THUýRSDAY, SIWTEMBER 21. 1916PAEfR WE ARE SHOWING A 17 Jewel Ladies Gold Filked Bracelet WatcI, Newest çb kp. I.. *1,111 J1udet IPiCton. Weston, Tweed, S.l thl Oijts. She -isin Picton this weeI. Prlince Edward CountY Makes 4 sPeel<3r of echool departmnent exh lb- ,t'et and upon her return Miss Powell %*Illi h[aie mething of Interest to say 'as to what the schoûls are doing for the boys and girls la Prince Edward Co. 0o- Watches, $100 to $100.00. Bassett's. Parties %vishùîg auto foir afternooa or evening outings (long or short dis- tances) abould communîcate wilî A. 13. kdwards, lad. phone 416. or catI ai Post Office betm-een 8.30 and 9.30 -12.--, 1-f 1611SCHI, 1FTRLO )DAY. The Field IDa% or lthtby 111igliScitool %vlll be liîld on Trsr-da: 'Sept ember 29, at the athtîic grotînds. An luierest- Ing and varied program Is being ar- ,rangpd. i -iir -. 1- - ried Ilbronigh iiitickly, and Pgood prices %n Pe obtained. Wrn. Nlaw Nvas t li anc- t toneer. ~JyCI -l" senior il VIII C oPeni *AA speilof roat fait weatlier this wrs-k spal<. "Ailjare welcomie-.A' colileectio'n s'd To ihe boYs Of tlle tow-u .TheIS' ciont lia- rouiindIld'Tinue,<of ith(- alîroacb of Nwill be taliken. earnesT ly apPeilis To tIlie cii izens, and wint er. A tiiavv w iit e frosi n ott i- 5.00 e~~specialiv I o the parents. to titra O111day utgh t fr07, r!i iib)arh teaves st iif. esoa Meto special $15.00 and eniciurage Iis ilery important sudit tolîctîs-d t egetat toli t wtithte flrst Proa eto peClêl .p ~~~phase of tliti' ducaition of thbe boys and îirso itui <i 5m5rtur girlsbeu siieti a.s t10 aks- a tirs' dssir- Nliss Ilrougbîoa. of Toronto, sen Reg lar $18.0 Th Wipt1 oaPe for coinfori indoors. Siiudav w -ttb ber parents. Womons m800n T(,Itsittte arc ~ Miss Colla Jennings is speadlng her 10 lie c011riiîando carrving off tli i tu F0" ADLV TNJUREP liOidait5 lu Osbawa and Toronto. (old price> Oirsi prize at s}shaw-a Fair for a colts c Ou iicsdFayOT Nig il rtg I rs. .Artur Clark, of Toronto, sp<-nt 1 lion Of ciIInn'd fruits, 12 varileties the 1e qd Niii, diigtbe week-enid iitb ber sister. Nîrs. R. compititi isetur Open to tbe WomietS a 'ntenit umixer along Itue Kiugston i Hnucbsoa. Iluet ilties of Otnario and Durbam 1 l{oad. NIr. Frank Uudervoood sîîffered aaMsl.'.el'nsu a C'ouantiýr's The mTitby lnsittlîte lias1 a very pilfl accident. wben onue of Nr.AA. tksoad At thepreset prics the gained a reititaîton for doinig titis sort tlle wbeels of the big machine passed cbfildres n o ornto. r iigwt Atth pesntpics he ofbing ainmost lesry >car. ot er is lied. The mixe r w as beiag 1 A aumber of tbe boys from the lS2ad wath oul sil or$30Oo FO SLE-0- ER moved frornthe ew ceentn ateel 1 Battalion were home from Camp Nia- TendR l b1 eele 1î ep ta hînwsdagugo b odgara over ibe week-end. andr II1 rc-ve ni Sp.,aa got dowu frt i ixron wthe h d. Mr. and Mrs. WNI Collns, of ST. Thsi n ecpin l 1t b. for tbe purcbase, of tbe farmn prop- n o onfo temxr nwihLouIs. Mlo -. were Ta Whitby last week ërty of tbe laie