Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Oct 1916, p. 9

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rwrn ~ \ .~. B!T~R TIAN EL YQU HAVE DEENhýUSING GET YOUR MONý,EY BACK SNewsy Letteîi frein Our Correspondents hMr. LaI*l'l u >iid:ts l 11%u MI>-, . ritî'h' i (uilîs Il o.u ro Iii.il M i ir itrti roof N 1 1 t, ,: - "1ut. il> n lit a -t' I lua .0 lutt.-.ii andît - i lmIii.ýt- I. I-'.uItlîIllL: V'0til giii i t u tt li mît-.~~ hi n t i-t t' i jîuiimuum. !lP ' \.-i - i i . - :im s u'iîI1 : . 1-l u. I iiu i al \i ii l.t, ' t-i u r x-r NMc. Jack Hortop, et Toronto, spent thej we'ek-ud wo-li their parents. îmlacry -r. Tlamnîpson, Wliîlt b>'. for neiv fali 11:t1. ). ii. îtnms. xxie ta conten'platimg liaiIii boo luk tof loeuas print-,i, l iittmg w 1>1>good sxîcce.ss Ini gettin-g o nde ns. TIi imoivt luI y t ii-iii C fut lt#-o Pal riotic i.'agu m .t. hu-id li Ille (omiicil 1)itim t' ii iutl.iy i îmîmm, tctoîît-r 14, s1 "'t () lu i Iîl ig us of c'u i'l r ' - ;1i lw '-t .1~:e. Feul' t'r xm iII i '..rd.- il b t-. iu t ig m A .'C. l:u*lîti . lir(okisiii.1 TIlut mii miluic',iitic"f iii- itiht' S ct . i . i;1 ii llt i i î oiut i lircliil i i s 11ii- iii. >i u-m'il- iii"\. Il .\V :. \ na st-ýI. m i îl :tîr-s tm tli' ox r t"i o> .' '- i - t '1\. 'F' - : i g om tf- ti- s lit- rt' tI. t 1 :t vm Iullmi> ii'1îi li ,ol Xi" musîit mît -E. 'l'lk, i>'.. .-.uit'î: It Iidî). xl lu. -', 1> S\\i, 1 'oI t' - x i11tii tuI.>- c i aii gi uit lu s;i(s - iu' it'> u Mi N 'u tiilit i.si \\ i tii 1) ' ci> \ 011 y tNMcrNtrmntiia>u ('tlux ii his mu ci-lied a car 'ii of mu x I l s. i tutni for $1 IY' Irla Mr- ( ooi'. , to niîs huis mient-il a l 'hl r i"jtî tIi ii ti tl e d nd l -no Ti s x ilI t uiti. i r- icllsrmt o f 11t-i't s i dunri 1 s i\% h tntr e oimtI-led lu uaii>it il ot.i 't-Iocli tftn il1uimchtiuho eî 11. for,î i '> :nland Nlr- and I.~ . F1Xrgisonl, aceorpan* 5h" Id 'y Mss \oqur niid Nlis-, Lîsl. q 1rfi, !i d nId l ed lo S>. rlii o\ur the hollday. te«y WomenPrefer Plain WaIis Whly? B-cause walls of solid shades provide better backgrciunds for beautiful faces, figures a.nd frocks thau those whbic±x arc, "cluttered Up" with intriçate -wall- plsper patte rus. One important reason for the rapidly-growing popularity Sof »P The easily applied, artistic wall finish is thrW artisticaliy-inclined women have discovered bow well it sets off their beauty and that of their dr8esi pictures, curtains, a.nd furniture. Its soft, Velvety, colors, may be selected to harmonize wUth ay style of furnishings, and, bein.g non-fading and wdshable, Fresco-Toned wrafls preserve their original beauty for rnany years. And the most gratilyu2g f act of. al-to many women- is that Fresco-Tone, in spite of its supenioxity,, costa168 than