Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Dec 1916, p. 2

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s8 one of ie deliefeus "goo0d thingt" that has a réal food value. shoce of your good homemnade bread, -prad with "Crown Brand", forms erfectly balanced food, that is prcticallY all nourishment. So-let them have it on biscultf and pancakes, and on their porridge if they want It, You'IlIlike It, too, en Criddle Cakes-on Blanc Mange and Baked App a .A dyou'ilfindf the mos economien sweetener tike anything under à lae of ue. '"You mean-l "I' mean that he never tóok bis eyes ffme, and that he is undoul,tedly hungry, poor man, because he ate no, dinner, altliough 1 took the greatest 1care of him. Now, Georgie, remem- ber, don't sell me too cheap. He will surely broach the matter to you before he leaves to-night." b "To-night!-he won't leave to- night," says Mrs. Wyndham, break-, Ing inte an irrepressible laugh: "he always sleeps; he will probably spend ihalf to-morrow here, waiting for the mid-day train. Mly dearest Gwen, what is to be done ?" "Get me two good books, and 1 shall hide my diminished head in my cham- ber until he takes his departure. What an adventure it is, and what fun 1 have had! I shall always keep this' dear little cap and this spotless apron in memory of it; once only was I on the point of giving way, and that was IR9 T1H1E DBPUTY HOUSE MMD. "But My dear,"' remarks the Count- with a slight gasp, "who can It be 7" eus, mildl, laying down the third vol- "Not the Bishop, 1 hope devoutly," alme of her novel, which is a coneek- returns her companion, with affected SiOn, "'You wil find It so slow, so dull. dismay. relad a anytim, uder any cir- A minute later a voice in the hall, etastaces istoobcarre for ordin- answering a warm greeting from Mr. ary tîstes; but an Irish villagel Mrs. Wyndham makes itself heard. Georgie Wyndham Is very charming, I allow, turns paie,. but still, dear Gwen, if I were you 1 "It In Hilary-Sir Hilary Tremaine,", should reconsider It," she says, in a ghastly whisper; "that "Why ? The more bizarre it 1s, the college chum of John's 1 have so often more I shall enjoy It. - I am tired of told you about. Now it will not do conventionality and every-day life.1 for you to act servant before him. Then I shall be with Georgie, and she He is only just home from the East,' is, as you have just said, a very dear. and he will certainly be in town for Besidps which, by going 1 shall escape the next season; you may meet him Berlie's Insuff'erable attentions." there, he would recognize you and-" "I, wish you would consider that "Nothing shall prevent my doing my also," says the Countess, with a faint duty," interrupts Gwendoline, solemn- sigh.- "Lord Berlie is rich, quite old ]y. "You have hired me for 'this family, and--" night only,' and go through with it I1 - foi- .1 GERlk t n Frigh Cai1 Fouri army leave prisol Hlis E Worl 1 t whos camp He 11 Ing i "icodi by «a Gern the ' atini divis of it Pruf had rade of E3 for Ger] day slOV pur! peu FCe0 Hv our huaband get a tin, the next timeho is in town- THNyE CA NADA STARCH CO. LMITED %INR , CRDINALc.rBRANTFOD, FONTWlLMAM. SYar of«L rtàe- o-Bruî m' Cr ac. l ap OurnewrecipbokDesrti and Candies", will show you how to make a lot of really delieous doheswith rown our Montreal Office. sil "Handsome, Old, and stupid, and will. Not f Or a dozen Sir Hilaries whnJhvad ut u od(ny head so it will not eut through- Satur- very good-natured, especially to me. 1 would I throw up my engagement. hapiyn n a tedn) Tak ate ,with kerosene. know it al], dear,"-with a shrug. "No, Georgie, run away; I think 1 hear them you er'" p ~~~There are many cases in which bak- I sha'n't marry him, mamma, if thatý coming!" "Adi1i iayak ea ra- Ing soda can be used other than for is what you mean. I am sure," glane-1 Dinner is an undoubted success. fas hthsbcm fm oey bread a.nd cake making. Lamp ing with a smnile at her own lovely The new maid proves a perfect treas- madn htsalI