W'hitweil Hall, contain- lie %vas riding. to pis-k It ip. In some Nstnthfomr uceM.A.D opportunity to secure a high la21 acrs.loR28dcu.FraMser1, of wy hCofothrane.r ne fbas g 25 ares lt 2. cu.5. lt-bvwbeels and the ituge weigbi crusbed Fraser. grade vwatch ait a very low 1Tis farii(,is\ situated 1 mile from G. bis beel ver'. iiadly. Wblle ao bones beN Isr.R oiabseprents.CocrandMas a iid ec rni bousea . Hgood 'Vere brok4-n. Frank wiII be laid tup for W.A. Fraser. Rod came tbrougb the prc r as, tc . fr nitulug realam iet some time. 'bIg tire alright, but the jewelry store Apply to Wm Kerr, flrookÎli, Exeti- l-in w'icb lie w-as eagaged was totally tor. or Ni\rs,. John Ormiston, Brookla. IIAPTIST CHt'RCH. desî royed. B ASSETT 0pw Suaday. Sepiember 24. I H. WONIJ-N'S 1ISS'TI1"CTr 1OItNNî; Ai 10 a.m. the Siaday Scbool %wIil BTM*0 r--n bTHS.onTus iîold a rally service. Special music UDR OPî hiy nTus Th 'ilvtb orchestrai accompaulmeai: seîec- day. September 14, 1916, In Mr. and laTeBlock With The Balcony The 191C) 17 sertes of meetings of thee lions by tbe orchestra: solos. duetis. Mrs. Russell Underwood, a daughter. N'it'-Brancb of the Wo I'ts ts- also two short addressics. Thsis service STEPHENSON-IN Moose Jaw. Sask.. BrookSt. ouhtilts- mas ltaiirat-d oit Frtdav afier tiIb eTwrb iedn.ada on Saturday, September 9. 1916, to itoon huit. mlit't tlie Oiiaîmeting urgent Invitation Is extended Io ail the Nir. sud Mrs. W. E. Stephenson, a 'Vas heid Ila tus' Agrtcultiiral morne, parents and frieads of the scîtolars to dangbîer. M rs. Geo rgev A 1 Z .oss . rs Id enît.,or- ciiipled tiîe chitr 'Teé,inea-bers <of 1ait tend. MRIGS à '-~'-w-mi ]Plcs'riîg trars-itw or' uc guesîsof ervices; as îîsual ai Il a.m. and7 NV. ~ . L..ieriaftsrtt'o.aîtd sviprete'd ibeptr o- pim. The papier wI locciipy ibe pul BE <s.ýMISH-BROWN - At Columbus, W._CT.U._te_________and________hepro-pli Ontario, on Saturday, September 16, - raI ta mst liuit-rt tus gonte TTîç' re-li.-o- 1916, by the Rev. W. M. Haig At ifis' rsgitar ine'tiîîg if tilt,î- fri'shme-îts w-r' ss'rved ai-d a t'ery 182ND I3ATTALION NOTES. EdlTh Elizabeth, eldeat daughter 'r, U. iI twtsde-Tdî'd to send a liait,-if ipleasainut tis' w as passcd. of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, Brook- 0 Capt. Paton bas takea charge of the lia. Io NMr. KeaaeTh Frederick Beam- clotiig anid edsiiîg To the ' sîffs-rs'rs, from th(, fit'tri NoîrthsOitTarin If aîty Thie nus'w al)îtof th*e ('nîut% of Oa- recruiting ib is district. Hiesstaff ieisbI;, eldest son of Mrs. Mary Stephen.. ocf ilios,' wio were îlot ai tbhe meeting tarin Is nsituîgwtîb vidç>pread ap- composed of Sergts. Deverell, Jones, Brooklin. liav.e clotbitig for mcii. woms-a or cbld lidrot-al lu is absnltiîtviv iup-to-date. Sherw-ood, Elcombe, Corpl. Holman. DEATHS. reti, oir hs'ddiag ilitsiii3 an spare' or sitd Oit]!is t ' i;sCfeA & Son. and iltes. McKee and Coîborne. JOLLIFFE-ln Bowmianville, on Sun- wsildtîk 1 >0 e tleycanlv'e the a u'<tet nd ('tiriiii 1'. Wb*ltby' Pros;pects are brigbt for filllIag up the day. September 17, 1916, Rev. Wm. waueti tubikeMo gls' Theid l'riae es' fcormb ieMn- cn"s t1hBaTialion, as a large number have Joliife, ln bis 9lst yéar. Fale\ihMsCTdr"0r rnîsr 1 i nuntad it ran cesIlîrmed1 in pal et - ut îrs iî-o let stadonrci Thpote flata ion wlll reurn from NiaHILL-in Wbitby, on Friday, Septem- FTIOM NEW YORK AND CHLICAGO. 