ordînanj qualifies of wllGpaper. For beauty, cleanliness, durability and economy, uso Fresco -Tone. M1 (-NTÏ BE 'ýS 1II)WARB, W111TDYP ONT. our local agents, wil! give you suggestions foÎ colot Tbe Accuamuated Ej F'orty Ycêr? lActive 1 in tbeFredi TmIRSDÂZ OOTOBER 12, ibis. ine emoficai casuaity liai of Wqd- nighborbood. u m BAEw.SIOSLD..s008 aesdaY. among ithe wound.d appa Tii. heProceeds of thse Harvest Home, MEIBETNL.89Dï1. the naine o et çrpl. XBoe a report of which wua publIseeiluIt OradUto of sueo Royal Coliflgo 1 Doa! Bmrookla. Ont- Arthsur bas boon mathe week. amounted to $fl. Ahi whso hs.d .,Bureo. and Untveiiity ot Toronto. fotfer a long lime. lit i hoped bi anythIing te do wluh to occasion are to They mu wgvI wu~g weunds are net sertous. be very grealy commended for ths Reblgetsiuae Office ovoru W. bL PruigWe'.harwarestor Saturday of ibis wook. tr1.alceSu o! the servie-es. lad~ , s~r~ .Il 1 i . 11,Phose, i la the, date set feorithe Rural Schehol Mr. Farandalo. wll moye to Mr. TL uf ue' ~Bl ~afiesbr & Psu Fair on Brookila ebeol grenade. Wihiiiitarinat M OUZlmmre LIme adcea Re bw els ofâli A big ist of prires la b.ta.g offeaed, and t"t.Mentis, we nneratand. im lu h -!'w thiere bas leen muchi prepara'oa a. MISE McKay apet Sahibatisla our waM tC ifl atte'.Muet auÇTOÇE midat spedy , acth.Ig botR à- - a"d relatives s*Md bye ber. la.tFrl4aye evoclig,, a of wa*m lavtur Saturday te vessýÀ& eé W à* h hm asiteC xpcriçnce ol Ovaer oîdbm M ma amnT o - I« ~scton f-1%, «S MU~ -0 M in a l Mbas - Brt.diusoi ti. WR IIÂBI lai Stol Rang 77t-$5 Mr:. Mosure fttmrod boonewit.them gngj Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vanstone and idd vl! Toin nfor a few rudau rr aUI M dUger, Helen, et Toronto, viulted 5 u E ~ e ! < rSo Sr . Cochrane, of New, Qntarlo, la Il OF IîlREEwthT .adM sOborne on Sunday. v~iigl lâter, Mm. Jas 1Maýynard. II VIIL V 111E Mr. and' Mrs. Clarence Phllp, of To- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Xlli, of ronto,:spent Thanksgiving w1th Mr. Frca rwocpe Brampton, and Mins wîui s r. 1of.and.Mss. MabE. l ldo itdoerteremervoir, ful nickel finish. Whitby, were holiday visitera OFLO. Ws(JMANaldo vaiedovr h and Mrs. C. Grass. LIheflidàr with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon The CadIlIac M es Msure and Miss Freda Luse, , Law, Pickering. MiTrnthvess istn wt r Mrs. Ed. Atkinson bas returned home Electrie Vacuum Cleaner is and Mrs. L.orne Ferguison. 