5$c~>I.Dysare Joy- INy$ to the boy or girl WhOoe body is properly nOiiorhcd with fooda that are rich in muscle-making, brain-building elements that are easily digested. Youngsters fed on Shredded Wheat Biscuit are full of the bounce and buoyancy that belong to youth. T.he ideal food for growing chil- dren because it contains al tht- mn--ina4 4.. £ASi.ÂU A.tijj L building muscle, boite and brain, prepared in a diges- tible formn. One or two biscuits for breakfast with milk givç a boy or girl a good start for the day. Ready-cooked antd ready- to-serve. Made in Canada l>EAF NIAN IN NNAR. Hie F'açcs Silelît i>vaîlh Rt'scuirig the Wou nd ed. Soreo m, thheýti -t ch-,r bearerq who tre working stalh1v th wgct te 5i_-advancc oughit t lut n nienu- rient ail to thtr-ut-fi s. Thv hai\ t ilii vdy cci nmd ilt-,,,their magnifiovot 'oui age uruler bcru iii- tire. One of- icer of ts %anîîhu-1vr -l'alis "regi ment which fo' gît at Niantt an]l slsevheîc î i, ii a iLoî:)foi hie.- pital, bis lîfe qkvo ii 4 the îor.qgi- Of Jhe men w-v> î(lesh -1 fihroui h it tain of tire' tiibis i --sv or 'thon ho f Il a eliessly w ivii' Ho ravi-. tbth i t l i i tmî t ii stretcheri.liaici s \N i, t ug t1ii-c thlpgs mwhi-h t,' -irvîxl thb 1Disý- tl.nguisbed t ondu t Moliii. atif ho tolt of at leasî t oent -in %ho hi-îhînks han won it. This i.s a maii ;o vaf that he 'tas unifit for w iirk iin the tronches. lic was a v heerfiil sort and the' mon likeil thv qiietr th ii- that hsppened wýhmn ho faile, i t. i an order. Every one but the deRf mati stocîl te attention. leHook rne notice. "Stand to"' sheutevi the'colonel. The deaf man tuîrniid pathetii' eye- on hirn. "le it truc, cir," he askod anx- iousiy, "thitt the Gevernimcnt have stopped the ruîm ration ? -fPurine the big battle he was ordercd te the clearing station just hehind the fines, but ho spent tht' wholc vay undemr the murderous fire of the machine guns and the artillery between the first lUne trenches and a short,'r trench far advanced in the most exposed part of the ground, picking up the wcundel, twisting them on te his broad iack. and staggering back with them unitor ire until he reached a place of con- parative safety. Then h. wont bam'k into the- thick of it again. Ho was the oie- matri In that toiling, devoted compiany viho dld net hear the awful clamor cf the abolIs, but' calml1y f ared a su1ent death. The "Pals" wbom he hatsos iften amuRed are now hoping that he will get the modal he deserves. The under dogz gets a lot (if syn- pathy--atid that's about aIl. THE NATION'S FUTURE Depends Upon Healthy Babies P'rop.rlg rearcd rhildren grow up tobeb. trong, healthy citizenà i Many discascs J o wthi(h chdld- ren arc susceptîblr, hr,.t idicarc thcir presencr ' il the ors The carefu! noî)hrr shotild watch lier ch di k.- niove- mezits and use Mrs. Wi*slow's Sootbing Syrup It is a correctivr for d :arrhoea, colic and other ailments Jo A hich children arc subject especiaIIy during the terhrng perîod. It is absn)utely non.miarcofic and contaîns nrmther opium. morphine nor any of thrir de- rivatives. Mns. Winslow's Sooting Syrup Maies Cheerful, Chubby Children Soothes the frettine child dwriag the trying peuiord of its develop- ment and thus pvcu reua" m relief to b'oth child snd oW. =ol B u aII at " t i eÇiw~ d kru l w (; dr MNl( THE FIRST FL HOW IT FEELS TO BE 8,00< IN THE AIR. Speed Not Notlced and Sensi Giddiness Are Net Ex perienced. To be equally proficient wi hirds in the air in the artc has been the ambition of tr mnany centuries, but not until century han his ambition beei ed. 