0 gara to the Counîy sbortly, and m-111 berof5,r1916, Mary, . . inflT augh- «'oudouî't s'ed alcniiol foîr ]îsalth I11 VAT.. A 't n have liqs hcýdqtariers for the w-iter lat 19r of Mr. ad 1Mrs. .HIae 30oit dîsî*t rni-et I I fir su rdtih ,'<'i i lra îioir loii 'Viitbil- and Oshtatva. M ontUhe aad f 13 daye. "om <lotît lis- foir food, yosii dsniii ti'5d ltskti uS-t-ttsr2f; tapi' Pst on and Capt. Alex. Cork. MCLAUGlIn Face on- Setl1deme- 1 humr have 14t< returlied from courses hrIn racoSeebe1, it forirsintkl it evet .dites 1 011 MI&1 lisaieriotit e 25ei -2î, auit'amp Bordea. The latter liq ln 1916, Major A . E. McLaughlin, ,gond. iluialw é sdsîs's ýoiiî lariti 1,4 t lîorci geositOcuniser r-6.charge of recruit'ing ut 0Osbawa. 'abkrnr, owmanville. ii iitsutiî-gi-oisi Ti'wais-rtwagon ( anîihoetiford. S'imur26 27Lient. Wvlte bas gone 10 Niagara-on- Il111 ilii r'f ls tl lts( 1 ICiti totd ts-r Si iibr2-9Illie Lake. *and Lient.- Penrose le at A LMON rS. " p l'us'cillo tli y igii sî-teuulcr29 c1 tamp Borden taklng a machine gui- **Il( iIlm'il lclo l 11 yt i1ýtn2R2.couîrse Don't forget Rally Day next Suh- iliai Ts tot a gossd iwlies-s tI ts(Ifs - t.Ittdst' Sî-îie'mhs-r 21-21. Thbe laîtalion lit actlvely tralaing ai day. Union services etart at 2 o'cloclk. fee(TR lposs iti Titms'. fsîr Tus iuitd t'5 ttst Narkhii - iiOcioher 4-5 igrao-h-lk nbao I Mrs. W'. Ashby bas returned home as Tlitssîdi ls lîrihlit iiil,,thedrus u4 'tdtid S.iîand2 2.Naaa'ateîak ahyne lb-after spendlng a week Wlth friends and Psfl flitjidef tglt riai h Is if Nidln ett l)omnlg and trenching. The men is uît<i jis-ndis'as isilliirsuril Ociober 5-6 have got gettled do;wn io camp relatives bere. fuît] of fumes. Thedrink)>oii tit<k Martiosa - isemir 2F, 2fi. erbody-s "stolke ol .Can Miss Blizzard, of '-lbrento, visitedl -ictiýliv iiiitlmhe ýor iowe to&ddOctlpe 11l'.with Mrm. A. W. Riebitd-à fl over Sun- litimbe .rp, Ts imisri7.e. tb sieteTO il' r >sri liopte-Ociobr Il11 gara. si day. usd hitk qsuIckly W'ito dos-si asîtnsest - On Silnday evcniag a very enthuslas- Mr. W.KmLrek p M.F nd-Itic reruitlag meeting was held ln the -KepLrn<epM.F ail i(,ilud iei cati l-isier Ii I hesi' Tls' Ontario Rallway and Municipal Mepthodit;t Church at BrookIln. Rowe and V'ernon mao»ed o frechin 41am s'1iiThIsi fore y)ou drinkl. for af- ibsiard w ili hear an appilcation nSep- 0 tast w-eek, and spent a few days witb terlaîk sussorî'l -- t ail vî ui' ti"lots s.'iiier 2!ltTifrom titi-Home Telephone A copy of the London DaUt f'krlch relativei;. thinkU smtIl ls il Hittî (. fso for 1perailsmlon To rai" eTheir rates is ai hand coatalalng a t'lew