Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Nov 1916, p. 8

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PAGE EIGIIT TI#UUSDÂY, N0VEMEIb1~ 30, 1918. gué Ç«Oienton wili be held I ,the witb thi.ehMIdradm smdauol 'AB v ~une îo! fthese 'sW o etrs nspr eMthodtt ClùfCh, oJ% n, tie.evnf.. U lllI'II Ucele, etc., h beeomtng more pv»mid. ",Nwy etîi rm dy .aternoon ade*eniîiig, Peceumber The ifld aelii1aît,*èek vrais taken II I-tT_ AT111year by yéar. -Nô casier wynaýIl 9. T. Bartlett, Supt. of Young IPeople's borhmod lfi fling the ýraoftage dr'ain. lond whmich ou hmpa"do o ur-t AIUt uijqmjaui#. work of the Methodist Church. The Pototes are s searce and high- here II1 i uas Our V oI VVEI riaVlE5G local ladies of the church will "enter- that they are net leven used for atttf H IU H_______ Jtain the delegates f rom outaide points Ing the spout of the coal oh ceau.U U~V iLl iiSL EITR ttea. Fred Todd ia progressing as weil as BROOKLIN. Miss Olver ls vîsitîng relatives ani can be expected, we are pleased to re- Friday, Deceniber 8t.-Auction sale Mr.H. Kirch has obtained a posi- friends ln Toronto. port. "Frut atvos»linThe of wood lots, at lot 3, con. 5, Picker- Silver and plated Knives, Forks, UlU 51WIng Township, betweea Audley and! tion lunltme saine office as bier hilsband, Dr. and Mr%. McNeely went to To- Spoons, etc., at Bassett's. WaQuImKînsabe. Sale at two o'cbock sharp.ý an illaefrPrtpronto on Saturday Io meet their son. Mis1bh.ontnsetSmdyWIWO~UI andwii eae orPocInle next week. Pte. Deloas McNeeby, who was expect- ih be ar onnsentadMs. dA. m. Maw, auctioneer. Miss Marie Hoilidav rptturned home Pd to arrive ln Toronto wlth a nuniber Jbton.lTeosearhents, "Mruita-tires" for Friday, December .-Atuction sale oit Mndaynightafte. r lenghy vsit Jhnstn. Tose wo tae '«Fuit--cows, fotoe 2property pr ofrt FranFrnkA. on Mnda nibt ltera ingty vsitof invabided soldiers. He did nlot ar- wltii friermds in Toronto. rive tîîî several days later, being held the filst time, are often astontshed at Jifkins, sale tu be at Bandei's Hotel, Au utobon otSunay cimob ork luQueec.~ RWAR, ~the way' il Iàuilds thiem op and makes Whltby, at two o'clock sharp. Win. Ai at la tauna fhe wr- i Qeec $0 RW RD 10 aw, utoer ers front irookbin Methodist ('hurch. Leather goods and noveities 50c. up The readers of this paper wlll he pleased t îefeel betier all over. They may 1> Acioer 'weîî to Claveniont on Tiiesday a t ai t 3assets. lsut hait eue la eabletacreua iseae ak "Frult-a-tives" forsre specifie TEFU 'SNWP SIET tend te Stindaý' Sclhool I istitite,11eVV. Te cnrgtIn o tTonsluthat cieeis eatletntcdre ail is , HEse taNEWkingDNT H. N. Pley nd %Ir N. . Mhit wvr 'lhP ongrgaton f Si Thmasstages. and that la Oatarrh. Catarrh being disease, as Constipation, Indigestion,j H.W.Feeysu Nr N JWhîeuceCliiirch, regret exceedingly te bearn greatiy luflueuceci by c.nIlstitutionai