Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Dec 1916, p. 4

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u -- - M ic -- s~. I -- " -- -'- -- - -~ -- - --i - -. i - ( -'M~M5-i -"u4' a'-'d - te____ c îîie to b çegarOed pýP'hi gly fur< hie honent1 luertitite dewuva BIIOK*IN.pr-omiht moeuber and rrouaurer for ýùtn* yeara of t4h -al>Utt Cb*,C. lHe Mifiu E1h$nOr Jo1inston vislted In To. bas. beu àt Maile hads P'a*in. thê ront ti$~ 'Wec. honte of the lite*o i. JohiÏ, DrYdof Ttîe maîi>,Crlcntdm of M-lia (tara ni1- anid nov of hlx son, Mri, W.A. Drydeli, visa Iltl bo pliaaed to know sflal for thirty yeara. Mr., Xolinaii la sur- recoW#rlllng gely ( rom (ho' serionis op- vivtâd by one son andtd frie daughters. ermttbil uerforîned ln i%*ii- Ostiawa lus- The @toit, F'ratik, la a xnembqr-ef the Pltiti, on Weeîcdty lasit. l2nd LUttalIkn. Two brotberu sur- Mium Vera 'Vtporid Is Ilu ýsliiwa nturs- vive. The tuneral took place 'on Mon- log Ml»14 Clarl~i'Ula.duy afternoon from the Ihonte of bis f<Irs. W. Ia. 1 i ieîîî evïPt-uI days brotlher: Jôs.'Uo1nfan, Euat Wh'ltby, t'p lni Oglinvwa lit iw--( ktnt (le Li-diihle of service ta'lng conducted by 11ey. (»0. bier datighter.- ,A, MeLean. pastor of tic- 1aPtla Mr, George Fhaytons hîtt nvî'd hleto Ghorch, Interrit wRAmadIe in tLDi bsf.Vanstoili hUf.Bpii îieey01Cl. Mr. W, M. l Irefne ia henIllfrtlta ent-yo o.7 a few dayRi hls:week. Mr%. James Aitîi lia# 1hîw. vttitlloi, ALNIONDS. Iier d iiier lit'iùliito. M r. Tlrown arîidaugh itrr. NI rs. M. M r. Lon tielvinig, cfrTorisonb, sc i li I li . î'î iî Iî iloeak -tho. wei>îitd ttIlli il!; Tiftri'nlivrîe. Mis-; Wtlîai-r t, as litiToronoolast .Nit q lasOv'j slîî li )iîw for-Il n tk few daiya t bla ve'lt.i î n iirwi ireaIhitila- Nir. CUai. Ur-as ili tb ho.-n 'difii lng sla " wlllii atl Tho l !îîy iici~Adti l l lilnleCits lhi-Idt. ilsocial NI t.mi r-î(i i-li'r h-i ti 1< ~-<k.'v-nlit it( ti i.< f Ni r. an d Mn. foi. I.oididli, ln 14lîîligi )(Islam. wliitîl r A ih"rt ackry neW ,d Tiic*iltiy cviiilii g esti, Uapît. i. i 'hc'rîliosti A vvry i,î-ujoyilî- itis' wafi iîlwit. Orry>iu Ii; yoyîir t' t-Ot h '-s frolit I ictrrY T. 1li Iii' of itr gti-i a rihî'rv, rlirhipc lWit l hv. Oi Wq1swntci or-e. Dolit trrgi Ilio (.rs oaeter Ni,,il t iiîdîy ilhi'î . w illi e tc perili. îîu<o enit'i'h iici n-' i - rld * Nîtas înr'le-a ii ii' N.'iliri li (h tr inutti li theî tiirrl2 îîd. A îoi rcd itr- bol iîîîor i ld ttI -vol lu g. i1i l)(' gi-aiilm le-I îipg î.î-giitrî'<t <ii'ii l~ihpewIlI b.' n tiotîg sî'rv ici'-- - - . 