Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Nov 1916, p. 3

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ERBIORcES MARCIHNTêI Serb[ans Hate proclalined The City Aa Their Provli*çWa Capital. London. Nov. 19.---?Monastîr has! The text of thse French statement' talten! Outflanked bv the Serbs, who follows: drove forward dautleasly along tbe. 'Troops of the Armny of the Ea.st en- ridges to the east. the Bulgare and tered Monastir et 8 o'ciock thls morn- Germans evacuated the city, the ing. the date of the anniversary of the stronghoîd of Serbian Macedonia. The' taking of thse town by the Serbians in allies entered at 8 o'clock this mom-1 1912." Thus the first fruits of their lon T emnnmsinflos and bitter comansign have fallen to ' A fte- the enemy h.ad succeeded In King Peter's troops. They have re- ,mginfg progriess on Heighb 1,212, gained one of their most important northeast of Cegel, the Germm.n and cities, and ai; a anihbol of the tlrst Bulgarian troopa t.ook up a position g7reat step in reciaimung their land north of Monastir. Monastir thus have proclainies iti their capital. was abandoned." The Bulgar-Teuton forces, swept An Athens despatch says Lieut. back hy the brilliant asul.Btit, are re- Murat, nt the hfead of General Leblor's treatung in disorder to Prilep. The escort, entered Monastir the morntn.g, Serbians took a large number of pri- followéd by the Russian and French ___à s ant n- e More.ri-he11ar h e oit ~Ontario osas-No. 2 white 60 ta Oie, nominal. No. à do., es to Sfo. nominal. accardtng ta freights outaide. Ontario what-New No. g Wtnter. pe car lot.$1.88 ta 81.89., No. a do.. il-8e ta $1.88, accordinig ta fretgbt outuide. Pea-No. 2, 82.40 ta 8.41, accordiisg ta freiglsts outaide. Barley-MaIting, 81.18 to $1.20,floTfl' Inai, aecording ta fretghta outaide. 1iuckwheat - Nominal. according ta f.'eighta outaide. PtYe-No. 2. 81.10 ta 81.42. tccordini ta freigtht outaide. Manitoa& lour-Firmt patente. ln J)Ut$ baga. 810.40; 2md, ido., $9.70. strong Dak- ers', do., 19.70, Toronto. Ont<arie flour - Winter. according ta sample. 18.60, ln bats, track Toronto. Prom pt sbipmnent. Mill1feed--Cs.r lot.,- Delivered Mont- real freiglils, baga Included. bran, per tan. 881; shorts, do., $84 ta 88$,Mid- dlin a. do., $37 ta $39; good CeeU four. per beif. 82.70 ta 88.80. Ray-No. 1, per tors $la ta $14; No. 2. do.. 811 ta 812, trsck ïforonto. Straw-Ca.r lots. per tan. 89 ta 89.50. track Toronto. Stroke on A.zire Was Dellvered th a Blindhsg Sn-iwutorm Shoty Before Dàybreak. London, Nov. 21.-Speclai des- troops found the whoie earth blank- patches from British headquarters in eted with snow. The. advance miade France describe the British advance by the British and Canadian trooPi on the. Ancre Baturday as the Win- was preceded by a short, fierce boni- ter'. first battie In the unow. The. ad- bardment. The Canadians especially vance *as swift, foilowing up the vie- had numerous brlsk hand-to-hand con- tory at Beaumont-Hamel. The atroke fiicts in German trenches, which were was delivered In a bllndlng snow- concealed froni the observation Bte- etorm before daybreak. tions by dancing snow flakes. For three days the weather had A thaw began about ten o'clock In been freezing, s0 that puddles wers the morning, and the unow was qulck- frosen to a depth of three Inches, and ly repiaced by slush, and the air be- the road surface was ringlng hard. came