'Very few would have at to try t wcnty years ago. No ev-or, private enterprîse has schools whereby anyono forti 4m able te pay the cost of tuit Iearn to fly, provided, cf coui he has sufficlcntiy healthy ne Suppose, however that stances provivie an opportun enabîci, y-ou te teste of the of flying. A hright tlay, breeze and an oligîng pilot, ' equips you wîth e combinat', (if overtîtls that hutton closel: the neck, a helmet thet cel, head, neck and ears, and a goggles te lîrovont the air frarn forcing your eyos shut. Ready For Start. The mechanie in charge machine has bh- this tîrne lool the machine, made sure that ked over t every- thing us ail right, and is lusy cranik- ii g *,he engzint. by turning the huge -iîropelIer. The engine startod, speech i, uselers. Your pilot m-fll sit in thç rr ar seat just behind the planes, se tlttlho may have a perfect viow; and bis passenzer w ilI be seeted just in fi ml, tretwe,.n the' planes. If you mals-e %vour flight in a student's nm- cbî'ii. ymîî i iî 'have ample oppgrtunity h. vais-h the oporating of the controîs ai lth seats are filted with a corn- iltte systerrm of operating, which is o' îstruicem that both operate un- ,ci t h' mne hanil. (0ii-Pntifeilthat bis engin,' us tc, ioi t properly the puilot wilI show yîmî lewt o strap -yourself into the machiine. ')eou secure vourself by a ,t ral) w.%hh s festeneil iniide tht s-maI an(] ukles cloely te vour v am1 st. WAhv.n riamly. yeu nod te the fit whmm motioîns te the moî-hanic. titi blov 1- w hich arc placed benieatb the' twe front 'theels, foîr the purposo of holding thbe avroplanei in place, are r,-miv etl. v-or piloit tomns the en- gi tii c i]i. i mmneviatm'lv \'îmu are- in motion, sol itefore fifty yards have fa'en coercd vou liezin te 50cr. lit takts soieraI 'secmndis 10gather vior wits eutivif thte confusioîn of startîng, andi11%, har. lime you will bave et- taiiî,i a hi- ght of 2,000 foot peî hapq. Up) in the Air. At t irqt yen 'ili ho ats to esit stil! andi oh'erve the ski-. iot. verttur- ing t(? louis down, and enjo'.ing le the fîull what ight be di-scribed as the very poeery of motion, se deligbtful jr it. But on loeking down '-ou arc dis- appointed le find that your head ilees net swim and that you are ict temnpt- cml te jîump eut et the machine; on the contrary, the first thing that sîriker you is the wondrous beauty ef the panorama lying beneath. The country roacis mark the earth into what appear te be perfect squares, continuing thus until lest in a town or village. It is iuipossible te doscrihe the' sensation caused by tbc view et a wonder-ful celer schemne compesed of eartb. leke and sky. ail comprised in oe vagt s'-ene1 (Combine writh thîs a sensation ef tAiN-vling nt the rate of 65 tei 75 mile" an heur in a macbhine -.e îlelicatelly poiiîed thal th,'re is anm- srîiutely no),qense rf rapimi motion rral- ized, ne l)umps, hardly a roi]. At 3.000 Feet. [turiniz your tri you:r pilot 'tuli bas-e been nevigatingc in surb a vay that just befoire ho decides te comne dow-n ho wili have attained e bcight et between 2,500 and 3,000 feet. The ilifferenco is hardly perceptible at i maL- A littie expierience with asiters would lead you te belieNe that tbey Izo up for the pleasureofet eming dowt. Brut, when ho i eady îe descend. ho will turin off te poer frons the r'ngine and wamn yeu bs' geitureýs thât ho la about lto destcnd. Perhape he wili do this in la sortes of -olpanem . if so. there wlil lie very litho 'î*hrill" experien-eed by the pasaenter. if. - owever, ho descends in a stries of %piraîr the îhris ulîl homsrked by the number et spim-as [Ixpping Do* a. When making the top pstotheU' circle. the plane is tipped at an abruPt, angle, and te noe sviddenly rulaed. i eusingr a sensation of belng forerd Inte yeur seat. Tht sid.long angle 4ermes more Acute uitl ssddtîily without wornitmg tenos. ef the rAm- c'hine drapa dcswn urrtii you are alinesi iîn a perpendieular poaition.