3fCOrSw W oii Ihfo ii oEoa Mr.an Ms. ai ad amty ist- The. Use OR le FtUIT.A.TIVES". Miss Hilda Carruthers, of Toron to, a health and labor gaver in Mr.andMr. Bllandfamlyvlat-spent the week-end wtth ber mother t oe ed at the home ot Mr. Adamsi ecently. e.thho . Mr. Walker, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilieock, of To- Mr. and Mrs. Arnold. otsetTakgvn hM. Other seasonable goods, thihst ee MalnRi ââat Mr A. etc en'sand Mrs. T. Morcombe. otf which we have a complete the pst wek at r. A.Ketchn's.Miss Gertrude Kemp was In Brooklin et Mr, Gordon Hall, accempanied by on Tuesday attending the district rneet- asscortment, are-Plows, Gaso- Mr. Grass, Mr. Brash and others, lng of the Epworth League. spent Thanksgivlng Day ait Pîne Point Mrs. R. Hall -and lier father, Mr. leiîe Engines, Weigh Scales, duck shootIng, and captured a fine >+ Brown, hiave moved into their lieuse Washing Machines, Wringers,k 11ev. c. MdcPhye.e unat. just vacated by Nir. and Mrs. W. Mason. Rev.Mr.McPaydn. o DBROWNn,-On Frtday. Oclober .16 Cream Separaters, Binder occupied the pulpIt et the Preebyterian 0 r.ad rsW.frnadglTw eadOi. Churcli on Suuday. t1er.anNIsW.Bona tihTw ead l. Mr. Jos. Hodson and Mr. Wm. Chris-trno han. of Osaw, on aday a abi Dontt forgel the 1,eagite Rn.ly .F Bell ai slîooting o ona.Wiite Andersonla svtslting xx itli hs P Mr. Jack Ketchen, of Toronto, vis- grainothler, Mrs. NV. MrGreigor, IVm aUISNEY.I lied Niîlti NMr. and Mirs. A. Ketchen. NIr. and Mrr. W. W'o<i', of Oslawa.__________ r. Morris, who lias beýen visiting * vlslted over Sinday wlth the fornior s lit-r mlotiher. Mrs. Ketchien. has gone t0 rnol]iir, Mrs. J>un.u s Wood, Pelînîx -a li visîl lber sister en route fer Nit Mens r-anils, $1 .75to 3.5at Ilarrv lier homo iii Ot tawa. T. Themîns. Wlitq. v. NI.and îrIl1. C. Rose and daugnN e 111hll tc o ueo muýr, ofti .uToronto, spent the hu RMWTO Vtdis>yl~tdrew xa ve4ry lairge day ivilli '.Ir. and Mrs. A. Ketchein. ~ ~ AeTrno rw.adws emtac'..Ti . l'lit '*an ksglx tmg ton and enter N6 Day o Av.l, oro t > eu r -daId v we gr ti The >C i ai mi muet> t 1> eld iii ii ,Presbyleriani i >111i cii>î $2J. Th>'Iqleta ngood -'HEAD Chiceti on NIonday' evening ivas one A brautiful conipl-xiom i a liandsome 1îigiîc foi,' a 71- ac riefarim. of ljoi>miststi îccssfui yet heMd, 1011> wotnamis lîiflo aillia'cix vof lier -____BVERY good Banl tiiiiancially and oihvrise . An excellent lsfruaervis c 1sfccrL" vision for loran yeat Id,ý ix di tervin bilie basement of th< esa oung e r>x>î l i - iîas ot-, erL S IN E.This Fund bas bee- cliinreli amduutve ry'one Oas ;delightç>d - kini-giiiîg 9 jl e l o ol le Nin re losiof Torn >. s «I ni ftîwkand is a sourore of 'x vcii it- ttcr toua w as st-Ted 1ev. W. i satuu ai resuil of pur-e h1ciday s wii NI s E. .1 tory. OLI'Emn hudh N\I Ilaig îresild dali lIm e tet'tatnimeiit 1."1 wait1troubiel for a consideramie ir hBert (;recnavay, ofTr) to. h o. n i i as xNic ld>loxxed 7ilcs. J. Wilson Arm- tm iî 'r upes'( ifgrn l'»>Ttimik.