thick with a raw November fog, Saturday morning the advancing which halted operations. LOSSES 150,000 DOMINION TRADE IN ÇlNrI 1F flAV TÀKFI ITPWARI FAP. CANADIAN-S WANTED FOR THE ROYAL NAVY Trwe thomamd Cmauamn wanted foi the. R.ye Navd al .. *auVelute" IlLaaemmtow" mam'% th L.se wsLips et îthe AmpedalRoyalNa". Lumedieft vomm" Qvci.0mm i good charme«ara" d sphysiqe""ptd Pay &l10Minimum por day-PtusKRt $»»0.00 pet c mi Saatou Alow»Sa Apply to the nearest Naval Recruit- Ina Station, or te the Pushing after the enemny and already( have consuiidated their positions oni1 the Monastir Plain. ARE HALE WAY ý TO BUCIIAREST Teutonic Troops Are Near Crai- ova, 1 20 Mfiles From Rou- nnnian Capital. Lond<on, Nov. 20.- Rumania has again lacorne the centre of interest. Drlvung'.tir throtigh Western 'Wallachin, the Austi o- (vrrnan forces are now roaching out for C'raiova, ly- Ing on the rnilway midway iie$ween the Danubi town of (irsova, llungnry, and liuciar(t. Thi-s manoeuvre ap- parently place.i a mienace in the rear to the retrviit of the turnianiansi fighting Ini the nrl on Hunirarian soit and tis;iitinr w'%tli the Austro- Germnans ilie ;îisages of the Transyl- v'anlan Alps ltalini to the plains of Wallachia. A tate It1iii W \ r iThe statemnent "The Tetut olir t rnool in Rurnania are approachîr'g (ria the capital of Western Wailachiâ, 120 miles west of Bucharest." [n the .liuI alley region the retire- Ment of the Rumani-qnq continues, and lin the ('ainpulung sector Petro- Ïltad reports that further Rumenian attecks againt the, Teutonic allies have heenunuesfl On the l)arube front, in Dobrudja, arttllery eniwigements are in progres frorni ilistria to Olt ina. MAXIMUM PRICE FIXED FOR MILK Food Control Regulationa AI. ready In Force In Britain. London, Nov. 20.-The Board of Trade han begun work speediiy under the new foodi control regutations. Two orders have been issued, which wîll corne into operation Nov. 27, d.aling wlth wheat anid milk. One regulatua t4i percentage of gour whlch may hi utnIled tom wheat, varying for the dfiforent qualitica f rom 73 to 78 per e«t., end stipulatea that after Janu. ary 1 oniy gour made In accodne witb tis s chedule may b. uned for thé making of bread or articles of food. * The milk order fixes a maximum price. fot exceeding the price which preveiled on Nov, l6, or alternatvelly, that the price may flot exceed by more thgn a specifled amount the price whlch prevailed in the correspondlusg rÀlaonth before the war, thia amount W. ,log- twopfce par quart. This enterý Makethe maximum prie@ approxi- mately sixpence per quart. The. orsier dosa nôt applyto condensed or dried uilk or milk preparations. TAKES SEAT IN LORDS A despatch if ra LoSidon maa-- Lorg Shaughnesay will taek bis sa [n the. Bouse of Lords on Thuruday. Lord NorthclitYê andI Lord Macdonneli VAKNISm it(- si 4ws ouit et flh Orna Rudred amWF'orty Live WmlLoo4u It la Oelaliy Reporte&. Auupthfwouu, L«oios m:t" hmasuut l ftrf ?hIt~th55vessaisbave bim m k teuh wt vl'esut OdO*mis, 19 xu nu IN.Ma, t amy.go. amalad Mafr~l~ uu@ôit~WbIé *0th lm et t"m ove% as ct v dasim"Mhst~4 8 la voetb lhm et am Dom IUY isi ~am j~ns tnl ss h atMïo& UIBMSI-4WWPmit j"1lw i l1glmiiýý ru ,-'A îl* ý n AI$vmsê fasw o 4,4.if mot ~ Ob f Se ffoufVoll1. ~ Wé uto Yvea~- ~Su - i 7 -ra lu At inTantry. Te prevent -isaster tne Hiil Ui Jsluni àAuiA.IUVI fi VA iaW 11... 