4w_ for Wh'<'h III'. .choIr Ii 'M ilii ilmîtil ale o!f tla, ('iv cforI*Mli', preI)itra LIoita. îiL.gi e '. id y T1ho Nfilllfbilt a i lSu id Si 'iieqoil "Ai i'rn nk .i. Cllrtieî- tiiokr@t nithat i,- lqt' eiioûr -~tî'lii it'îiî~~<>-f lt it so te li i or Il. J.:'hemIiey & Ca. ioinq I' u li e ity 'iiy a c)n' itvaiPnd #taie 111r0 9I" 11 i i lîîî iq, I fMIoqua I ro0011raîg4 . roN A I4u i U ii (I t>. i ti A-lt %0ro pa:, t t -i i,] ofî~ t ) lo!(lt-rirt Iatlisîic vla iii ît ii lii 11e u liet r it e~~aa 'rodrid ltra ial'î'tai-trrli rf V R A NIK<1J Ci;Ir Nky. i i.liiis i ý a o y -t'a i.. r:.cfIltii' rilooil î oleot i i uticl'dliypretà- liit a-ls h r siik reIîmAî-îî t d.j Cice hua 61 th diy 0< )ecenii)e, A.Di. '<56. i<li <'l. i 0i -ii " ii" c nl Wiiien on stii uiiii tlele iii P>1 tt i i li ifroqi l ixf.uceh Utf 1he h-.' l Of iîii'i<i. O lyhnilylti. ssilfor tlioiçi rt of~ Iiitî fîl iii, y ~.aIl .-. nociil . 0 ci,~ (. Ofeîîlrflint il'îi nit .< til e l iii.> ilk..- ý1 latta il iii t ~ lntii<or aiuîiilu gcIeli til i ti i' i t "11(l 41I . i luito 11Ii %?.iiiiiiitiiyille -s forr ---- -tio ligiililIb-ttilésy t I1ým 1,011 stt<lt.l tti i. MI ' s b iriS S nd . 2. W tibil.l1IIY a *îmni h -Jod IjIjI O.i Ii[ te r oii li Ir i'aat<i4 .imîtiiltîigrtiin 'îrîa for Fr1- tIng thé iti' e ii Ili jIj1h'sllll(iLîy S'iîî lv e iiii 'c ','- 22n0j Trî~i' iraliing .-.111vhI' Mr, Jgtmdi o l1cw hiclins for- Iwo Ni-w T'î'î'aclîîi ii.' ' c-r t ii uîs , wP uik î hî'-îî sti'tt \I litta (i u tqlnsr.d .tla pli' îi .t4 'ii ti i D ligi I" X f icîs a,11 l- mi l t-c(V t g. atii l p' oîî-a I c tue()I Ii i li 'fti'aîliay iseiîe i In" w <loy: thlo Xisxm ent th Iloai-f fI liii ou lii.siIta I-iirlg. astv ro'aclieni Itît- fr-oui 11,lr' ih's i- l AtiZe l l îlî t til 14 tha. Ztii rîaiîlîi ll a o(n <titi', l.t litaNu>, 11l'h.- Itîi--a1lera hua iNe i hu lîîu'illiy. rIs lch -ci ai-ut l1kit in Iiii' lijtîil 'rr'\-iti oi l-i (Pt<i cliii i-r otiid ai- i tt' a 811.1 N iiof 'îk . it ih..t uî'-,J -. of Ilussactiou î-ijoy-il iqi-tiih-t- f 'ii.lN'Ntî1-l2(t hIt . i Vle,, 1 hi. lti' 1o lI i'i h '- lit indtcî i qh, trt.î Iîi irî-e cames-; ii04a Im i lu n il reft o-l (Pt ii .111yi- s i t li î uti l c l i of ith-' ý,i vi l tî' Ii li' il>da iiaii ; pî~ .î iî .s n sla rc u-ve- Iî.ti theî îi-a-'i oil it f. N' ii o i l ý f1I l I i i i ntP 'it-l gerit. Alil t-lriei-t lrit r - f i raili-ri* I - ' di 11ii. a4'Iil i a. i lt t liit tq, Iliri- .a:i t'or îuî- lîolîi iil h \ îî k rc, m m r -'îii' i a iii'tît Ili l 01o lco lni1111I1h4 t-11.4 he I lb I o3li .li i<i'i :îi it Ii Ioi- îî.îni 'ta.cî i l n t AtN-a1jiotiî Ir vi.; raiolio. 'îill lit A nr iîi-'îi r nc.-jiiid E titii' ,4liacir-oas 1114, saId ttliiirendO Ill"i' îi'- iî IS 'ciîîu-.O iio vra; fo-r hutiî-i- k ItIIil v t i ta kili a Ilwi. I ii--ils ta ii lo i la s Thii î f i suir) ak-n ý1i'. and t - Mt. L. ' l"rc . mi --r- NIil,.