çgýiîing 1)ayv. -tIiMr. and u Svoe ea stcoig zand NMiss lFarrance provided a Mîrs \'Vomîrî'x. Or youîg Dpe ;iini.ialpornad hi iai-Rasmh, elcox'ereil niy fiien atifor WtI>'>> n iaI Mc. TE. Plli' i EST'D 1873 catablishin O UR t> nîuslal roga.y m meir anjyd.wi '>i uedappiiemîti>ios andti meislins s1i bis l'iri o in . hirev. V. S.. \W'/ I-II" BY l'lit dr's c_ l h1n er'lbw . B. Cocl unilliotit relief. A fier ul.sIing 'Vriiit a- of ftii-i.,>rit> e. C .m cel r il>, .\..\ of (dl>'Si.lre-sbytertan tii i-v "foîr onu e i tli:e r-o.li..eî'mîî- NIR . W.Il'> r' ion f tuipC it x\ 111e> C . .Mc ihl 'lnireh oi "(jisiianity and Ilip War,- 1tteeî'îx'mil îli:inkful focr ' 'q o Nt, i k-.endut NMr. E. NN as uxe"Ii "mî. and one orft ie lest g1von 1ulele goe iii t1r iii liromtl>lin for sone iie . . .. the 1 relief ant ii ii le futu mre, 1 m i Il not le I l ist e 'c d slor il y'Io fi Il teU i six'j of 'ur. id "rm Selool. North ('arn ýw itlîut uitt î" .iialiiiîiin i11 u Nv.wotinde'd 1 liii»>xls' ga>' ashortin tocte lîî ad-X )RAhi WTSON soî 1' ii. ad nîkMr.a cond 'NIcen Nîr mui Ni Avery'î. andry nd dîîgh duTh 11', rocutds atîounled Lo hlotu' -for tihern. jr. Allio'. s"' ru '. isi1im mg iinfedas oit-r tIwo I>iiîdrod dollarq. bOr. a bo-x, 6 for trial sizi' r,i2e 'înmd Nics. A. E. Sterv of Mion Suiday. Mrn. anîd M-.Fred *%orrisoii and son. At dleaiers or senitpostl)ailon rect*ipt of itru I. 5i, »>>«tuw NN;days w'iIli lits par- \îiss ituciie om f u 1Mronto, sitent of Toronto>. siwtimthlIe holiday with Nlc. price 1»,Fruit-a-tives 1Liniitedl, UttuWa. '11nt;. 1 siimdaN \itmli- arenmat'nslitre. alio Nirs \ Wi. i"oxliu ____________________________ NIfc.Iea> île t-x,,ects te hav(e thme nfl, 'v Tii>' î'pwîonî 1> Liagrie sîo'rx'te wti li e Mir. anid N ~Leamer and Nîrs. Baîls. > lia171 for 'i s> Ii unifacm b>>ilt nexl s car. 1 lit dimin lie(,aftt 'r» oomi imse am of the of Torontot, i sied ii ilie Nillagu thile 11n01n11lhp îumpils ofît i>, nriis s hoot-ls lt ijl el 'îî Iilt oftiI'-, amnd lih ptii'i ' 11x"mimg mi Smmnay'.oliaccommnt of the 2 xxt't'k. e~ligille for eonil.'iitimîn. 1ir> l -i. 1<'ta i ait- ir lîr iiiag ummfil jinsl'ilId. >'nu'c a it NIN-rtle Station. ýNIjz i P.11t î",oîi ii i ' îsitiîng lier sis-1 iii iis i a bg r arnd It-lt mr fic il. an oSe rît fmrers coipia n or fi> NIrc ('rrd'on I bd son, of Osîîawa, usas Ici' iii "oi'oiîn. it-er Iefore. Lii' Rhly loiîlld o' î'r- luiable îm Ct'> llît'lc iire.shing dolme iio"o ' îmd ' NIl roda itarîliiîu. of Toront o, i sot-f> on ;ziiiiindri >flt'rittîi to si- ' >t,' Tlîî' > dc" niniwrs of a th î'lmtm ., iitîiiîg xxitli> Nll-ts iq Brownm. >-'irainof citonss rnd xi'o,\lut eujiit-bttî tnlatbeidvr~dt î Surgt i i>kqrand NIrs. Parker.0of 1 1S. Iliiit ilsz Wttly-vlsttt',d rt'eently au tlîe homie o o t.L'ttn ltymiespent Thanks TIgap cho n