- stithe 1 asie tisas yosi shoot .aKhward s dl-s tance of &bout 2W0 teet and reeliz that you arc, ffor te lime, w,4sr the full iiguence of grsvitation. Y.. asould probabil b. vee'y rnth fuipt-t eecm1 if your pilot i d am etvria jou,. but tbis J» yoe«r lnîti*tÎm. am su 14at-. t îng los. lis te uic acwscliit5d of slluwing you4r body < ta ome îcnrsc. you givwut ith thb. meebiie. t*0 foellouî-i r-pltt ati wtil te eujot. Atter (iving 2(k) <titi y@OV P"l Irrince bis uuçiçte. bsck la e rieqi posIltion, eleliiagelu, sud se onge-, tîtIb hh"s '.aed ulUla Ià "or six hunmdr.d feuil 61M twu poea. wb. h. briaige hi»e upamein. IaV>posid a o isaktia lenb. Wbm ym IInUyl spproscbti M. ýM -Y« mau etor thefandttlmetihdm t.rril - et vhleb YeU bail. b.on UveII.iah thât mbe aess» iou "Ms »W Tb 4 l mkmoo*à r *0e arst Putte .e11m ti00 ?bq~ ee eoea.t letbY ,ba*WIe t .ab*, ~sh think and net under such clrcum- stances are mingled with an ambition to develop the ability to ifty yuurself. F.~ P A I1? S Theftrie lasted only fliteen minutes I and coxnprised more reaL pleasure prOmptly 3tade tO than could be hai in a lifetinse in any Storage Batteries other way. Ge n er at or s DO FEET__ _ _ _ M a g n e t o s RELEF~'Wi IN IGSTONS t a r t e 'r s.an * OÂNADIÂN UTORAGESTIONcao * BATTERY CO.. LIXITEDes ations of The Most Common Cauge of This 117 nmocoeWlt. Toronto. d Trouble lis Poor Blood. IWi1I*i4 Agents. T AIl conditi ons of depressed vitality 1F tend to disturb the process of diges -__________________ vith the tion. There is not a disturbed condi- of flying tion of life that may flot affect diges- A PLAGUE 0F LOCUSTS.20 man for tion. But few causes of the trouble the last are so cornmon as thin, weak blood. Jerusalom Was Visited By Them For n realiz- It affects t1irectly and at once the pro- Several'Days. ýttempted cess of nutrition. Not ony is the InanrtceithNtoalG - ow, how- action of the gastric and intestinal gran r atilein e Naiohnal. eo- Sopened glands diminished but the rnuscular g-pi aaie r onD ht unate to action of the stornach is weakned. ing describes the ravager, of the lo-ý tion may Nothing will rmcre promptly rcstore I1cuts5tatndescenhtd n rusnt alr i rsc, that digestive efficiency than good, red 11 n ruh ctu~o ogr erves. blood. Without it the normal activity dens, farms and vineyards throughout 1 circumn- of the stomach is impossible. Palestine. He says: nity that Thin, pale people who complain of In Jerusalem they were flrst seen A delights indigestion must improve the condi neda ary nMach e oo. h a little lion of their h!ood to find relief. The uninwasdenyarndan LUna who irst mrot active blood builder in such then came a veritable shower of their on suit caser is Dr. Williams Pink Puis. They excretions, which fell thick and fast, Pu y around rnake the rich, red blood which quickly and resembled those of mnice. At timnes vers the restores the digestive organs to their teists erhuddsofet In * yov pair of proper activity. and the dyspeptic who the air; again they came dow-n quite foDesÉ pressure has hated the sight and smnell of food low, and some of them alighted. The DTJV now looks for-ward to meal time witli clouds of then were so dense as to Grs. pleasure. As proviog the value of Dr.1 appear quite black, with the cdges È. F. Williams Pink PuIs in curing indi- lighter, until they fadcd away into ofteigestion Miss Edit.h M. Smith, R. R h lesy No. 4, f4krth, Ont., sayr: "I cani hon- snoýhn tney nirst reaconca .erusalem n estly say 1 owe my prescrnt good countless numbers peured into thei health te Dr. Williams Pink Pilîs. ',My broad-walled road that leads into the W AI Ftomnach w-as terribly weak and 1 suf- city from the west. For three or fourE D fered from indigestion and Rick bead-- days an unending streans Ilod the _____________ ache, and vvas always verv nervous. 