-i Loîîls-i' i eaci i i ga iti arer <ii a blftneês 4 ti-lIili i rlilto Iuim II>1îinî- îîîî.r.c- ~ î'îîîlr lu,.. -i-c-i. l~ tni- oîî i o, vestai i n ilin isy laîl ad o sva-t ruî oi i - 10 I ii-I r) i i-ti v:i o h lIls litrengtii andI lu4 wiirk i g îîvîilgiii-on. rtî~ i-;îl lii haieioîcll abeen oit tlt dr iiirifuor (lie,-aolig mai-v Irr oit ii'ai listI 8rrdyevî'iliîg. 1'rTo aiîitrtl îptiluz of Ihe rîtcpay- Aiî. 1), illîrîicV ibook cf P-llî.tIu i n ' ir, îf Ille- sectior I lluli, hnliel I li thil beîidoicr-îl iIs %tr-i-k. Ail Ili saiîn-îîinNidîuta >'înb' 7 Inioe liai tînt-o iîliî up aIII) -lqc i h-ttil atiy Ier8clsi wlîig 11114COli vitIîlea.aui . COLU M BUS. notîfy Mr. lBîînii a tUonce%, asIl <il>' hi Mr. antd Nirs. Il. [booiilîln f TrntoiP - 1"oul-b '- c -' ~8~ -~WUUU7 WWDar ~ t o "ýý ë 1ft1till r- ilit 1 i r thé0N ou T oS. -- -Walter, a& Mr$. jw s*ent fx«tr W, oi;m_ for - ýUbrBâ Otil' î sou a mo0IUe wit tîenit 4 teety.hi 1=141, ée 1 o -Iig t II" ,N IIY t - ~ J~>fl~g~ 09 .11 N ht*y edOnaro Coumty r'90If Quît. athu'th-lerom ber. attey, ottMr, part t" .Darisawapo'a coubl*eof o~ f th# U'as. t - -a 0li tt. -tnhery th. lr &It Stua lu Wek.-bg brda 0,f oua', dOntltïnt, l rl ~ t? bMisS Ani ie o peat the <o.k. #fw tb e ~ enn toamIng etro kod tde-be e n d w t b I i n s l e f r i i n t s . b t i 1i i ôh]Wltt-e i VÏ b l t a " i t r r < a e w e l a u~ thé social at R.1.Mowhray',mAd,-all -- 0tO tisw bar to Mr. 1pst. broyen the sirit an ctogothir-nait report, a, good (lune, cu >1 fte.rsohr".ot<'rookiua Creamery. Andoyet'- he Ionô er et c lp-cf-nuts Ma-sé. H. Davis Ae aMope t xrî W a. Btôtn, brother of, ouf n eite e o rgett u days last week With Toronrto friends. téeleid WiIl2erçalied on some of las ,ert, Whsiwt o e mwultet h.t It conts nô more to hi vît! drèssod Old fnrdà ff h ant woilc t loits s "a ertyvr aocmÃ"otoh if you buy Yottr-clothes from Harry T. ae e 99nna, -Mud-: Ioked rwd(ecrlfo(hdfncet1<u 4d ThomVson, Whttby', menavear store. . hgallatattîaon.MyasJuIcaiFreml1tliih MOUNZthN - ie îe'oono lod (if or freeofi uAn#i asfa Ma- Ltcestry ta too, strorig ln our ývolas, anc 1 Vn rukahnbcutralgaedn hawftrwt I rthrtibreatit of -;eedou to trmong qt clorer for ineîghbors. Mr .Makj.-Our ep W1 îtnt hnwiht Ernest Chn rlatn vetitng round 3#ot~tre enext Issue -- is a nohfe ary mswlhthugt t lrose paut. wnu lecîyoayappears a prînt, dhrlatmas,1, will t armn, u ii ihesoî haye passed andi gone, andi many andi and chierfut courage. AndI may the lait week. -Vrid have biert tire hanges la otîr baîs of aother Xmn asern. a(leti Alfredi Rogers soîti a vaîualp cow nelghborluood. BaveraI have croose i m peou ret cause1. os n to rla, Juef, o Bookiii on da* ver tb the eternai shore, and others _Ftfty' poadrcent c (h o ll ow n ata Ura1 ocs f rokliac