ofthie ln- The Young Ladies' Clus entertained oarrlfirN Is srie rm$1aoinpcIo fth lthOtrt on the young men to a corn roast on Pri- on rral arti Uneb;r iness $2 or di ~TpeTion o he L Ot-C i Hamarday evenlng iast at the home ef Mrs. $15 per aanum, and for bile rd-tS.tainh t.Cl i aa L. Birown. The evening wus spent Il~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~r reIlTne spr'.ici' from $15 To $18,75 perF Greenwood. at B3ramshott C.amp. Eng- h oslgcr o msmns i iaaîîntm. and for autiioriTy To pu& Imte land. la thé picture Sir Hama&r. Lt.inrungcn zamset.Al plffect il scliei'îls- orfjol charges for Ina -0Co. S. S Sharpe and Majer H. P' had a gItod lime. LOCALHAPPE N irchatgr v "ryie IPtwêêl Ill Fui- cooe. o "A" ompay. arWm. Oke M.ismonke theon s the ck lilat. LOA HPEIIN cIrs-hacr;nf h(serie teepin ie urom.Coe o ognzbva el sa numae r of Mr orne Kemp la woiking ln W.M. r isates compirsing the ins'mbers of tb ie ms- mn ln the ranks. Miss Addie Philp ia spending a few York anud Ontario Tî'ts'îhoîii- Uniont 0o dat-s In %emanville. t'mrelae $2Su to$1. Bsstta lTHe Cta'lo doubTlese tg feelingthue Several NW'hlTluy ciTizeas saw the - Ptsn n isPalPr 0 e<fiecils of Ille IiijTî coss of living Ila greai pitcture. 'Ths' BirTh of s Nation,'* sns, of Dalîngton. vislted with their Miiss Woiiki-s anid Nliss llarti-cNart' coinnion i -tb aiT ottbs'r corpsorations ln Toronto on Saturday nîgbT last. aiser, Mrs. L. Puckrln, oven Sunday. iici-t y si-tti id Inii t i it h usmou <dla- -I-uis_______________________ Mn. and Mr*. W. Mitchell and Alfr-ed I tuiiuis St if -etcssi0 Ou Tlîtrgday cveniag, at 8 o'clock In ii Sundav Scbool room of St. An- drew's Churcb. Mr. William Dewar, of W i p 1)tl vN' ps1u t 1rus fsor al t so %ts i-sand rit l gi-s, t.;O, i il filIci- 0o 'I' Muss l iiw i-ýf o% 411Il i lîuld ta fsînnal d imiuta yof fsllIIilliuui4 -.% oi1) luis--stusa Se pu1 -mnri sf- r -10t1Tu J s rci-i ssi 10oiipa i rs of i i lit ar) lu iti t us-t-st sTu sua tOi- rmurketi for s sr.ý dus> uss- 1 J î, - &Soii. su utulrs AuN ti t cilii'lircb - l'un<s'ilt luý . m 111 tuTu thITus ir îuuîustHîaur i'-ct Iiuuii- ms-rttcs on SutSuiiiiII. ,Si-îts'inhsr 'Ath i.-1914 Ti, local liarkus rn-hon tTiust nucoa- i(Ii railIf I)IIIuitt r suf uuîlulcatiiius ha iii îu-îc t-s Ilit li t hv fsor ititulsicriî lamiad rin.gim.$10 00 tIo $2500 Bases-t ieu - MIeS Cormaclu would hîke To reesiive donatIonm. elibîr cash or go-ode. to- wards Ttip gîfts mhich are uo be e"ut for 'tlrietmiiis To ea-rh Whithy, boy at the front, It %%ili lus a-essary toelhave the boxs parked ansd sent away morne ti-me durlng Novi-mbs-r, eso Ihliqdi'sîed that coniritToas lus- siatln wlthln the mei e %%- eek L% Thi-re are man>- more m'ilTb> 'l;ys la ilîs' tîpehets aow than thî'rî- w<ula-laPt ('hnintmac. and the suantit> ni good thîngareor«uine-d w-iI lx' inuîcli largq4r IA 1 alilthe local frisnde; cf the lhs doa1c lbenally -o bs-lp give a oluheiîtllal '54erry (Cbrlstmaâ" Io risoas' Onth iî, linglins'. BEEF BONERS AN D BUTOHERS REQOIBEI