Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Dec 1916, p. 1

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- s Vol. 54-No 2gI for Yout, Vote and Influence iar oloction as Mayor of the After careful flguring and fiflnCem, I promise, if elece four milis on the dollar or A SEAT CHRlISTMAS uCItD. ThoE !d1Il Inrecetîn front Mitjc -~~ ~ <L.' very, of (the haiilsotte ('bris( mas card or Lt.-Col. SamnSaî.1 P. and olfeers of tho I lr)tlà 0,S, Wî taiton, CE.. 10w ln Camp n .luEn land. Tho card routaitus a tqiffle dtd pictture or thie offlveirsa-9 m-(,Il lilsi of (heu' n4nes. M'titir.uîks. l 1q s deligtfti'l reillernhbrauîce of tho Otaui-i County flattallon, aid Is ver'v hiîglili appreetatdiA by(ht. pdltor of this pabe THE MOUSE 0F QIJALIIY The Derier wi tue (:ualatiud hue Seivire "Scranton Coal' lime 8londmrd *AMTR ll S TRIKE" New Prices Now Established. Freeli mied IlScranton Coi "-- * Egg, Stove, Clîestmiu tnid l'eu eôiititig daily iii box etrs -ciei briglit andu dry. ('tuinel coai a inmitliing coal ahvways ini stock. You -viint t(lie ieqt. Or cr înom E. R. BLOW, Whi;lb J. HEWWELL JAMES Carpotntor, luilîder anid Contracter. pla&ns i Iiil i il l i tei i î itlise Sagb, doors atnd f ramies. Rlan em r BaEr.n .d Rooine 603467 WIIITI)Y PhOnO 14 A. Il. ALAN. lusuer of Mlarriage Licen ses. Corner drug store. WhttbY. No witnesses requlrod. The Oreator Canada IniProvement Land Ce., Umlted Whltby - Ontario 'tIKsIlExtate DeaIeu'A, Entates Mariage, R~enfte (loleted. Firoat Lornis A ri-ige Propertl.m bouglit atit oid. For termie rpply Head Oiee, llruck S& MIaitPhoneos1. 1I d. PiLone AOVICE -~ If yoir oye. fequire glse anoiut une. A if a~'o sockof monutinge and gluss eyes in stock. s~ et t, mono WUITM SESSION co11 wIêb6brave Iwul 1§"16 Pim e t. opp **i C on "wm. " . L sahom ttsidoVui4 ge 1& r WHT~, I~AIO.4~ Â:112i l EMER28s 1916 WIIITBY CH1RISTMAS PRAUOLD COMNITTED LESS EXIIIBITS tItAN' U AL 90R, TRIAL. The 116 Whttby Christmas F'air. lems acoeunted-la part both tor the George Arnold, accused or stealing held last. 6aturd-ay, like most events smailer drowd anid thue mafleu num. chichenis from Moses Doolittie, near ~ F R M Y O Reterofdar: on conditions at home. ferred, hoWillber, (bat. the Pair 'wua not F'riday laut by Police Magistrate Crys. Tho classes were neot îearly s0 Iargely a sueoess, because lit was. mogt deeid- date, of Oshawa, ta (ho Whitby Court 1191 enere as it revousoccasions, anid edly. Those who dId come (Ã"". town House. tecodthat was in towî dîd fnot hadl a splendid day. and tho mnerchants There wArr' three witniesses f rom To-1 measuire Ili to the site ofthte usual or Whttby dtd a big business, se that rente, S. O'Connor, Jas. LaPlorence, e îespecc(ully rcquested for iiiy Christmas Fair concotîrse. T'le qual. there was satisfaction on both sides. and Maurico Rubliu, aIl called by tlie Town of? Viitby for 1917. tt of tie oxtibits w.as irst class, but