Mtmdrs m. iiB rui i. >Sergl. Par- How's This ? cmxiii z ias *1>hIe pacetîte. F 1 -mig ap oho ueor xxxaxsoîtuesho-r a yt'ar ugo. and 1 We oger Omie hltmmdred IDollars Reward fer Mc E. . vXcl xrItiig frein Fratire. os-'ies ti mîr4imi t orieq in operating and lt1 jîsîîttîrcadfrnielu ofît jCatarrh that cannot be cured hy >0ii friend, sa>'s fit-lias heeti twlce,ý-(Ypln r la .51 a Itjîîr t ron toliasront. i all'i Catarrh Cure. \V()muîiiîî'd, andtlhic; ii>ýiiiii N îttrd aboumtst atmi 'or l', Ilotime Sta iv lans t Mr.iumi1»iro ot,lias lIme'. 1it&Is cftarril relias lie enmtaken lx- catirrcli txîmkago o '-lig xxotiîded focrii'Ihiose xi ito attenmd Fav or NigitSessions. li 1 ilg .suf rr o h a.;th t fi eaeremmand lifs I lir- iite.Fou part ictîlars nriie t ý' ipW l NusMihel leil lias Iteen vtsiting in h<conie knowîm a tetilteiae Yer. muI t.îflrît -~ ' etet rt l tr'mtanîk id Nc-micasi le, betore leav- Catarth. llnli'St catarrît Cure nets ihriît tue fi i t j»'ili>fumiers'taxe -i-c ix-int , resitielit, ('r nEsat, Tor'.îitu. iii,,-for ste %vil rot I',lson front the Btood atid tealitg the diseaased ' niaii fr a im'. orions. omîr rod. 'mp. \<e ai.-. strny 10 rcport ilînt 'M i s After i-oi have taken lialus t'atarth Cure for '%Ir. Ai. E. S'oc>' I ft Siimda>- migli Professional Cards .\ini' llliu.li t je mîttinitroving so rapîid- jR s hor une !ou iii tee a gterat imfprox'enett fuir NIomnth(caI anîd .Boston n . uillI ie- 1 in yomr genierai tek". stai tt arng ilits lx' as tiýr iaiiy fnicîmis xvoîld desire. Citnt'rh Cure et once sud get i id of catarrh mcmi ît \\'lîimhy' aiend of xx'em.k to ne-- sîlu iiiu.ifurme i ieatak f Seud for testimotmials, f ree. cînpa>NîcMrs.Siototy ime mo Nloitr ea1.].E L t'lra'tîîry rlii'iniatisnî in lier riglîl Sot P J. C 1-IER & Ct)., Toledo, Olmo.____ ilrmîî. sl by al l)rmtggibts, . cT1 L.N .Nir. anmd Nrs. W'atkec atd datighler, Dig f JO .FRWLKC oiTorotiiît.ioîored trom Toconto coi KINSALE. Miîsses Iluîîl1ah and fle(da DIg f- JO .FRWLkC Simmdo'. mmid tstedxx tît îr.aîm Nîc. (oe aIefor asiIssa. Tttnmto. spoptit T1hanksgis'ing .xt hom- Barrister, Connty Crown Attorney snd Niiudtii. Ni.indx rc. Ceuntyfo lstisi Soiloitor.Brnt o Troto -I)n NV[l. ftK4x igitmo-s lpîedfei Rev.,'Mr. Toîten preached aIAMmonds theIi oijday at hçc home lucre. otySleo. folo\vng ien ws cippd fomon Stinday atternioon, but was present Mies Etîlît NMoffatt, of Toronto, spent Office, south wi.ng Court Hous, NWhitby iteiîdm i/':-Ne Daî'id BJurns, at orur evening "ervice. the vveek-utîd ai home. et Bcookliîî. fie [)epartiiieiltaî Judge___________________ on horses. -as pitcastngiy sucprised to INU r.and Mrs. 1arlckof Toronte, M~r: and Mrs. ('haren(,A odgson, ofA.E HIIA nilIs, esîîecialiy in the gene-ral pur- Miss Annie Harbren