IMMEDIATELVU Stady Employmente 1 s4uý,I tI q1 IntIl) losîiiGooiirfi rfil i W an The' mimbers o? the. I.adif-sç' M ýson . i'uCîrcle of the liaptisl5 iiiircl weu-e en- 'Write at once, or you can ge s> - Ts~frTiad alficTîtI' emimehbome ofMn.ra ;î:; slirD OF "X'7IAN Sirs Tt ictbardpon, He)dnatioe1'Park. on 5 by telephone day or nigbt usiuic suLrm uîîd fris-nds for mus>ilni aile'uad hs"lpfijlIafiernoomi was upent Juicction 41=0 i ui i ii s-IlOi iis occsilont of t hiir Ibu t hose w ho woe presc'ut. -0-1 The NNar Relief Socli-ty Ilitalles te t1 l'iulTt h ,ufr t 2b is-ss-t Ti <s' unir)o iacknom iedrýe m lîlu hanks a donuatio lauh tor o 1,'Ii illlupî5,tt5-selst l lîi-tfI 's su? $Z rom Mcm. Wm [5.wnir.I r Isi Ce -0- -0-Wesmt Toronto 1 I( lriait (ursii'rsf N iurss-e Tf METHOi)IST TABERNACLE.. - a utu trisltis for ut, -iii drn-tu of île'.' A H.flFoter.panson I iti u îi T'.ScTisol aisui tTir iar(ntatSunday, -. -spis-mle.1'n4. - i Vrila'. isortitosunof uis im ikIn la Morntng servie'-- Sonda> School I -, u ti ls-ifl iillTtt aIl>- Entire sertilui nharge of the 0 - Sinday 8chool luc'.uîluris-u Iiîilk doit-uîi'e wiphi Ol ol- iW A'1) l)>kès. i . , tut Ii( itit iii itl T uufts-l r l-'.î'tuing sertles'- Aiibs-m. '3-s2 l - Si-t4uniuhsr Iil. Ill- rsiof tOur lifuti ihiI. Mn ,Alhs-nu-m iiluk %%tIll li sc aiîuîart L1' i Jac,#Pon and Mn W J IH Rlcharton 0 ' l'ls' paston lIloccuty tise pulth Co m ' u " i i sf ttutrts (I tid s rlii 'iIll I l" i i# i fi uu i s r i (iu sf ttus I .1)iiu trN PI IF.111 TFIl IAN & ('1ULt 1 i. iilý i tut .ut l1urtuuu. sf 1Ituakitutg '.itiLs' 11 finm - Anitirin. -,Ouit icf Ibs- 'it 11. iq fuur itslic Ii>' sP iii ttii- t ri-uîhuse; T1 i-tTu a - Siolu), I-tar My' (ry. t)0 -- r 1,i lit iidsit'. coiv nî.utd TsTîisri Mr Artuhur ii uât lui~Il .u n.î~ Ariitin,- 0 ")ltfiriuyliia) ' 0 Piiui tMlilENaVia t-II afil Mr Aritur t-l .01 iii uîsi s-i sr tiiw- to'k 3 1) m - Itally [>ayirolu'am by titi s.- itus ilC-,gr) iisiîg Itn bardwani'. ISonda> Sehtn>l. lntisdtng %statI iuelh -<s-- and lante-u-n s ew's dcli t, ite utof'uil -Iti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h lINci ;t-l:NiuISVST r~ eougrgation asud frîs'nds mIii .. T~~~~~~ I' ,uîuri sim os.M1 for Stindi- ' A ri-enîtl In mss-r li~mas ?s'd o-t is- l:utd. Ktgîitid, anid \Sri%. "r---iso Four Contr" i 41rp-o gtrsla> i'-rniuuu \%t r- loitiqtus'îi u-s-rsoui titi'floT iand Amer- taxi léy Catît Paston. lt Cort.sskhuri i -' iîu.-r, Niirdusm w-luich îrrlvi'd hiu-mi.andi othpr me-tnbc fth- e it.. 52n lai to dis> frîsun lotts'ruani. talinw Ot-- rumrit u* c vsusd auttil m.-IIng. sm-d Iltgle sxîus-sthat oftii'r Spit'king o? big tioatsus's. the two' twIl lubeobtatu- insda s e-suIt ofti. poiiiiilsr ri-fi'rrs- Ioita iilami watk'm--o-- Issuie uasi iussu puTluit liIleuladi' by a A caxe of Infantile pau'-l,cîs hi. uent hl siI lTrvir somne'folinmd Iiliii' gardî'n et dicciusmni-d ai Agliuti-Non, MNir. 'T'GI i-vs-vI'l Il t w i'Igbd 2 riged 6 ysians. il#.- iIc ln.isa susi e isuuii(IS andsi'è gsusncî.