1 road fron sride te ride, like troopiaý w-as troubled this way -for nearîy nsarching on parade, and in spite of H eID for Wfoollen three years, and in that fime took a the trafint that peint, their ranks, Vrent deal of doctors' medicine, wvhiçh, althougb thinned, entered the ancientM however, did not help mc. i coulvi tot gaRteway and the New Breach. The M i 1 eat anything without oxperiencing the mont round "Da.vid's Tower" was g0 mueFt agonizing pain. My- sick head- fillIed that the dry egyth seemed to be Carders, Weavers, Fuilers and aches wcrc mort violent andî I cot.ld a living mass. Up the city waîls and Napper Tenders. not rest nigbht or day. I %vas a.sked the castle they rlimbed te the very (;ovîd waae. paid in ait Lmeîartinents. one day by a friend te try Dr. Wiî- top. and steady wark assured. We have liams Pink Pilîs, and consented te de Thev were disastreus te the crop eps rai openints for Inexroerhm'nced heip. here energy and abilitv wiîi tirInx pro- so. After taking thon srose tise 1 in the cou-ntry, and obnoxious in the mo*tion. '5,aenoaid' to apprentices whil learnIna weavinig. Sieciai Indutce- found they 'tere helping me, and 1 bouses, for they squeezod through the mnrt te, familv workers. cent inuem] to taise thons steadiîy for' cracks of doors and windows, and Wvrite, eîatIng full exverience. If aruy, .îcveral months, until 1 found that 1 even scaled the wvalls te the reote and ane*etc, t ta-i compietely cured. While taking then got int the bouses by throwýing Tho SliaiSbY Rl tllUrill Co., tepille I gained both in strength and thensselvesi; nto the open courts. Wo-I. ML D veight, and 1 feel it impossible te mon frantically swept the walis and; praire Dr. Williams Pink PIs tee roofes of their homes, but te ne avalI BRANTFORD, - ONTARIO. bigbly." For several days Jerusales wam You cati procure these pille tbrough thui% visited, but the Insects evidentlyfl l I L port pealid n at 50cient oor aisotri e ad leg pfir ated diBsN-~V I ps any , d aler i) mecnesab or si mais o ,gh tg ner andhe n popuaew d is- eB N S boxes fer $2.50, frons The Dr. Wil- aw nothing more of thens. At Beth- liams Medicine ('o., Brockvilie, Ont. lehem heavy showers et ramn brought II pi tem gtheeoartadte or eth o- Y ~N E thosle the rth, and te oor ter peoA T few ste thernreasted; but the main "'BILL SADLER'S LE(, BOX.- reasen for collecting thens was to FOR How- lonalds-A. Smith qatisfled the get the snsall bourrty off ered by the le- cal government of Bethlehems. Tenu Fisherman. et the insecte were destroyed; mont K i cn r s How te get a man into a bunk that' 0f thons wore buried alive, until sev- K * c c c ' v.as a foot tee short for bis, and how oral ancient abandoned cisterrns were te keep bis frens being discontented filled. with bis bed, was the Procrustean The native vineyards and orchardsO problens solved by Lord Strathcona were stripped bare te the bark of the w when, as Donald A. Smsith, ho w-as a treer and vines. 