or èCom(ortable Are you taklng advantag.et ALL (ho modernmenitbods of %aving tirne and trouble? Are weu up-to-daté in your shavlng as vebl as ln your work? Are you using a flhi~-4Safetx Gillle e RCo In ts own way the GLIbette ls as quick, efficient and Convenibent as your rnilker, your binder cr your telephone. It compares wibh otbîer rqzors as these modern inventions compare with (ho things they have repliced Wbthout honing, strcnplng or tussing, the Gilette wili giva you the easiest and mnost comfertable shave you ever enieyed, ln five minutes or bss 1It makes shavbng an every-day pleasure lnstead of an rk soi-ne twice-a-week jcb. "'Bulîdog", 'Ari,tocrat' and Standard Gilette Sets co:;t $5.-Pocket E-ditions $5 and $6-Cmbiriation Sots $6.50 up. You can buy them et Hardwe- Drug. jewelcy, Me's Wear and General Stores. GBette Safety Razor Co. of Canada, Limited Office and Fscetoay 2 - MONTREÂL. E decided to hand over ts club From Erin's Green Isle' use as an auxiliary bospital. NEWS DY bMAIL FRONI IRE- By cultivnting garden plots LANDS SHRES.their sparp time. Belfast worl LAND SHOES.have durir'g the past year adde, $60,000 worth of vegetables to, food supply of the city. 13&PPeninga nta he Emerald Ilie of At a meeting of the Privy Co Interest te Irish. the Right lion. Mr. Justice Wylie sworn in Lord Justhce for the Goi men. ment of lreland during the abagn, An outbreak of infantile paralysis his Excellency the~ Lord Lieutei bas been reported at flaillieborough, I)ulilin gas %%orkers recently tCounty Cavan. tied the company that if their w The Carlow Urban Counicil have are not ncreasedl thcy will( Increased the pay of their eermaneîît %ork, in %Nhich case the city wi workznen by 25 per cent. wvithout gas in a week's time. 1The grave diggerg at Glaiinùcvm Vhile sonie morkmen w. c-e dig Cernetery have asked the Catholie' on the lands of C. H. Moore, MI Cemetery Board for an increase in town. Ardee. they discovered an their wagcs. cemetery which contained a1 At the Londonderry Corporation collection of huinan bonies ecaa meeting a resolution was passed pro- stone slabs. testing against the threatened clos- For the purpose of deciding the îlng oet Londonderry prison. methods to obtain reserves foi At Athione, owing tu recent raina, Irish reg-imnents et the front, a co the Shannon in its upper reachea je ence of representatives of ail Iris] now several feet above normal level litical and religious opinions is1 and coniderabie land ia flooded. summoned. Mr. Dents Stanislaus Henry, K.C.,' The Executive of the Associ of Draperstown, Co. Londonderry,j of Irishi Post.-office Clerks passe han, been appolnted a deputy lieuten- resolution expression dînaatisfu &nt of the county of Londonderry. wth the action of tho Goverr Owlng to a ahortage of flax, the ia their action rege.rdiag thse del Z ~Ulster Fiai Spinnera' êaaociatlon for ineressed watges. have recelved a notice that the out, The King William statue la I put will b. reduce to two-thfrda of the head eofsehicis saà salen the normal. time ago, han again been atta At thse annual meeting of the. Con. Someone chalk.d acrosIt, "Up vocation of Queen's University Iil the Sina Fein. Dowii with Belfast, a portrait of the late Right land. Remember 198" Bon. Thoinas Blnelair suunvelled - 0 67 bis wl4owi.1 If some men were to lbac The Royal Ulster Yacht Club han.1 cît-conceit there'd b.e ncthiag 1, lrtish Plantation ]Robber I s Saving Canada Xuon Low Prie. of RubboeS ad Oveshoe Duc to Britain'sControlof Situatio Here In