Mitch iIntereqt WUs dtsîula>ed iun(the Crown. the market was far f rom-i being satis- drivtig classes, and In the judgig of O'Connor wvae recelvitig clerk unt the fied.as ail fovvi brouglit ln were yrodipt- te horses. and P. good croivd was on Union Station for (lie Caîiadlan Ex- investigation into the towti*. t>' suîapped titihîy cager butyors and L the e treet ho watctese evônts. press Co. On Suturday, November 11, ed, atax eflicion or 197 of catI %vas for mort, wiîtchî nevyr came. Tht(, puixe winnerig are as flollo.wis: b", reieas"d two crates of chickens ad- Tliegret delan forfnirn voflctsdresspd (o oui' 01. Smythî, hllr-d from a t px et. tioti for 1917o f i'lîndhe groin deiand for fou-m îrods III1 GeVYSctt. owmaîîville, to a womaî wliîo signed *~dle $40fil(-ouadof~niî îu h.tie eonseq renî hi trteprn- - pn. oreoii. 1Sco(t a ve. - foi,' Uînî. Thi'crates mwere Iiter caur- i. E. WILLUS IOtrcIs i ho lisuIy fr exhbtiuîg tir1(-l Rr r 1ldn, Na,.dovr- idoa ai er by. a one-armed -b - vits vtrSoune very ftut' oxhutthts Mare or geldtng. 2 years and îuudeç uri wo 'onerknorîureconu ihetrausfte ______________________ On_ i Ito u ie 'lt ii. hoIléwosilr. ' -f C on 1nd rokl (e, 'lîle driver of lte taxi, Jas LaFlor- luiq Ir i ian), y tho mn wîFtir n iîr ni oeîîrue. oiItilirafd-l ,F l nce, (o nrtzf.d Arnoldi as the mani and i(su oriiig eutf fr i i tru'î- 3oi'r, î uliet aei.-W.F i- wîo 'ligigpoî îîînî. î1aIelorence dreve and ii h n lig olmmi111-P (tîtbt. tl-no lii: enry Wilson,. Picker- Arnold and his clicIkens fOrst to Ken- lic. singt.oî' Avenuet, witere, lie tnId (the fi.il t iîut'2..chiauffeuir, lit hiad onco hommoe sold rB(I LI i (F NOM INAT'ION S I luche pdive.r, I1,2 liais andh nver., ,f In eir'(jiiv l.hi bing Sal tirday - H-OT r r'I CU5rvîN AT M ETNG eg l ',oxir154 'è î -d-i- fliid lnKý 1i: tiron Avé-îîîte. o Ir r ui~i »~' ~ iIL.I.l1iNJ Iciughîlt, Oitawt , 2(eo.lil rivî' sîaI s 'itryiuîg tioe "W: rd." Ilr %1 -.3 T, fouit le. fS11pa. Ti'Y foiiil Mîitîrice Ilîituî, cornter C for Nne fori L( it<nvet-, 1' 1i IF. 4ý hands, oflAmiiîts aid id(iestrutitt wrcillii t 9 Tv~o for Mvayor, Titce orRecve, NtefrCouricil ] nc and driv -iy fariner or filr- toluIitrelitîiî<' výtlrds. A bargain ua t s sou.-- 1 ittî's A. Fitcett t. ?.auî- a-rîi- t. i-olul a;ked $191, but Sold 'i N'i 'phs t¶1e cie; 2 J. W. Patiner. Plrlo.riiig. 1for $ lTIh'ý--were 25 tiens and- 2 h ' FOR feu ili -t case tut taxes h IndteIlîsti 1îýauî>driver.,-1 NI iss Joy Halle i ttck'jjjjý. l, Iie"c-i -.Iltin sw9oro tha , o O M ~~~~~~'. ~~~ yt'viars. anid furîhuor spîolie oui tho i , I ii 22htsE cLîgiii 3Nr. li- rlil-nt '-e'tt hî n o y ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iîi'.auotîni tif exeuiplions i1i Whutby,. Iciii-lt. Ltgtrs u t""e-brs Aro I' l: -r iî. J î-) llrh I t h 'iiou gîtt shiotili psy taxes. Aut 'il'tIKk.ys. -askr-d Rît 1>1 ti)o eh i Illir'craies. wbti jýIlcaib calro.hpsad.Tiike-.ovr14 MihtJastoldiri l hIo iidte crates. i ;.