0f aIl thinge fig chief factor ot the Hudson's Bay Cern- leavos bert suited thkir tarte; and Apply to Staff Serg't Dawson,4 pany. A solution at 'thich ho arrived once a tree feul a prey te thons, the Bandmaster K. 0. <late Band- is described by Mr. Beckles Wilson in greund about would ho literally layer. master Gov. Gen's. Bodyguard, bis "Lite et Lord Strathcona and deep. Toronto) 197 Peel Street Mont- Mount Royal.i When the daintier morseis wero, rea!. The conspany bad a number of gene, the locuets ate the bark of thoe' ________________ Imarded buts for the fishermen in topmest branches. Then bhey weuld BATTALION HAS FAMOUS CHEF. Iheir ensploy, of sucb narrow dimen- gnaw Off smali limbe, perbaps te get rions as te afford sleeping accomsmo- at the pith wlthin. They strtpped ail Allan Line Chief Cook to Foed Sofl- dations only for perrons et normal the fruit trees and many shade trees Iength. On one occasion a very bon- of ail their touiage. diers on Delicacies. est and active man presented himneif - 9'- - The 246th Battalion, which han just te Chiot Fartnr Smith for a buak inNiasLamutCesE"s.10 started recruiting in Mentresl, dees one ef these huts. The difficulby wan 8o under the mont favorable auspices that ho was six feet six inchos in Cause for Wraîh. conceivable, for through the agency iengtb-nearly a toot longer than the' Jones (to bis grocer)-You seens et Capt. Andrew Allan, ene cf its bunk. On an inspection ef bis quar- angry, Mr. Brown. officers, there bas been engaged as ters he rejected Mr. Smithn eoffer .sumtnarily, declaring that ho was not going te lie cransped for eny agent or planter living, and neither was ho c-ontent te he sawesi in two. -Wili a lied sevon feùt long suit v-ou7"' asked the chiot factor. The fiherman said mît would. There- upon Mr. Smsith sent fer tecens- pany'4 carpenter; a bele was eut in' the' wall of the building, te whicb a bo)x lined with deerskin war applied oui ride and rendered stable iiy preps. The man afterwards beld Mr. Smith it was bhe tIraI theroughly comtort- able bed ho l'ad ueeupied in yeurs. The reteptâ.ae was afterwards exhibuted at the store at Rigolet and eanjoyed much loal famne as "11111 Sadlter'* leg lu @Piteof h.rt.umA pvLL.ity. lers pco p tmoireiuso ê.~ ~ tý Iarmtht ht d -cd. Brown-I ami. The inspecter etfi chefthe tamotia superintenuenit of the weights and moasures has just k4,een in. Alan Line cooks, M. de Gerog, who Jones-Ha, ha, Ho caught you-giv- i wiil devine the menu for the soldiers. ing 15 ounce3 tte cpeund.. did he? '-We are going to 500 that the mon Brown-Wors than that- He said: et the 246th get every possible benefit I'd been giving 17. in the way et feeding that knowledge _____ iand skiil can aupply," aaid Capt. AI- l an. "Ai a rule the mon do net got ___ re $ ryfljg much variety un their diet, with a Ry«;-4medb ex rund etffood that comes with monet- ure toSwufland onous reguiarity and is often net nea" iiy oIsVdIy MIIthe:tandard that the men uho have l's ut FE Conorr At# 1"In order te overeeme this ve have Yowr DugW.# Soc Per :lt l"Mi.NustE 8deided te try a new experimeat with kits. O~~~5tthe 246th Battalion, sand to t<le nd I have enieted the services of M. de Gorog. uho in kuen une u tthe The. Ob.erviag Chlld. meut femou cchefiluthe world." IA wotuan Raid tesa littie boy withî M. de Gorog wa» dellghted st the hieï h&ir bobbed ~ in ccïrk;'Frank- topportîunity ef turulug Iea eUlUD lyn. when are you coieng te have your! ikili <Oto thesMdof C5ada'5sou1ittIt hair eut 11km. papa'n?" - i and 5< once veluateeved Isa soee "k don t, want siy hair eut Uike M. de Gorg bau b.ld Umi7Iup pa 's, hereplled. *'wîtIi s bol, ta .ant gSttnormotUpeseinuEurope- se t)w <o. uwas for sose tise In u lmsors ____________________Pesitionea ulthet .Kiug's hsso .ad was decosateid by lse- George., He coaductedaersuu t lu LOuid for sm 1û» amwevubet of th.e lnsrd's Uiisnmt ol.. mîkad. 