Canada many of us have fallen Into the trul Anglo-Saxon habit of conidnn* thse #014we of Parliaments " slow sud a bit bchInd 1;et"es. Tii. preseut Price of rubb4r* when ite eu a à ea ifords otnt of the many proofs Ui t Mh &anom o ~MTYjY ubbclklft 6 t Prm 60% in 914r lite produÃctios of ttçbP ttio'a aî Mwntitis year to 75%cd t -wold"acoqtjutIca*6ng ouly aboutD & la Mdare, bave4CeM r w~t~ yen trom deatb. Mtenstîmes mon seho able Cr"cton parhapa, but as a tuber-1 ara interviewe the(b boy. Hie asketi quantities, but it dslred te keep it fer Uaqlies.babul in ceiti bIc I ara uttar eowards Icap ahiY good tallose. TIon aiddenly, hlt.tlefellose Wb"(ho meu i ~ time thelb.msre es-a beplaced fovws-r'danti recue s-orne ori. trou witout tho ghoM et a sirwflavnGreat Nortlera ooihua nsoej55I4vi -evrdsits--ra destii. That lsn't courage! Ha"Oh, (bs-'s ail riglt," replieti the .te" ifs- te eluo- Ise lrtho patsta- -Word Isat .se4sedhlm. by Yo1eI sd'tsnin~r-k~> a.& cep, derl $Pt .- 1 ,11tt a b11n41, Instîtve impula-.-tbo*t i o l a. ' u -ss rm BrownIe(y-asqs-ir ' ti natrs- iImpulse you finti eve n 1 sa 7!'V3 ombcn, s- 1 adr Iel h.rude on tiraIl-PMI s-d ala. ttrà o m et%"" s.d s-p asVase- PLt ho e, tand ti je th ehat es-on m a is. Moit (vo tablsOnf t- * "Yoa're tee seeak yet te .argue." tR end ad s-iL fir ati -ti aes-ad ono laitcaps- MerW& .vola. es-a coalualve. "OnlFl ui Thea -djus-té, maveflln& , enti"'"""'""" -one (bng la crtln," a turn. us ___*y. lHe old the. #torys .e- (bush (owWs-d (hbe or; <411s-m ler. j'e~j c -ét tset e-héJSIL tuote4 o.-br."aee*sh ditbs-t idW, Uc Ic ms-. *Ll$T&R ENGIN"I ARL r.s-d doert o0"bîm mi(ing? rr»r.A Iwd&'ak te&" Hplk s 'Bitirsit UILT a lu aïke ' 4h tâu ia n behet ammmii bqysthr.aded upelas- looas O«. ler."'b.e wsstonl, <' st fti lOtiet 117 esitMs-*idVng 'Itlkth.yuptr5 orl i te rae' tgtg ," s etlisét» <'(rail bis-a "DmWt go la for s-ny sort etfu'erk W* MU~ q amEse hsitYour dut> s-t premes-t ( . Iotéhl. ~ îqa ~s-b.bed~s-ut ~sbiner legs TObWif 4o lie t . d*s-*" liibis- ba&Wb-. 54 bofg Iiitl-w eisrwwi 4 - < " "*e. w- - tzil ii B 77-71 - Ã.IC.B-ilq a V dR i -51, 1 1 i 1 M .ieaVt a n hé4 LA gllEsF-1A#,qulek Mthetil- 'A tO O D E NO C HWENTWORT H " h ade "uto ___ "lIt certainly la curlous," agreed By IA IL O O C R IMWi;en the career of tbis murderer e d"glIMt Author of "tTie Woman from Wolvertois" was brought (o the 1ght of day, they ~q gygae aslbl f ound tht once 'when lie waa a sehool- boy, and agaîn, wlien a triend atole lie .au (n Beetheart, lie miglit have committedlo CHAPTER XXVI -(Cont d). grow amazingly -during p the sering. murdçr if a weapon had beon'at band. IYou are a wealthy man' The third time a gun iay close to bis "Yes, but I abouid net have gone1 Andrese opened lb and gianced elbow" even if >'eu had been weli. Ho bas through the pages. He iooked hewii- Andrew Merry did net speak, but4 givn Codela'teMis Ebuyandered for a moment. sat watching Enoch with bewiiderment English girl. He says she wil Play "Jehul What can 1 do with SO in bis eyes. it baiîifuly. We re e oen eremach money? .1 swear, Enoch, i don't "I amn goin.g te tell you about two on the twentieth of October. The care a pica.yune for being a wealthy lesienis whlch occurred in my ewn life. wb.