conditions Chironie liendaches or Neuralgia, The new Governor-General, the Dtiko ci il(,thea entaif. iitRv l. ured h isbeen reuires a cunstitutionai treatment. HaluifDeosiebst sfse lt n tea Cbditmg îrctie ofirSaskrboonwhobas c trhCri ae utraiýudcshuKdncy or Bladder Trouble, IRiicu-ofDoshrbsm iesdbsi- Pte Cdrç Cirli c Sskaoo, Dthier recior for fourf years. lis eaving the Slood on the Mucous Surfaces of the liîo ai nieBck n îc erestinl the work being carried on of M r m. i Hr. H irrît, lias been ad- aitii' endior the year. He bas been a stem thereby testroying the fonudation mtso Pij liBc.Antiy by the Canadian Patrlotic Ftmnd by of the hiense, giviug the patient strcugth by fid w-heu "Fruit-a-tives" lias cured flimc cousenting îo become the President oi. mmmitted Ioe se liosliali lt -nglaud. ailm)in cdIr le fowmanviih-. building u p t ie constitution sud assisting lit,\ WN. P-. ito-gers. Bl;\..tof lPart \Ir.mcrm James lias bmiit a new nature in dumitis woik. Tht proprietore disease, thmmt they feel better ammd the Fimud. This tisitmeu was hebd by 1\11~mmii1 prrt-hliti l14'Nftliodist i eramîdiiton flte front of lits ouse, have so mach ifaith lta the curative powers of stron(rer in cvery wav. Titis is due to the I)tlm&s predecessor, lime Dulie of (litreli. lItroqjkllt. batil iorii e ,anmd Nmich tdds creatl te tîme ammîearance ditallCsars forCu e hatit at o eu.. tezod Çl oi ioeriso hs onîammgiît.froinithe ineeptiomt of the (Ilei îiig. oniiflitellimci k ofi t a 'Si . Sm ýýr-oflits rusidetîce. dend hufor au ca t se ihnait estcie.tm od-fe ai pr/e fteefond itîttil Ibis departure from Canada vir, and Evamîgiltaîb- tdltart iit o f mbrs. Iiowlh-a. mi o ivus taken Ill senue Addresq: P. J. CHICNRY & CO., Toledo. Ohio. faions tîthlets, matde froîn fruit juices. landImle picsent position of the Fîmnd iiac el mvîka ugvo. l is iii it a i ery cru db i l rugtts50c.Sc.a box, 6 for $250ï, trial size, 2»5c.1Iliitntilonai confidence ammd finnucial Mîr anîd Nirs. \\ li-\rlitiiteranîd icîiconîditmtin At al dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- sîrentîgi i argeiv dtte le bis itpir- filr anmd Mrs C.t Ilit-i rît li i 'd fraîi Qmittc a iiiiitîier front liere la tenidl TIORNTONS CORNERS. a-tives Lirnited, Ottawua. n tion'and jiersoi idevotion te lis lit- 'l 1,1 elw, 0il t , anild t ii u i d Il.\\ i ili t il h i i n Vrldav io att -tdl l'ife annual Siinday Scbool Christ- - - ests. Theuem-w CGovernor-GXetieral anti NIer-iFa tiltmime îmrmmm mc i,- lu--i, <i2 dirt. cowm . lmetlm ua .promiîi icposes te takp thesanme iii -.~~~~~ , - . . iasenteclalumieni and ice will be atv aiiimrtoiglm efr .'ll a :mmrit I trît til, siîidaY i .ld î tli le \lîit lim aliti o O'- hecii nthe cvening of tiecember 22. Ciîbarcrssdihmneailîsc t iV ltinaIrotioal teakiimg. t ili i r arvdus ilc t 1 ilec 1%.