a'have gotie to (ho front (o Jtght for (hoe mabv drtru h ola-n liai Wi'It.overthrow of despotîan, ant i litar- W.odîesday. The remaining 50 lper --0-AE.lem, anti a-r find our ranks consider- cent.theu go un a simillan New Yoarîs KINSALE.ably tilntidout aince hast Christmas. beave. It w-ot.lO innuca that:flic latter Nir. (icarge West, o! ABhiltrru Anti sti we can look about lii; anti clasa lia-e qlte an nOyautage over the 1)reacued intiçx'celhîtît îrmon lier! lan iit pnve-rai ellgibte, who e*think otiiens, fort- f h re>-an o o n dock for ~~iînOay. ~~~~shoulti onlît. Wlîy ahould oot- neigh- ~smîoî ua liurîhcil Airs. Atlrp li-lnrbron andi hen trotlher, tor;s onîsfight for our liberty andi frpe- Itu e given la the Armotirtos on Xmas Wrn lîclartisoti returueti home hast dan, tarile ave who have joat as ci; dii-.tle ue ,ovi" Ji"-lto, n- SilliýnOay ccr'iluîi;, fî-ornIlueir awester-ringlit. hld hiack anti appîareiy (ln s ani mîok, liai a itimber cf very iiîgh trl. Nl. Rn.ichiar-dson t-tI lreturin 10 tîinfnreti irsoIî-ps flt(he cotuny's canis iiim lits Ri-i-ve lttî ccuectlotî wtth 1uI4 hot i I)tydeîic anîy lu ie New iî;îblft. WVe i.y, yotig inuar, if ever tfile sarue dliicr, an lits InigptuuitY, yoî einryfouOi yt, ocy lctogéi-f liru thlu fnitatsoltitîe îroflgacy Misa Carne TLawre'nic lui rpeudlng 1liie hamtîow ripîe. Far botter offen youî- "'it Ilur liant cf1tht- Qiarter-Mas;ler. lit- \nits li<lidtaî-s sa-lh er parents. seheit before cotîacriptIon ecores,<aliL. Bell. Im;il siilg tbie whertilsi- ('arnîn bahui u"il tendlog Nom-mal, anti as cite voîttîtteen la wti-caihalf d altrI, hnîid proditre "saitne dînner." 1 ro douit i atl gîte utgocnd account cfrfrorcetoctons Whq î Tlouîterhi hif imcly eîîîlîîîiaîaaus .onreflfftent îIMAiy 'rprgvplir . .grnal.inuanîtifor acîtilera, aunu-yIf hila ari iai]luî Ih ii wokoiuIr 'dîn ,Nuy ornr gve ierS. cuy fair ho say, as of oni, Englaiîtlex- on Montiay n it. tnmben of (lhe c-litsutucoîl lii' îl taferoci atipecîs every mina td i lditOuy. î îicyers aru awaay n corses ai pres- <-a-eut iiig alta i-, <iiiertalît tnp t hein Mr. and tMrs. Hanny FDoc-keit, or, miii, Ili t th(lt, for a fnst praitce, ah lie'r Ihome. G(itiwotodspent Sahhiat lHartroi soniegond naierlai was shon. The Nlus Mi'Kay otr ex-icaclier,upr-ut Bfit-si gaiine-llue 0. -1. A. serle ti- ltts mui-Siîlil) iuy t-itK lisit e frieutis. Sîi ti' I i orP ýF r FO (ilIfi ml b lyd o J n a y 1i siallak triIl andr y mr-enoringly c n 0b- oot 1r ifit> rai tiaviwJl hi'htwaeen the I82nti [lttial- lier Presu-tlandho0r.ani ntîrncundfor uuî suzi' attires lie tieset chol ad srruriing.loti and Osliaa ronOshawaa Ire,. Mir.