[ andsi s191 In-chms's frhool No. 1.- wtueh bac beef ern litu ii' mllîitfi'iî, i-'uuî ,iiasu'i ck- ai-idlier fanssibivia.Itc-riqu.araimnMi is frsuîu NM iI .irçîT, îî w s'glied Etierý jsri'-:mu,i iOn l-b c si--fl ta s t 1 igs't Il 6 - >z t t-tuusists luit 1i 4 i'ulag hwins-vs'iTt m pri ad i if t'ds"s s 1 uiuîs-' iîs i iriitel> I TçI ts' 4oilui u't- eonunuutuy. Nilus t. t ls'.. si tutsliseu e-t4 %i raA. lHartirk op t 'ry s.,r-tisll îîoiuîts-sitit lli -tf oJuigi'sof Oîtario htd on Ttstiidiy aftveu ïft,,iu e Faîn t)(] 1iîLxliulillicna. is oellarire aitedanc*. 1%e. *t *W nIl r~ Mitchell. of So#l1~ ntrddown te W. Dtngman's on Tuesday and spent the day - Forry 10 repont that Mr-. James Wood te very 111 at time of wrltn< The Misslonany Department of the Epwerth League beld a social oa the chunch lawn on Tuesday evenIng. A good programme was rendered. Te eream and cake were sérved. Candy and waben melon were aise for maie. À veny enjoyable time wa. spent. -s. Coopuer and Mis4 Smith 'visited wltb Mrs. T. E. Philp eh Stinday. SALE REOISTER. Saturday. September 2Srd. -Auctlon sale of a quantity ot bousehold tut-ni- tune at tbe Royal H.ote. Wbttby. Oaie &t 2 o'clock sharp. Terms eauh. Wm. Maw, auctionrer. T-hunday. September 29. - AuctIon sale of tanin stock. Impicments. coSM roots. etc.. ai lot 14.,t-eau- con. 6. Pieker- tIn. th# iwoperty ef 011w, Denny. Sale at 12.30 o'elock sharp, sut buis. W. a. Powell. auctioea*r. , Wednosday. Ortober 4.-Auetion ml o f tai-m stock a"d 1ipkin1m ,. he puoperty of bMus. Robt&I.. allot 2. cmn. 1l. Pickering Tp.. 2% valles w..t et IWhittby Town, os ICin« sRond. Sale at 1 o*clock. Win. Maw. amctlone.r. Souk&* Tirg - ste"si ià . t O.nýý7my. . We r*" drye 'u ordr *4 dn" . Wi*t# *4. 80 U THE ONTARIO RAILWAY AND MUNICIPAL flOARD, In the matter of the application of The Home Telephone Company, Limit- ed, for authority te increase ità charge for rural party Une service from $12 to $15 per annum, and for business or! direct line mervice fromn $15 te $18.75 per annum, and for authorlty to puti Into effect a schedule of toil charges for interchange of service between the sub- scrJbers of the several telephone com-1 panies comprtsing the members of the York and Ontario Telephone Union. APPOE'(TMEI'T FOR HEAItIN(l. The Board hereby appoint Friday, D., 1916, at the hour of elevea o'clock in the forenoon, at the Boarcis Cham- ners. Legislative Bildings, Toronto, for the hearing hereJa. Toronto, this seveath day of Septem- ber. A.D. 1916. (Seal) H. C. SMALL, -12 Secretary. For Sale To Rent, Etc. MAID WANTED. For- -eneral housework,*3 Ia family. Apply to Mrs. Theodore, King, Wbitby. MAýID WANTED. For general housework. Apply to iMr.s. A. T. Lawler, Whtby. -tf. TWO HOUSES TO LET. Six roomed cottage with stable, gar- age, ben bouse, fine fruit and ample gardea ground, wlth present posses- sion. AIso an eight.roomed two siorey bouse, with same outbuildiags as flrist, and Possession middle October. F. How- ard Annes:. TO LET. October 151h, north haîf of houge at corner Centre and Mary streets. Seven rooms, modern convenience. Apply to J. F. Pirie. E N. -13. Found, near 111gb School, a Yale key, numbered. Apply at Gi.zette office. FOR SALE OR RENT. 77 acres, lot 28, con. 4; possession In October, 1916. Some plowing done. C. W. Smith, Byron St., Whitby. -tf. WANTED. 