\rrantgenmentls are teliîg made for a Cai uiasetta. _and________________of______________national _____________ i. il 'mi Fai i i Ii i t miii -icioc' nîîd t ie diffreît god mcoran NIr. Levi N-ackev- lsaoaai i i -ititig ai eh e r aund a (.m- s-I, . iii mi Ili smiid mi smiieîik mca re, mIr ri 'iig 1cr imir: -Grain Iireshing ita a hiug oethliehlus brother's. McSu ivt-atcr \-ce bu rit. Ifc iiil a m- i iii a ii rulieitiiiiiat tfor tluis aeaseinlutitis vilcinity. S5ente frein lbîre tieddtMu tl' îi , il.t t!aiî 'itlii--Iimmm siiscmsfieîaRSMA E S O lii, iliitie iim f iii i - mii2utHar JMls liae-ýi M:rim-îm lareccu erhmiig C'lareumoit. and repot tan ood ille tii-sliii iai tîfimil tuliimm -Ni- ttu. io -7 tHar ictleilutfier lier iliucs.Aibe atncîi fîlLamsiA, i- ri 11ioai ii ihiui li l tii1, 11i0 pi h tb~.NI r. uad Mrs. J. Jacksoumnîand Everett ttlea Nîs. Faaaeti m oilt ad is't hOPtIf ~ Cide 'dii. mliii il. of<irlI mi k id 1)i r lie 1.1\ lf i h\~i viu-ci 'E ~ i ii i. licii atiffcrtiiig frein a sei ere ai- eid wtm le( Ice pai hefoe lkai prpin f e sptaL l for ST. TORONTO. cr il . iiIti i1I t I(t, il i xiIiii.iu Ilicmi L1 1t )K c 0 ocxV tm-. ifli gipe a be i' homiie i e fl oiit Zing fie DeaESTTOONO Mr Pat miij Muii' ir ktfic i M isNtaGm-rt ruide- ofi lieuse ammdlmipI * hrne om n on r o.M.D Mr. Editor:- \i l-b-im i mmuc lili - i ili il ii lIii r-t if t\ueoxdi N k. i( 1 ua fmc mi mmcm ks \mi lilit-ur stater iin To-iFarudaiele ias het-n lm a cntiti - c- t l -li iiii.s, i iî.auilma-. i i ut i lie frsi(I iae iNluk 1ary aln- is organizatiotu. sud came j Tiauks for the privibege of appeal- litrlbrlfntraitrîiuîto excellent sutisafaccti. i-lime replie-d in iug through your columnas on bebaif Vil iii Nii lu i,- lý i i.tii- ii l Tu -. itimmumt moinut-tm i Mmr i Nr-, J.1 IClilit mmid a shlortiN liii lun 'l1Il 41Im i t 1 \I l il -,t' if liliîim lm l i-liii iiii mN(d i ii iit gifi cf ut i ..ffcaliiiEz t-rnus cf ber ilc siim a ii u a cdl . 81 the Iospital'for Sick Cbildrea, the mi iil-i(l IIitýýIol i ili-luta ut a uiii v irait tif clat i 4iii iii lai ki- i oniats wmmliI le ittenîbi-rs. and ilit,d great Provinclb Cbarity. il-l b Ir Ilitrita fmfi licrt- lime laie Iw- Nirsl.-s (if Nortlih x ii - i bmîth in ery aiicresaaflitilt, fiiic-Our need et moaey ta mea.sm red -by i i - i --is-,i(l ut il off.iT-sii Mi rs J. l'rfýImimmîliai MNîr - the cbiidren's need et beip, sud you Uiri, Il.tsnotu aýsa n tkirl wiotiduNIr %Wni. Sadler experts te cairtîmiet.- ifi - oi.il.ildli elir.luid i R ;tît- t luiit- i. N1xop Nt s mcuc aci mîni es i aîîi can judge how great tbat neeti must iii i. i .i.iif'. li ii mn i i lîMiîîîliiii- lamtmdsîurniîîgîicslmdail d si - Fi io tx),t o eb c re leileip - oin 1mm Ni. Ue- be w eiv at e r 3,045 sick lttle eues fili, ii -If llii m iii a oi ld iii. mmî f îiitîsi i f Ilet r-ticliîcgselnsamiti nl v i )r.C r- mere treated as lu-patients. and aswiil %ilnc, NI is--NIa'h- îil mita a llfier utr e cum lîî lt faImii, be seen front the 1916 figures, 592 'laim mi- iim ttmn mii lmi . tgtii-tmhdm IIuee mli t r a patients miere admitted frein 242 atnd , -iiii- i- ý!.