-ole coinpany has been re-engaged.' man except-", There was a third-you knew about Mc. Oswald said hoe did net beliove Wentwerth did' net answer. Ile that ene yeurselt." you would care te make any changes. was staring at a slip ef paper he had Acrosa the pale face of the invalid There is only' one now member-j drawn frein the yellow envelepe. "You swept a wave of scarlet; then lhe be- Helen Capron will play 'Mrs. Ester- remember this, Andrew?" lie asked gan to taîk slewly and hesitatlngly. &me brook.' Miss Paget went te London abcuptly. "I was in a Seuthern acadeiny t'he ficat thcee weeks age."'I Mercy nodded. Ho caught a giimpse, tixne it happenod. 1 mat bave been Selected Recipes. xonha t- Dorcas did not raise her eyes while etf Went'worth's nanladhi w svnteor thereabouts. Prizes weresotbedcu s.ËYlrl she spoke. The silk thread had knot- upen the flimsy thing they had called'te be given for a public oration and Maple Sugar Icing for Cake.-Put, speonful cinnamon, One whaitsu10ioi ted and she sat disentangliflg it with hobn. nehendbakaantppiweec infrneeyhremaple sgrit pan wtth a very!,rind grated and alt quartai lPsuI lie nede.the pillow and began te destroy the te heur us. The governer was (o ad- littie water and moît on the steve. Lot together. Butter aneatlief ddi th "As seen as you are able te travel paper with slow deliberation, toacfig dro's us. My father was a îawyec, it corne te a boil, remove and, wben dssh, scattOT lIn onel e sthrdnf Is weaegonig te bake you nwtty some- , arasadacesunitt e cool, add tho beaten whites ef two crurnba, one hlf ite the appIe a we aread i s uti i 'a r-one of the big lawyera eft(ho states. ga. q e InlitO where. The city is bot." Iduced to a heap of flakes whicb flot- iN e e(i col hnb wsaege, t ni vrwibtuerhI t h u ar. Sqeea nh a Enoch stared eut ttewtio.teced down into the hollow et bis ýboy, and lhe had cacried off the oration(hcaendprklwiham daoteleo ui. Adaohe'1y "Who la 'we'9" he questioned. gaunt palm. Ho shook them intoteh prize. His heart was set on my wln- Egis alus o Idembapi an u a iti A wave of scarlet crept acrosse h envelope and handod it te, Merry, whe nîng it. I toiléd and toiled ever that Cocoâ, Iclng.-One haIt cup confec- (he renuLdnder ef the lomonjiic fC girls f ace. ofoki thu awr n lpe i peh tws bu h et t toners, augar, one quarter cup coco,' spiread the rernaliifl criimbs as M "Ade er a ff ered (o hoip between thse laves eft(ho bankbook. uisCea.I"rmmbasI. P-1crtov heopes« Stcexi again" she jthoatim s~< e . Menieîed ur ad CbCE41cat vaery ling -appî - care for yeu until you are 1ut "If you can trust me, Bey, until (lhe lay awake nights st.aring eut into (hoen ao. Mxogradccajcab r r d olsgwtr stogaan-seansweced wihu night t oe n ec h right darkness, how (ho speech came tbrob- pour in butter and ail much wator as Coler and bake on floor et the ovOli caising bier eyos. FpaeIwilmkfuIrstution be- bn i yban oi oe re is desired. Stir until creamy. This for thirtY or torty-flvo minutes uni-ý There still were gray shadows inl fore (ho world." tega eiie t( isi icing ins sniooth and will keep melat (il (ho appies are soit- env h bis face ami wan hollows and wrinkles, "Don't, old man, lot us bury (bis the g, stiI dn i.Ied tt yelo eu for quite a long timo, k ta as good as cover, bTewn On tli hes Oifeth(le ovOli abou bi meth. H is bain bad wbit- now and f ocever. Good Godlisin't it into tho woods and try te write. One aneldiigadtksoî at(oadsrewtml rcofi or% ened at (he temples. Physicaily (ho restitution enough (o have savecl iny'dyIgv u.Istbude g ina m ue to make. cold, sOft custard. man had changed, but a new tran- life?" a stono .wail whîb ran down (ho bih quility had begun t mot wy "No," Enoch speke with swif( pas- dividing a pasture from (the foceat any nc lefWorethas muli asa cup linos of