1 the positions during the night of the 13utter-Fresh dairyl chaice, 39 te 40c; M W ireamery prints, 44 ta 46c; solide. 48à te 1lRth and l9th. The retreat Is generai. 44Cr . 9ta1e;sAr- t Least 1,500,00 Casualties i.n Gain of Over Six Hundred Mil- Diare seleets. 40 ta 41c; new laid. ini car- T~om atelosi ee-ot IU ET COpES t~ons. 62 ta 6Ic; out cf cartons. 60 ta 62C. TeSom atelnsiSvnMnh (heese-1.srge. 23 tô 211e; twins. 288àjTu a.Pro._________ BRITIS FLEETC PES fou-[.18 tau 14c;CIck, 1 ;ta :2:; F A despabch frotn New York says:- A despatch from Ottawa says: A B IIH R A H T E O T WITH SUB MENACE Dtn2scg::ou.ary-ngî: t i 1 as22ca; erederick Palmner, the war correspond-, gan rof more than$600,00o ill.er dozen. $4 ta 84.te; turketh tad satme0tista 86i;cese. sprhng, i7 ta 190. 0t fi ce ta represent the entire prescf1 by the Minister of Customns, Han. Ji. SKIRTS 0F GR.N EC lR Col. Churchill Shows That Los ,tn. 1~2à a 3cl-b.,léta lIc t.60- the United States, returned an Friday'1). Reid, covering the seven-month _______ lb. Ili ta 12c. cornU honey- extrai fine 1on the Vol land -America Lino steani- period ending Nov. 1. The grand total of Ships Has Been Made an a eçt 2par dos., $3; select, ship Nieuw Amisterdam, for a reast be-'for the tqeven months, including the Successes Give Tbem Command of Ruined V illagsan trn Good. 22L ikr!toeuQnirbl oe.er ba foreba gong back ta tihe front. movemont cf gold as wcil as of mer- 12i$2 2 lî e lirîlst rlum l flose. ter It Is Mr. Palmei's opinion that the rhandi%,e, amaounts te $1,319,189,991, Germftn Points In the Valley. A rea rtun s osmpnota en- rsoi, lier baLg, 82.,Ilrinre Edward alllied offensive against the Gcrmans campared with $709,517,488 for the Gren Briain" mos imprtan en-il Nd \hiies1ler bagz. $2 1v ta 82,.26. on the French front ivl end only corregpcnding period of the lant fiscal erny, says Col. (Winston) Churchill, taiTrsnin. irtn,$5t 4 when the ivar itiselif ends, that it will year. The October trade rose tram Lnin o.19-alwn i-codtos aewhee h rts ('abte ctte dathtGra iage1M- Iienrer ion, i1 Lnd3, ov.1ta 4lowngfor, tndiioseavcfl holntgtthidsttGrn isanhe 6 0mu$6 a, i i hîîîîleld behocontinued frtwo, pemhaps 1re 150,004,125 ta $164,330,479, a gain o etatleypeaainteBiih isnrhads Britain was fraid of thesubmariîses. Ï5 8 01 8.Cîaia îim',~ years. île wa-i ttld by the stua! cf $ 14,226,354. ltrille f preparos h Biiue north and seuth af the Ancre The fleet und resaurees cf the coun- .the allies tlîat they hîîd no expeetatian hnîports of merchandise uncrcased si t trorssahedAncrwatrdaynChand-, li aîimritlothuwt r tmy %élerequite able ta tape tiith the 24 t osWbleal f bi eaking the (;eriiian line this yeir.; from $39,515,144 to $71,19r),552 in dsoîit of theAcre atda th aa- runiongou 't raih -o h e iroked inîeietill fiav'. rneiium 2 a- da nt 'atcptdiiteatnk in uhoueret h etrca langer. The speaker xrged the arM- 26(-' Ioi.. tisai y% 22 tri23c . coled î3Gîit "Theie i., only ane histarical comn- 1October, and f rom $253,107,66b3 ta On a front of seven mites advances of St. Pierre Divoouho th ing of al mechantmen. Four -fifths 8 G(oil. té) b20e, tiréiîiti5t Ita -r. pamison for tlîh me battln-Ver- $4112,161,795 in the seven monthq, varying frorn hait a mile ta a mite' river, the British aei oiint 25 ta 2,c intaksa tini,326tti 27c. bone- of the armed shlps attaced, he said, spmq. 2s ii 2l:- -don," said Mm. Palnier. "It has longwhile exports of ilomneqtic merchan- were made, and