- l.iim.l ii m 'mmi-m . mi....ainfr iiq Vittds omf l'Iel, t-rt NcKae Iili EAýT IIiTIIY CriENtIl., places outside Toronto. ruc it-i i k i l t-- e-î 'il - . \1l-mof. t m- i lmmiliiuîi ltîti,- I irthIll,,ib e , 1%)-mr- îm immr thai lie ha betti Last year 271. iu-patients w-are trent- Mu \ - i-H- iii lofiit bookt A lar enirdiicî),-d (if1um t --m cl mI i mu-tti gaiti. and Ila fili ti,- Coumucil met tii l d . Ail tll le miii ed fer defermities. gncb ns Club feel, - -mii~ i rI i m~uî~u \îî -liimiammIIili tsa slîle arillit r chaiiuîammm-m1w aîs~ltm. br . M1ilit c srea md iid t iol)t(,d.th~boe skaock-knteral Pofsde ofth fmi r-i-mîlmliii r--, i i i - i mmmiii i m-ti i ti -i fIhm iN ý, Co-~ ~ fN.mm nitcalti s reamifroîîî NI Tilt- spin e, dislmocat ions, Infantile paralysis, for lllioSTATlit-prP. w eus. WF.I)ebaîmî.Hledco tuhercular diseuse ut kuca. hip, ankie.j 1,rm m1"J fimi1!l, tmi r1 i \i- ofi m i l ee umî-dîîmmoi i 1Term d is o i tio c i\. . o r bimls (mffil, t - iilia2e mvl M oNeim Il%- NIr. Gî;itr. scanuîd )lv take doIlît-ca out of youc pccket, or Ila inun tmmmliifrit tid-m'mNIlîEIlm ic i ii. iîm frontt. maid hume Eati Mc i'mscai-. limant m.La ai e jîmttl'doaih te tako baiis ont et their- t(îmîîîîîîîîîumîîî liil , '1' i ,-i l il lu iMil, t ni-I, c tf Iu.:1amî1i metetilîîJlii,- Iu i lke. lit. ouîg $1,iboums oun lit roda mirc-fotnce. fuir-!-cradies? Thaf la thme question. tlt.- um li i ttil iilIl lum"J mu m i , e!m-ir u -u l. 1it liur imîusmn i-. 1 - NNthimii. u ti-s. R, Gramîani, ai J- cicd. j Oue gifI amure in the Ilospîtaî's trea- da tt Imii m lMoved IiyillI. Glover. aacamuded iîy 1sury means oeecoffiu mss in the MIr. .1ti Iiit ima uid f.i i m\\il mil \li- Li -u lîî-m îîd fa l ci 1.Tloinîison. Whiily, for hOu NMr. rEliua. limai lis tmmîîîctl gram I lite LITTLE WHITE IIEARSE. onmcui-mmiS utm ii-iI (ll-i mmi , î litil tub- liais.Rumnal Seitoil'Fair ai -mhIrmmkliiiîIle rimu I The Ilospitat must ho digging up mît-ctil ofl iit4 ltait h, t ~ o~iie iiicimi r mcaii *-nts.ît- dO «. -Sit- îof lii- fmrtîîm-s n,-glecîed Io0 -t of $15 lu aid of pnize nient-m. 'acnic- jhe.lp fer 1111e eblîdren front the soil et NIr- 1tr vIilutit ofil --u-uii~ i u iia-tîihii. n iitis lîtimt-fmmnm-tlimesnemvtamuît. Moi md by NMr. î;iem-m-r. smceiidcýd is i hinsu klndness, or sexteus mwib ho !:lliqlu-r fr-il-îd.s lui leitii ti-m>. !i:m-mle. iil i l ii iqlu-c i t'n2ti T i-cîrtm s- 1m- i- tSid y miiip ,-Nr. li-acbm iiî, limaI Joha A. Nc m ilml le1 digging graves for litîle chlldrea la I i- iiilub>I h~ iiFlp~m rIiiiieh Ill 1i mmlii cu\ii k- rli( itiulue boconcid iv Ille tht- I:î. liidfocd. uud ila bceby rm-ieîed of aîîy futuren, the soil etfumaay a cemetecy. i cf Picko'-itiig. ]Il-la suI)ji-ct ii bc- Se- labililu> as