woccy and caro in (ho celer- sien, "ne, it isn't restitîen. Den't: There was a (ail pilne ever my hoa fui, abin inte, it one cup et swee: Thig ot boss face. stand in my way. Y'ou have te humer ad(oceswr ciigfen(o , lhaif a teaspoctiful et sait, oe'e Batters et ail kinds roquine ene "And hegin life lover again?" ho sick mon, yeu know. Besides, I want top et it. I can see le eplace y>t." tbepofle otdbte rtwo iscant quart of mnille to one quate asked. te lay my coul haro te you new, An- Enoch lifted bis eyes and turned eto cream and (ho yolks and wh ites eof leur. pYs, atbeticegriscm nobs bol aed tt rest long'Iwo sat tbe sd (ho bofthemantwe eggs, beaten aeparately untîl stiff. A tberough whjtewashii'g sbeuld "Ye," aidth gil gr'(y. dcew. Had I been a Catboliec~t ettesed lnee h a Mix therough.ly thon add enough fleur ha given every cellar at ioast once a A to, hold (ho mixture togebhen in a' year. 'face; thon it grew stilwith (ho grav-, ag-o, I suppose." "Do you wan(te ohear (ho stor3rti atradbk nagide. Snwce hudawy emd ity ef a man who hall almeet touched; "Go, abead, .noch. l'Il iten," lho out?" ho asleedbuntly..jThese aktesa arepceconyadelice. anihs sho me a ossibe ae- hands with death. Intco (ho wrinkles' said gen(ly. '.Yes-i you are beund (o telli. hs ae r e-etydlcos. a hr iea osbebfr e about bis mouth ccept the ela dogged ' Went'w,.orth (unned in bed and "It isn't an easy task te set thoe Apple Cake.-Line shailow greased ing used. determinat ion, tempeced by a humili- clasped bis hands around one hent sark-ake sglo fm, efrean - pan with g-od biscuit dough, relled la sn il tpadder on aà ty whicb Dot-cas had nover seon bof oce. knee. "Ycars ago," ho began brus- en's gaze, especially wben it's a man's thin. Ccvec wi(h tact, juicy applei,ý polish flôor, put sand paper under - heflng hiec work aside. dcopped on queby, "I was wandering about in (heown coul; but I'vé been ever ihis,! peeled, cened and cut into sits the ladder'9fooet. pro- b ler knees, ai d dcew hiec brebhec's face Tennesee moun('ains on an assign- re ;stp uin hs hdidn Spcinklo with a fow cbeaned currants Eggs are more oasily digested wben olun- close againsatlhec ewn. mont when 1 foîl in witb a chap ,*who' days, and l'il tel botter wben lU s eut, and genecrouî amount ut granulatod the whites and yolkes are thoreugbly forý "Donry," hoe said atter a long silence, taught psycbology in Yale. He was of my syst.em." sugar, mixed with a little cinnamen. mixed before cooking. i .wben Andcew cornes I want (o seO nething wonderful, bat bis science waS, (Te be centinuedl. AdU dots of butter hece and (bore and, Lott ever chtcken is doudcous chep- *in him alone." t _--e-_ acinaticig. Time and again, since -- bako i n quick oen until apples are sof v ped fine, creamed and enriched with kmen "HeI is downstaine now," sho an- (bose days, I bave planned, if 1 could and crust is brown. Serve f resh. twe bard beiled eggs, chopped not over sweced. find the leisure, (o go imte psyebo ogy f~ ote~ oU Chicken Ramekin.