the outskirts of Rtrike wlth greai oe gie hall escRaped, while fou-ffths of thoqe lilctied ,i li> cirsd m,iLm, 1e I nt ise;s silice papsseil Verdun in the intenqity d(ise roge fram $80,038,592 ta $9 rnc5ro hesuhbakc heG-d or1n Mruot - haîr (lire- Gadnrt nte thebn fth rnvor n titiammei had been sunk. Col. Chumch- tirt r )atq î.ong rn-v an19 ta ofth fighting, in noumbers engagied,i.112,175 ini October, and from $326,- Ancre, reached. Tise total prisotiers On their part oftc om rn ill pointed eut that at the beginnlng 151 Iiil,,. H.'ai bdelilfs liého 111 ii ses in killed aini wuunîled, and 430,730 ta $622,033,689 in the seven tknwr 2.teFechrple w ena t of thet-var Great l3ritaun had over iîîb- 2o te 2h a ilîs liiitei Zuin. ol- In voltime cf artillery tire. iorths:. Tlîe most Important gain In1 The British also gained advantages tacksq, one on eachadofterv. eighteen million tans ini ships ex.ceed- P-111-.1 i"à ité)16'l>In the Somme SeIctor 6.000 Bitish, exporta for the month et Octolrm~o h ot ftesraweeteTaGrasgtcoeeog at ing 1,0(00 tons. She hait rlmost the ii oiyl i ),il6î , )inow, 1-k below French and German gtis have been foiînd uniler manuftactures, the figures enmio eebn aknrh Fee oiin ahtmnt . «nme ta day, althnugh she had test 2.- l'n in action on the same day. Withiî one being $12,880,7.31 in Odtober, 105.,. etoBeuo-aeladnriwthnagechndgeaes Th 2'25,000 tons by aIl risks, and, ho be- *nri period of 21 hours there have been at and $29,637,814 in Octaber this year.cfBuortFrchrkepbthaacspty lieved, haîl added faur-fîfths cf that Morntreai No%-. 21t.'orn-Amrlcan least 150,000 caaiialties, coiintiiig Experts of other linos were fairiy fgtn okpaein555W:yteue tto.ms is r.mouit bynew cnstrution.Ne 2 Niisti 412 tu 81 12 ola n a those ot both sides. Se far in this vell maintairied tith the exception cf .Rltt V-tlf f.2 6ýN .7C storm, the first downfallcf the sea- The first Germaatckwsmd - - -- - ~~extra Nu 1 ieed. 715c. ialey -Mani-, engagement at least 1,500,000 men agicultural producta, which dropped sointetrgo.TeanseeaIdrngt lhtyesrogfceo AN(;{v OE GNERL t nt> Ilrs,%i l.. irîiîing. i1l 30.FI4iqîm have been hiti. Next Summer the from 39,833,35)3 tn Octeber, 1915, tecsoIdtat e bu T her gaiswre s on; Grmntroopn ea faces js FINES TOURNAI TOWiN. 9h Sm. u,- .i,,, $lu. iin ti-onS hamkers. ,British are prepared to lose 1,000,000 27,306,934 in the same month this Shaaday-was prevented by the heavy i acrosa thse river froi eon. nts - ~~~~~~ils. Wn i.-,ý patents, chîlce. $10 men if necessary, and they will have year.sofalwhcexndd Ilang ftronheGmasothfte 200,000 Marks lmposed Recause a List bt e $fit ouera. 89 10 ho 19 80. do, 4s5si tWice their present gun-power. theBritishs battle-front. Somme attacked Fec rnhsI (If bagm, jlié) it-o. $3 16A. imron, $30. Shorts, "When will the w-ar be over? 1 only a of1lae lqNt unise. 31 ýid)nri.16 u$1.Nii1'leDIT I N 1STO Saturday's succectses, obtainedutun- front of Berny, bu1 gi h md l40is 8G tlheee- iN2 rton.sier' ns.tIathis.Tisetearweek beoie gre T A despatch tram London says: li$1(i.te, 942 î -ay n . wser n , ar nwthas.Teyarwlll be lo ier 3 tDAder tise handicap cf stormy weather nfenades toppedthm 231 te 24e, tîinest era , 23te. Thirty théousand Belgians already iî..ýr -- lis nene.,43rtiFac 1tle hGee-lJfr have been deported te Germany, sir- 4-36- sierfnda. 42 te 42ir, 14g-Fremh, 'aid Sir Douglas Ilaig, and with such LIQU R M KNG 63 io Li-. seleched, 40c. Ne 1 stock. 