beaidsuimit c f I lue Tit-asmuner i The Hospital fer Sick Chiltiren can i cimmi andtiMcralumi in. 0of tue Tout nsbiim tif l ani'Viib ud1 only valunteer ifs mercy ln se far as limai thte uemm bîondmifîurnisbed fi, tlte you friands et tittîe chlldren volunteer fr ?ltiN 7ri.Treasîmcer ila lierait> ar-ceptetiasa saîla- your moaey for service lu the Iles- l' NTZIoýfaclov oy t ul'ulaCnil. Carcied. pifaI's uever-eudiag battile for the îfves ci.Tmîcd lnsriiclmse amiW Mr. Ellis. si-condeti by \Mc. Paseoe. et the litle eues. rn t«li.piIvla lo(dilolt movm-d foc leavet- t mredume -u -a w Let your meney fIght in the trlnles tiimuii tsui-> uistiai m mmiiil'tisj appcintt Depis lv ftiniig Oflcers. ,Of sanile mother's trouble antI roscue furinu hoi-oiiii Iis sistu n. Nrs. fniîbi Poil Clunks and * Pclling 13oollis foc soime littie chîlti frcmi the dugeut et elJoncms. m-asiiiikteih.ioldiugIlle municpal eîleona fer utc ipain, disease and deafb. .\I(Imiic J-m iimaticliasm-d naliigii mear 1917. and flntial thtsaine, be nomv Can the Hospital leave chlldren te cîmastmuciuîg clt fnomu .NcIs. iialîmh reati a ficat andi second finieanîd Itt dia because the fathers et these chul- licemi#,. utc Ceuicil go inmc comîmîjutee of lîme dren have leftborne te figbt for lib- l-clald huits la tti r-l tYiou po- mi Ioît- Ihîreoit. (Couut-il im-entlîie calta- j erty on the British battle line, sud ean LEAVETORO TO UION TATIN.,uilot ai IbmlNii, lli> Asvlitiifarti. uinîce o et it- vole. NM-. Ellimîs iluIle the Hospital belp the chiltireaetCan Ilmiutu istt chair.ti ieaunt eCoininilt",coseadreîîorlod. ada's s lr wt iscarte unless you tid ilet cii- t day Iasn mieek. Nlr. Eliins, secondeti by Mr. Pascoe. help the Hospital with yanr cash? 10.45 p.m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday ~~ii ~ Af iiImm imim- ieu ir-aemomedti iaI ilme by-law Ile ceati a third Yeu bave moaey eneugb ta help I'iir3'i îuu unlitun)bou Arlumr Vitsunding..\iuîa sboxes Iolihe beys I the lime samd passed, andti hal the Reeve every other war tund witbout keeplng M ilill, vif rai t. andi Clerk do siga the rame amîndas back a dollar !rom the Hospital's war t t iii'lbeg, B. lrainion. Regina, autmtuOu accoumî et ilime but mmîimthere lt ele h aprmoî1 eafxt fund-the fund tbat belpa the Hospital aii Paif 'Cmitt l ci lutt iRicaimnmiaîotegm uîeigotTm trIaytberete.-Carried, save the lives o! little chlldrea, Incluti- au lb'. mt- <et ImitaMr. Pascoe, secomtded by Mr. Giover. iug the aoldiqrs' littie children. Ticketsand I>o-tli reni-vatinq fron local Îellt.Wni. Armom-ledstgafngtbethreleve be tpaidte$70eeO beDoanot70l0 Dotnetie ttheli chtldrilnrpayy, l i ite li l 'II rasri i, exumral i'msçengei Ageni, clover for limis neigbbors. lime Deptity Reeve $65, andi eacb Colin. the loa of the Hsit care, the con- le' E., i r)oteo.liaiymoud antiNMiss Beulaît Jois ciller $60 for tleir services for the year tributlon that should be given and impemmi Suuday lilîbt Robt.an.sd Mca. SSd- 1916. Carcleti. muait be given to the war funda. * OSHAWA " C. N. HENRYin 1lufavor o 0o! i.afraie ii85.0 ,J hlis -. 