- James Ilengeîiy fsînrlîd otit O thie Tlttinatiay tstai Xrnias and Llr.'sling cîov'r lIs m-rf-lt. t-is OirsI- ' -iNi-ta- van, t(nY. M. C'. A. are givluîg jo-u Wass fl-n t. J. Stevcensont. NVtiu-r Bond, of Poil hHolme. îitta J a dluucir I l iii-13-n. ln Ithe Y.M.C.A. Thie ari-nhef rIig AtanedIl li laheîti fotîîîd rcuîity of sei-Oi i u-aund w-ts 'l'lie inin ye hafle .pictttn.-a atucat-iii w-trek. Mrn. lIltustun dftoi- i lng, aenieticed laf w-ok Iuy Sir GliilI- irtoi n iiriig the pasi werk, w-ire accu andtitohlng la ton o oi for te rIngy. Falcoibrlige. l'y nearly ailuhce boys. -They anresait Alart L.i! Coli. Acres Taxes - costa "*Total rat*d. or ilnPat'd. 13 Il. 100 $66-31 $3.88 $6.419 Utipatd, Part 1 N 40 1203 2.56 14.68 LiPtrps.d TOWNSIp 01'OFEA3.ST WHITi3Y. Part L.ot con. Acres Taies Ciel, Total Pat'd. or Unpat'd. Pt. . % 13 2 6 11.05 2.63 1348 Pat'd. TOWNSIgP OF WIIITDY. Part Lot con. Acres Tuaj coule Total Patid. or Utipatd. 83. Pt 0f lu ÃŽ rth î4 1Z3.9965 .sa 6.35 -Vatd. - TOWNSHIP op0F MAltÀ. - Part Lot <"on. >.er su Ta&xi. (Coaïte Total Fat'd. or Uita'd 1.~ i 2 100 17.24 2.68 20»02 Pat'd. - 'rcurr' 0lle, K & MeKÂY. Vo lds eltember 151h. 1916.ContTrare'a r The United. Producing Co. OFFERS "Charlé,y's Aunt' at the Tswn'Mli Wkitby THIJRSD V December 2Sth- -AU gottd tu w 1 manu& '0cent$ eïcb< fr1<U Johnon'sOa~Inn fomo e rpared".Vax flash Ligt ~Bateries and fenewal Bubs ltt ad Ioe gôbeg and Harnîse. Automobile. atd Aecoùéorlee Visit ue before purchauing, Ofr CANADA Bal ad Id. W0t v li TRUST FUNDS Our Saviogis Department gives you trTD 17a interest at current rate, WHITBY BRANCH McCheîian, ho lit' tit ie cinatri Ili(hpin nepreson- talitonts of conitions at lhe front, "It fi-t rXias parc-ci liait arnivoti for ili, byR. A tbox coitalslng fi)O pairs f soc-lt afroiîu thet- W .P.A., Port. Perry. Tlîese m-11i rîake vt'ry accèîuttrtuIcgIftla, flic thtightfiilnescf lthe wcînno ff Poîrtl i'rry la a'ery alticere, ifi,(ril iiîg maeetings avent. heldtci, aiiîîdy enr'a iîg lasi lur(ie Royal Thea- t ru-, %VhlOîy. andtrlIi Mrfia's Theatrp, Osaaw. Ciii. Farnivejl, Mr. J. E. Wil- ls tatt Major Pat toit apoke in Whitby io ctly ut lair atirllîi-, as It was the fi r n u. î. t î î li g tf I t i k î i I -i d t h e r e (t i is seastîti ('upt. "ii"Lawiîon, cf the >40i i. iii., tind Cîrjîl Curîinxen, cf the IS2rd i)n alkf,'abtheliiOshiawa imeetIng. faut. Lawson la an expc-rlenced rcrîrît- i-r cf lthe (triî'a calibre, at(le meet- Ita securnti 8 recrîttafor (h-e Bn., of aihotu. licwver, orîby thret.eu-o eabte (o satisfy thti doctut- ar, o (helr med- Ical fitne-is. It la the ain of the 0. C. hoSciiru- fapi. Lasason andi others of lita abltty as frecîui-nty as possible. Hlospitail $ergei'a f"J lmmy' Ander- son lias tît-rttorii (rom omutinmdst anti transfr-rred tu te