a? rm te chimneys which are washed In water image in the mirror opposito, "I de-'ure, and does her part a merveille. "Tashisdrorllrjut to which a pinch of baking soda han serve better at the hands of fate, and Even "the boy" ils held in such an awe goeott9emrie o h uc- been added will shine brilliantly. If something tells me 1 shall get it.", by the beauty of her demeanor, and er' on a..Ys htwl eBTEN O a lamp burner la bolled in a little qoda "He ls the best parti in town. Where' the eye she keeps sternly fixed upon bes;i ilefculyqec l i- and water it will cause the lamp to dIo you hope to find a better ?"ý-with a him, that for once he comporte himself ingpsiniii rat odbTS burn with a far brighter light. Soda languid impatience. passably, and does not drop more than GeriImsCo IfnidIhad attens gg Dises. (grted). reak th breadintoesaises an excellent remedy for scalds. "Perhaps in my Irish village," re- a plate or two and an empty wine- astpys'hfohecmtey JgEg andTomandKdgeee.-avepiecsganrpor ovraiva qartrcofa Wendmlkourontheeerg of urnngupaesGwenolfnagyly;wheeupo glss dringtheshor tie heis n coe,'Brinsmertcu of ea rés-ftes Frn P dy aeupul o boledriceperperpintof oilig wter Addhal ana little baking soda will restore it to Lady Rosemary throws up thp argu- attendance. etyt ylnl el n, nai o *Oa n d allow one tomato per person. ounce of shortening and leave it alli its originaj sweetness. ment in despair, and returns to her Gwendoline appears quite at home speknail ro h ora, tem nd iev th toatos. llo niht. Nex da spinke te crn- She whb makies successful sponge novel with raised brows. in her role, and enjoys it thoroughly; prpatytofih-Inrlfr- 'On egto ueach person and scramble starch over. Put the milk into à caermmesta#uhsucs e never before has she felt herself-in gotoelyudrigthyadn PemrMrt 71ggf, tomauto and rice with salt and pep- saucepan with the powdered ginger, pends upon the amount of air beaten1 It was all the fault of Jemima such reality--before the footlights, thelgcldsuso)htsee;2t tetbi per just as for scrambled eggs. brw suaanth grated lemon into the eggs and the expansion of that, JanIe's mother! There couldn't and she treads the boards with con- thirdsosewsayhnbulan-cty. V ldgere.--This is a blessed dish, as rind. When boiling, pour it over the 1eadut ofi. Jmm summate grace and ease. One only edthywninfrgsppuead 12tdnsof boned white nash with six teacupfuls of qutemohanfre rmlu s.dhewites until stiffreenough tomad- mother was the primnary cause of all faintest embarrassment; one only of themseilfsin ihteteotra f boiled rite and two eggs beaten up to- Turn into a dish and cover with thin1 here to the dish if held on end; then the discomfort. What could have! all th.e guests gives her some slight plesnetadtercetltl nc ehrde makè. esafilysaubstan ade o si andoput soe. litt le its of shortenngdeft turn of the wrist, holding the ill on the-very morning of M rs. Wn- This is Sir Hilary Tremaine, who hor'dnunis"-$3.5frte persons. • on top. ~~Bake In a moderate oven fo spoon lightly in her hand. She bakes ham's clerical party, except a Viciousbytemrsacinthsrivdt - (Tbeotnu).htct. Saory Tloast.-T'he bread (stale) one hour. A layer of marmalade h er cake with a slow, steady heat, and design to create confusion all roundP? the Parsonage on this momentousOwnto he sghould be eut quite half an Inch thick spread over the apples is a great im-1 avoids doing anything that would She sent word very early to the par*-i evening, intending to spend it with aon o a -ý -nd in four-inch squares. Toast provement; this should be added when jostle or shake the stove. Such a sonage, before any of the domestics' his old f riend as he passes throughpretisaBa erisply on both sides, spread with but- the pudding is almost cooked. Cake o vraed smitadwere awake, to say she had a "stitch,"teqan itevlad fBlyilu-TEBAO O.toiishv ter, with deviled meat or bMonter paste. fine-grained. It should be broken in whatever that might mnean, and Jem-ý dereen on