-Take one and toe fine. the . Send bim up, won't you-and do and study theo (bing out. 5(111, any pç a hait cups eit-over chice, oeci poflmastt(ofer 1'yeu mind if lie cernes alone? After- man whe knocks about (ho wecld as *ur. A] drained peas, oe-quact.er cup chopped: etc.,should lie amucl above (lia uncil wacds I wan(s yeu." 1 have done loarns t6 puzzle thinga iyi J1~ 3I musbroomas. Moît one-quarter capl edge et the speon as (he bowl lies be-. ws The girl hesi(ated. '0f course. Bat out foc bimsebf. There must ho cornie- butter, ono-quartor cup flour, one-baîf' bow it. vern- do you think you are s(rong enougb thing alluring, tbougb, te ho able te u hce rtoehl u ile nioigdywe h o f h ce eft o visît mlîch?" coduce (ho premptings of ene's own Wlek ies one-hait cup liquor from mushroonis. I steve must net be spattered mucli e1 nan. I sok t th dctn thi mcnig eu te a science and thon te wock out 1,r ~t.xgal Season with saIt, and paprika. Add' the ceeking eft(ho midday moisi nMay noti- and ho said (abking would net burt un- a problem iin yoursebf. Don't. you Sorme eple ilistinctiVely shut thoi cbicken, peas, mushcoomns; sprinkle ha doue in (theoeven. ages es 1get excited. Andcew isn't an tbink se?" eyes te danger. and It mn>' be that wit brbead crurnbs and bcown. Wber kitchen (owels wear (bin lay eaeexciting febbow." 1I sbould imagine se. Stibb, it's an ppptlesqto aedus patent foods sa Oinno l.-n ufu t~ twe eft(ho saine sie oe upon thie, ibl be "You'ce ooking uncomrnonby welb unopened book (e me," NMenny admit - mBtiniaorting l eyestesnt bniios etcdan.rese hru 4 'othr, machine (lie edges together, and foc a sick man," said Meccy whon lho ted. (he danger. and it Io certainu that neither cobander; eue cuptîl et cceamy white' stiticli diagenally acroes. eging enteced (ho room a feu' moments ater. "We used (o sit and taîk every night druge nacîd l cauce,(bnee egs onethebposprontul, One ounceo etEpsoisaits added (o ýoce- "*Se do you, Bey!" Etioch's eyes aryund thbe campfire. I remenibor the etemach. which ls (ho uaderlyiiig et chopped parsley, dasb et saIt. Add a gallon et water makes an excellent ebod crinkled iNrth a smille. "You look hap- once (hie younjtfcGregor explained cause et unost formas or indigestion and (ho white sauce te thse oniens, thon (ho nînsing mixture for colored brouses. barge py-tremendously happy." te me wby a mariwe had both known rdyspep u'i.t lrIe ms-y gi qunteei Yyolks et the. gssibb etn n n ssigdess ýed in "Of course, 1 am treinendously hap- committed murder. Ho kiîled bis mueut be taken., and ail the timne (heacadtho seasoning, Finally, fold in (ho CAbored hantikerchiets should hoe py. Wby shouldn'( I be tremend-' wite first, (lien, horror-stricken, shot frêmains iu (he stoinach am dangerous s;tiffly beaten whi(as, pour into a but- aoaked ln cobd sait seater for a short c bstousy apy? nversa amor hffiel. t'sa ommn nogh toy, Physicians know thiasudta l th ci'ed baking dish or individu;l rami, (ino betore (bey are washed. Thu bouteusy hppy? I nver58~ moe hî~set. t'~a comonenogh tocy, arivice s50 feto osuiferons frein r tho gleieus day; I have yeu back, weil you road it in (ho papors ev'eny day d iv and etonmaeh trouble la- Juet *kin dishes and bake for ton or fittean wiII prevent (lie colora frein running inter- 'and strong, (ho saine stauncb aId triend eft(ho week, but it came close te us get about an ounce ut pure bisuratod minutes ta a bot oven. or fading. magnoss tnefm >'eur drugglsi atîd talc. a h po- yeu always were; I've signod a con- bocause we had both kiiowri (ho ellew t*à topeonfu I n a little water lînmedl Buttered Beeta-When cooking Vegetabbe andi fruit stains on the te ha tract for nox( season in figures which'1 weIl. Hoe vas a decent, quiet, cheartul ateiy aftou' tory rneai. rhia wil la- bcet.s (o butter cook enough for two fingeca can ba ronioveti by dtpping thse woud bve ive medizy selî fie ctizn, itl a emialkinly a l 1h.utmrhand ailthe arn t*racdays w o bramala. When fingons lan very i(rong tea for a -tew5L J E zz- I