86c: srmny Dand corps leaders as Si: îleBRIrISH rrigtinomto eevdhrNo2stock, 32cI'otaios-Iler bagt. car ad opsladrta.i.uler through officiat channets. Reports iuis. 12 Io 82.25 Rawlinsoi an the Somme, aid Gen End Came When He Wau Visitlag tram the same sources say that the WnnipgGrain. erals Nivelle and Mangin, whc plan- Drastic Move Proposed to Con- Priends la Alliât«n. Germai plan was te taile somée 800,- %Vlnnipe * Nov 21 --Cash Prîes. No. 1 ned and executed the brillianb îat- 1I 000, judged from the order issued in Nom heml .No 2, <d0. Il !'41.No. tcswchecerdFtsDu- serve the Supply of Corn A deapatch from Alliston neya:- a number cf etties for #Il mates ovor C.WY. 668c, No. . do, 63e, etl No. 1 mont and Vaux at Verdun. Their idea' ad Sugar Hn ae .Di!,Mntro gi seventeen te report for inspection. feed. 65ic.. 1 a Ni646e; o. 2,. ,a was the same tîsat 1 have fouad every- culture r-or Ontario, dropped dead on fl ilage Whickh eGreasr Tise Municipal Council of Tournai henu meceted 13%c, fiel.#Oc. Fiai-No 1 where-a fi ght to a fie»Adspthfo London says:AFia atehm ta l red formally declined ta accede to the N -W .CII 829. No 2 W.. C$2 66.-. - motion that tise manufacture of intoxi-MisSrs[riath tn.H rendered t ugr Germen demand, the reporta say, pro- j United %tatua Nreta. ECONOMY [N PARIS. cating liquors In Great Britain sheuid -bad returned In tue morning from To- testing thet hitherto lit had ac-, Mnno-'spelle Nov 21.-%%heat - De-. .pohbtdwl b aehiii ot ehi oeI4ooson n ac- enbe 1l9îl ta $1.96à; May, 11.971;l epoiie ilb maenthrnot isoeInCkto ,ad quiested te aIl the Gerinan orders. cash. ?4oic. 1 hiard. 81-59à te $2.051; No. 1 Board Ot Supervisera Are Iavested House of Commons, accordlng te in the aiternoon dreve or iIn i$ 1 A dîapateb ri hno ay: General HopIfer thereupon imposed North rn. Il 9bi ta 51-99à; No 2 Nor- With Powers te Stop Wante. 'notice Siven by a group of mnmbert carrnage by himuelftet take Misa Ir- jTii. Entente jrlaeertn i fine of 200,000 marks, it Ia added, for N 90* t 8 94c. ora-No. 8hi el.t despateh tram Paria says: Under efiber tise speech of Walter Runciman, Win bgec with hlm. As ha eau about i àMasonla halva i the refusai oethtie Council te furnl.sh 66e Flour unchanired. 13ran Ïtt ta Gee endoe.wch[abu President of the. Board of Trade, on te oit In front of a Are ln Misa frwi'us .fa atr yts nte a tist of malle inhabit.ants. eith a fur- buiuth. Nov. 21 -Wheat--Nn. 1 hard, to be signed, France in te begin a iefo iuto. Tenebea0 oet sa ual .dropped te i the Toma et « uli, nG tm ther fine of 20,000 marks dalty (Le long Il. Nu. 1 Northemis. 81.99. No. à North- are iwreoois ainlthe. group, their notice stated, wil bhis knou and lapiled lIe ounclous-a- id etthe Nudnlnloh am~ as the Ceuncil refused te give the list. ks1.4I t o 81-94. Lined-Cs.sh. onberd esup wrev iseprA[deativerabymove that tissprohibition ahould b.ns. A dodtorwas q518101t5( t, aoaedW ofliel"y sml a1 -4--- Si 179. Ma..~__ ex-Preaident Armand Fallieres w,,l impe.ed ln v1ew_ et Mr. Runcimaa's the heint condition frem wbleh thei mllsaoutheaat t hrklma BRITISH PAPERS LieSe~Hre oivaeIet ag oea~a ttement'respecting the. short- Hon. Mr. DuRt b ail101 suffined b.d ~j TO RAISE PRICES Torento. Nov. IL-Bat hem tesrfott tp m m ~ oplage ofet crauqgw'u-.îdOth.a -tod &PP«OswUt eauuEd fIàýt udisi. "W-", ~uvù ta tusreioa h - i~~chuot"..7.40 ta 87.90; d%.. ood. 87.Z& ta saVIn ghtt'seetceI and ~nisc i.dahMhésn#e .Srm ~i rr ate i td Lendon, Nov. 20.