îd'lItfe ctî forut"shuthleoltie n iIle V cod, '.1and ?,, WU. Il. Ilailsdouî. ir, J. F. G rierson, wltn appramirdfor t f bi <i5 tu01ll t e i lhîltçiove Downt'y as fîl(-'Pair tiuîki-> ýs. V) Ibs.andieter A rîîold, soil tetd litino case iiad J'hI ut--s . j i\V ~ ili stea,,k-r la-t. iMcKenztî', 2 W. H. Ilaission, 3 NIrslhtoi ' tteoiaanihecin. ifI houî' î'W.ciO' rt'iVuh'Ja.Wod is Woreiîip, iioweven, rommitted \l:t'-- I'itus iutttutV.'.I llsues . antd ti for anitihertri u Pair tirînys, ciler V)hs.- I. opioirfrira ihenx s V ll-SWllue1, l- ISln;t ii q utîsii v, wnti f.asd'u2 Ars. Ju;. NWo.od, 3 Jas. Nic- iicis onor oa ri>tii e xas .ît - S îî I '-,.l'î î'i'i"îlî'(i. suîiycourt uiciî.lit Marc. fI lus .\iî'ît '- Wrilit ird itîs. G'-t0ifllie fr i' lîv-il.Oosr-. 10 l>s. ,d~ ovor-.-- Iandl 2 'S.l T A sq>'r'i VI71W 'i Vnval kenhît g, , îî t.1 tcliut is h; Iin lite fi. urîid'u. 3 W. J. 1-alleti. À rn niiuia I w l 'ii 1 1 i ît .il . t'niet>r cf tI1' 1915 LGoosi', tnuder 10 ths.-I W. H. Bals- ti I~'lt-; lV AWI,\5ITIiN. <ti i iitutelsif.ie0Woîuhd Lie il don. 2 W. J. Hialleti, 3 W. 14. Baîston liVACLAATIN. l.';i- ",,for I""e tiontîd nokiri for Pair gooso. 10 tl>s. anti ovî'u. --land 11IE WORK OF TIHE Y. NM. C. A. FOR t ,, " uuîorîî' t '-ettIziti uîî ii, biet 2 . oonden 3W. . allTti "î IJhOYS I N THE TRENCHES. 't- h NItî t .1 N.Jatiitl i Il c n ltt 'utti t' or, tlii- îast ('vo Palr gees, 'iider 10 lhs -.1 L, B. Aslitirn, Ont , Dec. Il, 1916 Gi1' t'itr" Wî ud w. J l- ti . '-Fi 1-ane-ock, Os!iîýa, .H laso,~ Edtior NVttîby- Gazelte anti Chronlele. 1IV h Iiý 1 1)aiti i iiiliti . candi- Mri-, Eltcu' Dphiart, lirookifl. tît- i ti o.iu -ue. dit- e.sti,fo r a îî'w ni'uîes ou Illîe l---. Doar,-m , 1ivenIf it wotld tir il' '.*~ -l.iti (i- t là e"rdil f ii i i i iLe îîltiivi o )Wh itby Patriîr ks - W. J. lHalbi i - 2L. fi. io5hî'fiii t i niîformationl . 'l -t 'ilinIIi ilui Ml.ti iig ltold fiiFr 1 tîi- i . to 'r iv m et-IHancorhi. thirouiglitiher(.cliio s of s'our pi'.tr ni - it.tNt'Iiii ly's aîriho nLsi ti.'r-si h1.4-r hose l T o pain; t in clkc. 1 W.-Il. BihlÇu 4 . N tf i i i i .ciii o olit u'brave rmn ru'liiLie Il î en 1 -l~it tnIt lit i bas i Itn'l nu-tw iryt Y. li . B ucoh.- ir-aintintg eau'.p4 tand O ring linou, alouig ¶ '1 isu-r"îii Y '1ii inte st Tic u l i t-ut1 wioodo Illo o il'aî i.i-et2.as uir- tii liII ttre'- Co-s have aval- siontlook tlr',and MIhe fld rfer ue ic i i i' httîcl n e airUothint, S. S--loadela. I ;htli- rh tIlttl'o ili'Y .C lith tuil's 'vs t.îk l b'îîLit-u u,' 1wlu' 1"i.Tw a ni cekcîsiiR--1and'I-2 Jaîs ..I!i maybLeIFkiiit ls' nii-vb cf yot -LBH ICtihtltî- kotu ti)t list'.r art iiilie ilii ir tI)iiiiiàlo i lowvs - tvh hitral ie argtir-uî a 1utdltwle v g- od 0 fe 1eki lallç ilie i lifî îti our nt;ren- ;lui-'-t1oJtr nchies wonder- N ih i Je Y (ia t .. f-Y '-~ ~ l ii r a si n .le'.v ord 1Pick eri ng ; 2 lH e %w li o. O o - I ig N vist veu- h eîy w ouid do tv ttlioit fil li D i ti if rie vwutria i le nl er n r ' 1'ckerîig, - of L this iioigl. are thebts for al il T1Ii tsi 'ie 1 o5 ltit te bo1-be i Broc.r ey V-llsupplied. l - -tti.t-- i e. i a".; it v donit ilog. llt ir 24j ho b f ,B oc. withb l.. thiiîgî mnost needfulî (o iT î tiwt ii(i l i l1on it I ..