g ird in g up chen or cook in the tiining -ruom ." ter tihe *art wori-7 - Cabinet commit- -glacial repSrts ie- Clqtrna »n, emibrate a catC- ot 'bY 0'a etmme fer reate?-3- a tmtted, Mditions Imnmedýate- ecareti.I icludeti for the re- Lo the enem>' occu- IW W 1 zpeditlously as pou- - *t~ ie deportmrents ai- " rted the mumber te UM' Aasyktem having iass tthe returri first of _____ tece lu on Immedate w aI labor bureau bas T"S n Paris te estianate Ae-l in the north will be ~or the plan te direct _ explodeti sheIll, andi Df building o! part-- ndt nrhenýpro- à ken Iooking ta 'Vict- rtecnta o! the Nord, Ir lmic, Alune, AT- 71 ct after the war ty Vle wances. Cattie now ansd eh o! Paria will be sup- EDWI rthorn formera, anti ivodeti district have 290 th funtis ta pîîrchase ,hiner>'. _____ industnial activitit'5 -ction of the Minluter: ýo wilî form a pnivate lantile funds adivancedi nent, anti <istribute <ports W'111 be closely -tl-- a ava~awuj LAAT FIUWIOOP 1U0BT,~' urnu TUE W~L dia - tIc SpIrit et Amurloa ai 1îaya Vagallude mal Oh.,ttlia' ANUEWAN VLAN UVEOVUAN VIAN D. 5 villO, Vu.. J. W. Uotl, MDT. bey are aften coopeti ~ ution AN~ NOW TO «ET ai, hotu>' ventilateti ymux. Boa seizet i wtb -elds -1(- Tave 17 '.'srs ut is neededti t keep u -. expri(einrsanraan- weil lu Baby's Own ptn , iiaed r %lIl regulato t.he for wa-rti you my )wcls anti drive eut .- - lrtr e eir use the baby wiIl ThA M 0EtoC Xtid W-rta tte-day ver the winter season L.E aui. 130 36, SOOKWOOD, 019,. Ly. The Tablets are Poel isrbd ie dealers or l'y mal PpelDsrbd 'ax f roua The Di. Wil- "W h-t is thç mnean tempenature of C'o., Brockviiie, Ont. that place?" "That's the kinul it is." Speed Maniae. in your car go)?" Minorde Liet tm uTe03.0 arget iu Cove- lightcst lîlea. or -any The Bîî,ik- if Erlk- t dificrelit methedu; unt ursnîetuîuo. hnk notesq ys- to Use Good fertilizers are cîlways rmore c, they are not weli mixed, for' ineven plant growth, becasim places and strorg in otheri Its by using ~ are very fiuel>' iround s&Bd pari niethad kncwn. O00 oft tta. e NI >11j. It wili Iierease your ccops, bai yantd nake more moite>'for You. il- >-ont f ed ooifer both crop and s( aid our erIlIser bookiet. W.stend b. ontarlo FertilizersLlmtted, West TorJilto. ~Faer a t o Lsisn Medicalo DOG DISEAS]ES ",clH , Ip YFeed arti1 fmO oatdte &Mbi IL CLIGLOVËR CO-, Inca ifs Wes~ t Ntew Tek Mdof a Pi9 inthe 40 ACTION ýW FURS 111 fty &".a10 *bl aul tur , £ OSabie housi, ?on cmU gt lftumarkel Ank for aur prie* Ual hipVing Inutrtxctione. ARD POLLAK '& CO- BT. PAUL STr. WUU. MONITRIAL. QUI. i - - 'g I t. t 1 UL IN W1NTER langero-us season for The days are se hnight, the next colti t the mother laq af raid lren eut for the freh they neetisenoiuch.