2. $1.- lm anu nnuimma aa% anmanaxeur wu tlieit spent. during whicm 180-00, Hy. BeniWtt, S. S, Ne. 3. $360; tri Ù ü e tigim refreàbments were served. Wesley Lee, S.S* No. 4, $400; 7Torne. A i-erY enJoyabie tlune was spent by , <o.8S. $30. , $25:A e (M all.O 8 80--0 i eee S . 8 HryT. Thomnpaon, Whitby, for No. 7, $460: Win. Brent, &S. No. 8. Cee-e nd éa.$285; Jonathan_ Br&a.$S S.No. 9, Cee-ee uderwmar.$480 W. W. Maing Union 9. 8.No. 0O- 4. $304.75; F. 14,lFrench. Union S. S.q ASHBURNM. No. 6. $230: 8eporate Selmool, $85. T1% eofple of Burns, Churcb, AM. On motion o« gr. Dsubora. Council WIQTT JJMGMQN burn, purpoae holding a frt.caa ad$oumed te zaeêt Defember 11, st 10 Gobe W 4«l-. 5L.O1<isLS 7cortI-teir houchurch on the. eventng o! 0O*clock u, e.I#5. I D~~~~Veemmber 12lh.. Thmey bave mecured as Coilmbus. Nomdtiub#t27t, 191&.. ,.Z iC 4 egdtag Lu-fiat for lthe .ventng Mun WX. >tsviu, Clerb. .e u.5mI MUdftd Waiker, or Tojonteý. Mm Wal.hlItssslaS~ ~OIR co~~ o! ioai aieti. oa' fo~et he UN osa4WAý AAND VICU(11Y. '-00» chocolate au i ~k1dtDombrfII hr a ~isne.r0* lIkeIy to core ne rfor Pmearations are alreadi under w&7ey. e 1etpouU" sy - 1 n he VICID bum Babath ol te- lu beld enim.~a 0your tic. cSaber Zad. Utis14 POU"toi' Ih a.asla ebIidr. b»a houalu s .a g risiue o uubipt r iault. *g Themanwh bugoisuce0, ad he dIffereot COOIttfl WMOCid«o4 ed 0mf Tho man who bauysaff2 reworkln as,"Iolu û..te t * wen Oeïm*' Dpi' LiagcWt's joins the tb one. .v* botter.,t10U te4 ea * est gruî mâajority-other a .Jba "rtbu. 1xm' «*laj"ok<q tâý0 ae u Men pl 'over'the con- 0setii u.Mse tanent bave (ound Îtirl p& lUIi $a At&o, W*L*M ow an copen sesarne o A-tMe ilg M u u11«O b e n e4v e RM varY lWV, holng cM 14i.b«r b4 4 Pdtp by t**e '*ww «10 Is - diffkiIt doors. - Cr«oats ut ta. At ecc, hdyçomsd f*wv ««M 1» uÉ*gWM l wujqflu. *M991 Mb6r ï iiil-i sslma ruum.puss~plpeclefwu ls!. I futi ~~.trytîu~ - -----------uet- . te wqdd ever fîb<-<u,.aismoesksMd V"l 604, *. n . s 4 Ie ýAn -excellent Soe ns o!f good mwaterial and, Weil fiàihe Graphophono Records 35 cent& eacb, 3 for $1.00.- 15 cent& each, 7 for 1.00.- johngDnmmiunuaf-n Prepared Wax and Cleaner- UIUIIUYUlWill make your car-like neW' -G uaranteed. - .Flash Ligu Robes and1 àtg, Batteries and Renewal Bulbe. Mitte and OloveIL ilarness. Automobiles and Accessories. Vîsit us beforo purchasing. W. F. DISNEY Bell and Ind. Phones 4STANDARD BAIK- 0F CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTfO i SThis Bank offers every facility ini - the conduet of accounts, of manu- - D turers, farmers and merchants' 9s Sr ut 187 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT ut overy Brsnch. 