hi§ way to the capital. It--wadoerdt$ Maàke very hot and serve. Household Finances.nat pees-otcut for serving.it ima Jane instantly declared a "stitch",i omntiko i owl nTeFreso aaaHv ra faypro agm Toast-The ham should be Money matters are a very common asnuairtightttin box-none wil be left was nearly always fatal (she, at al1, upon the Wyndhams without warning. potnt.pris mIneed very finely, and only a little fat source of irritation and unhappiness9 in forantherei. events, seemed to know everything -ybeing a special favorite of theirs,- ,MjrJh used. To.every tWo tablespoor.fuls the home. There are twvo financialoraoeme about it), and that she should go toi but it is perhaps a little unfortunate Frm10 o11 Cnd xot49hBtain themet ddmnetalepoofu o sstesen omon ratie n dffr-~¯ ermoheffothit. e soud av chseatisparicla trdewih ritininho prdutsesateagntin eru bs or well-boiled rie, and mix it ent homes, both of which are decidedly EXTRAORDINARY STORY. Mrs. Wyndham reasoned, argued,1ngtfroeo i hnevst. eraeadDnnr' nrae.Odrfrbae w s Omne good, brown gravy, or a, wron. grew anigry, all to no avail,-told, Jem-n He is a young man, very good-look- roCadas xptbcn Thtakth whitesauc. Spead his ixtue on (1) The husband keeps charge of aillLinka Hope Di WndMith fHue f i. hagh lraykewfl ell t ng ery wic lelbasred eyer ihat-rdehsicaed ndD mrkspouinisn tebroadermbstbronand sevvery sathemoy e woiti oc epnenapsburg. ing to dinner, eight hungry clergy- rte litv xrsini hm aln f f7,0,0 ons o aeea xi hot. chs bon n sre ey ioransera oint sa e opelled lA n extraoriaynra ive ikngmen, and asked her patheial h metybcmnat these dark tfisayerndgMrc31194FrmgCore Eagless Batter.-Four punces flour#, to buy on credit or ask for Money h ifrtunes of the house of Haps-1 was to attend table with the boy, who; eyes pursue with indefatigable zeal Cad'seprofhgrdut t- Rednsof aPinch of sait, one-quarter pint tepid 1 every time she has occasion to make burg with the tragic history of the1 was quite unsafe alone, being given , eac em uzedn tedloverly mad. Hetale 86081pudfr11 h opano ne Mix thoe toiledter wellof taogehri hreiloicntv o h wf ob Hoe lootin ofanteplein Braoct ropnhfchievads eiamuch so that at times he actually for.-96141039pud.Th ntddy ocm r then very gradually add the flour and an efficient household manager. If quires spec-ial interest by reason of Jane said she couldn't help it; her gets to answer his neighbor's mild re- Stesxprncda ik ices.Pdokwda salt, bfted together, beating thor- she ia thrifty she derives no benefit the death of the Aus-trian Emperor. other wast evidently at the last gasp, malrks, until at length that good man BusofraCndaicnendnle. oughly >between each addition. Let the from her thrift. If she is a spend. It hae been communicated to the and if it cost her a thousand places go declines to address himn further, and theei nte iet hesil.O tNw Dy batter .tamd for at least an hour before thrift by nature her outlays are limit. London Daily Express by a soldier 'to her she would. At this, Mrs., regards himn pityingly for the remaind- Jun 0 96 hr eefwrhg io hehd8 siweet batter for apples, etc., add a! can coax from her husband or by the Expre, is "presented to students of and wePt.- eodo ern.A te ie eigth rvostnyas n rm11,see n teasjýoonful fpwee ugrisedsz of the bils she i allowe to run the occult for what it may be worth."! Ail this happenied] at ten o'clock in1 rouses himself from his contemplation191t116heewsadcaeofprnmkgh to ee ou mea tha woud oterwse (Tro fteuodhee husbums inncand ins- imef*W.B,""whtodeearivl A leep rs Wnha wth ngetd ine, hieinefisaswlla te porunt tat WrWhpgcii be Insufficient for the number of peo- in required en payday to hand over to L>y a Buddhist prient when 1 was In1 being In sure neôd of comfort, and lit- wardly abusing himself for theý*execr- 11.bfr5h onri onieyadgv ptewn ple. the wife the full amounit of his pay. Ceylon. Hle was a man of high repute erally at her wits' ends, rises and seeks ably bad form he is displaying In al. vivdypntdotnPa hetN.heceaaeat Meat dn Batter.