100 car loade of eln, either G. T. R. or C. P. R. points. We have orders for any quantity of elm, either eut or by the tree. WiII pay highest prices. Cailt writp or phone Joseph Heard & Sons, Whitby.-14. FOR SALE. Farm ln the Township of Reacb, near Port Perry, containing 96 acres la flrst- ciass b statte of cultivation. House and bank barn. For particulars apply to the Toronto General Trusts Corpora- tion, Toronto. -13. C. JOHNS -Carpenter and Contractlng Builder. Plans prepared and estimates fur- nished. Brock St., Soiitb of Post Office, Whit. by, Ont. Phone 131. Undertaker and furniture dealer. Lmim ullg dlleS.E Bell and Independent phonos. Dayin,6 deadeS. s Pickering Land and Standing Cedar For $aie* 55 acres ln Pickering Township, con- ventent te raiiway depot at cherry- wood with addItionpl ten acres stand- ing timber, principally cedar. There Ia also said to be senie c-edar sultable for fence posta. The tend and timber is estImated worth tw'enty-aieven hun- dred dollars. We are open for an of- fer on the whole or part of property and timber. Write or cali at our office for fulîl partîculars. -i RALLY SUNDAY The annual rally of the Sunday School wiIl be held in conriection with the morning service at i i o'clock. A special program is bei.ig prepared by the members and, others. 'Ne are looking for a large attendance, and a hearty invitaCion is extended to everyone, espec- ially the parents of the children. - Tabernacle Sunday School or night. BROOKLIN, ONT. Faims sud Covntiy Homes For Sa1~ TORONTO [sAiMONBY1 ~ u hese.goi- iêve . V just received & sbipnent of raofing, whicIb we urcbastd aà a -veéry speciai price. It ,is a Smootb -surface- roling put up in rlils af 100 square leet.- We bave il in ont and tbree ply, priced for ibis week oniy 1 pUy $1.49, 3 pUy *1*98 per roU. Each roll cantains directions for lay'ýing and nails and cernent. premier lMotet --G&sIn 32 cent gasoui-ne Yau knaw the importance af using ibe 'Saine goline at &Il times. Premier gasaline is sold in every i1tyand bamiet fram Halifax ta Vancaouver, Preier motori straigbt run gaoaline, and ibe quaiiiy ai *cbe qttan,' aithe tank is tht, soe as aM tbe tople 'ibiS can otksadia mixture or blesded 'gasolin. Prepur Igasçiine IUr rve» - ta give store mils, per gallon than êY'ohraoln nw. Test il for y i~f o a nwglii ao ine tur. puoep, fitered'and sfraied ai Il 1Itusf 3leri hjus vcry 'att d Slps pncedfr00 Ot $saiOm. 'ww -. &wuv~' r tôtc XILC o$ mwî i --$4 7,-.2-5 eý,,i -i_ il /5 k. EVERYTHJNG Schoo lipplles -AT- Wl-IITE 3LD'S DRUG and STATIONERY STORE WHITBY. . 9NTAR19D Sole Agent for Butterlck Patterns Sole Agent for Nyal Preparations j 1~- -<s-- 'i -I -p -r. ',, ONT. 1 l' 1 1 l"I