Antny Medîcai Corpsi. BJase 1-4loîtal, Toronto, as a d1spen- ai-r. Slp-rgpcrnt Andierson ta auncor uradtitaio f tihé College cf Ptîarmnacy, Toronto Uilversity, andt gave uîî a tlitihiig btuiness at Sunderlandti o enlitaf a a private In <lie S2tîd Rn. 1le scon became 1NiaOtcal Corporal anrd lister Sengeant. In thîs capactty ho lias serarei palngtakingîy for thre lait six months, and ti i become the fast friend cf ever>3 inan In the Bn., and the onemy of tlîelnhfils. 1-11s; knowiodge of dîspen- mlng fit ted him fer hlgiter work, andi thre xniltary urithorittes, recogntzlng thiii. have calied him (o doeSIL "Slong, Jtm. Good ick te you.*« ROYAL THEO.ATRnorE EVEIW ÃŽ~II1 Brusay it serEday olghtem Admission - Adulte, l1e0î;aliltren, b à a X-. extra* 1 iÉ.mmi.nimi 239 - s" CHRISTMAS ANO 'NEW VEAU FARES SINGËE PARE Decexaber 23, 24, 25> gooti for retUrh untl Dec. '26th; aiso' Dec. à0-31st, 1916 andi Jan. lst, 1917, vali for return until-Jan. 2nd, 1917. PARE AND ON-FTIIIRD, Dec. 21, 22, 23, 24, goot for returnwuntll Dec 2-ith:. aise Dec. '28, 29, 30.and 3lst,, 1le1,valid for refurnuantit Juan. 3aad, 1917. Above rpttcot fare apply between.- ail stations lu Canadaemot of 'Port A rthai-r andti o Detroit and Port-Hluron, Mich.1 Lluffato), B11«k RocIc, Nijagara. Fal an niSuspension Bridge. ,N.y.- Tickets now on sale ai ail -(J. T.' It- Ticket Offices. For ful information irriteC. E. ltoriing,- D. L>. A., Union S[tationm, Trooico, Ont; if. sTifptfhtNtioy, Ageuhi, Wbithy. preyent themnt hperson. Th- Mks vis GANADIAN PACIl 81iNOLE PARE - (oking DTlenthet 23, 94. andi 251h. .Rettunu.liwtl, Dec. 26t1î. FAItE AND>0ETlR-~lg Dec.21. 22, 23,anti 24tuii, itta;ý lydrciîauo l ua a ët . - Tickets1 oun- ' Sale Xow. iy ike gn 0 Anadie 'ofl lway - -~ P~ andi &ie pet cent --aa Bonur Law, theqarer, ma 13t!tish finan laun'-h the In der the chaLi Mayor. an.d I ouce Mjalcýt %(rn, 4iicb h i sr-nîark. for th, cot- paturri muf the Il,,i a--a t lr- here troc founlatian 'w P'.îrLa-v ln fh.- 'crin Thei.-"sn- rý.\ Puat ,h -OUM Irî't b.. Prcmier Li per-or Williar lts pence off NOTE È Tintes' var e allIes' noteà oua and friet positive tln ai cd, and ai o! the Unitoa l nige, t-he i s ident Wîlmo thoeetit s grarat nation --ccl snddevo and trîitloýni The Germait avarit thmuîi "ote 1* ordor formation I 110 avoval terme on çbuî cluded,' and'i À. AX on a mis "-'--msdo not' position ta et dotait, but de wtith more ai Thi The Tinte. terins of the t-ton of Be1gth et fPrace2Ik .-c-< heuturftt L)a'mands. proptw SpmalOdoTiIrm OR UNIES, rtuousq. ! "46 F? AI LWAY [GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM 1 a im 1 1 1 1 1 -Mamger. -. 9 [W-8 Fe DISNEY

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