1ReferClub bMort e h.uasbosgb Dea irs,-! eau nr*czoei Xi-M- h» by the AU» it et ek ba INARD13I LINIMENT for Ret tie f r eetwg twoW*hiesu aspnntrr ea1hhave Ueed t fer bth wlth cveeilcst reuits. Yeurs taIy, T. EL LAVM,i Dssret Haq le -cervâe.j- le t. meany Umz.m miii tIwy a evrstwge*, be 60edi ~~ mejet 0< ww PO'-'le aim or abm, " Oà *W l gh 0e 0 oi o' *oeu Md iis q*l b*t . sias e.é*L t* , ýs à forb.e -â mo~qetom% BITS ABOUT ANTWERP. »Ùý Il Whieh le Rungz Only When the Nuns Want Food. Antwerp, the ciby et churches and chimes, is crewned with bistory, and its nase will figure preminenbly when the page et the future cornes te, be writben. The romantic Belgian city, that ever reseunda witb the nound et churchb bous, wiIl doublons have heard lately the rinister chime et a bell that bas net been rung witbin the history et living man. The bell bangs in a'- convent supported hy nuns- of a curi- eus order. These nuns have aIl boom great ladies who bave renounced the world and ail its ways, and consecrat- ed their wealth te the cburch. Having baken the vew of poverty they walk through lite barefeoted, and hold ne' communication whatevor vwith the busy populace outside their walls. For their dally bread they depend soely on the4harity ef the townspeople, who religiously beave food on their doorway every day. The bell hanging I their convent, is neyer toiled, il be- lng kept as a last dosperate reort te interm the city that the nun s can ive ne longer unlers tbey have food. The Silver Linlng. The Tender-hearted Cook-No bad news, 1 'ope, ma'am? The Mifftress-The master's been wounded. The Cook-ýI'ere now, ma'am; don't let that worry you. They telle me they can patch ens up so's they're bet- ter than before. MOTHER LOE AJDS SON DiN TENHF it Brings Relief To Bo.Y Stand- ing Hia Watch Deepin Mud. once saDo a t a n. ouaL sw menths atter titis terrible wold wez b.d be- pin. Irlvate IWBa s.oder tu the mIuks, had stood for &WB sln the. trenchs - oewbeve ta pra"oe.oo IN* oold ralus sosked hli to -the obla; the. rud Ira deeP. He b"d b.d a. rat Wmry end SOWng wit. e Om all b;, be r.cued t"e faitli 1i aiO&.rb" ila SWO0Les'sUiut. ne «"kd fer t l u ie st etarhoe A large bottiewu as medat* iM Wum »d a feu q»Btos*ekWsl e * .%6, Z't? r.ed it w ~~~~~~~b - i Iârbat.1O A GREAT CON VENIENCE. What the Canadian Pacifie Railway In Doing For Itn Employees. For the convenience of the ens- ployees, of whom ý.here are nearly 2,000 in the Windsor Station build- ings, Montreal, the Canadian Pacific Rlailway has recently set up a cafe- tera luncheon at 15 cents in a large apartrnent which will accommodate 251 perrons at a sitting. Judging by the attendances, it is bound te be one of the most popular features the com- pany bas put its hand te. There are hundreds of girls, especially, who have not tise to go home, et- who, if they do gzo home, are greatly pretss- ed for time. With this service at their disposai they wvill save car fare; they will get a thoroughly satisfying luncheon; and they can have the cons- fort of the lounge room in connection on wet or coid dayq-a lounge roomn which contains a piano, magazines and papers and in which the ens- ployees can rest for the balance of their lunch hour. The arrangement is four to a table; aIl the appoint- ments are harmoriious; there is an air of quiet (lignity about the place. Mr. W. A. Cooper, manager of the sleeping and dining car department, said that this was in accordance with the