--Cfut the meat into Any money necessary for his personal in the native community there, and hho er frends chamber prepaetpou oing hef to look ami. rl 1o heLv tc eprmn0tgrmeo pr amail l de, dust with Pepper and very, expenses, such as lodge duos, tobacco, assured me that every word of his her soros inohr ypthtcuon his frin's doestic here ttaanild"h ao o n nadwl p finely powdered herbe, mix ix with the etc., is given to him by the wife as, narrative was strictly and absolutely bes.ms1esmtig rn ihhm hà rtihMre, o hc esr.adsbcitos batter end drop by tablespoonfuis Into' spending money. This system rs-'true. Personally 1 hold no brief forl "Can a nything hle nmore huimiliating, he certainly has felt seedy for the last Jh rgt ieSokCmiso- Wa spoa very hot fat to fry. Drain well on duces the husband to the position of an: the occult and will not venture to ex-i my dear?" shle says, tears again rising two or three days. No, he will neith. eradl .AklAssatCm aswsscrd absorent aperand erveon tast. infeior. He cnnotbuy apairof pess ny oinio on he etraodin-toohrbprttyr bownyyesaswse fi- erthinsof erforn-okeatheragain misione,,ar joitlyoesposiblean Wesern rans Apricot Cream.-Use dried apricots, shoes or take a friend to a show with. gry series of events recounIed te meshes her rd etal. "I don't thk I hai pa -whih carbehadfre onipplcaton ydge a wtO wash them, soak until soft and sim- out asking hie wife's permission and by the Buddhiat prient. 1 transcribe solcids er uh u ht Chmagnoie or hi o , r? aysattePblcton rncDpan ng800Mu l n-er with a little sugar end a spoonful receiving from hber the necessary hie strange story for the benefit of Mr. Layton in coming, and John was caringnticebiat his elow, aondime ntogicluetttw.Pti-bteuta 5p or two of water. Sieve, and mix with money. those who understand more than 1 do'at his house last week" ("John" in Mr. an instan llhisgod reflton er-lteryufruaesy h aplt an equal quantity of cornistarch mix- In Contrant with these tWo wrong of these mysterious matters. Wyndham), "and everything there was angwy ag a aine cnshisel odr stedcesi h faceof the rar ture. Place In a China soufifle dish., systemis, here are two systems as eor. ' "Ma&ny years agol said the priest, so nicely managed, and the atten<dance inge whyesch aosevthless ace ish ol pt unthti ferdu ofr. ha and, If desired, cover the top with reet in principle and successful where 'a member of the house of Hapsburg' perfect. 1 assure you, mny dear havsue, theaca pfsevtude abvit.Tothrexengur"Wcthrepietrd' whiPPed cream. Por the cornstarch, practicede one Counit Hermann, in conjunction'1 Gwendoline, I feel absolutely .faint bbsre t s perfectlyavcahi n- capwt h rts akt rd h use one-half ounce of cornstarch, half (1) Where the husband and wife art with a Duke of Braganza and a num- "hnChatuetmmplftatbyanogisk ne,"but sti t s a cai Ad- ftheya95aone nvle to a teaspoonful of sugar, according to so strongly united In affection and so her of followers, set out on an expedi- the parlor, unsupported." "Campan," he syaysnmehia- t 1,9762.Ihie fth at the sweetniess of the fruit. Mix the similar in tastes and inclination$ there tion to Burma with the ostensible pur- "It in really terrible," says Gwen- t n shle y adwiea erestfrhi shrl ees tornttareh in a little of the cold milk. need be but one purse for the home. ps fcnetn h aivs oie h okn s cllonrne as eyufalle s nflake. teo urthe ee otegaiyo h Whon amooth, heat the remaining Under this system there lesrno boas. "'Tey sailed from Lisbon, and in any one could desire. SeisToing Lacteon she inshm rsmuond itaioar o'hMppruntta ýtIk, and stir the cornatarch into It The wife can buy 'à new dress without due course reached Mandalay, near touhfutoastou the wa fecinintwhich hedas exe ssi e- il er ls forfresadbed eyarsie by degres. Add the sugar, and boil asking the husband's permission; the which town they speedlyv became in- hatching a conspiracy, and ltas let