lbas been ln Osh- MaenstereAt.tcSoce Bokiî, Srrister. Solicitor. Notary Public. Etc. pose dIasc. N'othing seemed te miss hîs awa with ber brother, James, foc over uvas wtli lit uncleo, ofJaesBaokec.fice r tOp.Sadr a xecy observant eye. and lie appeared te a .week. wfer th i eek-end. ae are.OEBrc t p. tnadB -Itve -eneral satisfaction. He says the Sevecal from here attended Mr. 011- Mcfaor Mrthem Fwneyk-nend. Money te Lean heorse's here are decidediy above the ver Dennys auction sale last week and Mr.an Ms.Wm F_____ndMr sucrge.auî tîat ie eye sa sereprt pledid prîes foccatle.and Mca. Haccy Hugliston, ef Toronto, aNýraý. nd ha li neersawsoreprt plndi pice -fr atte.motored dewn and apent [the week-end M.ADRIAQE LICENSES. mani>, fine [orses at a fair In a rural lot-ses seid well aise. with ',cr and Nics. Jonathan Bray. district. Thils agrees %vith wbaî [lie The sad Intelligence was cecelved G.'n c.Chs esn e ro- O VOUNG SMITH, LL.B. jrndge said last yeac and Is net ever- here the latter 'part et the week that , -pr iili ihM n r Whifbyq Onte THME lARD BANIK )Fr CANADA OFFCE - TORONTO àk bas a RESERVE FUND as a prO- nse and the idievitmblo rminy day. .n mccumuîiited from Surplus Barisinge strcngtii and stmbiiity. ave a R-ESERVE FUND. Witheut sae financal condition.- -binent effara mn ideal opportuni-tY for RESERVE FUND. o BRANCH ROYAL THEATRE EVERY N lO-HT "Graft" every Monday.nlght. Wednesday, Nlght, Broadway FeatutO. Anti8gion - Adults, ]OC;cehidren, 5e Special show, 10ec te ail. Ir war tax, extra. MRS. PERRIN, Manager. COUNTY 0F ONTARIO. 1. WHITBY-Miss E. L. Macilonne»., Wbltby, Clerk-Jan. 4, Feb. 1, 3W:. 1, Apr. 4, May 2, June 1, JuIy 4, Bept , 6 Oct 3, Nov. 1, Dec. 4,' Jan. 2, 1917. OSHAWÂ-Mism E.L :Macdoenell, Whitby, Clerk-Jan. 6, Feb. 2, Mai' , 2 Apr. 6, May 3, Jume 2,.-July 6, Sept , - Oct. 4, Nov. 2, Dec. 6, Jan. 8, 1917.7 2. BROIJGHAM'-M. Oleeson, - Green- wood, Cerk-Jan. 6, Mua., 8, M~ay 40 July 6, Sept-7, Nov. 8, JTsn. 4, 1917. 3. PORT PERRY- J. W. Burubas. Port Perry, Clerk-Jan. 7, Mau. 8, May 6. July 7, Sept S, Nov. 4, Ian,. 6, 1917. 4. UXBRIDGP--R. 3. Moore, Uzbridgs -Clenk.-Jan. 14, Mar, 10,, May %, âr$',-_V 11, Sept. 19, Nov. 24, Ian. 11, 1911. 6. CAIffNGTON-.T11IL, H. Tpstei Cannlngton, Clerk-Ian, 18, VMs, 0 May 10, JUIY 1I& oet-120i )Mbv.$st Jan~. U, 1917. 6.-. BEÂvICWrON-chm.A., Fateumo%, Beaverton, Clrk- lia.1& Iag-I.L May 11., Iuly 18, sept 2Z Kêv,88, Jan. 10, "917. 1. DPTIMGoo" - Dam lLUWW&nl Âtheuloy, Clrk-Ian. 11, Mar.-7, IMay 1 JIFly14, Sept 88, Noy, Datm at Whitbn y . I& 12,lUS Offce ad Werks * un an do,luad aeIa1t11w la= et b0' b mt .?- 'At -GalloT tIiý "t - - - mi - iL~ - M '-c i hi 'mi, C -. ~. i. -i~. j md Imd. 11342

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