well-known policy of the Canad- ian Pacific for taking care of its vm-' ployees. The people in the offices constituted quite a little city in thensselvos. Many could not go home with cenvenience. This lunch' room would mncet the wants of many. 0f course, there would still be the 1 30-cent luncheon upstairs, and the regular dining roomn in vvhich you could have what you wanted and pay for the same as much as you liked; but this was strictly for the em- ployees, maie and female, who woulul prefer to have their luncheon inside the building to going te restaurants -these of thens who were in the hab- it of going to restaurants. kraterni] and Insaraice socieîy that mts its inembesn in eccordaknçe wlth the ri Governuent Standard. Sick and ral b.ne8its optionaL Wthorxsd te obteln memnbers and charter u lIi oery lProvince in Canad. urély Canadian. sala. sound and econo- ths.re la ne local lod«, cof Chosen Friendi oai district. apply diec te c ny ci the. inu officors; W. Liwards, M.P. W. F. Montrgîe. umd Couccller. G.rand Recorder. Campbeil. J. H. N., M.n.. Camd0rganizer. Grand medicail F-. HIAMILTON . ONTARIO Macbinery For Sale Wlicclock Enuginc, 150 11.?., 18 x 42, wftb double main. drlvlug bkit 24 in' wIGc,.and DyDamo 30 IL W.* bclt driVena. Ail, In-, firs class condition. Would bc soid togcthcr or separatc- Iy ; also a lot of shafting at, a vcry gîcat bagain- as room Is rcqulrcd îmmcdte atclye S. Frank Wilson & Sono n8 AdIelaeStreet West, SNIPER8 KILL TWO SROTIHERIM Th.y Die inlaa bOther'. Arme on tii. Brîtisbront The. death of two brothers in ac ~t*rs arme et tho front ts releted w1dpi 1 F erudmi, Rhonsdda -Valley,, b#th mombens of a Welob rochomt Au officer wrlts. e: ld es4 Tpo wus bit byea sulpoWse p4I>an ayl ge. thés rl*do bs Hie mw C_ vMa o f rflfh ac mawee U~sa se»1 -*mafl u M 'i « un bM tw m9- "Made ln Canada" DOMINION RAINCUAIS Beat for ciuallty, style and value. Quaranteed for al l I. mbate. Ask Your ONJNIO~Dealer 's BED POTATOES. IRISH COE14 blMers. Deleware. Carmari. Ordei at once. Sup ply It mlted. WrIte fer Quuo talons. H. W. Dawsen. Brampton. KELP WANTI1D. CAHINET N1\KFJS ANI) MACHIID hands a r'.tvi. sttpdvworh at hlzlipst %vags ArîI V to The lBeil l rit u t .(.. la ri rt. s-g CutYCrBLES wANIT1ED. N <r b No. 60 No. 70. STATE r~-N tlty \ ou tra\ e for sale. also NIFtker'q aume. andlle.t casqh ;rrce A pply LUoi tel I;riir, & L.eid. I.td.. 284 St Helens Ave.. Toronto.Ont. NEWBPA.PEC 703 BATLR SItOFIT-MAICING NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale ln sgood Ontario owns. The mont useful and Intarestlng of ail busInesaeg. Full Information ofl applIcatlon te Wilson Perblishinx Comn- pany. 73 West Adelaide Streret Torontow MISCEL LANMOUS. IANUEI:. TMîRLVXPS. oF:'r. c lrter.A l r xt,-rral. cured wlt.h- out pain b %-or hoine treatiment. WrIte us befrîre t ' aie. Pr. Beh1lman Medical Co. limiti htg-o. it When buying your Piano insist un having an "OTTO HIGEL"I PIANO ACTION BOOK ON IAnId IIow to Feed [M'v' fai1ed free te nul sddressby nig tuss 118 West 31st Stret New Torl Reduces Bursal £nlarem nta, Thlckened, Swolen -Tlusues, Curb@4 FUI.d Tendons, Sore- stops Spavin Lamencu, ulsys pain. Dom cot bluter, rmiove the hair or lay Up the horse. $200 a botule ui druggisti or dclivered. Book 1 M free. ABSORBINE, MR, fer n=bknd-asa antiseptic liniment for bnnises, cuti wound5, mains, puinful, swoieu veine or d. It healsandsOothes.$1.00 a bote at drug-à gis or po7jiad. WW1U I~ou mors if trou wTite -Ma e h. U. S. Zby 0. F. TOURSG, P. 0. F., $16 Lywans 814., Moetssl, Cas êsorbisa sMd Absorb" ai. . arTtaida l8 CM& -4 't -i I 'f o" w ,__m , 1