-9 tlto I l. n iewi uengthe-îi. cheer andi givè côirage' 'ho t, ~ ~ ~ ~ ;!ý t L, ' .~i-tii IllX'is. h' i-it,. ti'- "is" aiîcciîr-d tosteat I trri. ' hem' 1 feeru sure that you wilhlenter 't" t I-- -- if suioah'tiîg h tîgeneral terms?' itILELF. I fulI> litho uny dticre (bat ait cf us If t\qi i for p '.,er-v .om apt lmb, resu'td.-li ad ewswe ol>' ruuIl rolight to our minus t t - S t ~ rt ' i!~stu tFtW l i-.-i tur ye o h.e- we l-mb. dnessd.-l and 2 Hewois lot. oîr own couifrs watt-hoe gîve a It~ttr\. '111f ýz Co - t -ii .1'i -g- l>lgiue.. tfor on- l; i1lîtt cfitorsomething that means thé j liI[iii 4,iý Ii wn lo oe - 1un11 i-t u. oîils'home Ihe>' have. 1 tin cifi>'elle -t-' Iti t r-i. Jr ltI-.T l, -J.'-- e rlr;tu 5. t- i t. l ih s0 litgt , S. bltto.ii :t.or rolis--IMrs. nîcthir f ay tui ans w h S fl Il IIt tii-. A Wa orift it,.%\ ,i -suji i. -ei,,,. tt p,- acr iiitg <to- W. It-TBaisdoîi 2 W. J. Hiileit, 3 Robt. iu the treuiches. and very often. when I 11,,4îh iii hi -. wt Vu, -. î't ic îîî)-- --t't'Jast - $,tla0Ilra ir - - i.coltt I vntis blow andti terce tro - Autit~- Xlii ut.. ne I S ias-i.t t i. o ' îîto iîerous-e ntnîrous l- 7# lh.Im uiter, ltt bs. or rols.-1l'ns. corne.I wondpr If our boys have shel- M o il imhs-t (i-îîd "lrîtz .n eut t--lt roîiu îL uieeof TIn- \,:.Il. hlladoti. 2 W'. J. Hllet, 3 Mrs. ior. If you tio net thiak l too much, B . ihtiu i R . Xillrig r-u-tr îî'îîi.lt-r-tn t atolnce.o"T e oJohn Stevensoni, PtIckertng trouble and eauti give useven a glimpi@e situu it tii. I 5ichti~r,.Tiick-;I;ii -'-ptet"iey don't Nh-Keujzie, 2 W. J. 1-allett, 3 Mrs. Jno. havé ever>' mohher andi sister ask Noruit Nlvavd IN.:FlissttfýC . ('. ,îttt t[iîî '. iis .'Stevenson~. themseîves what (bey wouM be willlutg ttanirb-t. lVtii. lui, utle. -. E ý,h ri ' l It le Intit-tilititius contîntieti, ad'N).ý, ' - tedo if <-yery" single mother ant i alter -d, . WJachîson t'trk Whtii. %wo was ta the chair, Whte brpad,-1 Mrs. Jes. Kean, 2 in Canadaehati a dear son or brother -ti, ('entrne Ward i W J. h11IRicharson wupu forcfiti le catit ibe meeting te order Mrs. John 1-iflop, 3 Bertha Grills. lui the trehez. SeuIl. Ward (la.Atoîl. W . b>' reînîîidutig the gentlemen that (bey Blrown bread.-1 Mis. Kean, 3 Mrs. Tmautkug you sin«eey for your pat- à Va.a.- nb. _ rIL. ir.11Wl 1--iIJa. T. 'voulti gl nchante te 'repfly later. TJihn IHlslop, RWM. 1-. Livrpnl- a-".- e wihh Me In IÈsoeking infn.matin twe yeans. ýesbowéd ltai the iowns tie. andi nufprrti ai encth te lhe atti- 2M5 .,I 1. expi ndiurps for 1916 haut b4w'. $16.000tilde of ihê'-aemou on the tracter ques- SOcha, ei.