23,5 WHITBY BRANCU C. A. McCleIlan, I - r * n ,i4 t mi <i '-t-t -i Xtt~ ~'1 t- i-m iii im - - -I ( 020% iouth wlni Court Bou!% W4Ib__ _ _ __ _ M NU E T Au E. CHI1ISflAN Offi..,Brook St.. Opp. tam anak K« o I e LB I O. VOIJIIO SUITU. LLL At <velUms houai up~oaIis Mati 4~ur4. No VBiafOSIi~ .Whiftby, Onf. SUBS('fllfE NOM' TO THE GAZETTE AýND CHRONICLE AN GEU WOMAK Tells How Vinol Made Her Strong In li<'r eightv-spcond venir s.Jolin Wickersham, ofilIslil, Pa., says: &Il was in a run-down, feeble condition and had lost flesli. A neighibor asked me to trY Vino 1, and after taking two bottles xny streýngtii returncd; 1 arn gaining ini flesh, it lias 1)uilt Up my health andl 1 am feelingy fine for a wvoran of mv age. s0 I g**t around and do mv hiousaework." The reason Vinol was so succRasful ln M.Nrs. ~ikrhnicase was be- cause it contains the very elernents needcd to build her up. A. H-. ALIAN. Drugglst, Whitby. Ont. Also at the best drugglsts in ail Ontario Towns. WINTER S ItECIAL Fares flow in effect to ~'resorts in Floride, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Lonisiana anmd other Southerri States, aind to Bermuda and the West Indies. Returo Limit May 3lst, 1917 LIBERAL STOP -OVERS ÂLLOWED For full information write C. E. Hlorning, D. P. A.. Union Station, Toronto, Ont. K. STISPURN1'0oN, Agent, Whitby. Profossiolmal Oarda LEGÂL JNO. E. FAREWIELL, K.C. Barrtzter, Oount7 Orovn ÂttomneyaMt Gouav souitor. ai. p.' Manager. ROYAL THEATRE EVEIRV NIGNI "Graft " ovory Monday nlghf1 Wednesday Nlght Broadway Foature.. Adimission - Aduaitm, 1leOc children, 5c Special show, 10e t-o ail. le ivar tax, extra. MRS. PERRIN, Manager. 5ItIings et Division coulis COUNTY 0F ONTA2RIO. - 19M6 1. WHEITBY-Mlsa Bl. L. Madonn¶U, Whitby, Clerk-Jan' 4, reb. 1, Mar.l, Apr. 4, May 2, inn 1, JuIy 4, Sept. g: Oct.-8, Nov, 1, Dem 4, Jan. 2i 1917. OSEAWA-Mhaa B. L MaedumneUl, Wbitby, Clerk-Jan. 6, Feb. 2, Mai',21,, Apr. 6, May -3, inn 2, JuIy 5, Sept- O Oct, 4, Nov. 2, Dec, 5, Jin 8, 1917. 2. BROUGHIAM-M. Gleesen, Green- wood, Clerk-Jan. 8, Mar. 8, May 4, July 6, Sept, 7, Nov. 8. ian,. 4, 1911. 3. PORT PERRY- J. W. BumnhaM, Port Perry, Clerk-ian.L 7, Mar. 6, -May 5July 7, Sept 8 2ov. 4, 3aik j5, 1917. 14. UXBRIDGE-R. i, Moore, Uibrdgs, Clerk.-Jan, 14, Mat. 10, May 0, i*JçW SSept 19, Nov, 24, ian. 11, 1917, 5. CANNINGTON-Thom.R. oIL , Cannington, Clerk-in.13, Mai'.S, May- 10, Xuly 12. Sept-2<. NMi. 1 ian. 11, 1917. L BEZÂVERTON--Chas.A. . PatorMan.. Beavert'on, erk- Ia. là,- Ma. S; My il. juRy la, sept a. Nov 33M JBiL 19, 1917. Âtherley, lerk-ian. U, at May III -JuRy14, sept l.32î«Nov.si J an. 9, 1917. Dated aClark et Ut. Vian..M 00u.nd WorlS Opposte RevisBs, ] Wbttly * j »tvi mpso t oi agoi'vuk &ioto~l"luthe . iflisl lu em ,4ft'01ua, A. A. jtO~Ifi lrtak# and t~n.Itu i au ~peo4eot i * Z UM r 99 Ob* PÉ"àâ ., ig PAGE Et TUMDAY, XMUBBit go, im.

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