-A resolution was'8.60. d... meitumt, b to 1 7-;a9- oisonslgt --(JUkt, oWo ~wmnt oerses wt des" emb paased te-day at a meeting o e- omn h.i1t.SO ta 84f.;batohieabulia. elîl Gm 7e.., t1 - pr.stentatives et Britishs newepaper 6.40 ta $4.60. do.. rourti bulle 846 to alare bga ls. ti 'tc s ON FRlEN~ RN OO ied~tIeIgi1-@~i iS 8 ugtuoepo proprieters heId la London recoin- -dbutches 76 . toi if8 da- t 87im1 n tise eveainsand i4a$auiantea a d 1 Ailtaes 2 ' 11= fAi~i ga vy ~e, mending that awspara throughout te f.10. stocker t 8.2;choie cales ellishut their #oers et 9.30 Londeon, lNov. 20.- Bi àdeeo.toN iater à Iuàr ""dUBIIm ad ,4emalosm tise eouatry ruse Uie~~" pricea by à feders 88. .Ita $6 te, $8c.26.~ ncsmn bl~Sà~Pt8 tua . h th8cutr.86 =e Màta 8 : Iléoer bs. aendpcut- Instead et 10-30 jsm. Theitres or a ý i l, js r~d1'l haIt -penny. The Times han atready 870 ta $311 do.. ee.nmon and meium. elîl h cloWN on Mnas u a raso eebn1,a eutAtssVrl~qtv tiie h dons.no. sacti 40 t t 56; springca-s, 880 ta 8110 1--BW llqiht ewo>a, 88 3 ta $9. sbeep. h«vsy, Si ecludes the lopera«. Movlng picturea Oftlà wound trm Rs1111611- H.4vas OUe RASE "I TE»ALLIE. El) 025 11<5e .w.. !,ta 81.60. calve. gnom ta choies. $10 t«> elîl hiclesed Tues ays en G. .con-i' f te g Austral"ancommiaders ua ha e c upsl aise NO 1NFAI4TRY AC'O1N8 181à:Iambe. C6satce. M 1ta $11,40; do-. sy medlm, S28 a 190 b raiCd and ,certa andI music halls on Wednesdeys. andI wu director OfaI Mtait& tralalg 'bT . m ab M ui et mougttlDsastadabtts ON TUE SOMME FRONT vwatere@d, 1046 ta o.d, weighilin ~---e-- aAotahia fer tour Yeara pracsdlng b« j ~off carsn. 110 90811, il;do..fo1b4 $10. &svi>MaiDa" DsetugVegtiMu Lodo, ov 2 Threlis ee iontres!,o. 28 -Etera ' eh*tieý. DE8ERTER8 GI EN the «n iiiuuEamls Ia Ldne Novaty ii.g o Ths ehnbe haices84526 te $176. cool-88 ta 84.79; ANOTUER CHANCE- -- -AdeiahtosEntn 17.etlisviSl oei frntaiesSauray Fs <>iuiscanners, rf6Io ta81.11; bulla. butehera. AIRMEN AGAIN 'RAID W ne . 5U9Imntl f frot li.yne ar Bauat.-Theam an Io1et.1760, mb ilsi e. 81 ta 11.6 A despatch frons Otisewa mya-An AWMANIAN CAPITAL keetplns ine. plants Ierate dua*~ Ge olan1$8 t 86. anner. 888t 84.5; shee&s.ptu ude te Gueudeeurt and on ths Verdun sc 1. odr[t<<t1 alS ilrti a u~i th u 8.-~e n nivmsvi amsaeA a tor acar Dauaumont have heaviY COLD WEATRER MasrsAcsow allar e. iip*btru Lne u.- paI raUg us fa n*l n d6 niui siue ioad te asw m* shetîttI Britiash andIFrensch positions. ON ITUE RVU î I'<FRONT'st ertll eG rt npo-Aoie ailatc sbeait« Ugtbu" tt m a, NN8rmune8h# . mà i t. ie ""slé emai -----4-- - - j ~~~~mielngte ostay. T'%. reulaieapro- ,il n e onTueeday uonxhrb s ii ilI nii aitet*0 Vides tust a dosenten Who tu etine. eaubt <mïmbS est<plai «rus' $24,0W.000 RAISED London, Nor. 20-4Cold westbsr ben; ed t>Impri#=Mmt May b. turnel.BgaUrid -;vupeet1 FOR RED) CROSS 1555. sut ia on the Rutthe front andIa vrbyG ott taltyaa- & y htbevt d.,iewommm iIm à. tiens onmbehaît et tii.iRetlaCrosg on - *o g- - - - ro.9" t'-Aw,-' 1r.ebar on. Ao tb BueS AuueW6N*eShljM TheTiesliUMce tatlis olec.. 1ain on ba.eh a e *et- th-PeuCrsso 4 ' il b -i. > -f-i ~. t4 l t. Ieni andl Mt h boyr' e 1r) f riend 1'.'l Ibry again rtil it 3y ep appli- ly thse ,d(eedl e mai1n Iand r ial - rtîlittli tound-i nnd AL à d e 1these

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