- more than lu 1914, Makluug alowanec tion. 8orne of bis remarkà calicti for eMcKetie.' fer te increuso of $*,Q00 neeeaatalc< angry retonhs f rom these anud other Wrsl(-1 u- b>' te swetnsud- «bto1s, IiMr. Vilhihsgentlemeni, andi ther wua ababeul ef asked feur au expia.ntto as te wl>ere ahklug andi wartn .rc.ponas for sevet'- i.H.1.»a theo remainder h1101 500ne. A busintss ai minutes- Filauhi>',Mr. Jackson con- ruitweuto councili," hesad. d"anusave $4,O te etudet hi@ speech, and,' tlh bas. hart.xer. tu-. A 11 the ffpet ftRie towiL" tiown fer in <(uic. Whe. sud . . E Mnr. W-011# alpo showed hho h aut Ms'.rs. Annes andi Vickêry manouut>c' . a re viwsttii se"ur eti tii con ot- et h.Couuty t cd ths'tr cadîdn.tizrfer Couicxtl. Ukic'jjjh 1>a>' z.6« * W#V and u14 t&idSleIVt a £wl sThoinui Ciwliti, wIIo eforTututto promis0e et a lhue tre frou theoOn- (li* werk doue on t<h. street. durtsg M4F< Ti1 hari le W MI.' Cok.cbut <bat. tut. lat- 1916 und"t -bis ehairmansliip. ~ 0JYtik ter bout been lest- tîy lic 115I Coù@lli j. W. liateman, ait tue cf s@wsitîg,,orh fahllitteW boow uP ttba mttr. w»u ne sure wheUi" lic woold li . . a He rerrrtwo, (te large amouai et =caad(t» fer Cwiîle R.supporto4 propetty In Wbt&i-lèb w» e»us .mpt e » wxicy's <'nt*dature foir Rem. fi-ouit*UtIot4 Ud sald t batusaffort "udt rUittut Ibo- .xiieudtur. on siou*-> m4 ta a <he utual*u tc t unx 1914. @u tii tattite', BO tut tuS A betm <1o4 =m ere mled doç bet,.- W GO«vmruuiqniPrO>.p* f j ffpt w" ra& *t Ilt, 'Was uunfar i. b.he owpla cf herCI Oeoru b,. Wlutby t. Wbe mis ferbe simar.of s». ot»o. U mmlWlll2,the taxe* tbat sbuld 1»**ýayrdby th* bdjouu«cf vilt ltit* er. "aeiu s. *2e. I- « ftii A to thi.e *h. * o~f liai tbg hul« îwt pumpUix etalks 3r. IW*JIMWUID OW8T. bbua.4 tbo-imt. staIicUce tb* âwt pe *,l** u m 4«d» <ba t S uw* rel ~ 1#* t a..PW .* fl!«wuliy!----- lou, *ad 2 xn, James ru ,7o. tti Witt, I. .W Gim v oit HousIs O? R8YUQ, ne. luatos eft the Uou*e of lR~.«t weto gtvus & pluidtd Irsat * Pou thinco fuir -messby theoim*tlelClub of thRio Qtta -ld4tes'Ccuex* A 01M e* aweirm or < the 910# tsot *2)h- O. A. GôoIWlLO & So ûtblI - ( PANTS PANTg Men",s Pants, $2.00Up e4.50 for Extra Ifeavy Whlpcom'dse Lether Mitts Men's LIned Leatiier ltts, Horsehide Frolnts, Soc, Wlshlng you a Happy and Proapferous New Veau'. HARRI Te- TIIOMPSON' WHITBY'S MENSWEAR STORE - POTATO ES: ýNew Brunswicks, $2.20 perr Bag Bag Included. Good Stock and Good Keepers.e WANTED-Oats, I3arley, Alsike arud Rcd Clover., J, He Oownsy Companyo To our const and friends'in M jdesite t» extend 9t suppot given dur Our carnest ànce of 'the p1easà antly incrcasing circlo Mef our sintcere tha'nks i(c-théi rinîgtRie year jus t;4rt*ing1 effort durfng X-*g7-yiiUi-:b wnt relatioiti exd.ting betWM* Happy ana Prosj J' -t Fi j .5 [ j -t- .1' - J-s A -I i - pi r t '2 - - - . - 'I - :. - -: t -'--- Il "MOWIT 0

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