all fr lanui ntat, aW'n a sh Inays-i e.ead o etrtemevs h rscne. for three or four minutes, stirring ail husband can spend a dollar without volved In a religious controvers hber forehead run into little puckers fr i ovcinta ei rs-jitathr on u ht*iew ntnt .utm the time. If a little essence of apri- asking & wifey. Of course, in matters which ended In the death of more than"Tell me, Georgie," she says presently, iy ngthtentmnly conues hmat aenthoopeie raos'oocuythen cots be added-the taste in improved. of Importance each asks the advice of a thousand Burmese worshippers. '"do you appear7" k| as wi tel4tm s ifcut thast hoh aktfrfthgthtfrte Btcoigte Dover Pudding.--One-half Pound of the other, but neither Io dependent. " 'The Count and the Duke and their "No, not on such occasions They kepsan tthoselffrmris ig t o sit aco o sor o h sin.Te.Ia° " cornstarch, three ounes of brown household, no matter how dissimilartmleo am nTSt, hc wsd n't»re aou t i" lo| begginguh r ou to bsloud nt.t aesIWn cno, hysy,"oit h a®ssefoto sugar, .ons-hall Pound of app1es the husband and wife may be In tases !known to containgold and jewels In "he styor hnd trs. Iduhtoule, o h i ccount.bsietfohiemnh i h ya s i. hy (icdone oùned of margarine, but- and Inclinations, and no matter how enormous abundance and of prieless shall solve the dificulty for you-yes, jGedlnwo aigbe h n hng u fi o i otsms r ter orkvegetable butter, one-half pintý lacking they are ln genuine afectionvalue. They slaughtered the priests I myself!1" rising -to, her feet with unrivaled belle of one whole season, ail ihu aigagnrlaeaeo ean ates o âkoone if tteas mul of powd- for each other. IIit ti: aklnandal hegurras f h tmpeycarin negymI av otnfol oneqetlewll trsdnnaldterrcethtisunrotbl bt t po-"nyafindknw eed ginger w oncre- afo lemon rind equal division of the family income andlooted its treasures. The temple you how in private theatricals am;'rtsmtm ftetne asodcran akr odco fteravc oo between the husband and wife. Mak! walls wereInlaid with gold and inset quite perfet as an upper housemad.marks hissecret admiration and per-hag srqie ahmnho h 0"" *n"o an qutaledivsin f he eoasryin almost eeyic it rcosT-day I1shaH pr're te yoU ut MY Plexity, and, while outwardly c am d ea."fecfrm ,"heap--'oyo household expenditures, one part tu be gKm&.Everystone that couldbewrd er ntemtubasig e rierwarly m e th aet asiveeaiA"anan t atr r met by the husiband, the other part by wreinched from its lace was stolen by "don' nderstand,"--bewildered; agtr inrhngcoet vnoeoa'mot w os n t i the wife. th arwaders eachof whom badl his "o a-"YstifatryMeo e h :tires with a mangs hs n-terofprn " W W inddie West ýTARIO AND ggl. O0LUBIA. vInces Whère BI&y ru and Girls Are ln opened the new ge at Saskatoon re- fthe Collegiate In- n, have enlisted since war. society, The Daugh- of England, raised Patriotic Fund of steadily increasing age done to vacant ndon, the police au- ow increased the re- 25 for the conviction ,ound damagfing pro- . Hairstone, of the ind well known real Edmonton, has been y ln the field. ewan's capacity for ilimited lis',evidenged prizes won by Sas- bitors at the Dry s at El Paso, Texas. Paddockwo-bd, Sask., Ba week mail de., a newspaper nine m· Prince Albert to distance of only 28 :on, Alta., J. F -Mor- ,120 bushels from a < sod brokeni f'June, spring wheat this iim an average of -691 en@ have deelded té er earnival idea with tractions and its pro- s ln fava of rerui nd the $25,000 gran i gthat direction,. ly a record yield fer 1on the farm of the er Company, Loth- Ave acre field yield- . The oats weighed unds to the bushel. Mm esrsts. eti tieirlut -utheI or 4Whabit cussdyso tee doesnoàt 'banlish It--er thaïltâý "mïfuersvea n Oa toitemp m in n ati s omachu un danseron thi "and that teis ten to sufrere ifx ýwof°o,# i xt rttli a ïé an aËéL tas M E &1 v e al ugood e nut11 !1 cor ter fici Wh f re he ail ln th du th se to -t< t oo"77' cive An Théy-

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